def doAll(self, methods=['method 1']): """Process all datasets in ekinprj""" E=self.E vals={} from Dialogs import PEATDialog pb=PEATDialog(self.mainwin, option='progressbar', message='Analysing Data..') pb.update_progress(0) total = len(E.datasets); count=0 for d in E.datasets: if '_diff' in d or '_vanthoff' in d: continue vals[d]={} name = d if 'method 1' in methods: vals[d]['dH1'], vals[d]['dS1'], ax = self.fitVantHoff(E,d, transwidth=int(, show=False,figname=name) if 'method 2' in methods: vals[d]['dH2'], vals[d]['dTm2'], vals[d]['dCp2'] = self.fitElwellSchellman(E,d,show=False,figname=name) if 'method 3' in methods: vals[d]['dH3'], vals[d]['dTm3'] = self.fitDifferentialCurve(E,d,show=False,figname=name) count += 1 pb.update_progress(float(count)/total*100.0) pb.close() self.showTable(vals) return
def doAll(self, methods=['method 1']): """Process all datasets in ekinprj""" E = self.E vals = {} from Dialogs import PEATDialog pb = PEATDialog(self.mainwin, option='progressbar', message='Analysing Data..') pb.update_progress(0) total = len(E.datasets) count = 0 for d in E.datasets: if '_diff' in d or '_vanthoff' in d: continue vals[d] = {} name = d if 'method 1' in methods: vals[d]['dH1'], vals[d]['dS1'], ax = self.fitVantHoff( E, d, transwidth=int(, show=False, figname=name) if 'method 2' in methods: vals[d]['dH2'], vals[d]['dTm2'], vals[d][ 'dCp2'] = self.fitElwellSchellman(E, d, show=False, figname=name) if 'method 3' in methods: vals[d]['dH3'], vals[d]['dTm3'] = self.fitDifferentialCurve( E, d, show=False, figname=name) count += 1 pb.update_progress(float(count) / total * 100.0) pb.close() self.showTable(vals) return
class FileHandler(object): """Class to handle external files for peatdb, uses some stuff from old peat from db_actions etc Should add thumbnail stuff here??""" extensions = { 'image': ['.jpg', '.jpeg', '.tiff', '.tif', '.gif', '.ps', '.png', '.ico'], 'doc': ['.doc', '.xls', '.ppt', '.pdf', '.docx', '.txt', '.csv', '.odt'], 'compressed': ['.zip', '.gz', '.bz', '.tar'], 'any': '' } def __init__(self, parent=None, DB=None): self.parent = parent self.currplatform = platform.system() return def displayFile(self, filerec): """Uses a new method of file storage with blobs""" #now we just get the blob from the filerecord object... from PILView import PILViewer from PEATDB.Record import FileRecord #check class if not type(filerec) is FileRecord: return False myblob = filerec.blob ext = filerec.ext mtype = filerec.mimetype print 'mimetype is', mtype if myblob != None: f ="r") filename = f.close() else: return False if self.currplatform == 'Linux': #try using mailcaps on linux system import mailcap, os d = mailcap.getcaps() print mtype, filename f = mailcap.findmatch(d, mtype)[1] os.system(f['view'] % filename) return else: import os, tempfile, shutil tempname = os.path.normpath( os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), if not os.path.exists(tempname): #os.remove(tempname) shutil.copy(filename, tempname) os.startfile(tempname) return True def addFileDialog(self, filerec=None): """Do the front-end stuff for adding files to peat""" import tkFileDialog filename = tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension='.*', initialdir=os.getcwd(), filetypes=[("All files", "*.*") ]) self.newfile = filename return filename def importFileset(self, DB, parentframe=None, callback=None): """Import a series of external files in a folder to peat""" def getdir(): import tkFileDialog, os d = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=importdir.get(), title='Select directory files', mustexist=1, parent=self.parent.master) if d: importdir.set(d) return def doimport(): idir = importdir.get() ext = filetype.get() if idir == None: return files = os.listdir(idir) okfiles = [] for f in files: pth = os.path.join(idir, f) if os.path.isfile(pth): if ext != 'any': if os.path.splitext( pth)[1] not in self.extensions[ext]: continue okfiles.append(pth) print 'files to be used:', okfiles DB.addField('file', 'File') from Dialogs import PEATDialog self.pb = PEATDialog(self.parent.master, option='progressbar', message='Importing files') self.pb.update_progress(0) total = len(okfiles) row = 0 #iterate over filenames in folder and add one rec to DB for each file for f in okfiles: recname = os.path.basename(f) DB.addBlob(recname, 'file', f) print 'added %s as %s' % (f, recname) row = row + 1 c = float(row) / float(total) * 100.0 self.pb.update_progress(c) self.pb.close() if callback != None: callback() return def close(): win.destroy() return if parentframe != None: win = Frame(master=parentframe, relief=RAISED) win.pack(fill=BOTH) else: win = Toplevel() win.title('Import ext files') importdir = StringVar() importdir.set(os.getcwd()) Label(win, textvariable=importdir, bg='white', justify=RIGHT).pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) Button(win, text='Select Directory', command=getdir).pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) filetype = StringVar() filetype.set('any') optmenu = Pmw.OptionMenu(win, labelpos='w', label_text='File Type:', menubutton_textvariable=filetype, items=self.extensions.keys(), menubutton_width=10) optmenu.pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) Button(win, text='Import', command=doimport).pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) Button(win, text='Cancel', command=close).pack(fill=BOTH, side=TOP) return def exportExtFiles(self, DB): """Get all stored ext files in DB and save to folder""" import tkFileDialog, os, shutil expdir = tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=os.getcwd(), title='Select a directory', mustexist=1, parent=self.parent.master) if not expdir: return path = os.path.join(expdir, 'peat-export') if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) count = 0 files = DB.getExtFilenames() for f in files: shutil.copyfile(files[f], os.path.join(path, f)) count += 1 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Exported", 'Done. Exported %s files to\n%s' % (count, path)) return def displayExtFiles(self, DB): """Display blobs in DB as web page links""" files = DB.getExtFilenames() print files if len(files) == 0: return items = [] for f in files: print f, files[f] items.append('<a href=%s>%s</a>' % (files[f], f)) import markup page = page.init(title="PEATDB Files Preview", css=('one.css'), header="Preview for project", footer="PEATDB") page.ul(class_='mylist'), class_='myitem') page.ul.close() filename = '/tmp/prevtemp.html' hf = open(filename, 'w') for c in page.content: hf.write(c) hf.close() import webbrowser, autoraise=1) return
class FileHandler(object): """Class to handle external files for peatdb, uses some stuff from old peat from db_actions etc Should add thumbnail stuff here??""" extensions = {'image' : ['.jpg','.jpeg','.tiff','.tif','.gif','.ps','.png','.ico'], 'doc' : ['.doc','.xls','.ppt','.pdf','.docx','.txt','.csv','.odt'], 'compressed' : ['.zip','.gz','.bz','.tar'], 'any':''} def __init__(self, parent=None, DB=None): self.parent = parent self.currplatform = platform.system() return def displayFile(self, filerec): """Uses a new method of file storage with blobs""" #now we just get the blob from the filerecord object... from PILView import PILViewer from PEATDB.Record import FileRecord #check class if not type(filerec) is FileRecord: return False myblob = filerec.blob ext = filerec.ext mtype = filerec.mimetype print 'mimetype is', mtype if myblob != None: f ="r") filename = f.close() else: return False if self.currplatform == 'Linux': #try using mailcaps on linux system import mailcap, os d=mailcap.getcaps() print mtype, filename f=mailcap.findmatch(d, mtype)[1] os.system(f['view'] %filename) return else: import os, tempfile, shutil tempname = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tempfile.gettempdir(), if not os.path.exists(tempname): #os.remove(tempname) shutil.copy(filename, tempname) os.startfile(tempname) return True def addFileDialog(self, filerec=None): """Do the front-end stuff for adding files to peat""" import tkFileDialog filename=tkFileDialog.askopenfilename(defaultextension='.*', initialdir=os.getcwd(), filetypes=[("All files","*.*")]) self.newfile = filename return filename def importFileset(self, DB, parentframe=None, callback=None): """Import a series of external files in a folder to peat""" def getdir(): import tkFileDialog, os d=tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=importdir.get(),title='Select directory files', mustexist=1,parent=self.parent.master) if d: importdir.set(d) return def doimport(): idir = importdir.get() ext = filetype.get() if idir == None: return files = os.listdir(idir) okfiles = [] for f in files: pth = os.path.join(idir,f) if os.path.isfile(pth): if ext != 'any': if os.path.splitext(pth)[1] not in self.extensions[ext]: continue okfiles.append(pth) print 'files to be used:', okfiles DB.addField('file', 'File') from Dialogs import PEATDialog self.pb=PEATDialog(self.parent.master, option='progressbar', message='Importing files') self.pb.update_progress(0) total = len(okfiles) row=0 #iterate over filenames in folder and add one rec to DB for each file for f in okfiles: recname=os.path.basename(f) DB.addBlob(recname, 'file', f) print 'added %s as %s' %(f,recname) row=row+1 c=float(row)/float(total)*100.0 self.pb.update_progress(c) self.pb.close() if callback!=None: callback() return def close(): win.destroy() return if parentframe!=None: win = Frame(master=parentframe,relief=RAISED) win.pack(fill=BOTH) else: win = Toplevel() win.title('Import ext files') importdir=StringVar(); importdir.set(os.getcwd()) Label(win,textvariable=importdir,bg='white',justify=RIGHT).pack(fill=BOTH,side=TOP) Button(win,text='Select Directory',command=getdir).pack(fill=BOTH,side=TOP) filetype=StringVar(); filetype.set('any') optmenu = Pmw.OptionMenu (win, labelpos = 'w', label_text = 'File Type:', menubutton_textvariable = filetype, items = self.extensions.keys(), menubutton_width = 10 ) optmenu.pack(fill=BOTH,side=TOP) Button(win,text='Import',command=doimport).pack(fill=BOTH,side=TOP) Button(win,text='Cancel',command=close).pack(fill=BOTH,side=TOP) return def exportExtFiles(self, DB): """Get all stored ext files in DB and save to folder""" import tkFileDialog, os, shutil expdir=tkFileDialog.askdirectory(initialdir=os.getcwd(),title='Select a directory', mustexist=1,parent=self.parent.master) if not expdir: return path = os.path.join(expdir,'peat-export') if not os.path.exists(path): os.mkdir(path) count=0 files = DB.getExtFilenames() for f in files: shutil.copyfile(files[f], os.path.join(path, f)) count+=1 tkMessageBox.showinfo("Exported", 'Done. Exported %s files to\n%s'%(count,path)) return def displayExtFiles(self, DB): """Display blobs in DB as web page links""" files = DB.getExtFilenames() print files if len(files) == 0: return items=[] for f in files: print f, files[f] items.append('<a href=%s>%s</a>' %(files[f],f) ) import markup page = ) page.init( title="PEATDB Files Preview", css=( 'one.css' ), header="Preview for project", footer="PEATDB" ) page.ul( class_='mylist' ) items, class_='myitem' ) page.ul.close() filename = '/tmp/prevtemp.html' hf = open(filename,'w') for c in page.content: hf.write(c) hf.close() import webbrowser, autoraise=1) return