예제 #1
class RoundedPareto:

    def __init__(self, xi):
        self.dist = Distribution(scipy.stats.pareto(1/xi))

    def rvs(self, size=1):
        return [math.floor(pareto) for pareto in self.dist.rvs(size)]
예제 #2
class MixedPoisson:
    def __init__(self, xi):
        self.distpareto = Distribution(scipy.stats.pareto(1/xi))
        self.poisson = scipy.stats.poisson

    def rvs(self, size=1):
        pareto_sample = self.distpareto.rvs(size)
        return [self.poisson.rvs(pareto, loc=1) for pareto in pareto_sample]
class Simulation:
    def __init__(self, p, network):
        self.p = p
        self.network = network
        self.network_dicts = nx.convert.to_dict_of_dicts(
            self.network)  #convert to dictionaryform
        self.N = len(set(self.network_dicts.keys()))
        self.distr = Distribution(stats.bernoulli(self.p))
        print("transmission-probability: {}, populationsize: {}".format(
            self.p, self.N))

    def simulate(self, verbose=False, makeGIF=False):

        simres = SimulationResults(self.network)

        susceptible = set(self.network_dicts.keys())
        infected = set()
        recovered = set()

        first_infect = random.sample(susceptible, 1)[0]

        t = 0
        while len(infected) > 0:

            assert len(susceptible) + len(infected) + len(
                recovered) == self.N, "incorrect populationsize"

            #new infects
            new_infects = set()
            for person in infected:
                for friend in self.network_dicts[person].keys():
                    if friend in susceptible:
                        if self.distr.rvs():

            #move infected to susceptible
            recovered = recovered.union(infected)
            susceptible = susceptible.difference(new_infects)
            infected = new_infects

            t += 1

        if verbose:
            print("not-infected: {}, recovered: {}, timesteps: {}".format(
                len(susceptible), len(recovered), t))


        return simres
예제 #4
class Simulation:

    def __init__(self, s, m, h):
        #init simulations
        self.mainArrDist = Distribution(stats.expon(scale=1/m))
        self.sideArrDist = Distribution(stats.expon(scale=1/s))

        self.s = s
        self.m = m
        self.h = h

    def simulate(self, T, verbose=False, immediate_departure=False):
        #start simulation untill time reaches T

        fes = FES()
        simres = SimulationResults(self.s, self.m, self.h, T)
        queue = deque()
        t = 0
        prev_gap_time = 0

        #schedule first arrival
        c0 = Car(self.sideArrDist.rvs())
        fes.add(Event(c0.arrTime, Event.ARRIVAL, car=c0))

        #schedule first gap
        fes.add( Event(self.mainArrDist.rvs(), Event.GAP))

        simres.registerQueue(t, len(queue))

        while t < T:
            if verbose:
                print(fes.getTypesList(), fes.events)
            #next event
            e = fes.next()
            if e.type == Event.GAP:
                t = e.time
                #register the transitionprobability if there is no immediate_departure
                if not immediate_departure:
                    simres.registerQueue(t, len(queue))
                #depart the right amount of cars from the queue
                duration = e.time - prev_gap_time
                prev_gap_time = e.time
                departures = int(duration // self.h)
                for _ in range(departures):
                    #a car leaves the queue, we save their waitingtime
                    if len(queue) != 0:
                        c = queue.popleft()       

                #register the transitionprobability if there is immediate_departure
                if immediate_departure:
                    simres.registerQueue(t, len(queue))             

                # schedule next gap
                fes.add( Event(t+self.mainArrDist.rvs(), Event.GAP) )

            if e.type == Event.ARRIVAL:
                #add car to the queue
                t = e.time

                #schedule next car 
                c1 = Car(t + self.sideArrDist.rvs())
                fes.add(Event(c1.arrTime,Event.ARRIVAL, car=c1))

        simres.registerQueue(t, len(queue))
        return simres