def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, module): self.RemoveString = _( "You can remove specific instances from the desktop via that desklet's context menu" ) ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, module)
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, target, module): self.RemoveString = _( "You can remove specific instances in panel edit mode via the context menu." ) ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, target, module)
class Module: def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("applet") = "applets" # for i18n replacement in noun = _("applet") pl_noun = _("applets") target = _("panel") self.comment = _("Manage Cinnamon applets") self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Applets"), "cs-applets", keywords, content_box, "applet", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances in panel edit mode via the context menu.") self.category = "prefs" def on_module_selected(self): if not self.loaded: print "Loading Applets module" self.sidePage.load() def _setParentRef(self, window, builder): self.sidePage.window = window self.sidePage.builder = builder def toSettingString(self, uuid, instanceId): return ("panel1:right:0:%s:%d") % (uuid, instanceId) def fromSettingString(self, string): panel, side, position, uuid, instanceId = string.split(":") return uuid def getAdditionalPage(self): return None
class Module: def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("extension, addon") = "extensions" self.comment = _("Manage your Cinnamon extensions") # for i18n replacement in noun = _("extension") pl_noun = _("extensions") # we do not translate Cinnamon target = "Cinnamon" self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Extensions"), "cs-extensions", keywords, content_box, "extension", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = "" self.category = "prefs" def on_module_selected(self): if not self.loaded: print "Loading Desklets module" self.sidePage.load() def _setParentRef(self, window, builder): self.sidePage.window = window self.sidePage.builder = builder def toSettingString(self, uuid, instanceId): return uuid def fromSettingString(self, string): return string def getAdditionalPage(self): return None
def add_remove_cinnamon_themes(self, widget): window = Gtk.Window() box = Gtk.VBox() window.add(box) window.set_title(_("Desktop themes")) window.set_default_size(720, 480) window.set_border_width(6) window.set_position(Gtk.WindowPosition.CENTER) page = ExtensionSidePage(, self.icon, self.keywords, box, "theme", None) page.load(window=window) box.pack_start(page.vbox, True, True, 6) window.show_all() return True
class Module: def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("desklet, desktop, slideshow") = "desklets" self.comment = _("Manage your Cinnamon desklets") # for i18n replacement in noun = _("desklet") pl_noun = _("desklets") target = _("desktop") self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Desklets"), "cs-desklets", keywords, content_box, "desklet", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances from the desktop via that desklet's context menu") self.category = "prefs" def on_module_selected(self): if not self.loaded: print "Loading Desklets module" self.sidePage.load() def _setParentRef(self, window, builder): self.sidePage.window = window self.sidePage.builder = builder def toSettingString(self, uuid, instanceId): return ("%s:%d:0:100") % (uuid, instanceId) def fromSettingString(self, string): uuid, instanceId, x, y = string.split(":") return uuid def getAdditionalPage(self): scrolled_window = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolled_window.label ="General Desklets Settings")) config_vbox = Gtk.VBox() scrolled_window.add_with_viewport(config_vbox) config_vbox.set_border_width(5) dec = [[0, _("No decoration")], [1, _("Border only")], [2, _("Border and header")]] dec_combo = GSettingsIntComboBox(_("Decoration of desklets"), "org.cinnamon", "desklet-decorations", None, dec) label = label.set_markup("<i><small>%s\n%s</small></i>" % (_("Note: Some desklets require the border/header to be always present"), _("Such requirements override the settings selected here"))) desklet_snap = GSettingsCheckButton(_("Snap desklets to grid"), "org.cinnamon", "desklet-snap", None) desklet_snap_interval = GSettingsSpinButton(_("Width of desklet snap grid"), "org.cinnamon", "desklet-snap-interval", "org.cinnamon/desklet-snap", 0, 100, 1, 5, "") config_vbox.pack_start(dec_combo, False, False, 2) config_vbox.pack_start(label, False, False, 2) config_vbox.pack_start(desklet_snap, False, False, 2) config_vbox.pack_start(desklet_snap_interval, False, False, 2) return scrolled_window
def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("applet") = "applets" # for i18n replacement in noun = _("applet") pl_noun = _("applets") target = _("panel") self.comment = _("Manage Cinnamon applets") self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Applets"), "cs-applets", keywords, content_box, "applet", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances in panel edit mode via the context menu.") self.category = "prefs"
def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("desklet, desktop, slideshow") = "desklets" self.comment = _("Manage your Cinnamon desklets") # for i18n replacement in noun = _("desklet") pl_noun = _("desklets") target = _("desktop") self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Desklets"), "cs-desklets", keywords, content_box, "desklet", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances from the desktop via that desklet's context menu") self.category = "prefs"
def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("extension, addon") = "extensions" self.comment = _("Manage your Cinnamon extensions") # for i18n replacement in noun = _("extension") pl_noun = _("extensions") # we do not translate Cinnamon target = "Cinnamon" self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Extensions"), "cs-extensions", keywords, content_box, "extension", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.RemoveString = "" self.category = "prefs"
def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("themes, style") self.comment = _("Manage themes to change how your desktop looks") = "themes" # for i18n replacement in noun = _("theme") pl_noun = _("themes") # We do not translate Cinnamon target = "Cinnamon" self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Themes"), "cs-themes", keywords, content_box, "theme", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.removeString = "" self.category = "appear"
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target, module): self.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances in panel edit mode via the context menu.") ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target, module)
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, module): self.RemoveString = "" ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, module)
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target, module): self.RemoveString = "" ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target, module)
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, advanced, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target): self.RemoveString = "" ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, advanced, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target)
def __init__(self, name, icon, keywords, advanced, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target): self.RemoveString = _("You can remove specific instances from the desktop via that desklet's context menu") ExtensionSidePage.__init__(self, name, icon, keywords, advanced, content_box, collection_type, noun, pl_noun, target)
class Module: def __init__(self, content_box): keywords = _("themes, style") self.comment = _("Manage themes to change how your desktop looks") = "themes" # for i18n replacement in noun = _("theme") pl_noun = _("themes") # We do not translate Cinnamon target = "Cinnamon" self.sidePage = ExtensionSidePage(_("Themes"), "cs-themes", keywords, content_box, "theme", noun, pl_noun, target, module=self) self.sidePage.removeString = "" self.category = "appear" def on_module_selected(self): if not self.loaded: print "Loading Themes module" self.sidePage.load() def _setParentRef(self, window, builder): self.sidePage.window = window self.sidePage.builder = builder def toSettingString(self, uuid, instanceId): return uuid def fromSettingString(self, string): return string def _make_group(self, group_label, root, key, schema): self.size_groups = getattr(self, "size_groups", [ for x in range(2)]) box = Gtk.HBox() label = label.set_markup(group_label) label.props.xalign = 0.0 self.size_groups[0].add_widget(label) box.pack_start(label, False, False, 4) w = GSettingsComboBox("", root, key, None, schema) self.size_groups[1].add_widget(w) box.add(w) return box def getAdditionalPage(self): scrolledWindow = Gtk.ScrolledWindow() scrolledWindow.label ="Other settings")) other_settings_box = Gtk.VBox() scrolledWindow.add_with_viewport(other_settings_box) other_settings_box.pack_start(self._make_group(_("Controls"), "org.cinnamon.desktop.interface", "gtk-theme", self._load_gtk_themes()), False, False, 2) other_settings_box.pack_start(self._make_group(_("Icons"), "org.cinnamon.desktop.interface", "icon-theme", self._load_icon_themes()), False, False, 2) other_settings_box.pack_start(self._make_group(_("Window borders"), "org.cinnamon.desktop.wm.preferences", "theme", self._load_window_themes()), False, False, 2) other_settings_box.pack_start(self._make_group(_("Mouse Pointer"), "org.cinnamon.desktop.interface", "cursor-theme", self._load_cursor_themes()), False, False, 2) other_settings_box.pack_start(self._make_group(_("Keybindings"), "org.cinnamon.desktop.interface", "gtk-key-theme", self._load_keybinding_themes()), False, False, 2) menusHaveIconsCB = GSettingsCheckButton(_("Show icons in menus"), "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings", "menus-have-icons", None) other_settings_box.pack_start(menusHaveIconsCB, False, False, 2) buttonsHaveIconsCB = GSettingsCheckButton(_("Show icons on buttons"), "org.cinnamon.settings-daemon.plugins.xsettings", "buttons-have-icons", None) other_settings_box.pack_start(buttonsHaveIconsCB, False, False, 2) return scrolledWindow def _load_gtk_themes(self): """ Only shows themes that have variations for gtk+-3 and gtk+-2 """ dirs = ("/usr/share/themes", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".themes")) valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d: os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "gtk-2.0")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "gtk-3.0"))) valid.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) res = [] for i in valid: res.append((i, i)) return res def _load_icon_themes(self): dirs = ("/usr/share/icons", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".icons")) valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d: os.path.isdir(d) and not os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "cursors")) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "index.theme"))) valid.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) res = [] for i in valid: res.append((i, i)) return res def _load_keybinding_themes(self): dirs = ("/usr/share/themes", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".themes")) valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d: os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, "gtk-3.0", "gtk-keys.css")) and os.path.isfile(os.path.join(d, "gtk-2.0-key", "gtkrc"))) valid.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) res = [] for i in valid: res.append((i, i)) return res def _load_cursor_themes(self): dirs = ("/usr/share/icons", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".icons")) valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d: os.path.isdir(d) and os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "cursors"))) valid.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) res = [] for i in valid: res.append((i, i)) return res def _load_window_themes(self): dirs = ("/usr/share/themes", os.path.join(os.path.expanduser("~"), ".themes")) valid = walk_directories(dirs, lambda d: os.path.exists(os.path.join(d, "metacity-1"))) valid.sort(lambda a,b: cmp(a.lower(), b.lower())) res = [] for i in valid: res.append((i, i)) return res