def shift_time(hours: int = 0, minutes: int = 0, seconds: int = 0, is_video: bool = False): """ shift DateTimeOriginal to correct for wrong camera time setting :example: to adjust time zone by one, set hours=-1 :param hours: hours to shift :param minutes: minutes to shift :param seconds: seconds to shift :param is_video: whether to modify videos, if false modifies pictures """ log_function_call(shift_time.__name__, hours, minutes, seconds, is_video) inpath = os.getcwd() delta_t = dt.timedelta(hours=hours, minutes=minutes, seconds=seconds) Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath, settings.video_types if is_video else settings.image_types) if has_not_keys(Tagdict, keys=["Directory", "File Name", "Date/Time Original"]): return leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0]) time_tags = ["DateTimeOriginal", "CreateDate", "ModifyDate"] time_tags_mp4 = ["TrackCreateDate", "TrackModifyDate", "MediaCreateDate", "MediaModifyDate"] dir_change_printer = DirChangePrinter(Tagdict["Directory"][0]) for i in range(leng): model = create_model(Tagdict, i) time = giveDatetime(model.get_date()) newtime = time + delta_t timestring = dateformating(newtime, "YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:ss") outTagDict = {} for time_tag in time_tags: outTagDict[time_tag] = timestring if is_video: for time_tag in time_tags_mp4: outTagDict[time_tag] = timestring write_exiftag(outTagDict, model.dir, model.filename) dir_change_printer.update(model.dir) dir_change_printer.finish()
def fake_date(start='2000:01:01', write=True, folder_dict: OrderedDict = None): """ each file in a directory is one second later each dir is one day later :param start: the date on which to start generate fake dates :param write: whether should write or only print :param folder_dict: foldername to date """ log_function_call(fake_date.__name__, start) inpath = os.getcwd() start_time_part = ' 06:00:00.000' start_time = giveDatetime(start + start_time_part) dir_counter = -1 for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inpath): if is_invalid_path(dirpath): continue filenames = filterFiles(filenames, settings.image_types + settings.video_types) if not filenames or len(filenames) == 0: continue if folder_dict: dirpath_rel = os.path.relpath(dirpath, inpath) if not dirpath_rel in folder_dict: continue else: dirtime = giveDatetime(folder_dict[dirpath_rel] + start_time_part) else: dir_counter += 1 dirtime = start_time + dt.timedelta(days=dir_counter) log().info(dirtime) secounds = 0 minutes = 0 lastname = "" for filename in filenames: if len(filename) == len(lastname) and remove_ext(filename)[:-2] == remove_ext(lastname)[:-2]: secounds += 1 else: secounds = 0 minutes += 1 lastname = filename time = dirtime + dt.timedelta(minutes=minutes, seconds=secounds) time_string = dateformating(time, "YYYY:MM:DD HH:mm:ss") if write: # CreateDate is sometimes set and google fotos gives it precedence over DateTimeOriginal write_exiftag({"DateTimeOriginal": time_string}, dirpath, filename, ["-DateCreated=", "-TimeCreated=", "-CreateDate=", "-Artist=", "-DigitalCreationDate=", "-ModifyDate=", "-DateTimeDigitized="])
def location_to_keywords(): """ import location exif information to put into Keywords deprecated: try to use write_exif_using_csv() instead """ inpath = os.getcwd() log().info("process %d Files in %s, subdir: %r", count_files_in(inpath, settings.image_types + settings.video_types, ""), inpath, settings.includeSubdirs) askToContinue() Tagdict = read_exiftags(inpath, ask=False) leng = len(list(Tagdict.values())[0]) for i in range(leng): dirpath = Tagdict["Directory"][i] filename = Tagdict["File Name"][i] image_tags = Tagdict["Keywords"][i].split(', ') outTagDict = {'Keywords': image_tags, 'Subject': list(image_tags)} location = Location(Tagdict, i) add_dict(outTagDict, location.to_tag_dict()) write_exiftag(outTagDict, dirpath, filename)
def name_to_exif(folder=r"", additional_tags=(), startdir=None): """ extract title, description and mode from name and write them to exif deprecated: try to use write_exif_using_csv() instead """ inpath = os.getcwd() clock = Clock() file_types = settings.image_types + settings.video_types log().info("process %d Files in %s, subdir: %r", count_files_in(inpath, file_types, ""), inpath, settings.includeSubdirs) askToContinue() for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inpath): if is_invalid_path(dirpath, regex=folder): continue filenames = filterFiles(filenames, file_types) for filename in filenames: meta_data = FileMetaData(dirpath, filename) if startdir: meta_data.import_fullname(startdir) else: meta_data.import_filename() meta_data.update({'tags': additional_tags}) write_exiftag(meta_data.to_tag_dict(), dirpath, filename) clock.finish()
def write_exif_using_csv(csv_filenames: Union[str, List[str]] = "*", folder: str = r"", start_folder: str = "", csv_folder: str = None, csv_restriction: str = "", import_filename: bool = True, import_exif: bool = True, only_when_changed: bool = False, overwrite_gps: bool = False, is_video: bool = False): """ csv files are used for setting tags the csv files have to be separated by semicolon empty values in a column or not present columns are not evaluated each '' in the following is a possible column name can also be used without csv files at all just to import filename to tags following restrictions to files are possible: 'directory': checks if value is part of directory 'name_main': checks if value is the first part of filename 'first': int counter min 'last': int counter max 'name_part': checks if value is part of filename :param csv_filenames: can be either "*" for all files in directory or a iterable of filenames can set follow exif information: ['title', 'tags', 'tags2', 'tags3', 'rating', 'description', 'gps'] tags are expected to be separated by ', ' rating is expected to be in interval [0,5] gps is expected to be 'lat, long' in decimal notation can set Location via ['Country', 'State', 'City', 'Location'] sets also structured description for image processing like HDR and Panorama columns starting with 'HDR' are evaluated as HDR description 'TM' are evaluated as HDR Tone Mapping description 'PANO' are evaluated as Panorama description :param csv_folder: location of csv files - standard is the .EXIFnaming/info :param csv_restriction: files that do not pass any of the restriction in this file are not modified at all :param folder: process only folders matching this regex :param start_folder: directories before this name will be ignored, does not needs to be a full directory name :param import_filename: whether to extract tags from filename :param import_exif: whether to extract tags from exif :param overwrite_gps: modifier for import_exif, overwrites gps data with information of csv :param only_when_changed: when true filename is not imported to tags for files without matching entries in csv useless if csv_restriction is set :param is_video: wheter video types should be written - video types might not handle tags right """ if not csv_folder: csv_folder = get_setexif_dir() log_function_call(write_exif_using_csv.__name__, csv_filenames, folder, start_folder, csv_folder, csv_restriction, import_filename, import_exif, only_when_changed, overwrite_gps) inpath = os.getcwd() clock = Clock() csv.register_dialect('semicolon', delimiter=';', lineterminator='\r\n') if csv_filenames == "*": csv_filenames = filterFiles(os.listdir(csv_folder), [".csv"]) elif csv_filenames: csv_filenames = [csv_filename + ".csv" for csv_filename in csv_filenames] csv_filenames = [os.path.join(csv_folder, csv_filename) for csv_filename in csv_filenames] if csv_restriction: csv_restriction = os.path.join(csv_folder, csv_restriction) + ".csv" filetypes = settings.video_types if is_video else settings.image_types for (dirpath, dirnames, filenames) in os.walk(inpath): if is_invalid_path(dirpath, regex=folder, start=start_folder): continue for filename in filterFiles(filenames, filetypes): meta_data = FileMetaData(dirpath, filename) if not _passes_restrictor(meta_data, csv_restriction): continue if import_filename: meta_data.import_filename() if import_exif: meta_data.import_exif(overwrite_gps) for csv_filename in csv_filenames: with open(csv_filename, "r", encoding="utf-8") as csvfile: reader = csv.DictReader(csvfile, dialect='semicolon') for row in reader: meta_data.update(row) if not only_when_changed or meta_data.has_changed: write_exiftag(meta_data.to_tag_dict(),, meta_data.filename) clock.finish()