def updateOpts(self, opts=None): """ Updates options list inside API request definition. Keyword arguments: self APIRequest -- Self instance opts dict -- (optional) Additional options array to merge with previous option values Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if opts param is not a dictionary. SDKInvalidArgException if provided parameter list is non-dict parameter. """ if opts is None: opts = {} if not isinstance(opts, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`opts` must be a dictionary') elif 'params' in opts and not isinstance(opts['params'], dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException( '`opts[\'params\']` must be a dictionary') self._opts.update(opts)
def all(self, filters=None): """ Function definition for listing all entities. Base function checks for invalid parameters. Keyword arguments: self EntityHandler -- Self instance filters dict -- (optional) Filters to apply to restrict listing. Currently supported: limit, page Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided filters param is not a dictionary. SDKInvalidArgException if invalid filter value found in filters dictionary. """ if filters is None: filters = {} if not isinstance(filters, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`filters` must be a dictionary') else: for k in filters.keys(): if not k in ['include', 'limit', 'page']: raise SDKInvalidArgException('unsupported ' + k + ' for `filters`')
def exchangeAuthCode(self, clientID, clientSecret, grantType, code, redirectURI): """ Generates an access token string from the provided authorization code Keyword arguments: self OAuth2Handler -- Self instance clientID str -- client ID given at application registration clientSecret str -- client secret given at application registration grantType str -- oauth specific grant_type value (i.e.: authorization_code) code str -- authorization code obtained from the generated auth link redirectURI str -- URL to be redirected to after authorization Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided clientID param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided clientSecret param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided grantType param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided code param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided redirectURI param is not a string Returns: str - returns obtained access token string """ if not isinstance(clientID, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`clientID` must be a string') elif not isinstance(clientSecret, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`clientSecret` must be a string') elif not isinstance(grantType, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`grantType` must be a string') elif not isinstance(code, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`code` must be a string') elif not isinstance(redirectURI, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`redirectURI` must be a string') params = { 'grant_type': grantType, 'client_id': clientID, 'client_secret': clientSecret, 'redirect_uri': redirectURI, 'code': code } req = APIRequest(self._origin, '/login/oauth/access_token', 'POST', { 'base_uri': '', 'params': params }) resp = req.exec_() return resp['access_token']
def generateAuthLink(self, clientID, redirectURI, scope='read', state=None): """ Function that generates link for user to follow in order to request authorization code Keyword arguments: self OAuth2Handler -- Self instance clientID str -- client ID given at application registration redirectURI str -- URL to be redirected to after authorization scope str -- (optional) comma-separated list of requested scopes (default: 'read') state str -- (optional) random string for MITM attack prevention Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided clientID param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided redirectURI param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided scope param is not a string SDKInvalidArgException if provided state param is not a string Returns: str - returns URL to follow for authorization code request """ if not isinstance(clientID, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`clientID` must be a string') elif not isinstance(redirectURI, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`redirectURI` must be a string') elif not isinstance(scope, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`scope` must be a string') elif not state is None and not isinstance(state, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`state` must be a string') baseURL = '' params = { 'client_id': clientID, 'redirect_uri': redirectURI, 'scope': scope } if not state is None: params['state'] = state baseURL += '?' + urllib.parse.urlencode(params) return baseURL
def upload(self, filepath): """ Uploads given file as an attachment for specified bug. Keyword arguments: self BugAttachmentsHandler -- Self instance filepath str -- an absolute path of the file to be uploaded example: /home/path/to/file.txt (Linux), C:\\Users\\Documents\\file.txt (Windows) Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if filepath is not a string Returns: BugAttachment -- the newly uploaded attachment """ if not isinstance(filepath, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`filepath` must be of type string') req = APIRequest(self._origin, '/v1/bugs/' + str(self._bugID) + '/attachments', 'POST', { 'form_data': True, 'file_path': filepath }) return BugAttachment(self._origin, req.exec_())
def create(self, fields): """ Function definition for creating a new entity. Base function checks for invalid parameters. Keyword arguments: self EntityHandler -- Self instance fields dict -- Non-empty dictionary consisting of entity data to send for adding Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided fields param is not a dictionary. SDKInvalidArgException if provided fields param is empty. """ if not isinstance(fields, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`fields` must be a dictionary') elif not len(fields): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`fields` must be non-empty')
def __init__(self, origin, endpoint, method, opts = None): """ Constructs API request definition. Keyword arguments: self APIRequest -- Self instance origin Client -- Originating client reference endpoint str -- API endpoint method str -- Method for cURL call - supports GET, POST, PUT or DELETE only opts dict -- (optional) Additional options to pass to request. Request parameters (if any) must bep assed here. Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if method is non-string. SDKInvalidArgException if unsupported method is provided. SDKInvalidArgException if endpoint is non-string. SDKInvalidArgException if opts param is not a dictionary. """ if opts is None: opts = {} if not isinstance(method, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`method` must be a string') elif not method in ['GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE']: raise SDKInvalidArgException('unsupported ' + method + ' `method`') elif not isinstance(endpoint, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`endpoint` must be a string') elif not isinstance(opts, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`opts` must be a dictionary') self._opts = self._default_opts.copy() self.updateOpts(opts) self._origin = origin self._endpoint = endpoint self._method = method
def __init__(self, origin, data): """ Constructs an Entity instance Keyword arguments: self Entity -- Self instance origin Client -- Original client instance reference data dict -- Data to be contained in the new Entity. Must be non-empty. Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided data param is not a dictionary. SDKInvalidArgException if provided data param is empty. Entities cannot be empty. """ if not isinstance(data, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`data` must be a dictionary') elif not len(data): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`data` must be non-empty') self.origin = origin = data
def update(self, id_, fields): """ Function definition for updating an existing entity. Base function checks for invalid parameters. Keyword arguments: self EntityHandler -- Self instance id_ int -- ID field of entity to update in the entity collection fields dict -- Non-empty dictionary consisting of entity data to send for update Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided id_ param is not an integer. SDKInvalidArgException if provided fields param is not a dictionary. SDKInvalidArgException if provided fields param is empty. """ if not isinstance(id_, int): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`id_` must be of type integer') elif not isinstance(fields, dict): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`fields` must be a dictionary') elif not len(fields): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`fields` must be non-empty')
def delete(self, id_): """ Function definition for deleting an existing entity. Base function checks for invalid parameters. Keyword arguments: self EntityHandler -- Self instance id_ int -- ID field of entity to delete in the entity collection Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided id_ param is not an integer. """ if not isinstance(id_, int): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`id_` must be of type integer')
def attachToken(self, accessToken): """ Function to attach new token to SDK Client instance. Token changes are dynamic; all objects/entities originating from an instance which has had its token updated will utilize the new token automatically. Keyword arguments: self Client -- Self instance accessToken str -- the string of the token to be attached Exceptions: SDKInvalidArgException if provided accessToken param is not a string """ if not isinstance(accessToken, str): raise SDKInvalidArgException('`accessToken` must be a string') self._accessToken = accessToken