예제 #1
 def joystickReader(self, joystickState, joystickStateNum):
   scanInterval = 0.01 # seconds
   printInterval = 2   # seconds
   lastPrintTime = 0
   joystick = FishJoystick(joystick='snes')
   # read state and update joystickState
   while True:
     # get the latest joystick events
     state = joystick.getStateBytes('dict')
     # convert the state to a state index
     stateNum = 0
     stateNum += state['start']
     stateNum += state['pitch']     << 1
     stateNum += state['yaw']       << 4
     stateNum += state['thrust']    << 7
     stateNum += state['frequency'] << 9
     # share state with other processes
     for (k, v) in state.iteritems():
       joystickState[k] = v
     joystickStateNum.value = stateNum
     # wait until the next scan time
     if time() - lastPrintTime > printInterval:
       print joystickState, '\t', joystickStateNum
       lastPrintTime = time()
class BluetoothJoystickController:
  # @param mbedPort [str] The serial port to use on the mbed
  # @param mbedBaud [int] The baud rate to use with the mbed
  # @param mbedUpdateInterval [float] Time in ms to wait between sending updated state to the mbed
  def __init__(self, mbedPort='/dev/ttyAMA0', mbedBaud=115200, mbedUpdateInterval=1.25 , useLJ = True):
    self._mbedSerial = serial.Serial(mbedPort, baudrate=mbedBaud, timeout=None, bytesize=serial.EIGHTBITS, parity = serial.PARITY_NONE, stopbits = serial.STOPBITS_ONE) # timeout = None means blocking, timeout = 0 means non-blocking
    self._mbedUpdateInterval = mbedUpdateInterval
    self._joystick = FishJoystick(joystick='snes', useLJ=useLJ)

  # The main loop to update state from joystick and send to mbed
  # @param runTime [flaot or None] The time to run for, or None for infinite loop
  def run(self, runTime=None):
    lastSendTime = 0
    lastPrintTime = 0
    startTime = time()    
    while runTime is None or time() - startTime < runTime:
      sleep(0.01) # not sure if this is needed, but seems nice to reduce polling load on device?
      if time() - lastSendTime > self._mbedUpdateInterval:
        stateBytes = self._joystick.getStateBytes('bytearray')
        #self._mbedSerial.write(bytearray([1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 0]))
        if stateBytes[-1] != 8:
        self._mbedSerial.flush() # wait until everything is written
        lastSendTime = time()
      if time() - lastPrintTime > 1:
       print self._joystick.getStateBytes('dict')
       lastPrintTime = time()
 def joystickReader(self, joystickState, joystickStateNum):
   scanInterval = 0.01 # seconds
   printInterval = 2   # seconds
   lastPrintTime = 0
   joystick = FishJoystick(joystick='snes')
   # read state and update joystickState
   while True:
     # get the latest joystick events
     state = joystick.getStateBytes('dict')
     # convert the state to a state index
     stateNum = 0
     stateNum += state['start']
     stateNum += state['pitch']     << 1
     stateNum += state['yaw']       << 4
     stateNum += state['thrust']    << 7
     stateNum += state['frequency'] << 9
     # share state with other processes
     for (k, v) in state.iteritems():
       joystickState[k] = v
     joystickStateNum.value = stateNum
     # wait until the next scan time
     if time() - lastPrintTime > printInterval:
       print joystickState, '\t', joystickStateNum
       lastPrintTime = time()
class FishJoystickController:
  # @param mbedPort [str] The serial port to use on the mbed
  # @param mbedBaud [int] The baud rate to use with the mbed
  # @param mbedUpdateInterval [float] Time in ms to wait between sending updated state to the mbed
  def __init__(self, mbedPort='/dev/ttyAMA0', mbedBaud=115200, mbedUpdateInterval=0.05, useLJ = True):
    self._mbedSerial = serial.Serial(mbedPort, baudrate=mbedBaud, timeout=None) # timeout = None means blocking, timeout = 0 means non-blocking
    self._mbedUpdateInterval = mbedUpdateInterval
    self._joystick = FishJoystick(useLJ=useLJ)

  # The main loop to update state from joystick and send to mbed
  # @param runTime [flaot or None] The time to run for, or None for infinite loop
  def run(self, runTime=None):
    lastSendTime = 0
    lastPrintTime = 0
    startTime = time()    
    while runTime is None or time() - startTime < runTime:
      sleep(0.01) # not sure if this is needed, but seems nice to reduce polling load on device?
      if time() - lastSendTime > self._mbedUpdateInterval:
        stateBytes = self._joystick.getStateBytes('bytearray')
        if stateBytes[-1] != 0:
        self._mbedSerial.flush() # wait until everything is written
        lastSendTime = time()
      if time() - lastPrintTime > 1:
        print self._joystick.getStateBytes('dict')
        lastPrintTime = time()