예제 #1
def main():
    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()
    # fetch a list of all jobs
    jobs = client.query_job_list()
    # walk through tasks of every job
    for job in jobs:
        tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])
        print("\nJob \"%s\" (ID: %s):" % (job['name'], job['_id']))
        print("Overall status: " + client.job_status(job['_id']))
        print("Task id                                 status    owner       completed at")
        for task in tasks:
            tmsg_id = task['msg_id']
            theader = task['header']
            username = theader['username']
            if task['completed'] == None:
                status = "pending"
                print("%s   %s  %s" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10)))
                result_header = task['result_header']
                result_content = task['result_content']
                status = result_header['status']
                cpl = task['completed']
                print("%s   %s  %s  %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10), cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))

                if result_header['status'] == 'error':
                    print "  Error was: " + result_content['evalue']
예제 #2
def main():
    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()
    # fetch a list of all jobs
    jobs = client.query_job_list()

    # walk through tasks of every job
    for job in jobs:
        tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])
        meantime, time_left, finish_time = client.job_estimated_finish_time(
        frame = job['startframe']

        print("\nJob \"%s\" (ID: %s):" % (job['name'], job['_id']))
        print("Overall status: " + client.job_status(job['_id']))
        print("Enabled: %s" % job['enabled'])
        print("Submit time: " + str(job['submit_time']))
        if job['requeue_time'] != False:
            print("Requeue time: " + str(job['requeue_time']))
        print("Time per task: " + str(meantime))
        if client.query_job_tasks_left(job['_id']) > 0:
            print("Time left: " + str(time_left))
            print("Estimated finish time: " + str(finish_time))
            print("Finish time: " + str(finish_time))
        if 'pool_name' in job['limits']:
            print("Pool: " + str(job['limits']['pool_name']))
            print("Pool: Not set.")
        print("Task id\t\t\t\t\tframe\tstatus\towner\tcompleted at")

        for task in tasks:
            tmsg_id = task['msg_id']
            theader = task['header']
            username = theader['username']

            if task['completed'] == None:
                status = "pending"
                print("%s\t%i\t%s\t%s" % (tmsg_id, frame, status, username))
                result_header = task['result_header']
                result_content = task['result_content']
                status = result_content['status']
                cpl = task['completed']
                print("%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\t%i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" %
                      (tmsg_id, frame, status, username, cpl.year, cpl.month,
                       cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))

                if result_content['status'] == 'error':
                    print("  Error was: " + result_content['evalue'] + "\n" +
            if int(job['blocksize']) > 1:
                frame += int(job['blocksize'])
                frame += 1
예제 #3
def main():
    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()
    # fetch a list of all jobs
    jobs = client.query_job_list()
    # walk through tasks of every job
    for job in jobs:
        tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])
        meantime, time_left, finish_time = client.job_estimated_finish_time(job['_id'])
        frame = job['startframe']
        print("\nJob \"%s\" (ID: %s):" % (job['name'], job['_id']))
        print("Overall status: " + client.job_status(job['_id']))
        print("Enabled: %s" % job['enabled'])
        print("Submit time: " + str(job['submit_time']))
        if job['requeue_time'] != False:
            print("Requeue time: "+ str(job['requeue_time']))
        print("Time per task: " + str(meantime))
        if client.query_job_tasks_left(job['_id']) > 0:
            print("Time left: " + str(time_left))
            print("Estimated finish time: " + str(finish_time))
            print("Finish time: " + str(finish_time))
        if 'pool_name' in job['limits']:
        	print("Pool: " + str(job['limits']['pool_name']))
        	print("Pool: Not set.")
        print("Task id\t\t\t\t\tframe\tstatus\towner\tcompleted at")
        for task in tasks:
            tmsg_id = task['msg_id']
            theader = task['header']
            username = theader['username']
            if task['completed'] == None:
                status = "pending"
                print("%s\t%i\t%s\t%s" % (tmsg_id, frame, status, username))
                result_header = task['result_header']
                result_content = task['result_content']
                status = result_content['status']
                cpl = task['completed']
                print("%s\t%i\t%s\t%s\t%i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (tmsg_id, frame, status, username, cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))

                if result_content['status'] == 'error':
                	print("  Error was: " + result_content['evalue'] + "\n" + str(result_content['traceback']))
            if int(job['blocksize']) > 1:
            	frame += int(job['blocksize'])
            	frame += 1
예제 #4
def main():
    client = DrQueueClient()
    while True:
        jobs = DrQueueJob.query_job_status('ready')

        if jobs == []:
            print "Not find any jobs in data base!waiting...."

        for job in jobs:
            print "Process job %s" % job["name"]
                job["job_status"] = u'running'

                #print job['job_id']
            except ValueError:
                print "Job's name %s " % job['name']
                print("One of your the specified values produced an error:")

            # tasks which have been created
    tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])

    # wait for all tasks of job to finish
    if (tasks == []) and (client.query_computer_list() == []):
        print("Tasks have been sent but no render node is running at the moment.")

    for task in tasks:
        ar = client.task_wait(task['msg_id'])
        # add some verbose output
        cpl = ar.metadata.completed
        msg_id = ar.metadata.msg_id
        status = ar.status
        engine_id = ar.metadata.engine_id
        print("Task %s finished with status '%s' on engine %i at %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i." % (msg_id, status, engine_id, cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))
        if ar.pyerr != None:

    job['job_status'] = 'completed'
    print("Job %s finished." % job['name'])
예제 #5
def main():
    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()
    # fetch a list of all jobs
    jobs = client.query_job_list()
    # walk through tasks of every job
    for job in jobs:
        tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])
        meantime, time_left, finish_time = client.job_estimated_finish_time(job['_id'])
        print("\nJob \"%s\" (ID: %s):" % (job['name'], job['_id']))
        print("Overall status: " + client.job_status(job['_id']))
        print("Submit time: "+ str(job['submit_time']))
        if job['requeue_time'] != False:
            print("Requeue time: "+ str(job['requeue_time']))
        print("Time per task: " + str(meantime))
        if client.query_job_tasks_left(job['_id']) > 0:
            print("Time left: " + str(time_left))
            print("Estimated finish time: " + str(finish_time))
            print("Finish time: " + str(finish_time))
        print("Task id                                 status    owner       completed at")
        for task in tasks:
            tmsg_id = task['msg_id']
            theader = task['header']
            username = theader['username']
            if task['completed'] == None:
                status = "pending"
                print("%s   %s  %s" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10)))
                result_header = task['result_header']
                result_content = task['result_content']
                status = result_header['status']
                cpl = task['completed']
                print("%s   %s  %s  %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i" % (tmsg_id, string.ljust(status, 8), string.ljust(username, 10), cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))

                if result_header['status'] == 'error':
                    print("  Error was: " + result_content['evalue'])
예제 #6
def main():
    # parse arguments
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.usage = "%prog [options] -n name -r renderer -f scenefile"
    parser.add_option("-s", "--startframe",
                      dest="startframe", default=1, help="first frame")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--endframe",
                      dest="endframe", default=1, help="last frame")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--blocksize",
                      dest="blocksize", default=1, help="size of block")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--name",
                      dest="name", default=None, help="name of job")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--renderer",
                      dest="renderer", help="render type (maya|blender|mentalray)")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--scenefile",
                      dest="scenefile", default=None, help="path to scenefile")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--pool",
                      dest="pool", default=None, help="pool of computers")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--options",
                      dest="options", default="{}", help="specific options for renderer as Python dict")
                      dest="retries", default=1, help="number of retries for every task")
                      dest="owner", default=getpass.getuser(), help="Owner of job. Default is current username.")
                      dest="os", default=None, help="Operating system.")
                      dest="minram", default=0, help="Minimal RAM in GB.")
                      dest="mincores", default=0, help="Minimal CPU cores.")
                      action="store_true", dest="send_email", default=False, help="Send notification email when job is finished.")
                      dest="email_recipients", default=None, help="Recipients for notification email.")
    parser.add_option("-w", "--wait",
                      action="store_true", dest="wait", default=False, help="wait for job to finish")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                      action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbose output")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()

    # set limits
    limits = dict()
    limits['pool_name'] = options.pool
    limits['os'] = options.os
    limits['minram'] = int(options.minram)
    limits['mincores'] = int(options.mincores)

    options_var = eval(options.options)
    options_var['send_email'] = options.send_email
    options_var['email_recipients'] = options.email_recipients

    # initialize DrQueue job
    job = DrQueueJob(options.name, int(options.startframe), int(options.endframe), int(options.blocksize), options.renderer, options.scenefile, options.retries, options.owner, options_var, "send_job.py", limits)

    # run job with client
    except ValueError:
        print("One of your the specified values produced an error:")

    # tasks which have been created
    tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])

    # wait for all tasks of job to finish
    if options.wait:
        if (tasks == []) and (client.query_engine_list() == []):
            print("Tasks have been sent but no render node is running at the moment.")

        for task in tasks:
            ar = client.task_wait(task['msg_id'])
            # add some verbose output
            if options.verbose:
                cpl = ar.metadata.completed
                msg_id = ar.metadata.msg_id
                status = ar.status
                engine_id = ar.metadata.engine_id
                print("Task %s finished with status '%s' on engine %i at %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i." % (msg_id, status, engine_id, cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))
                if ar.pyerr != None:
        print("Job %s finished." % job['name'])
예제 #7
def main():
    # parse arguments
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.usage = "%prog [options] -n name -r renderer -f scenefile"
    parser.add_option("-s", "--startframe",
                      dest="startframe", default=1, help="first frame")
    parser.add_option("-e", "--endframe",
                      dest="endframe", default=1, help="last frame")
    parser.add_option("-b", "--blocksize",
                      dest="blocksize", default=1, help="size of block")
    parser.add_option("-n", "--name",
                      dest="name", default=None, help="name of job")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--renderer",
                      dest="renderer", help="render type (maya|blender|mentalray)")
    parser.add_option("-f", "--scenefile",
                      dest="scenefile", default=None, help="path to scenefile")
    parser.add_option("-p", "--pool",
                      dest="pool", default=None, help="pool of computers")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--options",
                      dest="options", default="{}", help="specific options for renderer as Python dict")
                      dest="retries", default=1, help="number of retries for every task")
                      dest="owner", default=getpass.getuser(), help="Owner of job. Default is current username.")
                      dest="os", default=None, help="Operating system.")
                      dest="minram", default=0, help="Minimal RAM in GB.")
                      dest="mincores", default=0, help="Minimal CPU cores.")
                      action="store_true", dest="send_email", default=False, help="Send notification email when job is finished.")
                      dest="email_recipients", default=None, help="Recipients for notification email.")
    parser.add_option("-w", "--wait",
                      action="store_true", dest="wait", default=False, help="wait for job to finish")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose",
                      action="store_true", dest="verbose", default=False, help="verbose output")
    (options, args) = parser.parse_args()

    # initialize DrQueue client
    client = DrQueueClient()

    # set limits
    limits = dict()
    limits['pool_name'] = options.pool
    limits['os'] = options.os
    limits['minram'] = int(options.minram)
    limits['mincores'] = int(options.mincores)

    options_var = eval(options.options)
    options_var['send_email'] = options.send_email
    options_var['email_recipients'] = options.email_recipients

    # add default rendertype if missing
    if "rendertype" not in options_var:
        options_var['rendertype'] = "animation"

    # initialize DrQueue job
    job = DrQueueJob(options.name, int(options.startframe), int(options.endframe), int(options.blocksize), options.renderer, options.scenefile, options.retries, options.owner, options_var, "send_job.py", limits)

    # run job with client
    except ValueError:
        print("One of your the specified values produced an error:")

    # tasks which have been created
    tasks = client.query_task_list(job['_id'])

    # wait for all tasks of job to finish
    if options.wait:
        if (tasks == []) and (client.query_computer_list() == []):
            print("Tasks have been sent but no render node is running at the moment.")

        for task in tasks:
            ar = client.task_wait(task['msg_id'])
            # add some verbose output
            if options.verbose:
                cpl = ar.metadata.completed
                msg_id = ar.metadata.msg_id
                status = ar.status
                engine_id = ar.metadata.engine_id
                print("Task %s finished with status '%s' on engine %i at %i-%02i-%02i %02i:%02i:%02i." % (msg_id, status, engine_id, cpl.year, cpl.month, cpl.day, cpl.hour, cpl.minute, cpl.second))
                if ar.pyerr != None:
        print("Job %s finished." % job['name'])