def __mt_job_prepare__(self, rjobs, subjobconfigs, masterjobconfig): '''preparing jobs in multiple threads''' logger.warning( 'preparing %d subjobs ... it may take a while' % len(rjobs)) # prepare the master job (i.e. create shared inputsandbox, etc.) master_input_sandbox = IBackend.master_prepare(self, masterjobconfig) # uploading the master job if it's over the WMS sandbox limitation for f in master_input_sandbox: master_input_idx = self.__check_and_prestage_inputfile__(f) if not master_input_idx: logger.error('master input sandbox perparation failed: %s' % f) return None # the algorithm for preparing a single bulk job class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self): Algorithm.__init__(self) def process(self, sj_info): my_sc = sj_info[0] my_sj = sj_info[1] try: logger.debug("preparing job %s" % my_sj.getFQID('.')) jdlpath = my_sj.backend.preparejob( my_sc, master_input_sandbox) if (not jdlpath) or (not os.path.exists(jdlpath)): raise GangaException( 'job %s not properly prepared' % my_sj.getFQID('.')) self.__appendResult__(, jdlpath) return True except Exception as x: log_user_exception() return False mt_data = [] for sc, sj in zip(subjobconfigs, rjobs): mt_data.append([sc, sj]) myAlg = MyAlgorithm() myData = Data(collection=mt_data) runner = MTRunner( name='lcg_jprepare', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData, numThread=10) runner.start() runner.join(-1) if len(runner.getDoneList()) < len(mt_data): return None else: # return a JDL file dictionary with subjob ids as keys, JDL file # paths as values return runner.getResults()
def __mt_bulk_submit__(self, node_jdls): '''submitting jobs in multiple threads''' job = self.getJobObject() logger.warning('submitting %d subjobs ... it may take a while' % len(node_jdls)) # the algorithm for submitting a single bulk job class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cred_req, masterInputWorkspace, ce, arcverbose): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.inpw = masterInputWorkspace self.cred_req = cred_req self.ce = ce self.arcverbose = arcverbose def process(self, jdl_info): my_sj_id = jdl_info[0] my_sj_jdl = jdl_info[1] my_sj_jid = Grid.arc_submit(my_sj_jdl, self.ce, self.arcverbose, self.cred_req) if not my_sj_jid: return False else: self.__appendResult__(my_sj_id, my_sj_jid) return True mt_data = [] for id, jdl in node_jdls.items(): mt_data.append((id, jdl)) myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cred_req=self.credential_requirements, masterInputWorkspace=job.getInputWorkspace(), ce=self.CE, arcverbose=self.verbose) myData = Data(collection=mt_data) runner = MTRunner(name='arc_jsubmit', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData, numThread=config['SubmissionThread']) runner.start() runner.join(timeout=-1) if len(runner.getDoneList()) < len(mt_data): # not all bulk jobs are successfully submitted. canceling the # submitted jobs on WMS immediately logger.error( 'some bulk jobs not successfully (re)submitted, canceling submitted jobs on WMS' ) Grid.arc_cancel_multiple(runner.getResults().values(), self.credential_requirements) return None else: return runner.getResults()
def __init__(self, numThread=10): MTRunner.__init__(self, name='lcg_output_downloader', data=Data(collection=[]), algorithm=LCGOutputDownloadAlgorithm()) self.keepAlive = True self.numThread = numThread
def impl_delete(self, cred_req, files=[], opts=''): """ Deletes multiple files from remote grid storages. """ # the algorithm of downloading one file to a local directory class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj, cred_req): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj = getShell(cred_req) def process(self, file): guid = lfc_host = file.attributes['lfc_host']['LFC_HOST'] = lfc_host self.cacheObj.logger.debug( 'delete file with LFC_HOST: %s' %['LFC_HOST']) cmd = 'lcg-del -a -t 60 --vo %s %s' % (self.cacheObj.vo, guid) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__(, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: return False else: self.__appendResult__(, file) return True myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self, cred_req=cred_req) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner( name='sandboxcache_lcgdel', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) # update the local index file del_files = runner.getResults().values() all_files = self.get_cached_files() left_files = [] for f in all_files: if f not in del_files: left_files.append(f) self.impl_bookkeepUploadedFiles(left_files, append=False) return del_files
def impl_download(self, cred_req, files=[], dest_dir=None, opts=''): """ Downloads multiple files from remote grid storages to a local directory. """ if not dest_dir: dest_dir = os.getcwd() self.logger.debug('download file to: %s', dest_dir) # the algorithm of downloading one file to a local directory class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj, cred_req): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj = getShell(cred_req) def process(self, file): guid = lfn = file.attributes['local_fpath'] lfc_host = file.attributes['lfc_host'] fname = os.path.basename(urlparse(lfn)[2])['LFC_HOST'] = lfc_host self.cacheObj.logger.debug( 'download file with LFC_HOST: %s',['LFC_HOST']) cmd = 'lcg-cp -t %d --vo %s ' % ( self.cacheObj.timeout, self.cacheObj.vo) if self.cacheObj.se_type: cmd += '-T %s ' % self.cacheObj.se_type cmd += '%s file://%s/%s' % (guid, dest_dir, fname) self.cacheObj.logger.debug('download file: %s', cmd) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__(, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: return False else: self.__appendResult__(, file) return True myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self, cred_req=cred_req) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner( name='sandboxcache_lcgcp', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) return runner.getResults().values()
def __init__(self, numThread=10): logger.debug('starting new MTRunner instance: %s.', "saga_file_transfer_manager") MTRunner.__init__(self, name='saga_file_transfer_manager', data=Data(collection=[]), algorithm=SAGAFileTransferAlgorithm()) self.keepAlive = True self.numThread = numThread
def impl_delete(self, files=[], opts=''): """ Deletes multiple files from remote gridftp server """ shell = getShell(self.middleware) # the algorithm of downloading one file to a local directory class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj def process(self, file): destURI = uri_info = urisplit(destURI) cmd = 'uberftp %s "rm %s"' % (uri_info[1], uri_info[2]) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__( shell, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: self.cacheObj.logger.error(output) return False else: self.__appendResult__(, file) return True myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner(name='sandboxcache_lcgdel', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) # update the local index file del_files = runner.getResults().values() all_files = self.get_cached_files() left_files = [] for f in all_files: if f not in del_files: left_files.append(f) self.impl_bookkeepUploadedFiles(left_files, append=False) return del_files
def impl_download(self, files=[], dest_dir=None, opts=''): """ Downloads multiple files from gridftp server to a local directory. """ if not dest_dir: dest_dir = os.getcwd() self.logger.debug('download file to: %s', dest_dir) shell = getShell(self.middleware) # the algorithm of downloading one file to a local directory class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj def process(self, file): srcURI = fname = os.path.basename(urisplit(srcURI)[2]) destURI = 'file:%s/%s' % (dest_dir, fname) #cmd = 'uberftp %s %s' % (srcURI, destURI) cmd = 'globus-url-copy %s %s' % (srcURI, destURI) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__( shell, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: self.cacheObj.logger.error(output) return False else: self.__appendResult__(, file) return True myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner(name='sandboxcache_gridftp', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) return runner.getResults().values()
def handlesubmit(self, jobids, runid): """Submits exported jobs as identified by a list of path patterns. Keyword arguments: jobids -- A list of the submitted job ids. runid -- A UTC ID string which identifies the run. """ # get configuration properties patterns = self.getoption('CoreSubmitter_Patterns')"Searching for job files matching patterns %s.", patterns) matches = self._getmatches(patterns)"Found %d matching job files.", len(matches)) runner = MTRunner('ThreadedSubmitterMTRunner', algorithm=ThreadedSubmitterAlgorithm(), data=Data([(m, jobids) for m in matches]), numThread=int( self.getoption('ThreadedSubmitter_numThreads'))) runner.start() runner.join()
def impl_upload(self, cred_req, files=[], opts=''): """ Uploads multiple files to a remote grid storage. """ shell = getShell(cred_req) if self.lfc_host: shell.env['LFC_HOST'] = self.lfc_host self.logger.debug( 'upload file with LFC_HOST: %s', shell.env['LFC_HOST']) # the algorithm of uploading one file class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj self.dirname = self.cacheObj.__get_unique_fname__() def process(self, file): # decide number of parallel stream to be used fsize = os.path.getsize(urlparse(file)[2]) fname = os.path.basename(urlparse(file)[2]) fpath = os.path.abspath(urlparse(file)[2]) md5sum = get_md5sum(fpath, ignoreGzipTimestamp=True) nbstream = int((fsize * 1.0) / (10.0 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) if nbstream < 1: nbstream = 1 # min stream if nbstream > 8: nbstream = 8 # max stream cmd = 'lcg-cr -t 180 --vo %s -n %d' % ( self.cacheObj.vo, nbstream) if != None: cmd = cmd + ' -d %s' % if self.cacheObj.se_type == 'srmv2' and self.cacheObj.srm_token: cmd = cmd + ' -D srmv2 -s %s' % self.cacheObj.srm_token # specify the physical location cmd = cmd + \ ' -P %s/ganga.%s/%s' % (self.cacheObj.se_rpath, self.dirname, fname) # specify the logical filename # NOTE: here we assume the root dir for VO is /grid/<voname> lfc_dir = '/grid/%s/ganga.%s' % ( self.cacheObj.vo, self.dirname) if not self.cacheObj.__lfc_mkdir__(shell, lfc_dir): self.cacheObj.logger.warning( 'cannot create LFC directory: %s' % lfc_dir) return None cmd = cmd + ' -l %s/%s %s' % (lfc_dir, fname, file) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__( shell, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: return False else: match ='(guid:\S+)', output) if match: guid = fidx = LCGFileIndex() = guid = fname fidx.md5sum = md5sum fidx.lfc_host = self.cacheObj.lfc_host fidx.local_fpath = fpath self.__appendResult__(file, fidx) return True else: return False myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner( name='sandboxcache_lcgcr', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) return runner.getResults().values()
def impl_upload(self, files=[], opts=''): """ Uploads multiple files to a remote gridftp server. """ shell = getShell(self.middleware) # making the directory on remove storage at destURI dirname = self.__get_unique_fname__() # creating subdirectory dir_ok = False destURI = '%s/%s' % (self.baseURI, dirname) uri_info = urisplit(destURI) cmd = 'uberftp %s "cd %s"' % (uri_info[1], uri_info[2]) rc, output, m = self.__cmd_retry_loop__(shell, cmd, 1) if rc != 0: for l in output.split('\n'): l.strip() if re.match(r'^550.*', l): # the directory is not found (error code 550), try to creat # the lowest level one cmd = 'uberftp %s "mkdir %s"' % (uri_info[1], uri_info[2]) rc, output, m = self.__cmd_retry_loop__(shell, cmd, 1) if rc != 0: self.logger.error(output) else: dir_ok = True break else: self.logger.debug('parent directory already available: %s' % destURI) dir_ok = True if not dir_ok: self.logger.error('parent directory not available: %s' % destURI) return [] # the algorithm of uploading one file class MyAlgorithm(Algorithm): def __init__(self, cacheObj): Algorithm.__init__(self) self.cacheObj = cacheObj def process(self, file): # decide number of parallel stream to be used fsize = os.path.getsize(urlparse(file)[2]) fname = os.path.basename(urlparse(file)[2]) fpath = os.path.abspath(urlparse(file)[2]) md5sum = get_md5sum(fpath, ignoreGzipTimestamp=True) nbstream = int((fsize * 1.0) / (10.0 * 1024 * 1024 * 1024)) if nbstream < 1: nbstream = 1 # min stream if nbstream > 8: nbstream = 8 # max stream myDestURI = '%s/%s' % (destURI, fname) # uploading the file cmd = 'uberftp' if nbstream > 1: cmd += ' -c %d' % nbstream cmd += ' file:%s %s' % (fpath, myDestURI) rc, output, m = self.cacheObj.__cmd_retry_loop__( shell, cmd, self.cacheObj.max_try) if rc != 0: self.cacheObj.logger.error(output) return False else: fidx = GridftpFileIndex() = myDestURI = fname fidx.md5sum = md5sum fidx.attributes['fpath'] = fpath self.__appendResult__(file, fidx) return True myAlg = MyAlgorithm(cacheObj=self) myData = Data(collection=files) runner = MTRunner(name='sandboxcache_gridftp', algorithm=myAlg, data=myData) runner.start() runner.join(-1) return runner.getResults().values()