예제 #1
    def __init__(self, pkgroots, options=None, eupsenv=None,
                 installFlavor=None, distribClasses=None, override=None, allowEmptyPkgroot=False,
                 verbosity=None, log=sys.stderr):
        @param pkgroots   the base URLs for the distribution repositories.  This
                            can either be a list or a pipe-delimited ("|") 
        @param options    a dictionary of named options that are used to fine-
                            tune the behavior of the repositories.  These are
                            passed onto the constructors for the underlying 
                            Reposistory classes.
        @param eupsenv    an instance of a Eups class containing the Eups
                            environment to assume
        @param installFlavor   the desired flavor any install requests
        @param distribClasses  a dictionary by name of the Distrib classes 
                            to support.  This will augmented by those specified
                            by a server.  
        @param override   a dictionary of server configuration parameters that
                            should override the configuration received from 
                            each server.
        @param allowEmptyPkgroot     we are creating a distribution, so it's OK for pkgroot to be empty
        @param verbosity  if > 0, print status messages; the higher the 
                            number, the more messages that are printed
                            (default is the value of eupsenv.verbose).
        @param log        the destination for status messages (default:
        if isinstance(pkgroots, str):
            pkgroots = map(lambda p: p.strip(), pkgroots.split("|"))
        if not allowEmptyPkgroot and len(pkgroots) == 0:
            raise EupsException("No package servers to query; set -r or $EUPS_PKGROOT")

        # the Eups environment
        self.eups = eupsenv
        if not self.eups:
            self.eups = Eups()

        self.verbose = verbosity
        if self.verbose is None:
            self.verbose = self.eups.verbose
        self.log = log
        if self.log is None:
            self.log = sys.stdout

        if not distribClasses:
            distribClasses = {}

        # the list of repository base URLs
        self.pkgroots = []

        # a lookup of Repository instances by its base URL
        self.repos = {}

        # the preferred installation flavor
        self.flavor = installFlavor
        if not self.flavor:
            self.flavor = self.eups.flavor

        df = DistribFactory(self.eups)
        for name in distribClasses.keys():
            # note: this will override the server's recommendation
            # if we want change this, use:
            #   if not df.supportsName(name):
            #       df.register(distribClasses[name], name)
            df.register(distribClasses[name], name)

        for pkgroot in pkgroots:
#            if pkgroot == None:
#                ds = None
#            else:
#                ds = ServerConf.makeServer(pkgroot, eupsenv=eupsenv, 
#                                           override=override,
#                                           verbosity=self.eups.verbose)
                dist = Repository(self.eups, pkgroot, options=options, 
                                  flavor=installFlavor, distFactory=df, 

                self.pkgroots += [pkgroot]
                self.repos[pkgroot] = dist

            except ImportError, e:
                msg =  "Unable to use server %s: \"%s\"" % (pkgroot, e)
                if self.eups.force:
                    print >> self.log, msg + "; continuing"
                    raise RuntimeError(msg + ". Remove server from PKGROOT or use force")
예제 #2
    def __init__(self, eupsenv, pkgroot, flavor=None, options=None, 
                 distFactory=None, verbosity=0, log=sys.stderr):
        create a Repository for a given server base URL (pkgroot)
        @param eupsenv       the Eups controller instance to use
        @param pkgroot       the base URL for the package server to pull 
                                packages from or deploy packages to.
        @param flavor        the platform flavor of interest.  
                                When installing
                                packages, this value is ignored and the version
                                set in the Eups controller is assumed to be
                                the target platform.  For all other actions
                                (creating server packages, listing available 
                                packages), this value will be assumed.  
                                None or "generic", then a generic platform
                                is assumed. 
        @param options       a dictionary of options to pass to Distrib 
                                instances used to install and create packages
        @param distFactory   a DistFactory instance to use.  If not provided
                                a default one is created.
        @param verbosity     if > 0, print status messages; the higher the 
                               number, the more messages that are printed
        @param log           the destination for status messages (default:
        self.eups = eupsenv
        if not flavor:
            flavor = self.eups.flavor
        self.flavor = flavor
        self.distFactory = None
        if distFactory:
            self.distFactory = distFactory.clone()
        self.options = options
        self.verbose = verbosity
        if not isinstance(self.verbose, int):
            self.verbose = 0
        self.log = log
        self.distServer = None
        if self.options is None:
            self.options = {}
        if not isinstance(self.options, dict):
            raise RuntimeError("Non-dictionary passed to options parameter: " +
        self.pkgroot = pkgroot
        if pkgroot:
            override = None
            if self.options.has_key('serverconf'):
                override = options['serverconf']
            self.distServer = ServerConf.makeServer(pkgroot, eupsenv=eupsenv, override=override,
                                                    verbosity=self.verbose, log=self.log)
        if self.distFactory is None:
            self.distFactory = DistribFactory(self.eups, self.distServer)
        elif not self.distServer:

        # a cache of the supported tag names
        self._supportedTags = None

        # a cache of supported packages
        self._pkgList = None

        # True if servers should always be queried when looking for a 
        # repository to get a package from.  If False, an internal cache
        # of available products will be used.
        self._alwaysQueryServer = False
        if self.options.has_key("alwaysQueryServer"):
            if isinstance(self.options["alwaysQueryServer"], str):
                self.options["alwaysQueryServer"] = \
                if "TRUE".startswith(self.options["alwaysQueryServer"]):
                    self.options["alwaysQueryServer"] = True
                    self.options["alwaysQueryServer"] = False
            if self.options["alwaysQueryServer"]:
                self._alwaysQueryServer = True
        if self.distServer is not None and self.distServer.NOCACHE:
            self._alwaysQueryServer = True