def getPayStatusMask(self, accountId): result = self._mapAccountIdToPayStatusMask.get(accountId, None) if result is None: tblAccount = self._db.table('Account') tblContract = self._db.table('Contract') tbl = tblAccount.join(tblContract, tblContract['id'].eq(tblAccount['contract_id'])) record = self._db.getRecordEx(tbl, tblContract['finance_id'], tblAccount['id'].eq(accountId)) if record: result = getPayStatusMask(forceRef(record.value('finance_id'))) self._mapAccountIdToPayStatusMask[accountId] = result return result
def processAccountItemIdList(self, recordList, refuseDate, refuseTypeId): payStatusMask = 0 for record in recordList: QtGui.qApp.processEvents() self.accountIdSet.add(forceRef(record.value('Account_id'))) contractId = forceRef(record.value('contract_id')) if self.prevContractId != contractId: self.prevContractId = contractId financeId = forceRef( self.db.translate('Contract', 'id', contractId, 'finance_id')) payStatusMask = getPayStatusMask(financeId) accDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_date')) accItemDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_Item_date')) accountItemId = forceRef(record.value('id')) if accItemDate or (refuseDate and (accDate > refuseDate)): self.err2log(u'счёт уже отказан') return self.nProcessed += 1 accItem = self.db.getRecord(self.tableAccountItem, '*', accountItemId) accItem.setValue( 'date', toVariant(refuseDate if refuseDate else QDate.currentDate())) if refuseDate: self.nRefused += 1 accItem.setValue('refuseType_id', toVariant(refuseTypeId)) updateDocsPayStatus(accItem, payStatusMask, CPayStatus.refusedBits) self.err2log(u'отказан, id=`%d`' % refuseTypeId) else: self.err2log(u'подтверждён') self.nPayed += 1 accItem.setValue('number', toVariant(self.confirmation)) self.db.updateRecord(self.tableAccountItem, accItem) if recordList == []: self.nNotFound += 1 self.err2log(u'счёт не найден')
def processRow(self, row, currentAccountOnly, importPayed, importRefused, confirmation, accountIdSet): lastName = nameCase(row.get(u'ФАМ', '')) firstName = nameCase(row.get(u'ИМЯ', '')) patrName = nameCase(row.get(u'ОТЧ', '')) refuseReasonCodeList = forceString(row.get(u'ОШЛ', '')).split(',') refuseDate = QDate().currentDate( ) if refuseReasonCodeList != [u''] else None refuseComment = row.get(u'ЗАМ', '') accountItemId = forceInt(row.get(u'УКЛ')) / 100 recNum = accountItemId if accountItemId else 0 payStatusMask = 0 self.errorPrefix = u'Элемент №%d (%s %s %s): ' % (recNum, lastName, firstName, patrName) if not accountItemId: self.err2log(u'не найден в реестре.') self.nNotFound += 1 return cond = [] cond.append(self.tableAccountItem['id'].eq(accountItemId)) if currentAccountOnly: cond.append(self.tableAccount['id'].eq(toVariant(self.accountId))) fields = ', as Account_date, as Account_Item_date, Account_Item.master_id as Account_id, Account.contract_id as contract_id' recordList = self.db.getRecordList(self.tableAcc, fields, where=cond) for record in recordList: accountIdSet.add(forceRef(record.value('Account_id'))) contractId = forceRef(record.value('contract_id')) if self.prevContractId != contractId: self.prevContractId = contractId financeId = forceRef( self.db.translate('Contract', 'id', contractId, 'finance_id')) payStatusMask = getPayStatusMask(financeId) accDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_date')) accItemDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_Item_date')) if accItemDate or (refuseDate and (accDate > refuseDate)): self.err2log(u'счёт уже отказан') return self.nProcessed += 1 accItem = self.db.getRecord(self.tableAccountItem, '*', accountItemId) accItem.setValue( 'date', toVariant(refuseDate if refuseDate else QDate.currentDate())) refuseTypeId = None if refuseDate: self.nRefused += 1 refuseTypeId = self.getRefuseTypeId(refuseReasonCodeList[0]) if not refuseTypeId: refuseTypeId = self.addRefuseTypeId( refuseReasonCodeList[0], refuseComment) self.refuseTypeIdCache[ refuseReasonCodeList[0]] = refuseTypeId accItem.setValue('refuseType_id', toVariant(refuseTypeId)) updateDocsPayStatus(accItem, payStatusMask, CPayStatus.refusedBits) self.err2log(u'отказан, код `%s`:`%s`' % (refuseReasonCodeList[0], refuseComment)) else: self.err2log(u'подтверждён') self.nPayed += 1 accItem.setValue('number', toVariant(confirmation)) self.db.updateRecord(self.tableAccountItem, accItem) if recordList == []: self.nNotFound += 1 self.err2log(u'счёт не найден')
def processRow(self, row): lastName = forceString(row['FIO']) firstName = forceString(row['IMA']) patrName = forceString(row['OTCH']) sex = self.sexMap.get(forceString(row['POL'])) birthDate = QDate(row['DATR']) if row['DATR'] else QDate() refuseDate = QDate(row['DVOZVRAT']) if row['DVOZVRAT'] else QDate() refuseReasonCodeList = forceString(row['PV']).split(' ') eventId = forceRef(row['SN']) payStatusMask = 0 accDate = QDate(row['DATS'])#QDate(row['DATPS']) if row['DATPS'] else QDate() accNumber = forceString(row['NS']) self.errorPrefix = u'Строка %d (%s %s %s): ' % (self.progressBar.value(), lastName, firstName, patrName) accountType = forceString(row['VS']) if accountType not in ('3', '7', 'b', 'f', 'j', 'n'): self.err2log(u'тип счёта не возвратный, код "%s"' % accountType) return if refuseDate.isValid() and refuseReasonCodeList == []: self.err2log(u'нет кода отказа') return if not refuseDate.isValid() and refuseReasonCodeList != []: self.err2log(u'нет даты отказа') return if not eventId: self.err2log(u'отсутствует идентификатор случая') cond=[] if self.isStationary: cond.append(self.db.joinOr([self.tableEvent['externalId'].eq(eventId), self.tableEvent['id'].eq(eventId)])) else: # Пытаемся восстановить старую логику ДККБ cond.append(self.tableEvent['client_id' if self.isDKKB else 'id'].eq(toVariant(eventId))) if accDate.isValid(): cond.append(self.tableAccount['settleDate'].eq(toVariant(accDate))) # if accNumber: # cond.append(self.tableAccount['number'].eq(toVariant(accNumber))) # if self.currentAccountOnly: cond.append(self.tableAccount['id'].eq(toVariant(self.accountId))) fields = ', as Account_date, as Account_Item_date, Account_Item.master_id as Account_id, Account.contract_id as contract_id' recordList = self.db.getRecordList(self.tableAcc, fields, where=cond) if recordList != []: for record in recordList: self.accountIdSet.add(forceRef(record.value('Account_id'))) contractId = forceRef(record.value('contract_id')) if self.prevContractId != contractId: self.prevContractId = contractId financeId = forceRef(self.db.translate('Contract', 'id', contractId, 'finance_id')) payStatusMask = getPayStatusMask(financeId) accDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_date')) accItemDate = forceDate(record.value('Account_Item_date')) if accItemDate: self.err2log(u'счёт уже отказан') return if accDate > refuseDate: self.err2log(u'счёт уже отказан') return self.nProcessed += 1 accountItemId = forceRef(record.value('id')) accItem = self.db.getRecord(self.tableAccountItem, '*', accountItemId) accItem.setValue('date', toVariant(refuseDate)) refuseTypeId = None if refuseDate: self.nRefused += 1 refuseTypeId=forceRef(self.db.translate( 'rbPayRefuseType', 'code', refuseReasonCodeList[0], 'id')) if not refuseTypeId: refuseTypeId = self.addRefuseTypeId(refuseReasonCodeList[0]) accItem.setValue('refuseType_id', toVariant(refuseTypeId)) updateDocsPayStatus(accItem, payStatusMask, CPayStatus.refusedBits) accItem.setValue('number', toVariant(self.confirmation)) self.db.updateRecord(self.tableAccountItem, accItem) else: self.nNotFound += 1 self.err2log(u'счёт не найден')
def selectData(self, params): # для понимания происходящего в подзапросах рекомендуется прочесть # stmt = u''' SELECT AS orgStructureName, HospitalBedsInfo.profileName AS profileName, AS eventId, Event.MES_id AS mesId, Account_Item.amount, Account_Item.sum, Account_Item.price, Contract.regionalTariffRegulationFactor AS regulator, AdditionalExpenseM.percent AS additionalExpenseMPercent, PaymentExpense.percent AS paymentExpensePercent, IF ( Account_Item.service_id IS NOT NULL, rbItemService.infis, IF(Account_Item.visit_id IS NOT NULL, rbVisitService.infis, rbEventService.infis) ) AS service FROM Account_Item INNER JOIN Account ON Account_Item.master_id = INNER JOIN Event ON Account_Item.event_id = INNER JOIN EventType ON Event.eventType_id = INNER JOIN rbEventTypePurpose ON EventType.purpose_id = AND rbEventTypePurpose.code IN (101, 102) INNER JOIN Contract_Tariff ON = Account_Item.tariff_id INNER JOIN Contract ON = Contract_Tariff.master_id INNER JOIN Person ON Event.execPerson_id = LEFT JOIN %s LEFT JOIN ( SELECT A.event_id, AS orgStructureName, AS profileName FROM Action AS A INNER JOIN ActionType AS AT ON A.actionType_id = INNER JOIN ActionPropertyType AS APT ON APT.actionType_id = AND RLIKE 'койк' INNER JOIN ActionProperty AS AP ON AP.action_id = AND AP.type_id = INNER JOIN ActionProperty_HospitalBed AS APHB ON = INNER JOIN OrgStructure_HospitalBed AS OSHB ON = APHB.value INNER JOIN rbHospitalBedProfile AS rbHBP ON OSHB.profile_id = INNER JOIN OrgStructure AS OS ON = OSHB.master_id INNER JOIN ( SELECT A.event_id, MIN( as id FROM Action AS A INNER JOIN ActionType AS AT ON A.actionType_id = INNER JOIN ActionPropertyType AS APT ON APT.actionType_id = AND RLIKE 'койк' INNER JOIN ActionProperty AS AP ON AP.action_id = AND AP.type_id = INNER JOIN ActionProperty_HospitalBed AS APHB ON = INNER JOIN OrgStructure_HospitalBed AS OSHB ON = APHB.value INNER JOIN rbHospitalBedProfile AS rbHBP ON OSHB.profile_id = INNER JOIN OrgStructure AS OS ON = OSHB.master_id WHERE A.deleted = 0 AND AT.deleted = 0 AND APT.deleted = 0 AND AP.deleted = 0 GROUP BY A.event_id ) AS MA ON A.event_id = MA.event_id AND = WHERE A.deleted = 0 AND AT.deleted = 0 AND APT.deleted = 0 AND AP.deleted = 0 ) AS HospitalBedsInfo ON HospitalBedsInfo.event_id = LEFT JOIN rbMedicalAidType ON = EventType.medicalAidType_id LEFT JOIN rbService AS rbEventService ON = EventType.service_id LEFT JOIN Visit ON = Account_Item.visit_id LEFT JOIN rbService AS rbVisitService ON = Visit.service_id LEFT JOIN rbService AS rbItemService ON = Account_Item.service_id LEFT JOIN Contract_CompositionExpense AS AdditionalExpenseM ON = ( SELECT MAX( FROM Contract_CompositionExpense AS CCE3 LEFT JOIN rbExpenseServiceItem ON CCE3.rbTable_id WHERE rbExpenseServiceItem.code IN ('3', '230004') AND CCE3.master_id = ) LEFT JOIN Contract_CompositionExpense AS PaymentExpense ON = ( SELECT MAX( FROM Contract_CompositionExpense AS CCE4 LEFT JOIN rbExpenseServiceItem ON CCE4.rbTable_id WHERE rbExpenseServiceItem.code IN ('4', '230005') AND CCE4.master_id = ) WHERE %s ''' db = QtGui.qApp.db orgStructureByAction = params.get('orgStructureByAction', True) if orgStructureByAction: orgStructureInfo = u''' ( SELECT as event_id, FROM Event INNER JOIN Action AS A ON = A.event_id INNER JOIN ActionPropertyType AS APT INNER JOIN ActionProperty AS AP ON INNER JOIN ActionProperty_OrgStructure AS APOS ON INNER JOIN OrgStructure AS OS ON = APOS.value INNER JOIN ( SELECT AS event_id, MAX(A.begDate) AS begDate FROM Event INNER JOIN Action AS A ON = A.event_id INNER JOIN ActionPropertyType AS APT INNER JOIN ActionProperty AS AP ON INNER JOIN ActionProperty_OrgStructure AS APOS ON INNER JOIN OrgStructure AS OS ON = APOS.value WHERE A.actionType_id IN (SELECT id FROM ActionType where name = 'Движение') AND APT.actionType_id = A.actionType_id AND AP.action_id = AND APT.deleted = 0 AND ( RLIKE 'Отделение') AND OS.deleted = 0 GROUP BY event_id ) AS MA ON A.event_id = MA.event_id AND A.begDate = MA.begDate WHERE A.actionType_id IN (SELECT id FROM ActionType where name = 'Движение') AND APT.actionType_id = A.actionType_id AND AP.action_id = AND APT.deleted = 0 AND ( RLIKE 'Отделение') AND OS.deleted = 0 ) AS OrgStructureInfo ON OrgStructureInfo.event_id = ''' else: orgStructureInfo = u'''OrgStructure AS OrgStructureInfo ON Person.orgStructure_id =''' tableEvent = db.table('Event') tableEventType = db.table('EventType') tableContractTariff = db.table('Contract_Tariff') tableContract = db.table('Contract') tableAccount = db.table('Account') tableAccountItem = db.table('Account_Item') tablePerson = db.table('Person') tableOrgStructure = db.table('OrgStructure') cond = [ tableEvent['execDate'].isNotNull(), tableEvent['deleted'].eq(0), tableEventType['deleted'].eq(0), tableContractTariff['deleted'].eq(0), tableContract['deleted'].eq(0), tableAccount['deleted'].eq(0), tableAccountItem['deleted'].eq(0), tablePerson['deleted'].eq(0), ] if not orgStructureByAction: cond.append( tableOrgStructure.alias('OrgStructureInfo')['deleted'].eq(0)) financeId = forceInt(params.get('financeId', None)) if financeId: cond.append(tableContract['finance_id'].eq(financeId)) accountNumber = params.get('accountNumber') cond.append(tableAccount['number'].inlist(accountNumber)) payStatusCheckState = params.get('payStatusCheckState', QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) payStatus = params.get('payStatus', '') # тип реестра if payStatusCheckState == QtCore.Qt.Checked: payStatusIndex = self.dialog.payStatusList.index(payStatus) payStatusList = [] baseTable = 'Event' if payStatusIndex == 0: # Нет выставления, оплаты и отказа cond.append('%s.payStatus = 0' % baseTable) elif payStatusIndex == 1: # Выставлено, нет оплаты и отказа for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append( str(getExposed(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) elif payStatusIndex == 2: # Отказано, нет оплаты for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append( str(getRefused(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) elif payStatusIndex == 3: # Оплачено for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append(str(getPayed(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) else: # Выставлено, оплачено, отказано cond.append('%s.payStatus <> 0' % baseTable) return db.query(stmt % (orgStructureInfo, db.joinAnd(cond)))
def selectData(self, params): stmt = u''' SELECT Account_Item.amount, Account_Item.sum, Account.number, IF ( Account_Item.service_id IS NOT NULL, rbItemService.infis, rbEventService.infis ) AS serviceCode, IF ( Account_Item.service_id IS NOT NULL,, ) AS serviceName, Person.orgStructure_id AS orgStructureId FROM Account_Item INNER JOIN Account ON Account_Item.master_id = AND Account.deleted = 0 INNER JOIN Event ON Account_Item.event_id = INNER JOIN Contract ON Event.contract_id = LEFT JOIN EventType ON Event.eventType_id = LEFT JOIN rbService AS rbItemService ON Account_Item.service_id = LEFT JOIN rbService AS rbEventService ON EventType.service_id = LEFT JOIN Person ON = Event.execPerson_id LEFT JOIN Action ON = Account_Item.action_id LEFT JOIN Visit ON = Account_Item.visit_id %s HAVING serviceCode LIKE 'A%%' OR serviceCode LIKE 'B%%' ORDER BY orgStructureId ''' orgStructureId = params.get('orgStructureId', None) financeId = params.get('typeFinanceId', None) begDate = params.get('begDate', QtCore.QDate()) endDate = params.get('endDate', QtCore.QDate()) accountNumberList = params.get('accountNumber', None) filterByDate = len(accountNumberList) == 0 payStatusCheckState = params.get('payStatusCheckState', QtCore.Qt.Unchecked) payStatus = params.get('payStatus', '') db = QtGui.qApp.db tablePerson = db.table('Person') tableContract = db.table('Contract') tableAccount = db.table('Account') tableEvent = db.table('Event') cond = [ tableEvent['execDate'].isNotNull(), u'Account_Item.deleted = 0' ] if financeId is not None: cond.append(tableContract['finance_id'].eq(financeId)) if orgStructureId: cond.append( db.joinAnd([ db.joinOr([ tablePerson['orgStructure_id'].eq(orgStructureId), tablePerson['orgStructure_id'].inInnerStmt( "(SELECT id FROM OrgStructure_Ancestors WHERE fullPath LIKE '%" + str(orgStructureId) + "%')") ]), ])) if filterByDate: if begDate: cond.append( u"DATE(COALESCE(Action.endDate,, Event.execDate)) >= DATE('%s')" % begDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd')) if endDate: cond.append( u"DATE(COALESCE(Action.endDate,, Event.execDate)) <= DATE('%s')" % endDate.toString('yyyy-MM-dd')) else: cond.append(tableAccount['number'].inlist(accountNumberList)) # тип реестра if payStatusCheckState == QtCore.Qt.Checked: payStatusIndex = self.dialog.payStatusList.index(payStatus) payStatusList = [] baseTable = 'Event' if payStatusIndex == 0: # Нет выставления, оплаты и отказа cond.append('%s.payStatus = 0' % baseTable) elif payStatusIndex == 1: # Выставлено, нет оплаты и отказа for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append( str(getExposed(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) elif payStatusIndex == 2: # Отказано, нет оплаты for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append( str(getRefused(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) elif payStatusIndex == 3: # Оплачено for f_id in self._financeIds: payStatusList.append(str(getPayed(getPayStatusMask(f_id)))) cond.append('%s.payStatus IN (%s)' % (baseTable, ','.join(payStatusList))) else: # Выставлено, оплачено, отказано cond.append('%s.payStatus <> 0' % baseTable) return db.query(stmt % (u'WHERE\n' + db.joinAnd(cond) if cond else u''))
def startImport(self): curr_acc = self.AccCheck.isChecked() imp_oplat = self.OplataCheck.isChecked() imp_otkaz = self.OtkazCheck.isChecked() imp_only_attach = self.chkOnlyAttach.isChecked() podtv = self.edtPodtv.text() if not podtv: self.log.append(u'нет подтверждения') return dbfFileName = unicode(self.edtFileName.text()) dbfRD1 = dbf.Dbf(dbfFileName, readOnly=True, encoding='cp866') imp_attach = self.chkAttach.isChecked() and forceString( self.edtAttach.text()) in dbfRD1.header.fields if imp_only_attach and not imp_attach: self.log.append(u'загрузка всех данных выключена') dbfRD1.close() return db = QtGui.qApp.db prevContractId = None payStatusMask = 0 accountIdSet = set() n = 0 n_ld = 0 n_oplata = 0 n_otkaz = 0 n_notfound = 0 tableAccount_Item = tbl('Account_Item') tableAccount = tbl('Account') tableAcc = db.join(tableAccount_Item, tableAccount, '') self.labelNum.setText(u'всего записей в источнике: ' + str(len(dbfRD1))) # RD1fields=get_RD1_fields() # RD1fields=[f[0] for f in RD1fields] requiredFields = [ 'COMMENT', 'DATE_OPLAT', 'DATE_OTKAZ', 'DR', 'ERR_S', 'FAM', 'ID', 'IM', 'KOD_OTKAZ', 'KOD_PROG', 'N_ACT', 'OT', 'POL' ] #FIXME: Нужно проверить что выбрасывается разумное исключение, которое приводит к понятному messageBox-у # assert dbfCheckNames(dbfRD1, RD1fields) assert dbfCheckNames(dbfRD1, requiredFields) self.progressBar.setMaximum(len(dbfRD1) - 1) for row in dbfRD1: QtGui.qApp.processEvents() if self.abort: break self.progressBar.setValue(n) self.stat.setText( u'обработано: %d; оплаченых: %d; отказаных: %d; не найдено: %d' % \ (n_ld, n_oplata, n_otkaz, n_notfound)) n += 1 self.n = n self.row = row # NUMTR=row['NUMTR'] # DATETR=row['DATETR'] ID = int(row['ID']) # KOD_ORG_OK=row['KOD_ORG_OK'] # KOD_ORG_OG=row['KOD_ORG_OG'] # PERIOD=row['PERIOD'] # DATE_DOG=row['DATE_DOG'] # NOMER_DOG=row['NOMER_DOG'] FAM = row['FAM'] IM = row['IM'] OT = row['OT'] POL = int(row['POL']) if row['POL'] else 0 DR = row['DR'] # SMO=row['SMO'] ERR_S = row['ERR_S'] if 'ID_PAT' in dbfRD1.header.fields: ID_PAT = row['ID_PAT'] ID_PAT = int(ID_PAT) if ID_PAT else None else: ID_PAT = None if 'ERR_REM' in dbfRD1.header.fields: ERR_REM = row['ERR_REM'] else: ERR_REM = '' DATE_OPLAT = row['DATE_OPLAT'] DATE_OTKAZ = row['DATE_OTKAZ'] N_ACT = row['N_ACT'] KOD_OTKAZ = row['KOD_OTKAZ'] # COMMENT=row['COMMENT'] self.err_txt = u'ID=%s; ID_PAT=%s (%s %s %s): ' % ( row['ID'], str(ID_PAT), FAM, IM, OT) KOD_PROG = row['KOD_PROG'] if KOD_PROG != 4: continue # if not ID or not ID_PAT: # self.err2log(u'отсутствует ID или ID_PAT') # continue if not ID: self.err2log(u'отсутствует ID') continue if not imp_only_attach: if not DATE_OPLAT and not DATE_OTKAZ: self.err2log(u'отсутствуют даты оплаты и отказа') continue if DATE_OPLAT and DATE_OTKAZ: self.err2log(u'есть и дата оплаты, и дата отказа') continue if DATE_OTKAZ and not ERR_S: self.err2log(u'нет кода отказа') continue if not DATE_OTKAZ and ERR_S: self.err2log(u'нет даты отказа') continue if DATE_OPLAT and not imp_oplat: continue if DATE_OTKAZ and not imp_otkaz: continue Event = db.getRecord('Event', '*', ID) if not Event: self.err2log(u'Event не найден') continue if ID_PAT: if Event.value('client_id').toInt()[0] != ID_PAT: self.err2log(u'Event.client_id не совпадает с ID_PAT') continue else: ID_PAT = Event.value('client_id').toInt()[0] Client = db.getRecord('Client', '*', ID_PAT) if not Client: self.err2log(u'пациент не найден') continue if ((FAM or IM or OT or DR or POL) and (forceString(Client.value('lastName')).upper() != FAM.upper() or forceString( Client.value('firstName')).upper() != IM.upper() or forceString(Client.value('patrName')).upper() != OT.upper() or get_date(Client.value('birthDate')) != DR or Client.value('sex').toInt()[0] != POL)): self.err2log(u'информация о пациенте не совпадает') # continue if imp_attach: attachField = forceString(self.edtAttach.text()) attach = row[attachField] if attach: lpuId = self.infis2orgId(attach) if lpuId: ClientAttachFields = [('client_id', ID_PAT), ('attachType_id', 2), ('LPU_id', lpuId)] getId(self.tableClientAttach, ClientAttachFields) if not imp_only_attach: cond = [] cond.append(tableAccount_Item['event_id'].eq(toVariant(ID))) if curr_acc: cond.append(tableAccount['id'].eq(toVariant( self.accountId))) # cond.append(tableAccount_Item['date'].isNull()) DATE = DATE_OPLAT if DATE_OPLAT else DATE_OTKAZ # cond.append(tableAccount['date'].le(toVariant(DATE))) fields = ', as Account_date, as Account_Item_date, Account_Item.master_id as Account_id, Account.contract_id as contract_id' AccRecord = db.getRecordEx(tableAcc, fields, where=cond) if AccRecord: accountIdSet.add(forceRef(AccRecord.value('Account_id'))) contractId = forceRef(AccRecord.value('contract_id')) if prevContractId != contractId: prevContractId = contractId financeId = forceRef( db.translate('Contract', 'id', contractId, 'finance_id')) payStatusMask = getPayStatusMask(financeId) Account_date = get_date(AccRecord.value('Account_date')) Account_Item_date = get_date( AccRecord.value('Account_Item_date')) if Account_Item_date: self.err2log(u'счёт уже оплачен или отказан') continue if Account_date > DATE: self.err2log(u'счёт уже оплачен или отказан') continue n_ld += 1 Account_ItemId = AccRecord.value('id').toInt()[0] Account_Item = db.getRecord('Account_Item', '*', Account_ItemId) Account_Item.setValue('date', toVariant(DATE)) refuseType_id = None # if DATE_OTKAZ and KOD_OTKAZ: # refuseType_id={}.get(KOD_OTKAZ, 61) if DATE_OTKAZ: n_otkaz += 1 ERR_S = ERR_S.replace(';', ',').split(',')[0] refuseType_id = forceInt( db.translate('rbPayRefuseType', 'code', ERR_S, 'id')) if not refuseType_id: # refuseType_id=61 table = tbl('rbPayRefuseType') record = table.newRecord() record.setValue('code', toVariant(ERR_S)) record.setValue( 'name ', toVariant(u'неизвестная причина с кодом "%s"' % ERR_S)) record.setValue('finance_id', toVariant(5)) record.setValue('rerun', toVariant(1)) refuseType_id = db.insertRecord(table, record) Account_Item.setValue('refuseType_id', toVariant(refuseType_id)) updateDocsPayStatus(Account_Item, payStatusMask, CPayStatus.refusedBits) else: n_oplata += 1 updateDocsPayStatus(Account_Item, payStatusMask, CPayStatus.payedBits) Account_Item.setValue( 'number', toVariant(str(N_ACT) if N_ACT else podtv)) Account_Item.setValue( 'note', toVariant(row['ERR_S'] + ';' + ERR_REM + ' ' + row['COMMENT'])) db.updateRecord(tableAccount_Item, Account_Item) else: n_notfound += 1 self.err2log(u'счёт не найден') self.progressBar.setValue(n) self.stat.setText( u'обработано: %d; оплаченых: %d; отказаных: %d; не найдено: %d' % \ (n_ld, n_oplata, n_otkaz, n_notfound)) self.progressBar.setValue(n - 1) updateAccounts(list(accountIdSet))
def __init__(self, parent, accountId, accountItemIdList): QtGui.QDialog.__init__(self) self.setupUi(self) self.parent = parent CDBFimport.__init__(self, self.log) #self.accountId=accountId #self.accountItemIdList=accountItemIdList self.accountId = accountId self.process = None self.processedEvents = [] self.checkName() self.errorPrefix = '' self.nProcessed = 0 self.nPayed = 0 self.nRefused = 0 self.nNotFound = 0 self.tabImportType.setVisible(False) self.label_3.setVisible(False) self.processedEvents = [] self.tblPayRefuseType = tbl('rbPayRefuseType') self.tableAccountItem = tbl('Account_Item') self.tableEvent = tbl('Event') self.tableAccount = tbl('Account') self.tableClientPolicy = tbl('ClientPolicy') self.tableVisit = tbl('Visit') self.tableAction = tbl('Action') self.tableAcc = self.db.join(self.tableAccountItem, self.tableAccount, '').join( self.tableEvent, '') self.prevContractId = None self.financeTypeOMS = forceRef( self.db.translate('rbFinance', 'code', '2', 'id')) self.orgCache = {} self.deleteAccount = False self.setWindowTitle(u'Загрузка отказов оплаты для Ростовской области') self.labelNum.setText(u'') # Получаем тип финансирования и маску if accountId: tempQ = QtGui.qApp.db.query( 'SELECT Contract.finance_id FROM Account LEFT JOIN Contract ON = Account.contract_id WHERE = %s' % accountId) if rec = tempQ.record() self.financeId = forceRef(rec.value('finance_id')) self.payStatusMask = getPayStatusMask(self.financeId) else: self.financeId = 0 self.payStatusMask = 0 else: self.financeId = 0 self.payStatusMask = 0 self.requiredFields = { #self.processKontrol: ['NSCHT', 'KODP', 'ER_COD', 'COMENT'], # Должно быть по стандарту, но в Ростове - мудаки. self.processKontrol: ['NSCHT', 'KODP', 'ER_COD', 'ER_MESSAGE'], self.processPolicy: ['KODST', 'SERIA', 'NPOLI', 'VPOLIS', 'NSTRA', 'KTERR'], self.processExpertise: ['NSCHT', 'KOTK', 'PRIM'] }