예제 #1
def test_raw_decision_function():
    from EvoDAG.model import EvoDAGE
    m = EvoDAGE(n_estimators=3, n_jobs=2, time_limit=4)
    m.fit(X, cl)
    pr = m.raw_decision_function(X)
    assert pr.shape[1] == np.unique(cl).shape[0] * len(m._m.models)
예제 #2
 time_spent = time.time() - start
 vprint(verbose,  "[+] Remaining time after building model %5.2f sec" % (time_budget-time_spent))
 if time_spent >= time_budget:
     vprint(verbose,  "[-] Sorry, time budget exceeded, skipping this task")
     execution_success = False
 time_predict_value = time_to_predict(D)
 time_budget = time_budget - time_spent  # Remove time spent so far
 start = time.time()                     # Reset the counter
 time_spent = 0                          # Initialize time spent learning
 M.time_limit = time_budget * time_predict_value * 0.9
 vprint(verbose,  "[+] Time budget to train the model %5.2f sec" % M._time_limit)
 Xtest = None
 if D.info['test_num'] < 1000:
     Xtest = np.array([x.hy.full_array() for x in read_data(test_fname)]).T
 M.fit(X, y, test_set=Xtest)
 # log_reg = LogisticRegression(random_state=0, class_weight='balanced')
 # log_reg.fit(M.raw_decision_function(X), y)
 vprint(verbose, "=========== " + basename.capitalize() + " Training cycle " + " ================")
 vprint(verbose, "[+] Fitting success, time spent so far %5.2f sec" % (time.time() - start))
 vprint(verbose, "[+] Size of trained model  %5.2f bytes" % data_io.total_size(M))
 # Make predictions
 # -----------------
 if os.path.isfile(valid_fname):
     Y_valid = M.predict_proba(read_data(valid_fname))[:, 1]
     # Y_valid = log_reg.predict_proba(M.raw_decision_function(read_data(valid_fname)))[:, 1]
     Y_valid = None
 if Xtest is None:
     Xtest = read_data(test_fname)
 Y_test = M.predict_proba(Xtest)[:, 1]