예제 #1
    in_q = set([source])
    while q:
        u = q.popleft()
        # Skip relaxations if any of the predecessors of u is in the queue.
        if all(pred_u not in in_q for pred_u in pred[u]):
            dist_u = dist[u]
            for v, e in dict(G.adjacency())[u].items():
                dist_v = dist_u + G_succ[u][v]['weight']

                if dist_v > dist.get(v, inf):
                    if v not in in_q:
                        count_v = count.get(v, 0) + 1
                        count[v] = count_v
                    dist[v] = dist_v
                    pred[v] = [u]

                elif dist.get(v) is not None and dist_v == dist.get(v):

    return backtrace(pred, source, target)

if __name__ == '__main__':

    fnames = os.listdir('data')
    G = load('data/%s' % fnames[0])
    print("Applying Bellmanford Algorithm")
    print(bellman_ford(G, 0, len(G.nodes()) - 1))

def parse_file(x: str):
    return int(x[x.find('_') + 1:x.find('.')])

fnames = os.listdir('data')

D_V = dict()
B_V = dict()
T_V = dict()
MB_V = dict()

for fname in fnames:
    print("loading %s" % fname)
    G = load('data/%s' % fname)
    G_neg = load('data/%s' % fname, True)

    print("Applying Modified Topological Sort Algorithm for %s" % fname)
    start_time = time.time()
    shortest_path_T = topological_sort(G_neg,
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    T_V[parse_file(fname)] = float(elapsed_time)

    print("Applying Modified Bellman Ford Algorithm for %s" % fname)
    start_time = time.time()
    shortest_path_B = nx.bellman_ford_path(G_neg, 0, len(G.nodes()) - 1)
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    MB_V[parse_file(fname)] = float(elapsed_time)
예제 #3
from Generator.DAG_Generator import load
import os

def parse_file(x: str):
    return int(x[x.find('_') + 1:x.find('.')])

fnames = os.listdir('data')

F_V = dict()
MF_V = dict()

for fname in fnames:
    print("loading %s" % fname)
    G = load('data/%s' % fname)
    for u, v in G.edges():
        w = Fuzzy.get_fuzzy_weight()
        G[u][v]['weight'] = w
        G[u][v]['fuzzy'] = w

    print("Applying Fuzzy Algorithm for %s" % fname)
    start_time = time.time()
    shortest_path_T = Fuzzy.Fuzzy_CPM(G)
    elapsed_time = time.time() - start_time
    F_V[parse_file(fname)] = float(elapsed_time)

    print("Applying Modified Fuzzy Algorithm for %s" % fname)
    start_time = time.time()
    shortest_path_T = Fuzzy.modified_Fuzzy(G)
예제 #4
    visited = set()
    # prioritize nodes from start -> node with the shortest distance!
    ## elements stored as tuples (distance, node)
    pq = PriorityQueue()

    # dist[start] = 0  # dist from start -> start is zero
    pq.put((dist[start], start))

    while 0 != pq.qsize():
        curr_cost, curr = pq.get()
        # look at curr's adjacent nodes
        for neighbor in dict(rev.adjacency()).get(curr):
            # if we found a shorter path
            path = max(0, dist[curr] - cost(curr, neighbor))
            if path < dist[neighbor]:
                # update the distance, we found a shorter one!
                dist[neighbor] = path
                # update the previous node to be prev on new shortest path
                prev[neighbor] = curr
                pq.put((dist[neighbor], neighbor))
    return backtrace(prev, start, end), dist

if __name__ == "__main__":
    fnames = os.listdir('data')
    G = load('data/%s' % fnames[0])
    Gi = load('data/%s' % fnames[0], True)
    print("Applying Dijkstra Algorithm")
    print(dijkstra(G, 0, len(G.nodes()) - 1))