def addWord(self, sLang, word, dLang, transWord): """ Adds new word sLang - source language, string word - source word, string dLang - destination language, string transWord - translated work, string en - counter for english apparences fr - counter for french ro - counter for ro en,fr,ro - integer Checks if a word appears more than once validates the translation of given parameteres if not valid returns error list if valid then searches in translationList (from Repository) if the words already has a translation in given language returns messages if word already has translation, adds if not """ translation = Translation(sLang, word, dLang, transWord) errorList = self.__transValidator.validateTranslation(translation) if len(errorList) != 0: return errorList en = 0 fr = 0 ro = 0 for translation in self.__transRepository.translationList: if translation.getWord() == word and translation.getSLang( ) == sLang: if translation.getDLang() == "En": en += 1 elif translation.getDLang() == "Ro": ro += 1 elif translation.getDLang() == "Fr": fr += 1 if en == 1 and dLang == "En": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" if fr == 1 and dLang == "Fr": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" if ro == 1 and dLang == "Ro": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" return self.__transRepository.storeTranslation(sLang, word, dLang, transWord)
def addWord(self,sLang,word,dLang,transWord): """ Adds new word sLang - source language, string word - source word, string dLang - destination language, string transWord - translated work, string en - counter for english apparences fr - counter for french ro - counter for ro en,fr,ro - integer Checks if a word appears more than once validates the translation of given parameteres if not valid returns error list if valid then searches in translationList (from Repository) if the words already has a translation in given language returns messages if word already has translation, adds if not """ translation = Translation (sLang,word,dLang,transWord) errorList = self.__transValidator.validateTranslation(translation) if len(errorList) != 0: return errorList en = 0 fr = 0 ro = 0 for translation in self.__transRepository.translationList: if translation.getWord() == word and translation.getSLang() == sLang: if translation.getDLang() == "En": en += 1 elif translation.getDLang() == "Ro": ro += 1 elif translation.getDLang() == "Fr": fr += 1 if en == 1 and dLang == "En": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" if fr == 1 and dLang == "Fr": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" if ro == 1 and dLang == "Ro": return "A word cannot have 2 translations in the same destination language" return self.__transRepository.storeTranslation(sLang,word,dLang,transWord)
def storeTranslation(self, sLang, word, dLang, transWord): """ Stores translation of given parameters sLang - source language, string word - source word, string dLang - destination language, string transWord - translated word, string open file with writing capabilities write translations from memory to file, one on a row return message """ trans = Translation(sLang, word, dLang, transWord) self.translationList.append(trans) self.__translationFile = open(self.__fileName, "w") for trans in self.translationList: self.__translationFile.write( str(trans.getSLang()) + "," + str(trans.getWord()) + "," + str(trans.getDLang()) + "," + str(trans.getTransWord()) + "\n") self.__translationFile.close() return "Translation added successfully!"
def storeTranslation(self,sLang,word,dLang,transWord): """ Stores translation of given parameters sLang - source language, string word - source word, string dLang - destination language, string transWord - translated word, string open file with writing capabilities write translations from memory to file, one on a row return message """ trans = Translation (sLang,word,dLang,transWord) self.translationList.append(trans) self.__translationFile = open (self.__fileName,"w") for trans in self.translationList: self.__translationFile.write(str(trans.getSLang()) + "," + str(trans.getWord()) + "," + str(trans.getDLang()) + "," + str(trans.getTransWord()) + "\n") self.__translationFile.close() return "Translation added successfully!"