예제 #1
    def __init__(self, particle):
        """ The Topology Class Creator """
        print "New topology instance, %s class particles." % (
            particle.__class__.__name__, )
        self.oneSelfParticle = particle
        self.internalSwarm = []
        self.swarmSize = 0
        self.sortType = Consts.CDefSwarmSortType
        self.sorted = False
        self.minimax = Consts.CDefSwarmMinimax

        #Best particle inside topology
        self.bestParticle = None

        self.position_updater = FunctionSlot("Position Particles Updater")
        self.information_updater = FunctionSlot(
            "Information Particles Updater")

        self.allSlots = [self.position_updater, self.information_updater]

        self.statted = False
        self.topologyStats = TopologyStatistics()
        self.swarmStats = SwarmStatistics()
예제 #2
파일: TopologyBase.py 프로젝트: DiNAi/pypso
	def __init__(self,particle):
		""" The Topology Class Creator """
		print "New topology instance, %s class particles." % (particle.__class__.__name__,)
		self.oneSelfParticle = particle
		self.internalSwarm = []
		self.swarmSize  = 0
		self.sortType = Consts.CDefSwarmSortType
		self.sorted = False
		self.minimax = Consts.CDefSwarmMinimax
		#Best particle inside topology
		self.bestParticle = None
		self.position_updater = FunctionSlot("Position Particles Updater")
		self.information_updater = FunctionSlot("Information Particles Updater")

		self.allSlots = [self.position_updater, self.information_updater]
		self.statted = False
		self.topologyStats = TopologyStatistics()
		self.swarmStats = SwarmStatistics()
예제 #3
class TopologyBase(object):
    """ Topology Base Class - The container for the swarm
		Get the swarm from the :class:`PSO.SimplePSO` (PSO Engine) instance
			>>> swarm = pso_engine.getSwarm()
		Get the best fitness particle
			>>> bestParticle = swarm.bestFitness()
		Ge the statistics from the :class:`Statistics.Statistics` instance
			>>> stats = swarm.getStatistics()
			>>> print stats["fitMax"]
		Iterate, get/set individuals
			>>> for particle in swarm:
			>>>		print particle
			>>> for i in xrange(len(swarm)):
			>>>		print swarm[i]
			>>> swarm[10] = newParticle
			>>> swarm[10].fitness
	:param particle: the :term: `Sample particle``

    position_updater = None
    """ This is the position update topology function slot, you can change the default
	updater using the slot *set* function: ::
    information_updater = None
    """ This is the information update topology function slot, you can change the default
	updater usingt the slot *set* function: ::
    def __init__(self, particle):
        """ The Topology Class Creator """
        print "New topology instance, %s class particles." % (
            particle.__class__.__name__, )
        self.oneSelfParticle = particle
        self.internalSwarm = []
        self.swarmSize = 0
        self.sortType = Consts.CDefSwarmSortType
        self.sorted = False
        self.minimax = Consts.CDefSwarmMinimax

        #Best particle inside topology
        self.bestParticle = None

        self.position_updater = FunctionSlot("Position Particles Updater")
        self.information_updater = FunctionSlot(
            "Information Particles Updater")

        self.allSlots = [self.position_updater, self.information_updater]

        self.statted = False
        self.topologyStats = TopologyStatistics()
        self.swarmStats = SwarmStatistics()

    def setMinimax(self, minimax):
        """ Sets the swarm minimax
			>>> swarm.setMinimax(Consts.minimaxType["maximize"])
		:param minimax: the minimax type
        self.minimax = minimax

    def __repr__(self):
        """ Returns the string representation of the topology """
        ret = "- Topology\n"
        ret += "\nSwarm Size:\t %d\n" % (self.swarmSize, )
        ret += "Sort Type:\t\t %s\n" % (Consts.sortType.keys()[
            Consts.sortType.values().index(self.sortType)].capitalize(), )
        ret += "\tMinimax Type:\t\t %s\n" % (Consts.minimaxType.keys()[
            Consts.minimaxType.values().index(self.minimax)].capitalize(), )
        for slot in self.allSlots:
            ret += "\t" + slot.__repr__()
        ret += "\n"
        ret += self.topologyStats.__repr__()
        return ret

    def setTopologyStatistics(self, topStats):
        """ Sets the topology Statistics (Best Particle info)

				>>> topology.setTopologyStatistics(FloatStatistics.TopologyStatistics())

			:param topStats: the statistics instance class (must be extend Statistics base class)

        self.topologyStats = topStats

    def setSwarmStatistics(self, swarmStats):
        """ Sets the Swarm Statistics (Swarm info)

				>>> topology.setSwarmStatistics(FloatStatistics.SwarmStatistics())

			:param swarmStats: the statistics instance class (must be extend Statistics base class)

        self.swarmStats = swarmStats

    def __len__(self):
        """ Return the length of the swarm """
        return len(self.internalSwarm)

    def __getitem__(self, key):
        """ Returns the specified particle from topology """
        return self.internalSwarm[key]

    def __iter__(self):
        """ Returns the iterator of the swarm """
        return iter(self.internalSwarm)

    def __setitem__(self, key, value):
        """ Set the particle of swarm """
        self.internalSwarm[key] = value

    def clear_flags(self):
        self.statted = False
#self.statted = False

    def statistics(self):
        """Do the statistical analysis of the swarm and set 'statted' to True """
        if self.statted: return
        fit_sum = 0.0
        swarm_size = len(self.internalSwarm)
        for index in xrange(swarm_size):
            fit_sum += self.internalSwarm[index].fitness
        self.swarmStats["fitMax"] = max(self.internalSwarm,
        self.swarmStats["fitMin"] = min(self.internalSwarm,
        self.swarmStats["fitAvg"] = fit_sum / float(swarm_size)

        bestFit_sum = 0
        for index in xrange(swarm_size):
            bestFit_sum += self.internalSwarm[index].ownBestFitness
        self.swarmStats["bestFitMin"] = min(
            self.internalSwarm, key=key_best_fitness_score).ownBestFitness
        self.swarmStats["bestFitMax"] = max(
            self.internalSwarm, key=key_best_fitness_score).ownBestFitness
        self.swarmStats["bestFitAvg"] = bestFit_sum / float(swarm_size)

        tmpvar = 0.0
        for index in xrange(swarm_size):
            s = self.internalSwarm[index].ownBestFitness - self.swarmStats[
            s *= s
            tmpvar += s
        tmpvar /= float((len(self.internalSwarm) - 1))
        self.swarmStats["bestFitVar"] = tmpvar
        self.swarmStats["bestFitDev"] = math.sqrt(tmpvar)
        self.topologyStats["bestFitness"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestFitness
            "bestPosition"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestPosition[:]
        self.topologyStats["bestPosDim"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestPosition[0]
        self.topologyStats["position"] = self.bestParticle.position[:]
        self.topologyStats["fitness"] = self.bestParticle.fitness

        self.statted = True

    def getBestParticle(self):
        """ Return the best particle of the swarm
		:rtype: the particle
        return self.bestParticle

    def sort(self):
        """ Sort the swarm """
        if self.sorted: return
        rev = (self.minimax == Consts.minimaxType["maximize"])

        if self.sortType == Consts.sortType["fitness"]:
            self.internalSwarm.sort(cmp=cmp_particle_fitness, reverse=rev)

        self.sorted = True

    def setSwarmSize(self, size):
        """ Set the population size
			:param size: the population size
        self.swarmSize = size

    def setSortType(self, sort_type):
        """ Sets the sort type
				>>> swarm.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])
		:param sort_type: the Sort Type

        self.sortType = sort_type

    def setBestParticle(self, particle):
        """ Set the best Particle
				>>> topology.setBestParticle(bestParticle)
		:param particle: the best particle to set
        self.bestParticle = particle

    def create(self, **args):
        """ Clone the example particle fo fill the swarm """
        self.minimax = args["minimax"]
        for i in xrange(self.swarmSize):

    def initialize(self):
        """ Initialize all particles of swarm 
		this calls the initialize() of particles
		PS: You can OVERRIDE this method for custom initialization.
        for particle in self.internalSwarm:
            particle.ownBestFitness = particle.fitness

        self.bestParticle = self.internalSwarm[0]

    def evaluate(self, *args):
        """ Evaluate all particles in swarm, calls the evaluate() method of particles
		:param args: this param are passed to the evaluation function
        for particle in self.internalSwarm:

    def printStats(self):
        """ Print statistics of the current population """
        message = ""
        #message = "[Swarm] - Max/Min/Avg bestFitness(Fitness) [%.2f(%.2f)/%.2f(%.2f)/%.2f(%.2f)]\n" %  (self.stats["bestFitMax"], self.stats["fitMax"], self.stats["fitMin"], self.stats["bestFitMin"], self.stats["bestFitAvg"], self.stats["fitAvg"])
        message += "[Topology] - bestFitness/bestPosDim  [%s/%s]" % (
        print message
        return message

    def clear(self):
        """ Remove all particles from swarm """
        del self.internalSwarm[:]

    def getStatistics(self):
        """ Return a Statistics classes for statistics
        :rtype: the  subclasses of :class: `Statistics.Statistics`  (topology,swarm) instances 
        return (self.topologyStats, self.swarmStats)
예제 #4
파일: TopologyBase.py 프로젝트: DiNAi/pypso
class TopologyBase(object):
	""" Topology Base Class - The container for the swarm
		Get the swarm from the :class:`PSO.SimplePSO` (PSO Engine) instance
			>>> swarm = pso_engine.getSwarm()
		Get the best fitness particle
			>>> bestParticle = swarm.bestFitness()
		Ge the statistics from the :class:`Statistics.Statistics` instance
			>>> stats = swarm.getStatistics()
			>>> print stats["fitMax"]
		Iterate, get/set individuals
			>>> for particle in swarm:
			>>>		print particle
			>>> for i in xrange(len(swarm)):
			>>>		print swarm[i]
			>>> swarm[10] = newParticle
			>>> swarm[10].fitness
	:param particle: the :term: `Sample particle``
	position_updater = None
	""" This is the position update topology function slot, you can change the default
	updater using the slot *set* function: ::
	information_updater = None
	""" This is the information update topology function slot, you can change the default
	updater usingt the slot *set* function: ::
	def __init__(self,particle):
		""" The Topology Class Creator """
		print "New topology instance, %s class particles." % (particle.__class__.__name__,)
		self.oneSelfParticle = particle
		self.internalSwarm = []
		self.swarmSize  = 0
		self.sortType = Consts.CDefSwarmSortType
		self.sorted = False
		self.minimax = Consts.CDefSwarmMinimax
		#Best particle inside topology
		self.bestParticle = None
		self.position_updater = FunctionSlot("Position Particles Updater")
		self.information_updater = FunctionSlot("Information Particles Updater")

		self.allSlots = [self.position_updater, self.information_updater]
		self.statted = False
		self.topologyStats = TopologyStatistics()
		self.swarmStats = SwarmStatistics()
	def setMinimax(self,minimax):
		""" Sets the swarm minimax
			>>> swarm.setMinimax(Consts.minimaxType["maximize"])
		:param minimax: the minimax type
		self.minimax = minimax
	def __repr__(self):
		""" Returns the string representation of the topology """
		ret =  "- Topology\n"
		ret += "\nSwarm Size:\t %d\n" % (self.swarmSize,)
		ret += "Sort Type:\t\t %s\n" % (Consts.sortType.keys()[Consts.sortType.values().index(self.sortType)].capitalize(),)
		ret += "\tMinimax Type:\t\t %s\n" % (Consts.minimaxType.keys()[Consts.minimaxType.values().index(self.minimax)].capitalize(),)
		for slot in self.allSlots:
			ret+= "\t" + slot.__repr__()
		ret += "\n"
		ret+= self.topologyStats.__repr__()
		return ret
	def setTopologyStatistics(self,topStats):
		""" Sets the topology Statistics (Best Particle info)

				>>> topology.setTopologyStatistics(FloatStatistics.TopologyStatistics())

			:param topStats: the statistics instance class (must be extend Statistics base class)

		self.topologyStats = topStats
	def setSwarmStatistics(self,swarmStats):
		""" Sets the Swarm Statistics (Swarm info)

				>>> topology.setSwarmStatistics(FloatStatistics.SwarmStatistics())

			:param swarmStats: the statistics instance class (must be extend Statistics base class)

		self.swarmStats = swarmStats
	def __len__(self):
		""" Return the length of the swarm """
		return len(self.internalSwarm)
	def __getitem__(self, key):
		""" Returns the specified particle from topology """
		return self.internalSwarm[key]
	def __iter__(self):
		""" Returns the iterator of the swarm """
		return iter(self.internalSwarm)
	def __setitem__(self,key,value):
		""" Set the particle of swarm """
		self.internalSwarm[key]  = value
	def clear_flags(self):
	    self.statted = False
        #self.statted = False
	def statistics(self):
		"""Do the statistical analysis of the swarm and set 'statted' to True """
		if self.statted: return
		fit_sum = 0.0
		swarm_size = len(self.internalSwarm)
		for index in xrange(swarm_size):
			fit_sum += self.internalSwarm[index].fitness
		self.swarmStats["fitMax"] = max(self.internalSwarm,key=key_fitness_score).fitness
		self.swarmStats["fitMin"] = min(self.internalSwarm,key=key_fitness_score).fitness
		self.swarmStats["fitAvg"] = fit_sum / float(swarm_size)
		bestFit_sum = 0
		for index in xrange(swarm_size):
			bestFit_sum += self.internalSwarm[index].ownBestFitness
		self.swarmStats["bestFitMin"] = min(self.internalSwarm,key=key_best_fitness_score).ownBestFitness
		self.swarmStats["bestFitMax"] = max(self.internalSwarm,key=key_best_fitness_score).ownBestFitness
		self.swarmStats["bestFitAvg"] = bestFit_sum / float(swarm_size)
		tmpvar = 0.0
		for index in xrange(swarm_size):
			s = self.internalSwarm[index].ownBestFitness - self.swarmStats["bestFitAvg"]
			tmpvar += s
		tmpvar /= float((len(self.internalSwarm)-1))
		self.swarmStats["bestFitVar"] = tmpvar
		self.swarmStats["bestFitDev"] = math.sqrt(tmpvar)
		self.topologyStats["bestFitness"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestFitness
		self.topologyStats["bestPosition"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestPosition[:]
		self.topologyStats["bestPosDim"] = self.bestParticle.ownBestPosition[0]
		self.topologyStats["position"] = self.bestParticle.position[:]
		self.topologyStats["fitness"] = self.bestParticle.fitness
		self.statted = True	
	def getBestParticle(self):
		""" Return the best particle of the swarm
		:rtype: the particle
		return self.bestParticle

	def sort(self):
		""" Sort the swarm """
		if self.sorted: return
		rev = (self.minimax == Consts.minimaxType["maximize"])
		if self.sortType == Consts.sortType["fitness"]:
			self.internalSwarm.sort(cmp=cmp_particle_fitness, reverse=rev)

		self.sorted = True
	def setSwarmSize(self, size):
		""" Set the population size
			:param size: the population size
		self.swarmSize = size

	def setSortType(self,sort_type):
		""" Sets the sort type
				>>> swarm.setSortType(Consts.sortType["scaled"])
		:param sort_type: the Sort Type

		self.sortType = sort_type
	def setBestParticle(self,particle):
		""" Set the best Particle
				>>> topology.setBestParticle(bestParticle)
		:param particle: the best particle to set
		self.bestParticle = particle

	def create(self, **args):
		""" Clone the example particle fo fill the swarm """
		self.minimax  = args["minimax"]
		for i in xrange(self.swarmSize):
	def initialize(self):
		""" Initialize all particles of swarm 
		this calls the initialize() of particles
		PS: You can OVERRIDE this method for custom initialization.
		for particle in self.internalSwarm:
			particle.ownBestFitness = particle.fitness
		self.bestParticle = self.internalSwarm[0]
	def evaluate(self,*args):
		""" Evaluate all particles in swarm, calls the evaluate() method of particles
		:param args: this param are passed to the evaluation function
		for particle in self.internalSwarm:

	def printStats(self):
		""" Print statistics of the current population """
		message = ""
		#message = "[Swarm] - Max/Min/Avg bestFitness(Fitness) [%.2f(%.2f)/%.2f(%.2f)/%.2f(%.2f)]\n" %  (self.stats["bestFitMax"], self.stats["fitMax"], self.stats["fitMin"], self.stats["bestFitMin"], self.stats["bestFitAvg"], self.stats["fitAvg"])      
		message+= "[Topology] - bestFitness/bestPosDim  [%s/%s]" % (self.topologyStats["bestFitness"], self.topologyStats["bestPosDim"])
		print message
		return message

	def clear(self):
		""" Remove all particles from swarm """
		del self.internalSwarm[:]

	def getStatistics(self):
		""" Return a Statistics classes for statistics
        :rtype: the  subclasses of :class: `Statistics.Statistics`  (topology,swarm) instances 
		return (self.topologyStats, self.swarmStats)