def main(): usage = """ Alternative to, but uses 2D subtilt images instead of 3D particle volume for alignment. Also a modified scipy minimizer is used in place of EMAN2 aligners. sets/ptcls.lst reference.hdf --path spt_xx --iter x """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument("--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = 0", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldcontinue", action="store_true", help= "Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, default="c1", help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly." ) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--minres", type=float, help="Minimum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) #parser.add_argument("--maxtilt",type=float,help="Excluding tilt images beyond the angle",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default="thread:4") parser.add_argument( "--fromscratch", action="store_true", help= "Start from exhaustive coarse alignment. Otherwise will use alignment from the previous rounds and do local search only.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--use3d", action="store_true", help="use projection of 3d particles instead of 2d sub tilt series", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--preprocess", metavar="processor_name:param1=value1:param2=value2", type=str, default=None, help="Preprocess each 2-D subtilt while loading (alignment only)") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", help= "Debug mode. Will run a small number of particles directly without parallelism with lots of print out. ", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--plst", type=str, default=None, help= "list of 2d particle with alignment parameters. The program will reconstruct before alignment so it can be slower." ) parser.add_argument( "--maxshift", type=int, help= "Maximum shift from the center of the box or the previous alignment. default box size//6", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--maxang", type=int, help= "Maximum angle difference from starting point. Ignored when --fromscratch is on.", default=30) parser.add_argument( "--curve", action="store_true", help= "Mode for filament structure refinement. Still under testing. Ignored when --fromscratch is on.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--skipali", action="store_true", help= "Skip alignment and only calculate the score. Incompatible with --fromscratch, but --breaksym will still be considered.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--breaksym", type=str, default=None, help="Specify symmetry to break. Ignored when --fromscratch is on.") parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) options.ref = args[1] #### we assume the particle_info files are in the right place so the bookkeeping is easier ## they should be created by e2spt_refine_new or e2spt_refine_multi_new options.info3dname = "{}/particle_info_3d.lst".format(options.path) options.info2dname = "{}/particle_info_2d.lst".format(options.path) if options.preprocess != None: options.preprocess = parsemodopt(options.preprocess) #### this should generate a list of dictionaries (one dictionary per 3d particle) tasks = load_lst_params(args[0]) #### keep a copy of the particle index here, so we can make sure the output list has the same order as the input list for i, t in enumerate(tasks): t["ii"] = i from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align_subtlt.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() options.nowtime = time.time() #### only run a few particles for debugging if options.debug: tasks = tasks[:num_cpus * 4] print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob = num_cpus #### send out jobs tids = [] for i in range(njob): t = tasks[i::njob] task = SptAlignTask(t, options) if options.debug: ret = task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #### each job returns a 3-object tuple: ## (index of 3d particle, 3d particle align info dict, list of dict for 2d particles align info) output3d = [None] * len(tasks) output2d = [None] * len(tasks) for i in tids: rets = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in rets: output3d[r[0]] = r[1] output2d[r[0]] = r[2] del etc #### merge the 2d particle alignment info into one list output2d = sum(output2d, []) #### just dump the list of dictionaries to list files fm3d = f"{options.path}/aliptcls3d_{options.iter:02d}.lst" save_lst_params(output3d, fm3d) fm2d = f"{options.path}/aliptcls2d_{options.iter:02d}.lst" save_lst_params(output2d, fm2d) E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog <output> [options] The goal of this program is to reduce the heterogeneity of a reconstruction by splitting a single map into two maps, each more homogeneous. You must run e2refine_easy to completion before using this program. It will take the class-averaging results from the final iteration, and split the particles from each class-average into 2 groups, producing 2 class-averages for each. The program then attempts to construct a maximally self-consistent grouping of these pairs of class averages into 2 3-D maps. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--path", default=None, type=str,help="The name of an existing refine_xx folder, where e2refine_easy ran to completion",guitype='filebox', filecheck=False,browser="EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=False)", row=3, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument("--basisn", default=1,type=int,help="Select which Eigenimage to use for separation. 1 = highest energy. max = 5", guitype='intbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", default="thread:2", help="Standard parallelism option. Default=thread:2", guitype='strbox', row=5, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n",type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.basisn<1 or options.basisn>5 : print "Error: basisn must be in the 1-5 range" sys.exit(1) if options.path==None: paths=[i for i in os.listdir(".") if "refine_" in i and len(i)==9] paths.sort() options.path=paths[-1] pathnum=options.path[-2:] # check the specified path for the files we need try: olddb = js_open_dict(options.path+"/0_refine_parms.json") last_map=olddb["last_map"] targetres=olddb["targetres"] last_iter=int(last_map.split("_")[-1][:2]) try: ptcls=olddb["inputavg"] if ptcls==None : raise Exception except: ptcls=olddb["input"] sym=olddb["sym"] if options.verbose : print "Found iteration {} in {}, using {}".format(last_iter,options.path," & ".join(ptcls)) except: traceback.print_exc() print "Error: Cannot find necessary files in ",options.path sys.exit(1) logger=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) # classmx is a list with 2 elements. Each element is a list of EMData from the corresponding cls_result file classmx=[] classmx.append(EMData.read_images("{}/cls_result_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter))) classmx.append(EMData.read_images("{}/cls_result_{:02d}_odd.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter))) ncls=max(int(classmx[0][0]["maximum"])+1,int(classmx[1][0]["maximum"])+1) # Rearrange the info in classmx classlists=[[] for i in xrange(ncls)] # empty list for each class # This will produce a list of particles with Transforms for each class for eo in (0,1): for y in xrange(classmx[eo][0]["ny"]): ptcl=[eo,y,Transform({"type":"2d","tx":classmx[eo][2][0,y],"ty":classmx[eo][3][0,y],"alpha":classmx[eo][4][0,y],"mirror":int(classmx[eo][5][0,y])})] #print ptcl, #print int(classmx[eo][0][0,y]) classlists[int(classmx[eo][0][0,y])].append(ptcl) #if len(classlists[0])>100 : #print "Warning: this program is normally intended for use with downsampled data and fairly coarse angular sampling. If you try to use it with a large number of class-averages you may have a variety of problems, and should insure that your machine has sufficient RAM." # Initialize parallelism from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) # Empty image to pad classes file zero=EMData(str(ptcls[0]),0) zero.to_zero() zero["ptcl_repr"]=0 # Euler angles for averages projin="{}/projections_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter) eulers=[EMData(projin,i,True)["xform.projection"] for i in xrange(ncls)] # prepare tasks tasks=[] gc=0 ns=[classmx[eo][0]["ny"] for eo in (0,1)] for c,cl in enumerate(classlists): if len(cl)<20 : # we require at least 20 particles in a class to make the attempt # zero.write_image(classout[0],c) # zero.write_image(classout[1],c) continue tasks.append(ClassSplitTask(ptcls,ns,cl,c,eulers[c],options.basisn,options.verbose-1)) gc+=1 # for t in tasks: t.execute() # execute task list taskids=etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids=taskids[:] classes=[] while len(taskids)>0 : curstat=etc.check_task(taskids) for i,j in enumerate(curstat): if j==100 : rslt=etc.get_results(taskids[i]) rsltd=rslt[1] cls=rslt[0].options["classnum"] if rsltd.has_key("failed") : print "Bad average in ",cls else: #rsltd["avg1"].write_image(classout[0],cls) #rsltd["avg2"].write_image(classout[1],cls) ncls=rsltd["avg1"]["ptcl_repr"]+rsltd["avg2"]["ptcl_repr"] # note that the 2 results we get back are in arbitrary order! # the next section of code with 3D reconstruction is designed to sort out # which average should be paired with which classes.append([ncls,rsltd["avg1"]["xform.projection"],rsltd["avg1"],rsltd["avg2"],rsltd["basis"]]) # list of (ptcl_repr,xform,avg1,avg2) taskids=[j for i,j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i]!=100] if options.verbose and 100 in curstat : print "%d/%d tasks remain"%(len(taskids),len(alltaskids)) if 100 in curstat : E2progress(logger,1.0-(float(len(taskids))/len(alltaskids))) if options.verbose : print "Completed all tasks\nGrouping consistent averages" classes.sort(reverse=True) # we want to start with the largest number of particles apix=classes[0][2]["apix_x"] boxsize=classes[0][2]["ny"] pad=good_size(boxsize*1.5) if options.verbose: print "Boxsize -> {}, padding to {}".format(boxsize,pad) # a pair of reconstructors. we will then simultaneously reconstruct in the pair, and use each to decide on the best target for each particle recon=[Reconstructors.get("fourier",{"size":[pad,pad,pad],"sym":sym,"mode":"gauss_5"}) for i in (0,1)] for r in recon: r.setup() # We insert the first class-average (with the most particles) randomly into reconstructor 1 or 2 p2=classes[0][2].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) p3=recon[0].preprocess_slice(p2,classes[0][1]) recon[0].insert_slice(p3,classes[0][1],classes[0][2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0)) p2=classes[0][3].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) p3=recon[1].preprocess_slice(p2,classes[0][1]) recon[1].insert_slice(p3,classes[0][1],classes[0][3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0)) classes[0].append(0) if options.verbose : print "Reconstruction: pass 1" for i,c in enumerate(classes[1:]): a2=c[2].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) # first class-average a3=recon[0].preprocess_slice(a2,classes[0][1]) a3n=c[2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) b2=c[3].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) b3=recon[1].preprocess_slice(b2,classes[0][1]) # I don't believe it matters if we use recon[0] or 1 here, but haven't checked b3n=c[3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,False) q0a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 n0a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,False) q1a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 n1a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,False) q0b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 n0b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,False) q1b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 n1b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same if options.verbose>1 : print i,q0a,q1a,q0b,q1b,q0a+q1b,q1a+q0b if q0a+q1b>q1a+q0b : # if true, a -> recon0 and b -> recon1 c.append(0) # we put a 0 at the end of the classes element if we use a->0,b->1 ordering, 1 if swapped a3.mult(n0a) recon[0].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) b3.mult(n1b) recon[1].insert_slice(b3,c[1],b3n) else: c.append(1) a3.mult(n1a) recon[1].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) b3.mult(n0b) recon[0].insert_slice(b3,c[1],b3n) if options.verbose : print "Reconstruction: pass 2" # another pass with the filled reconstruction to make sure our initial assignments were ok # for i,c in enumerate(classes[1:]): # a2=c[2].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) # first class-average # a3=recon[0].preprocess_slice(a2,classes[0][1]) # a3n=c[2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) # # b2=c[3].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) # b3=recon[1].preprocess_slice(b2,classes[0][1]) # I don't believe it matters if we use recon[0] or 1 here, but haven't checked # b3n=c[3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) # # recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,0) # c[-1]==0 # q0a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,0) # c[-1]==1 # q1a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,0) # c[-1]==1 # q0b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,0) # c[-1]==0 # q1b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # if options.verbose>1 : print i,q0a,q1a,q0b,q1b,q0a+q1b,q1a+q0b # # if q0a+q1b>q1a+q0b : # if true, a -> recon0 and b -> recon1 # if c[-1]==1 : # c[-1]=0 # print i," 1->0" # # c.append(0) # we put a 0 at the end of the classes element if we use a->0,b->1 ordering, 1 if swapped # a3.mult(n0a) # recon[0].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) # b3.mult(n1b) # recon[1].insert_slice(b3,c[1],b3n) # else: # if c[-1]==0 : # c[-1]=1 # print i," 0->1" # # c.append(1) # a3.mult(n1a) # recon[1].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) # b3.mult(n0b) # # if options.verbose : print "All done, writing output" classout=["{}/classes_{:02d}_bas{}_split0.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter,options.basisn),"{}/classes_{:02d}_bas{}_split1.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter,options.basisn)] basisout="{}/classes_{:02d}_basis".format(options.path,last_iter) threedout="{}/threed_{:02d}_split.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter) threedout2="{}/threed_{:02d}_split_filt_bas{}.hdf".format(options.path,last_iter,options.basisn) setout=["sets/split_{}_0.lst".format(pathnum),"sets/split_{}_1.lst".format(pathnum)] split=[r.finish(True).get_clip(Region((pad-boxsize)/2,(pad-boxsize)/2,(pad-boxsize)/2,boxsize,boxsize,boxsize)) for r in recon] split[0]["apix_x"]=apix split[0]["apix_y"]=apix split[0]["apix_z"]=apix split[1]["apix_x"]=apix split[1]["apix_y"]=apix split[1]["apix_z"]=apix split[0].process_inplace("mask.soft",{"outer_radius":-8,"width":4}) split[1].process_inplace("mask.soft",{"outer_radius":-8,"width":4}) split[0].write_image(threedout,0) split[1].write_image(threedout,1) # now we write the class-averages and the new (split) particle files lstin =[LSXFile(ptcls[0],True),LSXFile(ptcls[1],True)] try: os.unlink("sets/split0.lst") os.unlink("sets/split1.lst") except: pass lstout=[LSXFile("sets/split0.lst"),LSXFile("sets/split1.lst")] for i,c in enumerate(classes): c[2].write_image(classout[c[-1]],i) # class-average ptcln=c[2]["class_eoidxs"] # eofile/ptcl# pairs for p in xrange(0,len(ptcln),2): lstout[0][-1]=lstin[ptcln[p]][ptcln[p+1]] # wierd syntax, but the -1 here appends c[3].write_image(classout[c[-1]^1],i) ptcln=c[3]["class_eoidxs"] # eofile/ptcl# pairs for p in xrange(0,len(ptcln),2): lstout[1][-1]=lstin[ptcln[p]][ptcln[p+1]] # wierd syntax, but the -1 here appends if options.verbose>2: c[4][0].write_image(basisout+"1.hdf",i) c[4][1].write_image(basisout+"2.hdf",i) c[4][2].write_image(basisout+"3.hdf",i) launch_childprocess(" sets/split0.lst --mergesort {}".format(setout[0])) launch_childprocess(" sets/split1.lst --mergesort {}".format(setout[1])) try: os.unlink("sets/split0.lst") os.unlink("sets/split1.lst") except: pass if os.path.exists("strucfac.txt"): launch_childprocess(" {} {} --setsf strucfac.txt --process filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={}/fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt:snrmult=2:sscale=1.1:maxfreq={} --process mask.soft:outer_radius=-9:width=4".format(threedout,threedout2,options.path,last_iter,1.0/targetres)) else: print "Missing structure factor, cannot filter properly" launch_childprocess(" {} {} --process filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={}/fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt:snrmult=2:sscale=1.1:maxfreq={} --process mask.soft:outer_radius=-9:width=4".format(threedout,threedout2,options.path,last_iter,1.0/targetres)) E2end(logger)
def main(): usage = """ <projection> <particle> [options] Classify particles using a binary tree. Can be used as an alternative for + """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int, help="", default=12) parser.add_argument("--nodes", type=str, help="", default="nodes.hdf") #parser.add_argument("--clsmx", type=str,help="", default="clsmx.hdf") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="", default="clsmx.hdf") parser.add_argument( "--align", type=str, help="The name of an 'aligner' to use prior to comparing the images", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--aligncmp", type=str, help="Name of the aligner along with its construction arguments", default="dot") parser.add_argument( "--ralign", type=str, help= "The name and parameters of the second stage aligner which refines the results of the first alignment", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--raligncmp", type=str, help= "The name and parameters of the comparitor used by the second stage aligner. Default is dot.", default="dot") parser.add_argument( "--cmp", type=str, help="The name of a 'cmp' to be used in comparing the aligned images", default="dot:normalize=1") parser.add_argument( "--cmpdiff", action="store_true", default=False, help="Compare using the difference of the two children") parser.add_argument( "--incomplete", type=int, help="The degree of incomplete allowed in the tree on each level", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", default=None, help="parallelism argument") parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() E2n = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) options.align = parsemodopt(options.align) options.aligncmp = parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) options.ralign = parsemodopt(options.ralign) options.raligncmp = parsemodopt(options.raligncmp) options.cmp = parsemodopt(options.cmp) projs = args[0] #projsimmx=args[1] ptcl = args[1] npj = EMUtil.get_image_count(projs) npt = EMUtil.get_image_count(ptcl) if options.parallel == None: par = "thread:{:d}".format(options.threads) else: par = options.parallel ### Build tree ### always overwrite the tree here now #if not os.path.isfile(options.nodes): print("Building binary tree...") buildtree(projs, par, options.nodes, options.incomplete, options.verbose) #else: #print "Using existing tree..." ## Generate children pairs for comparison print("Generating children pairs for comparison...") if options.cmpdiff: nodepath = os.path.dirname(options.nodes) masktmp = '/'.join([nodepath, "tmp_msk.hdf"]) if os.path.isfile(masktmp): os.remove(masktmp) cmptmp = '/'.join([nodepath, "tmp_cmp.hdf"]) if os.path.isfile(cmptmp): os.remove(cmptmp) makechildpair(options.nodes, cmptmp, masktmp) else: masktmp = None cmptmp = None E2progress(E2n, 0.5) #exit() print("Starting classification...") ### Classify particles clsmx = [EMData(1, npt) for i in range(7)] nnod = EMUtil.get_image_count(options.nodes) if options.parallel: from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2classifytree.TreeClassifyTask") tasks = [] step = 50 tt = [list(range(i, i + step)) for i in range(0, npt - step, step)] tt.append(list(range(tt[-1][-1] + 1, npt))) for it in tt: tasks.append( TreeClassifyTask(ptcl, it, options.nodes, options.align, options.aligncmp, options.cmp, options.ralign, options.raligncmp, cmptmp, masktmp)) taskids = etc.send_tasks(tasks) ptclpernode = [0 for i in range(nnod)] nfinished = 0 while len(taskids) > 0: haveprogress = False time.sleep(3) curstat = etc.check_task(taskids) for i, j in enumerate(curstat): if j == 100: haveprogress = True rslt = etc.get_results(taskids[i]) rslt = rslt[1] for r in rslt: nfinished += 1 if options.verbose > 0: print("Particle:", r["id"], "\tnodes:", r["choice"]) for c in r["choice"]: ptclpernode[c] += 1 clsmx[0].set_value_at(0, r["id"], r["cls"]) for nt in range(1, 7): clsmx[nt].set_value_at(0, r["id"], r["simmx"][nt]) taskids = [j for i, j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i] != 100] if haveprogress: print("{:d}/{:d} finished".format(nfinished, npt)) E2progress(E2n, 0.5 + old_div(float(nfinished), npt)) for i in range(nnod): ndtmp = EMData(options.nodes, i, True) ndtmp["tree_nptls"] = ptclpernode[i] ndtmp.write_image(options.nodes, i) else: ### To record the number of particles in each branch of the tree for i in range(nnod): ndtmp = EMData(options.nodes, i, True) ndtmp["tree_nptls"] = 0 ndtmp.write_image(options.nodes, i) t = {} clsmx = [EMData(1, npt) for i in range(7)] for i in range(options.threads): ai = [x for x in range(npt) if x % options.threads == i] t[i] = threading.Thread(target=classify, args=(ptcl, ai, options.nodes, clsmx, options.align, options.aligncmp, options.cmp, options.ralign, options.raligncmp, cmptmp, masktmp)) t[i].start() for i in range(options.threads): t[i].join() if os.path.isfile(options.output): os.remove(options.output) for i in clsmx: i.write_image(options.output, -1) if options.cmpdiff: os.remove(cmptmp) os.remove(masktmp) print("Finished~") E2progress(E2n, 1.0) E2end(E2n)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog [options] This program will take a set of reference-free class-averages (or other projections) and generate a set of possible 3-D initial models. It does this by heavily downsampling the data, then running a number of very fast, full iterative refinements, each seeded with a random starting model. The results are sorted in order of apparent agreement with the data, such that at the end, the first numbered model should be the best result. Ideally the top few answers will all qualtitatively agree on the overall structure. If they do not, the results should be thoroughly assessed manually to insure a sensible result. By default this routine will generate 10 initial models, but this may be fewer or more than is strictly necessary depending on a number of factors. If the data is highly structurally heterogeneous, particularly if combined with a strongly preferred orientation, a correct solution using this technique may not be possible, but for most situations it will work well. For other situations, single particle tomography presents a good alternative for generating initial models.""" parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_header( name="initialmodelheader", help='Options below this label are specific to e2initialmodel', title="### e2initialmodel options ###", row=1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument( "--input", dest="input", default=None, type=str, help= "This file should contain good class-averages to use in constructing the initial model", browser='EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=False)', guitype='filebox', row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, default=8, help= "The total number of refinement iterations to perform, typically 5-10", guitype='intbox', row=2, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--tries", type=int, default=10, help= "The number of different initial models to generate in search of a good one", guitype='intbox', row=2, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--shrink", dest="shrink", type=int, default=0, help= "Optionally shrink the input particles by an integer factor prior to reconstruction. Default=0, no shrinking", guitype='shrinkbox', row=2, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--sym", dest="sym", help="Specify symmetry - choices are: c<n>, d<n>, h<n>, tet, oct, icos", default="c1", guitype='symbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument( "--automaskexpand", default=-1, type=int, help= "Number of voxels of post-threshold expansion in the mask, for use when peripheral features are truncated. (default=shrunk boxsize/20)", guitype='intbox', row=6, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--randorient", action="store_true", help= "Instead of seeding with a random volume, seeds by randomizing input orientations", default=False, guitype='boolbox', row=4, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--maskproc", default=None, type=str, help= "Default=none. If specified, this mask will be performed after the built-in automask, eg - mask.soft to remove the core of a virus", ) # parser.add_argument("--savemore",action="store_true",help="Will cause intermediate results to be written to flat files",default=False, guitype='boolbox', expert=True, row=5, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--orientgen", type=str, default="eman:delta=9.0:inc_mirror=0:perturb=1", help= "The type of orientation generator. Default is eman:delta=9.0:inc_mirror=0:perturb=1. See orientgens", guitype='strbox', expert=True, row=4, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", "-P", type=str, help= "Run in parallel, specify type:<option>=<value>:<option>=<value>. See", default="thread:1", guitype='strbox', row=6, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) # Database Metadata storage #parser.add_argument("--dbls",type=str,default=None,help="data base list storage, used by the workflow. You can ignore this argument.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() verbose = options.verbose try: ptcls = EMData.read_images(options.input) except: print("Error: bad input file") exit(1) apix = ptcls[0]["apix_x"] if options.shrink > 1: apix *= options.shrink if options.tries < 10: print( "Warning: suggest using --tries >=10. The first 8 starting maps are generated deterministically, and it is good to have several random seeds as well to increase the liklihood of a good outcome." ) for i in range(len(ptcls)): ptcls[i].process_inplace("normalize.edgemean", {}) if options.shrink > 1: ptcls[i] = ptcls[i].process("math.meanshrink", {"n": options.shrink}) if ptcls[0]["nx"] > 160: print( "WARNING: using a large box size may be slow. Suggest trying --shrink=" ) if not ptcls or len(ptcls) == 0: parser.error("Bad input file") boxsize = ptcls[0].get_xsize() if verbose > 0: print("%d particles %dx%d" % (len(ptcls), boxsize, boxsize)) print("Models will be %1.3f A/pix" % apix) [og_name, og_args] = parsemodopt(options.orientgen) try: sfcurve = XYData() sfcurve.read_file("strucfac.txt") sfcurve.update() except: sfcurve = None if options.maskproc != None: mask2 = EMData(boxsize, boxsize, boxsize) mask2.to_one() parms = parsemodopt(options.maskproc) if parms[0] == "mask.auto3d": print( "Error, maskproc may not be mask.auto3d, it must be a processor that does not rely on the input map density to function" ) sys.exit(1) mask2.process_inplace(parms[0], parms[1]) else: mask2 = None # angles to use for refinement sym_object = parsesym(options.sym) orts = sym_object.gen_orientations(og_name, og_args) logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) results = [] try: os.mkdir("initial_models") except: pass iters = [ int(i[10:12]) for i in os.listdir("initial_models") if i[:10] == "particles_" ] try: newiter = max(iters) + 1 except: newiter = 0 results_name = "initial_models/model_%02d" % newiter particles_name = "initial_models/particles_%02d.hdf" % newiter # we write the pre-processed "particles" (usually class-averages) to disk, both as a record and to prevent collisions for i, p in enumerate(ptcls): p.write_image(particles_name, i) # parallelism from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer # we need to put this here to avoid a circular reference etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2initialmodel.InitMdlTask") pclist = [particles_name] etc.precache( pclist ) # make sure the input particles are precached on the compute nodes tasks = [] for t in range(options.tries): tasks.append( InitMdlTask(particles_name, len(ptcls), orts, t, sfcurve, options.iter, options.sym, mask2, options.randorient, options.automaskexpand, options.verbose)) taskids = etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids = taskids[:] # we keep a copy for monitoring progress # This loop runs until all subtasks are complete (via the parallelism system ltime = 0 while len(taskids) > 0: time.sleep(0.1) curstat = etc.check_task( taskids) # a list of the progress on each task if options.verbose > 1: if time.time() - ltime > 1: print("progress: ", curstat) ltime = time.time() for i, j in enumerate(curstat): if j == 100: rslt = etc.get_results( taskids[i] ) # read the results back from a completed task as a one item dict results.append(rslt[1]["result"]) if options.verbose == 1: print("Task {} ({}) complete".format(i, taskids[i])) # filter out completed tasks. We can't do this until after the previous loop completes taskids = [ taskids[i] for i in range(len(taskids)) if curstat[i] != 100 ] # Write out the final results results.sort() for i, j in enumerate(results): out_name = results_name + "_%02d.hdf" % (i + 1) j[1].write_image(out_name, 0) j[4].write_image(results_name + "_%02d_init.hdf" % (i + 1), 0) print(out_name, j[1]["quality"], j[0], j[1]["apix_x"]) for k, l in enumerate(j[3]): l[0].write_image(results_name + "_%02d_proj.hdf" % (i + 1), k) # set of projection images for k, l in enumerate(j[2]): l.process("normalize").write_image( results_name + "_%02d_aptcl.hdf" % (i + 1), k * 2) # set of aligned particles j[3][l["match_n"]][0].process("normalize").write_image( results_name + "_%02d_aptcl.hdf" % (i + 1), k * 2 + 1) # set of projections matching aligned particles E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog <output> [options] The goal of this program is to reduce the heterogeneity of a reconstruction by splitting a single map into two maps, each more homogeneous. You must run e2refine_easy to completion before using this program. It will take the class-averaging results from the final iteration, and split the particles from each class-average into 2 groups, producing 2 class-averages for each. The program then attempts to construct a maximally self-consistent grouping of these pairs of class averages into 2 3-D maps. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--path", default=None, type=str, help= "The name of an existing refine_xx folder, where e2refine_easy ran to completion", guitype='filebox', filecheck=False, browser="EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=False)", row=3, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument( "--usebasis", default=0, type=int, help= "Select which Eigenimage to use for separation. With novarimax, n=0 is highest energy.", guitype='intbox', row=5, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--nbasis", default=-1, type=int, help= "Number of basis vectors to compute. Must be at least usebasis+1. Default 6 or usebasis+1.", guitype='intbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--novarimax", action="store_true", default=False, help="Disable varimax rotation among computed basis vectors.", guitype='boolbox', row=7, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument( "--mask", default=None, help="Optional 3D mask to focus the classification", guitype='filebox', browser='EMSetsTable(withmodal=True,multiselect=False)', filecheck=False, row=6, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument("--parallel", default="thread:2", help="Standard parallelism option. Default=thread:2", guitype='strbox', row=8, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.nbasis <= 1: options.nbasis = 6 if options.nbasis <= options.usebasis + 1: options.nbasis = options.usebasis + 1 print "--nbasis adjusted to ", options.nbasis if options.path == None: paths = [i for i in os.listdir(".") if "refine_" in i and len(i) == 9] paths.sort() options.path = paths[-1] pathnum = options.path[-2:] # check the specified path for the files we need try: olddb = js_open_dict(options.path + "/0_refine_parms.json") last_map = olddb["last_map"] targetres = olddb["targetres"] last_iter = int(last_map.split("_")[-1][:2]) try: ptcls = olddb["inputavg"] if ptcls == None: raise Exception except: ptcls = olddb["input"] sym = olddb["sym"] if options.verbose: print "Found iteration {} in {}, using {}".format( last_iter, options.path, " & ".join(ptcls)) except: traceback.print_exc() print "Error: Cannot find necessary files in ", options.path sys.exit(1) logger = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) # classmx is a list with 2 elements. Each element is a list of EMData from the corresponding cls_result file classmx = [] classmx.append( EMData.read_images("{}/cls_result_{:02d}_even.hdf".format( options.path, last_iter))) classmx.append( EMData.read_images("{}/cls_result_{:02d}_odd.hdf".format( options.path, last_iter))) ncls = max( int(classmx[0][0]["maximum"]) + 1, int(classmx[1][0]["maximum"]) + 1) # Rearrange the info in classmx classlists = [[] for i in xrange(ncls)] # empty list for each class # This will produce a list of particles with Transforms for each class for eo in (0, 1): for y in xrange(classmx[eo][0]["ny"]): ptcl = [ eo, y, Transform({ "type": "2d", "tx": classmx[eo][2][0, y], "ty": classmx[eo][3][0, y], "alpha": classmx[eo][4][0, y], "mirror": int(classmx[eo][5][0, y]) }) ] #print ptcl, #print int(classmx[eo][0][0,y]) classlists[int(classmx[eo][0][0, y])].append(ptcl) #if len(classlists[0])>100 : #print "Warning: this program is normally intended for use with downsampled data and fairly coarse angular sampling. If you try to use it with a large number of class-averages you may have a variety of problems, and should insure that your machine has sufficient RAM." # Initialize parallelism from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) # Empty image to pad classes file zero = EMData(str(ptcls[0]), 0) zero.to_zero() zero["ptcl_repr"] = 0 # Euler angles for averages projin = "{}/projections_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(options.path, last_iter) eulers = [ EMData(projin, i, True)["xform.projection"] for i in xrange(ncls) ] # Prepare mask if specified if options.mask != None: mask = EMData(options.mask) else: mask = None # prepare tasks tasks = [] gc = 0 ns = [classmx[eo][0]["ny"] for eo in (0, 1)] for c, cl in enumerate(classlists): if len( cl ) < 20: # we require at least 20 particles in a class to make the attempt # zero.write_image(classout[0],c) # zero.write_image(classout[1],c) continue if mask != None: maskp = mask.project("standard", eulers[c]) else: maskp = None tasks.append( ClassSplitTask(ptcls, ns, cl, c, eulers[c], maskp, options.usebasis, options.nbasis, options.novarimax, options.verbose - 1)) gc += 1 # for t in tasks: t.execute() # execute task list taskids = etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids = taskids[:] classes = [] while len(taskids) > 0: curstat = etc.check_task(taskids) for i, j in enumerate(curstat): if j == 100: rslt = etc.get_results(taskids[i]) rsltd = rslt[1] cls = rslt[0].options["classnum"] if rsltd.has_key("failed"): print "Bad average in ", cls else: #rsltd["avg1"].write_image(classout[0],cls) #rsltd["avg2"].write_image(classout[1],cls) ncls = rsltd["avg1"]["ptcl_repr"] + rsltd["avg2"][ "ptcl_repr"] # note that the 2 results we get back are in arbitrary order! # the next section of code with 3D reconstruction is designed to sort out # which average should be paired with which classes.append([ ncls, rsltd["avg1"]["xform.projection"], rsltd["avg1"], rsltd["avg2"], rsltd["basis"], cls ]) # list of (ptcl_repr,xform,avg1,avg2) taskids = [j for i, j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i] != 100] if options.verbose and 100 in curstat: print "%d/%d tasks remain" % (len(taskids), len(alltaskids)) if 100 in curstat: E2progress(logger, 1.0 - (float(len(taskids)) / len(alltaskids))) if options.verbose: print "Completed all tasks\nGrouping consistent averages" classes.sort( reverse=True) # we want to start with the largest number of particles apix = classes[0][2]["apix_x"] boxsize = classes[0][2]["ny"] pad = good_size(boxsize * 1.5) if options.verbose: print "Boxsize -> {}, padding to {}".format(boxsize, pad) # a pair of reconstructors. we will then simultaneously reconstruct in the pair, and use each to decide on the best target for each particle recon = [ Reconstructors.get("fourier", { "size": [pad, pad, pad], "sym": sym, "mode": "gauss_5" }) for i in (0, 1) ] for r in recon: r.setup() # We insert the first class-average (with the most particles) randomly into reconstructor 1 or 2 p2 = classes[0][2].get_clip( Region(-(pad - boxsize) / 2, -(pad - boxsize) / 2, pad, pad)) p3 = recon[0].preprocess_slice(p2, classes[0][1]) recon[0].insert_slice(p3, classes[0][1], classes[0][2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr", 1.0)) p2 = classes[0][3].get_clip( Region(-(pad - boxsize) / 2, -(pad - boxsize) / 2, pad, pad)) p3 = recon[1].preprocess_slice(p2, classes[0][1]) recon[1].insert_slice(p3, classes[0][1], classes[0][3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr", 1.0)) classes[0].append(0) if options.verbose: print "Reconstruction: pass 1" for i, c in enumerate(classes[1:]): proj = EMData(projin, c[5]) # the projection corresponding to this average # while this does cost us a final interpolation, high resolution isn't the primary aim anyway, and getting the alignment consistent is important # also gives us a chance to normalize c[2]["xform.align2d"] = Transform() ali2 = c[2].align("refine", proj) ali2.process_inplace("normalize.toimage", { "to": proj, "ignore_zero": 1 }) c[3]["xform.align2d"] = Transform() ali3 = c[3].align("refine", proj) ali3.process_inplace("normalize.toimage", { "to": proj, "ignore_zero": 1 }) # print "ROT:\t",ali2["xform.align2d"].get_params("2d"),"\t",ali3["xform.align2d"].get_params("2d") # note that ali2 and c[2] are the same except for a final alignment a2 = ali2.get_clip( Region(-(pad - boxsize) / 2, -(pad - boxsize) / 2, pad, pad)) # first class-average a3 = recon[0].preprocess_slice(a2, classes[0][1]) a3n = c[2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr", 1.0) # similarly ali3 and c[3] are the same b2 = ali3.get_clip( Region(-(pad - boxsize) / 2, -(pad - boxsize) / 2, pad, pad)) b3 = recon[1].preprocess_slice( b2, classes[0][1] ) # I don't believe it matters if we use recon[0] or 1 here, but haven't checked b3n = c[3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr", 1.0) recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(a3, c[1], a3n, False) # print a3.get_attr_dict() q0a = a3[ "reconstruct_absqual_lowres"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(a3, c[1], a3n, False) q1a = a3[ "reconstruct_absqual_lowres"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(b3, c[1], b3n, False) q0b = b3[ "reconstruct_absqual_lowres"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(b3, c[1], b3n, False) q1b = b3[ "reconstruct_absqual_lowres"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same if options.verbose > 1: print i, q0a, q1a, q0b, q1b, q0a + q1b, q1a + q0b if options.verbose > 2: print "\t\t", n0a, n1a, n0b, n1b if q0a + q1b > q1a + q0b: # if true, a -> recon0 and b -> recon1 c.append( 0 ) # we put a 0 at the end of the classes element if we use a->0,b->1 ordering, 1 if swapped # a3.mult(n0a) recon[0].insert_slice(a3, c[1], a3n) # b3.mult(n1b) recon[1].insert_slice(b3, c[1], b3n) else: c.append(1) # a3.mult(n1a) recon[1].insert_slice(a3, c[1], a3n) # b3.mult(n0b) recon[0].insert_slice(b3, c[1], b3n) if options.verbose: print "Reconstruction: pass 2" # another pass with the filled reconstruction to make sure our initial assignments were ok # for i,c in enumerate(classes[1:]): # a2=c[2].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) # first class-average # a3=recon[0].preprocess_slice(a2,classes[0][1]) # a3n=c[2].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) # # b2=c[3].get_clip(Region(-(pad-boxsize)/2,-(pad-boxsize)/2,pad,pad)) # b3=recon[1].preprocess_slice(b2,classes[0][1]) # I don't believe it matters if we use recon[0] or 1 here, but haven't checked # b3n=c[3].get_attr_default("ptcl_repr",1.0) # # recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,0) # c[-1]==0 # q0a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(a3,c[1],a3n,0) # c[-1]==1 # q1a=a3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1a=a3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[0].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,0) # c[-1]==1 # q0b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n0b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # recon[1].determine_slice_agreement(b3,c[1],b3n,0) # c[-1]==0 # q1b=b3["reconstruct_absqual"] # quality for average a in reconstruction0 # n1b=b3["reconstruct_norm"] # normalization for same # # if options.verbose>1 : print i,q0a,q1a,q0b,q1b,q0a+q1b,q1a+q0b # # if q0a+q1b>q1a+q0b : # if true, a -> recon0 and b -> recon1 # if c[-1]==1 : # c[-1]=0 # print i," 1->0" # # c.append(0) # we put a 0 at the end of the classes element if we use a->0,b->1 ordering, 1 if swapped # a3.mult(n0a) # recon[0].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) # b3.mult(n1b) # recon[1].insert_slice(b3,c[1],b3n) # else: # if c[-1]==0 : # c[-1]=1 # print i," 0->1" # # c.append(1) # a3.mult(n1a) # recon[1].insert_slice(a3,c[1],a3n) # b3.mult(n0b) # # if options.verbose: print "All done, writing output" if mask != None: msk = "_msk" else: msk = "" classout = [ "{}/classes_{:02d}_bas{}{}_split0.hdf".format(options.path, last_iter, options.usebasis, msk), "{}/classes_{:02d}_bas{}{}_split1.hdf".format(options.path, last_iter, options.usebasis, msk) ] basisout = "{}/classes_{:02d}{}_basis".format(options.path, last_iter, msk) threedout = "{}/threed_{:02d}{}_split.hdf".format(options.path, last_iter, msk) threedout2 = "{}/threed_{:02d}{}_split_filt_bas{}.hdf".format( options.path, last_iter, msk, options.usebasis) setout = [ "sets/split_{}{}_bas{}_0.lst".format(pathnum, msk, options.usebasis), "sets/split_{}{}_bas{}_1.lst".format(pathnum, msk, options.usebasis) ] split = [ r.finish(True).get_clip( Region((pad - boxsize) / 2, (pad - boxsize) / 2, (pad - boxsize) / 2, boxsize, boxsize, boxsize)) for r in recon ] split[0]["apix_x"] = apix split[0]["apix_y"] = apix split[0]["apix_z"] = apix split[1]["apix_x"] = apix split[1]["apix_y"] = apix split[1]["apix_z"] = apix split[0].process_inplace("mask.soft", {"outer_radius": -8, "width": 4}) split[1].process_inplace("mask.soft", {"outer_radius": -8, "width": 4}) split[0].write_image(threedout, 0) split[1].write_image(threedout, 1) # now we write the class-averages and the new (split) particle files lstin = [LSXFile(ptcls[0], True), LSXFile(ptcls[1], True)] try: os.unlink("sets/split0.lst") os.unlink("sets/split1.lst") except: pass lstout = [LSXFile("sets/split0.lst"), LSXFile("sets/split1.lst")] for i, c in enumerate(classes): c[2].write_image(classout[c[-1]], i) # class-average ptcln = c[2]["class_eoidxs"] # eofile/ptcl# pairs for p in xrange(0, len(ptcln), 2): lstout[0][-1] = lstin[ptcln[p]][ptcln[ p + 1]] # wierd syntax, but the -1 here appends c[3].write_image(classout[c[-1] ^ 1], i) ptcln = c[3]["class_eoidxs"] # eofile/ptcl# pairs for p in xrange(0, len(ptcln), 2): lstout[1][-1] = lstin[ptcln[p]][ptcln[ p + 1]] # wierd syntax, but the -1 here appends if options.verbose > 2: c[4][0].write_image(basisout + "1.hdf", i) c[4][1].write_image(basisout + "2.hdf", i) c[4][2].write_image(basisout + "3.hdf", i) launch_childprocess(" sets/split0.lst --mergesort {}".format( setout[0])) launch_childprocess(" sets/split1.lst --mergesort {}".format( setout[1])) try: os.unlink("sets/split0.lst") os.unlink("sets/split1.lst") except: pass if os.path.exists("strucfac.txt"): launch_childprocess( " {} {} --setsf strucfac.txt --process filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={}/fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt:snrmult=2:sscale=1.1:maxfreq={} --process mask.soft:outer_radius=-9:width=4" .format(threedout, threedout2, options.path, last_iter, 1.0 / targetres)) else: print "Missing structure factor, cannot filter properly" launch_childprocess( " {} {} --process filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={}/fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt:snrmult=2:sscale=1.1:maxfreq={} --process mask.soft:outer_radius=-9:width=4" .format(threedout, threedout2, options.path, last_iter, 1.0 / targetres)) E2end(logger)
def main(): usage = " " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--ptclin", type=str, help="particle input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ptclout", type=str, help="particle output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="reference input", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data" ) #parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int,help="maximum shift allowed", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--localrefine", type=int, default=-1, help="local refinement. larger value correspond to smaller local region" ) parser.add_argument("--goldcontinue", action="store_true", default=False, help="split even/odd subset and references.") #parser.add_argument("--ctfweight", action="store_true", default=False ,help="weight by ctf. not used yet...") #parser.add_argument("--slow", action="store_true", default=False ,help="slow but finer search") parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float, default=-1, help="max resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument("--minrespx", type=int, default=4, help="skip the first x pixel in fourier space") parser.add_argument("--sym", type=str, help="symmetry. ", default="c1") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="ppid...", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", type=int, help="Verbose", default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) #m=EMData(options.ref) #bxsz=m["nx"] #apix=m["apix_x"] options.shrink = 1 pinfo = load_lst_params(options.ptclin) nptcl = len(pinfo) #if options.maxshift<0: #options.maxshift=bxsz//2 print("Initializing parallelism...") etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_align.SpaAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} particles".format(nptcl)) print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) if options.debug: nptcl = min(4 * num_cpus, nptcl) print("Debugging mode. running on one thread with 8 particles") nbatch = min(nptcl // 4, num_cpus) infos = [[] for i in range(nbatch)] for i, info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i % nbatch].append([i, info]) print("{} jobs, each with {:.1f} particles".format( len(infos), np.mean([len(i) for i in infos]))) tids = [] for info in infos: task = SpaAlignTask(info, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output = [None] * nptcl for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: output[r[0]] = r[1] del etc fm = options.ptclout save_lst_params(output, fm) E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: [options] <subvolume_stack> <reference> This program is part of the 'new' hierarchy of e2spt_ programs. It performs one iteration of a classical subtomogram refinement, ie - aligning particles with missing wedge to a reference in 3-D The reference may be <volume> or <volume>,<n> If --goldstandard is specified, then even and odd particles will be aligned to different perturbed versions of the reference volume, phase-randomized past the specified resolution.""" parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--threads", default=4, type=int, help= "Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present.", guitype='intbox', row=24, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldstandard", type=float, help= "If specified, will phase randomize the even and odd references past the specified resolution (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldcontinue", action="store_true", help= "Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again", default=False) #parser.add_argument("--saveali",action="store_true",help="Save a stack file (aliptcls.hdf) containing the aligned subtomograms.",default=False) #parser.add_argument("--savealibin",type=int,help="shrink aligned particles before saving",default=1) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, default="c1", help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly." ) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) #parser.add_argument("--wtori",type=float,help="Weight for using the prior orientation in the particle header. default is -1, i.e. not used.",default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--nsoln", type=int, help="number of solutions to keep at low resolution for the aligner", default=1) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) parser.add_argument("--refine", action="store_true", help="local refinement from xform.align3d in header.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--refinentry", type=int, help="number of tests for refine mode. default is 8", default=8) parser.add_argument("--randphi", action="store_true", help="randomize phi during refine alignment", default=False) parser.add_argument("--breaksym", action="store_true", help="symmetry breaking.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--breaksymsym", type=str, help= "the symmetry to use for breaksym. setting sym to c6 and this to c2 results in a c3 structure. default is the same as sym", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--rand180", action="store_true", help="randomly add a 180 degree rotation during refine alignment", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--skipali", action="store_true", help= "skip alignment. the program will do nothing. mostly for testing...", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--maxang", type=float, help="Maximum angular difference for the refine mode. default is 30", default=30) parser.add_argument( "--maxshift", type=float, help="Maximum shift for the refine mode. default is 16", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #task=SptAlignTask(0,1,2,options) #from pickle import dumps,loads,dump,load #f=open("task.tmp",'w') #dump(task,f) #f.close() #print(task) #return if options.path == None: fls = [ int(i[-2:]) for i in os.listdir(".") if i[:4] == "spt_" and len(i) == 6 and str.isdigit(i[-2:]) ] if len(fls) == 0: fls = [0] options.path = "spt_{:02d}".format(max(fls) + 1) try: os.mkdir(options.path) except: pass if options.iter <= 0: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: options.iter = 1 else: options.iter = max(fls) + 1 if options.parallel == None: options.parallel = "thread:{}".format(options.threads) if options.breaksym: if options.breaksymsym == None: if options.sym == "c1": print("cannot break a c1 symmetry. breaksym disabled.") options.breaksym = False else: options.breaksymsym = options.sym # file may be "name" or "name,#" reffile = args[1].split(",")[0] try: refn = int(args[1].split(",")[1]) except: refn = 0 NTHREADS = max(options.threads + 1, 2) # we have one thread just writing results logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) refnames = [] if options.goldcontinue: ref = [] try: refnames = [reffile[:-4] + "_even.hdf", reffile[:-4] + "_odd.hdf"] ref.append(EMData(refnames[0], 0)) ref.append(EMData(refnames[1], 0)) except: print("Error: cannot find one of reference files, eg: ", EMData(reffile[:-4] + "_even.hdf", 0)) else: ref = [] ref.append(EMData(reffile, refn)) ref.append(EMData(reffile, refn)) if options.goldstandard > 0: ref[0].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.randomphase", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[0].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[1].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.randomphase", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[1].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) refnames = [ "{}/align_ref_even.hdf".format(options.path), "{}/align_ref_odd.hdf".format(options.path) ] ref[0].write_image(refnames[0], 0) ref[1].write_image(refnames[1], 0) else: refnames = [reffile, reffile] #ref[0]=ref[0].do_fft() #ref[0].process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocorner") #ref[1]=ref[1].do_fft() #ref[1].process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocorner") #jsd=queue.Queue(0) n = -1 tasks = [] if args[0].endswith(".lst") or args[0].endswith(".hdf"): #### check if even/odd split exists fsps = [args[0][:-4] + "__even.lst", args[0][:-4] + "__odd.lst"] if os.path.isfile(fsps[0]) and os.path.isfile(fsps[1]): print("Using particle list: \n\t {} \n\t {}".format( fsps[0], fsps[1])) for eo, f in enumerate(fsps): N = EMUtil.get_image_count(f) tasks.extend([(f, i, refnames, eo) for i in range(N)]) #### split by even/odd by default else: N = EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0]) tasks.extend([(args[0], i, refnames, i % 2) for i in range(N)]) #thrds=[threading.Thread(target=alifn,args=(jsd,args[0],i,ref[i%2],options)) for i in range(N)] elif args[0].endswith(".json"): print("Reading particles from json. This is experimental...") js = js_open_dict(args[0]) keys = sorted(js.keys()) for k in keys: src, ii = eval(k) dic = js[k] xf = dic["xform.align3d"] tasks.append([src, ii, refnames, ii % 2, xf]) from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() options.nowtime = time.time() print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob = num_cpus #*4 tids = [] for i in range(njob): t = tasks[i::njob] task = SptAlignTask(t, options) tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) #print("starting...") #for t in tasks: #if len(t)>3: #task = SptAlignTask(t[0], t[1], t[2], options, t[3]) #else: #task = SptAlignTask(t[0], t[1], t[2], options) #tid=etc.send_task(task) #tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #dics=[0]*nptcl angs = {} for i in tids: rets = etc.get_results(i)[1] for ret in rets: fsp, n, dic = ret if len(dic) == 1: angs[(fsp, n)] = dic[0] else: angs[(fsp, n)] = dic out = "{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(options.path, options.iter) if os.path.isfile(out): os.remove(out) js = js_open_dict(out) js.update(angs) js.close() del etc ## here we run the threads and save the results, no actual alignment done here #print(len(thrds)," threads") #thrtolaunch=0 #while thrtolaunch<len(thrds) or threading.active_count()>1: ## If we haven't launched all threads yet, then we wait for an empty slot, and launch another ## note that it's ok that we wait here forever, since there can't be new results if an existing ## thread hasn't finished. #if thrtolaunch<len(thrds) : #while (threading.active_count()==NTHREADS ) : time.sleep(.1) #if options.verbose : print("Starting thread {}/{}".format(thrtolaunch,len(thrds))) #thrds[thrtolaunch].start() #thrtolaunch+=1 #else: time.sleep(1) #while not jsd.empty(): #fsp,n,d=jsd.get() #angs[(fsp,n)]=d #if options.saveali: #v=EMData(fsp,n) #v.transform(d["xform.align3d"]) #if options.savealibin>1: #v.process_inplace("math.meanshrink",{"n":options.savealibin}) #v.write_image("{}/aliptcls_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter),n) #for t in thrds: #t.join() E2end(logid)
def main(): usage = " " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--ptclin", type=str, help="particle input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ptclout", type=str, help="particle output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="reference input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--threedout", type=str, help="map output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float, help="propotion of tilts to keep. default is 0.5", default=0.5) parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int, help="Number of CPU threads to use. Default is 12.", default=12) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data (threads * 8 particles)" ) parser.add_argument("--transonly", action="store_true", default=False, help="only refine translation") parser.add_argument("--savepath", action="store_true", default=False, help="save alignment path in a json file for testing.") #parser.add_argument("--scipytest", action="store_true", default=False ,help="test scipy optimizer") parser.add_argument( "--fromscratch", action="store_true", default=False, help= "align from scratch and ignore previous particle transforms. for spt mostly. will include mirror" ) parser.add_argument("--refineastep", type=float, help="Mean angular variation for refine alignment", default=2.) parser.add_argument("--refinentry", type=int, help="number of starting points for refine alignment", default=4) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="maximum shift allowed", default=8) parser.add_argument("--localrefine", action="store_true", default=False, help="local refinement") parser.add_argument("--defocus", action="store_true", default=False, help="refine defocus. Still under development") parser.add_argument("--seedmap", action="store_true", default=False, help="seed") parser.add_argument("--ctfweight", action="store_true", default=False, help="weight by ctf") parser.add_argument("--skipm3d", action="store_true", default=False, help="skip make3d. only output aligned list") parser.add_argument("--padby", type=float, default=2.0, help="pad by factor. default is 2") parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float, default=-1, help="max resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument("--minres", type=float, default=-1, help="min resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, help="symmetry. will use symmetry from spt refinement by default", default="c1") parser.add_argument( "--smooth", type=int, help= "Smooth trajectory per image based on nearby particles. Still under development", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="ppid...", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--nkeep", type=int, help="", default=1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", type=int, help="Verbose", default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) lstname = options.ptclin threedname = options.ref lname = options.ptclout threedout = options.threedout lst = LSXFile(lstname, True) m = EMData(threedname) bxsz = m["nx"] apix = m["apix_x"] options.shrink = 1 pinfo = [] if options.debug: nptcl = options.threads * 8 else: nptcl = lst.n for i in range(nptcl): pinfo.append( lst = None print("Initializing parallelism...") etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_tiltrefine_oneiter.SptTltRefineTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) print("{} jobs".format(nptcl)) infos = [[] for i in range(num_cpus)] for i, info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i % num_cpus].append([i, info]) tids = [] for info in infos: task = SptTltRefineTask(info, threedname, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) dics = [0] * nptcl for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: #print(r) ii = r.pop("idx") dics[ii] = r del etc allscr = [d["score"] for d in dics] if options.smooth > 0 or options.defocus: ### need to add per tilt smoothing later... s = np.array(allscr) oname = lname.replace(".lst", "_score.hdf") ss = from_numpy(s).copy() ss.write_image(oname) return maxl = np.max([len(s) for s in allscr]) maxv = np.max(np.concatenate(allscr)) for s in allscr: s.extend([maxv] * (maxl - len(s))) allscr = np.array(allscr) #print(np.min(allscr), np.mean(allscr), np.max(allscr), np.std(allscr)) if options.skipm3d: pass else: allscr = 2 - allscr allscr -= np.min(allscr) allscr /= np.max(allscr) if maxl > 1: mx = np.max(allscr, axis=1)[:, None] allscr = np.exp(allscr * 20) allscr = allscr / np.sum(allscr, axis=1)[:, None] allscr *= mx try: os.remove(lname) except: pass lout = LSXFile(lname, False) for i, dc in enumerate(dics): lc = "" if isinstance(dc["xform.align3d"], list): alilist = dc["xform.align3d"] scorelist = dc["score"] else: alilist = [dc["xform.align3d"]] scorelist = [dc["score"]] for j, xf in enumerate(alilist): d = xf.get_params("eman") d["score"] = float(allscr[i, j]) if d["score"] > .05 or j == 0: lc = lc + str(d) + ';' l = pinfo[i] lout.write(-1, l[0], l[1], lc[:-1]) lout = None pb = options.padby if options.parallel.startswith("mpi") and len(dics) > 10000: m3dpar = "--parallel {}".format(options.parallel) else: m3dpar = "" if options.seedmap: seed = "--seedmap " + threedname else: seed = "" cmd = " --input {inp} --output {out} --pad {pd} --padvol {pdv} --threads {trd} --outsize {bx} --apix {apx} --mode trilinear --keep {kp} --sym {sm} {seed} {par}".format( inp=lname, out=threedout, bx=bxsz, pd=int(bxsz * pb), pdv=int(bxsz * pb), apx=apix, kp=options.keep, sm=options.sym, trd=options.threads, par=m3dpar, seed=seed) if options.skipm3d: print("Skipping 3D reconstruction") else: run(cmd) E2end(logid)
class EMParallelProject3D: def __init__(self, options, fsp, sym, start, modeln=0, logger=None): """ @param options the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param args the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param logger and EMAN2 logger, i.e. logger=E2init(sys.argv) assumes you have already called the check function. """ self.options = options self.args = fsp self.sym = sym self.logger = logger self.start = start self.modeln = modeln from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer self.etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) print "Precache ", fsp self.etc.precache([fsp]) self.num_cpus = self.etc.cpu_est() print self.num_cpus, " total CPUs available" if self.num_cpus > 64: # upper limit self.num_cpus = 64 self.__task_options = None def __init_memory(self, options): """ """ sym_object = parsesym(self.sym) [og_name, og_args] = parsemodopt(options.orientgen) self.eulers = sym_object.gen_orientations(og_name, og_args) def __get_task_options(self, options): if self.__task_options == None: d = {} d["projector"] = parsemodopt(options.projector) d["prethreshold"] = options.prethreshold self.__task_options = d return self.__task_options def execute(self): # from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer if len(self.options.parallel) > 1: self.__init_memory(self.options) num_tasks = self.num_cpus # In the worst case we can only spawn as many tasks as there are eulers if self.num_cpus > len(self.eulers): num_tasks = len(self.eulers) eulers_per_task = len(self.eulers) / num_tasks resid_eulers = len(self.eulers) - eulers_per_task * num_tasks # we can distribute the residual evenly first = 0 task_customers = [] tids = [] # self.etc=EMTaskCustomer(self.options.parallel) for i in xrange(0, num_tasks): last = first + eulers_per_task if resid_eulers > 0: last += 1 resid_eulers -= 1 tmp_eulers = self.eulers[first:last] indices = range(first, last) data = {} data["input"] = ("cache", self.args, 0) data["eulers"] = tmp_eulers data["indices"] = indices task = EMProject3DTaskDC(data=data, options=self.__get_task_options(self.options)) # print "Est %d CPUs"%etc.cpu_est() tid = self.etc.send_task(task) # print "Task submitted tid=",tid tids.append(tid) first = last print "Task ids are", tids while 1: print len(tids), "projection tasks left in main loop" st_vals = self.etc.check_task(tids) for i in xrange(len(tids) - 1, -1, -1): st = st_vals[i] if st == 100: tid = tids[i] rslts = self.etc.get_results(tid) if not self.__write_output_data(rslts[1]): print "There was a problem with the task of id", tid if self.logger != None: E2progress(self.logger, 1.0 - len(tids) / float(num_tasks)) if self.options.verbose > 0: print "%d/%d\r" % (num_tasks - len(tids), num_tasks) sys.stdout.flush() print "Task", tids.pop(i), "completed" print "These tasks are remaining:", tids if len(tids) == 0: break time.sleep(5) return len(self.eulers) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The parallelism option you specified (%s) is not suppored" % self.options.parallel ) def __write_output_data(self, rslts): for idx, image in rslts.items(): if not isinstance(image, EMData): continue # this is here because we get the dimensions of the database as a key (e.g. '40x40x1'). image["model_id"] = self.modeln if self.options.append: image.write_image(self.options.outfile, -1) else: image.write_image(self.options.outfile, idx + self.start) return True
def main(): usage = " " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--ptclin", type=str, help="particle input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ptclout", type=str, help="particle output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="reference input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--threedout", type=str, help="map output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float, help="propotion of tilts to keep. default is 0.5", default=0.5) parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int, help="Number of CPU threads to use. Default is 12.", default=12) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data (threads * 8 particles)" ) parser.add_argument("--transonly", action="store_true", default=False, help="only refine translation") parser.add_argument( "--fromscratch", action="store_true", default=False, help= "align from scratch and ignore previous particle transforms. for spt mostly. will include mirror" ) parser.add_argument("--refineastep", type=float, help="Mean angular variation for refine alignment", default=2.) parser.add_argument("--refinentry", type=int, help="number of starting points for refine alignment", default=4) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="maximum shift allowed", default=8) parser.add_argument("--padby", type=float, default=2.0, help="pad by factor. default is 2") parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float, default=-1, help="max resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, help="symmetry. will use symmetry from spt refinement by default", default="c1") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="ppid...", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) lstname = options.ptclin threedname = options.ref lname = options.ptclout threedout = options.threedout lst = LSXFile(lstname, True) m = EMData(threedname) bxsz = m["nx"] apix = m["apix_x"] if options.maxres > 0: options.shrink = max(1, int(options.maxres / apix * .3)) options.shrink = min(options.shrink, bxsz // 48) print("Will shrink by {} and filter to {:.0f} A. Box size {}".format( options.shrink, options.maxres, bxsz // options.shrink)) else: options.shrink = 1 #m.process_inplace('normalize.edgemean') pinfo = [] if options.debug: nptcl = options.threads * 8 else: nptcl = lst.n for i in range(nptcl): pinfo.append( lst = None print("Initializing parallelism...") etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_tiltrefine_oneiter.SptTltRefineTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) print("{} jobs".format(nptcl)) infos = [[] for i in range(num_cpus)] for i, info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i % num_cpus].append([i, info]) tids = [] for info in infos: task = SptTltRefineTask(info, threedname, options) tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print(st_vals) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) dics = [0] * nptcl for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: #print(r) ii = r.pop("idx") dics[ii] = r del etc allscr = np.array([d["score"] for d in dics]) print(np.min(allscr), np.mean(allscr), np.max(allscr), np.std(allscr)) allscr = 2 - allscr s = allscr.copy() s -= np.mean(s) s /= np.std(s) clp = 2 ol = abs(s) > clp print("Removing {} outliers from {} particles..".format( np.sum(ol), len(s))) s = (s + clp) / clp / 2 s[ol] = 0 allscr = s allscr -= np.min(allscr) - 1e-5 allscr /= np.max(allscr) try: os.remove(lname) except: pass lout = LSXFile(lname, False) for i, dc in enumerate(dics): d = dc["xform.align3d"].get_params("eman") d["score"] = float(allscr[i]) l = pinfo[i] lout.write(-1, l[0], l[1], str(d)) lout = None pb = options.padby if options.parallel.startswith("mpi") and len(dics) > 10000: m3dpar = "--parallel {}".format(options.parallel) else: m3dpar = "" cmd = " --input {inp} --output {out} --pad {pd} --padvol {pdv} --threads {trd} --outsize {bx} --apix {apx} --mode gauss_2 --keep {kp} --sym {sm} {par}".format( inp=lname, out=threedout, bx=bxsz, pd=int(bxsz * pb), pdv=int(bxsz * pb), apx=apix, kp=options.keep, sm=options.sym, trd=options.threads, par=m3dpar) run(cmd) E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog <output> [options] This program produces iterative class-averages, one of the secrets to EMAN's rapid convergence. Normal usage is to provide a stack of particle images and a classification matrix file defining class membership. Members of each class are then iteratively aligned to each other and averaged together with (optional) CTF correction. It is also possible to use this program on all of the images in a single stack. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, help="The name of the input particle stack", default=None) parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="The name of the output class-average stack", default=None) parser.add_argument("--oneclass", type=int, help="Create only a single class-average. Specify the number.",default=None) parser.add_argument("--classmx", type=str, help="The name of the classification matrix specifying how particles in 'input' should be grouped. If omitted, all particles will be averaged.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="Reference image(s). Used as an initial alignment reference and for final orientation adjustment if present. Also used to assign euler angles to the generated classes. This is typically the projections that were used for classification.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--storebad", action="store_true", help="Even if a class-average fails, write to the output. Forces 1->1 numbering in output",default=False) parser.add_argument("--decayedge", action="store_true", help="Applies an edge decay to zero on the output class-averages. A very good idea if you plan on 3-D reconstruction.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--resultmx",type=str,help="Specify an output image to store the result matrix. This contains 5 images where row is particle number. Rows in the first image contain the class numbers and in the second image consist of 1s or 0s indicating whether or not the particle was included in the class. The corresponding rows in the third, fourth and fifth images are the refined x, y and angle (respectively) used in the final alignment, these are updated and accurate, even if the particle was excluded from the class.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--iter", type=int, help="The number of iterations to perform. Default is 1.", default=1) parser.add_argument("--prefilt",action="store_true",help="Filter each reference (c) to match the power spectrum of each particle (r) before alignment and comparison",default=False) parser.add_argument("--align",type=str,help="This is the aligner used to align particles to the previous class average. Default is None.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--aligncmp",type=str,help="The comparitor used for the --align aligner. Default is ccc.",default="ccc") parser.add_argument("--ralign",type=str,help="This is the second stage aligner used to refine the first alignment. This is usually the \'refine\' aligner.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--raligncmp",type=str,help="The comparitor used by the second stage aligner.",default="ccc") parser.add_argument("--averager",type=str,help="The type of averager used to produce the class average.",default="mean") parser.add_argument("--setsfref",action="store_true",help="This will impose the 1-D structure factor of the reference on the class-average (recommended when a reference is available)",default=False) parser.add_argument("--cmp",type=str,help="The comparitor used to generate quality scores for the purpose of particle exclusion in classes, strongly linked to the keep argument.", default="ccc") parser.add_argument("--keep",type=float,help="The fraction of particles to keep in each class.",default=1.0) parser.add_argument("--keepsig", action="store_true", help="Causes the keep argument to be interpreted in standard deviations.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--automask",action="store_true",help="Applies a 2-D automask before centering. Can help with negative stain data, and other cases where centering is poor.") parser.add_argument("--center",type=str,default="",help="If the default centering algorithm ( doesn't work well, you can specify one of the others here ( processor center)") parser.add_argument("--bootstrap",action="store_true",help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons only.") parser.add_argument("--normproc",type=str,help="Normalization processor applied to particles before alignment. Default is normalize.edgemean. If you want to turn this option off specify \'None\'", default="normalize.edgemean") parser.add_argument("--usefilt", dest="usefilt", default=None, help="Specify a particle data file that has been low pass or Wiener filtered. Has a one to one correspondence with your particle data. If specified will be used to align particles to the running class average, however the original particle will be used to generate the actual final class average") parser.add_argument("--idxcache", default=False, action="store_true", help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons.") parser.add_argument("--dbpath", help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons.", default=".") parser.add_argument("--resample",action="store_true",help="If set, will perform bootstrap resampling on the particle data for use in making variance maps.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--odd", default=False, help="Used by EMAN2 when running eotests. Includes only odd numbered particles in class averages.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--even", default=False, help="Used by EMAN2 when running eotests. Includes only even numbered particles in class averages.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--parallel", default=None, help="parallelism argument") parser.add_argument("--force", "-f",dest="force",default=False, action="store_true",help="Force overwrite the output file if it exists.") parser.add_argument("--saveali",action="store_true",help="Writes aligned particle images to aligned.hdf. Normally resultmx produces more useful informtation. This can be used for debugging.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n",type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--debug","-d",action="store_true",help="Print debugging infromation while the program is running. Default is off.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--nofilecheck",action="store_true",help="Turns file checking off in the check functionality - used by",default=False) parser.add_argument("--check","-c",action="store_true",help="Performs a command line argument check only.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (options.check): options.verbose = 9 # turn verbose on if the user is only checking... error = check(options,True) if options.align : options.align=parsemodopt(options.align) if options.ralign : options.ralign=parsemodopt(options.ralign) if options.aligncmp : options.aligncmp=parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) if options.raligncmp : options.raligncmp=parsemodopt(options.raligncmp) if options.averager : options.averager=parsemodopt(options.averager) if options.cmp : options.cmp=parsemodopt(options.cmp) if options.normproc : options.normproc=parsemodopt(options.normproc) if options.resultmx!=None : options.storebad=True if (options.verbose>0): if (error): print " command line arguments test.... FAILED" else: print " command line arguments test.... PASSED" # returning a different error code is currently important to - returning 0 tells that it has enough # information to execute this script if error : exit(1) if options.check: exit(0) logger=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) print "Class averaging beginning" try: classmx=EMData.read_images(options.classmx) # we keep the entire classification matrix in memory, since we need to update it in most cases ncls=int(classmx[0]["maximum"])+1 except: ncls=1 if options.resultmx!=None : print "resultmx can only be specified in conjunction with a valid classmx input." sys.exit(1) nptcl=EMUtil.get_image_count(options.input) try: apix=EMData(options.input,0,True)["apix_x"] except: apix=1.0 print "WARNING: could not get apix from first image. Setting to 1.0. May impact results !" # Initialize parallelism if options.parallel : from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) pclist=[options.input] if options.ref: pclist.append(options.ref) if options.usefilt: pclist.append(options.usefilt) etc.precache(pclist) # prepare tasks tasks=[] if ncls>1: if options.oneclass==None : clslst=range(ncls) else : clslst=[options.oneclass] for cl in clslst: ptcls=classmx_ptcls(classmx[0],cl) if options.resample : ptcls=[random.choice(ptcls) for i in ptcls] # this implements bootstrap resampling of the class-average if options.odd : ptcls=[i for i in ptcls if i%2==1] if options.even: ptcls=[i for i in ptcls if i%2==0] tasks.append(ClassAvTask(options.input,ptcls,options.usefilt,options.ref,options.iter,options.normproc,options.prefilt, options.align,options.aligncmp,options.ralign,options.raligncmp,options.averager,options.cmp,options.keep,options.keepsig, options.automask,options.saveali,options.setsfref,options.verbose,cl, else: ptcls=range(nptcl) if options.resample : ptcls=[random.choice(ptcls) for i in ptcls] if options.odd : ptcls=[i for i in ptcls if i%2==1] if options.even: ptcls=[i for i in ptcls if i%2==0] tasks.append(ClassAvTask(options.input,range(nptcl),options.usefilt,options.ref,options.iter,options.normproc,options.prefilt, options.align,options.aligncmp,options.ralign,options.raligncmp,options.averager,options.cmp,options.keep,options.keepsig, options.automask,options.saveali,options.setsfref,options.verbose,0, # execute task list if options.parallel: # run in parallel taskids=etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids=taskids[:] while len(taskids)>0 : curstat=etc.check_task(taskids) for i,j in enumerate(curstat): if j==100 : rslt=etc.get_results(taskids[i]) if rslt[1]["average"]!=None: rslt[1]["average"]["class_ptcl_src"]=options.input if options.decayedge: nx=rslt[1]["average"]["nx"] rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace("normalize.circlemean",{"radius":nx/2-nx/15}) rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace("mask.gaussian",{"inner_radius":nx/2-nx/15,"outer_radius":nx/20}) #rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace("mask.decayedge2d",{"width":nx/15}) if options.ref!=None : rslt[1]["average"]["projection_image"]=options.ref if options.storebad : rslt[1]["average"].write_image(options.output,rslt[1]["n"]) else: rslt[1]["average"].write_image(options.output,-1) # Update the resultsmx if requested if options.resultmx!=None: allinfo=rslt[1]["info"] # the info result array list of (qual,xform,used) tuples pnums=rslt[0].data["images"][2] # list of image numbers corresponding to information for n,info in enumerate(allinfo): y=pnums[n] # actual particle number # find the matching class in the existing classification matrix for x in range(classmx[0]["nx"]): if classmx[0][x,y]==rslt[1]["n"] : # if the class number in the classmx matches the current class-average number break else : print "Resultmx error: no match found ! (%d %d %d)"%(x,y,rslt[1]["n"]) continue xform=info[1].get_params("2d") classmx[1][x,y]=info[2] # used classmx[2][x,y]=xform["tx"] # dx classmx[3][x,y]=xform["ty"] # dy classmx[4][x,y]=xform["alpha"] # da classmx[5][x,y]=xform["mirror"] # flip try: classmx[6][x,y]=xform["scale"] except: pass # failed average elif options.storebad : blk=EMData(options.ref,0) apix=blk["apix_x"] blk=EMData(blk["nx"],blk["ny"],1) blk["apix_x"]=apix blk.to_zero() blk.set_attr("ptcl_repr", 0) blk.set_attr("apix_x",apix) blk.write_image(options.output,rslt[1]["n"]) taskids=[j for i,j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i]!=100] if options.verbose and 100 in curstat : print "%d/%d tasks remain"%(len(taskids),len(alltaskids)) if 100 in curstat : E2progress(logger,1.0-(float(len(taskids))/len(alltaskids))) time.sleep(3) if options.verbose : print "Completed all tasks" # single thread else: for t in tasks: rslt=t.execute() if rslt==None : sys.exit(1) if rslt["average"]!=None : rslt["average"]["class_ptcl_src"]=options.input if options.decayedge: nx=rslt["average"]["nx"] rslt["average"].process_inplace("normalize.circlemean",{"radius":nx/2-nx/15}) rslt["average"].process_inplace("mask.gaussian",{"inner_radius":nx/2-nx/15,"outer_radius":nx/20}) #rslt["average"].process_inplace("mask.decayedge2d",{"width":nx/15}) if options.ref!=None : rslt["average"]["projection_image"]=options.ref if options.storebad : rslt["average"].write_image(options.output,t.options["n"]) else: rslt["average"].write_image(options.output,-1) # Update the resultsmx if requested if options.resultmx!=None: allinfo=rslt["info"] # the info result array list of (qual,xform,used) tuples["images"][2] # list of image numbers corresponding to information for n,info in enumerate(allinfo): y=pnums[n] # actual particle number # find the matching class in the existing classification matrix for x in range(classmx[0]["nx"]): if classmx[0][x,y]==rslt["n"] : # if the class number in the classmx matches the current class-average number break else : print "Resultmx error: no match found ! (%d %d %d)"%(x,y,rslt[1]["n"]) continue xform=info[1].get_params("2d") classmx[1][x,y]=info[2] # used classmx[2][x,y]=xform["tx"] # dx classmx[3][x,y]=xform["ty"] # dy classmx[4][x,y]=xform["alpha"] # da classmx[5][x,y]=xform["mirror"] # flip try: classmx[6][x,y]=xform["scale"] except: pass # Failed average elif options.storebad : blk=EMData(options.ref,0) apix=blk["apix_x"] blk=EMData(blk["nx"],blk["ny"],1) blk["apix_x"]=apix blk.to_zero() blk.set_attr("ptcl_repr", 0) blk.set_attr("apix_x",apix) blk.write_image(options.output,t.options["n"]) if options.resultmx!=None: if options.verbose : print "Writing results matrix" for i,j in enumerate(classmx) : j.write_image(options.resultmx,i) print "Class averaging complete" E2end(logger)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: [options] Note that this program is not part of the original e2spt hierarchy, but is part of an experimental refactoring. Will read metadata from the specified spt_XX directory, as produced by, and average a selected subset of subtomograms in the predetermined orientation. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--threads", default=4, type=int, help= "Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present." ) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--simthr", default=-0.1, type=float, help= "Similarity is smaller for better 'quality' particles. Specify the highest value to include from Default -0.1" ) parser.add_argument( "--keep", default=-1, type=float, help="fraction of particles to keep. will overwrite simthr if set.") parser.add_argument( "--replace", type=str, default=None, help= "Replace the input subtomograms used for alignment with the specified file (used when the aligned particles were masked or filtered)" ) parser.add_argument( "--outfile", type=str, default=None, help= "Normally even/odd and overall outputs automatically generated. If specified, only overall file written with this specified filename. Suppresses postprocessing." ) parser.add_argument( "--wedgesigma", type=float, help= "Threshold for identifying missing data in Fourier space in terms of standard deviation of each Fourier shell. Default 3.0", default=3.0) parser.add_argument( "--minalt", type=float, help="Minimum alignment altitude to include. Default=0", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--maxalt", type=float, help="Maximum alignment altitude to include. Deafult=180", default=180) parser.add_argument( "--maxtilt", type=float, help= "Explicitly zeroes data beyond specified tilt angle. Assumes tilt axis exactly on Y and zero tilt in X-Y plane. Default 90 (no limit).", default=90.0) parser.add_argument( "--listfile", type=str, help= "Specify a filename containing a list of integer particle numbers to include in the average, one per line, first is 0. Additional exclusions may apply.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--automaskexpand", default=-1, type=int, help= "Default=boxsize/20. Specify number of voxels to expand mask before soft edge. Use this if low density peripheral features are cut off by the mask.", guitype='intbox', row=12, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement[-1]") parser.add_argument( "--symalimasked", type=str, default=None, help= "This will translationally realign each asymmetric unit to the specified (usually masked) reference " ) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, default="c1", help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly." ) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder containing current results (default = highest spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument("--skippostp", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip post process steps (fsc, mask and filters)") parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.path == None: fls = [ int(i[-2:]) for i in os.listdir(".") if i[:4] == "spt_" and len(i) == 6 and str.isdigit(i[-2:]) ] if len(fls) == 0: print("Error, cannot find any spt_XX folders") sys.exit(2) options.path = "spt_{:02d}".format(max(fls)) if options.verbose: print("Working in : ", options.path) if options.iter < 0: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: print("Cannot find a {}/particle_parms* file".format(options.path)) sys.exit(2) options.iter = max(fls) if options.verbose: print("Using iteration ", options.iter) angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, options.iter)) else: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: print("Cannot find a {}/particle_parms* file".format(options.path)) sys.exit(2) mit = max(fls) if options.iter > mit: angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, mit)) print( "WARNING: no particle_parms found for iter {}, using parms from {}" .format(options.iter, mit)) else: angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, options.iter)) if options.listfile != None: plist = set([int(i) for i in open(options.listfile, "r")]) NTHREADS = max(options.threads + 1, 2) # we have one thread just writing results logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) # jsd=Queue.Queue(0) # filter the list of particles to include keys = list(angs.keys()) if options.listfile != None: keys = [i for i in keys if eval(i)[1] in plist] if options.verbose: print("{}/{} particles based on list file".format( len(keys), len(list(angs.keys())))) newkey = [] newang = {} if options.keep > 0 and options.keep <= 1: score = [float(angs[k]["score"]) for k in keys] options.simthr = np.sort(score)[int(len(score) * options.keep) - 1] print("Keeping {:.0f}% particles with score below {:.2f}".format( options.keep * 100, options.simthr)) for k in keys: val = angs[k] if type(val) == list: val = val[0] if val["score"] <= options.simthr and inrange( options.minalt, val["xform.align3d"].get_params("eman")["alt"], options.maxalt): newkey.append(k) newang[k] = val if options.verbose: print("{}/{} particles after filters".format(len(newkey), len(list(angs.keys())))) keys = newkey angs = newang if options.parallel and options.symalimasked == None: #print("running in mpi mode. This is experimental, so please switch back to threading if anything goes wrong...") from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_average.SptavgTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) data = [[], []] ## even/odd if "eo" in angs[keys[0]]: print("Reading even/odd subset from json file...") for i, k in enumerate(keys): src, ii = eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1] eo = int(angs[k]["eo"]) data[eo].append([src, ii, angs[k]["xform.align3d"]]) else: for i, k in enumerate(keys): src, ii = eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1] data[ii % 2].append([src, ii, angs[k]["xform.align3d"]]) #### check and save size of particle fsp, i, xf = data[0][0] b = EMData(fsp, i, True) sz = options.boxsz = b["ny"] avgs = [] for ieo, eo in enumerate(["even", "odd"]): print("Averaging {}...".format(eo)) nbatch = min(len(data[ieo]) // 4, num_cpus) tasks = [data[ieo][i::nbatch] for i in range(nbatch)] print("{} particles in {} jobs".format(len(data[ieo]), len(tasks))) tids = [] for t in tasks: task = SptavgTask(t, options) tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output = EMData(sz, sz, sz) normvol = EMData((sz // 2 + 1) * 2, sz, sz) output.to_zero() output.do_fft_inplace() avg = Averagers.get("mean") normvol.to_zero() for i in tids: threed, norm = etc.get_results(i)[1] #print(i, threed["mean"], threed["sigma"], norm["mean"], norm["sigma"]) #norm.div(len(tids)) threed.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp": norm}) avg.add_image(threed) normvol.add(norm) output = avg.finish() normvol.process_inplace("math.reciprocal") output.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp": normvol}) output.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") output.do_ift_inplace() output.depad() avgs.append(output) ave, avo = avgs else: avg = [0, 0] avg[0] = Averagers.get( "mean.tomo", {"thresh_sigma": options.wedgesigma}) #,{"save_norm":1}) avg[1] = Averagers.get("mean.tomo", {"thresh_sigma": options.wedgesigma}) # Rotation and insertion are slow, so we do it with threads. if options.symalimasked != None: if options.replace != None: print("Error: --replace cannot be used with --symalimasked") sys.exit(1) alimask = EMData(options.symalimasked) thrds = [ threading.Thread(target=rotfnsym, args=(avg[eval(k)[1] % 2], eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1], angs[k]["xform.align3d"], options.sym, alimask, options.maxtilt, options.verbose)) for i, k in enumerate(keys) ] else: # Averager isn't strictly threadsafe, so possibility of slight numerical errors with a lot of threads if options.replace != None: thrds = [ threading.Thread(target=rotfn, args=(avg[eval(k)[1] % 2], options.replace, eval(k)[1], angs[k]["xform.align3d"], options.maxtilt, options.verbose)) for i, k in enumerate(keys) ] else: thrds = [ threading.Thread(target=rotfn, args=(avg[eval(k)[1] % 2], eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1], angs[k]["xform.align3d"], options.maxtilt, options.verbose)) for i, k in enumerate(keys) ] print(len(thrds), " threads") thrtolaunch = 0 while thrtolaunch < len(thrds) or threading.active_count() > 1: # If we haven't launched all threads yet, then we wait for an empty slot, and launch another # note that it's ok that we wait here forever, since there can't be new results if an existing # thread hasn't finished. if thrtolaunch < len(thrds): while (threading.active_count() == NTHREADS): time.sleep(.1) if options.verbose: print("Starting thread {}/{}".format( thrtolaunch, len(thrds))) thrds[thrtolaunch].start() thrtolaunch += 1 else: time.sleep(1) #while not jsd.empty(): #fsp,n,ptcl=jsd.get() #avg[n%2].add_image(ptcl) for t in thrds: t.join() ave = avg[0].finish() #.process("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter").do_ift() avo = avg[1].finish() #.process("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter").do_ift() # impose symmetry on even and odd halves if appropriate if options.sym != None and options.sym.lower( ) != "c1" and options.symalimasked == None: ave.process_inplace("xform.applysym", { "averager": "mean.tomo", "sym": options.sym }) avo.process_inplace("xform.applysym", { "averager": "mean.tomo", "sym": options.sym }) av = ave + avo av.mult(0.5) if options.outfile: av.write_image(options.outfile) sys.exit(0) evenfile = "{}/threed_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter) oddfile = "{}/threed_{:02d}_odd.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter) combfile = "{}/threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter) ave.write_image(evenfile, 0) avo.write_image(oddfile, 0) av.write_image(combfile, 0) cmd = " {evenfile} {path}/fsc_unmasked_{itr:02d}.txt --calcfsc={oddfile}".format( path=options.path, itr=options.iter, evenfile=evenfile, oddfile=oddfile) launch_childprocess(cmd) #### skip post process in case we want to do this elsewhere... if options.skippostp: E2end(logid) return # final volume at this point is Wiener filtered launch_childprocess( " {combfile} {combfile} --process=filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={path}/fsc_unmasked_{itr:02d}.txt:snrmult=2" .format(path=options.path, itr=options.iter, combfile=combfile)) # New version of automasking based on a more intelligent interrogation of the volume vol = EMData(combfile) nx = vol["nx"] apix = vol["apix_x"] md = vol.calc_radial_dist(old_div(nx, 2), 0, 1, 3) # radial max value per shell in real space rmax = int(old_div(nx, 2.2)) # we demand at least 10% padding vmax = max(md[:rmax]) # max value within permitted radius # this finds the first radius where the max value @ r falls below overall max/4 # this becomes the new maximum mask radius act = 0 mv = 0, 0 for i in range(rmax): if md[i] > mv[0]: mv = md[i], i # find the radius of the max val in range if not act and md[i] < 0.9 * vmax: continue act = True if md[i] < 0.2 * vmax: rmax = i break rmaxval = mv[1] vmax = mv[0] # excludes any spurious high values at large radius vol.process_inplace("", {"outer_radius": rmax}) # automask mask = vol.process( "mask.auto3d", { "threshold": vmax * .15, "radius": 0, "nshells": int(nx * 0.05 + 0.5 + old_div(20, apix)) + options.automaskexpand, "nmaxseed": 24, "return_mask": 1 }) mask.process_inplace("filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, (40.0))}) mask.write_image("{path}/mask.hdf".format(path=options.path), 0) # compute masked fsc and refilter ave.mult(mask) ave.write_image("{path}/tmp_even.hdf".format(path=options.path), 0) avo.mult(mask) avo.write_image("{path}/tmp_odd.hdf".format(path=options.path), 0) av.mult(mask) av.write_image(combfile, 0) cmd = " {path}/tmp_even.hdf {path}/fsc_masked_{itr:02d}.txt --calcfsc={path}/tmp_odd.hdf".format( path=options.path, itr=options.iter) launch_childprocess(cmd) # final volume is premasked and Wiener filtered based on the masked FSC launch_childprocess( " {combfile} {combfile} --process=filter.wiener.byfsc:fscfile={path}/fsc_masked_{itr:02d}.txt:snrmult=2" .format(path=options.path, itr=options.iter, combfile=combfile)) E2end(logid)
def main(): parser = EMArgumentParser(usage="") parser.add_argument("--output", default="threed.hdf", help="Output reconstructed volume file name.") parser.add_argument("--input", default=None, help="The input projections. Project should usually have the xform.projection header attribute, which is used for slice insertion") parser.add_argument("--sym", dest="sym", default="c1", help="Set the symmetry; if no value is given then the model is assumed to have no symmetry.\nChoices are: i, c, d, tet, icos, or oct.") parser.add_argument("--pad", default=-1,type=int, help="Will zero-pad images to the specifed size. ") parser.add_argument("--outsize", default=-1, type=int, help="Defines the dimensions of the final volume written to disk") parser.add_argument("--keep", type=str, dest="keep", help="The fraction of slices to keep, based on quality scores (1.0 = use all slices).",default=".9") parser.add_argument("--no_wt", action="store_true", dest="no_wt", default=False, help="This argument turns automatic weighting off causing all images to be weighted by 1.") parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="trilinear", help="Fourier reconstruction 'mode' to use. The default should not normally be changed.") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--apix",metavar="A/pix",type=float,help="A/pix value for output, overrides automatic values",default=None) parser.add_argument("--tidrange", type=str,help="Range of tilt id to include for particles from tilt series. Specify two integers separated by ','.", default="-1,-1") parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str,help="Weight each particle using a specified reference map.", default=None) parser.add_argument("--minres", type=float,help="minimum resolution to compare when weighting by a reference map.", default=50) parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float,help="maximum resolution to compare when weighting by a reference map.", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use without shared memory. Each worker will reconstruct a map with a subset of particles and the results from workers will be averaged together with the corresponding Fourier weighting. Along with --threads, this allows having one worker per node using multiple threads.", default="thread:1") parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int,help="Number of threads using shared memory.", default=1) parser.add_argument("--setsf", type=str,help="Set structure factor from text file", default=None) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data.") parser.add_argument("--clsid", default=None, type=str, help="Only reconstruct a class of particles. Also take even/odd to reconstruct subsets of particles.") parser.add_argument("--listsel", default=None, type=str, help="only reconstruct particles of indices from the given list in a text file.") parser.add_argument("--p3did", type=int, help="only reconstruct images for one 3d particle of the given ID.",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logger=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) time0=time.time() # so it recognize even/odd or 0/1 if options.clsid: options.clsid=options.clsid.replace("even","0").replace("odd","1") try: options.clsid=int(options.clsid) except:options.clsid=-1 else: options.clsid=-1 if options.sym.startswith("h"): options.sym="c1" options.keep=[float(k) for k in options.keep.split(',')] if len(options.keep)<3: options.keep=[options.keep[0]]*3 # get basic image parameters tmp=EMData(options.input,0,True) boxsz=tmp["nx"] if options.apix!=None : apix=options.apix else : apix=tmp["apix_x"] if options.pad<0: options.pad=good_size(boxsz*1.5) if options.outsize<0: options.outsize=boxsz options.tidrange=[int(i) for i in options.tidrange.split(',')] if options.tidrange[0]>=0: print("including tilt ids from {} to {}".format(options.tidrange[0], options.tidrange[1])) data=initialize_data(options.input, options) padvol=options.pad from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer if options.ref: print("weighting by reference...") ref=EMData(options.ref) ny=options.pad by=ref["ny"] ref=ref.get_clip(Region((by-ny)/2, (by-ny)/2,(by-ny)/2, ny, ny,ny)) ref=ref.do_fft() ref.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") ref.process_inplace("xform.fourierorigin.tocenter") etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_make3d.WeightptclTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) tasks=[data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids=[] for t in tasks: task = WeightptclTask(t, ref, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) E2progress(logger, .5*np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) wts=[0]*len(data) for i in tids: wt=etc.get_results(i)[1] for w in wt: try: wts[w[0]]=w[1] except: print(w) wts=np.array(wts) wts[wts<0]=0 if options.minres>0: r0=int(apix*ny/options.minres) wts[:,:r0]=np.mean(wts[:,:r0], axis=0) if options.maxres>0: r1=int(apix*ny/options.maxres) wts[:,r1:]=np.mean(wts[:,r1:], axis=0) print(wts.shape) del etc #print(r0,r1) #scrs=np.mean(wts[:,r0:r1], axis=1) #if options.keep<1: #thr=np.sort(scrs)[int(len(scrs)*(1-options.keep))-1] #scrs[scrs<thr]=-1 for i,d in enumerate(data): d["curve"]=wts[i] #d["weight"]=float(scrs[i]) etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_make3d.Make3dTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) tasks=[data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids=[] for t in tasks: task = Make3dTask(t, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) E2progress(logger, .5+.5*np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output=EMData(padvol, padvol, padvol) normvol=EMData(padvol//2+1, padvol, padvol) output.to_zero() output.do_fft_inplace() normvol.to_zero() for i in tids: threed, norm=etc.get_results(i)[1] threed.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":norm}) output.add(threed) normvol.add(norm) normvol.process_inplace("math.reciprocal") output.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":normvol}) output.do_ift_inplace() output.depad() output.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") del etc if options.verbose>0 : print("Finished Reconstruction") output["apix_x"]=output["apix_y"]=output["apix_z"]=apix sz=options.outsize output.clip_inplace(Region((padvol-sz)//2,(padvol-sz)//2,(padvol-sz)//2,sz,sz,sz)) if os.path.isfile(options.output): os.remove(options.output) output.write_image(options.output,0) if options.setsf: launch_childprocess(" {} {} --setsf {}".format(options.output,options.output,options.setsf)) if options.verbose>0: print("Output File: "+options.output) E2end(logger) print("Reconstruction finishend ({:.1f} s)".format(time.time()-time0))
def main(): usage = """ """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldcontinue", action="store_true", help= "Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, default="c1", help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly." ) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--minres", type=float, help="Minimum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default="thread:4") parser.add_argument("--fromscratch", action="store_true", help=".", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--use3d", action="store_true", help="use projection of 3d particles instead of 2d sub tilt series", default=False) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help=".", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--plst", type=str, default=None, help= "list of 2d particle with alignment parameters. will reconstruct before alignment." ) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="maximum shift. default box size/6", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--maxang", type=int, help= "maximum angle difference from starting point. ignored when fromscratch is on", default=30) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) options.ref = args[1] options.info3dname = "{}/particle_info_3d.lst".format(options.path) options.info2dname = "{}/particle_info_2d.lst".format(options.path) tasks = load_lst_params(args[0]) for i, t in enumerate(tasks): t["ii"] = i from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align_subtlt.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() options.nowtime = time.time() if options.debug: tasks = tasks[:num_cpus * 4] print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob = num_cpus tids = [] for i in range(njob): t = tasks[i::njob] task = SptAlignTask(t, options) if options.debug: ret = task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output3d = [None] * len(tasks) output2d = [None] * len(tasks) for i in tids: rets = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in rets: output3d[r[0]] = r[1] output2d[r[0]] = r[2] del etc output2d = sum(output2d, []) fm3d = f"{options.path}/aliptcls3d_{options.iter:02d}.lst" save_lst_params(output3d, fm3d) fm2d = f"{options.path}/aliptcls2d_{options.iter:02d}.lst" save_lst_params(output2d, fm2d) E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog <output> [options] This program produces iterative class-averages, one of the secrets to EMAN's rapid convergence. Normal usage is to provide a stack of particle images and a classification matrix file defining class membership. Members of each class are then iteratively aligned to each other and averaged together with (optional) CTF correction. It is also possible to use this program on all of the images in a single stack. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--input", type=str, help="The name of the input particle stack", default=None) parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="The name of the output class-average stack", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--oneclass", type=int, help="Create only a single class-average. Specify the number.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--classmx", type=str, help= "The name of the classification matrix specifying how particles in 'input' should be grouped. If omitted, all particles will be averaged.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--ref", type=str, help= "Reference image(s). Used as an initial alignment reference and for final orientation adjustment if present. Also used to assign euler angles to the generated classes. This is typically the projections that were used for classification.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--storebad", action="store_true", help= "Even if a class-average fails, write to the output. Forces 1->1 numbering in output", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--decayedge", action="store_true", help= "Applies an edge decay to zero on the output class-averages. A very good idea if you plan on 3-D reconstruction.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--resultmx", type=str, help= "Specify an output image to store the result matrix. This contains 5 images where row is particle number. Rows in the first image contain the class numbers and in the second image consist of 1s or 0s indicating whether or not the particle was included in the class. The corresponding rows in the third, fourth and fifth images are the refined x, y and angle (respectively) used in the final alignment, these are updated and accurate, even if the particle was excluded from the class.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="The number of iterations to perform. Default is 1.", default=1) parser.add_argument( "--prefilt", action="store_true", help= "Filter each reference (c) to match the power spectrum of each particle (r) before alignment and comparison", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--align", type=str, help= "This is the aligner used to align particles to the previous class average. Default is None.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--aligncmp", type=str, help="The comparitor used for the --align aligner. Default is ccc.", default="ccc") parser.add_argument( "--ralign", type=str, help= "This is the second stage aligner used to refine the first alignment. This is usually the \'refine\' aligner.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--raligncmp", type=str, help="The comparitor used by the second stage aligner.", default="ccc") parser.add_argument( "--averager", type=str, help="The type of averager used to produce the class average.", default="mean") parser.add_argument( "--setsfref", action="store_true", help= "This will impose the 1-D structure factor of the reference on the class-average (recommended when a reference is available)", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--cmp", type=str, help= "The comparitor used to generate quality scores for the purpose of particle exclusion in classes, strongly linked to the keep argument.", default="ccc") parser.add_argument( "--keep", type=float, help="The fraction of particles to keep in each class.", default=1.0) parser.add_argument( "--keepsig", action="store_true", help= "Causes the keep argument to be interpreted in standard deviations.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--automask", action="store_true", help= "Applies a 2-D automask before centering. Can help with negative stain data, and other cases where centering is poor." ) parser.add_argument( "--center", type=str, default="", help= "If the default centering algorithm ( doesn't work well, you can specify one of the others here ( processor center)" ) parser.add_argument("--bootstrap", action="store_true", help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons only.") parser.add_argument( "--normproc", type=str, help= "Normalization processor applied to particles before alignment. Default is normalize.edgemean. If you want to turn this option off specify \'None\'", default="normalize.edgemean") parser.add_argument( "--usefilt", dest="usefilt", default=None, help= "Specify a particle data file that has been low pass or Wiener filtered. Has a one to one correspondence with your particle data. If specified will be used to align particles to the running class average, however the original particle will be used to generate the actual final class average" ) parser.add_argument("--idxcache", default=False, action="store_true", help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons.") parser.add_argument("--dbpath", help="Ignored. Present for historical reasons.", default=".") parser.add_argument( "--resample", action="store_true", help= "If set, will perform bootstrap resampling on the particle data for use in making variance maps.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--odd", default=False, help= "Used by EMAN2 when running eotests. Includes only odd numbered particles in class averages.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument( "--even", default=False, help= "Used by EMAN2 when running eotests. Includes only even numbered particles in class averages.", action="store_true") parser.add_argument("--parallel", default=None, help="parallelism argument") parser.add_argument("--force", "-f", dest="force", default=False, action="store_true", help="Force overwrite the output file if it exists.") parser.add_argument( "--saveali", action="store_true", help= "Writes aligned particle images to aligned.hdf. Normally resultmx produces more useful informtation. This can be used for debugging.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--debug", "-d", action="store_true", help= "Print debugging infromation while the program is running. Default is off.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--nofilecheck", action="store_true", help= "Turns file checking off in the check functionality - used by", default=False) parser.add_argument("--check", "-c", action="store_true", help="Performs a command line argument check only.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if (options.check): options.verbose = 9 # turn verbose on if the user is only checking... error = check(options, True) if options.align: options.align = parsemodopt(options.align) if options.ralign: options.ralign = parsemodopt(options.ralign) if options.aligncmp: options.aligncmp = parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) if options.raligncmp: options.raligncmp = parsemodopt(options.raligncmp) if options.averager: options.averager = parsemodopt(options.averager) if options.cmp: options.cmp = parsemodopt(options.cmp) if options.normproc: options.normproc = parsemodopt(options.normproc) if options.resultmx != None: options.storebad = True if (options.verbose > 0): if (error): print " command line arguments test.... FAILED" else: print " command line arguments test.... PASSED" # returning a different error code is currently important to - returning 0 tells that it has enough # information to execute this script if error: exit(1) if options.check: exit(0) logger = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) print "Class averaging beginning" try: classmx = EMData.read_images( options.classmx ) # we keep the entire classification matrix in memory, since we need to update it in most cases ncls = int(classmx[0]["maximum"]) + 1 except: ncls = 1 if options.resultmx != None: print "resultmx can only be specified in conjunction with a valid classmx input." sys.exit(1) nptcl = EMUtil.get_image_count(options.input) try: apix = EMData(options.input, 0, True)["apix_x"] except: apix = 1.0 print "WARNING: could not get apix from first image. Setting to 1.0. May impact results !" # Initialize parallelism if options.parallel: from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) pclist = [options.input] if options.ref: pclist.append(options.ref) if options.usefilt: pclist.append(options.usefilt) etc.precache(pclist) # prepare tasks tasks = [] if ncls > 1: if options.oneclass == None: clslst = range(ncls) else: clslst = [options.oneclass] for cl in clslst: ptcls = classmx_ptcls(classmx[0], cl) if options.resample: ptcls = [ random.choice(ptcls) for i in ptcls ] # this implements bootstrap resampling of the class-average if options.odd: ptcls = [i for i in ptcls if i % 2 == 1] if options.even: ptcls = [i for i in ptcls if i % 2 == 0] tasks.append( ClassAvTask(options.input, ptcls, options.usefilt, options.ref, options.iter, options.normproc, options.prefilt, options.align, options.aligncmp, options.ralign, options.raligncmp, options.averager, options.cmp, options.keep, options.keepsig, options.automask, options.saveali, options.setsfref, options.verbose, cl, else: ptcls = range(nptcl) if options.resample: ptcls = [random.choice(ptcls) for i in ptcls] if options.odd: ptcls = [i for i in ptcls if i % 2 == 1] if options.even: ptcls = [i for i in ptcls if i % 2 == 0] tasks.append( ClassAvTask(options.input, range(nptcl), options.usefilt, options.ref, options.iter, options.normproc, options.prefilt, options.align, options.aligncmp, options.ralign, options.raligncmp, options.averager, options.cmp, options.keep, options.keepsig, options.automask, options.saveali, options.setsfref, options.verbose, 0, # execute task list if options.parallel: # run in parallel taskids = etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids = taskids[:] while len(taskids) > 0: curstat = etc.check_task(taskids) for i, j in enumerate(curstat): if j == 100: rslt = etc.get_results(taskids[i]) if rslt[1]["average"] != None: rslt[1]["average"]["class_ptcl_src"] = options.input if options.decayedge: nx = rslt[1]["average"]["nx"] rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace( "normalize.circlemean", {"radius": nx / 2 - nx / 15}) rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace( "mask.gaussian", { "inner_radius": nx / 2 - nx / 15, "outer_radius": nx / 20 }) #rslt[1]["average"].process_inplace("mask.decayedge2d",{"width":nx/15}) if options.ref != None: rslt[1]["average"][ "projection_image"] = options.ref if options.storebad: rslt[1]["average"].write_image( options.output, rslt[1]["n"]) else: rslt[1]["average"].write_image(options.output, -1) # Update the resultsmx if requested if options.resultmx != None: allinfo = rslt[1][ "info"] # the info result array list of (qual,xform,used) tuples pnums = rslt[0].data["images"][ 2] # list of image numbers corresponding to information for n, info in enumerate(allinfo): y = pnums[n] # actual particle number # find the matching class in the existing classification matrix for x in range(classmx[0]["nx"]): if classmx[0][x, y] == rslt[1][ "n"]: # if the class number in the classmx matches the current class-average number break else: print "Resultmx error: no match found ! (%d %d %d)" % ( x, y, rslt[1]["n"]) continue xform = info[1].get_params("2d") classmx[1][x, y] = info[2] # used classmx[2][x, y] = xform["tx"] # dx classmx[3][x, y] = xform["ty"] # dy classmx[4][x, y] = xform["alpha"] # da classmx[5][x, y] = xform["mirror"] # flip try: classmx[6][x, y] = xform["scale"] except: pass # failed average elif options.storebad: blk = EMData(options.ref, 0) apix = blk["apix_x"] blk = EMData(blk["nx"], blk["ny"], 1) blk["apix_x"] = apix blk.to_zero() blk.set_attr("ptcl_repr", 0) blk.set_attr("apix_x", apix) blk.write_image(options.output, rslt[1]["n"]) taskids = [j for i, j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i] != 100] if options.verbose and 100 in curstat: print "%d/%d tasks remain" % (len(taskids), len(alltaskids)) if 100 in curstat: E2progress(logger, 1.0 - (float(len(taskids)) / len(alltaskids))) time.sleep(3) if options.verbose: print "Completed all tasks" # single thread else: for t in tasks: rslt = t.execute() if rslt == None: sys.exit(1) if rslt["average"] != None: rslt["average"]["class_ptcl_src"] = options.input if options.decayedge: nx = rslt["average"]["nx"] rslt["average"].process_inplace( "normalize.circlemean", {"radius": nx / 2 - nx / 15}) rslt["average"].process_inplace( "mask.gaussian", { "inner_radius": nx / 2 - nx / 15, "outer_radius": nx / 20 }) #rslt["average"].process_inplace("mask.decayedge2d",{"width":nx/15}) if options.ref != None: rslt["average"]["projection_image"] = options.ref try: if options.storebad: rslt["average"].write_image(options.output, t.options["n"]) else: rslt["average"].write_image(options.output, -1) except: traceback.print_exc() print "Error writing class average {} to {}".format( t.options["n"], options.output) print "Image attr: ", rslt["average"].get_attr_dict() display(rslt["average"]) sys.exit(1) # Update the resultsmx if requested if options.resultmx != None: allinfo = rslt[ "info"] # the info result array list of (qual,xform,used) tuples pnums =["images"][ 2] # list of image numbers corresponding to information for n, info in enumerate(allinfo): y = pnums[n] # actual particle number # find the matching class in the existing classification matrix for x in range(classmx[0]["nx"]): if classmx[0][x, y] == rslt[ "n"]: # if the class number in the classmx matches the current class-average number break else: print "Resultmx error: no match found ! (%d %d %d)" % ( x, y, rslt[1]["n"]) continue xform = info[1].get_params("2d") classmx[1][x, y] = info[2] # used classmx[2][x, y] = xform["tx"] # dx classmx[3][x, y] = xform["ty"] # dy classmx[4][x, y] = xform["alpha"] # da classmx[5][x, y] = xform["mirror"] # flip try: classmx[6][x, y] = xform["scale"] except: pass # Failed average elif options.storebad: blk = EMData(options.ref, 0) apix = blk["apix_x"] blk = EMData(blk["nx"], blk["ny"], 1) blk["apix_x"] = apix blk.to_zero() blk.set_attr("ptcl_repr", 0) blk.set_attr("apix_x", apix) blk.write_image(options.output, t.options["n"]) if options.resultmx != None: if options.verbose: print "Writing results matrix" for i, j in enumerate(classmx): j.write_image(options.resultmx, i) print "Class averaging complete" E2end(logger)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: <ref1> <ref2> ... [options] Note that this program is not part of the original e2spt hierarchy, but is part of an experimental refactoring. Will read metadata from the specified spt_XX directory, as produced by, and average a selected subset of subtomograms in the predetermined orientation. This version of the program competes each particle against N reference volumes, and only averages it with the best match. Alignment parameters from a previous e2spt_align run are used to define the coarse orientation, so the references must be similar and in the same orientation. Alignments are translationally adjusted only. If --sym is specified, each possible symmetric orientation is tested starting with the exisiting alignment parameters, and only the best is kept. """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--simthr", default=-0.1, type=float, help= "Similarity is smaller for better 'quality' particles. Specify the highest value to include from Default -0.1" ) parser.add_argument( "--simthr2", default=0, type=float, help= "Simlarity score for the best matching final alignment. Scaling may be different due to resolution limit. Default 0" ) parser.add_argument( "--replace", type=str, default=None, help= "Replace the input subtomograms used for alignment with the specified file (used when the aligned particles were masked or filtered)" ) parser.add_argument( "--wedgesigma", type=float, help= "Threshold for identifying missing data in Fourier space in terms of standard deviation of each Fourier shell. Default 3.0", default=3.0) parser.add_argument( "--minalt", type=float, help="Minimum alignment altitude to include. Default=0", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--maxalt", type=float, help="Maximum alignment altitude to include. Deafult=180", default=180) parser.add_argument( "--maxtilt", type=float, help= "Explicitly zeroes data beyond specified tilt angle. Assumes tilt axis exactly on Y and zero tilt in X-Y plane. Default 90 (no limit).", default=90.0) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help= "Lowpass filter applied to particles prior to alignment/averaging, resolution in A. Default disabled", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--listfile", type=str, help= "Specify a filename containing a list of integer particle numbers to include in the average, one per line, first is 0. Additional exclusions may apply.", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--shrinkcompare", type=int, help="Shrink factor for classification only (for speed)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly. The structure will be expanded from this symmetry to c1.", default="c1") parser.add_argument( "--applysym", type=str, help="Symmetry to apply to the structure after classification.", default="c1") parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder containing current results (default = highest spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, default=None, help="parallel mode. Not all functions are implemented yet..") parser.add_argument( "--threads", default=4, type=int, help= "Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present." ) parser.add_argument("--maskclass", type=str, default=None, help="Mask each reference before classification") parser.add_argument("--mask", type=str, default=None, help="Mask applied to final averages") parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--noali", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip translational alignment.") parser.add_argument( "--symcopy", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Copy each particle for each asymetrical unit. need a maskclass to focus on one unit. do not work with applysym" ) parser.add_argument("--nolstout", action="store_true", default=False, help="Skip writting lst output.") parser.add_argument("--sample", type=int, help="use only N samples.", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--randnclass", type=int, help="split into N random classes. ignore refs", default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.parallel != None and options.parallel[:6] == "thread": options.threads = int(options.parallel.split(":")[1]) options.parallel = None print("--parallel converted to --threads for efficiency") if options.path == None: options.path = num_path_last("spt_") if options.verbose: print("Working in : ", options.path) options.path = options.path.strip('/\\') if options.iter <= 0: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: print("Cannot find a {}/particle_parms* file".format(options.path)) sys.exit(2) options.iter = max(fls) if options.verbose: print("Using iteration ", options.iter) angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, options.iter)) else: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: print("Cannot find a {}/particle_parms* file".format(options.path)) sys.exit(2) mit = max(fls) if options.iter > mit: angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, mit)) print( "WARNING: no particle_parms found for iter {}, using parms from {}" .format(options.iter, mit)) else: angs = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, options.iter)) if options.listfile != None: plist = set([int(i) for i in open(options.listfile, "r")]) NTHREADS = max(options.threads + 1, 2) # we have one thread just writing results logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) # filter the list of particles to include keys = list(angs.keys()) if options.listfile != None: keys = [i for i in keys if eval(i)[1] in plist] if options.verbose: print("{}/{} particles based on list file".format( len(keys), len(list(angs.keys())))) keys = [ k for k in keys if angs[k]["score"] <= options.simthr and inrange(options.minalt, angs[k]["xform.align3d"].get_params("eman") ["alt"], options.maxalt) ] if options.verbose: print("{}/{} particles after filters".format(len(keys), len(list(angs.keys())))) if options.sample > 0: rnd = np.arange(len(keys)) np.random.shuffle(rnd) rnd = rnd[:options.sample] keys = [keys[i] for i in rnd.tolist()] print("using {} samples...".format(len(keys))) if options.parallel: print( "Running in parallel mode. Warning, memory consumption may be high!" ) if options.randnclass > 0: nref = options.randnclass else: nref = len(args) from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_average_multi.SptavgmultTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) data = [] ## even/odd for i, k in enumerate(keys): src, ii = eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1] data.append([src, ii, angs[k]["xform.align3d"]]) #### check and save size of particle fsp, i, xf = data[0] b = EMData(fsp, i, True) sz = options.boxsz = b["ny"] avgs = [] tasks = [data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} particles in {} jobs".format(len(data), len(tasks))) tids = [] for t in tasks: task = SptavgmultTask(t, args, options) #task.execute(print) #exit() tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print("{:.1f}/{} finished".format(np.mean(st_vals), 100)) #print(tids) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #dics=[0]*nptcl threeds = [] normvols = [] stats = [] print("collecting from workers...") for i in tids: threed, norm, stat = etc.get_results(i)[1] #print(len(threed), len(norm), threed[0]["sigma"]) threeds.append(threed) normvols.append(norm) stats.append(stat) stats = np.vstack(stats) stats = stats[np.argsort(stats[:, 0]), :] np.savetxt( "{}/avg_multi_{:02d}.txt".format(options.path, options.iter), stats) if not options.nolstout: lsts = [ LSXFile(f"sets/{options.path}_{options.iter:02d}_{i:02d}.lst") for i in range(nref) ] for n, score, cls, x in stats: lsts[int(cls)].write(-1, int(n), data[0][0]) lsts = None avs = [] for r in range(nref): output = EMData(sz, sz, sz) normvol = EMData((sz // 2 + 1) * 2, sz, sz) output.to_zero() output.do_fft_inplace() avg = Averagers.get("mean") normvol.to_zero() for k, thd in enumerate(threeds): threed = thd[r] norm = normvols[k][r] threed.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp": norm}) avg.add_image(threed) normvol.add(norm) output = avg.finish() normvol.process_inplace("math.reciprocal") output.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp": normvol}) output.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") output.do_ift_inplace() output.depad() avs.append(output) else: print("Running in thread mode") n = len(args) args = [comma(i) for i in args] refs = [EMData(i[0], i[1]) for i in args] if options.maxres > 0: for r in refs: r.process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.maxres)}) if options.maskclass != None: mask = EMData(options.maskclass) for r in refs: r.mult(mask) jsd = queue.Queue(0) avgs = [ Averagers.get("mean.tomo", {"thresh_sigma": options.wedgesigma}) for i in range(n) ] if options.shrinkcompare > 1: shrinkrefs = [ r.process("math.meanshrink", {"n": options.shrinkcompare}) for r in refs ] else: shrinkrefs = refs # Rotation and insertion are slow, so we do it with threads. # Averager isn't strictly threadsafe, so possibility of slight numerical errors with a lot of threads if options.replace != None: thrds = [ threading.Thread(target=rotfncompete, args=(jsd, avgs, options.replace, eval(k)[1], angs[k]["xform.align3d"], options.sym, refs, shrinkrefs, options.maxtilt, options.wedgesigma, options.shrinkcompare, options.maxres, options.simthr2, options.verbose)) for i, k in enumerate(keys) ] else: #thrds=[threading.Thread(target=rotfncompete,args=(jsd,avgs,eval(k)[0],eval(k)[1],angs[k]["xform.align3d"],options.sym,refs,shrinkrefs,options.maxtilt,options.wedgesigma,options.shrinkcompare,options.maxres,options.simthr2,options.verbose)) for i,k in enumerate(keys)] thrds = [ threading.Thread(target=rotfncompete, args=(jsd, avgs, eval(k)[0], eval(k)[1], angs[k]["xform.align3d"], refs, shrinkrefs, options)) for i, k in enumerate(keys) ] print(len(thrds), " threads") thrtolaunch = 0 out = open( "{}/avg_multi_{:02d}.txt".format(options.path, options.iter), "w") while thrtolaunch < len( thrds) or threading.active_count() > 1 or not jsd.empty(): # If we haven't launched all threads yet, then we wait for an empty slot, and launch another # note that it's ok that we wait here forever, since there can't be new results if an existing # thread hasn't finished. if thrtolaunch < len(thrds): while (threading.active_count() == NTHREADS): time.sleep(.1) if options.verbose: print("Starting thread {}/{}".format( thrtolaunch, len(thrds))) thrds[thrtolaunch].start() thrtolaunch += 1 else: time.sleep(1) while not jsd.empty(): fspn, score, ref, sym = jsd.get() out.write( "{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n".format(fspn, score, ref, sym) ) # Output columns are img #, best score, # of best ref, # of best sym #avg[n%2].add_image(ptcl) out.flush() for t in thrds: t.join() avs = [i.finish() for i in avgs] if options.mask: mask = EMData(options.mask) for i, v in enumerate(avs): if options.mask: v.mult(mask) # v.write_image("{}/threed_{:02d}_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path,options.iter,i),0) v.write_compressed( "{}/threed_{:02d}_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter, i), 0, 12) print("Done") E2end(logid)
class EMParallelProject3D: def __init__(self, options, fsp, sym, start, modeln=0, logger=None): ''' @param options the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param args the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param logger and EMAN2 logger, i.e. logger=E2init(sys.argv) assumes you have already called the check function. ''' self.options = options self.args = fsp self.sym = sym self.logger = logger self.start = start self.modeln = modeln from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer self.etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) print "Precache ", fsp self.etc.precache([fsp]) self.num_cpus = self.etc.cpu_est() print self.num_cpus, " total CPUs available" if self.num_cpus > 64: # upper limit self.num_cpus = 64 self.__task_options = None def __init_memory(self, options): ''' ''' sym_object = parsesym(self.sym) [og_name, og_args] = parsemodopt(options.orientgen) self.eulers = sym_object.gen_orientations(og_name, og_args) def __get_task_options(self, options): if self.__task_options == None: d = {} d["projector"] = parsemodopt(options.projector) d["prethreshold"] = options.prethreshold self.__task_options = d return self.__task_options def execute(self): # from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer if len(self.options.parallel) > 1: self.__init_memory(self.options) num_tasks = self.num_cpus # In the worst case we can only spawn as many tasks as there are eulers if self.num_cpus > len(self.eulers): num_tasks = len(self.eulers) eulers_per_task = len(self.eulers) / num_tasks resid_eulers = len( self.eulers ) - eulers_per_task * num_tasks # we can distribute the residual evenly first = 0 task_customers = [] tids = [] # self.etc=EMTaskCustomer(self.options.parallel) for i in xrange(0, num_tasks): last = first + eulers_per_task if resid_eulers > 0: last += 1 resid_eulers -= 1 tmp_eulers = self.eulers[first:last] indices = range(first, last) data = {} data["input"] = ("cache", self.args, 0) data["eulers"] = tmp_eulers data["indices"] = indices task = EMProject3DTaskDC(data=data, options=self.__get_task_options( self.options)) #print "Est %d CPUs"%etc.cpu_est() tid = self.etc.send_task(task) #print "Task submitted tid=",tid tids.append(tid) first = last print "Task ids are", tids while 1: print len(tids), "projection tasks left in main loop" st_vals = self.etc.check_task(tids) for i in xrange(len(tids) - 1, -1, -1): st = st_vals[i] if st == 100: tid = tids[i] rslts = self.etc.get_results(tid) if not self.__write_output_data(rslts[1]): print "There was a problem with the task of id", tid if self.logger != None: E2progress(self.logger, 1.0 - len(tids) / float(num_tasks)) if self.options.verbose > 0: print "%d/%d\r" % (num_tasks - len(tids), num_tasks) sys.stdout.flush() print "Task", tids.pop(i), "completed" print "These tasks are remaining:", tids if len(tids) == 0: break time.sleep(5) return len(self.eulers) else: raise NotImplementedError( "The parallelism option you specified (%s) is not suppored" % self.options.parallel) def __write_output_data(self, rslts): for idx, image in rslts.items(): if not isinstance(image, EMData): continue # this is here because we get the dimensions of the database as a key (e.g. '40x40x1'). image["model_id"] = self.modeln if self.options.append: image.write_image(self.options.outfile, -1) else: image.write_image(self.options.outfile, idx + self.start) return True
def main(): usage=""" <projection> <particle> [options] Classify particles using a binary tree. Can be used as an alternative for + """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int,help="", default=12) parser.add_argument("--nodes", type=str,help="", default="nodes.hdf") #parser.add_argument("--clsmx", type=str,help="", default="clsmx.hdf") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str,help="", default="clsmx.hdf") parser.add_argument("--align",type=str,help="The name of an 'aligner' to use prior to comparing the images", default=None) parser.add_argument("--aligncmp",type=str,help="Name of the aligner along with its construction arguments",default="dot") parser.add_argument("--ralign",type=str,help="The name and parameters of the second stage aligner which refines the results of the first alignment", default=None) parser.add_argument("--raligncmp",type=str,help="The name and parameters of the comparitor used by the second stage aligner. Default is dot.",default="dot") parser.add_argument("--cmp",type=str,help="The name of a 'cmp' to be used in comparing the aligned images", default="dot:normalize=1") parser.add_argument("--cmpdiff", action="store_true", default=False ,help="Compare using the difference of the two children") parser.add_argument("--incomplete", type=int,help="The degree of incomplete allowed in the tree on each level", default=0) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", default=None, help="parallelism argument") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() E2n=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) options.align=parsemodopt(options.align) options.aligncmp=parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) options.ralign=parsemodopt(options.ralign) options.raligncmp=parsemodopt(options.raligncmp) options.cmp=parsemodopt(options.cmp) projs=args[0] #projsimmx=args[1] ptcl=args[1] npj=EMUtil.get_image_count(projs) npt=EMUtil.get_image_count(ptcl) if options.parallel==None: par="thread:{:d}".format(options.threads) else: par=options.parallel ### Build tree ### always overwrite the tree here now #if not os.path.isfile(options.nodes): print "Building binary tree..." buildtree(projs,par,options.nodes,options.incomplete,options.verbose) #else: #print "Using existing tree..." ## Generate children pairs for comparison print "Generating children pairs for comparison..." if options.cmpdiff: nodepath= os.path.dirname(options.nodes) masktmp='/'.join([nodepath,"tmp_msk.hdf"]) if os.path.isfile(masktmp): os.remove(masktmp) cmptmp='/'.join([nodepath,"tmp_cmp.hdf"]) if os.path.isfile(cmptmp): os.remove(cmptmp) makechildpair(options.nodes, cmptmp, masktmp) else: masktmp=None cmptmp=None E2progress(E2n,0.5) #exit() print "Starting classification..." ### Classify particles clsmx=[EMData(1,npt) for i in range(7)] nnod=EMUtil.get_image_count(options.nodes) if options.parallel : from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) tasks=[] step=50 tt=[range(i,i+step) for i in range(0,npt-step,step)] tt.append(range(tt[-1][-1]+1,npt)) for it in tt: tasks.append(TreeClassifyTask(ptcl, it, options.nodes, options.align, options.aligncmp, options.cmp, options.ralign, options.raligncmp, cmptmp, masktmp)) taskids=etc.send_tasks(tasks) ptclpernode=[0 for i in range(nnod)] nfinished=0 while len(taskids)>0 : haveprogress=False time.sleep(3) curstat=etc.check_task(taskids) for i,j in enumerate(curstat): if j==100 : haveprogress=True rslt=etc.get_results(taskids[i]) rslt= rslt[1] for r in rslt: nfinished+=1 if options.verbose>0: print "Particle:",r["id"],"\tnodes:",r["choice"] for c in r["choice"]: ptclpernode[c]+=1 clsmx[0].set_value_at(0,r["id"],r["cls"]) for nt in range(1,7): clsmx[nt].set_value_at(0,r["id"],r["simmx"][nt]) taskids=[j for i,j in enumerate(taskids) if curstat[i]!=100] if haveprogress: print "{:d}/{:d} finished".format(nfinished,npt) E2progress(E2n, 0.5 + float(nfinished)/npt) for i in range(nnod): ndtmp=EMData(options.nodes,i,True) ndtmp["tree_nptls"]=ptclpernode[i] ndtmp.write_image(options.nodes,i) else: ### To record the number of particles in each branch of the tree for i in range(nnod): ndtmp=EMData(options.nodes,i,True) ndtmp["tree_nptls"]=0 ndtmp.write_image(options.nodes,i) t={} clsmx=[EMData(1,npt) for i in range(7)] for i in range(options.threads): ai=[x for x in range(npt) if x%options.threads==i] t[i]=threading.Thread(target=classify,args=(ptcl,ai,options.nodes,clsmx,options.align,options.aligncmp,options.cmp,options.ralign,options.raligncmp,cmptmp,masktmp)) t[i].start() for i in range(options.threads): t[i].join() if os.path.isfile(options.output): os.remove(options.output) for i in clsmx: i.write_image(options.output,-1) if options.cmpdiff: os.remove(cmptmp) os.remove(masktmp) print "Finished~" E2progress(E2n,1.0) E2end(E2n)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: [options] <subvolume_stack> <reference> This program is part of the 'new' hierarchy of e2spt_ programs. It performs one iteration of a classical subtomogram refinement, ie - aligning particles with missing wedge to a reference in 3-D The reference may be <volume> or <volume>,<n> """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--threads", default=4,type=int,help="Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present.", guitype='intbox', row=24, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument("--iter",type=int,help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration",default=0) parser.add_argument("--goldcontinue",action="store_true",help="Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again",default=False) parser.add_argument("--path",type=str,default=None,help="Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)") parser.add_argument("--sym",type=str,default="c1",help="Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly.") parser.add_argument("--maxres",type=float,help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)",default=0) parser.add_argument("--minres",type=float,help="Minimum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)",default=0) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="maximum shift for subtilt refine",default=8) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) parser.add_argument("--fromscratch",action="store_true",help=".",default=False) parser.add_argument("--skipali3d",action="store_true",help="",default=False) parser.add_argument("--skipali2d",action="store_true",help="",default=False) parser.add_argument("--debug",action="store_true",help=".",default=False) parser.add_argument("--plst",type=str,default=None,help="list of 2d particle with alignment parameters. will reconstruct before alignment.") parser.add_argument("--smooth",type=float,help="smooth local motion by this factor. smoother local motion with larger numbers",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--smoothN",type=float,help="number of neighboring particles used for smoothing. default 15",default=15) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.path == None: fls=[int(i[-2:]) for i in os.listdir(".") if i[:4]=="spt_" and len(i)==6 and str.isdigit(i[-2:])] if len(fls)==0 : fls=[0] options.path = "spt_{:02d}".format(max(fls)+1) try: os.mkdir(options.path) except: pass if options.iter<=0 : fls=[int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15]=="particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17])] if len(fls)==0 : options.iter=1 else: options.iter=max(fls)+1 if options.parallel==None: options.parallel="thread:{}".format(options.threads) # file may be "name" or "name,#" reffile=args[1].split(",")[0] try: refn=int(args[1].split(",")[1]) except: refn=0 NTHREADS=max(options.threads+1,2) # we have one thread just writing results logid=E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) refnames=[reffile, reffile] if options.goldcontinue: ref=[] try: refnames=[reffile[:-4]+"_even.hdf", reffile[:-4]+"_odd.hdf"] ref.append(EMData(refnames[0],0)) ref.append(EMData(refnames[1],0)) except: print("Error: cannot find one of reference files, eg: ",EMData(reffile[:-4]+"_even.hdf",0)) n=-1 tasks=[] readjson=False if args[0].endswith(".lst") or args[0].endswith(".hdf"): nptcl=EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0]) tasks.extend([(args[0],i,refnames, i%2) for i in range(nptcl)]) elif args[0].endswith(".json"): js=js_open_dict(args[0]) readjson=True jsinput=dict(js) keys=sorted(js.keys()) nptcl=len(keys) for k in keys: src, ii=eval(k) dic=js[k] xf=dic["xform.align3d"] tasks.append([src, ii, refnames, ii%2, xf]) if options.plst: xinfo=[[] for i in range(nptcl)] xfkey=["type","alt","az","phi","tx","ty","tz","alpha","scale"] lst=LSXFile(options.plst) for i in range(lst.n): dc=eval(l[2]) pid=dc["pid"] dxf=Transform({k:dc[k] for k in dc.keys() if k in xfkey}) xinfo[pid].append([dc["tid"],i, dxf]) lst=None for i,xn in enumerate(xinfo): sid=np.argsort([x[0] for x in xn]) xinfo[i]=[[xn[s][1],xn[s][2]] for s in sid] for i in range(nptcl): ii=tasks[i][1] tasks[i].append(xinfo[ii]) from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align_subtlt.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() options.nowtime=time.time() if options.debug: tasks=tasks[:num_cpus*4] print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob=num_cpus tids=[] for i in range(njob): t=tasks[i::njob] task=SptAlignTask(t, options) if options.debug: ret=task.execute(print) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output=[] for i in tids: rets=etc.get_results(i)[1] for ret in rets: fsp,n,dic=ret output.append([fsp, n, dic]) angs={} data=[] for out in output: fsp,n,dc=out angs[(fsp, n)]={ "xform.align3d":dc["xform.align3d"], "score":dc["score"]} ts=dc.pop("transscr") for i, ii in enumerate(dc["imgidx"]): dxf=dc["imgxfs"][i].get_params("eman") #dxf["score"]=float(dc["imgscore"][i]) dxf["pid"]=n; dxf["tid"]=i; dxf["class"]=n%2 tsmult=dc["tsmult"] data.append({ "src":dc["imgsrc"], "srci":ii, "pid":n, "tid":i, "xf":dxf, "coord":dc["coord"], "tsscr":ts[i] }) m=options.maxshift trans=np.indices((m*2+1, m*2+1)).reshape((2,-1)).T-m alldtx=np.zeros((len(data), 3)) fnames=np.unique([d["src"] for d in data]) maxtid=np.max([d["tid"] for d in data])+1 print("Smoothing trajectories...") for fname in fnames: print(fname) for tid in range(maxtid): idx=[i for i,d in enumerate(data) if d["src"]==fname and d["tid"]==tid] if len(idx)==0: continue coord=np.array([data[i]["coord"] for i in idx]) scrs=np.array([data[i]["tsscr"] for i in idx]) if options.smooth<=0: s=np.argmin(scrs, 1) sv=np.min(scrs, axis=1) newdtx=np.hstack([trans[s], sv[:,None]]) if tid==0:print(" Skip smoothing") else: newdtx=[] for i, crd in enumerate(coord): dst=np.linalg.norm(coord-crd, axis=1) srtid=np.argsort(dst)[:options.smoothN] dst=dst[srtid] wt=np.exp(-dst/options.smooth) scr=scrs[srtid].copy() scr=np.sum(scr*wt[:,None], axis=0) pos=trans[np.argmin(scr)].copy() pos=pos.astype(float)*tsmult newdtx.append([pos[0], pos[1], np.min(scr)]) sys.stdout.write("\r {}: {:.4f}".format(tid, np.mean(scr))) sys.stdout.flush() newdtx=np.array(newdtx) alldtx[idx]=newdtx print() for i,d in enumerate(data): dxf=d["xf"] dxf["tx"]+=alldtx[i][0] dxf["ty"]+=alldtx[i][1] dxf["score"]=alldtx[i][2] d["xf"]=dxf fm="{}/aliptcls_{:02d}.lst".format(options.path, options.iter) if os.path.isfile(fm): os.remove(fm) lout=LSXFile(fm, False) for i,d in enumerate(data): lout.write(-1, d["srci"], d["src"], d["xf"]) lout=None f="{}/aliptcls_ts_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path,options.iter) if os.path.isfile(f): os.remove(f) t=np.array([d["tsscr"] for d in data]) m=from_numpy(t).copy() m.write_image(f) #print(f, t.shape) out="{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(options.path,options.iter) if os.path.isfile(out): os.remove(out) js=js_open_dict(out) js.update(angs) js.close() del etc E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: [options] <subvolume_stack> <reference> Note that this program is not part of the original e2spt hierarchy, but is part of an experimental refactoring. This program will take an input stack of subtomograms and a reference volume, and perform a missing-wedge aware alignment of each particle to the reference. If --goldstandard is specified, then even and odd particles will be aligned to different perturbed versions of the reference volume, phase-randomized past the specified resolution.""" parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--threads", default=4, type=int, help= "Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present.", guitype='intbox', row=24, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldstandard", type=float, help= "If specified, will phase randomize the even and odd references past the specified resolution (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldcontinue", action="store_true", help= "Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--saveali", action="store_true", help= "Save a stack file (aliptcls.hdf) containing the aligned subtomograms.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--savealibin", type=int, help="shrink aligned particles before saving", default=1) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, default=None, help= "Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)" ) parser.add_argument( "--sym", type=str, default="c1", help= "Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly." ) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) #parser.add_argument("--wtori",type=float,help="Weight for using the prior orientation in the particle header. default is -1, i.e. not used.",default=-1) parser.add_argument( "--nsoln", type=int, help="number of solutions to keep at low resolution for the aligner", default=1) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) parser.add_argument("--refine", action="store_true", help="local refinement from xform.init in header.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--maxang", type=float, help="Maximum angular difference for the refine mode. default is 30", default=30) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() #task=SptAlignTask(0,1,2,options) #from pickle import dumps,loads,dump,load #f=open("task.tmp",'w') #dump(task,f) #f.close() #print(task) #return if options.path == None: fls = [ int(i[-2:]) for i in os.listdir(".") if i[:4] == "spt_" and len(i) == 6 and str.isdigit(i[-2:]) ] if len(fls) == 0: fls = [0] options.path = "spt_{:02d}".format(max(fls) + 1) try: os.mkdir(options.path) except: pass if options.iter <= 0: fls = [ int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15] == "particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17]) ] if len(fls) == 0: options.iter = 1 else: options.iter = max(fls) + 1 if options.parallel == None: options.parallel = "thread:{}".format(options.threads) reffile = args[1] NTHREADS = max(options.threads + 1, 2) # we have one thread just writing results logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) if options.goldcontinue: ref = [] try: ref.append(EMData(reffile[:-4] + "_even.hdf", 0)) ref.append(EMData(reffile[:-4] + "_odd.hdf", 0)) except: print("Error: cannot find one of reference files, eg: ", EMData(reffile[:-4] + "_even.hdf", 0)) else: ref = [] ref.append(EMData(reffile, 0)) ref.append(EMData(reffile, 0)) if options.goldstandard > 0: ref[0].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.randomphase", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[0].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[1].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.randomphase", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[1].process_inplace( "filter.lowpass.gauss", {"cutoff_freq": old_div(1.0, options.goldstandard)}) ref[0].write_image("{}/align_ref.hdf".format(options.path), 0) ref[1].write_image("{}/align_ref.hdf".format(options.path), 1) ref[0] = ref[0].do_fft() ref[0].process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocorner") ref[1] = ref[1].do_fft() ref[1].process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocorner") jsd = queue.Queue(0) n = -1 #### check if even/odd split exists fsps = [args[0][:-4] + "__even.lst", args[0][:-4] + "__odd.lst"] tasks = [] if os.path.isfile(fsps[0]) and os.path.isfile(fsps[1]): print("Using particle list: \n\t {} \n\t {}".format(fsps[0], fsps[1])) for eo, f in enumerate(fsps): N = EMUtil.get_image_count(f) tasks.extend([(f, i, ref[eo]) for i in range(N)]) #### split by even/odd by default else: N = EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0]) tasks.extend([(args[0], i, ref[i % 2]) for i in range(N)]) #thrds=[threading.Thread(target=alifn,args=(jsd,args[0],i,ref[i%2],options)) for i in range(N)] from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() #tasks=tasks[:24] print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids = [] for t in tasks: task = SptAlignTask(t[0], t[1], t[2], options) tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print("{:.1f}/{} finished".format(np.mean(st_vals), 100)) #print(tids) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #dics=[0]*nptcl angs = {} for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] fsp, n, dic = ret if len(dic) == 1: angs[(fsp, n)] = dic[0] else: angs[(fsp, n)] = dic js = js_open_dict("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format( options.path, options.iter)) js.update(angs) del etc ## here we run the threads and save the results, no actual alignment done here #print(len(thrds)," threads") #thrtolaunch=0 #while thrtolaunch<len(thrds) or threading.active_count()>1: ## If we haven't launched all threads yet, then we wait for an empty slot, and launch another ## note that it's ok that we wait here forever, since there can't be new results if an existing ## thread hasn't finished. #if thrtolaunch<len(thrds) : #while (threading.active_count()==NTHREADS ) : time.sleep(.1) #if options.verbose : print("Starting thread {}/{}".format(thrtolaunch,len(thrds))) #thrds[thrtolaunch].start() #thrtolaunch+=1 #else: time.sleep(1) #while not jsd.empty(): #fsp,n,d=jsd.get() #angs[(fsp,n)]=d #if options.saveali: #v=EMData(fsp,n) #v.transform(d["xform.align3d"]) #if options.savealibin>1: #v.process_inplace("math.meanshrink",{"n":options.savealibin}) #v.write_image("{}/aliptcls_{:02d}.hdf".format(options.path, options.iter),n) #for t in thrds: #t.join() E2end(logid)
class EMParallelSimMX(object): def __init__(self, options, args, logger=None): ''' @param options the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param args the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param logger and EMAN2 logger, i.e. logger=E2init(sys.argv) assumes you have already called the check function. ''' self.options = options self.args = args self.logger = logger from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer self.etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2simmx.EMSimTaskDC") if options.colmasks != None: self.etc.precache([args[0], args[1], options.colmasks]) else: self.etc.precache([args[0], args[1]]) self.num_cpus = self.etc.cpu_est() if self.num_cpus < 32: # lower limit self.num_cpus = 32 self.__task_options = None def __get_task_options(self, options): ''' Get the options required by each task as a dict @param options is always self.options - the initialization argument. Could be changed. ''' if self.__task_options == None: d = {} d["align"] = parsemodopt(options.align) d["aligncmp"] = parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) d["cmp"] = parsemodopt(options.cmp) if hasattr(options, "ralign") and options.ralign != None: d["ralign"] = parsemodopt(options.ralign) d["raligncmp"] = parsemodopt( options.raligncmp ) # raligncmp must be specified if using ralign else: d["ralign"] = None d["raligncmp"] = None d["prefilt"] = options.prefilt if hasattr(options, "shrink") and options.shrink != None: d["shrink"] = options.shrink else: d["shrink"] = None self.__task_options = d return self.__task_options def __init_memory(self, options): ''' @param options is always self.options - the initialization argument. Could be changed. Establishes several important attributes they are: ---- self.clen - the number of images in the image defined by args[0], the number of columns in the similarity matrix self.rlen - the number of images in the image defined by args[1], the number of rows in the similarity matrix ---- Also, since we adopted region output writing as our preferred approach, this function makes sure the output image(s) exists on disk and has the correct dimensions - seeing as this is the way region writing works (the image has to exist on disk and have its full dimensions) ''' self.clen = EMUtil.get_image_count(self.args[0]) self.rlen = EMUtil.get_image_count(self.args[1]) output = self.args[2] if file_exists(output) and not options.fillzero: remove_file(output) e = EMData(self.clen, self.rlen) e.to_zero() e.set_attr(PROJ_FILE_ATTR, self.args[0]) e.set_attr(PART_FILE_ATTR, self.args[1]) n = 1 if self.options.saveali: n = 6 # the total number of images written to disk if not options.fillzero: e.write_image(output, 0) for i in range(1, n): e.write_image(output, i) def __get_blocks(self): ''' Gets the blocks that will be processed in parallel, these are essentially ranges ''' steve_factor = 3 # increase number of jobs a bit for better distribution total_jobs = steve_factor * self.num_cpus [col_div, row_div] = opt_rectangular_subdivision(self.clen, self.rlen, total_jobs) block_c = old_div(self.clen, col_div) block_r = old_div(self.rlen, row_div) residual_c = self.clen - block_c * col_div # residual left over by integer division blocks = [] current_c = 0 for c in range(0, col_div): last_c = current_c + block_c if residual_c > 0: last_c += 1 residual_c -= 1 current_r = 0 residual_r = self.rlen - block_r * row_div # residual left over by integer division for r in range(0, row_div): last_r = current_r + block_r if residual_r > 0: last_r += 1 residual_r -= 1 blocks.append([current_c, last_c, current_r, last_r]) current_r = last_r current_c = last_c # print col_div,row_div,col_div*row_div # print self.clen,self.rlen,residual_c,residual_r return blocks def execute(self): ''' The main function to be called ''' if len(self.options.parallel) > 1: self.__init_memory(self.options) blocks = self.__get_blocks() # print blocks # self.check_blocks(blocks) # testing function can be removed at some point tasks = [] for bn, block in enumerate(blocks): data = {} data["references"] = ("cache", self.args[0], block[0], block[1]) data["particles"] = ("cache", self.args[1], block[2], block[3]) if self.options.colmasks != None: data["colmasks"] = ("cache", self.options.colmasks, block[0], block[1]) if self.options.mask != None: data["mask"] = ("cache", self.options.mask, 0, 1) if self.options.fillzero: # for each particle check to see which portion of the matrix we need to fill if (bn % 10 == 0): print("%d/%d \r" % (bn, len(blocks)), end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() rng = [] for i in range(block[2], block[3]): c = EMData() c.read_image( self.args[2], 0, False, Region(block[0], i, block[1] - block[0] + 1, 1)) inr = 0 st = 0 for j in range(c["nx"]): if c[j] == 0 and not inr: st = j inr = 1 if c[j] != 0 and inr: rng.append( (i, st + block[0], j - 1 + block[0])) inr = 0 if inr: rng.append((i, st + block[0], j + block[0])) data["partial"] = rng # print "%d) %s\t"%(bn,str(block)),rng if self.options.fillzero and len(data["partial"]) == 0: continue # nothing to compute in this block, skip it completely else: task = EMSimTaskDC(data=data, options=self.__get_task_options( self.options)) #print "Est %d CPUs"%etc.cpu_est() tasks.append(task) # This just verifies that all particles have at least one class #a=set() #for i in tasks: #for k in["partial"] : a.add(k[0]) #b=set(range(self.rlen)) #b-=a #print b print("%d/%d " % (bn, len(blocks))) self.tids = self.etc.send_tasks(tasks) print(len(self.tids), " tasks submitted") # while 1: if len(self.tids) == 0: break print(len(self.tids), "simmx tasks left in main loop \r", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() st_vals = self.etc.check_task(self.tids) for i in range(len(self.tids) - 1, -1, -1): st = st_vals[i] if st == 100: tid = self.tids[i] try: rslts = self.etc.get_results(tid) # display(rslts[1]["rslt_data"][0]) self.__store_output_data(rslts[1]) except: traceback.print_exc() print( "ERROR storing results for task %d. Rerunning." % tid) self.etc.rerun_task(tid) continue if self.logger != None: E2progress( self.logger, 1.0 - old_div(len(self.tids), float(len(blocks)))) if self.options.verbose > 0: print("%d/%d\r" % (len(self.tids), len(blocks))) sys.stdout.flush() self.tids.pop(i) print(len(self.tids), "simmx tasks left in main loop \r", end=' ') sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10) print("\nAll simmx tasks complete ") # if using fillzero, we must fix the -1.0e38 values placed into empty cells if self.options.fillzero: l = EMData(self.args[2], 0, True) rlen = l["ny"] clen = l["nx"] # launch_childprocess(" %s %s"%(self.args[2],self.args[2]+"_x")) print( "Filling noncomputed regions in similarity matrix (%dx%d)" % (clen, rlen)) l = EMData() for r in range(rlen): l.read_image(self.args[2], 0, False, Region(0, r, clen, 1)) fill = l["maximum"] + .0001 l.process_inplace("threshold.belowtominval", { "minval": -1.0e37, "newval": fill }) l.write_image(self.args[2], 0, EMUtil.ImageType.IMAGE_UNKNOWN, False, Region(0, r, clen, 1)) print("Filling complete") else: raise NotImplementedError( "The parallelism option you specified (%s) is not supported" % self.options.parallel) def __store_output_data(self, rslts): ''' Store output data to internal images (matrices) @param a dictionary return by the EMSimTaskDC ''' result_data = rslts["rslt_data"] output = self.args[2] insertion_c = rslts["min_ref_idx"] insertion_r = rslts["min_ptcl_idx"] result_mx = result_data[0] r = Region(insertion_c, insertion_r, result_mx.get_xsize(), result_mx.get_ysize()) # Note this is region io - the init_memory function made sure the images exist and are the right dimensions (on disk) for i, mxout in enumerate(result_data): mxout.write_image(output, i, EMUtil.ImageType.IMAGE_UNKNOWN, False, r)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """Usage: [options] <subvolume_stack> <reference> This program is part of the 'new' hierarchy of e2spt_ programs. It performs one iteration of a classical subtomogram refinement, ie - aligning particles with missing wedge to a reference in 3-D The reference may be <volume> or <volume>,<n> If --goldstandard is specified, even and odd variants of the alignment reference must be provided, and even and odd particles will be aligned separately""" parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--threads", default=4,type=int,help="Number of alignment threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2spt_align at present.", guitype='intbox', row=24, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument("--iter",type=int,help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration",default=0) parser.add_argument("--goldstandard",type=float,help="If specified, will phase randomize the even and odd references past the specified resolution (in A, not 1/A)",default=0) parser.add_argument("--goldcontinue",action="store_true",help="Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again",default=False) #parser.add_argument("--saveali",action="store_true",help="Save a stack file (aliptcls.hdf) containing the aligned subtomograms.",default=False) #parser.add_argument("--savealibin",type=int,help="shrink aligned particles before saving",default=1) parser.add_argument("--mask",type=str,default=None,help="Mask file aligned to the input reference. Alignment occurs under this mask.") parser.add_argument("--path",type=str,default=None,help="Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions (default = spt_XX)") parser.add_argument("--sym",type=str,default="c1",help="Symmetry of the input. Must be aligned in standard orientation to work properly.") parser.add_argument("--maxres",type=float,help="Maximum resolution (the smaller number) to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)",default=0) parser.add_argument("--minres",type=float,help="Minimum resolution (the larger number) to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)",default=0) #parser.add_argument("--wtori",type=float,help="Weight for using the prior orientation in the particle header. default is -1, i.e. not used.",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--nsoln",type=int,help="number of solutions to keep at low resolution for the aligner",default=1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) parser.add_argument("--transonly",action="store_true",help="translational alignment only, for prealigned particles",default=False) parser.add_argument("--refine",action="store_true",help="local refinement from xform.align3d in header.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--flcf",action="store_true",help="use slower aligner (experimental)",default=False) parser.add_argument("--refinentry", type=int, help="number of tests for refine mode. default is 8",default=8) parser.add_argument("--randphi",action="store_true",help="randomize phi during refine alignment",default=False) parser.add_argument("--breaksym",action="store_true",help="symmetry breaking.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--breaksymsym",type=str,help="the symmetry to use for breaksym. setting sym to c6 and this to c2 results in a c3 structure. default is the same as sym",default=None) parser.add_argument("--rand180",action="store_true",help="randomly add a 180 degree rotation during refine alignment",default=False) parser.add_argument("--test180",action="store_true",help="Test for improved alignment with 180 degree rotations even during refine alignment",default=False) parser.add_argument("--skipali",action="store_true",help="skip alignment. the program will do nothing. mostly for testing...",default=False) parser.add_argument("--maxang",type=float,help="Maximum angular difference for the refine mode. default is 30",default=30) parser.add_argument("--maxshift",type=float,help="Maximum shift for the refine mode. default is 16",default=-1) parser.add_argument("--scipytest",action="store_true",help="test scipy optimizer.",default=False) parser.add_argument("--debug",action="store_true",help=".",default=False) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() if options.path == None: options.path=num_path_new("spt_") if options.iter<=0 : fls=[int(i[15:17]) for i in os.listdir(options.path) if i[:15]=="particle_parms_" and str.isdigit(i[15:17])] if len(fls)==0 : options.iter=1 else: options.iter=max(fls)+1 if options.parallel==None: options.parallel="thread:{}".format(options.threads) if options.breaksym: if options.breaksymsym==None: if options.sym=="c1": print("cannot break a c1 symmetry. breaksym disabled.") options.breaksym=False else: options.breaksymsym=options.sym # file may be "name" or "name,#" reffile=args[1].split(",")[0] try: refn=int(args[1].split(",")[1]) except: refn=0 NTHREADS=max(options.threads+1,2) # we have one thread just writing results logid=E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) refnames=[reffile,reffile] if options.goldcontinue or options.goldstandard>0: ref=[] try: refnames=[reffile[:-4]+"_even.hdf", reffile[:-4]+"_odd.hdf"] ref.append(EMData(refnames[0],0)) ref.append(EMData(refnames[1],0)) except: print("Error: cannot find one of reference files, eg: ",EMData(reffile[:-4]+"_even.hdf",0)) # else: # ref=[] # ref.append(EMData(reffile,refn)) # ref.append(EMData(reffile,refn)) # # if options.goldstandard>0 : # ref[0].process_inplace("filter.lowpass.randomphase",{"cutoff_freq":old_div(1.0,options.goldstandard)}) # ref[0].process_inplace("filter.lowpass.gauss",{"cutoff_freq":old_div(1.0,options.goldstandard)}) # ref[1].process_inplace("filter.lowpass.randomphase",{"cutoff_freq":old_div(1.0,options.goldstandard)}) # ref[1].process_inplace("filter.lowpass.gauss",{"cutoff_freq":old_div(1.0,options.goldstandard)}) # refnames=["{}/align_ref_even.hdf".format(options.path), "{}/align_ref_odd.hdf".format(options.path)] # ref[0].write_image(refnames[0],0) # ref[1].write_image(refnames[1],0) # # else: # refnames=[reffile, reffile] n=-1 tasks=[] readjson=False if args[0].endswith(".lst") or args[0].endswith(".hdf"): #### check if even/odd split exists fsps=[args[0][:-4]+"__even.lst",args[0][:-4]+"__odd.lst"] if os.path.isfile(fsps[0]) and os.path.isfile(fsps[1]): print("Using particle list: \n\t {} \n\t {}".format(fsps[0], fsps[1])) for eo, f in enumerate(fsps): N=EMUtil.get_image_count(f) tasks.extend([(f,i,refnames, eo) for i in range(N)]) #### split by even/odd by default else: N=EMUtil.get_image_count(args[0]) tasks.extend([(args[0],i,refnames, i%2) for i in range(N)]) #thrds=[threading.Thread(target=alifn,args=(jsd,args[0],i,ref[i%2],options)) for i in range(N)] elif args[0].endswith(".json"): #print("Reading particles from json. This is experimental...") js=js_open_dict(args[0]) readjson=True jsinput=dict(js) keys=sorted(js.keys()) for k in keys: src, ii=eval(k) dic=js[k] xf=dic["xform.align3d"] tasks.append([src, ii, refnames, ii%2, xf]) from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer if options.scipytest: etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align.ScipySptAlignTask") else: etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_align.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() options.nowtime=time.time() print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob=num_cpus#*4 tids=[] for i in range(njob): t=tasks[i::njob] if options.scipytest: task=ScipySptAlignTask(t, options) else: task=SptAlignTask(t, options) if options.debug: ret=task.execute(print) print(ret) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print(st_vals) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #dics=[0]*nptcl angs={} for i in tids: rets=etc.get_results(i)[1] for ret in rets: fsp,n,dic=ret if len(dic)==1: dic=dic[0] if readjson: k=str((fsp,n)) if "eo" in js[k]: dic["eo"]=jsinput[k]["eo"] angs[(fsp,n)]=dic out="{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(options.path,options.iter) if os.path.isfile(out): os.remove(out) js=js_open_dict(out) js.update(angs) js.close() del etc E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """prog [options] This program will take a set of reference-free class-averages (or other projections) and generate a set of possible 3-D initial models. It does this by heavily downsampling the data, then running a number of very fast, full iterative refinements, each seeded with a random starting model. The results are sorted in order of apparent agreement with the data, such that at the end, the first numbered model should be the best result. Ideally the top few answers will all qualtitatively agree on the overall structure. If they do not, the results should be thoroughly assessed manually to insure a sensible result. By default this routine will generate 10 initial models, but this may be fewer or more than is strictly necessary depending on a number of factors. If the data is highly structurally heterogeneous, particularly if combined with a strongly preferred orientation, a correct solution using this technique may not be possible, but for most situations it will work well. For other situations, single particle tomography presents a good alternative for generating initial models.""" parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_header(name="initialmodelheader", help='Options below this label are specific to e2initialmodel', title="### e2initialmodel options ###", row=1, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument("--input", dest="input", default=None,type=str, help="This file should contain good class-averages to use in constructing the initial model", browser='EMBrowserWidget(withmodal=True,multiselect=False)', guitype='filebox', row=0, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument("--iter", type = int, default=8, help = "The total number of refinement iterations to perform, typically 5-10", guitype='intbox', row=2, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--tries", type=int, default=10, help="The number of different initial models to generate in search of a good one", guitype='intbox', row=2, col=1, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--shrink", dest="shrink", type = int, default=0, help="Optionally shrink the input particles by an integer factor prior to reconstruction. Default=0, no shrinking", guitype='shrinkbox', row=2, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--sym", dest = "sym", help = "Specify symmetry - choices are: c<n>, d<n>, h<n>, tet, oct, icos",default="c1", guitype='symbox', row=4, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument("--randorient",action="store_true",help="Instead of seeding with a random volume, seeds by randomizing input orientations",default=False, guitype='boolbox', row=4, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--maskproc", default=None, type=str,help="Default=none. If specified, this mask will be performed after the built-in automask, eg - mask.soft to remove the core of a virus", ) # parser.add_argument("--savemore",action="store_true",help="Will cause intermediate results to be written to flat files",default=False, guitype='boolbox', expert=True, row=5, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higner number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--orientgen",type=str, default="eman:delta=9.0:inc_mirror=0:perturb=1",help="The type of orientation generator. Default is eman:delta=9.0:inc_mirror=0:perturb=1. See orientgens", guitype='strbox', expert=True, row=4, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--parallel","-P",type=str,help="Run in parallel, specify type:<option>=<value>:<option>=<value>. See",default="thread:1", guitype='strbox', row=6, col=0, rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) # Database Metadata storage #parser.add_argument("--dbls",type=str,default=None,help="data base list storage, used by the workflow. You can ignore this argument.") (options, args) = parser.parse_args() verbose=options.verbose try: ptcls=EMData.read_images(options.input) except: print "Error: bad input file" exit(1) apix=ptcls[0]["apix_x"] if options.shrink>1 : apix*=options.shrink for i in range(len(ptcls)): ptcls[i].process_inplace("normalize.edgemean",{}) if options.shrink>1 : ptcls[i]=ptcls[i].process("math.meanshrink",{"n":options.shrink}) if ptcls[0]["nx"]>160 : print "WARNING: using a large box size may be slow. Suggest trying --shrink=" if not ptcls or len(ptcls)==0 : parser.error("Bad input file") boxsize=ptcls[0].get_xsize() if verbose>0 : print "%d particles %dx%d"%(len(ptcls),boxsize,boxsize) print "Models will be %1.3f A/pix"%apix [og_name,og_args] = parsemodopt(options.orientgen) try: sfcurve=XYData() sfcurve.read_file("strucfac.txt") sfcurve.update() except : sfcurve=None if options.maskproc!=None : mask2=EMData(boxsize,boxsize,boxsize) mask2.to_one() parms=parsemodopt(options.maskproc) if parms[0]=="mask.auto3d": print "Error, maskproc may not be mask.auto3d, it must be a processor that does not rely on the input map density to function" sys.exit(1) mask2.process_inplace(parms[0],parms[1]) else: mask2=None # angles to use for refinement sym_object = parsesym(options.sym) orts = sym_object.gen_orientations(og_name,og_args) logid=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) results=[] try: os.mkdir("initial_models") except: pass iters=[int(i[10:12]) for i in os.listdir("initial_models") if i[:10]=="particles_"] try : newiter=max(iters)+1 except : newiter=0 results_name="initial_models/model_%02d"%newiter particles_name="initial_models/particles_%02d.hdf"%newiter # we write the pre-processed "particles" (usually class-averages) to disk, both as a record and to prevent collisions for i,p in enumerate(ptcls): p.write_image(particles_name,i) # parallelism from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer # we need to put this here to avoid a circular reference etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) pclist=[particles_name] etc.precache(pclist) # make sure the input particles are precached on the compute nodes tasks=[] for t in xrange(options.tries): tasks.append(InitMdlTask(particles_name,len(ptcls),orts,t,sfcurve,options.iter,options.sym,mask2,options.randorient,options.verbose)) taskids=etc.send_tasks(tasks) alltaskids=taskids[:] # we keep a copy for monitoring progress # This loop runs until all subtasks are complete (via the parallelism system ltime=0 while len(taskids)>0 : time.sleep(0.1) curstat=etc.check_task(taskids) # a list of the progress on each task if options.verbose>1 : if time.time()-ltime>1 : print "progress: ",curstat ltime=time.time() for i,j in enumerate(curstat): if j==100 : rslt=etc.get_results(taskids[i]) # read the results back from a completed task as a one item dict results.append(rslt[1]["result"]) if options.verbose==1 : print "Task {} ({}) complete".format(i,taskids[i]) # filter out completed tasks. We can't do this until after the previous loop completes taskids=[taskids[i] for i in xrange(len(taskids)) if curstat[i]!=100] # Write out the final results results.sort() for i,j in enumerate(results): out_name = results_name+"_%02d.hdf"%(i+1) j[1].write_image(out_name,0) j[4].write_image(results_name+"_%02d_init.hdf"%(i+1),0) print out_name,j[1]["quality"],j[0],j[1]["apix_x"] for k,l in enumerate(j[3]): l[0].write_image(results_name+"_%02d_proj.hdf"%(i+1),k) # set of projection images for k,l in enumerate(j[2]): l.process("normalize").write_image(results_name+"_%02d_aptcl.hdf"%(i+1),k*2) # set of aligned particles j[3][l["match_n"]][0].process("normalize").write_image(results_name+"_%02d_aptcl.hdf"%(i+1),k*2+1) # set of projections matching aligned particles E2end(logid)
def main(): progname = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]) usage = """ """ parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument( "--path", type=str, help= "Path to a folder where results should be stored, following standard naming conventions", default="subtlt_00") parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="reference map", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--iter", type=int, help="Iteration number within path. Default = start a new iteration", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--goldcontinue", action="store_true", help= "Will use even/odd refs corresponding to specified reference to continue refining without phase randomizing again", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--maxres", type=float, help="Maximum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--minres", type=float, help="Minimum resolution to consider in alignment (in A, not 1/A)", default=0) parser.add_argument( "--smooth", type=float, help= "smooth local motion by this factor. smoother local motion with larger numbers. default 100", default=100) parser.add_argument( "--smoothN", type=int, help="number of neighboring particles used for smoothing. default 15", default=15) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=float, help="max shift in pixel. default default box size/6", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--refine_trans", action="store_true", help="do translational alignment.", default=False) parser.add_argument("--refine_trans_ccf", action="store_true", help="do translational alignment using simple ccf.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--refine_rot", action="store_true", help= "do translational-rotational alignment. better to start from an existing translational alignment.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--refine_defocus", action="store_true", help= "do defocus refinement. need aliptcls input. doesn't work with refine_trans or rot yet..", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--use3d", action="store_true", help="use projection of 3d particles instead of 2d ones..", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--preprocess", metavar="processor_name:param1=value1:param2=value2", type=str, default=None, help="Preprocess each 2-D subtilt while loading (alignment only)") parser.add_argument( "--aliptcls2d", type=str, help= "optional aliptcls input. the program can start search from the position from last run.", default="") parser.add_argument("--aliptcls3d", type=str, help="optional aliptcls input.", default="") parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default="thread:4") parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", help="for testing.", default=False) parser.add_argument( "--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help= "verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument( "--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv, options.ppid) options.info2dname = "{}/particle_info_2d.lst".format(options.path) options.info3dname = "{}/particle_info_3d.lst".format(options.path) n = EMUtil.get_image_count(options.info2dname) tasks = list(range(n)) if options.preprocess != None: options.preprocess = parsemodopt(options.preprocess) from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spt_subtlt_local.SptAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() if options.debug: tasks = tasks[:num_cpus * 4] print("{} jobs on {} CPUs".format(len(tasks), num_cpus)) njob = num_cpus tids = [] for i in range(njob): t = tasks[i::njob] task = SptAlignTask(t, options) if options.debug: ret = task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output = [None] * len(tasks) for i in tids: rets = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in rets: output[r[0]] = r[1] del etc fm = "{}/aliptcls2d_{:02d}.lst".format(options.path, options.iter) save_lst_params(output, fm) E2end(logid)
def main(): parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=get_usage()) parser.add_argument("--output", default="threed.hdf", help="Output reconstructed volume file name.") parser.add_argument("--input", default=None, help="The input projections. Project should usually have the xform.projection header attribute, which is used for slice insertion") parser.add_argument("--input_model", default=None, help="If the class-averages have the model_id parameter (produced by, this will use only class-averages with the specified model_id for the reconstruction.") parser.add_argument("--tlt", help="An imod tlt file containing alignment angles. If specified slices will be inserted using these angles in the IMOD convention", type=str, default=None) parser.add_argument("--sym", dest="sym", default="c1", help="Set the symmetry; if no value is given then the model is assumed to have no symmetry.\nChoices are: i, c, d, tet, icos, or oct.") parser.add_argument("--fillangle", type=float, dest="fillangle", help="An angular range used for both alt & az over which the projection should be averaged. Generally the angular step used when making projections.",default=0) parser.add_argument("--pad", metavar="x or x,y", default=None,type=str, help="Will zero-pad images to the specifed size (x,y) or (x,x) prior to reconstruction. If not specified or 0 no padding occurs. If a negative value is specified automatic padding is performed. ") parser.add_argument("--padvol", metavar="x or x,y,z", default=None,type=str, help="Defines the dimensions (x,y,z) or (x,x,x) of the reconstructed volume. If ommitted, implied value based on padded 2D images is used.") parser.add_argument("--outsize", metavar="x or x,y,z", default=None, type=str, help="Defines the dimensions (x,y,z) or (x,x,x) of the final volume written to disk, if ommitted, size will be based on unpadded input size") #parser.add_argument("--clipz", default=None, type=int, help="Extract a specified number of central z-slices. Option disabled by default.") parser.add_argument("--savenorm", default=None, type=str, help="If set, will save the normalization volume showing Fourier space filling to the specified file") parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float, dest="keep", help="The fraction of slices to keep, based on quality scores (1.0 = use all slices). See keepsig.",default=1.0) parser.add_argument("--keepsig",action="store_true",default=False, dest="keepsig", help="If set, keep will be interpreted as a standard deviation coefficient instead of as a percentage.") parser.add_argument("--keepabs",action="store_true",default=False, dest="keepabs", help="If set, keep will refer to the absolute quality of the class-average, not a local quality relative to other similar sized classes.") parser.add_argument("--altedgemask",action="store_true",default=False, dest="altedgemask", help="If set, assumes tomographic data with a thin specimen, and masks out the +-X edges based on the alt Euler angle.") parser.add_argument("--no_wt", action="store_true", dest="no_wt", default=False, help="This argument turns automatic weighting off causing all images to be weighted by 1. If this argument is not specified images inserted into the reconstructed volume are weighted by the number of particles that contributed to them (i.e. as in class averages), which is extracted from the image header (as the ptcl_repr attribute).") parser.add_argument("--sqrt_wt", action="store_true", default=False, help="Normally class-averages are weighted into the reconstruction based on the number of particles in the average. This option causes the sqrt of the number of particles to be used instead.") parser.add_argument("--iterative", action="store_true", default=False, help="Uses iterative interpolation in Fourier space instead of single step gridding or interpolation. --mode and --usessnr are ignored with this option.") parser.add_argument("--itermask",type=str, default = None, help="Used in iterative mode to define a mask to apply between iterations. The resulting reconstruction won't be masked per-se, but will be biased towards lower densities outside the mask.") parser.add_argument("--usessnr", action="store_true", default=False, help="Makes use of the class_ssnr header data to weight each slice during insertion, instead of the default behavior of just using the number of particles in the average as a global weight.") parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="gauss_var", help="Fourier reconstruction 'mode' to use. The default should not normally be changed. default='gauss_var'") parser.add_argument("--noradcor", action="store_true",default=False, help="Normally a radial correction will be applied based on the --mode used. This option disables that correction.") parser.add_argument("--seedmap",type=str, default = None, help="If specified this volume will be used as a starting point for the reconstruction, filling any missing values in Fourier space. experimental.") parser.add_argument("--seedweight", type=float, default=1.0, help="If seedmap specified, this is how strongly the seedmap will bias existing values. 1 is default, and is equivalent to a one particle weight.") parser.add_argument("--seedweightmap", type=str, default=None, help="Specify a full map of weights for the seed. This must be in the same format as the --savenorm output map.") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--threads", default=4,type=int,help="Number of threads to run in parallel on a single computer. This is the only parallelism supported by e2make3dpar", guitype='intbox', row=24, col=2, rowspan=1, colspan=1, mode="refinement") parser.add_argument("--preprocess", metavar="processor_name(param1=value1:param2=value2)", type=str, action="append", help="preprocessor to be applied to the projections prior to 3D insertion. There can be more than one preprocessor and they are applied in the order in which they are specifed. Applied before padding occurs. See processors for a complete list of available processors.") parser.add_argument("--setsf",type=str,help="Force the structure factor to match a 'known' curve prior to postprocessing (<filename>, auto or none). default=none",default="none") parser.add_argument("--postprocess", metavar="processor_name(param1=value1:param2=value2)", type=str, action="append", help="postprocessor to be applied to the 3D volume once the reconstruction is completed. There can be more than one postprocessor, and they are applied in the order in which they are specified. See processors for a complete list of available processors.") parser.add_argument("--apix",metavar="A/pix",type=float,help="A/pix value for output, overrides automatic values",default=None) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) # Database Metadata storage parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() # options.fillangle=options.fillangle*pi/180.0 # make sure that the user has atleast specified an input file # if len(args) <1: # parser.error("No input file specified") # options.input = args[0] if (not options.keep and not options.keepsig): print("Warning, neither the keep nor the keepsig argument was specified. Setting keep=1 (keeping 100% of inserted slices)") options.keep=1 if options.input_model!=None : options.input_model=int(options.input_model) print("") logger=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) # update the no_wt parameter if options.sqrt_wt : options.no_wt=2 elif options.no_wt : options.no_wt=1 else : options.no_wt=0 # get basic image parameters tmp=EMData() tmp.read_image(options.input,0,True) if options.no_wt!=1 : try: n=1 while tmp["ptcl_repr"]==0 : tmp.read_image(options.input,n,True) n+=1 except: pass nx=tmp["nx"] ny=tmp["ny"] nslice=tmp["nz"] if options.apix!=None : apix=options.apix else : apix=tmp["apix_x"] if options.verbose>0: print("Image dimensions %d x %d"%(nx,ny)) # parse the padding options, to make sure we have a 2 or 3 tuple for each try : if options.pad==None or options.pad==0: options.pad=(max(nx,ny),max(nx,ny)) elif options.pad[0]=='-': sz=max(nx,ny) sz=good_size(sz*1.25) options.pad=(sz,sz) print("padding to {}x{}".format(sz,sz)) elif "," in options.pad : s=options.pad.split(",") options.pad=(int(s[0]),int(s[1])) else : options.pad=(int(options.pad),int(options.pad)) if options.verbose>0 : print("Pad to %d x %d"%(options.pad[0],options.pad[1])) except: print("Couldn't parse pad option :",options.pad) exit(1) try : if options.padvol==None : padvol=(max(options.pad),max(options.pad),max(options.pad)) elif "," in options.padvol : s=options.padvol.split(",") padvol=(int(s[0]),int(s[1]),int(s[2])) else : padvol=(int(options.padvol),int(options.padvol),int(options.padvol)) if options.verbose>0 : print("Padded volume to reconstruct %d x %d x %d"%(padvol[0],padvol[1],padvol[2])) except: print("Couldn't parse padvol option :",options.padvol) exit(1) try : if options.outsize==None : outsize=(max(nx,ny),max(nx,ny),max(nx,ny)) elif "," in options.outsize : s=options.outsize.split(",") outsize=(int(s[0]),int(s[1]),int(s[2])) else : outsize=(int(options.outsize),int(options.outsize),int(options.outsize)) if options.verbose>0 : print("Final output volume %d x %d x %d"%(outsize[0],outsize[1],outsize[2])) except: print("Couldn't parse outsize option :",options.outsize) exit(1) data=initialize_data(options.input,options.input_model,options.tlt,options.pad,options.no_wt,options.preprocess) # Filter out averages/images which aren't good enough if options.verbose: print("Filtering data, %d images ->"%len(data), end=' ') # we have an absolute threshold if options.keepabs: thr=options.keep else : quals=np.array(sorted([i["quality"] for i in data])) if np.std(quals)==0 : thr=max(quals)+1.0 else : if options.keepsig: thr=np.mean(quals)+options.keep*np.std(quals) else: try: thr=quals[int(floor(len(quals)*options.keep))] except: thr=max(quals)+1.0 excluded=[max(i["fileslice"],i["filenum"]) for i in data if i["quality"]>thr] included=[max(i["fileslice"],i["filenum"]) for i in data if i["quality"]<=thr] data=[i for i in data if i["quality"]<=thr] ptclcount=sum([i["weight"] for i in data]) if options.verbose: print("After filter, %d images"%len(data)) if options.itermask: itmask=EMData(options.itermask) itmask=itmask.get_clip(Region(old_div((itmask["nx"]-options.pad[1]),2),old_div((itmask["ny"]-options.pad[1]),2),old_div((itmask["nz"]-options.pad[1]),2),options.pad[1],options.pad[1],options.pad[1])) # Get the reconstructor and initialize it correctly if options.iterative : a = {"size":padvol,"sym":options.sym,"verbose":options.verbose-1} if options.savenorm!=None : a["savenorm"]=options.savenorm recon=Reconstructors.get("fourier_iter", a) niter=4 else : a = {"size":padvol,"sym":options.sym,"mode":options.mode,"usessnr":options.usessnr,"verbose":options.verbose-1} if options.savenorm!=None : a["savenorm"]=options.savenorm recon=Reconstructors.get("fourier", a) niter=1 ######################################################### # The actual reconstruction options.padvol3=padvol if options.parallel!=None: par=options.parallel.split(':') if par[0].startswith("thread"): #options.parallel=None options.threads=int(par[1]) elif par[0]=="mpi": nthr=int(par[1]) ppt=len(data)/nthr if ppt>16: print("Inserting {:.1f} images per thread...".format(ppt)) ### prepare some options else: print("Too few images in input ({:.1f} images per thread). Switching back to threading".format(ppt)) options.parallel=None options.threads=nthr else: options.parallel=None if options.seedmap!=None : seed=EMData(options.seedmap) seed.clip_inplace(Region(old_div((nx-padvol[0]),2),old_div((ny-padvol[1]),2),old_div((nslice-padvol[2]),2),padvol[0],padvol[1],padvol[2])) seed.do_fft_inplace() else: seed=None for it in range(niter): if options.parallel: print("running in mpi mode. This is experimental, so please switch back to threading if anything goes wrong...") if it>0: seed=output from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2make3dpar.Make3dTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) tasks=[data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids=[] for t in tasks: task = Make3dTask(t, seed, options) tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print("{:.1f}/{} finished".format(np.mean(st_vals), 100)) #print(tids) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) #dics=[0]*nptcl output=EMData(padvol[0], padvol[1], padvol[2]) normvol=EMData(padvol[0]//2+1, padvol[1], padvol[2]) output.to_zero() output.do_fft_inplace() normvol.to_zero() for i in tids: threed, norm=etc.get_results(i)[1] threed.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":norm}) output.add(threed) normvol.add(norm) normvol.process_inplace("math.reciprocal") output.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":normvol}) output.do_ift_inplace() output.depad() output.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") del etc else: threads=[threading.Thread(target=reconstruct,args=(data[i::options.threads],recon,options.preprocess,options.pad, options.fillangle,options.altedgemask,max(options.verbose-1,0),options.input.endswith(".lst"))) for i in range(options.threads)] if it==0: if options.seedmap!=None : #seed=EMData(options.seedmap) # seed.process_inplace("normalize.edgemean") #seed.clip_inplace(Region(old_div((nx-padvol[0]),2),old_div((ny-padvol[1]),2),old_div((nslice-padvol[2]),2),padvol[0],padvol[1],padvol[2])) #seed.do_fft_inplace() if options.seedweightmap==None: recon.setup_seed(seed,options.seedweight) else: seedweightmap=EMData(seedweightmap,0) recon.setup_seedandweights(seed,seedweightmap) else : recon.setup() else: recon.setup_seed(output,1.0) for i,t in enumerate(threads): if options.verbose>1: print("started thread ",i) t.start() for t in threads: t.join() # output = recon.finish(it==niter-1) # only return real-space on the final pass output = recon.finish(True) if options.verbose: print("Iteration ",it) if options.verbose>2: output.write_image("it{}.hdf".format(it)) #if options.verbose>2 and it!=niter-1: #output.process("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter").do_ift().write_image("it{}.hdf".format(it)) if it<niter-1 : if options.itermask: output.mult(itmask) else: output.process_inplace("threshold.compress",{"range":output["sigma"],"value":output["mean"],"clamponly":True}) if options.verbose: print("Iteration ",it) output.write_image("it{}.hdf".format(it)) #if options.verbose>2 and it!=niter-1: #output.process("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter").do_ift().write_image("it{}.hdf".format(it)) if options.verbose>0 : print("Finished Reconstruction") try: output.set_attr("ptcl_repr",ptclcount) if len(included)>0 : output.set_attr("threed_ptcl_idxs",included) if len(excluded)>0 : output.set_attr("threed_excl_ptcl_idxs",excluded) output.set_attr("threed_ptcl_src",data[0]["filename"]) except: print("Warning, error setting reconstruction attributes") # progress += 10 # E2progress(logid,float(progress)/total_progress) # ########################################################3 # Correct for Gaussian falloff if not options.noradcor : cor={"gauss_2":4.0,"gauss_3":6.4,"gauss_4":8.8,"gauss_5":10.4,"gauss_5_slow":10.4} # Gaussian widths for different reconstruction modes if options.mode in cor : output.process_inplace("math.gausskernelfix",{"gauss_width":cor[options.mode]}) elif options.mode in ["gridding_5","gridding_7"]: output.process_inplace("math.gridkernelfix",{"mode":options.mode}) else: print("Warning: no radial correction applied for this mode") # clip to the requested final dimensions if output["nx"]!=outsize[0] or output["ny"]!=outsize[1] or output["nz"]!=outsize[2] : output.clip_inplace(Region(old_div((output["nx"]-outsize[0]),2),old_div((output["ny"]-outsize[1]),2),old_div((output["nz"]-outsize[2]),2), outsize[0],outsize[1],outsize[2])) #if options.clipz != None: # output.clip_inplace(Region(0,0,(output["nz"]-options.clipz)//2, output["nx"], output["ny"], options.clipz)) if options.apix!=None : apix=options.apix output["apix_x"]=apix output["apix_y"]=apix output["apix_z"]=apix # Structure factor setting if options.setsf.lower() != "none" : if options.setsf.lower()!="auto" : try: sfcurve=XYData() sfcurve.read_file(options.setsf) for i in range(sfcurve.get_size()): v=sfcurve.get_y(i) if v<=0 : print("Warning values <=0 found in structure factor file. Please remove.") sfcurve.update() except: print("ERROR: Specified structure factor ({}) not found.".format(options.setsf)) sys.exit(1) else: try: sfcurve=XYData() sfcurve.read_file("strucfac.txt") for i in range(sfcurve.get_size()): v=sfcurve.get_y(i) if v<=0 : print("Warning values <=0 found in structure factor file. Please remove.") sfcurve.update() except : sfcurve=None if sfcurve==None: print("ERROR : Structure factor read failed. Not applying structure factor") else: # need to be really careful about the corners # for i in range(sfcurve.get_size()): # if sfcurve.get_x(i)>1.0/(2.0*apix) : sfcurve.set_y(i,0.0) output.process_inplace("filter.setstrucfac",{"apix":apix,"strucfac":sfcurve}) # output.process_inplace("filter.lowpass.tophat",{"apix":apix,"cutoff_abs":0.49}) if options.postprocess != None: for p in options.postprocess: try: (processorname, param_dict) = parsemodopt(p) if not param_dict : param_dict={} output.process_inplace(str(processorname), param_dict) except: print("warning - application of the post processor",p," failed. Continuing anyway") # output.process_inplace("normalize.circlemean") # just remove the output file if file_exists(options.output): remove_file(options.output) # write the reconstruction to disk output.write_image(options.output,0) if options.verbose>0: print("Output File: "+options.output) E2end(logger) print("Exiting")
class EMParallelSimMX: def __init__(self,options,args,logger=None): ''' @param options the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param args the options produced by (options, args) = parser.parse_args() @param logger and EMAN2 logger, i.e. logger=E2init(sys.argv) assumes you have already called the check function. ''' self.options = options self.args = args self.logger = logger from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer self.etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) if options.colmasks!=None : self.etc.precache([args[0],args[1],options.colmasks]) else : self.etc.precache([args[0],args[1]]) self.num_cpus = self.etc.cpu_est() if self.num_cpus < 32: # lower limit self.num_cpus = 32 self.__task_options = None def __get_task_options(self,options): ''' Get the options required by each task as a dict @param options is always self.options - the initialization argument. Could be changed. ''' if self.__task_options == None: d = {} d["align"] = parsemodopt(options.align) d["aligncmp"] = parsemodopt(options.aligncmp) d["cmp"] = parsemodopt(options.cmp) if hasattr(options,"ralign") and options.ralign != None: d["ralign"] = parsemodopt(options.ralign) d["raligncmp"] = parsemodopt(options.raligncmp) # raligncmp must be specified if using ralign else: d["ralign"] = None d["raligncmp"] = None d["prefilt"]=options.prefilt if hasattr(options,"shrink") and options.shrink != None: d["shrink"] = options.shrink else: d["shrink"] = None self.__task_options = d return self.__task_options def __init_memory(self,options): ''' @param options is always self.options - the initialization argument. Could be changed. Establishes several important attributes they are: ---- self.clen - the number of images in the image defined by args[0], the number of columns in the similarity matrix self.rlen - the number of images in the image defined by args[1], the number of rows in the similarity matrix ---- Also, since we adopted region output writing as our preferred approach, this function makes sure the output image(s) exists on disk and has the correct dimensions - seeing as this is the way region writing works (the image has to exist on disk and have its full dimensions) ''' self.clen=EMUtil.get_image_count(self.args[0]) self.rlen=EMUtil.get_image_count(self.args[1]) output = self.args[2] if file_exists(output) and not options.fillzero: if options.force: remove_file(output) else: raise RuntimeError("The output file exists. Please remove it or specify the force option") e = EMData(self.clen,self.rlen) e.to_zero() e.set_attr(PROJ_FILE_ATTR,self.args[0]) e.set_attr(PART_FILE_ATTR,self.args[1]) n = 1 if self.options.saveali: n = 6 # the total number of images written to disk if not options.fillzero : e.write_image(output,0) for i in range(1,n): e.write_image(output,i) def __get_blocks(self): ''' Gets the blocks that will be processed in parallel, these are essentially ranges ''' steve_factor = 3 # increase number of jobs a bit for better distribution total_jobs = steve_factor*self.num_cpus [col_div,row_div] = opt_rectangular_subdivision(self.clen,self.rlen,total_jobs) block_c = self.clen/col_div block_r = self.rlen/row_div residual_c = self.clen-block_c*col_div # residual left over by integer division blocks = [] current_c = 0 for c in xrange(0,col_div): last_c = current_c + block_c if residual_c > 0: last_c += 1 residual_c -= 1 current_r = 0 residual_r = self.rlen-block_r*row_div # residual left over by integer division for r in xrange(0,row_div) : last_r = current_r + block_r if residual_r > 0: last_r += 1 residual_r -= 1 blocks.append([current_c,last_c,current_r,last_r]) current_r = last_r current_c = last_c # print col_div,row_div,col_div*row_div # print self.clen,self.rlen,residual_c,residual_r return blocks def execute(self): ''' The main function to be called ''' if len(self.options.parallel) > 1 : self.__init_memory(self.options) blocks = self.__get_blocks() # print blocks # self.check_blocks(blocks) # testing function can be removed at some point tasks=[] for bn,block in enumerate(blocks): data = {} data["references"] = ("cache",self.args[0],block[0],block[1]) data["particles"] = ("cache",self.args[1],block[2],block[3]) if self.options.colmasks!=None : data["colmasks"] = ("cache",self.options.colmasks,block[0],block[1]) if self.options.mask!=None : data["mask"] = ("cache",self.options.mask,0,1) if self.options.fillzero : # for each particle check to see which portion of the matrix we need to fill if (bn%10==0) : print "%d/%d \r"%(bn,len(blocks)), sys.stdout.flush() rng=[] for i in range(block[2],block[3]): c=EMData() c.read_image(self.args[2],0,False,Region(block[0],i,block[1]-block[0]+1,1)) inr=0 st=0 for j in range(c["nx"]): if c[j]==0 and not inr: st=j inr=1 if c[j]!=0 and inr: rng.append((i,st+block[0],j-1+block[0])) inr=0 if inr : rng.append((i,st+block[0],j+block[0])) data["partial"]=rng # print "%d) %s\t"%(bn,str(block)),rng if self.options.fillzero and len(data["partial"])==0 : continue # nothing to compute in this block, skip it completely else : task = EMSimTaskDC(data=data,options=self.__get_task_options(self.options)) #print "Est %d CPUs"%etc.cpu_est() tasks.append(task) # This just verifies that all particles have at least one class #a=set() #for i in tasks: #for k in["partial"] : a.add(k[0]) #b=set(range(self.rlen)) #b-=a #print b print "%d/%d "%(bn,len(blocks)) self.tids=self.etc.send_tasks(tasks) print len(self.tids)," tasks submitted" # while 1: if len(self.tids) == 0: break print len(self.tids),"simmx tasks left in main loop \r", sys.stdout.flush() st_vals = self.etc.check_task(self.tids) for i in xrange(len(self.tids)-1,-1,-1): st = st_vals[i] if st==100: tid = self.tids[i] try: rslts = self.etc.get_results(tid) # display(rslts[1]["rslt_data"][0]) self.__store_output_data(rslts[1]) except: traceback.print_exc() print "ERROR storing results for task %d. Rerunning."%tid self.etc.rerun_task(tid) continue if self.logger != None: E2progress(self.logger,1.0-len(self.tids)/float(len(blocks))) if self.options.verbose>0: print "%d/%d\r"%(len(self.tids),len(blocks)) sys.stdout.flush() self.tids.pop(i) print len(self.tids),"simmx tasks left in main loop \r", sys.stdout.flush() time.sleep(10) print "\nAll simmx tasks complete " # if using fillzero, we must fix the -1.0e38 values placed into empty cells if self.options.fillzero : l=EMData(self.args[2],0,True) rlen=l["ny"] clen=l["nx"] # launch_childprocess(" %s %s"%(self.args[2],self.args[2]+"_x")) print "Filling noncomputed regions in similarity matrix (%dx%d)"%(clen,rlen) l=EMData() for r in range(rlen): l.read_image(self.args[2],0,False,Region(0,r,clen,1)) fill=l["maximum"]+.0001 l.process_inplace("threshold.belowtominval",{"minval":-1.0e37,"newval":fill}) l.write_image(self.args[2],0,EMUtil.ImageType.IMAGE_UNKNOWN,False,Region(0,r,clen,1)) print "Filling complete" else: raise NotImplementedError("The parallelism option you specified (%s) is not supported" %self.options.parallel ) def __store_output_data(self,rslts): ''' Store output data to internal images (matrices) @param a dictionary return by the EMSimTaskDC ''' result_data = rslts["rslt_data"] output = self.args[2] insertion_c = rslts["min_ref_idx"] insertion_r = rslts["min_ptcl_idx"] result_mx = result_data[0] r = Region(insertion_c,insertion_r,result_mx.get_xsize(),result_mx.get_ysize()) # Note this is region io - the init_memory function made sure the images exist and are the right dimensions (on disk) for i,mxout in enumerate(result_data): mxout.write_image(output,i,EMUtil.ImageType.IMAGE_UNKNOWN,False,r)
def main(): usage=" " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage,version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--path", type=str,help="path", default=None, guitype='strbox',row=0, col=0,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--iter", type=int,help="start from iteration X", default=-1, guitype='intbox',row=0, col=1,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--niters", type=int,help="run this many iterations. Default is 4.", default=4, guitype='intbox',row=0, col=2,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--sym", type=str,help="symmetry. will use symmetry from spt refinement by default", default="", guitype='strbox',row=2, col=0,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--padby", type=float,help="pad by factor. default is 2", default=2., guitype='floatbox',row=1, col=1,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float,help="propotion of tilts to keep. default is 0.5", default=0.5, guitype='floatbox',row=1, col=2,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--maxalt", type=float,help="max altitude to insert to volume", default=90.0, guitype='floatbox',row=1, col=0,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--nogs", action="store_true", default=False ,help="skip gold standard...", guitype='boolbox',row=2, col=1,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--localfilter", type=int, default=-1 ,help="use tophat local. specify 0 or 1 to overwrite the setting in the spt refinement") parser.add_argument("--mask", type=str, default="None" ,help="Refinement masking. default is the same as the spt refinement. Leave this empty for automasking",guitype='strbox',row=3, col=0,rowspan=1, colspan=2) parser.add_argument("--threads", type=int,help="Number of CPU threads to use. Default is 12.", default=12, guitype='intbox',row=2, col=2,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12", guitype='strbox',row=4, col=0,rowspan=1, colspan=3) parser.add_argument("--refineastep", type=float,help="angular variation for refine alignment (gauss std)", default=8.) parser.add_argument("--refinentry", type=int,help="number of starting points for refine alignment", default=32) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int,help="maximum shift allowed", default=10) parser.add_argument("--buildsetonly", action="store_true", default=False ,help="build sets only") parser.add_argument("--output", type=str,help="Write results to this directory. We do not recommend changing this.", default="subtlt")#, guitype='intbox',row=2, col=1,rowspan=1, colspan=1) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False ,help="Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data (threads * 8 particles)") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int,help="ppid...", default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid=E2init(sys.argv) itr = options.iter oldpath = options.path if not oldpath: print("No input path. Exit.") return if options.iter != -1: itr = options.iter elif "spt" in oldpath: for f in sorted(os.listdir(oldpath)): if "particle_parms" in f: itrstr = f[15:].split(".")[0] if os.path.isfile("{}/threed_{}.hdf".format(oldpath,itrstr)): itr = int(itrstr) else: for f in sorted(os.listdir(oldpath)): if re.match("threed_[0-9][0-9].hdf",f): itr = int(f[7:].split(".")[0]) # print(oldpath) fromspt=True if "0_subtlt_params.json" in os.listdir(oldpath): print("Continuing from a subtilt refinement...") fromspt=False path = make_path(options.output) if not os.path.isfile("{}/threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(oldpath,itr)): print("Could not locate {}/threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(oldpath,itr)) print("Please specify the iteration number (--iter) of a completed subtomogram refinement.") sys.exit(1) #elif not os.path.isfile("{}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(oldpath,itr)): #print("Could not locate {}/particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(oldpath,itr)) #print("Please specify the iteration number (--iter) of a completed subtomogram refinement.") #sys.exit(1) else: #copy2("{}/0_spt_params.json".format(oldpath),"{}/0_subtlt_params.json".format(path)) oldmap = os.path.join(oldpath,"threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(itr)) oem = os.path.join(oldpath,"threed_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(itr)) oom = os.path.join(oldpath,"threed_{:02d}_odd.hdf".format(itr)) oldfsc = os.path.join(oldpath, "fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt".format(itr)) copy2(oldmap,os.path.join(path,"threed_00.hdf")) copy2(oldfsc, os.path.join(path, "fsc_masked_00.txt")) copy2(oem,os.path.join(path,"threed_00_even.hdf")) copy2(oom,os.path.join(path,"threed_00_odd.hdf")) if fromspt: oldparm = os.path.join(oldpath,"particle_parms_{:02d}.json".format(itr)) copy2(oldparm,os.path.join(path,"particle_parms_00.json")) else: for eo in ["even", "odd"]: oali = os.path.join(oldpath,"ali_ptcls_{:02d}_{}.lst".format(itr, eo)) copy2(oali,os.path.join(path,"ali_ptcls_00_{}.lst".format(eo))) e=EMData(os.path.join(path,"threed_00.hdf")) bxsz=e["nx"] apix=e["apix_x"] jd = js_open_dict("{}/0_subtlt_params.json".format(path)) jd.update(vars(options)) jd["cmd"] = " ".join(sys.argv) jd["path"] = oldpath jd["iter"] = itr jd["output"] = path if fromspt: sptparms = os.path.join(oldpath,"0_spt_params.json") else: sptparms = os.path.join(oldpath,"0_subtlt_params.json") if os.path.isfile(sptparms): oldjd = js_open_dict(sptparms) #print(oldjd.keys()) jd["mass"] = oldjd["mass"] jd["setsf"] = oldjd["setsf"] jd["sym"] = oldjd["sym"] jd["localfilter"]=oldjd["localfilter"] jd["mask"]=oldjd["mask"] oldjd.close() else: print("Cannot find {}. exit.".format(sptparms)) if options.mask.lower()!="none": print("Overwritting masking") jd["mask"]=options.mask if options.localfilter==0: jd["localfilter"]=False elif options.localfilter==1: jd["localfilter"]=True if len(options.sym)>0: jd["sym"]=options.sym jd.close() jd = jsparams if fromspt: js=js_open_dict(os.path.join(path,"particle_parms_00.json")) k=list(js.keys())[0] src=eval(k)[0] print("loading 3D particles from {}".format(src)) print("box size {}, apix {:.2f}".format(bxsz, apix)) lname=[os.path.join(path, "ali_ptcls_00_{}.lst".format(eo)) for eo in ["even", "odd"]] for l in lname: try: os.remove(l) except:pass lst=[LSXFile(m, False) for m in lname] n3d=len(list(js.keys())) for ii in range(n3d): e=EMData(src, ii, True) fname=e["class_ptcl_src"] ids=e["class_ptcl_idxs"] ky="('{}', {})".format(src, ii) dic=js[ky] xali=dic["xform.align3d"] for i in ids: try: m=EMData(fname, i, True) except: continue xf=m["xform.projection"] dc=xf.get_params("xyz") if abs(dc["ytilt"])>options.maxalt: continue rot=xf*xali.inverse() lst[ii%2].write(-1, i, fname, str(rot.get_params("eman"))) for l in lst: l.close() js=None if options.buildsetonly: return for itr in range(0,options.niters): from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer for eo in ["even", "odd"]: if options.nogs: threedname="{}/threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(path, itr) else: threedname="{}/threed_{:02d}_{}.hdf".format(path, itr, eo) lstname="{}/ali_ptcls_{:02d}_{}.lst".format(path, itr, eo) lst=LSXFile(lstname, True) m=EMData(threedname) m.process_inplace('normalize.edgemean') pinfo=[] if options.debug: nptcl=options.threads*8 else: nptcl=lst.n for i in range(nptcl): pinfo.append( lst=None etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel) num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) print("{} jobs".format(nptcl)) infos=[[] for i in range(num_cpus)] for i,info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i%num_cpus].append([i, info]) tids=[] for info in infos: task = SptTltRefineTask(info, m, options) tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) #print("{:.1f}/{} finished".format(np.mean(st_vals), 100)) #print(tids) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) dics=[0]*nptcl for i in tids: ret=etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: #print(r) ii=r.pop("idx") dics[ii]=r del etc allscr=np.array([d["score"] for d in dics]) print(np.min(allscr), np.mean(allscr), np.max(allscr), np.std(allscr)) allscr*=-1 s=allscr.copy() s-=np.mean(s) s/=np.std(s) clp=2 ol=abs(s)>clp print("Removing {} outliers from {} particles..".format(np.sum(ol), len(s))) s=old_div(old_div((s+clp),clp),2) s[ol]=0 allscr=s #allscr-=np.min(allscr)-1e-5 #allscr/=np.max(allscr) lname="{}/ali_ptcls_{:02d}_{}.lst".format(path, itr+1, eo) try: os.remove(lname) except: pass lout=LSXFile(lname, False) for i, dc in enumerate(dics): d=dc["xform.align3d"].get_params("eman") d["score"]=float(allscr[i]) l=pinfo[i] lout.write(-1, l[0], l[1], str(d)) lout=None pb=options.padby threedout="{}/threed_{:02d}_{}.hdf".format(path, itr+1, eo) cmd=" --input {inp} --output {out} --pad {pd} --padvol {pdv} --threads {trd} --outsize {bx} --apix {apx} --mode gauss_var --keep {kp} --sym {sm}".format( inp=lname, out=threedout, bx=bxsz, pd=int(bxsz*pb), pdv=int(bxsz*pb), apx=apix, kp=options.keep, sm=jd["sym"], trd=options.threads) run(cmd) run(" {} {}".format(threedout, "{}/threed_raw_{}.hdf".format(path, eo))) s = "" if jd.has_key("goldstandard"): if jd["goldstandard"] > 0: s += " --align" if jd.has_key("setsf"): s += " --setsf {}".format(jd['setsf']) #options.setsf) if jd.has_key("localfilter"): s += " --tophat local" msk = jd["mask"] #{}/mask_tight.hdf".format(path) if len(msk)>0: if os.path.isfile(msk): msk=" --automask3d mask.fromfile:filename={}".format(msk) else: msk=" --automask3d {}".format(msk) # get target resolution from last iteration map ref=os.path.join(path, "threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(itr)) fsc=np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, "fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt".format(itr))) rs=1./fsc[fsc[:,1]<0.3, 0][0] curres=rs*.5 #os.system("rm {}/mask*.hdf {}/*unmasked.hdf".format(path, path)) ppcmd=" --even {} --odd {} --output {} --iter {:d} --restarget {} --threads {} --sym {} --mass {} {}".format( os.path.join(path, "threed_{:02d}_even.hdf".format(itr+1)), os.path.join(path, "threed_{:02d}_odd.hdf".format(itr+1)), os.path.join(path, "threed_{:02d}.hdf".format(itr+1)), itr+1, curres, options.threads, jd["sym"], jd["mass"], s) run(ppcmd) fsc=np.loadtxt(os.path.join(path, "fsc_masked_{:02d}.txt".format(itr+1))) rs=1./fsc[fsc[:,1]<0.3, 0][0] print("Resolution (FSC<0.3) is ~{:.1f} A".format(rs)) E2end(logid)
def main(): parser = EMArgumentParser(usage="") parser.add_argument("--output", default="threed.hdf", help="Output reconstructed volume file name.") parser.add_argument("--input", default=None, help="The input projections. Project should usually have the xform.projection header attribute, which is used for slice insertion") parser.add_argument("--sym", dest="sym", default="c1", help="Set the symmetry; if no value is given then the model is assumed to have no symmetry.\nChoices are: i, c, d, tet, icos, or oct.") parser.add_argument("--pad", default=-1,type=int, help="Will zero-pad images to the specifed size. ") parser.add_argument("--outsize", default=-1, type=int, help="Defines the dimensions of the final volume written to disk") parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float, dest="keep", help="The fraction of slices to keep, based on quality scores (1.0 = use all slices). See keepsig.",default=.9) parser.add_argument("--no_wt", action="store_true", dest="no_wt", default=False, help="This argument turns automatic weighting off causing all images to be weighted by 1.") parser.add_argument("--mode", type=str, default="trilinear", help="Fourier reconstruction 'mode' to use. The default should not normally be changed.") parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", dest="verbose", action="store", metavar="n", type=int, default=0, help="verbose level [0-9], higher number means higher level of verboseness") parser.add_argument("--apix",metavar="A/pix",type=float,help="A/pix value for output, overrides automatic values",default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str,help="ref", default=None) parser.add_argument("--tidrange", type=str,help="range of tilt id to include", default="-1,-1") parser.add_argument("--minres", type=float,help="", default=200) parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float,help="", default=5) parser.add_argument("--parallel", type=str,help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use", default=None) parser.add_argument("--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help="") parser.add_argument("--clsid", default=-1, type=int, help="only reconstruct a class of particles") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="Set the PID of the parent process, used for cross platform PPID",default=-1) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logger=E2init(sys.argv,options.ppid) # get basic image parameters tmp=EMData(options.input,0,True) boxsz=tmp["nx"] if options.apix!=None : apix=options.apix else : apix=tmp["apix_x"] if options.pad<0: options.pad=good_size(boxsz*1.5) if options.outsize<0: options.outsize=boxsz options.tidrange=[int(i) for i in options.tidrange.split(',')] if options.tidrange[0]>=0: print("including tilt ids from {} to {}".format(options.tidrange[0], options.tidrange[1])) data=initialize_data(options.input, options) padvol=options.pad from EMAN2PAR import EMTaskCustomer if options.ref: print("weighting by reference...") ref=EMData(options.ref) ref=ref.do_fft() ref.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") ref.process_inplace("xform.fourierorigin.tocenter") etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_make3d.WeightptclTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) tasks=[data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids=[] for t in tasks: task = WeightptclTask(t, ref, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) E2progress(logger, .5*np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) wts=[0]*len(data) for i in tids: wt=etc.get_results(i)[1] for w in wt: try: wts[w[0]]=w[1] except: print(len(wts), w) wts=np.array(wts) del etc r0=int(apix*boxsz/options.minres) r1=int(apix*boxsz/options.maxres) print(r0,r1) scrs=np.mean(wts[:,r0:r1], axis=1) if options.keep<1: thr=np.sort(scrs)[int(len(scrs)*(1-options.keep))-1] scrs[scrs<thr]=-1 for i,d in enumerate(data): d["curve"]=wts[i] d["weight"]=float(scrs[i]) etc=EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_make3d.Make3dTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) tasks=[data[i::num_cpus] for i in range(num_cpus)] print("{} jobs".format(len(tasks))) tids=[] for t in tasks: task = Make3dTask(t, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid=etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) E2progress(logger, .5+.5*np.mean(st_vals)/100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) output=EMData(padvol, padvol, padvol) normvol=EMData(padvol//2+1, padvol, padvol) output.to_zero() output.do_fft_inplace() normvol.to_zero() for i in tids: threed, norm=etc.get_results(i)[1] threed.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":norm}) output.add(threed) normvol.add(norm) normvol.process_inplace("math.reciprocal") output.process_inplace("math.multamplitude", {"amp":normvol}) output.do_ift_inplace() output.depad() output.process_inplace("xform.phaseorigin.tocenter") del etc if options.verbose>0 : print("Finished Reconstruction") output["apix_x"]=output["apix_y"]=output["apix_z"]=apix sz=options.outsize output.clip_inplace(Region((padvol-sz)//2,(padvol-sz)//2,(padvol-sz)//2,sz,sz,sz)) if os.path.isfile(options.output): os.remove(options.output) output.write_image(options.output,0) if options.verbose>0: print("Output File: "+options.output) E2end(logger) print("Exiting")
def main(): usage = " " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--ptclin", type=str, help="particle input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--output", type=str, help="score output", default=None) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data (threads * 8 particles)" ) parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float, default=15, help="max resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument("--minres", type=float, default=300, help="min resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument("--sym", type=str, help="symmetry. ", default="c1") parser.add_argument("--mask", type=str, help="mask. ", default=None) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="max shift.", default=0) parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="ppid...", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", type=int, help="Verbose", default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) threedname = args lst = LSXFile(options.ptclin, True) pinfo = [] nptcl = lst.n for i in range(nptcl): pinfo.append( lst = None e = EMData(options.ptclin, 0, True) nx = e["nx"] apix = e["apix_x"] b = good_size(nx * apix / options.maxres * 2) options.shrink = max(1, nx / b) print("Initializing parallelism...") etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_classify.SpaClassifyTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) print("{} jobs".format(nptcl)) infos = [[] for i in range(num_cpus)] for i, info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i % num_cpus].append([i, info]) tids = [] for info in infos: task = SpaClassifyTask(info, threedname, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) dics = np.zeros((nptcl, len(threedname))) for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: #print(r) ii = r.pop("idx") dics[ii] = r["score"] del etc np.savetxt(options.output, dics) E2end(logid)
def main(): usage = " " parser = EMArgumentParser(usage=usage, version=EMANVERSION) parser.add_argument("--ptclin", type=str, help="particle input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ptclout", type=str, help="particle output", default=None) parser.add_argument("--ref", type=str, help="reference input", default=None) parser.add_argument("--keep", type=float, help="propotion of tilts to keep. default is 0.8", default=0.8) parser.add_argument( "--parallel", type=str, help="Thread/mpi parallelism to use. Default is thread:12", default="thread:12") parser.add_argument( "--debug", action="store_true", default=False, help= "Turn on debug mode. This will only process a small subset of the data" ) parser.add_argument("--maxshift", type=int, help="maximum shift allowed", default=-1) parser.add_argument("--localrefine", action="store_true", default=False, help="local refinement") #parser.add_argument("--ctfweight", action="store_true", default=False ,help="weight by ctf. not used yet...") parser.add_argument("--slow", action="store_true", default=False, help="slow but finer search") parser.add_argument("--maxres", type=float, default=-1, help="max resolution for cmp") parser.add_argument("--minrespx", type=int, default=4, help="skip the first x pixel in fourier space") parser.add_argument("--sym", type=str, help="symmetry. ", default="c1") parser.add_argument("--ppid", type=int, help="ppid...", default=-1) #parser.add_argument("--nkeep", type=int,help="", default=1) parser.add_argument("--verbose", "-v", type=int, help="Verbose", default=0) (options, args) = parser.parse_args() logid = E2init(sys.argv) lstname = options.ptclin threedname = options.ref lname = options.ptclout lst = LSXFile(lstname, True) m = EMData(threedname) bxsz = m["nx"] apix = m["apix_x"] options.shrink = 1 pinfo = [] nptcl = lst.n if options.maxshift < 0: options.maxshift = bxsz // 2 print("Initializing parallelism...") etc = EMTaskCustomer(options.parallel, module="e2spa_align.SpaAlignTask") num_cpus = etc.cpu_est() print("{} particles".format(nptcl)) print("{} total CPUs available".format(num_cpus)) if options.debug: nptcl = min(4 * num_cpus, nptcl) print("Debugging mode. running on one thread with 8 particles") for i in range(nptcl): pinfo.append( lst = None nbatch = min(nptcl // 4, num_cpus) infos = [[] for i in range(nbatch)] for i, info in enumerate(pinfo): infos[i % nbatch].append([i, info]) print("{} jobs, each with {:.1f} particles".format( len(infos), np.mean([len(i) for i in infos]))) tids = [] for info in infos: task = SpaAlignTask(info, threedname, options) if options.debug: task.execute(print) return tid = etc.send_task(task) tids.append(tid) while 1: st_vals = etc.check_task(tids) if -100 in st_vals: print("Error occurs in parallelism. Exit") return E2progress(logid, np.mean(st_vals) / 100.) if np.min(st_vals) == 100: break time.sleep(5) dics = [0] * nptcl for i in tids: ret = etc.get_results(i)[1] for r in ret: ii = r.pop("idx") dics[ii] = r del etc allscr = [d["score"] for d in dics] maxl = np.max([len(s) for s in allscr]) maxv = np.max(np.concatenate(allscr)) for s in allscr: s.extend([maxv] * (maxl - len(s))) allscr = np.array(allscr) try: os.remove(lname) except: pass lout = LSXFile(lname, False) for i, dc in enumerate(dics): lc = "" for j, xf in enumerate(dc["xform.align3d"]): d = xf.get_params("eman") d["score"] = float(allscr[i, j]) lc = lc + str(d) + ';' l = pinfo[i] lout.write(-1, l[0], l[1], lc[:-1]) lout = None E2end(logid)