예제 #1
파일: genconfuser.py 프로젝트: l1calo/gaudi
def loadConfigurableDb():
    Equivalent to GaudiKernel.ConfigurableDb.loadConfigurableDb(), but does a
    deep search and executes the '*.confdb' files instead of importing them.
    log = GaudiKernel.ConfigurableDb.log
    from os.path import join as path_join
    # look for the confdb files in all the reasonable places
    #  - CMake builds
    confDbFiles = []
    for path in sys.path:
        confDbFiles += [f for f in glob(path_join(path, '*', '*.confdb'))
                        if os.path.isfile(f)]
    #  - used projects and local merged file
    pathlist = os.getenv("LD_LIBRARY_PATH", "").split(os.pathsep)
    for path in filter(os.path.isdir, pathlist):
        confDbFiles += [f for f in [path_join(path, f) for f in os.listdir(path)
                                    if f.endswith('.confdb')]]
    #  - load the confdb files
    for confDb in confDbFiles:
        log.debug( "\t-loading [%s]..." % confDb )
            cfgDb._loadModule( confDb )
        except Exception, err:
            # It may happen that the file is found but not completely
            # written, usually during parallel builds, but we do not care.
            log.warning( "Could not load file [%s] !", confDb )
            log.warning( "Reason: %s", err )
예제 #2
파일: genconfuser.py 프로젝트: l1calo/gaudi
def main():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser(prog = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]),
                          usage = "%prog [options] <PackageName> [<Module1> ...]")
    parser.add_option("-o", "--output", action="store", type="string",
                      help="output file for confDb data [default = '../genConf/<PackageName>_user_confDb.py'].")
    parser.add_option("-r", "--root", action="store", type="string",
                      help="root directory of the python modules [default = '../python'].")
    parser.add_option("-v", "--verbose", action="store_true",
                      help="print some debugging information")
    parser.add_option("--debug", action="store_true",
                      help="print more debugging information")
    parser.add_option("--lockerpath", action="store",
                      metavar = "DIRNAME",
                      help="directory where to find the module 'locker'")
    parser.set_defaults(root = os.path.join("..","python"))

    opts, args = parser.parse_args()

    if opts.debug:
        log_level = logging.DEBUG
    elif opts.verbose:
        log_level = logging.VERBOSE
        log_level = logging.INFO
    logging.basicConfig(format = "%(levelname)s: %(message)s",
                        stream = sys.stdout,
                        level = log_level)

    if len(args) < 1:
        parser.error("PackageName is required")

    package_name = args.pop(0)

    usingConvention = False
    if not args:
        # use the conventional module name <package>.Configuration
        args = [package_name + ".Configuration"]
        usingConvention = True

    genConfDir = os.path.join("..", os.environ.get("CMTCONFIG", ""), "genConf")
    if not os.path.exists(genConfDir):
        genConfDir = os.path.join("..", "genConf")

    if not opts.output:
        outputfile = os.path.join(genConfDir, package_name + '_user.confdb')
        outputfile = opts.output

    # The locking ensures that nobody tries to modify the python.zip file while
    # we read it.
    dbLock = None
    if "GAUDI_BUILD_LOCK" in os.environ:
        if opts.lockerpath:
        # Get the LockFile class from the locker module in GaudiPolicy or use a fake
        # factory.
            from locker import LockFile
        except ImportError:
            def LockFile(*args, **kwargs):
                return None
        # obtain the lock
        dbLock = LockFile(os.environ["GAUDI_BUILD_LOCK"], temporary =  True)

    # We can disable the error on missing configurables only if we can import Gaudi.Configurables
    # It must be done at this point because it may conflict with logging.basicConfig
        import Gaudi.Configurables
        Gaudi.Configurables.ignoreMissingConfigurables = True
    # load configurables database to avoid fake duplicates
    # ensure that local configurables are in the database
        # Add the local python directories to the python path to be able to import the local
        # configurables
        sys.path.insert(0, genConfDir)
        sys.path.insert(0, os.path.join("..", "python"))
        localConfDb = os.path.join(genConfDir, package_name, package_name + '.confdb')
        if os.path.exists(localConfDb):
            # Extend the search path of the package module to find the configurables
            package_module = __import__(package_name)
            package_module.__path__.insert(0, os.path.join(genConfDir, package_name))
        pass # ignore failures (not important)
    del dbLock # Now we can let the others operate on the install area python directory

    # Collecting ConfigurableUser specializations
    cus = {}
    for mod in args:
        lst = None
            lst = getConfigurableUsers(mod, root = opts.root, mayNotExist = usingConvention)
        except ImportError:
            import traceback
            logging.error("Cannot import module %r:\n%s", mod,
                          traceback.format_exc().rstrip()) # I remove the trailing '\n'
            return 2
        if lst:
            cus[mod] = lst
            # Add the configurables to the database as fake entries to avoid duplicates
            for m in lst:
                cfgDb.add(configurable = m,
                          package = 'None',
                          module  = 'None',
                          lib     = 'None')
        elif not usingConvention:
            logging.warning("Specified module %r does not contain ConfigurableUser specializations", mod)

    if cus:
        logging.info("ConfigurableUser found:\n%s", pformat(cus))
        # header
        output = """##  -*- ascii -*-
# db file automatically generated by %s on: %s
""" % (parser.prog, time.asctime())

        for mod in cus:
            for cu in cus[mod]:
                output += "%s %s %s\n" % (mod, 'None', cu)

        # trailer
        output += "## %s\n" % package_name
    elif usingConvention:
        logging.info("No ConfigurableUser found")
        output = ("# db file automatically generated by %s on: %s\n"
                  "# No ConfigurableUser specialization in %s\n") % (parser.prog, time.asctime(), package_name)
        logging.error("No ConfigurableUser specialization found")
        return 1

    # create the destination directory if not there
    output_dir = os.path.dirname(outputfile)
        logging.info("Creating directory %r", output_dir)
        os.makedirs(output_dir, 0755)
    except OSError, err:
        import errno
        if err.errno == errno.EEXIST:
            # somebody already - perhaps concurrently - created that dir.