예제 #1
def placeImageWithMashape(origPilImage,origImageUrl,imageHat, personIndex):
    client = Face("1vgorh7zmjvdnjq2xjwqq6xnwm6xa4", "zhyjc7xytpu3rcwjy3akzzqiirb3ev")
    faceData = client.detect(images='http://www.taipeitimes.com/images/2012/11/08/thumbs/P03-121108-1.jpg')
    numberOfObjects = len(faceData.body['photos'][0]['tags'])
    if (personIndex is not None) and (0 <= personIndex < numberOfObjects):
        faceIndex = personIndex
        faceIndex = randrange(numberOfObjects)

    singleFaceData = faceData.body['photos'][0]['tags'][faceIndex]
    faceWidth = singleFaceData['width']
    faceHeight = singleFaceData['height']
    faceXcord = singleFaceData['center']['x'] 
    faceYcord = singleFaceData['center']['y']
    hatWidth = int(math.floor(faceWidth * 2))
    ratio = float(hatWidth) /float(imageHat.size[0])
    hatHeight = int(math.floor(imageHat.size[1] *ratio))  
    imageHatResized = imageHat.resize((hatWidth, hatHeight),PilImage.ANTIALIAS)
    faceX = int(math.floor(faceXcord - imageHatResized.size[0]/2.0))
    faceY = int(math.floor(faceYcord - imageHatResized.size[1]/2.0 - faceHeight/2.0*0.3 ))
    faceY = faceY - faceHeight/2 
    origPilImage.paste(imageHatResized, (faceX, faceY), imageHatResized)
    return (origPilImage , faceIndex)
예제 #2
# To use the Face API in your code, just import the generated code
# add your developer key (you can find it in your dashboard: http://www.mashape.com/account/index )
# and relax!
# This is a sample of the initialization of the client.. then call its methods!

from Face import Face

# basic instantiation. TODO Put your authentication keys here.
client = Face("1vgorh7zmjvdnjq2xjwqq6xnwm6xa4", "zhyjc7xytpu3rcwjy3akzzqiirb3ev")


# A sample function call. These parameters are not properly filled in.
# See Face.py to find all function names and parameters.
response = client.detect(images='http://www.taipeitimes.com/images/2012/11/08/thumbs/P03-121108-1.jpg')

# now you can do something with the response.
print vars(response)