def makeRuleGraph(self): self.ruleStore = N3RuleStore() class NullDispatcher(object): def dispatch(self, *args): pass self.ruleStore.dispatcher = NullDispatcher() self.ruleGraph = Graph(self.ruleStore) self.ruleGraph.parse('commandRules.n3', format='n3') # for inference
def setUp(self): from FuXi.Rete.RuleStore import N3RuleStore from FuXi.Rete import ReteNetwork from FuXi.Rete.Util import generateTokenSet self.testGraph = Graph() self.ruleStore = N3RuleStore() self.ruleGraph = Graph(self.ruleStore) self.ruleGraph.parse(StringIO(testN3), format='n3') self.testGraph.parse(StringIO(testN3), format='n3') self.closureDeltaGraph = Graph() = ReteNetwork(self.ruleStore, initialWorkingMemory=generateTokenSet( self.testGraph), inferredTarget=self.closureDeltaGraph, nsMap={})
def HornFromN3(n3Source, additionalBuiltins=None): """ Takes the path or URL of a N3 document, and a mapping from predicates to functions that implement any builtins found in the N3 document """ from FuXi.Rete.RuleStore import SetupRuleStore, N3RuleStore if isinstance(n3Source, ConjunctiveGraph): store = N3RuleStore(additionalBuiltins=additionalBuiltins) for ctx in n3Source.contexts(): for s, p, o in ctx: store.add((s, p, o), ctx) else: store, graph = SetupRuleStore(n3Source, additionalBuiltins=additionalBuiltins) store._finalize() return Ruleset(n3Rules=store.rules, nsMapping=store.nsMgr)
def testExistentials(self): store = plugin.get('IOMemory', Store)()'') ruleStore = N3RuleStore() ruleGraph = Graph(ruleStore) ruleGraph.parse(StringIO(N3_PROGRAM), format='n3') factGraph = Graph(store) factGraph.parse(StringIO(N3_FACTS), format='n3') deltaGraph = Graph(store) network = ReteNetwork(ruleStore, initialWorkingMemory=generateTokenSet(factGraph), inferredTarget=deltaGraph) inferenceCount = 0 for inferredFact in network.inferredFacts.subjects( predicate=RDF.type, object=URIRef('')): inferenceCount = inferenceCount + 1 print(network.inferredFacts.serialize(format='n3')) self.failUnless(inferenceCount > 1, 'Each rule firing should introduce a new BNode!')
def test_n3rulestore_basic(self): s = N3RuleStore() g = Graph(s) g.parse(data=src, format='n3') s._finalize() assert len([ pred for subj, pred, obj in s.facts if pred == '' ]) == 1, len([ pred for subj, pred, obj in s.facts if pred == '' ]) assert len(s.rules) == 1, len(s.rules) assert len(s.rules[0][RULE_LHS]) == 4, len(s.rules[0][RULE_LHS]) assert len(s.rules[0][RULE_RHS]) == 5, len(s.rules[0][RULE_RHS]) assert s.rules[0][RULE_LHS][ 1] == "(rdflib.term.Variable('X'), rdflib.term.URIRef(''), rdflib.term.Variable('M'))", s.rules[ 0][RULE_LHS][1] assert s.rules[0][RULE_LHS][ -1] == "<>(?N, 3)", s.rules[ 0][RULE_LHS][-1]
def readRules(rulesPath, outputPatterns): """ returns (rulesN3, ruleStore) This includes escaping certain statements in the output (implied) subgraaphs so they're not confused with input statements. """ global _rulesCache with STATS.readRules.time(): mtime = os.path.getmtime(rulesPath) key = (rulesPath, mtime) if _rulesCache[:2] == key: _, _, rulesN3, ruleStore = _rulesCache else: rulesN3 = open(rulesPath).read() # for web display ruleStore = N3RuleStore() _loadAndEscape(ruleStore, rulesN3, outputPatterns) log.debug('%s rules' % len(ruleStore.rules)) _rulesCache = key + (rulesN3, ruleStore) return rulesN3, ruleStore
def main(): from optparse import OptionParser parser = OptionParser() parser.add_option( '--stdin', type="choice", choices=['xml', 'trix', 'n3', 'nt', 'rdfa'], help='Parse RDF from STDIN (useful for piping) with given format') parser.add_option('-x', '--xml', action='append', help='Append to the list of RDF/XML documents to parse') parser.add_option('-t', '--trix', action='append', help='Append to the list of TriX documents to parse') parser.add_option('-n', '--n3', action='append', help='Append to the list of N3 documents to parse') parser.add_option('--nt', action='append', help='Append to the list of NT documents to parse') parser.add_option('-a', '--rdfa', action='append', help='Append to the list of RDFa documents to parse') parser.add_option( '-o', '--output', type="choice", choices=['n3', 'xml', 'pretty-xml', 'TriX', 'turtle', 'nt'], help='Format of the final serialized RDF graph') parser.add_option( '-m', '--ns', action='append', help='Register a namespace binding (QName prefix to a base URI)') parser.add_option( '-r', '--rules', action='append', help='Append to the list of fact files to use to perform reasoning') parser.add_option( '-i', '--inferred', help='URI to use for the graph containing any inferred triples') parser.set_defaults(xml=[], trix=[], n3=[], nt=[], rdfa=[], ns=[], output='n3') (options, args) = parser.parse_args() store = plugin.get(RDFLIB_STORE, Store)() namespace_manager = NamespaceManager(Graph()) for prefixDef in options.ns: prefix, uri = prefixDef.split('=') namespace_manager.bind(prefix, uri, override=False) factGraph = ConjunctiveGraph(store) for graphRef in options.xml: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='xml') for graphRef in options.trix: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='trix') for graphRef in options.n3: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='n3') for graphRef in options.nt: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='nt') for graphRef in options.rdfa: factGraph.parse(graphRef, publicID=Uri.OsPathToUri(graphRef), format='rdfa') if options.stdin: factGraph.parse(sys.stdin, format=options.stdin) if options.inferred and len(options.rules) > 0: inferredURI = URIRef(options.inferred) ruleStore = N3RuleStore() ruleGraph = Graph(ruleStore) for ruleFile in options.rules: ruleGraph.parse(ruleFile, format='n3') tokenSet = generateTokenSet(factGraph) deltaGraph = Graph(, identifier=inferredURI) network = ReteNetwork(ruleStore, inferredTarget=deltaGraph) network.feedFactsToAdd(tokenSet) print factGraph.serialize(destination=None, format=options.output, base=None) store.rollback()