예제 #1
forwardTransportSvc.FillRootTree = True

from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
THistSvc = THistSvc()
THistSvc.Output = ["AANT DATAFILE='fwdTransport.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
svcMgr += THistSvc
예제 #2
from AthenaCommon.Configurable import Configurable
Configurable.allConfigurables.get('CTPSimulation').OutputLevel = VERBOSE

from AthenaCommon.GlobalFlags import jobproperties
jobproperties.Global.DetDescrVersion = 'ATLAS-GEO-00-00-00'

from TrigT1Lucid.TrigT1LucidConf import LVL1__TrigT1Lucid
Lucid = LVL1__TrigT1Lucid("LVL1::TrigT1Lucid")
Lucid.OutputLevel = ERROR
Lucid.qdcThreshold = 400

from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
THistSvc = THistSvc()
THistSvc.Output = [
    "AANT DATAFILE='/home/asbrizzi/data/athena/lucid/14.4.0/lvl1.root' OPT='RECREATE'"
ServiceMgr += THistSvc

theApp.Dlls += ["RootHistCnv"]
theApp.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"

from CBNT_Athena.CBNT_AthenaConf import *
from CBNT_Utils.CBNT_UtilsConf import *

CBNT_AthenaAware = CBNT_AthenaAware()

topSequence += CBNT_AthenaAware

from TrigT1Lucid.TrigT1LucidConf import *
예제 #3
include( "ByteStreamCnvSvc/BSEventStorageEventSelector_jobOptions.py" )
svcMgr.EventSelector.Input = [

include( "ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/BSAddProvSvc_RDO_jobOptions.py" )
include( "ByteStreamCnvSvcBase/BSAddProvSvc_RIO_jobOptions.py" )

log.info( "Set input BS file" )

# Set up writing of the AANT file:
from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc
histSvc = THistSvc()
histSvc.Output = [ "AANT DATAFILE='" + CBNTAAOutput + "' OPT='RECREATE'" ]
ServiceMgr += histSvc

from AnalysisTools.AnalysisToolsConf import AANTupleStream
ntupleStream = AANTupleStream()
ntupleStream.OutputName = CBNTAAOutput
ntupleStream.ExistDataHeader = False
topSequence += ntupleStream

theApp.HistogramPersistency = "ROOT"

log.info( "Configured output AANT file" )

# Configure the LVL1 config svc.:
    0.310, 0.203, 0.347, 0.269, 0.241, 0.234, 0.234, 0.277, 0.297, 0.225,
    0.297, 0.238, 0.000, 1, 1, 1, 1
lucid.pmtScaling = [
    1.010, 0.000, 0.991, 0.948, 1.152, 1.221, 1.160, 0.988, 1.092, 1.063,
    1.143, 1.091, 1.109, 1.117, 1.185, 1.142, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.023, 1.127, 1.043,
    0.986, 1.148, 0.899, 0.898, 1.098, 1.115, 1.109, 1.127, 1.043, 1.085,
    1.043, 1.063, 0.000, 1, 1, 1, 1
lucid.gasScaling = [
    1.176, 0.000, 1.217, 1.101, 1.143, 1.105, 1.103, 1.144, 1.075, 1.069,
    1.100, 1.208, 1.212, 1.125, 1.026, 1.037, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1.064, 0.956, 0.975,
    0.938, 1.205, 1.095, 1.137, 1.222, 1.262, 1.160, 0.923, 0.969, 1.132,
    0.969, 1.174, 0.000, 1, 1, 1, 1
lucid.npeThreshold = [
    17, 15, 16, 16, 18, 16, 16, 18, 17, 16, 16, 17, 19, 16, 16, 17, 15, 15, 15,
    15, 17, 16, 16, 17, 17, 15, 16, 16, 17, 16, 15, 17, 17, 15, 16, 15, 15, 15,
    15, 15

from GaudiSvc.GaudiSvcConf import THistSvc

if (lucid.fillRootTree):
    THistSvc = THistSvc()
    THistSvc.Output = ["AANT DATAFILE='cali.root' OPT='RECREATE'"]
    ServiceMgr += THistSvc

if DetFlags.LVL1_on():