예제 #1
 def test_createSteinerTree(graph, distances):
     stTree, newdistances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
     # check if in newDistances only arcs of the spanning tree are contained
     for arc in stTree.edges:
         # first check that only one direction of the arc is contained
         assert (not (arc in newdistances.index and (arc[1], arc[0])))
         # check that the arc or its reversered arc is contained
         assert (arc in newdistances.index or (arc[1], arc[0]) in newdistances.index)
     # check that all arcs, respectively its reversed arc is contained in MinSpannTree
     for arc in newdistances.index:
         assert (arc in graph.edges or (arc[1], arc[0]) in graph.edges)
     # check weights of the graph
     for arc in nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length').keys():
         if arc in newdistances.index:
             assert (newdistances[arc] == nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length')[arc])
             assert (newdistances[arc] == nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length')[(arc[1], arc[0])])
     return stTree, newdistances
예제 #2
def test_robustPipelineDesign():
    # write tests for function createNetwork()
    # check if returned graph has the edges of the input argument:
    def test_createNetwork(distances):
        graph, newdistances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
        # check that every arc of the graph is in the original distances matrix
        # check that every arc of the graph is in the new distances matrix
        # check that in the new distance matrix only one direction either (u,v) or (v,u) is contained
        for arcIndex in list(graph.edges):
            assert (arcIndex in distances.index
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in distances.index)
            assert (arcIndex in newdistances.index
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in newdistances.index)
            assert (not (arcIndex in newdistances.index and
                         (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in newdistances.index))
        # check that every arcIndex of the original distance matrix is in the graph
        for arcIndex in distances.index:
            assert (arcIndex in graph.edges
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in graph.edges)
        # check that every arcIndex of new distances matrix is in the graph
        for arcIndex in newdistances.index:
            assert (arcIndex in graph.edges
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in graph.edges)
        # check lengths of the graph
        for arcIndex in nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length').keys():
            if arcIndex in newdistances.index:
                assert (newdistances[arcIndex] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                    graph, 'length')[arcIndex])
                assert (newdistances[(arcIndex[1],
                                      arcIndex[0])] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                                          graph, 'length')[arcIndex])

        return graph, newdistances

    # we test the function createSteinerTree
    def test_createSteinerTree(graph, distances):
        stTree, newdistances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
            graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
        # check if in newDistances only arcs of the spanning tree are contained
        for arc in stTree.edges:
            # first check that only one direction of the arc is contained
            assert (not (arc in newdistances.index and (arc[1], arc[0])))
            # check that the arc or its reversered arc is contained
            assert (arc in newdistances.index
                    or (arc[1], arc[0]) in newdistances.index)
        # check that all arcs, respectively its reversed arc is contained in MinSpannTree
        for arc in newdistances.index:
            assert (arc in graph.edges or (arc[1], arc[0]) in graph.edges)
        # check weights of the graph
        for arc in nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length').keys():
            if arc in newdistances.index:
                assert (newdistances[arc] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                    graph, 'length')[arc])
                assert (newdistances[arc] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                    graph, 'length')[(arc[1], arc[0])])
        return stTree, newdistances

    def test_networkRefinement(distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress,
        G, newdistances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = robustPipelineSizing.networkRefinement(
            distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
        # check that every arc of the graph is in the distance matrix, respectively its reversed arc
        # check that not the arc and its reversed are contained in the distance matrix
        for arc in list(G.edges):
            assert (arc in newdistances.index
                    or (arc[1], arc[0]) in newdistances.index)
            assert (not (arc in newdistances.index and
                         (arc[1], arc[0]) in newdistances.index))
        # check that every arc of new distances matrix is in the graph
        for arc in newdistances.index:
            assert (arc in G.edges or (arc[1], arc[0]) in G.edges)
        # check that we have a minimal and maximal pressure for every node of the graph
        for node in G.nodes:
            assert (node in dic_node_minPress.keys()
                    and node in dic_node_maxPress.keys())

        return G, newdistances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress

    def test_computeSingleSpecialScenario(graph,
        dic_scenario_flow = robustPipelineSizing.computeSingleSpecialScenario(
            graph, distances, entries, exits, startNode, endNode,
            dic_nodes_MinCapacity, dic_nodes_MaxCapacity, specialScenario)
        # check if each arc has a flow
        for arc in distances.index:
            assert (not (arc in dic_scenario_flow.keys() and
                         (arc[1], arc[0]) in dic_scenario_flow.keys()))
            assert (arc in dic_scenario_flow.keys()
                    or (arc[1], arc[0]) in dic_scenario_flow.keys())

        return dic_scenario_flow

    def test_generateRobustScenarios(injectionWithdrawalRates, graph,
                                     distances, dic_node_minPress,
        dic_robustScenarios, entries, exits \
            = robustPipelineSizing.generateRobustScenarios(injectionWithdrawalRates, graph, distances,
                dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)

        # we compute optimal values for each nodePair and save them in dictionary
        dic_nodePair_optvalue = {}
        for nodePair in dic_robustScenarios.keys():
            # compute path between this two nodes
            shortestPath = nx.shortest_path(graph, nodePair[0], nodePair[1])
            obj = 0.0
            for i in range(0, len(shortestPath) - 1):
                if (shortestPath[i], shortestPath[i + 1]) in list(
                    obj = obj + dic_robustScenarios[nodePair][
                        (shortestPath[i], shortestPath[i + 1])]
                    obj = obj - dic_robustScenarios[nodePair][
                        (shortestPath[i + 1], shortestPath[i])]

            dic_nodePair_optvalue[nodePair] = obj

        return dic_robustScenarios, entries, exits, dic_nodePair_optvalue

    def checkGraphDistanceMatrixCoincide(graph, distances):
        # check that for every arc in the graph either the arc or its reversed arc are contained in the distance matrix
        for arcIndex in list(graph.edges):
            assert (arcIndex in distances.index
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in distances.index)
            assert (not (arcIndex in distances.index and
                         (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in distances.index))
        # check that for every arc in the distance matrix either the arc or its reversed are contained in the graph
        for arcIndex in distances.index:
            assert (arcIndex in list(graph.edges)
                    or (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in list(graph.edges))
            assert (not (arcIndex in list(graph.edges) and
                         (arcIndex[1], arcIndex[0]) in list(graph.edges)))
        # check lengths of the graph
        for arcIndex in nx.get_edge_attributes(graph, 'length').keys():
            if arcIndex in distances.index:
                assert (distances[arcIndex] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                    graph, 'length')[arcIndex])
                assert (distances[(arcIndex[1],
                                   arcIndex[0])] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                                       graph, 'length')[arcIndex])


    # ######################################################################################################################
    # unit test: createNetwork
    # create input data and call tests
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    invalidData = [
        1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 450.0, 600.0, 2000.0
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    invalidDistances = pd.Series(invalidData, index=keys)
    # should raise an assertion error because an arc and its reversed arc with different length exist
        graph, distances = test_createNetwork(invalidDistances)
    except AssertionError as error:
    # We create the new network
        graph, distances = test_createNetwork(distances)
    except AssertionError as error:
            "Something went wrong in createNetwork; check comment above assertion for error"

    # # uncomment this block if you want the graph being plotted
    # nx.draw(graph, with_labels=True)
    # plt.show()

    # unit test function: createSteinerTree
    # create input data for testing and the optimal solution of the minimal spanning tree
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    optimalSolution = {
        ('w2', 'w1'): 1200.0,
        ('w2', 'w3'): 750.0,
        ('w4', 'w3'): 500.0,
        ('w3', 'w5'): 600.0

    # test the minimum spanning tree function
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))

    # check if spanning tree is optimal
    for arc in stTree.edges:
        if arc in optimalSolution.keys():
            assert (optimalSolution[arc] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                stTree, 'length')[arc])
        elif (arc[1], arc[0]) in optimalSolution.keys():
            assert (optimalSolution[(arc[1],
                                     arc[0])] == nx.get_edge_attributes(
                                         stTree, 'length')[arc])
                "Something went wrong in computation of minimum spanning tree")
            raise ()
    # check that the distance matrix and the graph of the graph (spanning tree) coincide
    checkGraphDistanceMatrixCoincide(stTree, distances)

    # # uncomment the following block if you want the minimal spanning tree to be plotted
    # nx.draw(stTree, with_labels=True)
    # plt.show()

    # unit test function networkRefinement
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    # optimal solution
    dic_node_minPressTruth = {
        'w1': 50,
        'w2': 45,
        'w3': 60,
        'w4': 60,
        'w5': 50,
        'v1_w2_w1': 47.5,
        'v2_w2_w1': 47.5,
        'v1_w2_w3': 52.5,
        'v1_w3_w5': 55
    dic_node_maxPressTruth = {
        'w1': 100,
        'w2': 90,
        'w3': 100,
        'w4': 80,
        'w5': 95,
        'v1_w2_w1': 95,
        'v2_w2_w1': 95,
        'v1_w2_w3': 95,
        'v1_w3_w5': 97.5
    nodesTruth = list(dic_node_minPressTruth.keys())
    edgesTruth = [('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'), ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'),
                  ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'),
                  ('w3', 'v1_w2_w3'), ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'), ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5')]

    # test function networkRefinement
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)

    # check solution
    assert (sorted(edgesTruth) == sorted(list(graph.edges)))
    assert (sorted(nodesTruth) == sorted(list(graph.nodes)))
    assert (dic_node_minPress == dic_node_minPressTruth)
    assert (dic_node_maxPress == dic_node_maxPressTruth)

    # uncomment this block if you want the graph to be plotted
    # nx.draw(graph, with_labels=True)
    # plt.show()

    # unit test function computeSingleSpecialScenario Case: SpecialScenario = true
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    dic_nodes_minCapacity = {'w1': -2, 'w2': 0, 'w3': -2, 'w4': 0, 'w5': 0}
    dic_nodes_maxCapacity = {'w1': 0, 'w2': 1, 'w3': 2, 'w4': 0, 'w5': 4}
    startNode = 'w1'
    endNode = 'w3'
    # create optimal solution
    entries = ['w1', 'w3']
    exits = ['w2', 'w3', 'w5']
    optSol_W1_W2 = {
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -2.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -2.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -2.0,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 2.0

    # test function computeSingleSpecialScenario
    dic_scenario_flow_W1_W3 = test_computeSingleSpecialScenario(
        graph, distances, entries, exits, startNode, endNode,
        dic_nodes_minCapacity, dic_nodes_maxCapacity, True)
    # check solution: since flow values on arcs not part of the unique path between start and endNode are not unique,
    # we only check the unique flow values on the path between start and endNode
    for arc in optSol_W1_W2.keys():
        assert (dic_scenario_flow_W1_W3[arc] == optSol_W1_W2[arc])

    # unit test function computeSingleSpecialScenario Case: SpecialScenario = false
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    dic_nodes_minCapacity = {
        'w1': -1,
        'w2': 0,
        'w3': -1,
        'w4': 0,
        'w5': 2,
        'v1_w2_w1': 0,
        'v2_w2_w1': 0,
        'v1_w2_w3': 0,
        'v1_w3_w5': 0
    dic_nodes_maxCapacity = dic_nodes_minCapacity
    startNode = 'w1'
    endNode = 'w3'
    # create optimal solution
    entries = []
    exits = []
    optSol_W1_W2 = {
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -1.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -1.0,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 1.0,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 2.0,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 2.0

    # test function computeSingleSpecialScenario
    dic_scenario_flow_W1_W3 = test_computeSingleSpecialScenario(
        graph, distances, entries, exits, startNode, endNode,
        dic_nodes_minCapacity, dic_nodes_maxCapacity, False)
    # check solution: since demands are fixed, the solution is unique
    for arc in optSol_W1_W2.keys():
        assert (dic_scenario_flow_W1_W3[arc] == optSol_W1_W2[arc])

    # unit test of function generateRobustScenarios
    # create input data and optimal solution (only parts because inner function computeSingleSpecialScenario already tested
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    injectionRates = {
        'w1': [-2.0, 0.0, -2.0, -2.0],
        'w2': [1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'w3': [1.0, -2.0, 2.0, -2.0],
        'w4': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'w5': [0.0, 2.0, 0.0, 4.0]
    injectionWithdrawal = pd.DataFrame(data=injectionRates)
    # optimal solution
    entriesTruth = ['w1', 'w3']
    exitsTruth = ['w2', 'w3', 'w5']
    # optimal value of each scenario
    dic_nodePair_optValueTruth = {
        ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
        ('w4', 'w2'): 2.0,
        ('w4', 'v1_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w4', 'v2_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w4', 'w1'): 2.0,
        ('w4', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.0,
        ('w4', 'v1_w3_w5'): 4.0,
        ('w4', 'w5'): 8.0,
        ('w3', 'w4'): 0.0,
        ('w3', 'w2'): 2.0,
        ('w3', 'v1_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w3', 'v2_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w3', 'w1'): 2.0,
        ('w3', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.0,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 4.0,
        ('w3', 'w5'): 8.0,
        ('w2', 'w4'): 4.0,
        ('w2', 'w3'): 4.0,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 0.0,
        ('w2', 'v2_w2_w1'): 0.0,
        ('w2', 'w1'): 0.0,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 2.0,
        ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): 8.0,
        ('w2', 'w5'): 12.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'w4'): 6.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'w3'): 6.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'w2'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 0.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v1_w2_w3'): 4.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v1_w3_w5'): 10.0,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'w5'): 14.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w4'): 8.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w3'): 8.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w2'): 4.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'v1_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'v1_w2_w3'): 6.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'v1_w3_w5'): 12.0,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w5'): 16.0,
        ('w1', 'w4'): 10.0,
        ('w1', 'w3'): 10.0,
        ('w1', 'w2'): 6.0,
        ('w1', 'v1_w2_w1'): 4.0,
        ('w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w1', 'v1_w2_w3'): 8.0,
        ('w1', 'v1_w3_w5'): 14.0,
        ('w1', 'w5'): 18.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w4'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w2'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'v1_w2_w1'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'v2_w2_w1'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w1'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 6.0,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w5'): 10.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w4'): 0.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w3'): 0.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w2'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'v1_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'v2_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w1'): 2.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.0,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 4.0,
        ('w5', 'w4'): 0.0,
        ('w5', 'w3'): 0.0,
        ('w5', 'w2'): 2.0,
        ('w5', 'v1_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w5', 'v2_w2_w1'): 2.0,
        ('w5', 'w1'): 2.0,
        ('w5', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.0,
        ('w5', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0.0
    nodes = list(dic_node_minPress.keys())
    nodePair = []
    for startnode in nodes:
        for endnode in nodes:
            if startnode is not endnode:
                nodePair.append((startnode, endnode))

    # test function generateRobustScenarios
    dic_robustScenarios, entries, exits, dic_nodePair_optValue \
        = test_generateRobustScenarios(injectionWithdrawal, graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)

    assert (sorted(entriesTruth) == sorted(entries))
    assert (sorted(exitsTruth) == sorted(exits))
    assert (sorted(dic_robustScenarios.keys()) == sorted(nodePair))
    assert (dic_nodePair_optValue == dic_nodePair_optValueTruth)

    # unit test of function computeLargeMergedDiameters
    # create input data and optimal solution
    dic_diamToMerge_costs = {0.144: 10, 1.500: 20}
    # optimal solution
    dic_mergedDiamTruth = {0.190009: 20, 1.979262: 40}
    dic_reversed_diamsTruth = {0.190009: 0.144, 1.979262: 1.500}
    dic_mergedDiam, dic_reversed_diams = robustPipelineSizing.computeLargeMergedDiameters(
        dic_diamToMerge_costs, 6)

    assert (dic_mergedDiam == dic_mergedDiamTruth)
    assert (dic_reversed_diams == dic_reversed_diamsTruth)

    # unit function test of function determinePressureDropCoef
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    diameters = [0.1063, 1.536]
    testscenarios = {
        ('w5', 'w1'): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 0.0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 0.0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): -1.0,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): -1.0,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0.0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0.0
        ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -2.0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -2.0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -2.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 2.0,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 2.0,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 4.0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 4.0
    # optimal solution
    dic_pressure_coefTruth = {
        (0.1063, ('w5', 'w1')): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): -131.38307913282281,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): -131.83249054911866,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0
        (0.1063, ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5')): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -558.2111338732643,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -558.5140246655361,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -559.5025149566926,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 523.2976028753353,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 525.1425774408543,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 1677.5126669798137,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 1674.151293128955
        (1.536, ('w5', 'w1')): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): -0.0001700642888961138,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): -0.00017067718965527387,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0
        (1.536, ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5')): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -0.0006460078899527932,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -0.0006463741986205677,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -0.000647570434768236,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 0.0006056017622910718,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 0.0006078348401792327,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0.0017698676222416114,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0.0017661900309253952

    dic_pressure_coef = robustPipelineSizing.determinePressureDropCoef(
        testscenarios, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress,

    assert (dic_pressure_coef == dic_pressure_coefTruth)

    # unit test of function computeTimeStepFlows
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    injectionRates = {
        'w1': [-20.0, -20.0],
        'w2': [10.0, 0.0],
        'w3': [10.0, -20.0],
        'w4': [0.0, 0.0],
        'w5': [0.0, 40.0]
    injectionWithdrawal = pd.DataFrame(data=injectionRates)
    entries = []
    exits = []
    # create optimal solution
    dic_timeStep_flowsTruth = {
        0: {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -20.0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -20.0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -20.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 10.0,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 10.0,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 0.0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0.0
        1: {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -20.0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -20.0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -20.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 20.0,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 20.0,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 40.0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 40.0

    dic_timeStep_flows = robustPipelineSizing.computeTimeStepFlows(
        injectionWithdrawal, distances, graph, entries, exits)

    assert (dic_timeStep_flows == dic_timeStep_flowsTruth)

    # unit test of function determineOptimalDiscretePipelineSelection case Robust = True
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    injectionRates = {
        'w1': [-20.0, 0.0, -20.0, -20.0],
        'w2': [10.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'w3': [10.0, -20.0, 20.0, -20.0],
        'w4': [0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0],
        'w5': [0.0, 20.0, 0.0, 40.0]
    injectionWithdrawal = pd.DataFrame(data=injectionRates)
    dic_robustScenarios, entries, exits = robustPipelineSizing.generateRobustScenarios(
        injectionWithdrawal, graph, distances, dic_node_minPress,
    diameters = [0.1063, 1.536]
    # for debugging reason we consider only two special scenarios
    dic_robustTestScenarios = {}
    dic_robustTestScenarios[('w1', 'w3')] = dic_robustScenarios[('w1', 'w3')]
    dic_robustTestScenarios[('w5', 'w1')] = dic_robustScenarios[('w5', 'w1')]
    dic_pressure_coef = robustPipelineSizing.determinePressureDropCoef(
        dic_robustTestScenarios, distances, dic_node_minPress,
        dic_node_maxPress, diameters)
    dic_diameter_costs = {0.1063: 10, 1.536: 30}
    specialScenarionames = [('w1', 'w3'), ('w5', 'w1')]

    # optimal solution
    dic_arc_diamTruth = {
        ('w4', 'w3'): 0.1063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 1.536,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 1.536,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 1.536

    dic_arc_diam, dic_scen_node_press = robustPipelineSizing.determineOptimalDiscretePipelineSelection(

    assert (sorted(dic_arc_diam) == sorted(dic_arc_diamTruth))

    # unit test of function determineOptimalDiscretePipelineSelection case Robust = False
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    injectionRates = {
        'w1': [-5.0, -5.0],
        'w2': [3.0, 0.0],
        'w3': [2.0, 0.0],
        'w4': [0.0, 0.0],
        'w5': [0.0, 5.0]
    injectionWithdrawal = pd.DataFrame(data=injectionRates)
    entries = []
    exits = []
    diameters = [0.1063, 1.536]
    dic_timeStep_flows = robustPipelineSizing.computeTimeStepFlows(
        injectionWithdrawal, distances, graph, entries, exits)
    dic_pressure_coef = robustPipelineSizing.determinePressureDropCoef(
        dic_timeStep_flows, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress,
    dic_diameter_costs = {0.1063: 10, 1.536: 30}
    specialScenarionames = list(dic_timeStep_flows.keys())
    # create optimal solution
    dic_arc_diamTruth = {
        ('w4', 'w3'): 0.1063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0.1063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 1.536,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 0.1063

    dic_arc_diam, dic_scen_node_press = robustPipelineSizing.determineOptimalDiscretePipelineSelection(

    assert (sorted(dic_arc_diam) == sorted(dic_arc_diamTruth))

    # unit test of function computePressureStartnodeArc
    # create input data and optimal solution
    arc = ('w1', 'w2')
    pressureEndNode = 50.0
    dic_arc_diam = {arc: 0.1063}
    distances = pd.Series(1000.0, index=[arc])
    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: 5.0}
    pressStartnode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureStartnodeArc(
        arc, pressureEndNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)

    assert (np.round(pressStartnode, 3) == 105.59)
    # for the reversed arc flow we have the same result because the arc flow direction is handled by computePressureAtNode
    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: -5.0}
    pressStartnode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureStartnodeArc(
        arc, pressureEndNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)
    assert (np.round(pressStartnode, 3) == 105.59)

    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: 0.0}
    pressStartnode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureStartnodeArc(
        arc, pressureEndNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)
    assert (np.round(pressStartnode, 3) == np.round(pressureEndNode, 3))

    # unit test of function computePressureEndnodeArc
    # create input data and optimal solution
    arc = ('w1', 'w2')
    pressStartNode = 100.0
    dic_arc_diam = {arc: 0.1063}
    distances = pd.Series(1000.0, index=[arc])
    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: 5.0}
    pressureEndNode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureEndnodeArc(
        arc, pressStartNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)
    assert (np.round(pressureEndNode, 3) == 37.29)
    # results should be the same for reversed arc flow since the flow direction is handled by computePressureAtNode
    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: -5.0}
    pressureEndNode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureEndnodeArc(
        arc, pressStartNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)
    assert (np.round(pressureEndNode, 3) == 37.29)

    dic_scenario_flows = {arc: 0.0}
    pressureEndNode = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureEndnodeArc(
        arc, pressStartNode, dic_scenario_flows, dic_arc_diam, distances)
    assert (np.round(pressureEndNode, 3) == np.round(pressStartNode, 3))

    # unit test of function computePressureAtNode
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    injectionRates = {
        'w1': [-5.0, -5.0],
        'w2': [3.0, 0.0],
        'w3': [2.0, 0.0],
        'w4': [0.0, 0.0],
        'w5': [0.0, 5.0]
    injectionWithdrawal = pd.DataFrame(data=injectionRates)
    entries = []
    exits = []
    diameters = [0.1063, 1.536]
    dic_timeStep_flows = robustPipelineSizing.computeTimeStepFlows(
        injectionWithdrawal, distances, graph, entries, exits)
    dic_pressure_coef = robustPipelineSizing.determinePressureDropCoef(
        dic_timeStep_flows, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress,
    dic_diameter_costs = {0.1063: 10, 1.536: 30}
    specialScenarionames = list(dic_timeStep_flows.keys())
    dic_arc_diam, dic_scen_node_press = robustPipelineSizing.determineOptimalDiscretePipelineSelection(
    validation = True
    node = 'w1'
    upperPressNode = 'w1'
    tmp_violation = 0.0
    dic_node_Pressure = {}
    for nodeindex in graph.nodes:
        dic_node_Pressure[nodeindex] = None
    dic_timeStep_flow = dic_timeStep_flows[0]
    # optimal solution
    dic_nodePressTruth = {
        'w4': 80.6313893875461,
        'w3': 80.6313893875461,
        'w2': 80.6313969344965,
        'v1_w2_w1': 80.63141923180355,
        'v2_w2_w1': 80.63144152910475,
        'w1': 100,
        'v1_w2_w3': 80.63139316102138,
        'v1_w3_w5': 80.6313893875461,
        'w5': 80.6313893875461

    validation, tmp_violation = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureAtNode(
        validation, node, upperPressNode, graph, dic_arc_diam, distances,
        dic_timeStep_flow, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress, tmp_violation,
    assert (not validation)
    assert (tmp_violation == 0.6313893875460934)
    assert (dic_node_Pressure == dic_nodePressTruth)

    validation = True
    node = 'w4'
    upperPressNode = 'w4'
    tmp_violation = 0.0
    dic_node_Pressure = {}
    for nodeindex in graph.nodes:
        dic_node_Pressure[nodeindex] = None
    dic_timeStep_flow = dic_timeStep_flows[0]
    # optimal solution
    dic_nodePressTruth = {
        'w4': 80,
        'w3': 80.0,
        'w2': 80.00000760352876,
        'v1_w2_w1': 80.00003006810435,
        'v2_w2_w1': 80.00005253267393,
        'w1': 99.4853419184688,
        'v1_w2_w3': 80.00000380176446,
        'v1_w3_w5': 80.0,
        'w5': 80.0

    validation, tmp_violation = robustPipelineSizing.computePressureAtNode(
        validation, node, upperPressNode, graph, dic_arc_diam, distances,
        dic_timeStep_flow, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress, tmp_violation,
    assert (validation)
    assert (tmp_violation == 0.0)
    assert (dic_node_Pressure == dic_nodePressTruth)

    # unit test of function postprocessing
    # create input data and optimal solution
    data = [1200.0, 1200.0, 1500.0, 750.0, 1500.0, 500.0, 500.0, 600.0, 2000.0]
    keys = [('w1', 'w2'), ('w2', 'w1'), ('w1', 'w5'), ('w2', 'w3'),
            ('w2', 'w4'), ('w3', 'w4'), ('w4', 'w3'), ('w3', 'w5'),
            ('w4', 'w5')]
    distances = pd.Series(data, index=keys)
    graph, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createNetwork(distances)
    stTree, distances = robustPipelineSizing.createSteinerTree(
        graph, distances, list(graph.nodes))
    dic_node_maxPress = {'w1': 100, 'w2': 90, 'w3': 100, 'w4': 80, 'w5': 95}
    dic_node_minPress = {'w1': 50, 'w2': 45, 'w3': 60, 'w4': 60, 'w5': 50}
    maxPipeLength = 500
    graph, distances, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress = test_networkRefinement(
        distances, maxPipeLength, dic_node_minPress, dic_node_maxPress)
    dic_arc_diam = {
        ('w4', 'w3'): 0.1063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 1.536,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 1.536,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 1.536

    testScen = {
        ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): {
            ('w4', 'w3'): 0.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): -200.0,
            ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): -200.0,
            ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): -200.0,
            ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 200.0,
            ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 200.0,
            ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 400.0,
            ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 400.0
    # optimal solution
    dic_scenPressTruth = {
        ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): {
            'w4': 80,
            'w3': 80.0,
            'w2': 80.05723929028916,
            'v1_w2_w1': 80.08775096325076,
            'v2_w2_w1': 80.11825156968065,
            'w1': 80.14874112202088,
            'v1_w2_w3': 80.02862451899747,
            'v1_w3_w5': 79.9087044007704,
            'w5': 79.81730934184435

    dic_scen_PressLevel, dic_scen_MaxViolPress = robustPipelineSizing.postprocessing(
        graph, distances, dic_arc_diam, testScen, dic_node_minPress,

    assert (dic_scenPressTruth == dic_scen_PressLevel)
    assert (dic_scen_MaxViolPress[('w2', 'v1_w3_w5')] == 0.0)
    # second testcase in which a violation exists
    dic_arc_diam = {
        ('w4', 'w3'): 0.1063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w1', 'v2_w2_w1'): 1.536,
        ('v2_w2_w1', 'w1'): 0.3063,
        ('w2', 'v1_w2_w3'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w2_w3', 'w3'): 1.536,
        ('w3', 'v1_w3_w5'): 1.536,
        ('v1_w3_w5', 'w5'): 1.536
    # optimal solution
    dic_scenPressTruth = {
        ('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): {
            'w4': 80,
            'w3': 80.0,
            'w2': 80.05723929028916,
            'v1_w2_w1': 80.08775096325076,
            'v2_w2_w1': 80.11825156968065,
            'w1': 168.2934447139534,
            'v1_w2_w3': 80.02862451899747,
            'v1_w3_w5': 79.9087044007704,
            'w5': 79.81730934184435
    dic_scen_MaxViol = {('w2', 'v1_w3_w5'): 68.29344471395339}

    dic_scen_PressLevel, dic_scen_MaxViolPress = robustPipelineSizing.postprocessing(
        graph, distances, dic_arc_diam, testScen, dic_node_minPress,
    assert (dic_scen_PressLevel == dic_scenPressTruth)
    assert (dic_scen_MaxViolPress == dic_scen_MaxViol)

    print("All Unit tests worked as expected")