def Train_and_Save(self, training_data, training_truth, validation_data, validation_truth, epoch_num=16): for n in range(self.ensemble_num): model = FFN(str(n), self.networkConfig, self.para_num) model.Train(training_data, training_truth, validation_data, validation_truth, epochs=epoch_num) model.Save("Models/" + + "/" + str(n)) tf.reset_default_graph()
def __init__(self, Sfilename, model='Net1_FFN_v7', verbose=False): self.index = 0 self.settingfuncs = [self.setting1, self.setting2, self.setting3, self.setting4, self.setting5, self.setting6, self.setting7, self.setting8] if isinstance(model, str): self.modelname = model self.model = FFN(model) self.model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): self.model = model self.modelname = mask1, pmask1 = self.model.apply_mask(Sfilename) rgb, self.TitleStr = Vis.FalseColour(Sfilename, False) scn = DL.scene_loader(Sfilename) scn.load(['bayes_in', 'probability_cloud_single_in']) bmask = DL.upscale_repeat(scn['bayes_in'].values).astype('int') bmask = 1 - ((bmask & 2) / 2) bpmask = DL.upscale_repeat(scn['probability_cloud_single_in'].values) self.im1 = plt.imshow(rgb) plt.title('False colour image\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im2 = plt.imshow(mask1, cmap='Blues') self.im2.set_visible(False) bmask = DL.extract_mask(Sfilename, 'bayes_in', 2) self.im3 = plt.imshow(bmask, cmap='Reds') self.im3.set_visible(False) mask1 = mask1.astype('bool') temp = np.copy(rgb) temp[~mask1, :] = 254 / 255, 253 / 255, 185 / 255 self.im4 = plt.imshow(temp) self.im4.set_visible(False) rgb[mask1, :] = 74 / 255, 117 / 255, 50 / 255 self.im5 = plt.imshow(rgb) self.im5.set_visible(False) self.im6 = plt.imshow(1 - pmask1, cmap='Oranges') self.im6.set_visible(False) self.im7 = plt.imshow(1 - bpmask, cmap='Reds') self.im7.set_visible(False) maskdiff = bmask - mask1 self.im8 = plt.imshow(maskdiff, cmap='bwr') self.im8.set_visible(False) self.cbset = False self.cb = None
class TestMaskingMethod(unittest.TestCase): @classmethod def setUpClass(self): self.model = FFN('Net1_FFN') self.model.Load() self.TestFile = "./SatelliteData/SLSTR/2018/08/S3A_SL_1_RBT____20180806T081914_20180806T082214_20180807T131253_0179_034_178_1620_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3" def test_mask_FFNMethod(self): mask = self.model.apply_mask(self.TestFile)[0] self.assertEqual(mask.shape, (2400, 3000))
def Predict(self, X): Y = [] for n in range(self.ensemble_num): model = FFN("Models/" + + "/" + str(n)) model.Load() y = model.Predict(X) Y.append(y) tf.reset_default_graph() Y = np.array(Y) Y = Y.reshape(self.ensemble_num, -1, 2) YY = Y[:, :, 0] Ym = np.mean(YY, axis=0) Ys = np.std(YY, axis=0) return(Ym, Ys)
def model_agreement(self, model, verbose=False, MaxDist=None, MaxTime=None): """ Apply a model to the dataframe and add model output to rows Adds the direct output of the model into the 'Labels' and 'Label_Confidence' columns, in addition the 'Agree' column shows whether the model result agrees with the Calipso truth. Parameters ---------- model: str Name of model to use. If using a model on disk, it should be saved in the Models folder. Returns ---------- None """ if MaxDist is not None: self._obj = self._obj[self._obj['Distance'] < MaxDist] if MaxTime is not None: self._obj = self._obj[abs(self._obj['TimeDiff']) < MaxTime] if isinstance(model, str): self.model = model model = FFN(model) model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): pass num_inputs = model.para_num inputs = self._obj.dp.get_ffn_inputs(num_inputs) output_labels = model.model.predict_label(inputs) output_con = model.model.predict(inputs) self._obj['Labels'] = pd.Series(output_labels[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj['Label_Confidence'] = pd.Series(output_con[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj = self._obj.dp.make_CTruth_col() self._obj['Agree'] = self._obj['CTruth'] != self._obj['Labels']
def reproducibility(self, modelname, number_of_runs=15, validation_frac=0.15, para_num=22): """ Return the average and standard deviation of a same model but different order of the data it is presented. These outputs quantify the reproducibilty of the model. Parameters ----------- modelname: str refers to model architecture to run number of runs: int number of times to run the model. validation_frac: float the fraction of data kept for validation when preparing the model's training data. para_num: int the number of inputs take by the model. Returns --------- average: float, average accuracy of the model. std: float standard deviation of the model. """ accuracies = [] for i in range(number_of_runs): model = FFN('Reproducibilty', modelname, 21) tdata, vdata, ttruth, vtruth = self._obj.dp.get_ffn_training_data( validation_frac=validation_frac, input_type=para_num) model.Train(tdata, ttruth, vdata, vtruth) acc = me.get_accuracy(model, vdata, vtruth, para_num=para_num) accuracies.append(acc) average = np.mean(accuracies) std = np.std(accuracies) return average, std
def __init__(self, w, k, n, q, h, z, layers, activ_func): """ FRNN: w = window length (number of periods) k = dimension of time (note: time2vec will make time-dim k+1) n = number of features at each point in time (without time features) q = number of queries (column in W) h = number of heads z = number of features to be extracted from the q*h results created by the attention heads FFN: layers = list of integers representing the number of nodes in each layer activ = the activation func between each layer """ super().__init__() self.frnn = FRNN(w, k, n, q, h, z) self.ffn = FFN(layers, activ_func) self.w, self.k, self.n, self.q, self.h, self.z, self.layer_dims, self.activ_func = \ w, k, n, q, h, z, layers, activ_func
def mask_debug(Sfilename, model, verbose): if isinstance(model, str): modelname = model model = FFN(model) model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): modelname = mask1, pmask = model.apply_mask(Sfilename) rgb, TitleStr = Vis.FalseColour(Sfilename, False) plt.figure() plt.imshow(rgb) plt.title('False colour image\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) plt.figure() plt.imshow(mask1, cmap='Blues') plt.title(modelname + ' mask\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) plt.figure() bmask = DL.extract_mask(Sfilename, 'bayes_in', 2) plt.imshow(bmask, cmap='Reds') plt.title('Bayesian mask\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) plt.figure() mask1 = mask1.astype('bool') rgb[~mask1, :] = 254 / 255, 253 / 255, 185 / 255 plt.imshow(rgb) plt.title(modelname + ' masked false colour image\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) plt.figure() ax = plt.gca() im5 = plt.imshow(pmask, cmap='Oranges_r') plt.title(modelname + ' model output\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) plt.colorbar(im5, cax=cax) plt.figure() maskdiff = mask1 - bmask ax = plt.gca() im6 = plt.imshow(maskdiff, cmap='bwr_r') plt.title(modelname + ' mask - Bayesian mask\n' + TitleStr) plt.xlabel('km') plt.ylabel('km') plt.xticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000, 2500, 3000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000, 1250, 1500]) plt.yticks([0, 500, 1000, 1500, 2000], [0, 250, 500, 750, 1000]) divider = make_axes_locatable(ax) cax = divider.append_axes("right", size="5%", pad=0.1) plt.colorbar(im6, cax=cax)
def model_agreement(self, model, modeltype='FFN', verbose=False, MaxDist=None, MaxTime=None): """ Apply a model to the dataframe and add model output to rows Adds the direct output of the model into the 'Labels' and 'Label_Confidence' columns, in addition the 'Agree' column shows whether the model result agrees with the Calipso truth. Parameters ---------- model: str Name of model to use. If using a model on disk, it should be saved in the Models folder. Returns ---------- None """ if MaxDist is not None: self._obj = self._obj[self._obj['Distance'] < MaxDist] if MaxTime is not None: self._obj = self._obj[abs(self._obj['TimeDiff']) < MaxTime] if isinstance(model, str): self.model = model if modeltype == 'FFN': model = FFN(model) if modeltype == 'CNN': model = CNN(model) if modeltype == 'SuperModel': model = SuperModel(model) model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): pass elif isinstance(model, CNN): pass elif isinstance(model, SuperModel): pass if modeltype == 'FFN': num_inputs = model.para_num inputs = self._obj.dp.get_ffn_inputs(num_inputs) output_labels = model.model.predict_label(inputs) output_con = model.model.predict(inputs) if modeltype == 'CNN': inputs = self._obj.dp.get_cnn_inputs() output_labels = model.model.predict_label(inputs) output_con = model.model.predict(inputs) if modeltype == 'SuperModel': num_inputs = model.para_num ffninputs = self._obj.dp.get_ffn_inputs(num_inputs) predictions1 = model.FFN.Predict(ffninputs)[:, 0] labels1 = model.FFN.model.predict_label(ffninputs)[:, 0] # boolean mask of bad predictions bad = abs(predictions1 - 0.5) < 0.25 goodindices = np.where(bad == False)[0] badindices = np.where(bad == True)[0] cnninputs = self._obj[badindices].dp.get_cnn_inputs() cnninputs = dp.star_padding(cnninputs) # Feeding all of the inputs at once can cause a memory error # Instead split into chunks of 10,000 chunkedcnninputs = [ cnninputs[i:i + 10000] for i in range(0, len(cnninputs), 10000) ] predictions2 = [] labels2 = [] for i in range(len(chunkedcnninputs)): predictions2.extend( model.CNN.model.predict(chunkedcnninputs[i])[:, 0]) labels2.extend( model.CNN.model.predict_label(chunkedcnninputs[i])[:, 0]) finallabels = np.zeros(len(self._obj)) finallabels[goodindices] = labels1[goodindices] finallabels[badindices] = labels2 finalpredictions = np.zeros(len(self._obj)) finalpredictions[goodindices] = predictions1[goodindices] finalpredictions[badindices] = predictions2 output_labels = finallabels output_con = finalpredictions self._obj['Labels'] = pd.Series(output_labels[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj['Label_Confidence'] = pd.Series(output_con[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj = self._obj.dp.make_CTruth_col() self._obj['Agree'] = self._obj['CTruth'] != self._obj['Labels']
def shuffled_model_agreement(self, model, channel_name, verbose=False, MaxDist=None, MaxTime=None): """ Apply a model to the dataframe and add model output to rows Adds the direct output of the model into the 'Labels' and 'Label_Confidence' columns, in addition the 'Agree' column shows whether the model result agrees with the Calipso truth. Parameters ---------- model: str Name of model to use. If using a model on disk, it should be saved in the Models folder. Returns ---------- None """ self.shuffled_channel = channel_name if MaxDist is not None: self._obj = self._obj[self._obj['Distance'] < MaxDist] if MaxTime is not None: self._obj = self._obj[abs(self._obj['TimeDiff']) < MaxTime] if isinstance(model, str): self.model = model model = FFN(model) model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): pass channel_indices = { 'S1_an': 0, 'S2_an': 1, 'S3_an': 2, 'S4_an': 3, 'S5_an': 4, 'S6_an': 5, 'S7_in': 6, 'S8_in': 7, 'S9_in': 8, 'satellite_zenith_angle': 9, 'solar_zenith_angle': 10, 'latitude_an': 11, 'longitude_an': 12 } num_inputs = model.para_num inputs = self._obj.dp.get_ffn_inputs(num_inputs) shuffled_inputs = np.column_stack( (inputs[:, :channel_indices[channel_name]], np.random.permutation(inputs[:, channel_indices[channel_name]]), inputs[:, channel_indices[channel_name] + 1:])) output_labels = model.model.predict_label(inputs) output_con = model.model.predict(inputs) shuffled_output_con = model.model.predict(shuffled_inputs) self._obj['Labels'] = pd.Series(output_labels[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj['Label_Confidence'] = pd.Series(output_con[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj['Shuffled_Confidence'] = pd.Series(shuffled_output_con[:, 0], index=self._obj.index) self._obj = self._obj.dp.make_CTruth_col() self._obj['Agree'] = self._obj['CTruth'] != self._obj['Labels']
def setUpClass(self): self.model = FFN('Net1_FFN') self.model.Load() self.TestFile = "./SatelliteData/SLSTR/2018/08/S3A_SL_1_RBT____20180806T081914_20180806T082214_20180807T131253_0179_034_178_1620_LN2_O_NT_003.SEN3"
class MaskToggler(): def __init__(self, Sfilename, model='Net1_FFN_v7', verbose=False): self.index = 0 self.settingfuncs = [self.setting1, self.setting2, self.setting3, self.setting4, self.setting5, self.setting6, self.setting7, self.setting8] if isinstance(model, str): self.modelname = model self.model = FFN(model) self.model.Load(verbose=verbose) elif isinstance(model, FFN): self.model = model self.modelname = mask1, pmask1 = self.model.apply_mask(Sfilename) rgb, self.TitleStr = Vis.FalseColour(Sfilename, False) scn = DL.scene_loader(Sfilename) scn.load(['bayes_in', 'probability_cloud_single_in']) bmask = DL.upscale_repeat(scn['bayes_in'].values).astype('int') bmask = 1 - ((bmask & 2) / 2) bpmask = DL.upscale_repeat(scn['probability_cloud_single_in'].values) self.im1 = plt.imshow(rgb) plt.title('False colour image\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im2 = plt.imshow(mask1, cmap='Blues') self.im2.set_visible(False) bmask = DL.extract_mask(Sfilename, 'bayes_in', 2) self.im3 = plt.imshow(bmask, cmap='Reds') self.im3.set_visible(False) mask1 = mask1.astype('bool') temp = np.copy(rgb) temp[~mask1, :] = 254 / 255, 253 / 255, 185 / 255 self.im4 = plt.imshow(temp) self.im4.set_visible(False) rgb[mask1, :] = 74 / 255, 117 / 255, 50 / 255 self.im5 = plt.imshow(rgb) self.im5.set_visible(False) self.im6 = plt.imshow(1 - pmask1, cmap='Oranges') self.im6.set_visible(False) self.im7 = plt.imshow(1 - bpmask, cmap='Reds') self.im7.set_visible(False) maskdiff = bmask - mask1 self.im8 = plt.imshow(maskdiff, cmap='bwr') self.im8.set_visible(False) self.cbset = False self.cb = None def toggle_images(self, event): """Toggle between different images to display""" if event.key == '1': self._clearframe() self.setting1() elif event.key == '2': self._clearframe() self.setting2() elif event.key == '3': self._clearframe() self.setting3() elif event.key == '4': self._clearframe() self.setting4() elif event.key == '5': self._clearframe() self.setting5() elif event.key == '6': self._clearframe() self.setting6() elif event.key == '7': self._clearframe() self.setting7() elif event.key == '8': self._clearframe() self.setting8() elif event.key == 'm': self._clearframe() self.cycleforward() elif event.key == 'n': self._clearframe() self.cyclebackward() else: return def _clearframe(self): self.im1.set_visible(False) self.im2.set_visible(False) self.im3.set_visible(False) self.im4.set_visible(False) self.im5.set_visible(False) self.im6.set_visible(False) self.im7.set_visible(False) self.im8.set_visible(False) if self.cbset: self.cb.remove() self.cbset = False def cycleforward(self): self.index = (self.index + 1) % 8 self.settingfuncs[self.index]() def cyclebackward(self): self.index = (self.index - 1) % 8 self.settingfuncs[self.index]() def setting1(self): plt.title('False colour image\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im1.set_visible(True) self.index = 0 plt.draw() def setting2(self): plt.title(self.modelname + ' mask\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im2.set_visible(True) self.index = 1 plt.draw() def setting3(self): plt.title('Bayesian mask\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im3.set_visible(True) self.index = 2 plt.draw() def setting4(self): plt.title(self.modelname + ' masked false colour image\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im4.set_visible(True) self.index = 3 plt.draw() def setting5(self): plt.title(self.modelname + ' reverse masked false colour image\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im5.set_visible(True) self.index = 4 plt.draw() def setting6(self): plt.title(self.modelname + ' raw model output\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im6.set_visible(True) self.index = 5 self.cb = plt.colorbar(self.im6) self.cbset = True plt.draw() def setting7(self): plt.title('Bayesian mask raw output\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im7.set_visible(True) self.index = 6 self.cb = plt.colorbar(self.im7) self.cbset = True plt.draw() def setting8(self): plt.title(self.modelname + ' mask - Bayesian mask\n' + self.TitleStr) self.im8.set_visible(True) self.index = 7 self.cb = plt.colorbar(self.im8) self.cbset = True plt.draw()