예제 #1
    def post(self, request, select):
        #print("RandomList POST")
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        if 'save-query' in request.POST:
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)

        if bound_form.is_valid():
            count = bound_form.cleaned_data['count']

            if select == 'saturday-morning':
                rlist = rq.saturday_select(count)
            elif select == 'sitcom':
                rlist = rq.sitcom_select(count)
            elif select == 'silly':
                rlist = rq.silly_select(count)
            elif select == 'scifi':
                rlist = rq.scifi_select(count)
            elif select == 'drama':
                rlist = rq.drama_select(count)
            elif select == 'scary':
                rlist = rq.scary_select(count)
            # cache the list
            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, choices.MOVIE, 'special_channel',

        # display the list as files with the form
        title = ('Build a channel %s' % (select))
        context = {'form': bound_form, 'rlist': rlist, 'title': title}
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
예제 #2
    def post(self, request):
        #print("RandomList POST")
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        if 'save-query' in request.POST:
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)
        if bound_form.is_valid():
            #print(' valid form ')
            count = bound_form.cleaned_data['count']
            kind = bound_form.cleaned_data['kind']
            tag = bound_form.cleaned_data['tag']
            title = bound_form.cleaned_data['atitle']
            #print( kind )
            rlist = rq.random_select(count, title, tag, kind)
            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, kind, 'random_list', mycache)

        # display the list as files with the form
        context = {
            'form': bound_form,
            'rlist': rlist,
            'title': 'Build a Random Channel'
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
예제 #3
    def post(self, request):
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)
        if bound_form.is_valid():
            rlist = bound_form.cleaned_data['choices']
            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, choices.SONG, 'special_channel',
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        # display the list as files with the form
        context = {
            'form': bound_form,
            'rlist': rlist,
            'title': 'Build a  Channel'
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
예제 #4
    def post(self, request):
        #print("RadioChannel POST")
        me = rq.get_me(True, request)
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        if 'save-query' in request.POST:
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)
        if me is None:
            # hide field from anonymous user
            bound_form.fields['kind'].widget = HiddenInput()

        if bound_form.is_valid():
            count = bound_form.cleaned_data['count']
            kind = bound_form.cleaned_data['kind']
            xmas = bound_form.cleaned_data['xmas']
            recent = bound_form.cleaned_data['recent']
            cl = bound_form.cleaned_data['classic']

            justme = False
            if kind == choices.ME:
                justme = True

            if recent:
                rlist = rq.radio_recent(justme, me, cl, xmas, count)
                target = rq.radio_all(justme, me, cl, xmas)
                rlist = target[:count]

            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, choices.SONG, 'special_channel',
            if recent:
                # recent case simply move to cached list
                return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        # display the list as files with the form
        context = {
            'form': bound_form,
            'rlist': rlist,
            'title': 'Build a  Channel'
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
예제 #5
    def post(self, request):
        #print("RecentList POST")
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)
        if bound_form.is_valid():
            count = bound_form.cleaned_data['count']
            kind = bound_form.cleaned_data['kind']
            rlist = rq.recent_bykind(kind, count)
            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, kind, 'random_list', mycache)
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))
        # display the list as files with the form
        context = {
            'form': bound_form,
            'rlist': rlist,
            'title': 'Build a Recent Channel'
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)
예제 #6
    def post(self, request, akind):
        mycache = cu.MyCache(request)

        if 'save-query' in request.POST:
            return redirect(reverse('cached_list'))

        kind = akind  #self.getKind(akind)
        rlist = []
        bound_form = self.form_class(request.POST)
        if bound_form.is_valid():
            count = bound_form.cleaned_data['count']
            title = bound_form.cleaned_data['atitle']
            tag = bound_form.cleaned_data['atag']
            random = bound_form.cleaned_data['random']

            rlist = rq.random_select(count, title, tag, kind, random)
            cu.cache_list_bykind(rlist, kind, 'random_list', mycache)

        title = ('Build a channel %s' % (akind))
        # display the list as files with the form
        context = {'form': bound_form, 'rlist': rlist, 'title': title}
        return render(request, self.template_name, context)