예제 #1
def five_param_fz(r_go1togo2_go1, bpn_go1):
    """The function returns an array of unit boundary plane normals lying in the fundamental zone of bicrystal
    symmetry for an input array containing boundary plane normals in po1 reference frame.

    r_go1togo2_go1: The sigma misorientation matrix for grain boundary in orthogonal coordinates measured in the
    reference frame of crystal 1 (po1).
    * numpy array of size (3 x 3)

    bpn_go1: Boundary plane array containing boundary plane vectors, stored row wise.
    * numpy array of size (n x 3)
    * For each vector the components are expressed in orthogonal reference frame of crystal 1 (po1).

    bp_fz_norms_go1: Fundamental zone boundary plane array.
    * numpy array of size (n x 3)
    * Each row is a unit boundary plane vector in the bicrystal fundamental zone.
    * For each vector the components are expressed in orthogonal reference frame of crystal 1 (po1).

    symm_grp_ax: The principal axes of bicrystal symmetry group in orthogonal reference frame of crystal 1 (po1).
    * numpy array of size (3 x 3)
    * x_axis == symm_grp_axes[:, 0]; y_axis == symm_grp_axes[:, 1]; z_axis == symm_grp_axes[:, 2]

    bp_symm_grp: The bicrystal symmetry group of the grain boundary.
    * python string
    * allowed values limited to 'C_s', 'C_2h', 'D_3d', 'D_2h', 'D_4h', 'D_6h', 'D_8h' and 'O_h'.

    * all inputs and outputs, for this method are in the reference frame of lower crystal 1 (po1).
    * bpn_go1 should always be input as a 2-D array; to input just one normal, say [1, 0, 0], use the
    following syntax, bpn_go1 = np.array([[1, 0, 0]]).

    See Also
    * GBpy.quaternion
    * five_param_symm_props
    * pick_fz_bpl
    mis_quat_fz = GBq.mat2quat(r_go1togo2_go1); lat_pt_grp = 'O_h'
    x_g, y_g, z_g, bp_symm_grp = five_param_symm_props(mis_quat_fz, lat_pt_grp, 1e-04)
    symm_grp_ax = np.zeros((3, 3))
    symm_grp_ax[:, 0] = x_g; symm_grp_ax[:, 1] = y_g; symm_grp_ax[:, 2] = z_g
    ### normalizing the input boundary plane vectors array
    t1_vecs = bpn_go1
    new_col = np.linalg.norm(t1_vecs, axis=1)
    t1_vecs_norm = np.array([new_col,]*3).T
    t1_vecs = np.divide(t1_vecs, t1_vecs_norm)
    bpn_go1 = t1_vecs

    bp_fz_norms_go1, bp_fz_stereo = pick_fz_bpl(bpn_go1, bp_symm_grp, symm_grp_ax, 1e-04)

    return bp_fz_norms_go1, bp_symm_grp, symm_grp_ax
예제 #2
def pick_uni_mis(lat_type, n=70):
    elem = GBl.Lattice(lat_type)
    l_g_go = elem.l_p_po
    l_go_g = np.linalg.inv(l_g_go)
    gb_dir = os.path.dirname(inspect.getfile(GBpy))
    pkl_path =  gb_dir + '/pkl_files/symm_mats_O.pkl'
    symm_O = pickle.load(open(pkl_path))
    symm_O_inv = np.linalg.inv(symm_O)
    mis_g, id = extract_mis(99, gb_dir)
    mis_go = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(l_g_go, mis_g.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(2, 0, 1), l_go_g, 1)
    mis_go_inv = np.linalg.inv(mis_go)

    num = len(symm_O)*len(symm_O_inv)
    mis_go_symm1 = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(symm_O_inv, mis_go.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(3, 0, 1, 2), symm_O.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(0, 1, 4, 2, 3)
    mis_go_symm2 = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(symm_O_inv, mis_go_inv.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(3, 0, 1, 2), symm_O.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(0, 1, 4, 2, 3)
    mis_go_symm = np.concatenate((mis_go_symm1, mis_go_symm2))
    mis_go_symm = mis_go_symm.reshape(len(mis_go_symm)*num, 3, 3)
    id_attr3 = np.tile(np.arange(1, num+1, 1).reshape(num, 1), (len(id), 1))
    id_attr3 = np.vstack([id_attr3, -id_attr3])
    id_symm = np.tile(np.repeat(id, num, axis=0), (2, 1))
    id_symm = np.hstack([id_symm, id_attr3])
    quat_go_symm = GBq.mat2quat(mis_go_symm)
    quat_go_symm_fil = GBq.antipodal(quat_go_symm)
    ### Add code for pi rotations
    quat_t = quat_go_symm_fil.transpose()
    quat_t_unq, ind = GBt.unique_rows_tol(quat_t, tol=1e-06, return_index=True)

    id_unq = id_symm[ind]

    ind_id_sort = np.argsort(id_unq[:, 0])
    id_sort = id_unq[ind_id_sort]

    quat_sort = quat_t_unq[ind_id_sort].transpose()
    ### sort again according to sig vals
    mis_c = mf.sphr2cube_3d(quat_sort)

    ### testing
    # mis_r = mf.cube2sphr_3d(mis_c)

    grid, gce = make_grid(n)
    mis_gr_c, id_g = mis_in_grid(mis_c, id_sort, grid, gce)
    id_g_unq = GBt.unique_rows_tol(id_g[:, [0, 1]], 1e-06)
    ind_id_unq_sort = np.argsort(id_g_unq[:, 0]); id_g_unq = id_g_unq[ind_id_unq_sort]
    mis_pick_ind = mf.set_int_ind(id, id_g_unq)
    mis_pick = mis_g[mis_pick_ind]
    print '\n', len(mis_pick), '\n', id_g_unq
    # mis_gr_quat = mf.cube2sphr_3d(mis_gr_c)
    # mis_gr_go = GBq.quat2mat(mis_gr_quat)
    # mis_gr = np.tensordot(np.tensordot(l_go_g, mis_gr_go.transpose(1, 2, 0), 1).transpose(2, 0, 1), l_g_go, 1)
    # ### convert to g frame
    # ### pick in fz, check the code !!
    # dum = 0
    return [mis_pick, mis_pick_ind]