def setup_player_position(world, empty, player): """ Randomizes player position on map :param world: map :param empty: empty field on which player can be spawned :param player: defines player :return: player position :rtype: list """ main_logger.debug(f'started {world}, {empty}, {player}') position = [0, 0] is_valid = False while not is_valid: position[0] = randint(0, len(world) - 1) position[1] = randint(0, len(world) - 1) if world[position[0]][position[1]] == empty: is_valid = True world[position[0]][position[1]] = player main_logger.debug(f'ended {position}') return position
def print_map_hide_secrets(world_map, secrets, default): """ Prints world map without secrets :param world_map: map :param secrets: object to hide :param default: what will be printed instead of secrets :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started {world_map}, {secrets}, {default}') for i in world_map: lines = ['|'] for j in i: if j in secrets: lines.append(default) else: lines.append(j) lines.append('|')''.join(lines)) main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def fill_the_map(world, size, amount_of_items, item): """ Fills map with given amount of items :param world: map to fill :param size: maps size :param amount_of_items: amount of items to spawn :param item: item to spawn :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started: {world}, {size},{amount_of_items}, {item}') i = 0 while i < amount_of_items: x = randint(0, size - 1) y = randint(0, size - 1) if world[x][y] == item: continue else: world[x][y] = item i += 1 main_logger.debug(f'ended: {world}, {size},{amount_of_items}, {item}')
def print_map(world_map): """ Prints world map :param world_map: world :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started {world_map}') for i in world_map: line = ''.join(['|', *i, '|']) main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def load_pickle(): """ Loads game state from binary file :return: dict of in game objects :rtype: dict """ main_logger.debug(f'started') with open(SAVE, 'rb') as save: result = pickle.load(save) main_logger.debug(f'ended {result}') return result
def save_pickle(game): """ Saves game into binary format :param game: dict of in game objects :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started') with open(SAVE, 'wb') as save: pickle.dump(game, save, protocol=3) main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def save_json(game): """ Saves game into json format :param game: dict of in game objects :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started {game}') name = SAVE + '.json' with open(name, 'w') as save: json.dump(game, save) main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def load_json(): """ Loads game state from json file :return: dict of in game objects :rtype: dict """ main_logger.debug(f'started') name = SAVE + '.json' with open(name, 'r') as save: game = json.load(save) main_logger.debug(f'ended {game}') return game
def load_game(): """ Loads game from file :return: dict of in game objects :rtype: dict """ main_logger.debug(f'started') try: game = load_pickle() except FileNotFoundError: game = load_json() main_logger.debug(f'ended') return game
def generate_warnings_if_required(world, player_position, trap, treasure): """ Generates warnings if required :param world: worlds map :param player_position: players position :param trap: defines trap :param treasure: defines treasure :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug( f'started {world}, {player_position}, {trap}, {treasure}') is_trap = is_around_of(player_position, trap, world) is_treasure = is_around_of(player_position, treasure, world) View.warn_player(is_treasure, is_trap) main_logger.debug(f'ended {is_treasure}, {is_trap}')
def main_menu(): """ Shows main menu and allows user to make choice :return: nothing :rtype: None """ new_game = 'New' load_game = 'Load' exit_game = 'Exit' prompt = 'Choose one of options above:' save_not_found = 'There is no saved games' invalid_input = 'Invalid input' menu_items = [new_game, load_game, exit_game, prompt] quit_game = False main_logger.debug('program launched') while not quit_game:'\n'.join(menu_items)) choice = input() if choice not in menu_items: elif choice == new_game: play_game() elif choice == load_game: try: save = DungeonSaver.load_game() play_game(save) except FileNotFoundError: else: quit_game = True main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def handle_player_move(world, player_position): """ Changes map accordingly to user input :param world: world map :param player_position: position of player :return: new player position :rtype: list """ main_logger.debug(f'started {world}, {player_position}') player_move_fail = 'Player can\'t make this move' user_input_fail = 'Invalid input' user_input_prompt = 'Choose where you want to move:\n\'u\' - up,\n\'d\' - down,\n\'l\' - left,\n\'r\' - right.\n\ Input move:' moves = {'u': (0, 0), 'd': (0, 1), 'l': (1, 0), 'r': (1, 1)} bounds = (0, len(world)) player_moves = (-1, 1) is_valid = False possible_moves = { k: [index, bounds[axis], player_moves[axis]] for (k, (index, axis)) in moves.items() } while not is_valid: move = input() if move not in moves: continue is_valid = try_player_move(player_position, *possible_moves[move]) if not is_valid: main_logger.debug(f'ended {world}, {player_position}') return player_position
def warn_player(treasure=False, trap=True): """ Prints warning message :param treasure: message about treasure :param trap: message about trap :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started {treasure}, {trap}') if treasure: 'Warning: there is a treasure within one square from you!') if trap: 'Warning: there is a trap within one square from you!') main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def save_game(game, type='b'): """ Saves game into a file :param game: dict of in game objects :param type: b for binary, j for json formats :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started {game}, {type}') if type == 'b': save_pickle(game) elif type == 'j': save_json(game) else: raise RuntimeError(f'invalid type "{type}" got') main_logger.debug(f'ended')
def is_around_of(pos, what, world): """ Returns true if there is 'what' around of 'position' :param pos: list that defines coordinates :param what: searching item :param world: list of lists that defines world :return: true if there is wanted item :rtype: bool """ main_logger.debug(f'started {pos}, {what}, {world}') comb = product((-1, 0, 1), (-1, 0, 1)) size = len(world) squares = [(pos[0] + p[0], pos[1] + p[1]) for p in comb if 0 <= pos[0] + p[0] < size if 0 <= pos[1] + p[1] < size] result = set(map(lambda p: world[p[0]][p[1]] == what, squares)) found = True in result main_logger.debug(f'ended {found}') return found
def try_player_move(player_position, index, bound, move): """ Tries to move player in given direction :param player_position: list of coordinates that defines player position :param index: defines what coordinate from player_position we want to change :param bound: number that restricts player movement :param move: number that will be added to player_position if move is possible :return: true if moved :rtype: bool """ main_logger.debug(f'started {player_position}, {index}, {bound}, {move}') if move > 0: succeeded = player_position[index] + move < bound else: succeeded = player_position[index] + move >= bound if succeeded: player_position[index] += move main_logger.debug(f'ended {succeeded}') return succeeded
def check_game_over(player_position, world, trap, treasure): """ Checks if game is over and returns message if its over :return: is game over, result message :rtype: tuple """ main_logger.debug( f'started {player_position}, {world}, {trap}, {treasure}') is_over = False message = 'You in trap =/ You lose.' if world[player_position[0]][player_position[1]] == trap: is_over = True elif world[player_position[0]][player_position[1]] == treasure: is_over = True message = 'You captured the treasure! You won!' result = (is_over, message) main_logger.debug(f'ended {result}') return result
def generate(size, empty=' ', trap='#', treasure='@'): """ Generates map: size per size squares with size*size / 10 traps and size*size / 20 treasures :param size: number of squares :param empty: string that defines empty field :param trap: string that defines trap :param treasure: string that defines treasure :return: map with traps and treasures :rtype: list """ main_logger.debug(f'started {size}, {empty}, {trap}, {treasure}') world = [[empty for _ in range(size)] for _ in range(size)] amount_of_traps = size * size / 10 amount_of_treasures = size * size / 20 fill_the_map(world, size, amount_of_traps, trap) fill_the_map(world, size, amount_of_treasures, treasure) main_logger.debug(f'ended {world}') return world
def play_game(game_save={}): """ Starts Dungeon game :param game_save: saved game state(if any) :return: nothing :rtype: None """ main_logger.debug(f'started') empty_space = '~' explored_space = '.' trap = 'x' treasure = '$' player = '*' move_command = 'Move' save_command = 'Save' end_game_session = 'End' user_options = [move_command, save_command, end_game_session] user_prompt = '\n'.join(user_options) result = '' game_over = False if game_save == {}: game_world = MapGenerator.generate(10, empty=empty_space, trap=trap, treasure=treasure) player_coordinates = setup_player_position(game_world, empty_space, player) else: game_world = game_save['map'] player_coordinates = game_save['player'] old_player_coordinates = player_coordinates hidden = [trap, treasure] while not game_over: game_world[old_player_coordinates[0]][ old_player_coordinates[1]] = explored_space game_world[player_coordinates[0]][player_coordinates[1]] = player old_player_coordinates = player_coordinates.copy() View.print_map_hide_secrets(game_world, hidden, empty_space) generate_warnings_if_required(game_world, player_coordinates, trap, treasure) choice = input() if choice == move_command: handle_player_move(game_world, player_coordinates) elif choice == save_command: objects = {'map': game_world, 'player': player_coordinates} DungeonSaver.save_game(objects) elif choice == end_game_session: result = 'Game over' break else:'Invalid input') game_over, result = check_game_over(player_coordinates, game_world, trap, treasure) View.print_map(game_world) main_logger.debug(f'ended {result}')