예제 #1
파일: test.py 프로젝트: chiyu-chiu/GFAST
def PGD_basic(SA_lat, SA_lon, SA_dep, sta_lat, sta_lon, d):
     Creates basic benchmark for PGD scaling
    hypoupdate = zeros(len(sta_lat))
    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(SA_lon, SA_lat, -123.0)
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -123.0)
    epidist = sqrt(power(x1 - x2, 2) + power(y1 - y2, 2))
    runtime = 300.0  # get all events
    SA_time = 0.0
    a1 = where(epidist / 1000.0 < (runtime - SA_time) * 3)[0]
    a1 = array(a1)

    dep = SA_dep
    maxD = zeros([len(a1), 1])
    maxD[:, 0] = d[:]
    hypoupdate = zeros([len(a1), 1])
    hypoupdate[:, 0] = sqrt(
        power(x1 - x2[a1], 2) + power(y1 - y2[a1], 2) + power(dep * 1000, 2))
    [MPGD, VR_PGD] = PGD(100 * maxD, hypoupdate / 1000, epidist[a1] / 1000)
    print "Benchmarks for basic PGD is (MPGD,VR_PGD):", MPGD, VR_PGD
예제 #2
파일: test.py 프로젝트: chiyu-chiu/GFAST
def GreenF_test(SA_lat, SA_lon, SA_dep, sta_lat, sta_lon):
    l1 = len(sta_lat)
    l2 = 1
    xrs = zeros([l1, 1])
    yrs = zeros([l1, 1])
    zrs = zeros([l1, 1])
    azi = zeros([l1, 1])
    backazi = zeros([l1, 1])
    for j in range(0, l1):
        (x1, y1) = ll2utm(sta_lon[j], sta_lat[j], -123.0)
        (x2, y2) = ll2utm(SA_lon, SA_lat, -123.0)

        azi[j, 0] = 90 - 180 / pi * atan2(x2 - x1, y2 - y1)
        if (azi[j, 0] < 0):
            azi[j, 0] = azi[j, 0] + 360
        if (azi[j, 0] > 360):
            azi[j, 0] = azi[j, 0] - 360

        if (azi[j, 0] < 180):
            backazi[j, 0] = azi[j, 0] + 180
        if (azi[j, 0] > 180):
            backazi[j, 0] = azi[j, 0] - 180
        if (azi[j, 0] == 180):
            backazi[j, 0] = 0

        xrs[j, 0] = (x1 - x2)
        yrs[j, 0] = (y1 - y2)
        zrs[j, 0] = (SA_dep * 1000)
    G = greenF(xrs, yrs, zrs, 90 - azi + 180)  #Compute Green's function
    print "CMT Gmat:"
    for l1 in xrange(len(G[:, 0])):
        line = ''
        for i in xrange(len(G[l1, :])):
            if (i == 3):
                line = line + '\n'
            line = line + "%14.8e," % G[l1, i]
        print line
예제 #3
def fault_CMT(lat, lon, depth, M, strikeF, dipF, nstr, ndip):
    [x0, y0] = ll2utm(lon, lat, -123.0)
    x0 = x0 / 1000
    y0 = y0 / 1000

    fault_alt = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lon = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    fault_lat = numpy.zeros([nstr * ndip, 1])
    strike = strikeF * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1])
    dip = dipF * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1])

    AREA = math.pow(10, -3.49 +
                    0.91 * M)  #Area of fault from Dreger and Kaverina, 2000
    LEN = math.pow(10, -2.44 +
                   0.59 * M)  #Length of fault from Dreger and Kaverina, 2000
    WID = AREA / LEN  #Fault width is area divided by length

    LEN = LEN + 0.1 * LEN  #fault dimensions with 10% safety factor added
    WID = WID + 0.1 * WID

    if (
            WID / 2 * math.sin(dipF * math.pi / 180) > depth
    ):  #sets the initial top depth  - either depth-width/2*sin(dip) or 0 depending on how wide and close to surface fault is
        z0 = 0
        x0 = x0 - LEN / 2 * math.sin(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - depth * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        y0 = y0 - LEN / 2 * math.cos(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - depth * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        z0 = depth - WID / 2 * math.sin(dipF * math.pi / 180)
        x0 = x0 - LEN / 2 * math.sin(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - WID / 2 * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
        y0 = y0 - LEN / 2 * math.cos(
            strikeF * math.pi / 180) - WID / 2 * math.cos(
                dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
                    (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)

    DLEN = LEN / nstr
    DWID = WID / ndip

    xdoff = DWID * math.cos(dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.sin(
        (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)
    ydoff = DWID * math.cos(dipF * math.pi / 180) * math.cos(
        (strikeF + 90) * math.pi / 180)

    xsoff = DLEN * math.sin(strikeF * math.pi / 180)
    ysoff = DLEN * math.cos(strikeF * math.pi / 180)

    k = 0
    for j in range(0, ndip):
        for i in range(0, nstr):
            fault_X = x0 + (0.5 + i) * xsoff + (0.5 + j) * xdoff
            fault_Y = y0 + (0.5 + i) * ysoff + (0.5 + j) * ydoff

            fault_alt[k] = z0 + (0.5 + j) * DWID * math.sin(
                dipF * math.pi / 180)
            (fault_lon[k], fault_lat[k]) = utm2ll(fault_X * 1000,
                                                  fault_Y * 1000, -123.0)
            k = k + 1

    return (fault_lon, fault_lat, fault_alt, strike, dip,
            DLEN * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1]),
            DWID * numpy.ones([nstr * ndip, 1]))
예제 #4
def data_engine_cmtff(SA_lat, SA_lon, SA_dep, SA_time, SA_mag, SA_eventid,
                      sta_lat, sta_lon, nbuffnew, ebuffnew, ubuffnew, runtime):

    fname = 'events/GFAST_CMT_' + str(int(SA_eventid)) + '.txt'
    f = open(fname, 'a')  #open gps data file to append data
    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(SA_lon, SA_lat, -123.0)
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -123.0)
    epidist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2))

    a1 = numpy.where(epidist / 1000 < (runtime - SA_time) * 2 + 10)[0]
    a1 = numpy.array(a1)

    if len(a1) > 3:

        mcmt_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S3 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S4 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S5 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S6 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mcmt = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

        #Depth Search
        dep = 1
        while dep < 101:

            [S, VR, Mw, NP1,
             NP2] = moment_tensor(sta_lat[a1], sta_lon[a1], nbuffnew[a1, :],
                                  ebuffnew[a1, :], ubuffnew[a1, :], SA_lat,
                                  SA_lon, dep + 0.1, runtime, epidist)
            mcmt_vr[dep - 1, 0] = VR
            S1[dep - 1, 0] = S[0]
            S2[dep - 1, 0] = S[1]
            S3[dep - 1, 0] = S[2]
            S4[dep - 1, 0] = S[3]
            S5[dep - 1, 0] = S[4]
            S6[dep - 1, 0] = S[5]
            STR1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['strike']
            STR2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['strike']
            DIP1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['dip']
            DIP2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['dip']
            RAK1[dep - 1, 0] = NP1['rake']
            RAK2[dep - 1, 0] = NP2['rake']
            mcmt[dep - 1, 0] = Mw
            dep = dep + 1

        dep_vr_cmt = numpy.argmax(mcmt_vr)
        mcmtstr = "{0:.2f}".format(float(mcmt[dep_vr_cmt]))
        vrcmtstr = "{0:.2f}".format(float(mcmt_vr[dep_vr_cmt]))
        str1 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(STR1[dep_vr_cmt]))
        str2 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(STR2[dep_vr_cmt]))
        dip1 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(DIP1[dep_vr_cmt]))
        dip2 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(DIP2[dep_vr_cmt]))
        rak1 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(RAK1[dep_vr_cmt]))
        rak2 = "{0:.2f}".format(float(RAK2[dep_vr_cmt]))
        print mcmtstr, dep_vr_cmt

            '>Event Overview (cols: lon, lat, OT (s), ElarmS mag, CMT mag, CMT variance reduction, CMT Depth, FP1 STR, FP1 DIP, FP1 RAKE, FP2 STR, FP2 DIP, FP2 RAKE,CMT no. stations, G-FAST alert time (s))'
            + '\n')
            str(SA_lon) + ' ' + str(SA_lat) + ' ' + str(SA_time) + ' ' +
            str(SA_mag) + ' ' + mcmtstr + ' ' + vrcmtstr + ' ' +
            str(dep_vr_cmt) + ' ' + str1 + ' ' + dip1 + ' ' + rak1 + ' ' +
            str2 + ' ' + dip2 + ' ' + rak2 + ' ' + str(len(a1)) + ' ' +
            str(runtime) + '\n')

        f.write('>' + '\n')

        mcmt_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S3 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S4 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S5 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        S6 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        STR2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        DIP2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK1 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        RAK2 = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mcmt = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

    return (MW, S1, S2, S3, S4, S5, S6, STR1, STR2, DIP1, DIP2, RAK1, RAK2,
            VARRED, len(a1))
예제 #5
def data_engine_pgd(SA_lat, SA_lon, SA_dep, SA_time, SA_mag, SA_eventid,
                    sta_lat, sta_lon, nbuffnew, ebuffnew, ubuffnew, runtime):
    fname = 'events/GFAST_PGD_' + str(int(SA_eventid)) + '.txt'
    f = open(fname, 'a')  #open gps data file to append data
    (x1, y1) = ll2utm(SA_lon, SA_lat, -123.0)
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -123.0)

    epidist = numpy.sqrt(numpy.power(x1 - x2, 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2, 2))

    a1 = numpy.where(epidist / 1000 < (runtime - SA_time) * 3)[0]
    a1 = numpy.array(a1)

    if len(a1) > 3:

        dt = runtime - SA_time
        if (dt > 299):
            dt = 299
        Dnew = numpy.zeros([len(a1), int(dt)])

        ind = 0
        while ind < len(a1):

            if numpy.isnan(nbuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]):
                n0 = 0
                n0 = nbuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]
            if numpy.isnan(ebuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]):
                e0 = 0
                e0 = ebuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]
            if numpy.isnan(ubuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]):
                u0 = 0
                u0 = ubuffnew[a1[ind], int(dt)]

            nn = nbuffnew[a1[ind], 0:int(dt)] - n0
            ee = ebuffnew[a1[ind], 0:int(dt)] - e0
            uu = ubuffnew[a1[ind], 0:int(dt)] - u0
            Dnew[ind, :] = numpy.sqrt(
                numpy.power(nn, 2) + numpy.power(ee, 2) + numpy.power(uu, 2))
            ind = ind + 1

        mpgd_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mpgd = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

        maxD = numpy.zeros([len(a1), 1])
        maxD = numpy.nanmax(Dnew, axis=1, out=maxD, keepdims=True)

        dep = 1
        while dep < 101:
            hypoupdate = numpy.sqrt(
                numpy.power(x1 - x2[a1], 2) + numpy.power(y1 - y2[a1], 2) +
                numpy.power(dep * 1000, 2))
            [MPGD, VR_PGD] = PGD(100 * maxD, hypoupdate / 1000,
                                 epidist[a1] / 1000)
            mpgd[dep - 1] = MPGD
            mpgd_vr[dep - 1] = VR_PGD
            dep = dep + 1

        dep_vr_pgd = numpy.argmax(mpgd_vr)

        mpgdstr = "{0:.2f}".format(float(mpgd[dep_vr_pgd]))
        vrpgdstr = "{0:.2f}".format(float(mpgd_vr[dep_vr_pgd]))

            '>Event Overview (cols: lon, lat, OT (s), ElarmS mag, PGD mag, PGD variance reduction, PGD Depth, PGD no. stations, G-FAST alert time (s))'
            + '\n')
            str(SA_lon) + ' ' + str(SA_lat) + ' ' + str(SA_time) + ' ' +
            str(SA_mag) + ' ' + mpgdstr + ' ' + vrpgdstr + ' ' +
            str(dep_vr_pgd) + ' ' + str(len(a1)) + ' ' + str(runtime) + '\n')
        f.write('>PGD Records' + '\n')
        ind = 0
        while ind < len(a1):
            edist = "{0:.2f}".format(float(epidist[a1[ind]]) / 1000)
            md = "{0:.2f}".format(float(maxD[ind]) * 100)
            f.write(edist + ' ' + md + '\n')
            ind = ind + 1
        f.write('>' + '\n')
        #mpgd_vr = numpy.zeros([100,1])
        #mpgd = numpy.zeros([100,1])
        mpgd_vr = numpy.zeros([100, 1])
        mpgd = numpy.zeros([100, 1])

    return (mpgd, mpgd_vr, len(a1))
예제 #6
파일: test.py 프로젝트: chiyu-chiu/GFAST
def UTM_test(sta_lat, sta_lon):
    (x2, y2) = ll2utm(sta_lon, sta_lat, -123.0)
    print "xutms:", x2
    print "yutms:", y2