def bolocam_mask(): bolocam = + 'bolocam_master_template.fits') header = bolocam[0].header temphead = fits.PrimaryHDU() bolohead = temphead.header # Setting the tempheader for the bolocam data bolohead.set('CRVAL1' , header['CRVAL1']) # DEC in deg of ref pixel bolohead.set('CRVAL2' , header['CRVAL2']) # RA in deg of ref pixel bolohead.set('CRPIX1' , header['CRPIX1']) # ref pixel x bolohead.set('CRPIX2' , header['CRPIX2']) # ref pixel y bolohead.set('CD1_1' , header['CD1_1']) # Deg/pixel bolohead.set('CD1_2' , header['CD1_2']) # Deg/pixel bolohead.set('CD2_1' , header['CD2_1']) # Deg/pixel bolohead.set('CD2_2' , header['CD2_2']) # Deg/pixel bolohead.set('EPOCH' , 2000) bolohead.set('EQUINOX' , 2000) bolohead.set('CTYPE1' , header['CTYPE1']) # coord type bolohead.set('CTYPE2' , header['CTYPE2']) # coord type bolo_shape = bolocam[0].data.shape bolo = np.ones((bolo_shape[0],bolo_shape[1])) hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(bolo,bolohead) bolo_psw = hcongrid(,hdu.header,maps[0]['shead']) bolo_pmw = hcongrid(,hdu.header,maps[1]['shead']) bolo_plw = hcongrid(,hdu.header,maps[2]['shead'])
# We will use a gaussian kernel for simplicity, but in reality a proper # PSF kernel should be used (See, e.g., Aniano+ 2011). ## # First of all, all maps must be in surface brightness units. # PACS maps need hence to be converted. We choose the My/sr conversion # to keep consistency with SPIRE maps. if wind < 2: print "Now converting the flux into surface brightness units..." flx_sb = flx_zero/(1e6*kk**2*pixsz**2) # converted in MJy/sr from Jy/pix else: flx_sb = flx_zero print "Building the gaussian simulating the PSF" print '' # the following is the sigma of the gaussian, in pixels sigma = np.sqrt(psf[4]**2-psf[wind]**2)/pixsz*fw2sig kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=sigma,x_size=20,y_size=20) print '' print "Convolving..." convolved = convolve(flx_sb, kernel, mode='same') #, method='direct') print "Done!" # now regrids to the new header print '' print 'Regridding...' flxmap = hcongrid(convolved,header,header500) # Now converting from MJy/sr to Jy/px flx_reg = flxmap*1e6*kk**2*pixsz500**2 print '' print 'Writing the file with the convolved inmage...' hdu_s = fits.PrimaryHDU(flx_reg,header=header500) hdu_s.writeto(outfile)
print 'Done...!' nl = header1["NAXIS1"] map = cube[0, :, :] # Note the a convolution must be performed in surface brightness units # We first define the convolution kernel. # We will use a gaussian kernel for simplicity, but in reality a proper # PSF kernel should be used (See, e.g., Aniano+ 2011) # the sigma of the gaussian (PSF) should be defined in pixels pixsz1 = np.abs(header1["CDELT1"]) * 3600. pixsz2 = np.abs(header2["CDELT1"]) * 3600. # first of all, all maps must be in surface brightness units. print "I am converting the flux into surface brightness" flx_sb = map / (kk**2 * pixsz1**2) # converted in K/sr from K print "Building the gaussian simulating the PSF" # the following is the gaussian FWHM in pixels sigma = np.sqrt(psf2**2 - psf1**2) / pixsz1 #kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=sigma,x_size=xs,y_size=ys) kernel = Gaussian2DKernel(stddev=sigma, x_size=40, y_size=40) print "Convolving..." convolved = scipy_convolve(flx_sb, kernel, mode='same') #, method='direct') print "Done!" # now regrids to the new header flxmap = hcongrid(convolved, header1, header2) # Now converting from K/sr to K flx_reg = flxmap * kk**2 * pixsz2**2 outfile = 'convolved.fits' hdu_s = fits.PrimaryHDU(flx_reg, header=header2) hdu_s.writeto(outfile)
reshld = rbf(XI, YI) #now add the values to the residual image res[ee:ee + bxs, oo:oo + bxs] = reshld tts = tts + 1 #get the median background mbck = numpy.median(bck) sbck = numpy.median(sbk) #subtract the sky gradient and add back the median background sub = bigimg - res sub = sub + mbck #align the image algn = hcongrid(sub, header, rhead) #update the header header['CTYPE1'] = rhead['CTYPE1'] header['CTYPE2'] = rhead['CTYPE2'] header['CRVAL1'] = rhead['CRVAL1'] header['CRVAL2'] = rhead['CRVAL2'] header['CRPIX1'] = rhead['CRPIX1'] header['CRPIX2'] = rhead['CRPIX2'] header['CD1_1'] = rhead['CD1_1'] header['CD1_2'] = rhead['CD1_2'] header['CD2_1'] = rhead['CD2_1'] header['CD2_2'] = rhead['CD2_2'] #update the header header['medback'] = mbck
reshld = rbf(XI, YI) #now add the values to the residual image res[ee:ee+bxs, oo:oo+bxs] = reshld tts = tts+1 #get the median background mbck = numpy.median(bck) sbck = numpy.median(sbk) #subtract the sky gradient and add back the median background sub = bigimg-res sub = sub + mbck #align the image algn = hcongrid(sub, header, rhead) #update the header header['CTYPE1'] = rhead['CTYPE1'] header['CTYPE2'] = rhead['CTYPE2'] header['CRVAL1'] = rhead['CRVAL1'] header['CRVAL2'] = rhead['CRVAL2'] header['CRPIX1'] = rhead['CRPIX1'] header['CRPIX2'] = rhead['CRPIX2'] header['CD1_1'] = rhead['CD1_1'] header['CD1_2'] = rhead['CD1_2'] header['CD2_1'] = rhead['CD2_1'] header['CD2_2'] = rhead['CD2_2'] #update the header header['medback'] = mbck
def clus_add_sziso(maps, isim, yin, tin, params, verbose=0, testflag=0, saveplot=0, nsim=0, clusname=None): errmsg = False # Now the bolocam data is in the SPIRE format # we can do a loop over the map adding in the false sz signal mapsize = len(maps) if verbose: print('Fetching BOLOCAM maps') ''' This is just until Jack gives us more new Bolocam templates... ''' if clusname == 'rxj1347': data_file = CLUSDATA + 'bolocam/new/' + maps[0]['name'] + '.fits' # cluster_struct = fits.getdata(data_file) hdul = header = hdul[0].header naxis = hdul[0].data.shape # BCAMNORM in units of MJy/sr bolocam = clus_convert_bolocam(hdul[0].data, norm=header['BCAMNORM'], verbose=verbose, clusname=clusname) else: #fetch bolocam data from .sav files in bolocam directory. data_file = str('bolocam/data/' + maps[0]['name'] + '.sav') data_dict = + data_file, python_dict=True) cluster_struct = list(data_dict.values()) bolocam, err = clus_convert_bolocam(cluster_struct, verbose=verbose, clusname=clusname) if err: errmsg = str('clus_convert_bolocam exited with error: ' + err) if verbose: print(errmsg) return None, errmsg # Set the size of the image for later use naxis = bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image'][0].shape naxis = np.array(naxis) sziso = fits.PrimaryHDU() temphead = sziso.header if clusname == 'rxj1347': # Setting the tempheader for the bolocam data temphead.set('CRVAL1', header['CRVAL1']) # DEC in deg of ref pixel temphead.set('CRVAL2', header['CRVAL2']) # RA in deg of ref pixel temphead.set('CRPIX1', header['CRPIX1']) # ref pixel x temphead.set('CRPIX2', header['CRPIX2']) # ref pixel y temphead.set('CD1_1', header['CD1_1']) # Deg/pixel temphead.set('CD1_2', header['CD1_2']) # Deg/pixel temphead.set('CD2_1', header['CD2_1']) # Deg/pixel temphead.set('CD2_2', header['CD2_2']) # Deg/pixel temphead.set('EPOCH', 2000) temphead.set('EQUINOX', 2000) temphead.set('CTYPE1', header['CTYPE1']) # coord type temphead.set('CTYPE2', header['CTYPE2']) # coord type else: # Set reference pizel position crpix1 = int(naxis[0] / 2) crpix2 = int(naxis[1] / 2) # Setting the tempheader for the bolocam data temphead.set( 'CRVAL1', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_ra_j2000_deg'][0][crpix1, crpix2]) temphead.set( 'CRVAL2', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_dec_j2000_deg'][0][crpix1, crpix2]) temphead.set('CRPIX1', crpix1) temphead.set('CRPIX2', crpix2) temphead.set( 'CD1_1', -bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_resolution_arcmin'][0] / 60.0) temphead.set('CD1_2', 0) temphead.set('CD2_1', 0) temphead.set( 'CD2_2', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_resolution_arcmin'][0] / 60.0) temphead.set('EPOCH', 2000) temphead.set('EQUINOX', 2000) temphead.set('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN') temphead.set('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN') # 14.5 = full size of the bolocam image in pixels ? x = np.arange(naxis[0]) - 14.5 y = np.arange(naxis[1]) - 14.5 rad = np.zeros((naxis[0], naxis[1])) for ix in range(naxis[1]): rad[:, ix] = (np.tile(x[ix], naxis[0])**2 + y**2)**(1 / 2) # Outer marks the indices of the outside of the circle used to add in the sz effect n = 0 outer = [] for i in range(len(rad)): for j in range(len(rad)): if rad[i, j] > 10: outer.append(n) n += 1 # Set up the spectral shape of the sz effect to be appled to the 500um map if testflag == 0: if clusname == 'rxj1347': szmap1 = hdul[0].data else: szmap1 = -1 * bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image'][ 0] # -1 is needed because SZ amp flips below 217 GHz szmap1 = (np.array(szmap1)).flatten() sz_mean = np.mean(szmap1[outer]) szmap2 = [x - sz_mean for x in szmap1] sz_max = max(szmap2) szmap = [x / sz_max for x in szmap2] final_dI = [] for imap in range(mapsize): # Applying the effect to the 500 um and 350 um bands. if imap == 2 or imap == 1: if testflag == 1: szmap, err = IB_model(maps[imap], params, verbose) szmap = np.array(szmap) plt.imshow(szmap) plt.colorbar().set_label(['Jy']) plt.title('Clus Add Sziso : IB Model for %s' % (maps[imap]['name'])) plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/%s_ibmodel_%s_%s.png' % (maps[imap]['name'], maps[imap]['band'], isim)) plt.clf() naxis = szmap.shape szmap = szmap.flatten() nu = 3e5 / clus_get_lambdas((maps[imap]['band'])) if int(isim) == 0: # dI only needs to be calculated once... dI, errmsg = clus_get_relsz(isim, nu, imap, y=yin, te=tin, vpec=0.0) # dI = [MJy/sr] config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/sim_dI_%s.npy' % (maps[imap]['band']), dI) else: dI = np.load(config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/sim_dI_%s.npy' % (maps[imap]['band'])) if errmsg: if verbose: new_errmsg = 'Clus_get_relSZ exited with error' + errmsg return None, new_errmsg # Combine the spectral shape of the SZ effect, and combine with the peak intensity # converted to Jy/beam ***Confirm these Units*** if int(isim) == 0: szin = [x * dI / maps[imap]['calfac'] for x in szmap] final_dI.append(dI / maps[imap]['calfac']) else: szin = [x * dI / maps[imap]['calfac'] for x in szmap] final_dI.append(dI / maps[imap]['calfac']) szin = np.reshape(szin, (naxis[0], naxis[1])) # Have to interpolate to SPIRE map size hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(szin, temphead) hdx = fits.PrimaryHDU(maps[imap]['signal'], maps[imap]['shead']) if testflag == 0: szinp = hcongrid(, hdu.header, hdx.header) # need to smooth output with SPIRE PSF fwhm = maps[imap]['widtha'] pixscale = maps[imap]['pixsize'] retext = round(fwhm * 5.0 / pixscale) if retext % 2 == 0: retext += 1 bmsigma = fwhm / math.sqrt(8 * math.log(2)) beam = Gaussian2DKernel(bmsigma / pixscale, x_size=retext, y_size=retext, mode='oversample', factor=1) beam *= 1.0 / beam.array.max() out_map = convolve(szinp, beam, boundary='wrap') # Combine the original signal with the sz effect maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['signal'] + out_map else: # maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['signal'] + szin '''THIS IS JUST FOR TESTING WITH SZ SIGNAL''' maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['error'] + szin # Used to check the alligned sz effect image if saveplot: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'sim_sz/' + maps[imap][ 'name'] + '_sze_' + maps[imap]['band'] + '_' + str( isim) + '.png' plt.imshow(maps[imap]['signal']) plt.title('Clus Add Sziso : SZE + Signal Map %s' % (maps[imap]['band'])) plt.colorbar().set_label('[Jy]') plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() return maps, None, final_dI
def clus_subtract_xcomps(maps, sgen=None, verbose=1, superplot=1, nsim=0, saveplot=1): err = None ncols = len(maps) #check to see if the maps are in the correct order. if maps[0]['band'] != 'PSW': err = 'first element of map structure is not PSW, aborting.' if verbose: print(err) return None, err #make a noise mask and populate source removed map with nans where mask is 1 so they don't effect the fit. for i in range(len(maps)): # mask = clus_make_noise_mask(maps, i) #maps[i]['mask'] = maps[i]['mask'] + mask if sgen == None: maps[i]['mask'] = fits.getdata(config.HOME + 'bolocam_mask_%s.fits' % (maps[i]['band'])) for j in range(maps[i]['signal'].shape[0]): for k in range(maps[i]['signal'].shape[1]): if maps[i]['mask'][j, k] == 0: maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k] = np.nan if saveplot: if sgen != None: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'pcat_residuals/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_mask_resid_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_' + str( nsim) + '.png' else: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'pcat_residuals/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_mask_resid_' + maps[i][ 'band'] + '_real' + '.png' plt.imshow(maps[i]['srcrm']) plt.clim([-0.01, 0.01]) plt.colorbar().set_label('[Jy]') plt.title('Clus Subtract Xcomps : Masked PCAT Residual %s' % (maps[i]['band'])) plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() ''' For making hists for Jack ''' hda = fits.PrimaryHDU(maps[i]['srcrm'], maps[i]['shead']) hda.writeto(config.OUTPUT + 'pcat_residuals/' + maps[i]['name'] + '_mask_resid_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_' + str(nsim) + '.fits', overwrite=True) for i in range(1, ncols): if verbose: print('On band %s' % (maps[i]['band'])) #create a new image for the PSW band that is the same shape and beamsize as the reference images width = sqrt(maps[i]['widtha']**2 - maps[0]['widtha']**2) / maps[0]['pixsize'] kern = makeGaussian(15, 15, fwhm=width, center=None) kern = kern / np.sum(kern) kern = padGaussian(maps[0]['srcrm'], kern) inmap = convolve_fft(maps[0]['srcrm'], kern) inmap = maps[0]['srcrm'] maps[0]['xclean'] = maps[0]['srcrm'] xmap = inmap xmap_align = hcongrid(xmap, maps[0]['shead'], maps[i]['shead']) # plt.title('HCONGRID') # plt.imshow(xmap_align) # plt.imshow(xmap_align) plt.clim(0, 0.08) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('/home/vaughan/dumb_folder/hcongrid.png') plt.clf() hda = fits.PrimaryHDU(xmap_align, maps[i]['shead']) hda.writeto('/home/vaughan/hcongrid.fits', overwrite=True) interp_map = interp_band_to_band(maps[1], maps[0]) plt.imshow(interp_map) plt.clim(0, 0.08) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig('/home/vaughan/dumb_folder/interp.png') plt.clf() hda = fits.PrimaryHDU(interp_map, maps[i]['shead']) hda.writeto('/home/vaughan/interp.fits', overwrite=True) exit() # plt.title('CUSTOM INTERP') # plt.imshow(interp_map) # # plt.imshow(xmap_align) # plt.colorbar() # plt.clim(-0.03,0.04) # plt.savefig('xmap_align_%s.png' %(maps[i]['band'])) # plt.clf() for j in range(xmap_align.shape[0]): for k in range(xmap_align.shape[1]): if np.isnan(xmap_align[j, k]) or np.isnan(maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k]): xmap_align[j, k] = 0 maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k] = 0 #now that we have our new PSW image flatten both images PSW_array = xmap_align.flatten() ref_array = maps[i]['srcrm'].flatten() #find the linear fit for PSW vs ref slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = linregress( PSW_array, ref_array) y = slope * PSW_array + intercept if superplot or saveplot: plt.plot(PSW_array, ref_array, 'x', label='Raw Intensities') plt.plot(PSW_array, y, c='red', label='Linear Regression Fit') plt.legend() plt.title('Clus Subtract Xcomps : PSW vs. %s' % (maps[i]['band'])) plt.xlabel('PSW [Jy]') plt.ylabel('%s [Jy]' % (maps[i]['band'])) if superplot: elif saveplot: if sgen != None: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'corr_comps/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_xcomps_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_' + str( nsim) + '.png' else: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'corr_comps/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_xcomps_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_real.png' plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() #subtract the correlated components from the image maps[i]['xclean'] = np.empty(maps[i]['srcrm'].shape) for j in range(maps[i]['xclean'].shape[0]): for k in range(maps[i]['xclean'].shape[1]): if maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k] == 0: maps[i]['xclean'][j, k] = np.nan else: maps[i]['xclean'][j, k] = maps[i]['srcrm'][ j, k] - slope * xmap_align[j, k] + intercept plt.imshow(maps[i]['xclean']) plt.clim([-0.01, 0.01]) plt.colorbar().set_label('[Jy]') plt.title('Clus Subtract Xcomp : Correlated Components Removed') if superplot: elif saveplot: if sgen != None: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'corr_comps/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_xclean_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_' + str( nsim) + '.png' else: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'corr_comps/' + maps[i][ 'name'] + '_xclean_' + maps[i]['band'] + '_real.png' plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() #subtract the mean of the new map from itself. Why do we do this? we need to figure out what the purpose of this step is. # for i in range(maps[0]['xclean'].shape[0]): # for j in range(maps[0]['xclean'].shape[1]): # maps[0]['xclean'][i,j] = maps[0]['xclean'][i,j] - np.mean(maps[0]['xclean']) return maps, err
####input parameters#### infile = sys.argv[1] # input tfile = sys.argv[2] # target header outname = sys.argv[3] # output reso = float(sys.argv[4])# in arcsec ############################# #### Main code ############## ############################# hd = fits.getheader(infile) dat = fits.getdata(infile) projhd = fits.getheader(tfile) cornel = np.sqrt(reso**2.-(hd['BMAJ']*3600.)**2.) sigma = cornel/(hd['CDELT2']*3600.)/(2.*np.sqrt(2.*np.log(2.))) ### Gaussian smoothing the image ###### gimage=ndimage.filters.gaussian_filter(dat, sigma, order=0, output=None, mode='reflect', cval=0.0) ### project image #### new_image = hcongrid(gimage, hd, projhd) fits.writeto(outname, new_image, header=projhd,overwrite=True)
def clus_add_sziso_new(maps, isim, yin=0, tin=0, params=None, verbose=0, testflag=0, saveplot=0, clusname=None): #------------------------------------- This part is just for testing yin = 9.65 * 1e-4 tin = 10.88 errmsg = False # Now the bolocam data is in the SPIRE format # we can do a loop over the map adding in the false sz signal mapsize = len(maps) if verbose: print('Fetching BOLOCAM maps') ''' This is just until Jack gives us more new Bolocam templates... ''' if clusname == 'rxj1347': data_file = CLUSDATA + 'bolocam/new/' + maps[0]['name'] + '.fits' cluster_struct = fits.getdata(data_file) data = header = data[0].header naxis = cluster_struct.shape # BCAMNORM in units of MJy/sr print(header['BCAMNORM'], 'bolo cam norm') bolocam, err = clus_convert_bolocam(cluster_struct, norm=header['BCAMNORM'], verbose=verbose, clusname=clusname) else: #fetch bolocam data from .sav files in bolocam directory. data_file = str('bolocam/data/' + maps[0]['name'] + '.sav') data_dict = + data_file, python_dict=True) cluster_struct = list(data_dict.values()) bolocam, err = clus_convert_bolocam(cluster_struct, verbose=verbose, clusname=clusname) if err: errmsg = str('clus_convert_bolocam exited with error: ' + err) if verbose: print(errmsg) return None, errmsg # Set the size of the image for later use naxis = bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image'][0].shape naxis = np.array(naxis) sziso = fits.PrimaryHDU() temphead = sziso.header if clusname == 'rxj1347': # Setting the tempheader for the bolocam data temphead = header else: # Set reference pizel position crpix1 = int(naxis[0] / 2) crpix2 = int(naxis[1] / 2) # Setting the tempheader for the bolocam data temphead.set( 'CRVAL1', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_ra_j2000_deg'][0][crpix1, crpix2]) temphead.set( 'CRVAL2', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_dec_j2000_deg'][0][crpix1, crpix2]) temphead.set('CRPIX1', crpix1) temphead.set('CRPIX2', crpix2) temphead.set( 'CD1_1', -bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_resolution_arcmin'][0] / 60.0) temphead.set('CD1_2', 0) temphead.set('CD2_1', 0) temphead.set( 'CD2_2', bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image_resolution_arcmin'][0] / 60.0) temphead.set('EPOCH', 2000) temphead.set('EQUINOX', 2000) temphead.set('CTYPE1', 'RA---TAN') temphead.set('CTYPE2', 'DEC--TAN') # 14.5 = full size of the bolocam image in pixels ? x = np.arange(naxis[0]) - 14.5 y = np.arange(naxis[1]) - 14.5 rad = np.zeros((naxis[0], naxis[1])) for ix in range(naxis[1]): rad[:, ix] = (np.tile(x[ix], naxis[0])**2 + y**2)**(1 / 2) # Outer marks the indices of the outside of the circle used to add in the sz effect n = 0 outer = [] for i in range(len(rad)): for j in range(len(rad)): if rad[i, j] > 10: outer.append(n) n += 1 # Set up the spectral shape of the sz effect to be appled to the 500um map if testflag == 0: if clusname == 'rxj1347': szmap1 = bolocam else: szmap1 = -1 * bolocam[0]['deconvolved_image'][ 0] # -1 is needed because SZ amp flips below 217 GHz szmap1 = (np.array(szmap1)).flatten() sz_mean = np.mean(szmap1[outer]) szmap2 = [x - sz_mean for x in szmap1] sz_max = max(szmap2) szmap = [x / sz_max for x in szmap2] final_dI = [] if clusname == 'rxj1347': # need to calculate the dI for Bolocam using new maps # if os.path.isfile(config.HOME + 'lookup/rxj1347_bol_lookup.npy') : # use lookup file instead of running szpack every time # dI_bolo = np.load(config.HOME + 'lookup/rxj1347_bol_lookup.npy') # else : szmap1 = bolocam dI_bolo, thisx, JofXout, xout, errmsg = clus_get_relsz( isim, 3e5 / clus_get_lambdas('BOLOCAM'), 'BOLOCAM', y=yin, te=tin, vpec=0.0) # dI = [MJy/sr] # + 'lookup/rxj1347_bol_lookup.npy',dI_bolo) szmap1 = np.array(szmap1).flatten() szmap1 = [x / dI_bolo for x in szmap1] for imap in range(mapsize): # Applying the effect to the 500 um and 350 um bands. # if imap == 2 or imap == 1: if testflag == 1: szmap, err = IB_model(maps[imap], params, verbose) szmap = np.array(szmap) plt.imshow(szmap, origin=0) plt.colorbar().set_label(['Jy']) plt.title('Clus Add Sziso : IB Model for %s' % (maps[imap]['name'])) plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/%s_ibmodel_%s_%s.png' % (maps[imap]['name'], maps[imap]['band'], isim)) plt.clf() naxis = szmap.shape szmap = szmap.flatten() nu = 3e5 / clus_get_lambdas((maps[imap]['band'])) if int(isim) == 0: # dI only needs to be calculated once... dI, thisx, JofXout, xout, errmsg = clus_get_relsz( isim, nu, imap, y=yin, te=tin, vpec=0.0) # dI = [MJy/sr] + 'add_sz/sim_dI_%s.npy' % (maps[imap]['band']), dI) #just the expected amplitude at spire wavelength + 'add_sz/input_dI_%s.npy' % (maps[imap]['band']), dI * -.94 / dI_bolo) #input amplitude saved for comparison in fit_sz else: dI = np.load(config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/sim_dI_%s.npy' % (maps[imap]['band'])) if errmsg: if verbose: new_errmsg = 'Clus_get_relSZ exited with error' + errmsg return None, new_errmsg # Combine the spectral shape of the SZ effect, and combine with the peak intensity # converted to Jy/beam hdtemp = fits.PrimaryHDU(szmap1, temphead) hdtemp.writeto(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/bolo_fit_template%s.fits' % isim, overwrite=True) szin = [x * dI / maps[imap]['calfac'] for x in szmap1] # final_dI.append(dI / maps[imap]['calfac']) szin = np.reshape(szin, (naxis[0], naxis[1])) # Have to interpolate to SPIRE map size hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(szin, temphead) hdx = fits.PrimaryHDU(maps[imap]['signal'], maps[imap]['shead']) if testflag == 0: szinp = hcongrid(, hdu.header, hdx.header) # need to smooth output with SPIRE PSF fwhm = maps[imap]['widtha'] pixscale = maps[imap]['pixsize'] retext = round(fwhm * 5.0 / pixscale) if retext % 2 == 0: retext += 1 bmsigma = fwhm / math.sqrt(8 * math.log(2)) beam = Gaussian2DKernel(bmsigma / pixscale, x_size=retext, y_size=retext, mode='oversample', factor=1) beam *= 1.0 / beam.array.max() out_map = convolve(szinp, beam, boundary='wrap') # Combine the original signal with the sz effect maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['signal'] + out_map '''THIS IS JUST FOR TESTING WITH SZ SIGNAL''' # maps[imap]['signal'] = out_map elif testflag == 2: szinp = hcongrid(, hdu.header, hdx.header) # need to smooth output with SPIRE PSF fwhm = maps[imap]['widtha'] pixscale = maps[imap]['pixsize'] retext = round(fwhm * 5.0 / pixscale) if retext % 2 == 0: retext += 1 bmsigma = fwhm / math.sqrt(8 * math.log(2)) beam = np.asarray( Gaussian2DKernel(bmsigma / pixscale, x_size=retext, y_size=retext, mode='oversample', factor=1)) n_beam = beam / np.sum( beam ) #the input bolocam map is a surface brightness so we need to normalize over area out_map = convolve(szinp, n_beam, boundary='wrap') maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['signal'] + out_map # maps[imap]['srcrm'] = out_map #for testing # maps[imap]['signal'] = maps[imap]['error'] + out_map # Used to check the alligned sz effect image if saveplot: filename = config.OUTPUT + 'sim_sz/' + maps[imap][ 'name'] + '_sze+signal_' + maps[imap]['band'] + '_' + str( isim) + '.png' plt.imshow(maps[imap]['signal'], origin=0) plt.title('Clus Add Sziso : SZE + Signal Map %s' % (maps[imap]['band'])) plt.colorbar().set_label('[Jy]') plt.clim(-0.1, 0.1) plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() filename = config.OUTPUT + 'sim_sz/' + maps[imap][ 'name'] + '_sze_' + maps[imap]['band'] + '_' + str( isim) + '.png' plt.imshow(out_map, origin=0) plt.title('Clus Add Sziso : SZE + Signal Map %s' % (maps[imap]['band'])) plt.clim(-0.1, 0.1) plt.colorbar().set_label('[Jy]') plt.savefig(filename) plt.clf() savefile = config.OUTPUT + 'sim_sz/' + maps[imap][ 'name'] + '_sze_' + maps[imap]['band'] + '_' + str( isim) + '.fits' hda = fits.PrimaryHDU(maps[imap]['signal'], maps[imap]['shead']) hda.writeto(savefile, overwrite=True) return maps, None, final_dI
def smooth_images_toresolution(target_resolution, globs=["destripe*P[LMS]W*fits", "destripe*blue*fits", "destripe*red*fits"], reject_regex='smooth|smregrid', verbose=True, skip_existing=True, regrid=True, target_header=None, regrid_order=1, clobber=False, **kwargs): """ Smooth a series of images to the same resolution. The output files will be of the form ``{inputfilename}_smooth.fits`` and ``{inputfilename}_smregrid.fits`` Parameters ---------- target_resolution : `~astropy.units.quantity.Quantity` A degree-equivalent value that specifies the beam size in the output image globs : list A list of strings to pass into `~glob.glob`. All files found will be smoothed and possibly regridded. reject_regex : str A regular expression to apply to each discovered file to choose whether to reject it. For example, if you've run this function once, you'll have files named ``file.fits`` and ``file_smooth.fits`` that you don't want to re-smooth and re-regrid. verbose : bool Print messages at each step? skip_existing : bool If the output smooth file is found and this is True, skip and move on to the next regrid : bool Regrid the file? If True, ``target_header`` is also required regrid_order : int The order of the regridding operation. Regridding is performed with interpolation, so 0'th order means nearest-neighbor and 1st order means bilinear. Regridding is done with `FITS_tools.hcongrid.hcongrid` clobber : bool Overwrite files if they exist? kwargs : dict Passed to `smooth_image_toresolution` Raises ------ ValueError If ``target_header`` is not specified but ``regrid`` is Returns ------- Nothing. All output is to disk """ for fn in [x for g in globs for x in glob.glob(g) if not, x)]: if verbose: print("Reading file {0}".format(fn),) outnum = int( smoutfn = fn.replace(".fits", "_smooth{0:d}.fits".format(outnum)) if os.path.exists(smoutfn): if skip_existing: if verbose: print("Skipping {0}".format(fn)) continue smhduL = smooth_image_toresolution(fn, smoutfn, target_resolution, verbose=verbose, clobber=clobber, **kwargs) smhdu = smhduL[0] if regrid: if target_header is None: raise ValueError("Must specify a target header if regridding.") newimage = hcongrid(, smhdu.header, target_header, order=regrid_order) rgoutfn = fn.replace(".fits", "_smregrid{0:d}.fits".format(outnum)) print("Regridding {0} to {1}".format(smoutfn, rgoutfn)) newhdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data=newimage, header=target_header) newhdu.writeto(rgoutfn, clobber=clobber)
def clus_new_fitsz(maps, saveplot=0, nsim=None): band = ['PSW', 'PMW', 'PLW'] fit = [0] * 3 data_file = config.CLUSDATA + 'bolocam/new/' + maps[0]['name'] + '.fits' base_model = fits.getdata(data_file) data = header = data[0].header ylims = [[-0.01, 0.01], [0, 0.1], [0.1, 0.4]] for i in range(3): #Error Analysis ------- error_map = maps[i]['error'] error_test = np.multiply(error_map, maps[i]['calfac']) error = error_map.flatten() noise_map = maps[i]['noise'] # plt.imshow(noise_map, origin='lower') # plt.title('Bolocam Template_%s' % maps[i]['band']) # plt.colorbar() # plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/fitsz_in_temp%s%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) # plt.clf() # noise_map = np.random.normal(loc=0, scale=1.0,size=(maps[i]['signal'].shape[0],maps[i]['signal'].shape[1])) noise = noise_map.flatten() for j in range(len(noise)): if not math.isnan(error[j]): #Jy/beam noise[j] = maps[i]['calfac'] * noise[j] noise_map = np.reshape(noise, maps[i]['signal'].shape) bolo_temp = hcongrid(base_model, header, maps[i]['shead']) fwhm = maps[i]['widtha'] pixscale = maps[i]['pixsize'] retext = round(fwhm * 5.0 / pixscale) if retext % 2 == 0: retext += 1 bmsigma = fwhm / math.sqrt(8 * math.log(2)) beam = Gaussian2DKernel(bmsigma / pixscale, x_size=retext, y_size=retext, mode='oversample', factor=1) beam *= 1 / np.sum(beam.array) model = convolve(bolo_temp, beam, boundary='wrap') for j in range(maps[i]['signal'].shape[0]): for k in range(maps[i]['signal'].shape[1]): if maps[i]['mask'][j, k] == 0: model[j, k] = np.nan maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k] = np.nan noise_map[j, k] = np.nan else: maps[i]['srcrm'][j, k] *= maps[i]['calfac'] image = maps[i]['srcrm'] # # plt.imshow(maps[i]['srcrm'], origin='lower') # plt.title('SZ without noise_ %s' % maps[i]['band']) # plt.colorbar() # plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/sz_no_noise%s%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) # plt.clf() # # plt.imshow(noise_map, origin='lower') # plt.title('Noise Map_%s' % maps[i]['band'])K # plt.colorbar() # plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/noise_map%s%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) # plt.clf() plt.imshow(image, origin='lower', clim=(-0.1, 0.1)) plt.title('Input SZ effect %s %s' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/fitsz_in_map%s%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) plt.clf() plt.imshow(model, origin='lower') plt.title('Bolocam Template %s' % maps[i]['band']) plt.colorbar() plt.savefig(config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/fitsz_in_temp%s%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) plt.clf() flat_im = image.flatten() flat_mod = model.flatten() x_data = [ flat_mod[i] for i in range(len(flat_mod)) if not np.isnan(noise[i]) ] y_data = [ flat_im[i] for i in range(len(flat_im)) if not np.isnan(noise[i]) ] # noise_data = [1 / n for n in noise_map.flatten() if not np.isnan(n)] #polyfit wants weights as 1 / sigma sigma_data = [n for n in noise if not np.isnan(n)] print(len(x_data), len(y_data), len(sigma_data)) # z, cov = np.polyfit(x_data,y_data,1, cov=True),# w = noise_data) params, cov = curve_fit(fitting_func, x_data, y_data, sigma=sigma_data) e = np.sqrt(np.diag(cov)) # p = np.poly1d(z) intercept = params[1] intercept_error = e[1] slope = params[0] slope_error = e[0] y_fit = [slope * x + intercept for x in x_data] fit[i] = params chi_square = chi_square_test(y_data, y_fit, sigma_data) red_chi_square = chi_square / len(y_data) if saveplot: input_DI = np.load(config.OUTPUT + 'add_sz/input_dI_%s.npy' % (band[i])) # plt.ylim(ylims[i]) plt.plot( x_data, y_fit, c='red', label= 'dI = %.4E +/- %.3E \n offset = %.1E +/- %.1E \n chi square: %.3E \n red chi square %.3E' % (slope, slope_error, intercept, intercept_error, chi_square, red_chi_square)) plt.scatter(x_data, y_data, alpha=0.5, label='Image Data: Input DI : %.4E' % input_DI) in_y = [input_DI * x for x in x_data] # plt.plot(x_data, in_y, label='input dI = %.4E' % input_DI, c='green') sigma = (slope - input_DI) / slope_error print('uncertainty in fits', slope_error, intercept_error) print('Slope is %.2E sigma from the expected value' % sigma) #these next few lines is for testing only plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Model Flux [Unitless]') plt.ylabel('Image Flux [MJy/Sr]') plt.title('SZ Fit for %s %s' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) # plt.xlim(-0.005,0.005) plt.savefig( config.OUTPUT + 'sz_fit/rxj1347_%s_%s.png' % (maps[i]['band'], nsim)) #rxj1347 placeholder for clusname. plt.clf() return fit