예제 #1
def Me_Open_str_draw_1_cards( table_cards_list = None ) :
    if Me_str == True: retun False
    ( [7,8,9] ,2 ,10 ): True.  ( [6,7,8,9] ,2 ,10 ): False
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card
    if table_cards_list == None :
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th ]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th ]
        elif River1_Deside == True :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th ]

    if Me_Open_str_draw_2_cards( table_cards_list ) == True \
       or Me_str_2_cards( table_cards_list ) == True :
        return False
    for i in open_str_draw_1_Cards_list( table_cards_list ) :
        if n(My_1th_Card) == i or n(My_2th_Card) == i :
            return True
    return False    
예제 #2
def Me_1_pair_Ranking(List=None):
    Best Rank: (1, 14) Example: ([10,8,2,5],14,10)
    second index is my Kicker card
    ([14,14,10,8,5],10,11): (1, 11)
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_1_pair(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        List = [i for i in List if List.count(i) == 1]
        if List.count(n(My_1th_Card)) == 1:
            My_Card = My_1th_Card
            My_Kicker = My_2th_Card
        elif List.count(n(My_2th_Card)) == 1:
            My_Card = My_2th_Card
            My_Kicker = My_1th_Card

        return (Cards_Matching(List, My_Card), n(My_Kicker))
def hand4():
    """ 88,77,...,22 """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card) and 2 <= n(My_1th_Card) <= 8:
        #shout("hand4 is True")
        return True
        return None
def hand3():
    """ 1010,99 """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card) and 9 <= n(My_1th_Card) <= 10:
        #shout("hand3 is True")
        return True
        return None
def hand2():
    """ QQ,JJ """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card) and 11 <= n(My_1th_Card) <= 12:
        #shout("hand2 is True")
        return True
        return None
def hand1():
    """ AA,KK """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card) and 13 <= n(My_1th_Card) <= 14:
        #shout("hand1 is True")
        return True
        return None
예제 #7
def Me_full_house_Ranking(List=None):
    Ranks: 1,2,3,4
    Table_2_pair : 1 ([4,4,10,7,7],10,7) or ([4,10,10,7,7],10,4).  2 ([7,10,10,4,4],10,4).  4 ([4,4,10,7,7],4,10).
    Table_1_pair : depends on 2 same cards Ranking not 3 same cards ranking.
    Table_1_pair : 1 ( [2,3,5,5,6] , 5 , 6 ) .  2 ( [2,3,5,5,6] , 5 , 3 ).  3 ( [2,3,5,5,6] , 5 , 2 )
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_full_house(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        if Table_2_pair(List):

            Card = []
            for i in range(len(List)):
                if List.count(List[i]) == 2 and List[i] not in Card:

            if Card[0] not in (n(My_1th_Card), n(My_2th_Card)):
                return 4  # very rare
                if Card[1] not in (n(My_1th_Card),
                                   n(My_2th_Card)) and Card[1] != min(List):
                    return 1
                if (n(My_1th_Card)) != Card[0]: My_Card = My_1th_Card
                if (n(My_2th_Card)) != Card[0]: My_Card = My_2th_Card
                Card2 = []
                for i in (List):
                    if Card[0] == i or i in Card2:
                return Cards_Matching(Card2, My_Card)

        if List.count(n(My_1th_Card)) == 1:
            My_Card = My_1th_Card
        elif List.count(n(My_2th_Card)) == 1:
            My_Card = My_2th_Card

        Card = []
        for i in range(len(List)):
            if List.count(List[i]) == 1:

        return Cards_Matching(Card, My_Card)
def hand8():
    """ AK,...,1010,...22,...,(65 rang) Blind position call 2 blind raise, otherwise fold that """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if not (hand1() or hand2()):
        if hand3() or hand4() \
        or hand5() or hand6() \
        or ( n( My_1th_Card ) >= 5 and n( My_2th_Card ) >= 5 and \
             s( My_1th_Card ) == s( My_2th_Card ) and abs( n( My_2th_Card ) - n( My_1th_Card ) ) == 1 ) :
            #shout("hand8 is True")
            return True
        return None
예제 #9
def Me_Open_str_draw_2_cards_Ranking( table_cards_list = None ) :
    """ Rank 1,2,3 & None """
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card
    if table_cards_list == None :
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th ]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th ]
        elif River1_Deside == True :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th ]

    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card):
        return None
    rank = 0
    for i in open_str_draw_2_Cards_list( table_cards_list ) :
        rank += 1
        if n(My_1th_Card) in i and n(My_2th_Card) in i :
            return rank
        if n(My_1th_Card) == 14 :
            if 1 in i and n(My_2th_Card) in i :
                return rank
        if n(My_2th_Card) == 14 :
            if n(My_1th_Card) in i and 1 in i :
                return rank
def hand7():
    """ 72,73,...,96,107 (gheir rang)  Fold small blind position (otherwise Small always call Blind) """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if not( hand1() or hand2() or hand3() or \
            hand4() or hand5() or hand6() \
            or s( My_1th_Card ) == s( My_2th_Card ) ) :
        for i in range(2, 8):
            if i in ( n( My_1th_Card ) , n( My_2th_Card ) )  and abs( n( My_2th_Card ) - n( My_1th_Card ) ) >= 3 \
            and n( My_1th_Card ) <= 10 and n( My_2th_Card ) <= 10 :
                #shout("hand7 is True")
                return True
        return None
예제 #11
def Me_Open_str_draw_2_cards( table_cards_list = None ) :
    """ if Me_str == True: retun False """
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card
    if table_cards_list == None :
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th ]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th ]
        elif River1_Deside == True :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th ]

    if n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card):
        return False
    for i in open_str_draw_2_Cards_list( table_cards_list ) :
        if n(My_1th_Card) in i and n(My_2th_Card) in i :
            return True
        if n(My_1th_Card) == 14 :
            if 1 in i and n(My_2th_Card) in i :
                return True
        if n(My_2th_Card) == 14 :
            if n(My_1th_Card) in i and 1 in i :
                return True   
    return False
예제 #12
def Me_pocket_pair_Ranking(List=None):
    Ranks :1,2,3,4,5,6
    1 :([14,14,6,5,4],9,9) or ([14,14,14,5,4],9,9)
    6 :([14,13,9,8,7],4,4)
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_pocket_pair(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        List = [i for i in List if List.count(i) == 1]
        My_Card = My_1th_Card
        rank = 1
        for i in range(14, 1, -1):
            if i == My_Card:
            elif i in List:
                rank += 1

        return rank
예제 #13
def Me_Individual_Ranking(List=None):
    Ranks :1,...,9
    1: ([14,13,5,4,3],12,8).  2: ([14,14,5,4,3],12,8)
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_Individual(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        My_Card = max(My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card)
        rank = 1
        for i in range(14, 1, -1):
            if i == My_Card:
            elif i in List:
            rank += 1

        return rank
예제 #14
def Me_pocket_3_of_kinds_Ranking(List=None):
    Ranks: 1,2,3,4,5,6
    6: if Table_4_of_kinds : ([4,4,4,4,10],10,10)
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_pocket_3_of_kinds(List) == True:

        if Table_4_of_kinds(List) == True:
            return 6
        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        My_Card = My_1th_Card
        return Cards_Matching(List, My_Card)
예제 #15
def Cards_Matching(List, My_Card):
    Lists var act like global in python functions. so List should be written like this
    to avoid manipulation in Lists var to furthermore usage in the other functions:
    Cards_Matching( [ Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th ] , My_Card )

    List = [n(i) for i in List]
    My_Card = n(My_Card)

    List = list(set(List))
    if My_Card in List:
        for i in range(len(List)):
            if My_Card == List[i]:
                return i + 1
        return None
예제 #16
def Me_4_of_kinds(List=None):
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]

    if List.count(n(My_1th_Card)) == 3 or List.count(n(My_2th_Card)) == 3:
        return True
        return False
def hand6():
    """ KJ,QJ,,...,A2,...,(108,98 rang),109  1 Blind call """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) != n(My_2th_Card):
        if hand5() != True:
            if 14 in [ n( My_1th_Card ) , n( My_2th_Card ) ] \
            or ( n( My_1th_Card ) >= 8 and n( My_2th_Card ) >= 8 and s( My_1th_Card ) == s( My_2th_Card ) ) \
            or ( n( My_1th_Card ) >= 9 and n( My_2th_Card ) >= 9 ) :
                #shout("hand6 is True")
                return True
        return None
예제 #18
def Me_pocket_full_house(List=None):
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]

    if List.count( n(My_1th_Card) ) == 1 and List.count( n(My_2th_Card) ) == 1 and n(My_1th_Card) == n(My_2th_Card) \
       and ( Table_1_pair( List ) or Table_2_pair( List ) or Table_3_of_kinds( List ) ):
        return True
        return False
예제 #19
def Me_full_house(List=None):
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]

    if ( (List.count( n(My_1th_Card) ) == 2 and 1 <= List.count( n(My_2th_Card) ) <= 2)\
       or (1 <= List.count( n(My_1th_Card) ) <= 2 and List.count( n(My_2th_Card) ) == 2) ) and n(My_1th_Card) != n(My_2th_Card) :
        return True
        return False
예제 #20
def cards_ranking(
):  # screenshot va be cheat sheet e pair functions ezafe shavad
    Lists var act like global in python functions. so List should be written like this
    to avoid manipulation in Lists var to furthermore usage in the other functions:
    Cards_Ranking( My_Card , [ Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th ] )
    Ranks: 1,...,6
    It does not return None at all. 
    This is an independant function and it does not have any True or False function
    1: (12, [9,8,5]). 1: (12, [12,11,10]). 1: (12, [12,12,10]) 
    2: (10, [12,10,7]). 4: (5, [12,10,7]). 6: (3, [12,11,7,6,5])
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    for i in range(len(List)):
        List[i] = n(List[i])
    My_Card = n(My_Card)

    List = list(set(List))
    Cards_Ranking = 1
    for i in range(len(List)):
        if My_Card >= List[i]:
            return Cards_Ranking
            Cards_Ranking = Cards_Ranking + 1
    return Cards_Ranking
예제 #21
def Me_str_1_cards( table_cards_list = None ) :
    """ if Me_str_2_cards == True : return False """
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card
    if table_cards_list == None :
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th ]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th ]
        elif River1_Deside == True :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th ]

    if Me_str_2_cards( table_cards_list ) == True :
        return False
    for i in str_1_Cards_list( table_cards_list ) :
        if n(My_1th_Card) == i or n(My_2th_Card) == i :
            return True
        if n(My_1th_Card) == 14 :
            if 1 == i or n(My_2th_Card) == i :
                return True
        if n(My_2th_Card) == 14 :
            if n(My_1th_Card) == i or 1 == i :
                return True   
    return False
예제 #22
def Me_str_1_cards_Ranking( table_cards_list = None ) :
    Rank 1,2 & None
    None if Me_str_2_cards == True or Me_str == False
    1 ( [7,8,9,11] , 10, 2 ) or ([7, 8, 9, 11], 10, 6).  2 ( [7,8,9,10] , 6, 2 )
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card
    if table_cards_list == None :
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th ]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th ]
        elif River1_Deside == True :
            table_cards_list = [ Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th ]

    if Me_str_2_cards( table_cards_list ) == True :
        return None
    rank = 0
    for i in str_1_Cards_list( table_cards_list ) :
        rank += 1
        if n(My_1th_Card) == i or n(My_2th_Card) == i :
            return rank
        if n(My_1th_Card) == 14 :
            if 1 == i or n(My_2th_Card) == i :
                return rank
        if n(My_2th_Card) == 14 :
            if n(My_1th_Card) == i or 1 == i :
                return rank    
def hand5():
    """ A10,...,KQ  3 Blind raise """
    global My_1th_Card, My_2th_Card
    if n(My_1th_Card) != n(My_2th_Card):
        if ( 12 <= n( My_1th_Card ) <= 13 and 12 <= n( My_2th_Card ) <= 13 ) \
        or ( 14 in [ n( My_1th_Card ) , n( My_2th_Card ) ] and n( My_1th_Card ) >= 10 and n( My_2th_Card ) >= 10 ) :
            #shout("hand5 is True")
            return True
        return None
예제 #24
def Me_3_of_kinds_Ranking(List=None):
    Best Rank: (1, 14) Example: ([5,6,6,8],6 ,14 )
    second index is my Kicker card
    First index rank: 1,2
    First index at Table_full_house or Table_1_pair is: Always 1
    First index at Table_2_pair first index is: 1,2. At Table_2_pair second index will be returned but not usable.
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_3_of_kinds(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        if List.count(n(My_1th_Card)) == 2:
            My_Card = My_1th_Card
            My_Kicker = My_2th_Card
        elif List.count(n(My_2th_Card)) == 2:
            My_Card = My_2th_Card
            My_Kicker = My_2th_Card

        Card = []
        for i in range(len(List)):
            if List.count(List[i]) == 2 and List[i] not in Card:

        return (Cards_Matching(Card, My_Card), n(My_Kicker))
예제 #25
def Me_Flush_by_5_table_cards(List=None):
    ( ['6 c','8 c','10 c','K c','A c'] , '2 c' , '3 c' ) return False
    ( ['6 c','8 c','10 c','K c','A c'] , 'Q c' , '7 c' ) return True
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    sign1 = 0
    sign2 = 0
    for i in List:
        if s(My_1th_Card) == s(i):
            sign1 += 1
        if s(My_2th_Card) == s(i):
            sign2 += 1

    if sign1 == 5 and sign2 == 5:
        My_highest = max(n(My_1th_Card), n(My_2th_Card))
    elif sign1 == 5:
        My_highest = n(My_1th_Card)
    elif sign2 == 5:
        My_highest = n(My_2th_Card)
    sign_List = []
    for i in List:
    if (sign1 == 5 or sign2 == 5) and My_highest > min(sign_List):
        return True
    return False
예제 #26
def Me_pocket_full_house_Ranking(List=None):
    Ranks: 1,2,3
    Table_1_pair: 1 ([2,5,5,7,9], 7,7).  2 ([2,5,5,7,9], 2,2).
    Table_2_pair: 1 ([2,2,5,5,7], 7,7).  2 ([2,2,5,7,7], 5,5).  3 ([2,5,5,7,7], 2,2).
    Table_3_of_kinds: 3 ([5,5,5,7,8], 8,8).
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th , My_1th_Card , My_2th_Card

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    if Me_pocket_full_house(List) == True:

        List = [n(i) for i in List]

        if Table_1_pair(List) == True:
            for i in range(len(List)):
                if List.count(List[i]) == 2:
                    Card = List[i]
            if Card < My_1th_Card:
                return 1
            elif Card > My_1th_Card:
                return 2

        elif Table_2_pair(List) == True:
            Card = []
            for i in range(len(List)):
                if List.count(List[i]) == 2 and List[i] not in Card:

            if max(Card) < My_1th_Card:
                return 1
            elif min(Card) < My_1th_Card < max(Card):
                return 2
            elif min(Card) > My_1th_Card:
                return 3

        elif Table_3_of_kinds(List) == True:
            return 3
예제 #27
def Table_Individual_Cards_List(List=None):
    """ [7,7,5,10] returns [10, 5]"""
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]
    Individual_Cards = [i for i in List if List.count(i) == 1]
    return Individual_Cards
예제 #28
def Table_3_same_Cards_List(List=None):
    """ [] or max one index"""
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]

    Table_3_same_Cards = []
    for i in List:
        if List.count(i) == 3 and i not in Table_3_same_Cards:
    return Table_3_same_Cards
예제 #29
def open_str_draw_1_Cards_list( List ) :
    Lists var act like global in python functions. so List should be written like this
    to avoid manipulation in Lists var to furthermore usage in the other functions:
    str_2_Cards_list( [ Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th ] )

    for i in range( len(List) ) :
        List[i] = n( List[i] )
    open_str_draw_1_Cards_list = []
    for i in range(1,15):

        Loop_List = []
        for cards in List:
        if 14 in Loop_List :
        if i in Loop_List :
        if len(List) == 3 :
            if str_length( Loop_List ) == 4 and min(Loop_List) != 1 and max(Loop_List) != 14 :

        if len(List) == 4 :
            if str_length( Loop_List ) == 4 :
                while 14 in Loop_List :
                while 1 in Loop_List :
                if str_length( Loop_List ) == 4 \
                and str_length( List ) != 4 :
    return open_str_draw_1_Cards_list
예제 #30
def Table_Individual(List=None):
    global Flop1_Deside , Turn1_Deside , River1_Deside ,\
    Card_1th , Card_2th , Card_3th , Card_4th , Card_5th

    if List == None:
        if Flop1_Deside == True and Turn1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th]
        elif Turn1_Deside == True and River1_Deside == False:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th]
        elif River1_Deside == True:
            List = [Card_1th, Card_2th, Card_3th, Card_4th, Card_5th]

    List = [n(i) for i in List]

    pair_list = []
    for i in range(2, 15):
        if List.count(i) >= 2:
    if len(pair_list) == 0:
        return True
        return False