예제 #1
    def split(self, job):
        '''The method creates and returns an array of subjobs starting from the job passed as parameter'''
        logger = Ganga.Utility.logging.getLogger()
        logger.debug('SBSubmission split called.')
        subjobs = []

        # check the input mode (dir, none or list)
        if job.inputdata.input_mode in ('dir', 'none'):
            # in dir or none mode, user has to define the desired number of subjobs
            if job.inputdata.number_of_subjobs <= 0:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    None, 'You must define the number of subjobs.')
            for i in xrange(job.inputdata.number_of_subjobs):
                j = self.createSubjob(job)
        elif job.inputdata.input_mode == 'list':
            # in list mode user has to define one or more input paths (i.e. one or more files): each list file contains
            # a list of path of files that become the input of a job
            if len(job.inputdata.input_path) <= 0:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    None, 'You must define an input file list.')
            # for each list file (i.e. each element in input_path array) a subjob will be created
            for f in job.inputdata.input_path:
                j = self.createSubjob(job)
                j.inputsandbox = [f]
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'input_mode not recognized.')

        logger.debug('%d subjobs created.' % len(subjobs))
        return subjobs
예제 #2
파일: GaudiExec.py 프로젝트: henryiii/ganga
 def getOptsFiles(self):
     This function returns a sanitized absolute path to the self.options file from user input
     if self.options:
         for this_opt in self.options:
             if isinstance(this_opt, LocalFile):
                 ## FIXME LocalFile should return the basename and folder in 2 attibutes so we can piece it together, now it doesn't
                 full_path = path.join(this_opt.localDir,
                 if not path.exists(full_path):
                     raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                         "Opts File: \'%s\' has been specified but does not exist please check and try again!"
                         % full_path)
             elif isinstance(this_opt, DiracFile):
                 logger.error("opts: %s" % self.options)
                 raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                     "Opts file type %s not yet supported please contact Ganga devs if you require this support"
                     % getName(this_opt))
         return self.options
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
             None, "No Opts File has been specified, please provide one!")
예제 #3
 def master_prepare(self, app, appconfig):
     # check file is set OK
     if not app.script.name:
         msg = 'Root.script.name must be set.'
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
     if not os.path.exists(app.script.name):
         msg = 'Script must exist!'
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
     # check root version
     global rootVersions
     if not rootVersions:
         from Dirac import Dirac
         result = Dirac.execAPI('result = DiracCommands.getRootVersions()')
         if not result_ok(result):
             logger.error('Could not obtain available ROOT versions: %s' \
                          % str(result))
             logger.error('ROOT version will not be validated.')
             rootVersions = result['Value']
     if rootVersions:
         found = False
         versions = []
         for v in rootVersions:
             if app.version.find(v) >= 0:
                 found = True
         if not found:
             msg = 'Invalid ROOT version: %s.  Valid versions: %s' \
                   % (app.version, str(versions))
             raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
     inputsandbox = app._getParent().inputsandbox[:]
     c = StandardJobConfig('', inputsandbox, [], [], None)
     return c
예제 #4
    def configure(self, masterappconfig):

        self.args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        if self.cmtsetup == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No cmt setup script given.')

        # Need to handle the possibility of multiple output files !
        # setup the output file
        for arg in self.args:
            if arg == '-o':
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    'Option "-o" given in args. You must use the outputfile variable instead, even if you have multiple output files.'

        if self.outputfile == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'No output file given. Fill the outputfile variable.')
            if type(self.outputfile) == type([]):
                for OutFi in self.outputfile:

        # So get the list of filenames get_dataset_filenames() and create a file containing the list of files and put it in the sandbox
        if job.inputdata == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'The inputdata variable is not defined.')
        fileList = job.inputdata.get_dataset_filenames()
        if len(fileList) < 1:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No input data file given.')

        argsStr = ' '.join(self.args)
        # Create the bash script and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        script += 'source ' + self.cmtsetup + '\n'
        script += self.exe + ' ' + argsStr + '\n'

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import FileBuffer

        if self.exe.find('.exe') > -1:
            scriptname = self.exe.replace('.exe', '.sh')
            scriptname = self.exe + '.sh'
        job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer(scriptname, script),

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir + scriptname

        return (None, None)
예제 #5
    def configure(self, masterappconfig):

        args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        if self.cmtsetup == []:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No cmt setup script given.')

        infiles = job.inputdata.get_dataset_filenames()
        if len(infiles) <> 1:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'Wrong Dataset values')
        jn = "%08d" % int(infiles[0])
        outConf = ''
        outConf += "# Automatically generated config file\n\n"
        outConf += "/atmt2k/step/outputFileName corsika_atmpitsim_" + jn + ".root\n"
        outConf += "/atmt2k/pga/inputFileName " + self.confopts[
            'fluxfile'] + "\n"
        outConf += "/atmt2k/pga/isOyamaFlux false\n"
        outConf += "/atmt2k/pga/inputRandSeed " + str(
            random.randint(1, 9999999)) + "\n\n"
        outConf += "/run/verbose 0\n"
        outConf += "/event/verbose 0\n"
        outConf += "/tracking/verbose 0\n"
        outConf += "/run/beamOn " + self.confopts['nev'] + "\n"

        mac = "corsika_atmpitsim_" + jn + ".mac"
        job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer(mac, outConf),

        argsStr = ' '.join(args)
        # Create the bash script and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        for f in self.cmtsetup:
            script += 'source ' + f + '\n'
        script += 'cd ' + job.outputdir + '\n'
        script += 'RunAtmPitSim.exe ' + argsStr + ' ' + os.path.join(
            job.inputdir, mac) + '\n'

        script += 'mac=$(dirname $(which RunAtmPitSim.exe))/../app/ntuple_2_nuance.C\n'
        script += 'cp $mac .\n'
        script += 'root -l -b <<EOF\n'
        script += '.L ntuple_2_nuance.C+\n'
        script += 'totxt("corsika_atmpitsim_' + jn + '");\n'
        script += '.q\n'
        script += 'EOF\n'

        script += 'mv NoMuons.txt NoMuons_' + jn + '.txt\n'
        script += 'mv Config.conf Config_' + jn + '.conf\n'
        job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer('runND280.sh', script),

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir + 'runND280.sh'

        # Job name given
        job.name = jn

        return (None, None)
예제 #6
파일: Highland.py 프로젝트: slangrock/ganga
    def configure(self, masterappconfig):

        self.args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        if self.cmtsetup == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No cmt setup script given.')

        # setup the output file
        for arg in self.args:
            if arg == '-o':
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    'Option "-o" given in args. You must use the outputfile variable instead.'

        if self.outputfile == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'No output file given. Fill the outputfile variable.')

        # So get the list of filenames get_dataset_filenames() and create a file containing the list of files and put it in the sandbox
        fileList = job.inputdir + 'FileList'
        if not job.inputdata.set_dataset_into_list(fileList):
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                'Problem with the preparation of the list of input files')

        argsStr = ' '.join(self.args)
        # ANT: Create the bash script here and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        script += 'source ' + self.cmtsetup + '\n'
        script += self.exe + ' ' + argsStr + '\n'

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import FileBuffer

        if self.exe.find('.exe') > -1:
            scriptname = self.exe.replace('.exe', '.sh')
            scriptname = self.exe + '.sh'
        job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer(scriptname, script),

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir + scriptname

        return (None, None)
예제 #7
파일: Gaudi.py 프로젝트: slangrock/ganga
    def _check_inputs(self):
        """Checks the validity of some of user's entries for Gaudi schema"""

        # Warn user that no optsfiles given
        if len(self.optsfile) == 0:
            logger.warning("The 'optsfile' is not set. I hope this is OK!")
            # Check for non-exting optsfiles defined
            nonexistentOptFiles = []
            for f in self.optsfile:
                from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File.File import File
                if type(f) is str:
                    myFile = File(f)
                    myFile = f
                myFile.name = fullpath(myFile.name)
                if not os.path.isfile(myFile.name):

            if len(nonexistentOptFiles):
                tmpmsg = "The 'optsfile' attribute contains non-existent file/s: ["
                for _f in nonexistentOptFiles:
                    tmpmsg += "'%s', " % _f.name
                msg = tmpmsg[:-2] + ']'
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
예제 #8
    def _custom_package(self):
        if self.user_workarea or not self.use_custom_package:

        if 'CMTPATH' not in os.environ:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'Can not guess the user workarea')
        self.user_workarea = os.environ['CMTPATH'].split(':')[0]
예제 #9
def generateDiracInput(app):
    Construct a DIRAC input which does not need to be unique to each job but is required to have a unique checksum.
    This generates a unique file, uploads it to DRIAC and then stores the LFN in app.uploadedInput
        app (GaudiExec): This expects a GaudiExec app to be passed so that the constructed

    input_files, input_folders = collectPreparedFiles(app)

    job = app.getJobObject()

    if input_folders:
        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'Prepared folders not supported yet, please fix this in future')
        prep_dir = app.getSharedPath()
        prep_file = prep_dir + '.tgz'
        tmp_dir = tempfile.gettempdir()
        compressed_file = os.path.join(tmp_dir, '__'+os.path.basename(prep_file))

        if not job.master:
            rjobs = job.subjobs
            rjobs = [job]

        with tarfile.open(compressed_file, "w:gz") as tar_file:
            for name in input_files:
                # FIXME Add support for subfiles here once it's working across multiple IGangaFile objects in a consistent way
                # Not hacking this in for now just in-case we end up with a mess as a result
                tar_file.add(name, arcname=os.path.basename(name))

    new_df = uploadLocalFile(job, os.path.basename(compressed_file), tmp_dir)

    app.uploadedInput = new_df
예제 #10
def prepareCommand(app):
    Returns the command which is to be run on the worker node
        app (GaudiExec): This expects only the GaudiExec app

    all_opts_files = app.getOptsFiles()
    opts_names = []
    for opts_file in all_opts_files:
        if isinstance(opts_file, (LocalFile, DiracFile)):
            # Ideally this would NOT need the basename, however LocalFile is special in this regard.
            # TODO Fix this after fixing LocalFile
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, "The filetype: %s is not yet supported for use as an opts file.\nPlease contact the Ganga devs is you wish this implemented." %

    sourceEnv = app.getEnvScript()

    if not app.useGaudiRun:
        full_cmd = sourceEnv + './run python %s' % app.getWrapperScriptName()
        full_cmd = sourceEnv + "./run gaudirun.py %s %s" % (' '.join(opts_names), GaudiExecDiracRTHandler.data_file)
        if app.extraOpts:
            full_cmd += ' ' + app.getExtraOptsFileName()
        if app.extraArgs:
            full_cmd += " " + " ".join(app.extraArgs)

    return full_cmd
예제 #11
    def master_configure(self):

        job = self.getJobObject()
        inputs = self._check_inputs()
        optsfiles = [fileitem.name for fileitem in self.optsfile]
        recoptsfiles = [fileitem.name for fileitem in self.recoptsfile]
        anaoptsfiles = [fileitem.name for fileitem in self.anaoptsfile]
            parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles,self.extraopts,self.shell)
            if recoptsfiles:
                recparser = PythonOptionsParser(recoptsfiles,self.extraopts,self.shell)
                if anaoptsfiles:
                    anaparser = PythonOptionsParser(anaoptsfiles,self.extraopts,self.shell)
        except ApplicationConfigurationError, e:
            debug_dir = job.getDebugWorkspace().getPath()
            f = open(debug_dir + '/gaudirun.stdout','w')
            msg = 'Unable to parse job options! Please check options ' \
                  'files and extraopts. The output from gaudyrun.py can be ' \
                  'found in %s. You can also view this from within ganga '\
                  'by doing job.peek(\'../debug/gaudirun.stdout\').' % f.name
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
예제 #12
    def check(self):
        '''Checks done during submit phase. Protected elements are written.'''

        if self.dataset_id == '':
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'You must define an input dataset')

        if self.events_per_subjobs == 0:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'You must define events_per_subjobs')

        kwargs = dict()
        kwargs['dataset_id'] = self.dataset_id

        manager = SBDatasetManager.SBDatasetManager()
        datasets = manager.getDataset(**kwargs)

        # only one dataset
        if len(datasets) == 0:
            msg = 'Input dataset %s not found' % self.dataset_id
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
        assert len(datasets) == 1, 'Dataset consistency error'
        dataset = datasets[0]

        # status
        if dataset['status'] not in ['open', 'closed']:
            msg = 'Input dataset %s status is not open or closed' % self.dataset_id
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        # session
        if dataset['session'] not in ['fastsim', 'fullsim']:
            msg = 'Input dataset %s session is not fastsim or fullsim' % self.dataset_id
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        if self.events_total == 0:
            self.events_total = int(dataset['parameters']['evt_tot'])

        if self.events_total != 0 and self.events_total > int(
            msg = 'Input dataset %s total events is %d' % (
                self.dataset_id, dataset['parameters']['evt_tot'])
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        if self.events_per_subjobs < int(dataset['parameters']['evt_file']):
            msg = 'events_per_subjobs must be >= %s' % dataset['parameters'][
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        if self.events_per_subjobs >= self.events_total:
            msg = 'events_per_subjobs cannot be >= events_total'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)

        lfns = self.__getLFNs(dataset['parameters']['evt_file'])
        self.__createInputPath(lfns, dataset['parameters']['evt_file'])
        self.input_mode = 'list'
예제 #13
    def check(self):
        '''Checks done during submit phase. Protected elements are written.'''

        # controllare che session sia FastSim o FullSim
        if self.soft_version == '' and self.session == '':

        allowed_session = ['FastSim', 'FullSim']
        if self.session not in allowed_session:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'session must be %s' % allowed_session)

        if self.number_of_subjobs < 1 or self.number_of_subjobs > 250:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'number_of_subjobs must be between 1 and 250')

        sql = '''SELECT DISTINCT soft_version
            FROM session_site_soft
            WHERE session_name = %s
            ORDER BY soft_version'''

        supported_soft_version = db.read(sql, (self.session, ))
        # convert from list of dict to list of strings
        supported_soft_version = [
            s['soft_version'] for s in supported_soft_version

        if self.soft_version not in supported_soft_version:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                'supported soft_version are: %s' % supported_soft_version)

        if self.session == 'FastSim' and self.background_frame == True:
            results = db.read('''SELECT prod_series, lfn_dir
                FROM background_frame
                WHERE valid = true
                ORDER BY validation_timestamp DESC
                LIMIT 1''')

            self.input_path = list()
            self.input_mode = 'dir'
            self.background_frame_prod_series = results[0]['prod_series']
            logger.info('Last approved (%s) background frame has been setup \
            for job input' % self.background_frame_prod_series)
예제 #14
        def validate_argument(x, exe=None):
            if isinstance(x, str):
                if exe:
                    if not x:
                        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'exe not specified')

                    if len(x.split()) > 1:
                        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'exe "%s" contains white spaces' % x)

                    dirn, filen = os.path.split(x)
                    if not filen:
                        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'exe "%s" is a directory' % x)
                    if dirn and not os.path.isabs(dirn) and self.is_prepared is None:
                        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'exe "%s" is a relative path' % x)
                    if not os.path.basename(x) == x:
                        if not os.path.isfile(x):
                            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, '%s: file not found' % x)

                    # int arguments are allowed -> later converted to strings
                    if isinstance(x, int):
                    if not x.exists():
                        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, '%s: file not found' % x.name)
                except AttributeError as err:
                    raise ApplicationConfigurationError(err, '%s (%s): unsupported type, must be a string or File' % (str(x), str(type(x))))
예제 #15
 def _check_inputs(self):
     """Checks the validity of user's entries for GaudiPython schema"""
     # Always check for None OR empty
     #logger.info("self.module: %s" % str(self.module))
     if isType(self.module, str):
         self.module = File(self.module)
     if self.module.name == None:
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
             None, "Application Module not requested")
     elif self.module.name == "":
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
             None, "Application Module not requested")
         # Always check we've been given a FILE!
         self.module.name = fullpath(self.module.name)
         if not os.path.isfile(self.module.name):
             msg = 'Module file %s not found.' % self.module.name
             raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, msg)
예제 #16
파일: GaudiExec.py 프로젝트: henryiii/ganga
    def prepare(self, force=False):
        This method creates a set of prepared files for the application to pass to the RTHandler
            force (bool): Forces a prepare to be run

        if (self.is_prepared is not None) and not force:
            raise ApplicationPrepareError(
                '%s application has already been prepared. Use prepare(force=True) to prepare again.'
                % getName(self))

        # lets use the same criteria as the configure() method for checking file existence & sanity
        # this will bail us out of prepare if there's somthing odd with the job config - like the executable
        # file is unspecified, has a space or is a relative path
        logger.info('Preparing %s application.' % getName(self))
        self.is_prepared = ShareDir()
        logger.info('Created shared directory: %s' % (self.is_prepared.name))

        this_build_target = self.buildGangaTarget()

            # copy any 'preparable' objects into the shared directory
            send_to_sharedir = self.copyPreparables()
            # add the newly created shared directory into the metadata system
            # if the app is associated with a persisted object

            all_opts_files = self.getOptsFiles()
            for opts_file in all_opts_files:
                if isinstance(opts_file, LocalFile):
                elif isinstance(opts_file, DiracFile):
                    # NB safe to put it here as should have expressly setup a path for this job by now.
                    # We cannot _not_ place this here based upon the backend.
                    # Always have to put it here regardless of if we're on DIRAC or Local so prepared job can be copied.
                    raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                        "Opts file type %s not yet supported please contact Ganga devs if you require this support"
                        % getName(opts_file))

        except Exception as err:
            logger.debug("Err: %s" % str(err))


        return 1
예제 #17
    def _check_inputs(self):
        """Checks the validity of user's entries for Ostap schema"""

        if not self.scripts and not self.commands and not self.arguments:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, "Application scripts are not defined")

        if isinstance(self.scripts, str): self.scripts = [File(self.scripts)]
        for f in self.scripts:
            f.name = fullpath(f.name)
예제 #18
파일: Driver.py 프로젝트: slangrock/ganga
def loaddriver():
    """Create new driver based on Robot configuration options.

    Example of relevant configuration options:
    Driver_Run = ['submit', 30, 'extract', 'report']
    Driver_Repeat = False
    Driver_Action_submit = GangaRobot.Lib.Core.CoreSubmitter.CoreSubmitter
    Driver_Action_extract = GangaRobot.Lib.Core.CoreExtractor.CoreExtractor
    Driver_Action_report = GangaRobot.Lib.Core.CoreReporter.CoreReporter
    KEY_RUN = 'Driver_Run'
    KEY_REPEAT = 'Driver_Repeat'
    KEY_ACTION_PREFIX = 'Driver_Action_'

    config = Utility.getconfig()
    run = config[KEY_RUN]
    repeat = config[KEY_REPEAT]
    actions = {}
    #load action classes
    for key in config:
        if key.startswith(KEY_ACTION_PREFIX):
            action = key[len(KEY_ACTION_PREFIX):]
            fqcn = config[key]
                actions[action] = _loadclass(fqcn)
            except Exception as e:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    e, "Cannot load class '%s'." % fqcn)
    #check actions exist for run
    for action in run:
        if not action in actions:
            except ValueError as e:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    e, "Unknown action '%s'." % action)

    return Driver(run=run, actions=actions, repeat=repeat)
예제 #19
 def getFullOutputDir(self, outputDir):
     if outputDir.startswith('/'):
         availablePrefix = gConfig.getValue(
             '/Resources/Applications/IHEPLustreDir/AvailablePrefix', [])
         for ap in availablePrefix:
             if outputDir.startswith(ap):
                 return outputDir
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
             None, 'Lustre directory not available for DIRAC jobs: %s' %
         username = getProxyInfo()['Value'].get('username')
         if not username:
             raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                 'Cannot find username')
         commonPrefix = gConfig.getValue(
         userLustreDir = gConfig.getValue(
             '/Resources/Applications/IHEPLustreDir/UserDefaultDir/%s' %
             username, '%s/%s' % (commonPrefix, username))
         return os.path.join(userLustreDir, outputDir)
예제 #20
def collectPreparedFiles(app):
    Collect the files from the Application in the prepared state
        app (GaudiExec): This expects only the GaudiExec app
    if not isinstance(app.is_prepared, ShareDir):
        raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, 'Failed to prepare Application Correctly')
    shared_dir = app.getSharedPath()
    input_files, input_folders = [], []
    for root, dirs, files in os.walk(shared_dir, topdown=True):
        for name in files:
            input_files.append(os.path.join(root, name))
        for name in dirs:
            input_folders.append(os.path.join(root, name))

    for file_ in app.getJobObject().inputfiles:
        if isinstance(file_, LocalFile):
            shutil.copy(os.path.join(file_.localDir, os.path.basename(file_.namePattern)), shared_dir)
            input_files.append(os.path.join(shared_dir, file_.namePattern))
        elif not isinstance(file_, DiracFile):
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, "File type: %s Not _yet_ supported in GaudiExec" % type(file_))

    return input_files, input_folders
예제 #21
    def readInputData(self,optsfiles,extraopts=False):
        """Returns a BesDataSet object from a list of options files. The
        optional argument extraopts will decide if the extraopts string inside
        the application is considered or not.

        Usage examples:
        # Create an BesDataset object with the data found in the optionsfile
        l=DaVinci(version='v22r0p2').readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \
        # Get the data from an options file and assign it to the jobs inputdata
        j.inputdata = j.application.readInputData([\"~/cmtuser/\" \

        # Assuming you have data in your extraopts, you can use the extraopts.
        # In this case your extraopts need to be fully parseable by gaudirun.py
        # So you must make sure that you have the proper import statements.
        # e.g.
        from Gaudi.Configuration import *
        # If you mix optionsfiles and extraopts, as usual extraopts may
        # overwright your options
        # Use this to create a new job with data from extraopts of an old job

        def dummyfile():
            os.write(temp_fd,"#Dummy file to keep the Optionsparser happy")
            return temp_filename

        if type(optsfiles)!=type([]): optsfiles=[optsfiles]

        # use a dummy file to keep the parser happy
        if len(optsfiles)==0: optsfiles.append(dummyfile())

        inputs = self._check_inputs()
        if extraopts: extraopts=self.extraopts
        else: extraopts=""

            parser = PythonOptionsParser(optsfiles,extraopts,self.shell)
        except Exception, e:
            msg = 'Unable to parse the job options. Please check options ' \
                  'files and extraopts.'
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
예제 #22
    def _check_inputs(self):
        """Checks the validity of some of user's entries for Gaudi schema"""

        if self.package is None:
            msg = "The 'package' attribute must be set for application. "
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)

        inputs = None
        if len(self.optsfile)==0:
            logger.warning("The 'optsfile' is not set. I hope this is OK!")
            packagedir = self.shell.env[self.appname.upper()+'ROOT']
            opts = os.path.expandvars(os.path.join(packagedir,'options',
                                                   self.appname + '.py'))
            if opts: self.optsfile.append(opts)
                logger.error('Cannot find the default opts file for ' % \
                             self.appname + os.sep + self.version)
            inputs = ['optsfile']

        return inputs
예제 #23
    def getDefaultRunSite(self):
        '''This method is called only if backend is LCG.
        It populates the run_site list with all compatible sites.'''

        sql = '''SELECT site
            FROM session_site_soft
            WHERE session_name = %s AND soft_version = %s'''
        param = [self.session, self.soft_version]

        if self.background_frame:
            sql += ''' AND site IN (
                SELECT site
                FROM background_frame_site
                WHERE prod_series = %s)'''

        results = db.read(sql, param)

        if len(results) == 0:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'No site found with the specified requirements')

        for result in results:
예제 #24
 def _validate_version(self):
     if not re.match('^\d+\.\d+\.\d+(\.p\d+)?$', self.version):
         msg = 'The BOSS version format is not correct: %s. It should be like "6.6.3" or "6.6.4.p01"' % self.version
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)
예제 #25
    def _get_opts_dict_and_pkl_string(self):
        '''Parse the options using gaudirun.py and create a dictionary of the
        configuration and pickle the options. The app handler will make a copy
        of the .pkl file for each job.'''
        tmp_pkl = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.pkl')
        tmp_py = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.py')
        py_opts = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(suffix='.py')

        gaudirun = 'gaudirun.py -n -v -o %s %s' \
                   % (tmp_py.name, py_opts.name)
        opts_str = ''
        err_msg = ''
        options = {}

        rc, stdout, m = shellEnv_cmd(gaudirun, self.env)

        if stdout.find('Gaudi.py') >= 0:
            msg = 'The version of gaudirun.py required for your application is not supported.'
            raise ValueError(None, msg)

        elif stdout.find('no such option: -o') >= 0:
            gaudirun = 'gaudirun.py -n -v -p %s %s' % (tmp_pkl.name,
            rc, stdout, m = shellEnv_cmd(gaudirun, self.env)
            rc = 0

            if stdout and rc == 0:
                opts_str = stdout
                err_msg = 'Please check %s -v %s' % (cmdbase, py_opts.name)
                err_msg += ' returns valid python syntax'

            cmd = 'gaudirun.py -n -p %s %s' % (tmp_pkl.name, py_opts.name)
            rc, stdout, m = shellEnv_cmd(cmd, self.env)
            if rc == 0 and stdout:
                opts_str = tmp_py.read()
                err_msg = 'Please check gaudirun.py -o file.py produces a ' \
                          'valid python file.'

        if stdout and rc == 0:
                options = eval(opts_str)
            except Exception as err:
                logger.error('Cannot eval() the options file. Exception: %s',
                from traceback import print_exc
                logger.error(' ', print_exc())
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                    stdout + '###SPLIT###' + m)
                opts_pkl_string = tmp_pkl.read()
            except IOError as err:
                logger.error('Cannot read() the temporary pickle file: %s',
                raise err

        if not rc == 0:
            logger.debug('Failed to run: %s', gaudirun)
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                stdout + '###SPLIT###' + m)

        return (options, opts_pkl_string)
예제 #26
파일: runND280.py 프로젝트: slangrock/ganga
    def configure(self,masterappconfig):
        args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        if self.cmtsetup == []:
          raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'No cmt setup script given.')

        for arg in args:
          if arg == '-c':
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'Option "-c" given in args. You must use the configfile variable instead.')

        # setup the config file for this job
        if self.configfile == None:
          raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'No config file given. Use args list or configfile field.')
        # check if given config file exists
        if not os.path.exists(self.configfile):
          raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file "'+self.configfile+'" was not found.')
        if not os.path.isfile(self.configfile):
          raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file "'+self.configfile+'" is not a file.')

        # Right here, take the input config file and change it as needed
        # If found inputfile, just put the first file in the inputdata
        # If this is inputfile_list, then it is in cherry pick so we can put all the files from inputdata
        inConf = open(self.configfile)
        outConf = ''

        for line in inConf:
            inputfile_listfnd = re.match(r"^inputfile_list\s*=", line)
            inputfilefnd = re.match(r"^inputfile\s*=", line)
            midas_filefnd = re.match(r"^midas_file\s*=", line)
            if inputfile_listfnd or inputfilefnd or midas_filefnd:
              if job.inputdata == None:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file requires an input file but the inputdata of the job is not defined.')
              # TODO: Check if there is an inputdata
              infiles = job.inputdata.get_dataset_filenames()
              if len(infiles) < 1:
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file contains "inputfile" but not input file was given')
              if inputfile_listfnd:
                line = 'inputfile_list = ' + ' '.join(infiles) + '\n'
              elif inputfilefnd:
                if len(infiles) > 1:
                  raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file contains "inputfile" but more than one input file was given')
                line = 'inputfile = ' + infiles[0] + '\n'
              elif midas_filefnd:
                if len(infiles) > 1:
                  raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file contains "midas_file" but more than one file was given')
                line = 'midas_file = ' + infiles[0] + '\n'
            outConf += line


        argsStr = ' '.join(args)
        # Create the bash script and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        for f in self.cmtsetup:
            script += 'source '+f+'\n'
        script += 'runND280 '+argsStr+'\n'

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir+'runND280.sh'

        return (None,None)
예제 #27
    def prepare(self, app, appsubconfig, appmasterconfig, jobmasterconfig):
        Prepare the RTHandler in order to submit to the Dirac backend
            app (GaudiExec): This application is only expected to handle GaudiExec Applications here
            appconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application configuration call
            appmasterconfig (unknown): Output passed from the application master_configure call
            jobmasterconfig (tuple): Output from the master job prepare step

        # NB this needs to be removed safely
        # Get the inputdata and input/output sandbox in a sorted way
        inputsandbox, outputsandbox = sandbox_prepare(app, appsubconfig, appmasterconfig, jobmasterconfig)
        input_data,   parametricinput_data = dirac_inputdata(app)

        # We know we don't need this one
        inputsandbox = []

        job = app.getJobObject()

        # We can support inputfiles and opts_file here. Locally should be submitted once, remotely can be referenced.

        all_opts_files = app.getOptsFiles()

        for opts_file in all_opts_files:
            if isinstance(opts_file, DiracFile):
                inputsandbox += ['LFN:'+opts_file.lfn]

        # Sort out inputfiles we support
        for file_ in job.inputfiles:
            if isinstance(file_, DiracFile):
                inputsandbox += ['LFN:'+file_.lfn]
            if isinstance(file_, LocalFile):
                if job.master is not None and file_ not in job.master.inputfiles:
                    shutil.copy(os.path.join(file_.localDir, file_.namePattern), app.getSharedPath())
                    inputsandbox += [os.path.join(app.getSharedPath(), file_.namePattern)]
                logger.error("Filetype: %s nor currently supported, please contact Ganga Devs if you require support for this with the DIRAC backend" % getName(file_))
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None, "Unsupported filetype: %s with DIRAC backend" % getName(file_))

        master_job = job.master or job

        app.uploadedInput = master_job.application.uploadedInput
        app.jobScriptArchive = master_job.application.jobScriptArchive

        logger.debug("uploadedInput: %s" % app.uploadedInput)

        rep_data = app.uploadedInput.getReplicas()

        logger.debug("Replica info: %s" % rep_data)

        inputsandbox += ['LFN:'+app.uploadedInput.lfn]
        inputsandbox += ['LFN:'+app.jobScriptArchive.lfn]

        logger.debug("Input Sand: %s" % inputsandbox)

        logger.debug("input_data: %s" % input_data)

        outputfiles = [this_file for this_file in job.outputfiles if isinstance(this_file, DiracFile)]

        scriptToRun = getScriptName(app)
        # Already added to sandbox uploaded as LFN

        # This code deals with the outputfiles as outputsandbox and outputdata for us
        lhcbdirac_outputfiles = lhcbdirac_outputfile_jdl(outputfiles)

        # NOTE special case for replicas: replicate string must be empty for no
        # replication
        dirac_script = script_generator(lhcbdiracAPI_script_template(),
                                        DIRAC_IMPORT='from LHCbDIRAC.Interfaces.API.DiracLHCb import DiracLHCb',
                                        DIRAC_JOB_IMPORT='from LHCbDIRAC.Interfaces.API.LHCbJob import LHCbJob',
                                        EXE=os.path.join('jobScript', scriptToRun),
                                        ENVIRONMENT=None,  # app.env,
                                        OUTPUT_PATH="",  # job.fqid,
                                        REPLICATE='True' if getConfig('DIRAC')['ReplicateOutputData'] else '',
                                        # leave the sandbox for altering later as needs
                                        # to be done in backend.submit to combine master.
                                        # Note only using 2 #s as auto-remove 3
                                        INPUT_SANDBOX=repr([f for f in inputsandbox]),

        # NB
        # inputsandbox here isn't used by the DIRAC backend as we explicitly define the INPUT_SANDBOX here!

        # Return the output needed for the backend to submit this job
        return StandardJobConfig(dirac_script, inputbox=[], outputbox=[])
예제 #28
    def configure(self, masterappconfig):
        if self.cmtsetup == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No cmt setup script given.')

        # __________ TREx first ____________
        trex_args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.trex_args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        # Need to handle the possibility of multiple output files !
        # setup the output file
        for arg in trex_args:
            if arg == '-o':
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    'Option "-o" given in trex_args. The module will define the output filename.'

        # So get the list of filenames get_dataset_filenames() and create a file containing the list of files and put it in the sandbox
        if job.inputdata == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                None, 'The inputdata variable is not defined.')
        fileList = job.inputdata.get_dataset_filenames()
        if len(fileList) < 1:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,
                                                'No input data file given.')

        firstFile = fileList[0].split('/')[-1]
        # Define the output
        if self.filenamesubstr == None:
            trex_outputfile = 'recoOutput.root'
            trex_outputfile = firstFile.replace(self.filenamesubstr, "trex")


        # __________ Now oaAnalysis ____________
        oaana_args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.oaana_args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        # Need to handle the possibility of multiple output files !
        # setup the output file
        for arg in oaana_args:
            if arg == '-o':
                raise ApplicationConfigurationError(
                    'Option "-o" given in oaana_args. You must use the oaana_outputfile variable instead.'

        if self.filenamesubstr == None:
            oaana_outputfile = 'recoOutput.root'
            oaana_outputfile = firstFile.replace(self.filenamesubstr, "anal")
            # protection against failed substitution
            if oaana_outputfile == trex_outputfile:
                oaana_outputfile = oaana_outputfile.replace(
                    ".root", "_anal.root")

        # Use the reco output as an input for the VFT processing.
        if self.oaana_only:

        trex_argsStr = ' '.join(trex_args)
        oaana_argsStr = ' '.join(oaana_args)
        # Create the bash script and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        script += 'source ' + self.cmtsetup + '\n'
        if not self.oaana_only:
            script += 'RunTREx.exe ' + trex_argsStr + '\n'
        script += 'RunOAAnalysis.exe ' + oaana_argsStr + '\n'

        from Ganga.GPIDev.Lib.File import FileBuffer

        scriptname = 'TRExPlusOAAnalysis.sh'
        job.getInputWorkspace().writefile(FileBuffer(scriptname, script),

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir + scriptname

        return (None, None)
예제 #29
    def configure(self,masterappconfig):
        args = convertIntToStringArgs(self.args)

        job = self.getJobObject()

        if self.cmtsetup == []:
          raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'No cmt setup script given.')

        for arg in args:
          if arg == '-c':
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'Option "-c" given in args. You must use the configfile variable instead.')

        confopts = self.confopts

        # use input file from a "dataset"
        if job.inputdata == None:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file requires an input file but the inputdata of the job is not defined.')
        infiles = job.inputdata.get_dataset_filenames()
        if len(infiles) < 1:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file contains "inputfile" but not input file was given')
        if len(infiles) > 1:
            raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'The given config file contains "inputfile" but more than one input file was given')

        # extract "run number" from an input filename
        mtch = re.search(r"(\d{8})",os.path.basename(infiles[0]))
        if mtch:
            job.name = mtch.group(1)
            jobid    = mtch.group(1)
            raise  ApplicationConfigurationError(None,'Can not extract run number')

        # create TND280Log config file (in job output dir)
        logConf  = "log.default.level = LogLevel\n"
        logConf += "error.default.level = SevereLevel\n"

        # create config file
        cfg = ND280Configs.ND280Config('cosmicmc',confopts)
        inConf = cfg.CreateConfig()
        outConf = inConf

        # create a script for a  backend

        argsStr = ' '.join(args)
        # Create the bash script and put it in input dir.
        script = '#!/bin/bash\n'
        for f in self.cmtsetup:
            script += 'source '+f+'\n'
        script += 'cd '+job.outputdir+'\n'
        script += 'runND280 -t . '+argsStr+'\n'
        #script += 'echo runND280 '+argsStr+' > oa_cs_mu_00003333_' + confopts['stage'] + '.root\n'

        self._scriptname = job.inputdir+'runND280.sh'

        return (None,None)
예제 #30
 def _validate_input(self):
     if self.metadata.has_key('streamId') and not re.match('^stream(?!0+$)\d+$', self.metadata['streamId']):
         msg = 'The streamId format is not correct: %s. It should be like "stream001" but can not be "stream000"' % self.metadata['streamId']
         raise ApplicationConfigurationError(None,msg)