def CreateSpiral(self, fp, a):
        m = fp.Profile.Shape.BoundBox.Center  # Center of the profile
        myNumRot = fp.Rotations
        myRadius = m.distanceToLine(fp.Center, fp.Center + fp.Axis)
        myGrowth = Growth
        myPitch = 1.0
        myHeight = myNumRot * myPitch
        myAngle = atan(myGrowth / myPitch)

        assert myGrowth > 0, u"Growth too small"
        assert myNumRot > 0, u"Number of rotations too small"

        aPnt = VEC(0.0, 0.0, 0.0)
        aDir = VEC(2.0 * pi, myPitch, 0.0)
        surf = Part.Cone(aPnt, DIR_Z, 1.0, 0.0)

        line = Part.LineSegment(aPnt, aDir)
        beg = line.value(0)
        end = line.value(aDir.Length * myNumRot)

        # calculate end point for conical helix
        v = myHeight / cos(myAngle)
        u = myNumRot * 2.0 * pi
        segm = Part.LineSegment(beg, VEC(u, v, 0))

        edgeOnSurf = surf.project(segm)
        wire = edgeOnSurf.toShape()

        aPlane = Part.Plane(aPnt, DIR_Z)
        range = (myNumRot + 1) * myGrowth + 1 + myRadius
        return spiral
예제 #2
	def __init__(self):
		super(Revolution, self).__init__('Revolution')
		x  = 3.198144353947543
		z  = 6.783942267687237
		c  = CENTER
		a  = 244.75946975372221
		b  = 424.7594697537222
		c1 = makeCircle(7.5, c, DIR_Y, a, b)
		c2 = makeCircle(7.5, c, VEC(-0.904526, 0, -0.426419), a, b)
		c1.vertices = c2.vertices = [Vertex(VEC(x,0,-z)), Vertex(VEC(-x,0,z))]
		c3 = makeLine(VEC(-x, 0, z), VEC( x, 0,-z))
		self.Shape._edges = [c1, c2, c3]
예제 #3
	def __init__(self, part, radA, radB):
		if (isinstance(radA, VEC)):
			a = part
			b = radA
			c = radB
			C = b - a
			B = c - a
			B2 = (a.x**2+a.y**2+a.z**2)-(c.x**2+c.y**2+c.z**2)
			C2 = (a.x**2+a.y**2+a.z**2)-(b.x**2+B.y**2+b.z**2)
			CB = C.cross(B) # axis
			D  = (B.y-C.y*B.x/C.x)
			ZZ1 = -(B.z-C.z*B.x/C.x)/ D
			Z01 = -(B2-B.x/C.x*C2)/(2*D)
			ZZ2 = -(ZZ1*C.y+C.z)/C.x
			Z02 = -(2*Z01*C.y+C2)/(2*C.x)
			dz = -((Z02-a.x)*CB.x - (Z01-a.y)*CB.y - a.z*CB.z)/(ZZ2*CB.x-ZZ1*CB.y+CB.z)
			dx = ZZ2*dz + Z02
			dy = ZZ1*dz + Z01
			center = VEC(dx, dy, dz)
			circle = Circle(center, CB, (center-a).Length)
			super(ArcOfCircle, self).__init__('ArcOfCircle', circle, circle.parameter(a), circle.parameter(b))
			if (radA == radB):
				raise OCCError(u"Geom_TrimmedCurve::U1 == U2")
			super(ArcOfCircle, self).__init__('ArcOfCircle', part, radA, radB)
예제 #4
	def Center(self):
		s = self.Direction
		e = self.EndPoint
		x = (e.x + s.x) / 2.0
		y = (e.y + s.y) / 2.0
		z = (e.z + s.z) / 2.0
		return VEC(x, y, z)
예제 #5
	def __init__(self):
		super(Cone, self).__init__(name = 'Cone')
		self.Radius1 = 1.0
		self.Radius2 = 0.0
		self.Height = 10
		self.Angle  = 45
		self.Axis = DIR_Z
		self.Apex = VEC(0.0, 0.0, self.Height)
예제 #6
def __valueAtEllipse__(ra, rb, center, axis, u):
	x = VEC(cos(u) * ra, sin(u) * rb, 0)
	theta = axis.getAngle(DIR_Z)
	if (abs(theta) < 1e-06):
		n = DIR_X
	elif (abs(theta - pi) < 1e-06):
		n = -DIR_X
		n = DIR_Z.cross(axis)
	if (n.Length == 0):
		return x
	n = n.normalize()
	a = cos(theta/2)
	b = n.x*sin(theta/2)
	c = n.y*sin(theta/2)
	d = n.z*sin(theta/2)
	aa, bb, cc, dd = a*a, b*b, c*c, d*d
	bc, ad, ac, ab, bd, cd = b*c, a*d, a*c, a*b, b*d, c*d
	m = MAT(aa+bb-cc-dd, 2*(bc+ad), 2*(bd-ac), 0,
			2*(bc-ad), aa+cc-bb-dd, 2*(cd+ab), 0,
			2*(bd+ac), 2*(cd-ab), aa+dd-bb-cc, 0,
			0, 0, 0, 1)
	return center + m.multiply(x)
    'App::PropertyFloat': u'',
    'App::PropertyQuantity': u'',
    'App::PropertyAngle': u'°',
    'App::PropertyDistance': u'mm',
    'App::PropertyLength': u'mm',
    'App::PropertyPercent': u'%',
    'Angle': u'°',
    'Distance': u'mm',
    'DistanceX': u'mm',
    'DistanceY': u'mm',
    'Radius': u'mm',

DIR_X = VEC(1.0, 0.0, 0.0)
DIR_Y = VEC(0.0, 1.0, 0.0)
DIR_Z = VEC(0.0, 0.0, 1.0)

def createPartFeature(doctype, name):
    fp = FreeCAD.ActiveDocument.addObject(doctype, getObjectName(name))
    fp.Label = name
    return fp

def getObjectName(name):
    if (sys.version_info.major < 3):
        v = re.sub(r'[^\x00-\x7f]', r'_', name)
        v = re.sub(b'[^\x00-\x7f]', b'_', name.encode('utf8')).decode('utf8')
예제 #8
	def value(self, u, v):
		return self.Center + VEC(self.Radius, 0, 0)
예제 #9
	def BoundBox(self):
		return BoundBox(CENTER, VEC(1.0, 1.0, 1.0))
예제 #10
 def getBase(self):
     x = self.m[0, 2]
     y = self.m[1, 2]
     return VEC(x, y, 0)
예제 #11
	def BoundBox(self):
		minBB = CENTER
		maxBB = VEC(1.0, 1.0, 1.0)
		return BoundBox(minBB, maxBB)
예제 #12
    VAL_GUESS: '%s',
    VAL_UINT8: '%02X',
    VAL_UINT16: '%03X',
    VAL_UINT32: '%04X',
    VAL_UINT64: '%05X',
    VAL_STR8: '\'%s\'',
    VAL_STR16: '\"%s\"',
    VAL_DATETIME: '#%s#',
    VAL_ENUM: '%s',

MIN_0 = 0.0
MIN_PI = -pi
MIN_PI2 = -pi / 2
MIN_INF = float('-inf')

MAX_2PI = 2 * pi
MAX_PI = pi
MAX_PI2 = pi / 2
MAX_INF = float('inf')
MAX_LEN = 2e+100

CENTER = VEC(0, 0, 0)
DIR_X = VEC(1, 0, 0)
DIR_Y = VEC(0, 1, 0)
DIR_Z = VEC(0, 0, 1)

ENCODING_FS = 'utf8'
예제 #13
def getFloat64_3D(data, index):
    val = FLOAT64_3D(data, index)
    return VEC(val), int(index + 0x18)
예제 #14
def getFloat64_2D(data, index):
    val = FLOAT64_2D(data, index)
    return VEC(val + (0.0, )), int(index + 0x10)
 def execute(self, fp):
     vec = VEC(fp.Point)
     fp.Shape = Part.Vertex(vec)
예제 #16
	def valueAt(self, value):   return VEC(value, value, value)
	def normalAt(self, value):  return DIR_X
예제 #17
 def getBase(self):
     x = self.m[0, 3]
     y = self.m[1, 3]
     z = self.m[2, 3]
     return VEC(x, y, z)