def test_createobject():
    """py.test for createobject"""
    thedata = (("", "SimulationControl", None, 
        """),# idftxt, objkey, objname, outtxt
("", "RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays", 'Christmas', 
"""),# idftxt, objkey, objname, outtxt
    for idftxt, objkey, objname, outtxt in thedata:
        objkey = objkey.upper()
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, 
            theidd, iddV6_0.block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        result = eplus_functions.createobject(idfw, objkey, objname)
        data = idfw.idf
        fname = StringIO(outtxt)
        newdata, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        assert newdata.dt[objkey] == data.dt[objkey]
예제 #2
def test_splittermixerfieldlists():
    """py.test for splittermixerfieldlists"""
    thedata = (("""Connector:Splitter,

    """, 'Connector:Splitter',
    [[1,2,3,4],[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8]]), # idftxt, objkey, fieldlists
    for idftxt, objkey, fieldlists in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        result = loops.splittermixerfieldlists(data, commdct, objkey)
        assert result == fieldlists
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option == "-v":
                verbose = True
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                output = value
        iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
        fname = args[0]
        iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
        print "readingfile"
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)
        print "constructing the loops"
        edges = makeairplantloop(data, commdct)
        edges = diagram.cleanedges(edges)
        print "making the diagram"
        g = diagram.makediagram(edges)
        dotname = '' % (os.path.splitext(fname)[0])
        pngname = '%s_c.png' % (os.path.splitext(fname)[0])
예제 #4
def test_branchlist2branches():
    """py.test branchlist2branches"""
    thedata = (("""BranchList,
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Side_Branches,  !- Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Inlet_Branch,  !- Branch 1 Name
        Main_Boiler_HW_Branch,   !- Branch 2 Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Bypass_Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Outlet_Branch;  !- Branch 4 Name

        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Side_Branches,  !- Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Inlet_Branch,  !- Branch 1 Name
        SPACE1__1_Heating_Coil_HW_Branch,  !- Branch 2 Name
        SPACE2__1_Heating_Coil_HW_Branch,  !- Branch 3 Name
        SPACE3__1_Heating_Coil_HW_Branch,  !- Branch 4 Name
        SPACE4__1_Heating_Coil_HW_Branch,  !- Branch 5 Name
        SPACE5__1_Heating_Coil_HW_Branch,  !- Branch 6 Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Bypass_Branch,  !- Branch 7 Name
        Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Outlet_Branch;  !- Branch 8 Name
    'Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Outlet_Branch']), # idftxt, branchlist, branches
    for idftxt, branchlist, branches in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        result = loops.branchlist2branches(data, commdct, branchlist)
        assert result == branches
def test_newname2references():
    """py.test for newname2references"""
    # a zone name is changed. It is refered by lights and people.
    # test if the reference in lights and people also change        
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, theidd, iddV6_0.block)
    idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
    # - 
    zonekey = 'zone'.upper()
    lightkey = 'lights'.upper()
    peoplekey = 'people'.upper()
    keys = [zonekey, lightkey, peoplekey]
    keys = keys + keys
    names = ['z1', 'l1', 'p1', 'z2', 'l2', 'p2']
    for key, name  in zip(keys, names):
        anobject = eplus_functions.makeanobject(data, theidd, commdct, 
                                                    key, objname="name")
    data.dt[lightkey][0][2] = 'z1'
    data.dt[peoplekey][0][2] = 'z1'
    data.dt[lightkey][1][2] = 'z2'
    data.dt[peoplekey][1][2] = 'z2'
    oldname, newname = 'z1', 'zz1'
    # = 
    data.dt[zonekey][0][1] = newname
    fieldid = 1
    eplus_functions.newname2references(idfw, zonekey, fieldid, 
                                                    oldname, newname)
    assert data.dt[lightkey][0][2] == newname
    assert data.dt[peoplekey][0][2] == newname
    assert data.dt[lightkey][1][2] == 'z2'
    assert data.dt[peoplekey][1][2] == 'z2'
def test_getreferences():
    """py.test for getreferences"""
    thedata = (("zone".upper(), 1, ['ZoneNames',
             ), # key, fieldid, refs
     ("FenestrationSurface:Detailed".upper(), 1, ['SubSurfNames',
              ), # key, fieldid, refs
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, theidd, iddV6_0.block)
    idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
    for key, fieldid, refs in thedata:
        anobject = eplus_functions.makeanobject(data, theidd, commdct, 
                                            key, objname="azone")
        result = eplus_functions.getreferences(idfw, key, fieldid)
        assert result == refs
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option == "-v":
                verbose = True
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                output = value
        print args
        fname, objkey, oldname, newname, newfname = args
        objkey = objkey.upper()
        iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=theidd,
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, commlst, theidd, block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        # ---
        eplus_functions.rename_name(idfw, key, oldname, newname)
        txt = `data`
        open(newfname, 'w').write(txt)
예제 #8
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option == "-v":
                verbose = True
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                output = value
        iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
        fname = args[0]
        newname = '%s_clean.idf' % (os.path.splitext(fname)[0])
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=theidd,

        txt = `data`
        open(newname, 'w').write(txt)
def main(argv=None):
    if argv is None:
        argv = sys.argv
            opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[1:], "ho:v", ["help", "output="])
        except getopt.error, msg:
            raise Usage(msg)
        # option processing
        for option, value in opts:
            if option == "-v":
                verbose = True
            if option in ("-h", "--help"):
                raise Usage(help_message)
            if option in ("-o", "--output"):
                output = value

        infile, zonename, aduname, uunitname, outfile = args
        iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(infile, iddfile=theidd,
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, commlst, theidd, block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        print "%s | %s | %s" % (zonename, aduname, uunitname)
        adu2unctr(idfw, zonename, aduname, uunitname)
        data = idfw.idf
        txt = `data`
        open(outfile, 'w').write(txt)
def test_makeentireplantloop():
    """py.test for makeentireplantloop"""
    thedata = (("""
    branchname0 -> splitter -> branchname1, branchname2, branchname3
    branchname1, branchname2, branchname3 -> mixer -> branchname4
    dbranchname0 -> dsplitter -> dbranchname1, dbranchname2, dbranchname3
    dbranchname1, dbranchname2, dbranchname3 -> dmixer -> dbranchname4
    {'BRANCH': [['BRANCH', 'branchname0', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'branchname0_pipe', 'plantloop_supply_inlet', 'branchname0_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'branchname1', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'branchname1_pipe', 'branchname1_pipe_inlet', 'branchname1_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'branchname2', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'branchname2_pipe', 'branchname2_pipe_inlet', 'branchname2_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'branchname3', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'branchname3_pipe', 'branchname3_pipe_inlet', 'branchname3_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'branchname4', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'branchname4_pipe', 'branchname4_pipe_inlet', 'plantloop_supply_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'dbranchname0', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'dbranchname0_pipe', 'plantloop_demand_inlet', 'dbranchname0_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'dbranchname1', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'dbranchname1_pipe', 'dbranchname1_pipe_inlet', 'dbranchname1_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'dbranchname2', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'dbranchname2_pipe', 'dbranchname2_pipe_inlet', 'dbranchname2_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'dbranchname3', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'dbranchname3_pipe', 'dbranchname3_pipe_inlet', 'dbranchname3_pipe_outlet', 'Bypass'], ['BRANCH', 'dbranchname4', '0', '', 'Pipe:Adiabatic', 'dbranchname4_pipe', 'dbranchname4_pipe_inlet', 'plantloop_demand_outlet', 'Bypass']], 'CONNECTORLIST': [['CONNECTORLIST', 'plantloop_supply_Clist', 'Connector:Splitter', 'splitter', 'Connector:Mixer', 'mixer'], ['CONNECTORLIST', 'plantloop_demand_Clist', 'Connector:Splitter', 'dsplitter', 'Connector:Mixer', 'dmixer']], 'CONNECTOR:MIXER': [['CONNECTOR:MIXER', 'mixer', 'branchname4', 'branchname1', 'branchname2', 'branchname3'], ['CONNECTOR:MIXER', 'dmixer', 'dbranchname4', 'dbranchname1', 'dbranchname2', 'dbranchname3']], 'PLANTLOOP': [['PLANTLOOP', 'plantloop', 'Water', '', '', '', '', '', '0.0', 'Autocalculate', 'plantloop_supply_inlet', 'plantloop_supply_outlet', 'plantloop_supply_Blist', 'plantloop_supply_Clist', 'plantloop_demand_inlet', 'plantloop_demand_outlet', 'plantloop_demand_Blist', 'plantloop_demand_Clist', 'Sequential', '', 'SingleSetpoint', 'None', 'None']], 'BRANCHLIST': [['BRANCHLIST', 'plantloop_supply_Blist', 'branchname1', 'branchname2', 'branchname3'], ['BRANCHLIST', 'plantloop_demand_Blist', 'dbranchname1', 'dbranchname2', 'dbranchname3']], 'CONNECTOR:SPLITTER': [['CONNECTOR:SPLITTER', 'splitter', 'branchname0', 'branchname1', 'branchname2', 'branchname3'], ['CONNECTOR:SPLITTER', 'dsplitter', 'dbranchname0', 'dbranchname1', 'dbranchname2', 'dbranchname3']]}), # supplystr, demandstr, loopdata
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    for supplystr, demandstr, loopdata in thedata:
        sloop = s_entireplantloop.HalfLoop(supplystr, "supply","plantloop")
        dloop = s_entireplantloop.HalfLoop(demandstr, "demand",'plantloop')
        # plantloop = loopdata[0]
        # branch = loopdata[1]
        s_entireplantloop.makeentireplantloop(data, commdct, sloop, dloop,
        # objkey = 'plantloop'.upper()
        # rplantloop = data.dt[objkey]    
        akeys = [k for k in data.dt.keys() if len(data.dt[k]) > 0]
        result = {}
        for akey in akeys:
            result[akey] = data.dt[akey]
        assert result == loopdata                                   
def test_getReferenceObjectList():
    """py.test for getReferenceObjectList"""
    thedata = (("zone".upper(), ['ZoneNames',
             [('SIZING:ZONE', 1),
              ('BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED', 4),
              ('BUILDINGSURFACE:DETAILED', 6),
              ('LIGHTS', 2),
              ('PEOPLE', 2),
              ('ELECTRICEQUIPMENT', 2),
              ('ZONECONTROL:THERMOSTAT', 2)]
             ), # key, refs, reflist
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, theidd, iddV6_0.block)
    idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
    for key, refs, reflist in thedata:
        anobject = eplus_functions.makeanobject(data, theidd, commdct, 
                                                    key, objname="azone")
        for akey, fieldid, in reflist:
            anobject = eplus_functions.makeanobject(data, theidd, commdct, 
                                                        akey, objname="azone")
        result = eplus_functions.getReferenceObjectList(idfw, refs)
        assert result == reflist
예제 #12
def test_extractfields():
    """py.test for extractfields"""
    thedata = (("""PlantLoop, Hot_Water_Loop_Hot_Water_Loop, Water,
     Hot_Water_Loop_Operation, Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet, 100, 10, 
     autosize, 0, autosize, Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet, 
     Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet, Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Side_Branches, 
     Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Side_Connectors, Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet, 
     Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet, Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Side_Branches, 
     Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Side_Connectors, Sequential, , SingleSetpoint;
     PlantLoop, Hot_Water_Loop_Hot_Water_Loop1, Water,
     Hot_Water_Loop_Operation, Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet, 100, 10, 
     autosize, 0, autosize, Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet, 
     Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet, Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Side_Branches, 
     Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Supply_Side_Connectors, Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet, 
     Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet, Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Side_Branches, 
     Hot_Water_Loop_HW_Demand_Side_Connectors, Sequential, , SingleSetpoint;
      """, 'plantloop'.upper(), [['Name',
       'Plant Side Inlet Node Name',
       'Plant Side Outlet Node Name',
       'Plant Side Branch List Name',
       'Demand Side Inlet Node Name',
       'Demand Side Outlet Node Name',
       'Demand Side Branch List Name',
      ]] * 2,
      [[ 1,
       'Plant Side Inlet Node Name',
       'Plant Side Branch List Name',
       'Demand Side Inlet Node Name',
       'Demand Side Outlet Node Name',
       'Demand Side Branch List Name',
      ]] * 2,
      [['Hot_Water_Loop_Hot_Water_Loop', 'Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet', 
      'Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet',
      'Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet', 
      'Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet', 
      ['Hot_Water_Loop_Hot_Water_Loop1', 'Hot Water Loop HW Supply Inlet', 
      'Hot Water Loop HW Supply Outlet',
      'Hot Water Loop HW Demand Inlet', 
      'Hot Water Loop HW Demand Outlet', 
      ),  # idftxt, objkey, fieldlist1, fieldlist2, fieldcontents
    for idftxt, objkey, fieldlist1, fieldlist2, fieldcontents in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        result = loops.extractfields(data, commdct, objkey, fieldlist1)
        assert result == fieldcontents
        # test with fieldlist2
        result = loops.extractfields(data, commdct, objkey, fieldlist2)
        assert result == fieldcontents
        # also test plantloopfields, since the test data is for plantloop
        result = loops.plantloopfields(data, commdct)
        assert result == fieldcontents
예제 #13
def test_makeadistu_inlets():
    """py.test for makeadistu_inlets"""
    adistuinlets = {'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:NoReheat': ['Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:DualDuct:VAV': ['Hot Air Inlet Node Name', 'Cold Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ParallelPIU:Reheat': ['Supply Air Inlet Node Name', 'Secondary Air Inlet Node Name', 'Reheat Coil Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat:VariableSpeedFan': ['Air Inlet Node Name', 'Heating Coil Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat': ['Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:HeatAndCool:Reheat': ['Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:NoReheat': ['Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:Reheat': ['Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:FourPipeInduction': ['Supply Air Inlet Node Name', 'Induced Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:ConstantVolume:CooledBeam': ['Supply Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:SingleDuct:SeriesPIU:Reheat': ['Supply Air Inlet Node Name', 'Secondary Air Inlet Node Name', 'Reheat Coil Air Inlet Node Name'], 'AirTerminal:DualDuct:ConstantVolume': ['Hot Air Inlet Node Name', 'Cold Air Inlet Node Name']}
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    result = loops.makeadistu_inlets(data, commdct)
    assert result == adistuinlets
def test_fieldvalue():
    """py.test for fieldvalue"""
    thedata = (("""RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays,
     December 25,
""", "RunPeriodControl:SpecialDays", "Christmas", 'Start Date', '12/25', 
"""), # idftxt, objkey, objname, field, value, outtxt
""", "SimulationControl", None, 'Do Zone Sizing Calculation', 'No', 
"""), # idftxt, objkey, objname, field, value, outtxt
    for idftxt, objkey, objname, field, value, outtxt in thedata:
        objkey = objkey.upper()
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, 
            theidd, iddV6_0.block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        result = eplus_functions.fieldvalue(idfw, objkey, objname, field, 
        data = idfw.idf
        fname = StringIO(outtxt)
        newdata, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        assert newdata.dt[objkey] == data.dt[objkey]
예제 #15
def makesavebranchdiagrams(fname, iddfile):
    """make and save branch diagrams"""
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)
    allgraphs = makebranchgrapsh(data, commdct)
    newfolder = makefolder(fname)
    objkey = "BRANCH"
    branchnames = [br[1] for br in data.dt[objkey]]
    for branchname, gr in zip(branchnames, allgraphs):
        gr.write('%s/' % (newfolder, branchname, ))
        gr.write_png('%s/%s.png' % (newfolder, branchname, ))
예제 #16
def test_getfieldindex():
    """py.test for getfieldindex"""
    thedata = (( "AirTerminal:SingleDuct:VAV:Reheat".upper(), 
        "Air Inlet Node Name", 4),# objkey, fname, theindex
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    for objkey, fname, theindex in thedata:
        result = loops.getfieldindex(data, commdct, objkey, fname)
        assert result == theindex
def test_getextensiblesize():
    """py.test for getextensiblesize"""
    thedata = (("branchlist".upper(), 1), # objkey, extensiblesize
        ("branch".upper(), 5), # objkey, extensiblesize
        ("SimulationControl".upper(), None), # objkey, extensiblesize
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    for objkey, extensiblesize in thedata:
        result = eplus_functions.getextensiblesize(data, commdct, objkey)
        assert result == extensiblesize
def test_getobjfieldnames():
    """py.test for getobjfieldnames"""
    thedata = (("SHADOWCALCULATION",
        [None, 'Calculation Frequency', 
        'Maximum Figures in Shadow Overlap Calculations']
    ), # objkey, fields
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    for objkey, fields in thedata:
        result = eplus_functions.getobjfieldnames(data, commdct, objkey)
        assert result == fields
예제 #19
def test_objectcount():
    """py.test for objectcount"""
    thedata = (("""Output:Variable,*,
Time Heating Setpoint Not Met While Occupied,hourly;
Output:Variable,*,Time Cooling Setpoint Not Met While Occupied,hourly;
Output:Variable,*,VAV Terminal Damper Position,hourly;
    """, "Output:Variable", 3), # idftxt, key, thecount
    for idftxt, key, thecount in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        result = loops.objectcount(data, key)
        assert result == thecount
예제 #20
def test_branch_inlet_outlet():
    """py.test for branch_inlet_outlet"""
    thedata = (("""Branch,
        SPACE1__1_Cooling_Coil_ChW_Branch,  !- Name
        ,                        !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
        ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
        Coil:Cooling:Water,      !- Component 1 Object Type
        SPACE1__1_Cooling_Coil,  !- Component 1 Name
        SPACE1-1 Cooling Coil ChW Inlet,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
        SPACE1-1 Cooling Coil ChW Outlet,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
        Active;                  !- Component 1 Branch Control Type

          VAV WITH REHEAT Air Loop Main Branch,  !- Name
          AUTOSIZE,                !- Maximum Flow Rate {m3/s}
          ,                        !- Pressure Drop Curve Name
          AirLoopHVAC:OutdoorAirSystem,  !- Component 1 Object Type
          VAV WITH REHEAT_OA,      !- Component 1 Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT Supply Equipment Inlet Node,  !- Component 1 Inlet Node Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_OA-VAV WITH REHEAT_CoolCNode,  !- Component 1 Outlet Node Name
          PASSIVE,                 !- Component 1 Branch Control Type
          Coil:Cooling:Water,      !- Component 2 Object Type
          VAV WITH REHEAT_CoolC,   !- Component 2 Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_OA-VAV WITH REHEAT_CoolCNode,  !- Component 2 Inlet Node Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_CoolC-VAV WITH REHEAT_HeatCNode,  !- Component 2 Outlet Node Name
          PASSIVE,                 !- Component 2 Branch Control Type
          Coil:Heating:Water,      !- Component 3 Object Type
          VAV WITH REHEAT_HeatC,   !- Component 3 Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_CoolC-VAV WITH REHEAT_HeatCNode,  !- Component 3 Inlet Node Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_HeatC-VAV WITH REHEAT FanNode,  !- Component 3 Outlet Node Name
          PASSIVE,                 !- Component 3 Branch Control Type
          Fan:VariableVolume,      !- Component 4 Object Type
          VAV WITH REHEAT Fan,     !- Component 4 Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT_HeatC-VAV WITH REHEAT FanNode,  !- Component 4 Inlet Node Name
          VAV WITH REHEAT Supply Equipment Outlet Node,  !- Component 4 Outlet Node Name
          ACTIVE;                  !- Component 4 Branch Control Type
""", 'VAV WITH REHEAT Air Loop Main Branch', 
    ['VAV WITH REHEAT Supply Equipment Inlet Node',
    'VAV WITH REHEAT Supply Equipment Outlet Node']), 
                # idftxt, branchname, inletoutlet
    for idftxt, branchname, inletoutlet in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        result = loops.branch_inlet_outlet(data, commdct, branchname)
        assert result == inletoutlet
def test_getobject():
    """py.test for getobject"""
    thedata = (({"PLANTLOOP":[["PLANTLOOP", "ploop1",""], 
                    ["PLANTLOOP", "ploop2", "yahoo"]],
                    "PLANTLOOP", "ploop2", 
                    ["PLANTLOOP", "ploop2", "yahoo"]), 
                    # data_dt, objkey, objname, obj
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    for data_dt, objkey, objname, obj in thedata:
        data.dt = data_dt
        result = eplus_functions.getobject(data, commdct, objkey, objname)
        assert result == obj
def test_getchoiceOFField():
    """py.test for getchoiceOFField"""
    thedata = (("""Building, Building, 30., City, 0.04, 0.4, FullExterior, 25;""",
    "Building".upper(), 0, 3, 
    ["Country",  "Suburbs",  "City",  "Ocean",  "Urban"]), # idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, choicelist
    ("""Building, Building, 30., City, 0.04, 0.4, FullExterior, 25;""",
    "Building".upper(), 0, 1, 
    []), # idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, choicelist
    for idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, choicelist in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, theidd, iddV6_0.block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        result = eplus_functions.getchoiceOFField(idfw, objkey, objid, fieldid)
        assert result == choicelist
def test_getfieldindex():
    """py.test for getfieldindex"""
    thedata = (("plantloop".upper(), "Plant Side Inlet Node Name", 
                        10), # objkey, fielddescp, findex
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    for objkey, fielddescp, findex in thedata:
        result = eplus_functions.getfieldindex(data, commdct, objkey,
        assert result == findex
    thedata = (("OUTPUT:VARIABLE".upper(), "Name", 
                eplus_functions.NoSuchFieldError), # objkey, fielddescp, excep
    for objkey, fielddescp, excep in thedata:
        with pytest.raises(excep):
            eplus_functions.getfieldindex(data, commdct, objkey, fielddescp)
def test_makeanobject():
    """py.test for makeanobject"""
    thedata = (('LEAD INPUT', "aname", ['LEAD INPUT']), 
        # objkey, objname, anobject
    ('PLANTLOOP', "aname", ['PLANTLOOP', 'aname', 'Water', '', '', '', '', 
        '', '0.0', 'Autocalculate', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '',
        'Sequential', '', 'SingleSetpoint', 'None', 
        'None']), # more complex object
    ('BRANCH', "aname",     ['BRANCH', 'aname', '0', '', 
        '', '', '', '', ''] ), # for an extensible object    
    fname = StringIO("")
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
    theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
    for objkey, objname, anobject in thedata:
        result = eplus_functions.makeanobject(data, theidd, 
                        commdct, objkey, objname)
        assert result == anobject
def test_rename_name():
    """py.test for rename_name"""
    thedata = (("""Zone,SPACE1__1,0,0,0,0,1,1,2.438400269,239.247360229;People,SPACE1__1_People_1,SPACE1__1,OCCUPY__1,people,11,,,0.3,,ActSchd;""",
"ZONE", "SPACE1__1", "LOBBY" ,   
"""Zone,LOBBY,0,0,0,0,1,1,2.438400269,239.247360229;People,SPACE1__1_People_1,LOBBY,OCCUPY__1,people,11,,,0.3,,ActSchd;"""    ),# idftxt, objkey, oldname, newname, newidf
    for idftxt, objkey, oldname, newname, newidf in thedata:
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddV6_0.theidd,
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(iddV6_0.commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, 
                                    iddV6_0.theidd, iddV6_0.block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        result = eplus_functions.rename_name(idfw, objkey, oldname, newname)
        data = idfw.idf
        txt = `data`
        lst = txt.split()
        rtxt = ''.join(lst)
        print rtxt
        print newidf
        assert rtxt == newidf
예제 #26
iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
# fname = "/Applications/EnergyPlus-6-0-0/Examples/DualDuctConstVolGasHC.idf"
# fname = "../idffiles/a.idf"
# fname = "/Volumes/Server/Active_Projects/stanttecE+Conssulting2/3_Simulation/2_Energy/EnergyPlus/fromMatt/Proposed110614exp.idf"
# fname = "/Volumes/Server/Active_Projects/stanttecE+Conssulting2/3_Simulation/2_Energy/EnergyPlus/workingfiles/5ZoneAirCooled.idf"
# fname = "/Volumes/Server/Active_Projects/LBNL_UHM/3_Simulation/2_Energy/Energyplus3/airflow/air6.expidf"
# fname = "/Volumes/Server/Staff/Santosh/transfer/asul/05_Baseline_06.idf"
fname = "/Applications/EnergyPlus-6-0-0/Examples/DualDuctConstVolGasHC.idf"
# fname = "../idffiles/HVACTemplate-5ZoneVAVFanPowered.idf"
# outname = "../idffiles/.idf"
fname = "../idffiles/CoolingTower.idf"
fname = "../idffiles/a.idf"
fname = "../idffiles/5ZoneSupRetPlenRAB.idf" # for supply plenum
# fname = "a.idf"
data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)

# in plantloop get:
#     demand inlet, outlet, branchlist
#     supply inlet, outlet, branchlist
plantloops = loops.plantloopfields(data, commdct)
plantloop = plantloops[0]
anode = "epnode"
endnode = "EndNode"
# supply barnchlist
#     branch1 -> inlet, outlet
#     branch2 -> inlet, outlet
#     branch3 -> inlet, outlet
sbranchlist = plantloop[3]
예제 #27
# #--------------------------
# fname = "../idffiles/doas2.idf"
# outname = "../idffiles/doas2_1.idf"
# aduname = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 ATU"
# uunitname = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1 uncontrolled"
# zonename = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_1"
# #--------------------------
fname = "../idffiles/doas2_1.idf"
zonename = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2"
aduname = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 ATU"
uunitname = "ZN_1_FLR_2_SEC_2 uncontrolled"
outname = "../idffiles/doas2_2.idf"
data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=theidd,
idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, commlst, theidd, block)
idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)

# from ADU grab objtype  and objname
# remove ADU
# - 
# in ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit:
#   get name, objtype, objname
objkey = "ZoneHVAC:AirDistributionUnit".upper()
singlefields = ["Name", "Air Terminal Object Type", "Air Terminal Name"]
repeatfields = []
fieldlist = singlefields + repeatfields
fieldlists = [fieldlist] * loops.objectcount(data, objkey)
adus = loops.extractfields(data, commdct, objkey, fieldlists)
예제 #28
def makeplantloop(iddfile, fname):
    """make the plant loop"""
    data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)

    # in plantloop get:
    #     demand inlet, outlet, branchlist
    #     supply inlet, outlet, branchlist
    plantloops = loops.plantloopfields(data, commdct)
    plantloop = plantloops[0]
    # supply barnchlist
    #     branch1 -> inlet, outlet
    #     branch2 -> inlet, outlet
    #     branch3 -> inlet, outlet
    sbranchlist = plantloop[3]
    if sbranchlist.strip() != "":
        sbranches = loops.branchlist2branches(data, commdct, sbranchlist)
        s_in_out = [loops.branch_inlet_outlet(data, commdct, 
                                        sbranch) for sbranch in sbranches]
        sbranchinout = dict(zip(sbranches, s_in_out))                            

    dbranchlist = plantloop[6]
    if dbranchlist.strip() != "":
        dbranches = loops.branchlist2branches(data, commdct, dbranchlist)
        d_in_out = [loops.branch_inlet_outlet(data, commdct, 
                                        dbranch) for dbranch in dbranches]
        dbranchinout = dict(zip(dbranches, d_in_out))                            
    # splitters
    #     inlet
    #     outlet1
    #     outlet2
    splitters = loops.splitterfields(data, commdct)
    # mixer
    #     outlet
    #     inlet1
    #     inlet2

    mixers = loops.mixerfields(data, commdct)
    # supply barnchlist
    #     branch1 -> inlet, outlet
    #     branch2 -> inlet, outlet
    #     branch3 -> inlet, outlet
    edges = []
    # get all branches
    branchkey = "branch".upper()
    branches = data.dt[branchkey]
    branch_i_o = {}
    for br in branches:
        br_name = br[1]
        in_out = loops.branch_inlet_outlet(data, commdct, br_name)
        branch_i_o[br_name] = dict(zip(["inlet", "outlet"], in_out))
    for br_name, in_out in branch_i_o.items():
        edges.append((in_out["inlet"], br_name))
        edges.append((br_name, in_out["outlet"]))

    # connect splitter to nodes
    for splitter in splitters:
        # splitter_inlet = inletbranch.node
        splittername = splitter[0]
        inletbranchname = splitter[1] 
        splitter_inlet = branch_i_o[inletbranchname]["outlet"]
        # edges = splitter_inlet -> splittername
        edges.append((splitter_inlet, splittername))
        # splitter_outlets = ouletbranches.nodes
        outletbranchnames = [br for br in splitter[2:]]
        splitter_outlets = [branch_i_o[br]["inlet"] for br in outletbranchnames]
        # edges = [splittername -> outlet for outlet in splitter_outlets]
        moreedges = [(splittername, outlet) for outlet in splitter_outlets]
        edges = edges + moreedges

    for mixer in mixers:
        # mixer_outlet = outletbranch.node
        mixername = mixer[0]
        outletbranchname = mixer[1] 
        mixer_outlet = branch_i_o[outletbranchname]["inlet"]
        # edges = mixername -> mixer_outlet
        edges.append((mixername, mixer_outlet))
        # mixer_inlets = inletbranches.nodes
        inletbranchnames = [br for br in mixer[2:]]
        mixer_inlets = [branch_i_o[br]["outlet"] for br in inletbranchnames]
        # edges = [mixername -> inlet for inlet in mixer_inlets]
        moreedges = [(inlet, mixername) for inlet in mixer_inlets]
        edges = edges + moreedges

    # connect demand and supply side
    for plantloop in plantloops:
        supplyinlet = plantloop[1]
        supplyoutlet = plantloop[2]
        demandinlet = plantloop[4]
        demandoutlet = plantloop[5]
        # edges = [supplyoutlet -> demandinlet, demandoutlet -> supplyinlet]
        moreedges = [(supplyoutlet, demandinlet), (demandoutlet, supplyinlet)]
        edges = edges + moreedges
    g=pydot.graph_from_edges(edges, directed=True) 
    return g
import sys

from EPlusCode.EPlusInterfaceFunctions import readidf

# # just read a file and dump the text out.

iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
fname = "../idffiles/a.idf"
data1, commdct1 = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfile)
txt1 = ` data1 `
# print txt1[:100]

iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
iddfobject = open(iddfile, "r")
fname = "../idffiles/a.idf"
fnamefobject = open(fname, "r")
data2, commdct2 = readidf.readdatacommdct(fnamefobject, iddfile=iddfile)
txt2 = ` data2 `
# print txt2[:100]

print "txt1 == txt2"
print txt1 == txt2

iddfile = "../iddfiles/Energy+V6_0.idd"
iddfobject = open(iddfile, "r")
fname = "../idffiles/a.idf"
fnamefobject = open(fname, "r")
data3, commdct3 = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddfile=iddfobject)
txt3 = ` data3 `
def test_getobjlist():
    """py.test for getobjlist"""
    thedata = (("""Zone, PLENUM__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.609600067, 283.2;
    Zone, SPACE1__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE2__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE3__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE4__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE5__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 447.682556152;
    Lights, SPACE1__1_Lights_1, SPACE1__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE2__1_Lights_1, SPACE2__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE3__1_Lights_1, SPACE3__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE4__1_Lights_1, SPACE4__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE5__1_Lights_1, SPACE5__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 2964, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    'lights'.upper(), 0, 2,
    ["PLENUM__1", "SPACE1__1", "SPACE2__1", "SPACE3__1", "SPACE4__1", "SPACE5__1"] ), 
    # idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, theobjlist
    ("""Zone, PLENUM__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.609600067, 283.2;
    Zone, SPACE1__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE2__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE3__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE4__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE5__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 447.682556152;
    Lights, SPACE1__1_Lights_1, SPACE1__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE2__1_Lights_1, SPACE2__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE3__1_Lights_1, SPACE3__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE4__1_Lights_1, SPACE4__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE5__1_Lights_1, SPACE5__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 2964, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    'lights'.upper(), 0, 1,
    [] ), 
    # idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, theobjlist
    ("""Zone, PLENUM__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0.609600067, 283.2;
    Zone, SPACE1__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE2__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE3__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 239.247360229;
    Zone, SPACE4__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 103.311355591;
    Zone, SPACE5__1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 2.438400269, 447.682556152;
    ZoneList, azonelist, SPACE1__1, SPACE2__1;
    Lights, SPACE1__1_Lights_1, SPACE1__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE2__1_Lights_1, SPACE2__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE3__1_Lights_1, SPACE3__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 1584, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE4__1_Lights_1, SPACE4__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 684, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    Lights, SPACE5__1_Lights_1, SPACE5__1, LIGHTS__1, LightingLevel, 2964, , , 0, 0.59, 0.2, 0, GeneralLights;
    'lights'.upper(), 0, 2,
    ["PLENUM__1", "SPACE1__1", "SPACE2__1", "SPACE3__1", "SPACE4__1", "SPACE5__1", "azonelist"]  ), 
    # list comes from zone and zonelist 
    # idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, theobjlist
    # TODO : test if it is not an object list, test for zone and zonelist
    for idftxt, objkey, objid, fieldid, theobjlist in thedata:  
        fname = StringIO(idftxt)
        data, commdct = readidf.readdatacommdct(fname, iddV6_0.theidd,
        theidd = iddV6_0.theidd
        idd = eplus_functions.Idd(commdct, iddV6_0.commlst, theidd, iddV6_0.block)
        idfw = eplus_functions.IdfWrapper(data, idd)
        dt = idfw.idf.dt

        result = eplus_functions.getobjlistOfField(idfw, objkey, objid, fieldid)
        assert result == theobjlist