예제 #1
    def super_worker(self, *args):
        # generate parameter dict for transit function input
        pars = self.init.copy()
        for k in range(len(self.keys)):
            pars[self.keys[k]] = args[k]

        # compute white noise
        noise = pars['rp']**2 / pars['sig_tol']
        ndata = np.random.normal(1, noise, len(self.t))

        # generate transit + variability
        t = self.t - np.min(self.t)
        A = pars['A'] + pars['A'] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / pars['PA'])
        w = pars['w'] + pars['w'] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / pars['Pw'])
        data = transit(time=self.t, values=pars) * ndata * (
            1 + A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / w + pars['phi']))

        #2018 Apr 24 - ndata is the noise signal but without any transit in it
        #  So results has one column that is all the transit and noise parameters,
        #  the next column contains the transit + noise signals,
        #  and the final column contains just the noise signals without any transits

        # add systematic into noise "same distribution different points"
        ndata = np.random.normal(1, noise, len(
            self.t)) * (1 + A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / w + pars['phi']))

        return args, data, ndata
    def super_worker(self, *args):
        # generate parameter dict for transit function input
        pars = self.init.copy()
        for k in range(len(self.keys)):
            pars[self.keys[k]] = args[k]

        # compute white noise
        noise = pars['rp']**2 / pars['sig_tol']
        ndata = np.random.normal(1, noise, len(self.t))

        # generate transit + variability
        t = self.t - np.min(self.t)
        A = pars['A'] + pars['A'] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / pars['PA'])
        w = pars['w'] + pars['w'] * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / pars['Pw'])
        kk = np.random.randint(2, 5)
        w = w / kk
        tt = transit(time=self.t, values=pars)

        tt = 1 + (tt - 1) * np.random.normal(1, 0.15)
        data = tt * ndata * (1 + A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / w + pars['phi']))

        # add systematic into noise "same distribution different points"
        ndata = np.random.normal(1, noise, len(
            self.t)) * (1 + A * np.sin(2 * np.pi * t / w + pars['phi']))

        return args, data, ndata
예제 #3
def generate_positives(residuals, pars, N=10000, minsnr=1.5, snrscale=2):
    positive = []
    snrs = []

    # generate some positive examples
    for i in range(10000):

        # choose random sample of time, ensure we have enough data points ``
        length = 0
        while (length != 180):
            di = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(times)))

            # make sure we get enough data for NN
            ti = np.random.choice(np.arange(len(times[di])))
            start_t = times[di][ti]
            end_t = times[di][ti] + 2 * 180 / (24 * 60)
            tmask = (times[di] > start_t) & (times[di] < end_t)
            length = tmask.sum()

        tlength = 0
        # make sure the transit length is sufficient
        while (tlength < 15):
            std = np.std(residuals[di][tmask])
            snr = minsnr + np.random.uniform() * snrscale

            # create parameters for injected data set
            pars['ar'] = np.random.uniform() * 7 + 7
            pars['per'] = np.random.uniform() * 4 + 2
            pars['tm'] = np.median(
                times[di][tmask]) + np.random.random() / 24 / 60
            pars['rp'] = (np.abs(snr) * std)**0.5

            tmodel = transit(time=times[di][tmask], values=pars)

            if (snr < 0):
                tmodel *= -1
                tmodel += 2

            tlength = (tmodel != 1).sum()

        # create data and assess transit probability
        data = residuals[di][tmask] * tmodel
        pdata = preprocessing.scale(data)

    return snrs, positive
예제 #4
    # plt.show()

    NPTS = 1000

    # simulate transit data 
    from ELCA import lc_fitter, transit
    from flux_decorrelation import gaussian_weights 

    t = np.linspace(0.85,1.05,NPTS)
    init = { 'rp':0.1, 'ar':14.07,       # Rp/Rs, a/Rs
             'per':3.336817, 'inc':88.75, # Period (days), Inclination
             'u1': 0.3, 'u2': 0,          # limb darkening (linear, quadratic)
             'ecc':0, 'ome':0,            # Eccentricity, Arg of periastron
             'a0':1, 'a1':0,              # Airmass extinction terms
             'a2':0, 'tm':0.95 }          # tm = Mid Transit time (Days)
    data = transit(time=t, values=init) #+ np.random.normal(0, 2e-4, len(t))

    # simulate PSFs on detector
    xcent = [15.13]
    ycent = [14.96]
    sigmax = [0.55]
    sigmay = [0.55]

    for i in range(1,NPTS):
        xcent.append( xcent[i-1] + np.random.normal(0,0.005) )
        ycent.append( ycent[i-1] + np.random.normal(0,0.005) )
        sigmax.append( sigmax[i-1] + np.random.normal(0,0.0005) )
        sigmay.append( sigmay[i-1] + np.random.normal(0,0.0005) )

    # simulate images on detector 
    X = np.zeros((NPTS,7))
예제 #5
    NDAYS = 30
    CADENCE = 29.4  # minutes
    NPTS = int(NDAYS * 24 * 60 / CADENCE)

    # transit data
    t = np.linspace(0.5, 0.5 + NDAYS, NPTS)
    init = {
        'rp': 0.1,
        'ar': 12.0,  # Rp/Rs, a/Rs
        'per': 8,
        'inc': 90,  # Period (days), Inclination
        'u1': 0.7,
        'u2': 0,  # limb darkening (linear, quadratic)
        'ecc': 0,
        'ome': 0,  # Eccentricity, Arg of periastron
        'a0': 1,
        'a1': 0,  # Airmass extinction terms
        'a2': 0,
        'tm': 1
    }  # tm = Mid Transit time (Days)

    model = transit(time=t, values=init)
    data = model * np.random.normal(1, 1000e-6, NPTS) + 500e-6 * np.sin(
        2 * np.pi * np.arange(NPTS) / (0.5 * NPTS))

    alphas, rgba_colors = time_series_eval(data, mlp, spacing=5, ws=180)
    plot_time_series(t, data, alphas, rgba_colors)

    # TODO implement BLS
예제 #6
            'rp': 0.1,
            'ar': 12,  # Rp/Rs, a/Rs
            'per': 2,
            'inc': 90,  # Period (days), Inclination
            'u1': 0.5,
            'u2': 0,  # limb darkening (linear, quadratic)
            'ecc': 0,
            'ome': 0,  # Eccentricity, Arg of periastron
            'a0': 1,
            'a1': 0,  # Airmass extinction terms
            'a2': 0,
            'tm': 1
        }  # tm = Mid Transit time (Days)

        for v in changes[key]:
            init[key] = v
            ax[i, j].plot(t,
                          transit(time=t, values=init),
                          label="{} = {}".format(label[key], v))

        ax[i, j].legend(loc='best')
        ax[i, j].set_xlabel('Time (Days)')
        ax[i, j].set_ylim([0.986, 1.0005])

        if j == 1:
            ax[i, j].get_yaxis().set_ticks([])
            ax[i, j].set_ylabel('Relative Flux')
