def account(): form = UpdateAccountForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): if picture_file = save_picture( logged_in_user[0].image_file = picture_file logged_in_user[0].username = logged_in_user[0].email = # current_user.image_file = picture_file # current_user.username = # = cursor.execute( f"update users set user_name='{logged_in_user[0].username}', user_email='{logged_in_user[0].email}' where user_id='{logged_in_user[0].id}'" ) # cursor.execute("update users set user_name=%s, user_email=%s where user_id=%s", # (current_user.username,, db.commit() flash('Your account has been updated!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('account')) elif request.method == 'GET': = logged_in_user[0].username = logged_in_user[0].email # = current_user.username # = image_file = url_for('static', filename='profile_pics/' + logged_in_user[0].image_file) # image_file = url_for('static', filename='profile_pics/' + current_user.image_file) return render_template('account.html', title='Account', image_file=image_file, form=form)
def post(post_id): cursor.execute(f"select * from posts where post_id='{post_id}'") p = cursor.fetchone() if p is not None: post = Post(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) return render_template('post.html', title=post.title, post=post) else: abort(404)
def home(): cursor.execute("select * from posts") results = cursor.fetchall() posts = [] for p in results: post = Post(p[0], p[1], p[2], p[3], p[4]) posts.append(post) posts.sort(key=lambda post: post.date_posted, reverse=True) return render_template("home.html", posts=posts)
def delete_post(post_id): cursor.execute(f"select * from posts where post_id='{post_id}'") p = cursor.fetchone() if p is not None: if p[4] != abort(403) cursor.execute(f"delete from posts where post_id='{p[0]}'") db.commit() flash('Your post has been deleted!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('home'))
def save_picture(form_picture): random_hex = secrets.token_hex(8) _, f_ext = os.path.splitext(form_picture.filename) picture_fn = random_hex + f_ext picture_path = os.path.join(app.root_path, 'static\profile_pics', picture_fn) output_size = (125, 125) i = i.thumbnail = output_size cursor.execute( f"update users set user_img='{picture_fn}' where user_id='{logged_in_user[0].id}'" ) return picture_fn
def new_post(): form = PostForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): cursor.execute( "insert into posts(post_title, post_date, post_content, user_id)" "values(%s,%s,%s,%s)", (, utc_to_local( datetime.utcnow()),, db.commit() flash('Your post has been created!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('home')) return render_template('create_post.html', title='New Post', form=form, legend='Create Post')
def season(season): init_res = [("All", )] if season == "All": init_res = init_res elif season == "Current": s = season = s.year cursor.execute(f"select round from races where year={int(season)}") res = cursor.fetchall() init_res += res else: cursor.execute(f"select round from races where year={int(season)}") res = cursor.fetchall() init_res += res rounds = [(str(r[0]), str(r[0])) for r in init_res] return jsonify({"rounds": rounds})
def register(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) form = RegistrationForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): hashed_password = bcrypt.generate_password_hash('utf-8') user_name = user_email = user_password = hashed_password cursor.execute( "insert into users(user_name, user_email, user_password)" "values(%s,%s,%s)", (user_name, user_email, user_password)) db.commit() flash('Your account has been created! You are able to log in now.', 'success') return redirect(url_for('login')) return render_template("register.html", title='Register', form=form)
def login(): if current_user.is_authenticated: return redirect(url_for('home')) form = LoginForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): cursor.execute( f"select * from users where user_email = '{}'") user_data = cursor.fetchone() user = User(), user.username,, user.password, user.type, user.points_of_week, user.week, user.image_file \ = user_data[0], user_data[1], user_data[2], user_data[3], user_data[4], user_data[5], user_data[6], user_data[7] if user and bcrypt.check_password_hash(user.password, login_user(user, logged_in_user.append(user) next_page = request.args.get('next') return redirect(next_page) if next_page else redirect( url_for('home')) else: flash('Login Unsuccessful. Please check email and password', 'danger') return render_template('login.html', title='Login', form=form)
def update_post(post_id): cursor.execute("select * from posts where post_id=%s", (post_id, )) p = cursor.fetchone() if p is not None: if p[4] != abort(403) form = PostForm() if form.validate_on_submit(): cursor.execute( f"update posts set post_title='{}', post_content='{}' where post_id='{p[0]}'" ) db.commit() flash('Your post has been updated!', 'success') return redirect(url_for('post', post_id=p[0])) elif request.method == 'GET': = p[1] = p[3] return render_template('create_post.html', title='Update Post', form=form, legend='Update Post') else: abort(404)
def race_and_results_queries(): form = form_list[0] res_type = season = round = driver = const = fin_pos = grid = fast_lap_rank = circuit = status = res_per = page = table = "" select_c = "select distinct " from_c = " from " join_c = "" where_c = "" if res_type == "CiI": table += "Circuit Table" select_c += ", circuits.location,, circuits.url " headings = ["Circuit", "City", "Country", "Info"] from_c += "circuits " join_races = "join races on circuits.circuitId = races.circuitId " is_races_joined = False join_results = "join results on races.raceId = results.raceId " is_results_joined = False join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " if season != "All": join_c += join_races is_races_joined = True where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if is_races_joined: join_c += join_results + join_drivers is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_drivers is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: join_c += join_constructors if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_constructors is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_constructors is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_status is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "CoI": table += "Constructor Table" select_c += ", constructors.nationality, constructors.url " headings = ["Constructor", "Nationality", "Info"] from_c += "constructors " join_results = "join results on constructors.constructorId = results.constructorId " is_results_joined = False join_races = "join races on races.raceId = results.raceId " is_races_joined = False join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " if season != "All": join_c += join_results + join_races is_results_joined = True is_races_joined = True where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if is_results_joined: join_c += join_drivers if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_drivers is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if is_results_joined: if is_races_joined: join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "D": table += "Driver Table" select_c += "concat_ws(' ', drivers.forename, drivers.surname) as name, drivers.number, drivers.nationality, drivers.dob, drivers.url " headings = ["Name", "Starting Number", "Nationality", "DOB", "Info"] from_c += "drivers " join_results = "join results on drivers.driverId = results.driverId " is_results_joined = False join_races = "join races on races.raceId = results.raceId " is_races_joined = False join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " if season != "All": join_c += join_results + join_races is_results_joined = True is_races_joined = True where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_constructors if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_constructors is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if is_results_joined: if is_races_joined: join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "QR": table += "Qualifying Table" select_c += "concat_ws(' ', races.year, as race, qualifying.position, concat_ws(' ', drivers.forename, drivers.surname) as name,, qualifying.q1, qualifying.q2, qualifying.q3 " headings = ["Race", "Pos", "Driver", "Constructor", "Q1", "Q2", "Q3"] from_c += "qualifying " join_results = "join results on drivers.driverId = results.driverId " is_results_joined = False join_races = "join races on races.raceId = qualifying.raceId " is_races_joined = False join_constructors = "join constructors on qualifying.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " join_drivers = "join drivers on qualifying.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_c += join_drivers + join_constructors + join_races if season != "All": where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c + " order by races.year, races.round, qualifying.position " cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "RR": table += "Results Table" select_c += "concat_ws(' ', races.year, as race, results.positionText, concat_ws(' ', drivers.forename, drivers.surname) as name," \ ", results.laps, results.grid, results.time, status.status, results.points " headings = [ "Race", "Pos", "Driver", "Constructor", "Laps", "Grid", "Time", "Status", "Points" ] from_c += "results " join_races = "join races on races.raceId = results.raceId " join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " join_c += join_drivers + join_constructors + join_races + join_status if season != "All": where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c + " order by races.year, races.round, results.positionOrder " cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "RS": table += "Race Table" select_c += "races.year, races.round,,,, circuits.location,, races.url " headings = [ "Season", "Round", "Name", "Date", "Circuit", "City", "Country", "Info" ] from_c += "races " join_c += "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " join_results = "join results on races.raceId = results.raceId " is_results_joined = False join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " order = "" if season != "All": where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " else: order += " order by races.year, races.round " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if is_results_joined: join_c += join_drivers if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_drivers is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_constructors if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_constructors is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " if order == "": order += " order by races.round " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c + order cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "SL": table += "Season Table" select_c += "seasons.year, seasons.url " headings = ["Year", "Info"] from_c += "seasons " join_races = "join races on seasons.year = races.year " is_races_joined = False join_results = "join results on races.raceId = results.raceId " is_results_joined = False join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " join_status = "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " order = "" if season != "All": where_c += f"where seasons.year = {season} " if round != "All": join_c += join_races where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] if is_races_joined: join_c += join_results + join_drivers is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_drivers is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: join_c += join_constructors if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_constructors is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_constructors is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_results is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if is_races_joined: join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if is_races_joined: if is_results_joined: join_c += join_status if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_results + join_status is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_results + join_status is_races_joined = True is_results_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " if order == "": order += " order by seasons.year " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c + order cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings elif res_type == "FS": table += "Status Table" select_c += "status.status, count(results.statusId) as count " headings = ["Status", "Count"] from_c += "results " join_c += "join status on results.statusId = status.statusId " join_races = "join races on results.raceId = races.raceId " is_races_joined = False join_constructors = "join constructors on results.constructorId = constructors.constructorId " join_drivers = "join drivers on results.driverId = drivers.driverId " join_circuits = "join circuits on races.circuitId = circuits.circuitId " order = "" if season != "All": join_c += join_races is_races_joined = True where_c += f"where races.year = {season} " if round != "All": where_c += f"and races.round = {round} " if driver != "All": driver_forename, driver_surname = drivers_dict[driver][ 0], drivers_dict[driver][1] join_c += join_drivers if where_c != "": where_c += f"and drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " else: where_c += f"where drivers.forename = '{driver_forename}' and drivers.surname = '{driver_surname}' " if const != "All": join_c += join_constructors if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{const}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{const}' " if fin_pos != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " else: where_c += f"where results.positionText = '{fin_pos}' " if grid != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.grid = '{grid}' " else: where_c += f"where results.grid = '{grid}' " if fast_lap_rank != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " else: where_c += f"where results.rank = '{fast_lap_rank}' " if circuit != "All": if is_races_joined: join_c += join_circuits if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " else: join_c += join_races + join_circuits is_races_joined = True if where_c != "": where_c += f"and = '{circuit}' " else: where_c += f"where = '{circuit}' " if status != "All": if where_c != "": where_c += f"and status.status = '{status}' " else: where_c += f"where status.status = '{status}' " if order == "": order += " order by status.statusId " query = select_c + from_c + join_c + where_c + " group by status.status " + order cursor.execute(query) result = cursor.fetchall() return table, result, headings