예제 #1
파일: SSH2.py 프로젝트: casualuser/exscript
    def _paramiko_shell(self):
        rows, cols = get_terminal_size()

            self.shell = self.client.open_session()
            self.shell.get_pty(self.termtype, cols, rows)
        except SSHException, e:
            self._dbg(1, 'Failed to open shell.')
            raise LoginFailure('Failed to open shell: ' + str(e))
예제 #2
파일: SSH2.py 프로젝트: souperrod/exscript
    def _paramiko_shell(self):
        rows, cols = get_terminal_size()

            self.shell = self.client.open_session()
            self.shell.get_pty(self.termtype, cols, rows)
        except SSHException, e:
            self._dbg(1, 'Failed to open shell.')
            raise LoginFailure('Failed to open shell: ' + str(e))
예제 #3
파일: Telnet.py 프로젝트: keedhost/exscript
 def _connect_hook(self, hostname, port):
     assert self.tn is None
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     self.tn = telnetlib.Telnet(hostname,
                                port or 23,
                                termsize=(rows, cols),
     if self.debug >= 5:
     if self.tn is None:
         return False
     return True
예제 #4
파일: Telnet.py 프로젝트: amito/exscript
 def _connect_hook(self, hostname, port):
     assert self.tn is None
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     self.tn = telnetlib.Telnet(hostname,
                                port or 23,
                                termsize         = (rows, cols),
                                termtype         = self.termtype,
                                stderr           = self.stderr,
                                receive_callback = self._telnetlib_received)
     if self.debug >= 5:
     if self.tn is None:
         return False
     return True
예제 #5
    def testGetTerminalSize(self):
        from Exscript.util.tty import get_terminal_size

        # This hack really makes the test incomplete because
        # get_terminal_size() won't be able to check the cterm size,
        # but it is the only way to test at least partially.
        os.ctermid = lambda: '/nosuchfileexists'

        # By deleting PATH we prevent get_terminal_size() from asking
        # the stty unix program.
        oldpath = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = ''

        # If the LINES and COLUMNS variables are not set, all methods should
        # now fail, and the default values are returned.
        os.environ['LINES'] = ''
        os.environ['COLUMNS'] = ''
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(), (25, 80))
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (10, 10))

        # If the LINES and COLUMNS variables are set, they should be used.
        os.environ['LINES'] = '1000'
        os.environ['COLUMNS'] = '1000'
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(), (1000, 1000))
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))

        # If the stty program exists, it should be used.
        os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
            self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(), (1000, 1000))
            self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))
        except OSError:
            pass  # "stty" not found.

        # Lastly, if stdin/stderr/stdout exist, they should tell us something.
        os.environ['PATH'] = ''
        self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(), (1000, 1000))
        self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))
        os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
예제 #6
파일: ttyTest.py 프로젝트: 0x24bin/exscript
    def testGetTerminalSize(self):
        from Exscript.util.tty import get_terminal_size

        # This hack really makes the test incomplete because
        # get_terminal_size() won't be able to check the cterm size,
        # but it is the only way to test at least partially.
        os.ctermid = lambda: '/nosuchfileexists'

        # By deleting PATH we prevent get_terminal_size() from asking
        # the stty unix program.
        oldpath = os.environ['PATH']
        os.environ['PATH'] = ''

        # If the LINES and COLUMNS variables are not set, all methods should
        # now fail, and the default values are returned.
        os.environ['LINES']   = ''
        os.environ['COLUMNS'] = ''
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(),       (25, 80))
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (10, 10))

        # If the LINES and COLUMNS variables are set, they should be used.
        os.environ['LINES']   = '1000'
        os.environ['COLUMNS'] = '1000'
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(),       (1000, 1000))
        self.assertEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))

        # If the stty program exists, it should be used.
        os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
            self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(),       (1000, 1000))
            self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))
        except OSError:
            pass # "stty" not found.

        # Lastly, if stdin/stderr/stdout exist, they should tell us something.
        os.environ['PATH'] = ''
        self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(),       (1000, 1000))
        self.assertNotEqual(get_terminal_size(10, 10), (1000, 1000))
        os.environ['PATH'] = oldpath
예제 #7
파일: Queue.py 프로젝트: souperrod/exscript
 def _print_status_bar(self, exclude = None):
     if self.total == 0:
     percent  = 100.0 / self.total * self.completed
     progress = '%d/%d (%d%%)' % (self.completed, self.total, percent)
     jobs     = self.workqueue.get_running_jobs()
     running  = '|'.join([j.name for j in jobs if j.name != exclude])
     if not running:
         self.status_bar_length = 0
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     text       = 'In progress: [%s] %s' % (running, progress)
     overflow   = len(text) - cols
     if overflow > 0:
         cont      = '...'
         overflow += len(cont) + 1
         strlen    = len(running)
         partlen   = (strlen / 2) - (overflow / 2)
         head      = running[:partlen]
         tail      = running[-partlen:]
         running   = head + cont + tail
         text      = 'In progress: [%s] %s' % (running, progress)
     self._write('status_bar', text)
     self.status_bar_length = len(text)
예제 #8
파일: Queue.py 프로젝트: amito/exscript
 def _print_status_bar(self, exclude=None):
     if self.total == 0:
     percent = 100.0 / self.total * self.completed
     progress = "%d/%d (%d%%)" % (self.completed, self.total, percent)
     jobs = self.workqueue.get_running_jobs()
     running = "|".join([j.name for j in jobs if j.name != exclude])
     if not running:
         self.status_bar_length = 0
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     text = "In progress: [%s] %s" % (running, progress)
     overflow = len(text) - cols
     if overflow > 0:
         cont = "..."
         overflow += len(cont) + 1
         strlen = len(running)
         partlen = (strlen / 2) - (overflow / 2)
         head = running[:partlen]
         tail = running[-partlen:]
         running = head + cont + tail
         text = "In progress: [%s] %s" % (running, progress)
     self._write("status_bar", text)
     self.status_bar_length = len(text)
예제 #9
 def handle_sigwinch(signum, frame):
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     self._set_terminal_size(rows, cols)
예제 #10
 def handle_sigwinch(signum, frame):
     rows, cols = get_terminal_size()
     self._set_terminal_size(rows, cols)