예제 #1
	def generateForcingFields(self, conc_idx, inputs, outputs):
		    Generate a forcing field taking spacial masks, timezones, and time averaging into account.

		Keyword Arguments:

		  Index of concentration file in self.conc_files.  Done this way
		  so that it's easy to access yesterday's and tomorrow's files.

		inputs and outputs:*DataFile*
		   dicts of DataFiles where the key is the relative day (so, -1 is yesterday)


		Warning:  This pretty much assumes each file is a day
		A dictionary, where key names are variable names, and each
		contain a float32 3D field.

		Forcing.log("Running %s.generateForcingFields()"%type(self))

		# Some variable used later
		scalar = None

		if self.griddedTimeZoneFld == None:
			# Assume all timezones are GMT
			print "Warning!  No gridded time zone information loaded.  Using a field of zeros."
			tz = np.zeros((self.ni,self.nj))
			tz = self.griddedTimeZoneFld

		if len(self.species) == 0:
			raise NoSpeciesException("Must specify species")

		# We doing time averaging?
		if self.averaging in ['AVG_MAX', 'AVG_MAX8', 'AVG_MAX24']:
			averaging_window = self.averaging_window
			averaging_window = None
			#if self.averaging == 'AVG_MASK' or self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE'
			if self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE':
				# Ensure this is set right
				self.timeMask = range(0,25)
			# If it's the mask, then the timemask should already be set

		# Create zero fields to allocate our arrays
		fld_empty=np.zeros((len(self.species), self.nt, self.nk_f, self.nj, self.ni), dtype=np.float32)

		# Get the relative days, so [-1 0 1] for [yesterday, today, tomorrow]
		rdays = inputs.keys()
		# Probably an easiesr way to initalize this since we're only writing later, but for now we'll do it.
		for d in rdays:
			flds[d] = fld_empty.copy()

		# This is NOT efficient.  Could probably easily make it
		# more efficient by implementing some sort of cache though..
		for idx_s, species in enumerate(self.species):
			#print "Iteratiing through species %d=%s"%(idx_s, species)

			# Initialize the data flds.  Set to zero if there's a day that doesn't exist
			for d in rdays:
				if inputs[d] is None:
					datas[d] = np.zeros((self.nt, self.nk_f, self.nj, self.ni), dtype=np.float32)
					datas[d] = inputs[d].variables[species][:]

			# Recall, mask is already considered in these vectors
			for k in self._layers:
				# I think there's a better way to do the next two loops, don't know it though.
				for i in range(0,self.ni):
					for j in range(0,self.nj):

						# Spatial mask
						if not self.space[j,i]:
							# This is masked out.  Set to zero and go to the next cell
							for d in rdays:
								flds[d][idx_s][0:self.nt,k,j,i] = np.zeros((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	# TEMP HACK!!
						#   # This temp hack is used to ensure the mask is working
						#	fld_yest[0:self.nt,k,j,i]  = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	fld_today[0:self.nt,k,j,i] = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	fld_tom[0:self.nt,k,j,i]   = np.ones((self.nt), dtype=np.float32)
						#	continue

						# Take averaging into consideration
						# For almost all of these averagings, we'll have to
						# build a vector of all values for all times at that
						# cell.  Unfortunately, the data is organized in the 
						# opposite way as we want (time is the top index..)
						if do_averaging:
							for d in rdays:
								vecs[d]  = datas[d][:Forcing.dayLen,k,j,i]

							# REMOVE!
							#if i==self.debug_i and j==self.debug_j:
							#	print "vec_today[%d,%d]: "%(self.debug_j, self.debug_i), vec_today

							# Prepares a vector of values with respect to the
							# direction we're going to calculate the average
							# (forward/backward), the window size, and time
							# zone 

							vec = Forcing.prepareTimeVectorForAvg(vecs, timezone=tz[j][i], winLen=averaging_window, debug=False)
							#print "i=%d,j=%d, preped vec[%d] = %s"%(i,j,len(vec)," ".join(map(str, vec)))

							# Calculate the moving window average
							avgs = Forcing.calcMovingAverage(vec, winLen=averaging_window)
							#print "i=%d,j=%d, avg vec[%d]    = %s"%(i,j,len(avgs)," ".join(map(str, avgs)))

							# And then, for the 8-hour max to be used for a
							# forcing term, generate a vector for yesterday,
							# today and tomorrow with the forcing terms in them

							if self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld is not None:
								scalar = self.timeInvariantScalarMultiplcativeFld[j][i]/averaging_window

							vecs = Forcing.applyForceToAvgTime(avgs, days=vecs.keys(), winLen=averaging_window, timezone=tz[j][i], min_threshold=self.threshold, forcingValue=scalar)

# This was done blindly
							for d in rdays:
								flds[d][idx_s][:24,k,j,i] = vecs[d]

						elif self.averaging == 'AVG_MASK' or self.averaging == 'AVG_NONE':
							raise NotImplementedError( "Mask timing or no averaging is not yet tested.  Averaging options=%s"%self.averaging )
							# The comments assume timezone = -6
							for t_gmt in self.timeMask:
								# when t_gmt = 0, t_loc = -6, so we're into yesterday
								t_loc = t_gmt + tz[j][i]

								# Reference the arrays
								if t_loc < 0:
									dfld = data_yest
									#ffld = fld_yest
								elif t_loc>0 and t_loc<Forcing.dayLen:
									dfld = data_today
									#ffld = fld_today
									dfld = data_tomorrow
									#ffld = fld_tomorrow

								# I have to write in GMT
# This is wrong, as local times can write into another day.. maybe.. but since there's no averaging, another iteration will take care of that..
								ffld = fld_today

								# fld[-6] is fld[18]
								if threshold is not None:
									if val > threshold:
										force = 1
									if val > 0.0:
										force = 1

								# Set the field in the referenced forcing field
								ffld[t_loc,k,j,i] = force

							raise NotImplementedError( "Unavailable time averaging method (%s) selected"%self.averaging )

						#endif averaging
					#endfor j
				#endfor i
			#endfor k

		#endfor species

		return flds