예제 #1
    def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
        imgs = interface.attr('jpegimgs')
        if imgs is None: return
        img_count = len(imgs)
        vwidth, vheight = attrs['vwidth'], attrs['vheight']
        self.mats = interface.attr('mats', atLocation=attrs['cameraLocations'])
        updateMats = interface.attr('updateMats',
        if self.mats is None or updateMats:
            self.mats = []
            for i in xrange(img_count):
                    Calibrate.makeUninitialisedMat(i, (vheight, vwidth)))


        self.camAttrs = {
            'vheight': [vheight] * img_count,
            'vwidth': [vwidth] * img_count,
            'camera_ids': range(img_count),
            'mats': self.mats,
            'updateImage': True,
            'jpegimgs': imgs,
            'updateMats': updateMats

        for k, v in self.camAttrs.iteritems():
            interface.setAttr(k, v)
예제 #2
    def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
        if not self.listeners: return

        import StringIO

        imgs, vwidths, vheights, camera_ids, camera_names, mats = [], [], [], [], [], []
        ci = 0
        for r, listener in self.listeners.iteritems():
            data = listener.poll()
            if data is None:
                self.logger.error('No data on %d' % r)
            print data
            timeCode, imgStr = data
            sio = StringIO.StringIO(imgStr)
            img = PIL.Image.open(sio)

            if not self.initialised:
                vwidth, vheight = attrs['vwidth'], attrs['vheight']
                mat = Calibrate.makeUninitialisedMat(0, (vheight, vwidth))

                camera_ids.append('Camera %d' % ci)

            ci += 1

        if not self.initialised:
            self.camAttrs['vheight'] = vheights
            self.camAttrs['vwidth'] = vwidths
            # self.camAttrs['camera_ids'] = camera_ids
            # self.camAttrs['camera_names'] = camera_names
            self.camAttrs['camera_ids'] = interface.attr('camera_ids')
            self.camAttrs['camera_names'] = camera_names
            self.camAttrs['mats'] = interface.attr('mats')
            self.initialised = True

        if imgs:
            self.camAttrs['imgs'] = imgs
            # self.camAttrs['updateImage'] = True

            tcAttrs = {
                'x3ds': np.array([[0, 0, 0]], dtype=np.float32),
                'x3ds_labels': [timeCode]
            interface.createChild(interface.name() + '/tc',
예제 #3
    def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
        vwidth, vheight = attrs['vwidth'], attrs['vheight']
        if self.cam is None:
            self.cam = CamVideoStream(src=0).start()
            self.mats = [Calibrate.makeUninitialisedMat(0, (vheight, vwidth))]
        self.camAttrs = {
            'vheight': [vheight],
            'vwidth': [vwidth],
            'camera_ids': [0],
            'mats': self.mats,
            'updateImage': True

        md = {'frame': self.cam.read()}
        self.camAttrs['imgs'] = [md['frame']]

        # self.attrs['imgs'] = np.array(frame, dtype=np.uint8)
예제 #4
	def cook(self, location, interface, attrs):
		if not self.useFrame(interface.frame(), attrs['frameRange']):
			interface.setAttr('updateMats', False)

		# We need 2D data e.g. wand detections from a wand op
		# We need 3D wand data from e.g. c3d or a 3D wand detector
		dets_location = attrs['detections']
		x3ds_location = attrs['x3ds']
		if not dets_location or not x3ds_location: return

		# Get the 2D and 3D data
		x2ds = interface.attr('rx2ds', atLocation=dets_location)
		x2d_splits = interface.attr('x2ds_splits', atLocation=dets_location)
		x3ds = interface.attr('x3ds', atLocation=x3ds_location)

		if x2ds is None or x2d_splits is None or x3ds is None: return

		numCameras = len(x2d_splits) - 1
		error_threshold = attrs['error_threshold']

		# Get the data we've collected already so we can add to it
		frame = interface.frame()
		dets_colours = interface.attr('x2ds_colours', atLocation=dets_location)
		collectedDets = interface.attr('collect_rx2ds')
		collectedX3ds = interface.attr('collect_x3ds')
		lastFrame = interface.attr('lastFrame', [frame] * numCameras)
		emptyFrame3d = np.array([[]], dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 3)

		# This is potentially used by other ops so we only set it when we have some confidence
		# (and we might reset or tweak the values to indicate confidence levels at some point)
		cameraErrors = interface.attr('cameraErrors', [-1] * numCameras)

		# This is never modified to allow checking the camera rms values regardless of what we make of them
		rmsValues = interface.attr('rms', [-1] * numCameras)

		# Get the width and height for the videos
		vwidth = interface.attr('vwidth', [1920] * numCameras)
		vheight = interface.attr('vheight', [1080] * numCameras)

		# Get the frame mapping for x3ds
		x3ds_frames = interface.attr('x3ds_frames', {})
		x2ds_frames = interface.attr('x2ds_frames', [[] for i in xrange(numCameras)])

		# Get the camera matrices. We initialise them with default settings if we don't find any
		mats = interface.attr('mats', atLocation=location)
		if mats is None:
			mats = []
			for ci in range(numCameras):
				mats.append(Calibrate.makeUninitialisedMat(ci, (vheight[ci], vwidth[ci])))

		# Allow overriding the error threshold using an attribute (on the cooked location)
		error_threshold_attr = interface.attr('error_threshold')
		if error_threshold_attr is not None:
			error_threshold = error_threshold_attr

		Ps = interface.attr('Ps')
		if Ps is None: Ps = [np.array([], dtype=np.float32) for n in range(numCameras)]

		# Get the minimum number of samples we need to start solving distortion etc. as specified by the user
		minSamples = attrs['min_samples']

		# Prepare the collected data for further processing (or initialise if nothing has been collected)
		if collectedDets is not None:
			c_x2ds, c_splits = collectedDets
			cams_collected = [c_x2ds[c0:c1] for ci, (c0, c1) in enumerate(zip(c_splits[:-1], c_splits[1:]))]
			cams_collected = [[] for ci, (c0, c1) in enumerate(zip(x2d_splits[:-1], x2d_splits[1:]))]
			collectedX3ds = []
			for ci, (c0, c1) in enumerate(zip(x2d_splits[:-1], x2d_splits[1:])):

		# Process each camera by looking for a wand and attempt a calibration. If we're happy with the results we'll
		# add it to our collection
		for ci, (c0, c1) in enumerate(zip(x2d_splits[:-1], x2d_splits[1:])):
			elapsed = frame - lastFrame[ci]
			if 0 < elapsed < attrs['jumpFrames']: continue

			# Get the 2Ds and 3Ds for the wand in this camera (if any)
			cameraDetections = x2ds[c0:c1]
			cameraX3ds = x3ds
			if not cameraDetections.any() or not cameraX3ds.any(): continue

			# Add the new detection to the existing collection as a candidate for a new collection
			if cams_collected[ci] is None or len(cams_collected[ci]) == 0:
				proposalDets, proposalX3ds = cameraDetections, cameraX3ds
				proposalDets = np.concatenate((cams_collected[ci], cameraDetections))
				proposalX3ds = np.concatenate((collectedX3ds[ci], cameraX3ds))

			# Check if we want to solve for distortion and focal length by looking at the number of samples
			# we've got already compared to our minimum number of samples required
			numSamples = len(proposalDets) / 5
			# if numSamples == minSamples: self.logger.info('Camera %d reached min samples of %d' % (ci, minSamples))
			solveTrigger = True if numSamples > minSamples else False
			solve_focal_length = attrs['solve_focal_length'] if solveTrigger else False
			solve_distortion = attrs['solve_distortion'] if solveTrigger else False

			# The wand is assumed to have 5 points so we make sure we've got at least one wand before attempting
			# to calibrate
			if len(proposalDets) >= 5 and len(proposalX3ds) >= 5:
				P, ks, rms = Calibrate.cv2_solve_camera_from_3d(proposalX3ds, proposalDets,

				if ks[0] < -3. or ks[0] > 3.: ks[0] = 0.
				if ks[1] < -3. or ks[1] > 3.: ks[1] = 0.

				# This shouldn't' happen but if we lose confidence in the camera we can visualise it
				# by resetting the camera error (this will change the colour in the UI)
				if rms > error_threshold:
					cameraErrors[ci] = -1

				# See how the rms for the calibration compares to the last recorded value for this camera
				prevRms = rms if rmsValues[ci] == -1 else rmsValues[ci]
				rmsDelta = rms - prevRms

				# If the rms is lower than the last recorded error for this camera then
				# we want to keep this data
				if rmsDelta <= 0 or not solveTrigger:
					cams_collected[ci] = proposalDets
					collectedX3ds[ci] = proposalX3ds
					if frame not in x3ds_frames:
						x3ds_frames[frame] = proposalX3ds[-5:]
					x2ds_frames[ci] += ([frame] * 5)

				# Record the rms value for the camera
				rmsValues[ci] = rms

				# Once we've solved for distortion etc. we are more confident with the accuracy of our
				# error so we start reporting it, where the value can be used for visualiation etc.
				if solveTrigger: cameraErrors[ci] = rms
				lastFrame[ci] = frame

				# Everything has gone well so far so we create and add the new camera matrix
				mat = Calibrate.makeMat(P, ks, (vheight[ci], vwidth[ci]))
				mats[ci] = mat
				Ps[ci] = P

		# Concatenate the results from all the cameras
		cams = [np.concatenate((cc)) for cc in cams_collected if len(cc)]
		if not cams:
			# We haven't found a wand in any camera so we just keep calm and return

		# Build our collections and write to the interface
		collectedDets = np.array(np.concatenate(cams), dtype=np.float32).reshape(-1, 2), \
						Interface.makeSplitBoundaries(map(len, cams_collected))
		interface.setAttr('collect_rx2ds', collectedDets)
		interface.setAttr('collect_x3ds', collectedX3ds)
		interface.setAttr('x2ds_frames', x2ds_frames)
		interface.setAttr('x3ds_frames', x3ds_frames)
		interface.setAttr('lastFrame', lastFrame)

		# Write the calibration data to the interface and request an update at render time
		interface.setAttr('mats', mats)
		interface.setAttr('Ps', Ps)
		interface.setAttr('rms', rmsValues)
		interface.setAttr('cameraErrors', cameraErrors)
		interface.setAttr('updateMats', True)

		# Optionally display all the collected wand detections
		if 'showDetections' in attrs and attrs['showDetections']:
			colours = np.tile(dets_colours, (len(collectedDets[0]) / 5, 1))
			allAttrs = {'x2ds': collectedDets[0], 'x2ds_splits': collectedDets[1],
						'x2ds_colours': colours}
			interface.createChild('collected', 'detections', attrs=allAttrs)
예제 #5
def load_xcp_and_x2d(xcp_filename, x2d_filename, raw=False):
	'''Load an x2d, xcp pair and make a valid data structure.
	The returned cameras are in the order of the x2d file -- as it happens, this is in order of deviceid.
	If any particular camera is not in the xcp then it's initialised on the positive x-axis.
	If a camera is only in the xcp then it is discarded.'''

	from GCore import Calibrate

	print ('loading xcp')
	vicon_mats,xcp_data = loadXCP(xcp_filename)
	xcp_camera_ids = np.array([int(x['DEVICEID']) for x in xcp_data],dtype=np.int32)
	camera_names = ['%s:%s'%(x['LABEL'],x['DEVICEID']) for x in xcp_data]
	camera_vicon_errors = np.array([x['IMAGE_ERROR'] for x in xcp_data],dtype=np.float32)
	#print (camera_names)
	#print ('vicon_errors',camera_vicon_errors,np.min(camera_vicon_errors),np.max(camera_vicon_errors),np.mean(camera_vicon_errors))
	print ('loading x2d',x2d_filename)
	x2d_dict = loadX2D(x2d_filename)
	cameras_info = extractCameraInfo(x2d_dict) # W,H,ID per camera
	x2d_cids = cameras_info[:,2]
	x2ds = [(x[0][:,:2].copy(),x[1]) if raw else frameCentroidsToDets(x, vicon_mats) for x in x2d_dict['frames']]

	if not(np.all(xcp_camera_ids == x2d_cids)):
		print ('WARNING not all the cameras from the x2d were in the xcp file?') # TODO, we should report this
		print (xcp_camera_ids, x2d_cids)
		vicon_mats = [vicon_mats[list(xcp_camera_ids).index(ci)] if ci in list(xcp_camera_ids) else Calibrate.makeUninitialisedMat(ci,(w,h)) for w,h,ci in cameras_info]
		camera_names = ['CAM_%s'%x for x in x2d_cids]
		xcp_camera_ids = [f for f in x2d_cids]
	Ps = np.array([m[2]/(np.sum(m[2][0,:3]**2)**0.5) for m in vicon_mats],dtype=np.float32)
	headerMetadata = readX2DMetadata(x2d_dict)
	return Ps, vicon_mats, x2d_cids, camera_names, x2ds, x2d_dict['header']
예제 #6
    def initialise(self, interface, attrs):
        directory = self.resolvePath(attrs['directory'])
        if not directory: return False

        prefix = attrs['prefix']
        prefixFilename = self.resolvePath(attrs['prefixFilename'])
        if prefix and not prefixFilename: return

        calibration = attrs['calibration']
        calibrationFilename = self.resolvePath(attrs['calibrationFilename'])
        calibrationLocation = self.resolvePath(attrs['calibrationLocation'])
        if calibration and (not calibrationFilename
                            and not calibrationLocation):
            return False

        movieFilenames = []
            for file in os.listdir(directory):
                if prefixFilename and not file.startswith(prefixFilename):
                if file.endswith('.avi') or file.endswith(
                        '.mov') or file.endswith('mp4'):
                    movieFilenames.append(os.path.join(directory, file))
        except WindowsError as e:
            self.logger.error('Could not find videos: % s' % str(e))

        if not movieFilenames:
            # TODO: Here we'll have to clear the cameras etc.
            return False

        # Windows will produce a wonky order, i.e. 1, 10, 11, .., 2, 3, ..
        # Use natural sorting to rectify

        self.camera_ids = []
        self.camera_names = []
        self.movies = []
        self.mats = []
        vheights = []
        vwidths = []
        timecodes = []
        hasTimecode = False
        useTimecode = attrs['useTimecode'] if 'useTimecode' in attrs else True

        offset = attrs['offset']
        if 'offsets' in attrs and attrs['offsets']:
            offsets = eval(attrs['offsets'])
            offsets = [offset] * len(movieFilenames)

        for ci, mf in enumerate(movieFilenames):
            self.logger.info('Loading MovieReader: %s' % mf)
            movieData = MovieReader.open_file(mf,

            if movieData['vbuffer'] is not None:

                if 'timecode' in movieData and movieData['timecode']:
                    hasTimecode = True

        # Make sure we have all the cameras before continuing
        if len(self.movies) != len(movieFilenames):
            self.logger.error('Could not load all movies in sequence')

        # Make sure we have as many time codes as movies (if we have any)
        if hasTimecode and len(self.movies) != len(timecodes):
            self.logger.error('Not all movie files have a time code')

        # See if we can get the offsets using the time codes
        if hasTimecode and useTimecode:
            print 'Video timecodes:', timecodes
            fps_all = [round(m['fps']) for m in self.movies]
            print 'FPS:', fps_all
            timecodeValues = [
                Timecode.TCFtoInt(tc, fps)
                for tc, fps in zip(timecodes, fps_all)
            tcOrderDesc = [
                timecodes.index(tc) for tc in sorted(timecodes, reverse=True)

            # Set the first offset to 0
            firstTcIndex = tcOrderDesc[0]
            self.timecodeOffsets[firstTcIndex] = 0
            largestTc = timecodes[firstTcIndex]
            offsetStartIndex = 1

            # We can also get the timecode destination from an incoming location, e.g. 2D detections
            if 'timecodeLocation' in attrs and attrs['timecodeLocation']:
                tcSyncTime = interface.attr(
                    'timecode', atLocation=attrs['timecodeLocation'])
                if tcSyncTime is not None:
                    tcSyncValue = Timecode.TCFtoInt(tcSyncTime, fps_all[0])
                    if tcSyncValue < timecodeValues[firstTcIndex]:
                            'Sync timecode %s is smaller than video timecodes (%s).'
                            % (tcSyncTime, largestTc))

                    largestTc = tcSyncTime
                    offsetStartIndex = 0

            self.timecode = largestTc
            self.logger.info('Setting timecode to: %s' % (largestTc))

            # Calculate the offset for each camera to get it up to speed with the target timecode
            # TODO: Replace hard coded timecode fps and multiplier
            timecodeFps, timecodeMultiplier = 25., 2.
            for tcInd in tcOrderDesc[offsetStartIndex:]:
                diff = Timecode.TCSub(largestTc, timecodes[tcInd], timecodeFps)
                self.timecodeOffsets[tcInd] = Timecode.TCFtoInt(
                    diff, timecodeFps) * timecodeMultiplier

        if self.timecodeOffsets:
            print 'Video timecode offsets:', self.timecodeOffsets

        self.camera_ids = [
            'Camera %d' % ci for ci in xrange(len(movieFilenames))
        self.movies = self.movies

        if not calibrationLocation: calibrationLocation = interface.root()
        if calibrationFilename or interface.hasAttr(
                'mats', atLocation=calibrationLocation):
            if calibrationFilename:
                # TODO: Detect filetype, e.g. .cal and .xcp and handle accordingly
                    self.mats, rawCalData = OptitrackReader.load_CAL(
                    if not self.mats: return False
                except IOError as e:
                    self.logger.error('Could not load calibration file: %s' %
                    return False
                self.mats = interface.attr('mats',
                if not self.mats:
                    self.logger.error('Could not find calibration mats: %s' %
                    return False

            from GCore import Calibrate
            for ci, (cid, md) in enumerate(zip(self.camera_ids, self.movies)):
                if md is not None:
                            ci, (md['vheight'], md['vwidth'])))

        for md in self.movies:

        Ps = interface.getPsFromMats(self.mats)
        self.attrs = {
            'vheight': vheights,
            'vwidth': vwidths,
            'camera_ids': self.camera_ids,
            'Ps': Ps,
            'mats': self.mats,
            'colour': eval(attrs['colour'])

        if self.camera_names:
            self.attrs['camera_names'] = self.camera_names

        self.initialised = True
        return True