예제 #1
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Dungeon import Dungeon

dungeon = Dungeon()
hallway = dungeon.create()
d1 = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "D")
d2 = dungeon.newRoom(d1, "D")
d3 = dungeon.newRoom(d2, "D")
d4 = dungeon.newRoom(d3, "D")
d5 = dungeon.newRoom(d4, "D")
bedroom = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "N")
bedroom2 = dungeon.newRoom(hallway, "W")
bedroom3 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom, "E")
bedroom4 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom3, "D")
room5 = dungeon.newRoom(bedroom4, "N")
room6 = dungeon.newRoom(room5, "W")
room7 = dungeon.newRoom(room6, "U")
예제 #2
#!/usr/bin/env python3
from Dungeon import Dungeon

dungeon = Dungeon()
entrance = dungeon.create()
room1 = dungeon.newRoom(entrance, "N")

# Create more rooms by adding more "dungeon.newRoom(room, direction)"
# like the line below. "room" must be a room that you've already created.
# "direction" must be one of:
#    "N" - North
#    "S" - South
#    "E" - East
#    "W" - West
#    "U" - Up (above)
#    "D" - Down (below)
# Create one or two more rooms, then explore you dungeon to make sure
# that it is as you expect, then create more rooms.