class User(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor """ # QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.FramelessWindowHint) QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.nerfModel = Model() self.dispView = View(None, NUM_CHANNEL, DISPLAY_SCALING, VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE, \ CHANNEL_COLOR) = [] self.isLogData = False self.connect(self.dispView.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onCheckMoney) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("initRT"), self.on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved) # self.emit(SIGNAL("initRT"), 1) self.on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(1) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire00In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire00In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire01In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire01In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn2) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn2) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn3) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn3) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn5) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn5) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn6) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn6) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire07In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire07In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire08In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire08In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire09In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire09In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn15) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn15) def onCheckMoney(self): """ This method is the handler for "WANT MONEY" messages, """ newData = [0.0 for ix in range(NUM_CHANNEL)] for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): newData[i] = self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]) # if i == 3: # newData[i] = newData[i] / 100 # newData[i] = max(-65535, min(65535, self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]))) if i == 2: print newData[i] # newSpike = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA1, 4000) # read ## bytes # self.dispView.newData(newData, newSpike) # if (self.isLogData): # def onClkRate(self, value): newHalfCnt = 200 * (10**6) / SAMPLING_RATE / NUM_NEURON / value / 2 / 4 self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newHalfCnt, trigEvent=DATA_EVT_CLKRATE) # def onNewWireIn(self, evt): # newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_'+str(evt)+u'.value()') # self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = evt) def onNewWireIn2(self): newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_' + str(2) + u'.value()') self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=2) def onNewWireIn3(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_3.value() if SEND_TYPE[3] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=3) def onNewWireIn4(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_4.value() if SEND_TYPE[4] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=4) def onNewWireIn5(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_5.value() if SEND_TYPE[5] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=5) def onNewWireIn6(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_6.value() if SEND_TYPE[6] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=6) def onNewWireIn14(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_14.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=14) def onNewWireIn15(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_15.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal=newWireIn, trigEvent=15) def plotData(self, data): from pylab import plot, show, subplot import numpy as np if (data != []): forplot = np.array(data) for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): subplot(NUM_CHANNEL, 1, i + 1) plot(forplot[:, i]) show() @pyqtSignature("QString") def on_comboBox_activated(self, p0): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ choice = p0 if choice == "Spike Train 1Hz": pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate=1) # pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 1.0, AMP = 0.3) elif choice == "Spike Train 10Hz": pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate=100) # pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 4.0, AMP = 0.3) elif choice == "Spike Train 20Hz": # pipeInData = gen_tri() pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate=500) self.nerfModel.SendPipeInt(pipeInData) # for spike_train() @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved(self, position): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(position) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_2_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.dispView.close() self.plotData( @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(self, value): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(value) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetSim = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetSim, BUTTON_RESET_SIM) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetGlobal = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetGlobal, BUTTON_RESET) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButtonData_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.isLogData = checked @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_6_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newButton1 = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newButton1, BUTTON_1) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_7_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newButton2 = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newButton2, BUTTON_2)
class User(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent = None): """ Constructor """ # QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.FramelessWindowHint) QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.nerfModel = Model() pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 1.0, AMP = 100.0, T = 2.0) self.nerfModel.SendPipe(pipeInData) self.dispView = View(None, VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE, CHIN_PARAM) = [] self.isLogData = False # Create float_spin for each input channel self.ctrl_all = [] for (trig_id, name, type, value) in CHOUT_PARAM: exec interp('self.ctrl_#{name} = CtrlChannel(hostDialog=self, name=name, id=trig_id, type=type, value=value)') exec interp('self.connect(self.ctrl_#{name}.doubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn)') exec interp('self.connect(self.ctrl_#{name}.doubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn)') exec interp('self.ctrl_all.append(self.ctrl_#{name})') # Timer for pulling data, separated from timer_display self.timer = QTimer(self) self.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onSyncData) self.timer.start(VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE ) self.on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(5) def onSyncData(self): """ Core function of Controller, which polls data from Model(fpga) and sends them to Viewer. """ newData = [] for xaddr, xtype in zip(DATA_OUT_ADDR, CH_TYPE): #newData[i] = self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]) # if i == 3: # newData[i] = newData[i] / 100 newData.append(max(-16777216, min(16777216, self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(xaddr, xtype)))) print newData[0::6] # printing # newSpike1 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA0, 5000) # read ## bytes # newSpike2 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA1, 5000) # read ## bytes # newSpike3 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA2, 5000) # read ## bytes # newSpike4 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA3, 5000) # read ## bytes # newSpike5 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA4, 5000) # read ## bytes newSpike1 = "" newSpike2 = "" newSpike3 = "" newSpike4 = "" newSpike5 = "" #newSpike = "" # read ## bytes self.dispView.newDataIO(newData, [newSpike1, newSpike2, newSpike3, newSpike4, newSpike5]) #self.dispView.newDataIO(newData, []) if (self.isLogData): def onClkRate(self, value): """ value = how many times of 1/10 real-time """ # F_fpga = C * NUM_NEURON * V * F_emu , (C : cycles_per_neuron = 2, V = 365) # if F_fpga = 200Mhz, F_emu = 1khz) # halfcnt = F_fpga / F_neuron / 2 = F_fpga / (C * NUM_NEURON * V * F_emu) / 2 NUM_CYCLE = 2 newHalfCnt = 200 * (10 **6) / (NUM_CYCLE * NUM_NEURON * value * SAMPLING_RATE/10 ) /2 print 'halfcnt=%d' %newHalfCnt print 'value=%d' %value self.nerfModel.SendPara(bitVal = newHalfCnt, trigEvent = DATA_EVT_CLKRATE) def onNewWireIn(self): for ctrl in self.ctrl_all: newWireIn = ctrl.doubleSpinBox.value() if newWireIn != ctrl.currVal: ctrl.currValue = newWireIn if (ctrl.type == 'int32'): bitVal = ConvertType(floor(newWireIn), fromType = 'i', toType = 'I') # print bitVal elif (ctrl.type == 'float32'): bitVal = ConvertType(newWireIn, fromType = 'f', toType = 'I') self.nerfModel.SendPara(bitVal = bitVal, trigEvent = def plotData(self, data): from pylab import plot, show, subplot from import savemat, loadmat import numpy as np if (data != []): forplot = np.array(data) for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): subplot(NUM_CHANNEL, 1, i+1) plot(forplot[:, i]) show() savemat("./matlab_cmn.mat", {"lce": forplot[:, 0], "Ia": forplot[:, 1], \ "II": forplot[:, 2], "force": forplot[:, 3], \ "emg": forplot[:, 4]}) @pyqtSignature("QString") def on_comboBox_activated(self, p0): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ choice = p0 if choice == "Spike Train 1Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 1) pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 1.0, AMP = 100.0, T = 2.0) elif choice == "Spike Train 10Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 10) # pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 4.0, AMP = 0.3) pipeInData = gen_tri(T = 2.0) elif choice == "Spike Train 20Hz": # pipeInData = gen_tri() pipeInData = gen_ramp(T = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 2.0], L = [1.0, 1.0, 1.3, 1.3, 1.0, 1.0], FILT = False) # pipeInData = gen_ramp(T = [0.0, 0.4, 1.5, 1.55, 1.6, 2.0], L = [0, 0, 15000, 15000, 0, 0], FILT = False) # pipeInData = gen_ramp(T = [0.0, 0.2, 0.25, 1.75, 1.8, 2.0], L = [1.0, 1.0, 5000.0, 5000.0, 1.0, 1.0], FILT = False) # abrupt rise / fall # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 1000) self.nerfModel.SendPipe(pipeInData) @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved(self, position): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(position) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_2_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.dispView.close() self.plotData( @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(self, value): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(value) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetSim = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetSim, BUTTON_RESET_SIM) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetGlobal = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetGlobal, BUTTON_RESET) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButtonData_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.isLogData = checked
class User(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent=None): """ Constructor """ # QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.FramelessWindowHint) QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.nerfModel = Model() self.dispView = View(None, VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE, CHIN_PARAM) = [] self.isLogData = False # Create float_spin for each input channel self.ctrl_all = [] for (trig_id, name, type, value) in CHOUT_PARAM: exec interp( 'self.ctrl_#{name} = CtrlChannel(hostDialog=self, name=name, id=trig_id, type=type, value=value)' ) exec interp( 'self.connect(self.ctrl_#{name}.doubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn)' ) exec interp( 'self.connect(self.ctrl_#{name}.doubleSpinBox, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn)' ) exec interp('self.ctrl_all.append(self.ctrl_#{name})') # Timer for pulling data, separated from timer_display self.timer = QTimer(self) self.connect(self.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onSyncData) self.timer.start(VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE) self.on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(5) def onSyncData(self): """ Core function of Controller, which polls data from Model(fpga) and sends them to Viewer. """ newData = [] for xaddr, xtype in zip(DATA_OUT_ADDR, CH_TYPE): #newData[i] = self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]) # if i == 3: # newData[i] = newData[i] / 100 newData.append( max(-16777216, min(16777216, self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(xaddr, xtype)))) newSpike1 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA0, 5000) # read ## bytes newSpike2 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA1, 5000) # read ## bytes newSpike3 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA2, 5000) # read ## bytes newSpike4 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA3, 5000) # read ## bytes newSpike5 = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA4, 5000) # read ## bytes #newSpike = "" # read ## bytes self.dispView.newDataIO( newData, [newSpike1, newSpike2, newSpike3, newSpike4, newSpike5]) #self.dispView.newDataIO(newData, []) if (self.isLogData): def onClkRate(self, value): """ value = how many times of 1/10 real-time """ newHalfCnt = 10 * 200 * ( 10**6) / SAMPLING_RATE / NUM_NEURON / value / 2 / 4 self.nerfModel.SendPara(bitVal=newHalfCnt, trigEvent=DATA_EVT_CLKRATE) def onNewWireIn(self): for ctrl in self.ctrl_all: newWireIn = ctrl.doubleSpinBox.value() if newWireIn != ctrl.currVal: ctrl.currValue = newWireIn if (ctrl.type == 'int32'): bitVal = ConvertType(floor(newWireIn), fromType='i', toType='I') # print bitVal elif (ctrl.type == 'float32'): bitVal = ConvertType(newWireIn, fromType='f', toType='I') self.nerfModel.SendPara(bitVal=bitVal, def plotData(self, data): from pylab import plot, show, subplot from import savemat, loadmat import numpy as np if (data != []): forplot = np.array(data) for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): subplot(NUM_CHANNEL, 1, i + 1) plot(forplot[:, i]) show() savemat("./matlab_cmn.mat", {"lce": forplot[:, 0], "Ia": forplot[:, 1], \ "II": forplot[:, 2], "force": forplot[:, 3], \ "emg": forplot[:, 4]}) @pyqtSignature("QString") def on_comboBox_activated(self, p0): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ choice = p0 if choice == "Spike Train 1Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 1) pipeInData = gen_sin(F=1.0, AMP=100.0, T=2.0) elif choice == "Spike Train 10Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 10) # pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 4.0, AMP = 0.3) pipeInData = gen_tri(T=2.0) elif choice == "Spike Train 20Hz": # pipeInData = gen_tri() # pipeInData = gen_ramp(T = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 2.0], L = [1.0, 1.0, 1.1, 1.1, 1.0, 1.0], FILT = False) pipeInData = gen_ramp(T=[0.0, 0.1, 1.8, 1.85, 1.9, 2.0], L=[0, 0, 15000, 15000, 0, 0], FILT=False) # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 100) self.nerfModel.SendPipe(pipeInData) @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved(self, position): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(position) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_2_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.dispView.close() self.plotData( @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(self, value): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(value) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetSim = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetSim, BUTTON_RESET_SIM) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetGlobal = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetGlobal, BUTTON_RESET) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButtonData_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.isLogData = checked
class User(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent = None): """ Constructor """ # QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.FramelessWindowHint) QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.nerfModel = Model() self.dispView = View(None, NUM_CHANNEL, DISPLAY_SCALING, VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE, \ CHANNEL_COLOR) = [] self.isLogData = False self.connect(self.dispView.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onCheckMoney) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("initRT"), self.on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved) # self.emit(SIGNAL("initRT"), 1) self.on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(1) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire00In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire00In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire01In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire01In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn2) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn2) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn3) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn3) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn5) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn5) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn6) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn6) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire07In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire07In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire08In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire08In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire09In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire09In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn15) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn15) def onCheckMoney(self): """ This method is the handler for "WANT MONEY" messages, """ newData = [0.0 for ix in range(NUM_CHANNEL)] for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): newData[i] = self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]) #if i == 3: #newData[i] = newData[i] / 100 #newData[i] = max(-65535, min(65535, self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]))) if i == 5: print newData[i] # newSpike = self.nerfModel.ReadPipe(0xA1, 4000) # read ## bytes self.dispView.newData(newData) # if (self.isLogData): # def onClkRate(self, value): newHalfCnt = 100 * (10 **6) / SAMPLING_RATE / NUM_NEURON / value / 2 / 4 self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newHalfCnt, trigEvent = DATA_EVT_CLKRATE) # def onNewWireIn(self, evt): # newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_'+str(evt)+u'.value()') # self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = evt) def onNewWireIn2(self): newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_'+str(2)+u'.value()') self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 2) def onNewWireIn3(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_3.value() if SEND_TYPE[3] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 3) def onNewWireIn4(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_4.value() if SEND_TYPE[4] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 4) def onNewWireIn5(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_5.value() if SEND_TYPE[5] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 5) def onNewWireIn6(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_6.value() if SEND_TYPE[6] == 'int32': newWireIn = int(newWireIn) self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 6) def onNewWireIn14(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_14.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 14) def onNewWireIn15(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_15.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 15) def plotData(self, data): from pylab import plot, show, subplot import numpy as np if (data != []): forplot = np.array(data) for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): subplot(NUM_CHANNEL, 1, i+1) plot(forplot[:, i]) show() @pyqtSignature("QString") def on_comboBox_activated(self, p0): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ choice = p0 if choice == "Spike Train 1Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 1) pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 1.0, AMP = 0.3, BIAS = 1.0) # pipeInData = chirping_spike_train(coeff_a = 20) elif choice == "Spike Train 10Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 100) pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 4.0, AMP = 0.3, BIAS = 1.57) # pipeInData = chirping_spike_train(coeff_a = 40) elif choice == "Spike Train 20Hz": # pipeInData = gen_tri() # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 500) pipeInData = chirping_spike_train(coeff_a =60) #self.nerfModel.SendPipeInt(pipeInData) # for spike_train(), SendPipeInt, SendPipe same result. self.nerfModel.SendPipe(pipeInData) @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved(self, position): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(position) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_2_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.dispView.close() self.plotData( @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(self, value): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(value) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetSim = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetSim, BUTTON_RESET_SIM) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetGlobal = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetGlobal, BUTTON_RESET) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButtonData_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.isLogData = checked @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_6_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newButton1 = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newButton1, BUTTON_1) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_7_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newButton2 = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newButton2, BUTTON_2)
class User(QDialog, Ui_Dialog): """ Class documentation goes here. """ def __init__(self, parent = None): """ Constructor """ # QDialog.__init__(self, parent, Qt.FramelessWindowHint) QDialog.__init__(self, parent) self.setupUi(self) self.nerfModel = Model() self.dispView = View(None, NUM_CHANNEL, DISPLAY_SCALING, VIEWER_REFRESH_RATE, \ CHANNEL_COLOR) = [] self.isLogData = False self.connect(self.dispView.timer, SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.onCheckMoney) # self.connect(self, SIGNAL("initRT"), self.on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved) # self.emit(SIGNAL("initRT"), 1) self.on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(1) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire00In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_0, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire00In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire01In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_1, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire01In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn2) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_2, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn2) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire03In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_3, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire03In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_4, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn4) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn5) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_5, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn5) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire06In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_6, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire06In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire07In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_7, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire07In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire08In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_8, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire08In) # # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWire09In) # self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_9, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWire09In) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_14, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn14) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("editingFinished()"), self.onNewWireIn15) self.connect(self.doubleSpinBox_15, SIGNAL("valueChanged(double)"), self.onNewWireIn15) def onCheckMoney(self): """ This method is the handler for "WANT MONEY" messages, """ newData = [0.0 for ix in range(NUM_CHANNEL)] for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): #newVal[i] = self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i]) newData[i] = max(-65535, min(65535, self.nerfModel.ReadFPGA(DATA_OUT_ADDR[i], CH_TYPE[i]))) # if i == 0: # print newData[i] self.dispView.newData(newData) if (self.isLogData): def onClkRate(self, value): newHalfCnt = 200 * (10 **6) / SAMPLING_RATE / NUM_NEURON / value / 2 / 4 self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newHalfCnt, trigEvent = DATA_EVT_CLKRATE) # def onNewWireIn(self, evt): # newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_'+str(evt)+u'.value()') # self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = evt) def onNewWireIn2(self): newWireIn = eval('self.doubleSpinBox_'+str(2)+u'.value()') self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 2) def onNewWireIn4(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_4.value() print newWireIn, self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 4) def onNewWireIn5(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_5.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 5) def onNewWireIn14(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_14.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 14) def onNewWireIn15(self): newWireIn = self.doubleSpinBox_15.value() self.nerfModel.SendPara(newVal = newWireIn, trigEvent = 15) def plotData(self, data): from pylab import plot, show, subplot from import savemat, loadmat import numpy as np if (data != []): forplot = np.array(data) for i in xrange(NUM_CHANNEL): subplot(NUM_CHANNEL, 1, i+1) plot(forplot[:, i]) show() savemat("./matlab_cmn.mat", {"lce": forplot[:, 0]}) @pyqtSignature("QString") def on_comboBox_activated(self, p0): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ choice = p0 if choice == "Spike Train 1Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 1) pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 1.0, AMP = 0.3) elif choice == "Spike Train 10Hz": # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 10) pipeInData = gen_sin(F = 4.0, AMP = 0.3) elif choice == "Spike Train 20Hz": # pipeInData = gen_tri() pipeInData = gen_seq(T = [0.0, 0.1, 0.2, 0.8, 0.9, 1.0], L = [1.0, 1.0, 1.2, 1.2, 1.0, 1.0], FILT = True) # pipeInData = spike_train(firing_rate = 100) self.nerfModel.SendPipe(pipeInData) @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_sliderMoved(self, position): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(position) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_2_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.dispView.close() self.plotData( @pyqtSignature("int") def on_horizontalSlider_valueChanged(self, value): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.onClkRate(value) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_5_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetSim = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetSim, BUTTON_RESET_SIM) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButton_4_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ newResetGlobal = checked self.nerfModel.SendButton(newResetGlobal, BUTTON_RESET) @pyqtSignature("bool") def on_pushButtonData_clicked(self, checked): """ Slot documentation goes here. """ self.isLogData = checked