def newSprintPost(handler, p_project, p_name, p_start, p_end, p_members = None, p_private = False, p_hidden = False): def die(msg): print msg done() handler.wrappers = False p_project = int(p_project) if not handler.session['user']: die("You must be logged in to create a new sprint") project = Project.load(p_project) if not project: die("Unknown project ID: %d" % p_project) if p_name == '': die("The sprint name cannot be empty") try: start = re.match("^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})$", p_start) if not start: raise ValueError month, day, year = map(int, start.groups()) start = datetime(year, month, day) except ValueError: die("Malformed start date: %s" % stripTags(p_start)) try: end = re.match("^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})$", p_end) if not end: raise ValueError month, day, year = map(int, end.groups()) end = datetime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59) except ValueError: die("Malformed end date: %s" % stripTags(p_end)) msg = Sprint.validateDates(start, end) if msg: die(msg) members = set(User.load(int(memberid)) for memberid in p_members) if None in members: die("Unknown username") if handler.session['user'] not in members: die("The scrummaster (%s) must be a sprint member" % handler.session['user']) sprint = Sprint(, p_name, handler.session['user'].id, dateToTs(start), dateToTs(end)) sprint.members |= members if p_private or p_hidden: sprint.flags.add('private') if p_hidden: sprint.flags.add('hidden') # Make a default 'Miscellaneous' group so there's something to add tasks to Group(, 'Miscellaneous', 1, False).save() # Make the standard set of sprint goals Goal.newSet(sprint) handler.responseCode = 299 print "/sprints/%d" % Event.newSprint(handler, sprint)
def __init__(self): goal1 = Goal("Eat", 4) goal2 = Goal("Sleep", 3) self.goals = [goal1, goal2] self.action_index = -1 game_state = self # actions action1 = Action("Get raw food", [{ "goal": goal1, "insistance_change": -4 }], -3) action2 = Action("Sleep in bed", [{ "goal": goal2, "insistance_change": -2 }], -3) action3 = Action("Get snack", [{ "goal": goal1, "insistance_change": -2 }], -2) self.base_action = Action("No action", [], 0) self.actions = [action1, action2, action3] self.strength = 5
def __init__(self): goal1 = Goal("Health", 4) goal2 = Goal("Have fun!", 3) self.goals = [goal1, goal2] self.action_index = -1 game_state = self # actions action1 = Action("Go out for dinner", [{ "goal": goal1, "insistance_change": -4 }], -3) action2 = Action("Party!!", [{ "goal": goal2, "insistance_change": -2 }], -3) action3 = Action("Eat at home", [{ "goal": goal1, "insistance_change": -2 }], -2) self.base_action = Action("No action", [], 0) self.actions = [action1, action2, action3] = 5
def add(self, idx=-1, goalName="", envName="", newDefinition="", newCategory="Maintain", newPriority="Low", newFitCriterion="None", newIssue="None", newOriginator=""): envName = self.envCombo.GetValue() parentGoalName = self.goalCombo.GetValue() ep = GoalEnvironmentProperties( envName, '', newDefinition, newCategory, newPriority, newFitCriterion, newIssue, [(parentGoalName, 'goal', 'and', 'No', 'None')]) g = Goal(-1, goalName, newOriginator, [], [ep]) gp = GoalParameters(goalName, newOriginator, [], [ep]) g.setId(self.dbProxy.addGoal(gp)) if (idx != -1): self.goals.insert(idx, g) else: self.goals.append(g) return g
def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_w, self.screen_h)) self.fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 2D array containing arrays, to store object in the secotrs and optimise collisions self.sectors = [[[] for j in range(ceil(self.screen_h / self.sector_size)) ] for i in range(ceil(self.screen_w / self.sector_size))] # create goals screen_margin = (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2 self.goal_left = Goal(self, self.pitch_color_1, (self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 6 / 16, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 10 / 16, 50, -1) self.goal_right = Goal( self, self.pitch_color_2, self.pitch_w + (self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 6 / 16, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 10 / 16, 50, 0) self.team_right = Team(self, self.team1_color, self.goal_right, 1) self.team_left = Team(self, self.team2_color, self.goal_left, -1) self.start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks()
def getTrophies(self) : goalsCompleted = [] if self.error == True : return jsonify(error="Run not found") # Retrieve all uncompleted user goals params = urllib.parse.urlencode({"where":json.dumps({ "completed" : False, "userObjectID" : self.userId })}) try : connection.request('GET', '/1/classes/TrophyInformation?%s' % params, '', { "X-Parse-Application-Id": os.environ['RUNMATE_CONST_APPID'], "X-Parse-REST-API-Key": os.environ['RUNMATE_CONST_APIKEY'] }) trophyList = json.loads(connection.getresponse().read().decode('utf-8'))['results'] except http.client.RemoteDisconnected : return self.getTrophies() # Filter goals that shouldn't be considered for t in trophyList : goal = Goal(str(t['objectId'])) if self.checkTrophy(goal) : goalsCompleted.append(goal.setCompleted()) if goalsCompleted == [] : return jsonify(error="No goals completed") else : return jsonify(goals=goalsCompleted)
def setElements(self): self.goal = Goal((int(self.width / 2), int(self.height * 0.05))) # self.obstacles.append(Obstacle((0, 0, 255), (100, 300, 600, 30))) # # self.obstacles[0].show(self.background) self.population = Population( (int(self.width / 2), int(self.height * 0.95)), 1000, self.goal.getPosition())
def add(self,idx=-1,goalName="",envName="",newDefinition="",newCategory="Maintain", newPriority="Low", newFitCriterion="None", newIssue="None", newOriginator=""): envName = self.envCombo.GetValue() parentGoalName = self.goalCombo.GetValue() ep = GoalEnvironmentProperties(envName,'',newDefinition,newCategory,newPriority,newFitCriterion,newIssue,[(parentGoalName,'goal','and','No','None')]) g = Goal(-1,goalName,newOriginator,[ep]) gp = GoalParameters(goalName,newOriginator,[],[ep]) g.setId(self.dbProxy.addGoal(gp)) if (idx != -1): self.goals.insert(idx,g) else: self.goals.append(g) return g
def __init__(self, random_start = True, step_limit = None, ball_idle_limit = None, state_output_mode = 'pixels', rendering = True, frame_skip=4): self.action_space = ActionSpace([Action.up, Action.down, Action.forward, Action.backward, Action.nomoveshoot, Action.nomove]) self.step_limit = step_limit self.ball_idle_limit = ball_idle_limit self.state_output_mode = state_output_mode self.rendering = rendering self.ball_idle = 0 self.step_limit = step_limit if state_output_mode == 'pixels': self.rendering = True self.step_count = 0 self.random_start = random_start self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.scene = Scene(c_width, c_height) self.scene.add_object(Box(5, c_width - 5, 5, c_height - 5, 0)) self.scene.add_object(Disc(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, middle_field_radius, 10, 1, 1, Color.white).make_ghost().make_hollow().set_outer_color(Color.border)) self.scene.add_object(VerticalBorder(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, c_height - 2 * topbottom_margin, None).make_ghost()) self.scene.add_object(HorizontalBorder(c_width / 2, topbottom_margin, c_width - 2 * leftright_margin, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.up).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.scene.add_object(HorizontalBorder(c_width / 2, c_height - topbottom_margin, c_width - 2 * leftright_margin, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.down).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.scene.add_object(VerticalBorder(leftright_margin, (c_height / 2 - goal_length / 2 + topbottom_margin) / 2, c_height / 2 - topbottom_margin - goal_length / 2, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.left).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.scene.add_object(VerticalBorder(leftright_margin, c_height - (c_height / 2 - goal_length / 2 + topbottom_margin) / 2, c_height / 2 - topbottom_margin - goal_length / 2, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.left).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.scene.add_object(VerticalBorder(c_width - leftright_margin, (c_height / 2 - goal_length / 2 + topbottom_margin) / 2, c_height / 2 - topbottom_margin - goal_length / 2, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.right).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.scene.add_object(VerticalBorder(c_width - leftright_margin, c_height - (c_height / 2 - goal_length / 2 + topbottom_margin) / 2, c_height / 2 - topbottom_margin - goal_length / 2, border_restitution).extend_to(Way.right).set_collision_mask([Ball])) self.goal1 = Goal(leftright_margin, c_height / 2, Way.left, goal_length) self.goal2 = Goal(c_width - leftright_margin, c_height / 2, Way.right, goal_length) self.player1 = Player(120, c_height / 2, player_radius, player_mass, \ player_restitution, player_damping, player_kick_damping, player_kick_power, self.player2 = Player(c_width - 120, c_height / 2, player_radius, player_mass, \ player_restitution, player_damping, player_kick_damping, player_kick_power, self.ball = Ball(c_width / 2, c_height / 2, ball_radius, ball_mass, ball_restitution, ball_damping) self.scene.add_object(self.goal1) self.scene.add_object(self.goal2) self.scene.add_object(self.player1) self.scene.add_object(self.player2) self.scene.add_object(self.ball) self.sequence1 = StateSequence([84, 84, 4]) self.sequence2 = StateSequence([84, 84, 4])
def retrieve(name, todayMonth): rList = [] r_file = open('file/addgoals.txt', 'r') for rlist in r_file: list = rlist.split(',') savedate = list[6] savedateStr = savedate.split('-') dd = int(savedateStr[0]) mm = int(savedateStr[1]) yy = int(savedateStr[2]) print(mm) if list[0] == name and mm == todayMonth: goal = float(list[4]) saveTotal = retrieveHistory(list[0], list[5]) howmuchMore = goal - saveTotal howmuchMore = '%.2f' % howmuchMore monthly = 0.05 / 12 convert = monthly / 100 interest = saveTotal * convert i = '%.2f' % interest a = '%.2f' % goal s = Goal(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], a, list[5], list[6], list[7], howmuchMore, i, list[8], list[9], list[10]) rList.append(s) return rList
def __init__(self, width, height): Level.__init__(self, width, height) ##initialize blocks## boxtop = Terrain(20, -19, 40, 2, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxleft = Terrain(-1, -5, 2, 30, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxbottom = Terrain(20, 9, 40, 2, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxright = Terrain(41, -5, 2, 30, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) barrbottom = Terrain(15, -6, 6, 1, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) barrright = Terrain(18.5, -11, 1, 10, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) goal = Goal(38, -15.5, 1, 5, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) tramp1 = Trampoline(7, 7, 6, 1, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) tramp2 = Trampoline(36, 7, 6, 1, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) tramp3 = Trampoline(32, -8, 6, 1, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) tramp4 = Trampoline(36, -23, 6, 1, 0, 0, 100, self, .5) p = Player(2, 5, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) g = GoalBlock(16.5, -7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, self, 0.5) self.add_elem(p) self.add_elem(barrbottom) self.add_elem(barrright) self.add_elem(tramp1) self.add_elem(tramp2) self.add_elem(tramp3) self.add_elem(tramp4) self.add_elem(g) self.add_elem(boxtop) self.add_elem(boxright) self.add_elem(boxbottom) self.add_elem(boxleft) self.add_elem(goal)
def put_goal(self, command): #PutGoal <lowercase_goal_name_without_spaces> <lowercase_description_without_spaces> elements = command.split() name = elements[1].lower() description = "dummy_description" goal = Goal.build_new_goal(name, description)
def __init__(self): if self.isMember(): filePath = "./user/profile.txt" f = open(filePath, "r") s = f.readlines() = s[0].split('\n')[0] self.gender = s[1].split('\n')[0] self.birth = s[2].split('\n')[0] self.currentDate = s[3].split('\n')[0] self.height = s[4].split('\n')[0] self.weight = s[5].split('\n')[0] self.goal = Goal(self) self.workOut = WorkOut(self.gender) self.activity = Activity() f.close() else: = None self.gender = None self.birth = None self.currentDate = None self.height = None self.weight = None self.goal = None self.workOut = None self.activity = None
def __init__(self, width, height): Level.__init__(self, width, height) ##initialize blocks## boxtop = Terrain(20, -19, 40, 2, 0, 0,100, self, 0.5) boxleft= Terrain(-1,-5,2,30,0,0,100,self,0.5) boxbottom= Terrain(27.0,9.0,54.0,2.0,0.0,0.0,100,self,0.5) boxright= Terrain(55,-5,2,30,0,0,100,self,0.5) goal= Goal(53,5,1,5,0,0,100,self,0.5) b = Block(2, 2, 4, 1, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) c = Player(7, 5, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) d = Block(4, 2, 4, 1, 0, 5, 2, self, 0.5) a = GoalBlock(4, 5, 2, 2, 0, 5, 2, self, 0.5) m = Trampoline(30, -4, 2, 1, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) e = Spike(30.0, 7.5, 41.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100, self, 0.1) f = Spike(29.0, 6.5, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 100, self, 0.1) self.add_elem(c) self.add_elem(m) self.add_elem(b) self.add_elem(a) self.add_elem(d) self.add_elem(e) self.add_elem(f) self.add_elem(boxtop) self.add_elem(boxright) self.add_elem(boxbottom) self.add_elem(boxleft) self.add_elem(goal)
def __init__(self, frame_skip = 2): height = 400 width = 600 goal_length = 300 self.scene = Scene(width, height) self.frame_skip = frame_skip self.ball_idle = 0 self.ball_idle_limit = 3 self.action_space = ActionSpace([Action.up, Action.down, Action.nomoveshoot]) = Box(0, width, 0, height, 0) self.goal1 = Goal(leftright_margin, height / 2, Way.left, goal_length) self.player1 = Player(80, height / 2, player_radius, player_mass, \ player_restitution, player_damping, player_kick_damping, player_kick_power, self.ball = Ball(width - 100, height / 2, ball_radius, ball_mass, ball_restitution, ball_damping) self.penalty_spot = Disc(,, 4, 0, 0, 0, # self.player_border_left = VerticalBorder(50, height / 2, height, 0, visible=True) # self.player_border_right = VerticalBorder(100, height / 2, height, 0, visible=True) self.scene.add_object(self.goal1) self.scene.add_object(self.player1) self.scene.add_object(self.ball) self.scene.add_object(self.penalty_spot) self.scene.add_object( self.reset()
def taskEditPost(handler, ids, p_hours, p_status, p_goal, p_assigned=[], p_include={}): handler.title("Edit tasks") requirePriv(handler, "Write") allIDs = map(int, uniq(ids.split(","))) ids = map(lambda i: to_int(i, "include", ErrorBox.die), p_include.keys()) if not set(ids) <= set(allIDs): ErrorBox.die("Included tasks don't match query arguments") tasks = dict((id, Task.load(id)) for id in ids) if not all(tasks.values()): ids = [str(id) for (id, task) in tasks.iteritems() if not task] ErrorBox.die( "No %s with %s %s" % ("task" if len(ids) == 1 else "tasks", "ID" if len(ids) == 1 else "IDs", ", ".join(ids)) ) tasks = [tasks[id] for id in ids] if len(set(task.sprint for task in tasks)) > 1: ErrorBox.die("All tasks must be in the same sprint") sprint = (tasks[0] if len(tasks) > 0 else Task.load(allIDs[0])).sprint if sprint.isHidden(handler.session["user"]): ErrorBox.die( "No %s with %s %s" % ("task" if len(ids) == 1 else "tasks", "ID" if len(ids) == 1 else "IDs", ", ".join(ids)) ) if not sprint.canEdit(handler.session["user"]): ErrorBox.die("You don't have permission to modify this sprint") assignedids = set(to_int(i, "assigned", ErrorBox.die) for i in p_assigned) changes = { "assigned": False if assignedids == set() else {User.load(assignedid) for assignedid in assignedids}, "hours": False if p_hours == "" else int(p_hours), "status": False if p_status == "" else p_status, "goal": False if p_goal == "" else Goal.load(int(p_goal)), } if changes["assigned"] and not all(changes["assigned"]): ErrorBox.die("Invalid assignee") if changes["assigned"] and not set(changes["assigned"]).issubset(sprint.members): ErrorBox.die("Unable to assign tasks to non-sprint members") if changes["goal"] and changes["goal"].sprint != sprint: ErrorBox.die("Unable to set goal to a goal outside the sprint") changed = set() for task in tasks: for field, value in changes.iteritems(): if value is not False and getattr(task, field) != value: setattr(task, field, value) changed.add(task) Event.taskUpdate(handler, task, field, value) if len(changed) == 0: delay(handler, WarningBox("No changes necessary", close=3, fixed=True)) else: for task in changed: task.saveRevision(handler.session["user"]) delay(handler, SuccessBox("Updated %d %s" % (len(changed), "task" if len(changed) == 1 else "tasks"))) redirect("/sprints/%d" %
def addGoal(self, _model, _goalInformation, _startDate, _dueDate): goalList = _model.getGoalList() #retrieves goalList from the model gid = _model.getNewGID() #retreieves a new goal id from the model goal = Goal(gid, _goalInformation, _startDate, _dueDate) #create new Goal object using _goalInformation goalList.append(goal) #append new Goal to goalList _model.setGoalList(goalList) #sets the updated goallist in the model return _model #returns the model
def newTaskPost(handler, p_group, p_name, p_goal, p_status, p_hours, p_assigned=[]): def die(msg): print msg done() requirePriv(handler, "User") handler.wrappers = False groupid = to_int(p_group, "group", die) group = Group.load(groupid) if not group or group.sprint.isHidden(handler.session["user"]): die("No group with ID <b>%d</b>" % groupid) sprint = group.sprint if not (sprint.isActive() or sprint.isPlanning()): die("Unable to modify inactive sprint") elif not sprint.canEdit(handler.session["user"]): die("You don't have permission to modify this sprint") if p_name.strip() == "": die("Task must have a non-empty name") assignedids = set(to_int(i, "assigned", die) for i in p_assigned) assigned = set(User.load(assignedid) for assignedid in assignedids) if assigned == set(): assigned.add(handler.session["user"] if handler.session["user"] in sprint.members else sprint.owner) if not all(assigned): die("Invalid assignee") goalid = to_int(p_goal, "goal", die) if goalid != 0: goal = Goal.load(goalid) if not goal: die("No goal with ID <b>%d</b>" % goalid) if goal.sprint != group.sprint: die("Goal does not belong to the correct sprint") hours = to_int(p_hours, "hours", die) task = Task(groupid, group.sprintid, handler.session["user"].id, goalid, p_name, p_status, hours) task.assigned |= assigned handler.responseCode = 299 delay( handler, """ <script type=\"text/javascript\"> $(document).ready(function() { $('#task%d').effect('highlight', {}, 3000); }); </script>""" %, ) delay(handler, SuccessBox("Added task <b>%s</b>" %, close=3, fixed=True)) Event.newTask(handler, task)
def processUser(userid): usersList = [] user_file = open('file/addgoals.txt', 'r') for ulist in user_file: list = ulist.split(',') if list[0] == userid: s = Goal(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], int(list[4]), list[5], list[6], list[7], list[8], list[9], list[10]) usersList.append(s) return usersList
def countUser(userid): countList = [] user_file = open('file/addgoals.txt', 'r') for ulist in user_file: list = ulist.split(',') today = if list[0] == userid and list[8] == 'A': s = Goal(list[0], list[1], list[2], list[3], int(list[4]), list[5], list[6], list[7], list[8], list[9], list[10]) countList.append(s) return countList
def addGoal(self): ''' @param: None @return: None @purpose: Creates a Goal object and then appends it to the goalList ''' newGID = self.getNewGID() #gets a new id self.goalList.append( Goal(newGID)) #appends a new goal with the new id to the goallist return newGID #returns the new gid
def add_Racers(self, players, positions): ''' Takes in players; a dictionary of the players. positions, a list of integer postions for the turtle's track lines ''' self.racers = [ ] # Keeps track of the turtles that are created to be racers with open('src/score.txt', 'w') as edit: # Creates the stats sheet i = 0 # Match the positions with the players for player in players.keys(): new_turtle = Turtle(player, players[player]) new_turtle.setpos(positions[i], 30) new_turtle.write(, font=("Verdana", 8, "bold"), align='center', move=False) new_turtle.showturtle() new_goal = Goal() new_goal.color(new_turtle.col) new_goal.setpos(positions[i], self.s.window_height() - 50) self.racers.append(new_turtle) # Append the new racer self.player_scores[player] = 0 # Write the turtle's name in the stats sheet edit.write(player + ' 0 \n') i += 1 # Increment the index for the position
def __init__(self, width, height): Level.__init__(self, width, height) ##initialize blocks## boxtop = Terrain(20, -19, 40, 2, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxleft = Terrain(-1, -5, 2, 30, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxbottom = Terrain(20, 9, 40, 2, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) boxright = Terrain(41, -5, 2, 30, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) goal = Goal(38, 5, 1, 5, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) b10 = Block(1, 7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b20 = Block(3, 7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b30 = Block(5, 7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b40 = Block(7, 7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b50 = Block(9, 7, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b11 = Block(1, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b21 = Block(3, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b31 = Block(5, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b41 = Block(7, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b51 = Block(9, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b12 = Block(1, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b22 = Block(3, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b32 = Block(5, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b42 = Block(7, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) b52 = Block(9, 3, 2, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) p = Player(15, 5, 1, 2, 0, 0, 1, self, 0.5) g = GoalBlock(17, 5, 2, 2, 0, 0, 2, self, 0.5) barrier = Terrain(35, -3, 1, 22, 0, 0, 100, self, 0.5) self.add_elem(p) self.add_elem(b10) self.add_elem(b20) self.add_elem(b30) self.add_elem(b40) self.add_elem(b50) self.add_elem(b11) self.add_elem(b21) self.add_elem(b31) self.add_elem(b41) self.add_elem(b51) self.add_elem(b12) self.add_elem(b22) self.add_elem(b32) self.add_elem(b42) self.add_elem(b52) self.add_elem(barrier) self.add_elem(g) self.add_elem(boxtop) self.add_elem(boxright) self.add_elem(boxbottom) self.add_elem(boxleft) self.add_elem(goal)
def __init__(self, numPlayers, mapInstance): self.endGame = False self.num = 0 self.numPlayers = numPlayers self.turnList = list(range(1, numPlayers + 1)) random.shuffle(self.turnList) self.numTerritories = mapInstance.numTerritories self.players = [] for k in range(0, numPlayers): self.players.append(Player(k + 1, mapInstance, self)) # assigns player goals self.goal = Goal(mapInstance, self) for k in range(0, numPlayers): self.players[k].obj = Objective(self.goal, self.players[k]) self.id_turnList = 0 = mapInstance self.list_phase = ["Placement", "Attack", "Movement"] self.phase = 0 self._player_ = self.turnList[self.id_turnList]
def __init__(self, inpParam=None, outParam=None, functionToCall=None, feasibleVal=0.0, tolerance=1.0E-6, maxLoops=40, failValue=None): '''Initialize parameter properties @param inpParam: input parameter object (InputParam) @param outParam: output parameter object (OutputParam) @param functionToCall: function using InputParam to calc OutputParam (callable) @param feasibleVal: feasible value that OutputParam Must have (float) @param tolerance: allowable error of OutputParam.val (float) @param maxLoops: maximum loops in root solver @param failValue: returned value if solution attempt fails, (if not input use inpParam.minVal) ''' self.inpParam = inpParam #: InputParam object self.outParam = outParam #: OutputParam object self.functionToCall = functionToCall #: function using InputParam to calc OutputParam self.feasibleVal = floatDammit( feasibleVal) #: feasable value of OutputParam.val self.tolerance = floatDammit( tolerance) #: allowable error of OutputParam.val self.maxLoops = intDammit(maxLoops) #: maximum loops in root solver if failValue == None: failValue = inpParam.minVal self.failValue = failValue #: returned value if solution attempt fails self.G = Goal(goalVal=feasibleVal, minX=inpParam.minVal, maxX=inpParam.maxVal, funcOfX=self.feasibleFunc, tolerance=tolerance, maxLoops=maxLoops, failValue=failValue)
def assignGroupGoalPost(handler, id, p_goal): def die(msg): print msg done() handler.title('Manage Group') requirePriv(handler, 'User') handler.wrappers = False id = int(id) group = Group.load(id) if not group: ErrorBox.die('Invalid Group', "No group with ID <b>%d</b>" % id) if p_goal == '0': goal = None else: goal = Goal.load(int(p_goal)) if not goal: ErrorBox.die('Invalid Goal', "No goal with ID <b>%d</b>" % int(p_goal)) elif not goal.sprint == group.sprint: ErrorBox.die('Invalid Goal', "Selected goal is not part of the correct sprint") for task in group.getTasks(): if task.goal != goal: task.goal = goal if task.creator == handler.session['user'] and (dateToTs(getNow()) - task.timestamp) < 5*60: else: task.saveRevision(handler.session['user']) #TODO Event # NO redirect("/sprints/%d#group%d" % (group.sprintid,
# load a path file #p = Path("Path-around-table.json") p = Path("Path-around-table-and-back.json") #p = Path("Path-from-bed.json") #p = Path("Path-to-bed.json") path = p.getPath() print("Path length = " + str(len(path))) print("First point = " + str(path[0]['X']) + ", " + str(path[0]['Y'])) # make a robot to move around robot = Robot() converter = AngleConverter() pathHandler = PathHandler() navigator = Navigator() goal = Goal() #### Intialize variables position = robot.getPosition() speed = 0.25 heading = 0 nextPoint = 0 dropOut = 0 lookAheadDistance = 0.85 while (goal.notGoal(position, nextPoint, path)): ### get current status (position, heading) position = robot.getPosition() heading = converter.convertToDegree(robot.getHeading())
def __init__(self, gameInfo): """Méthode pour initialiser le but""" Goal.__init__(self, gameInfo) self.goalString = "KillAnyone"
def sprintPost(handler, sprintid, p_id, p_rev_id, p_field, p_value): def die(msg): print msg done() handler.wrappers = False sprintid = to_int(sprintid, 'sprintid', die) p_id = to_int(p_id, 'id', die) p_rev_id = to_int(p_rev_id, 'rev_id', die) if not handler.session['user']: die("You must be logged in to modify tasks") sprint = Sprint.load(sprintid) if not sprint or sprint.isHidden(handler.session['user']): die("There is no sprint with ID %d" % sprintid) elif not (sprint.isActive() or sprint.isPlanning()): die("Unable to modify inactive sprint") elif not sprint.canEdit(handler.session['user']): die("You don't have permission to modify this sprint") # Special case group moves; p_id is the group ID, not task task = None if p_field != 'groupmove': task = Task.load(p_id) if not task: die("Task %d does not exist" % p_id) if task.sprint != sprint: die("Attempting to modify task outside the specified sprint") if task.revision != p_rev_id: #TODO Implement collision support die("Collision with %s detected. Changes not saved" % task.creator) if p_value.strip() == '': die("Value cannot be empty") if p_field in ['status', 'name', 'goal', 'assigned', 'hours', 'deleted']: for case in switch(p_field): if case('status') or case('name'): parsedValue = p_value break elif case('goal'): parsedValue = None if p_value != '0': parsedValue = Goal.load(to_int(p_value, 'goal', die)) if not parsedValue: die("Unknown goal: <b>%s</b>" % stripTags(p_value)) if parsedValue.sprint != sprint: die("Attempting to use goal outside the specified sprint") break elif case('assigned'): parsedValue = set(User.load(username = username) for username in p_value.split(' ')) if not all(parsedValue): die("Unknown user(s): <b>%s</b>" % stripTags(p_value)) break elif case('hours'): parsedValue = int(p_value) break elif case('deleted'): parsedValue = True if p_value == 'true' else False if p_value == 'false' else die("Bad value for field 'deleted'") break if task.__getattribute__(p_field) != parsedValue: # Only save if the field has changed task.__setattr__(p_field, parsedValue) # Is this within the 5-minute window, by the same user? # If we're in pre-planning, the task's timestamp will be in the future, so (ts - task.timestamp) will be negative, which satisfies the check if task.creator == handler.session['user'] and (dateToTs(getNow()) - task.timestamp) < 5*60: else: task.saveRevision(handler.session['user']) Event.taskUpdate(handler, task, p_field, parsedValue) elif p_field == 'taskmove': if ':' not in p_value: die("Malformed value") newGroupID, newSeq = map(lambda i: to_int(i, 'value', die), p_value.split(':', 1)) newGroup = Group.load(newGroupID) if not newGroup: die("No group with ID %d" % newGroupID) maxSeq = len(Task.loadAll(groupid = if != newGroup: maxSeq += 1 if not 1 <= newSeq <= maxSeq: die("Bad sequence number") task.move(newSeq, newGroup) elif p_field == 'groupmove': group = Group.load(p_id) if not group: die("Group %d does not exist" % p_id) if group.sprint != sprint: die("Attempting to modify group outside the specified sprint") newSeq = to_int(p_value, 'value', die) if not 1 <= newSeq <= len(sprint.getGroups()): die("Bad sequence number") group.move(newSeq) else: die("Unexpected field name: %s" % stripTags(p_field)) handler.responseCode = 299 if task is not None: print task.revision
def sprintInfoPost(handler, id, p_name, p_start, p_end, p_goals, p_members = None, p_clear = [], p_private = False, p_hidden = False): def die(msg): print msg done() handler.wrappers = False if not handler.session['user']: die("You must be logged in to modify sprint info") id = to_int(id, 'id', die) p_members = to_int(p_members, 'members', die) sprint = Sprint.load(id) if not sprint or sprint.isHidden(handler.session['user']): die("There is no sprint with ID %d" % id) if sprint.owner != handler.session['user']: die("You must be the scrummaster to modify sprint information") try: start = re.match("^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})$", p_start) if not start: raise ValueError month, day, year = map(int, start.groups()) start = datetime(year, month, day, 0, 0, 0) except ValueError: die("Malformed start date: %s" % stripTags(p_start)) try: end = re.match("^(\d{1,2})/(\d{1,2})/(\d{4})$", p_end) if not end: raise ValueError month, day, year = map(int, end.groups()) end = datetime(year, month, day, 23, 59, 59) except ValueError: die("Malformed end date: %s" % stripTags(p_end)) msg = Sprint.validateDates(start, end, tsToDate(sprint.start), tsToDate(sprint.end)) if msg: die(msg) goals = map(Goal.load, to_int(p_goals.keys(), 'goals', die)) if not all(goals): die("One or more goals do not exist") members = set(map(User.load, p_members)) if p_members else set() if not all(members): die("One or more members do not exist") if sprint.owner not in members: die("The scrummaster (%s) must be a sprint member" % sprint.owner) tasks = sprint.getTasks() changedTasks = set() avail = Availability(sprint) addMembers = set(members) - set(sprint.members) delMembers = set(sprint.members) - set(members) for user in delMembers: for task in filter(lambda task: user in task.assigned, tasks): print "Removing %s from %d<br>" % (user, task.assigned -= {user} if len(task.assigned) == 0: print "Adding %s to %d<br>" % (sprint.owner, task.assigned = {sprint.owner} changedTasks.add(task) avail.delete(user) sprint.members -= {user} # For event dispatching changes = OrderedDict([ ('name', None if == p_name else p_name), ('start', None if tsToDate(sprint.start) == start else start), ('end', None if tsToDate(sprint.end) == end else end), ('addMembers', addMembers), ('delMembers', delMembers), # Updated later ('addGoals', []), ('removeGoals', []), ('addFlags', []), ('removeFlags', []), ]) sprint.members |= addMembers = p_name p_private = (p_private or p_hidden) # Hidden implies Private for flagName, flagValue in (('private', p_private), ('hidden', p_hidden)): if flagValue and flagName not in sprint.flags: sprint.flags.add(flagName) changes['addFlags'].append(flagName) elif not flagValue and flagName in sprint.flags: sprint.flags.remove(flagName) changes['removeFlags'].append(flagName) if dateToTs(start) != sprint.start or dateToTs(end) != sprint.end: sprint.start = dateToTs(start) sprint.end = dateToTs(end) avail.trim() for id in p_goals: goal = Goal.load(int(id)) if != p_goals[id]: if changes['removeGoals'].append( if p_goals[id]: changes['addGoals'].append(p_goals[id]) = p_goals[id] if start: for task in sprint.getTasks(includeDeleted = True): for rev in task.getRevisions(): if rev.timestamp < sprint.start: rev.timestamp = sprint.start else: break for task in changedTasks: if task.timestamp < sprint.start: task.timestamp = sprint.start if p_clear: ids = [to_int(goalid, 'p_clear', die) for goalid in p_clear] for task in tasks: if task.goal and in ids: task.goal = None changedTasks.add(task) for task in changedTasks: print "Saving new revision for %d<br>" % task.saveRevision(handler.session['user']) handler.responseCode = 299 delay(handler, SuccessBox("Updated info", close = 3, fixed = True)) Event.sprintInfoUpdate(handler, sprint, changes)
def __init__(self, gameInfo): """Méthode pour initialiser le but""" Goal.__init__(self, gameInfo) self.goalString = "KillSpecificDefender"
from Goal import Goal from Action import Action from GameState import GameState working = True if working: goal1 = Goal("Get a high distinction", 1) goal2 = Goal("Have fun!",5) goal3 = Goal("Sleep",0) goals = [goal1,goal2,goal3] game_state = GameState(goals) #actions action1 = Action("Study...",game_state,[ {"goal":goal1,"insistance_change": -2}, {"goal":goal2,"insistance_change": 1}, {"goal":goal3,"insistance_change": 3}, ]) action2 = Action("Party!!",game_state,[ {"goal":goal2,"insistance_change": -3}, {"goal":goal3,"insistance_change": 3}, ]) action3 = Action("Go to bed",game_state,[ {"goal":goal3,"insistance_change": -7}, ]) actions = [action1, action2, action3] else: goal1 = Goal("Get a high distinction", 10) goal2 = Goal("Sleep", 3)
#Check mainly if isComplete properly returns false for y def test_SubGoal_isComplete(): assert x.isComplete() assert not (y.isComplete()) #Check if the string representations are correct def test_SubGoal_toString(): assert "Name: test | Status: Complete" == x.toString() assert "Name: test | Status: Incomplete" == y.toString() #Test Goals a = Goal(1) b = Goal(2) c = Goal(3) #Update all the goals and assert information from the dictionaries def test_update(): a.update(agoalInformation) b.update(bgoalInformation) c.update(cgoalInformation) assert == agoalInformation["name"] assert b.category == bgoalInformation["category"] assert c.priority == cgoalInformation["priority"] assert a.memo == agoalInformation["memo"] assert a.initialDueDate == agoalInformation["dueDate"] c.update(bgoalInformation)
def __init__(self, gameInfo): """Methode pour initialiser le but""" Goal.__init__(self, gameInfo) self.goalString = "BringBackEnemyFlag"
def prepare_new_goal(self): new_goal_refinements = [ [ "PreventUnauthorised Certificate Access", "goal", "or", "No", "None" ] ] new_subgoal_refinements = [ [ "PreventUnauthorised Certificate Access", "goal", "or", "No", "None" ] ] new_goal_props = [ GoalEnvironmentProperties( environmentName=self.existing_environment_name_1, lbl='Test 1', definition='This is a first test property', category=self.existing_category, priority='Medium', fitCriterion='None', issue='None', goalRefinements=new_goal_refinements, subGoalRefinements=new_subgoal_refinements, concs=[],cas=[] ), GoalEnvironmentProperties( environmentName=self.existing_environment_name_2, lbl='Test 2', definition='This is a second test property', category=self.existing_category, priority='Low', fitCriterion='None', issue='Test issue', goalRefinements=new_goal_refinements, subGoalRefinements=new_subgoal_refinements, concs=[],cas=[] ) ] new_goal = Goal( goalId=-1, goalName='Test goal', goalOrig='', tags=['test', 'test123'], environmentProperties=[] ) new_goal.theEnvironmentProperties = new_goal_props new_goal.theEnvironmentDictionary = {} new_goal.theGoalPropertyDictionary = {} delattr(new_goal, 'theEnvironmentDictionary') delattr(new_goal, 'theGoalPropertyDictionary') return new_goal
def deserialize_goal(dict): goal = Goal(dict['theId'], dict['theName'], dict['theOriginator'], dict['theTags'], dict['theEnvironmentProperties']) return goal
# Create an object to help track time clock = pygame.time.Clock() # Objects board = Board(50, 50, 16, 32, 0, STANDARD_COLOR) # Player sprite player = Player(board) player.rect.x = 25 player.rect.y = 25 # Sprite list sprite_list = pygame.sprite.Group() # Fruits sprite fruit_list = [] for i in range(80): grape = Grape(board, player) fruit_list.append(grape) sprite_list.add(grape) # Goal for i in range(10): goal = Goal(board, player) fruit_list.append(goal) sprite_list.add(goal) player_movement = 3 sprite_list.add(player)
def getGoals(self): from Goal import Goal return Goal.loadAll(sprintid =
class GameEngine(object): # object containing Game's data screen_w = 1100 screen_h = int(screen_w / 1.57) pitch_w = int(screen_w * 0.8) pitch_h = int(pitch_w / 1.57) back_color = (164, 143, 91) pitch_color_1 = (113, 152, 63) pitch_color_2 = (134, 185, 80) border_width = 2 border_color = (174, 202, 137) sector_size = 50 fps = 60 bots_timer = 0 test_mode = False wall_bounce = 1.0 goal_delay = 2000 # in miliseconds start_delay = 2000 # in miliseconds delay_counter = 0 play_mode = 1 # play_mode flags states: # play_mode = 0 => game running # play_mode = -2 => game freezed, players and ball not set on the right positions, waiting time not initialized (set after goal score) # play_mode = -1 => game freezed, players and ball not set on the right positions, waiting time initialized (set after goal score and -2 state) # play_mode = 1 => game freezed, players and ball set on the right positions, waiting time not initialized (set at the beginning of the game and after -1 state (after goal score cooldown)) # play_mode = 2 => game freezed, players and ball set on the right positions, waiting time initialized (set after 1 state; after time counter drops to 0, game starts) balls = [] # list containing balls players = [] # list containing players team1_color = (0, 0, 255) team2_color = (255, 0, 0) def __init__(self): pygame.init() self.screen = pygame.display.set_mode((self.screen_w, self.screen_h)) self.fps_clock = pygame.time.Clock() # 2D array containing arrays, to store object in the secotrs and optimise collisions self.sectors = [[[] for j in range(ceil(self.screen_h / self.sector_size)) ] for i in range(ceil(self.screen_w / self.sector_size))] # create goals screen_margin = (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2 self.goal_left = Goal(self, self.pitch_color_1, (self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 6 / 16, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 10 / 16, 50, -1) self.goal_right = Goal( self, self.pitch_color_2, self.pitch_w + (self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 6 / 16, screen_margin + self.pitch_h * 10 / 16, 50, 0) self.team_right = Team(self, self.team1_color, self.goal_right, 1) self.team_left = Team(self, self.team2_color, self.goal_left, -1) self.start_time = pygame.time.get_ticks() def reset(self): pygame.quit() if self.team_left.score > self.team_right.score: print('Team red won!') elif self.team_left.score < self.team_right.score: print('Team blue won!') else: print('It is a tie!') del self.sectors[:] del self.goal_left del self.goal_right del self.team_right del self.team_left del self.balls[:] del self.players[:] def draw_background(self): # draw backgroud self.screen.fill(self.back_color) # draw score font = pygame.font.Font(pygame.font.get_default_font(), 30) score_left = font.render(str(self.team_left.score), True, self.team_left.color) score_right = font.render(str(self.team_right.score), True, self.team_right.color) self.screen.blit(score_left, ((self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 4, (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 4)) self.screen.blit(score_right, (self.pitch_w + (self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) * 3 / 4, (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 4)) # draw status message if self.play_mode == -1: status_message = font.render('GOAL!', True, (0, 0, 0)) status_message_rect = status_message.get_rect( center=(self.screen_w / 2, (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 4)) self.screen.blit(status_message, status_message_rect) elif self.play_mode == 2 and self.delay_counter < 500: status_message = font.render('PLAY!', True, (0, 0, 0)) status_message_rect = status_message.get_rect( center=(self.screen_w / 2, (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 4)) self.screen.blit(status_message, status_message_rect) # measure time time = pygame.time.get_ticks() - self.start_time # draw time time_message = font.render( str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=int(time / 1000)))[-5:], True, (0, 0, 0)) time_message_rect = time_message.get_rect( center=(self.screen_w / 2, self.pitch_h + (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) * 3 / 4)) self.screen.blit(time_message, time_message_rect) # draw pitch border pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.border_color, \ ((self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2 - self.border_width, \ (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2 - self.border_width, \ self.pitch_w + self.border_width * 2 - 1, \ self.pitch_h + self.border_width * 2 - 1), \ self.border_width) # draw pitch stripes for i in range(0, 10): if i % 2: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.pitch_color_1, \ ((self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2 + i * self.pitch_w / 10, \ (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2, self.pitch_w / 10, \ self.pitch_h)) else: pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.pitch_color_2, \ ((self.screen_w - self.pitch_w) / 2 + i * self.pitch_w / 10, \ (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2, self.pitch_w / 10, \ self.pitch_h)) ### draw pitch lines # middle line pygame.draw.rect(self.screen, self.border_color, \ ((self.screen_w / 2) - self.border_width + 1, \ (self.screen_h - self.pitch_h) / 2, \ self.border_width * 2, self.pitch_h)) # circle pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, \ int(self.screen_w / 2), \ int(self.screen_h / 2), \ int(self.pitch_w / 8), self.border_color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, \ int(self.screen_w / 2), \ int(self.screen_h / 2), \ int(self.pitch_w / 8 - 1), self.border_color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, \ int(self.screen_w / 2), \ int(self.screen_h / 2), \ int(self.pitch_w / 8 - 2), self.border_color) # dot pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, \ int(self.screen_w / 2), \ int(self.screen_h / 2), \ self.border_width * 3, self.border_color) # draw goals and borders pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, self.border_color, (self.goal_left.get_px() - self.border_width, self.goal_left.get_py() - self.border_width, self.goal_left.get_width() + self.border_width - 1, self.goal_left.get_height() + self.border_width * 2 - 1), self.border_width) pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, self.goal_left.color, (self.goal_left.get_px(), self.goal_left.get_py(), self.goal_left.get_width(), self.goal_left.get_height())) pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, self.border_color, (self.goal_right.get_px(), self.goal_right.get_py() - self.border_width, self.goal_right.get_width() + self.border_width - 1, self.goal_right.get_height() + self.border_width * 2 - 1), self.border_width) pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, self.goal_right.color, (self.goal_right.get_px(), self.goal_right.get_py(), self.goal_right.get_width(), self.goal_right.get_height())) # draw posts pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, int(self.goal_left.post_up.p.x), int(self.goal_left.post_up.p.y), self.goal_left.post_up.size, self.goal_left.post_up.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(self.goal_left.post_up.p.x), int(self.goal_left.post_up.p.y), self.goal_left.post_up.size, self.goal_left.post_up.color) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, int(self.goal_left.post_down.p.x), int(self.goal_left.post_down.p.y), self.goal_left.post_down.size, self.goal_left.post_down.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(self.goal_left.post_down.p.x), int(self.goal_left.post_down.p.y), self.goal_left.post_down.size, self.goal_left.post_down.color) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, int(self.goal_right.post_up.p.x), int(self.goal_right.post_up.p.y), self.goal_right.post_up.size, self.goal_right.post_up.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(self.goal_right.post_up.p.x), int(self.goal_right.post_up.p.y), self.goal_right.post_up.size, self.goal_right.post_up.color) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, int(self.goal_right.post_down.p.x), int(self.goal_right.post_down.p.y), self.goal_right.post_down.size, self.goal_right.post_down.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(self.goal_right.post_down.p.x), int(self.goal_right.post_down.p.y), self.goal_right.post_down.size, self.goal_right.post_down.color) def draw_graphics(self): #ball for obj in self.balls: self.screen.blit( obj.ballImage, pygame.rect.Rect(obj.p.x - obj.size, obj.p.y - obj.size, obj.size, obj.size)) # goal left self.screen.blit( self.goal_left.goal, pygame.rect.Rect(self.goal_left.get_px(), self.goal_left.get_py() - 3, self.goal_left.get_width(), self.goal_left.get_height())) #goal right self.screen.blit( self.goal_right.goal, pygame.rect.Rect(self.goal_right.get_px(), self.goal_right.get_py() - 3, self.goal_right.get_width(), self.goal_right.get_height())) def clock_tick(self): return self.fps_clock.tick(self.fps) def new_player(self, player, team_number=None): # add new player to the game and team self.players.append(player) if team_number == None: if self.team_left.size() >= self.team_right.size(): self.team_right.add_player(player) else: self.team_left.add_player(player) else: if team_number == 1: self.team_left.add_player(player) elif team_number == 2: self.team_right.add_player(player) else: print('ERROR: Wrong team number!') def new_ball(self, ball): self.balls.append(ball) def redraw(self): # control game states self.game_state_manager() # dt is time since last tick dt = self.clock_tick() self.bots_timer += dt if self.delay_counter != 0: self.delay_counter -= dt if self.delay_counter < 0: self.delay_counter = 0 if self.play_mode == 0: # update objects positions and redraw players self.update() # redraw whole board self.display_redraw() # update the screen pygame.display.update() def update(self): # update object's positions for obj in self.players: obj.update() for obj in self.balls: obj.update() def display_redraw(self): # redraw board and players # draw static background self.draw_background() ### if test mode is on, draw additional markers on screen if self.test_mode: # draw sectors around ball and players for obj in self.players: sector_num = int(obj.size * 4 / self.sector_size) for i in range( int(obj.p.x / self.sector_size) - sector_num, int(obj.p.x / self.sector_size) + sector_num + 1): for j in range( int(obj.p.y / self.sector_size) - sector_num, int(obj.p.y / self.sector_size) + sector_num + 1): pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, (0, 255 - ((i + j) % 2) * 50, 0), (i * self.sector_size, j * self.sector_size, int(self.sector_size), int(self.sector_size))) for obj in self.balls: sector_num = int(obj.size * 4 / self.sector_size) for i in range( int(obj.p.x / self.sector_size) - sector_num, int(obj.p.x / self.sector_size) + sector_num + 1): for j in range( int(obj.p.y / self.sector_size) - sector_num, int(obj.p.y / self.sector_size) + sector_num + 1): pygame.draw.rect( self.screen, (0, 255 - ((i + j) % 2) * 50, 0), (int(obj.p.x / self.sector_size) * self.sector_size, int(obj.p.y / self.sector_size) * self.sector_size, int( self.sector_size), int(self.sector_size))) # draw hitboxes for obj in self.players: pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(obj.p.x), int(obj.p.y), obj.hitbox, (0, 0, 255)) for obj in self.balls: pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(obj.p.x), int(obj.p.y), obj.hitbox, (0, 0, 255)) # check collisions and redraw all players for obj in self.players: Collision.collide(obj) pygame.gfxdraw.filled_circle(self.screen, int(obj.p.x), int(obj.p.y), obj.size, obj.color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(obj.p.x), int(obj.p.y), obj.size, obj.border_color) pygame.gfxdraw.aacircle(self.screen, int(obj.p.x), int(obj.p.y), obj.size - 1, obj.border_color) # check collisions with posts self.goal_left.goal_collide() self.goal_right.goal_collide() # draw graphics on top of the screen self.draw_graphics() # fix objects position, to prevent walls collisions def walls_collision(self, obj): Collision.walls_collision(obj, self) # set game state to -2 # add point to team which scored def goal_scored(self, goal): if goal == self.goal_left: self.team_right.add_point() else: self.team_left.add_point() self.play_mode = -2 def game_state_manager(self): if self.play_mode == -2: # after goal score, prepare delay self.play_mode = -1 self.delay_counter = self.goal_delay elif self.play_mode == -1 and self.delay_counter == 0: # if delay passed, reset positions and set mode to 1 self.play_mode = 1 elif self.play_mode == 1: # if game started (or is after goal), prepare delay self.positions_reset() self.team_left.reset_positions() self.team_right.reset_positions() self.play_mode = 2 self.delay_counter = self.start_delay elif self.play_mode == 2 and self.delay_counter == 0: # if delay passed, start the game self.play_mode = 0 def positions_reset(self): for obj in self.balls: obj.set_move((0, 0), (self.screen_w / 2, self.screen_h / 2)) def deserialize(self, data): data = self.balls[0].deserialize(data) data = self.team_left.deserialize(data) data = self.team_right.deserialize(data)
def main(): # try to parse the program # if I fail, give up and die try: program = parse(open(argv[1], 'r').read()) query = argv[2] except (LexException, ParseException) as e: print(e) return # Print out the program print("Program:") for (p, clauses) in program.items(): for clause in clauses: if len(clause) == 0: print(p + ".") else: print(p + " :- " + ", ".join(clause) + ".") print("\n") goalStack = [Goal(query)] while len(goalStack) != 0: print("GS = " + ",".join([str(g) for g in goalStack]) + ".") # get the current goal goal = goalStack.pop(0) # If the goal is a choice, then our goal stack looks like # ?<[a,b], [c,d]>, e ... # We want to remove the first option # and put that on the goal stack # so It should look like # a,b, ?<[c,d]>, e ... # # If the choice becomes empty, we discard it # ?<[a,b]>, d, e .. # becomes # a, b, d, e .. # instead of # a, b, ?<>, d, e .. if goal.choice(): firstChoice = goal.first() if not goal.empty(): goalStack.insert(0, goal) for g in reversed(firstChoice): goalStack.insert(0, Goal(g)) else: # if the current goal isn't a choice, then # 1. look it up in the program # 2. if the rule isn't a parallel rule, # Add all goals to the goal stack # example: # GS = p,x,y # p :- a,b,c # then # GS = a,b,c,x,y # 3. if the rule parallel rule, # Then add a new choice to the goal stack # GS = p,x,y # p :- a,b,c # p :- d,e,f # then # GS = ?<[a,b,c], [d,e,f]>, x, y if goal.var() in program: newGoals = deepcopy(program[goal.var()]) if len(newGoals) == 1: for g in reversed(newGoals[0]): goalStack.insert(0, Goal(g)) else: goalStack.insert(0, choice(newGoals)) # the current goal isn't in the program # That means it's a failure, so backtrack to the last choice. # # example: # GS = d,e,f ?<[a,b,c]>, x, y # d not defined # GS = ?<[a,b,c]>, x, y else: print("BACKTRACKING " + goal.var(), end=" ") while not goalStack[0].choice(): print(goalStack.pop(0), end=" ") print()
def build(objtId, p): if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'AttackerParameters'): return Attacker(objtId,, p.description(), p.image(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'PersonaParameters'): return Persona(objtId,, p.activities(), p.attitudes(), p.aptitudes(), p.motivations(), p.skills(), p.intrinsic(), p.contextual(), p.image(), p.assumption(), p.type(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties(), if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'AssetParameters'): return Asset(objtId,, p.shortCode(), p.description(), p.significance(), p.type(), p.critical(), p.criticalRationale(), p.tags(), p.interfaces(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'TemplateAssetParameters'): return TemplateAsset(objtId,, p.shortCode(), p.description(), p.significance(), p.type(), p.surfaceType(), p.accessRight(),, p.rationale(), p.tags(), p.interfaces()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'TemplateRequirementParameters'): return TemplateRequirement(objtId,, p.asset(), p.type(), p.description(), p.rationale(), p.fitCriterion()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'TemplateGoalParameters'): return TemplateGoal(objtId,, p.definition(), p.rationale(), p.concerns(), p.responsibilities()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'SecurityPatternParameters'): return SecurityPattern(objtId,, p.context(), p.problem(), p.solution(), p.requirements(), p.associations()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ComponentParameters'): return Component(objtId,, p.description(), p.interfaces(), p.structure(), p.requirements(), p.goals(), p.associations()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ComponentViewParameters'): return ComponentView(objtId,, p.synopsis(), p.components(), p.connectors(), p.attackSurfaceMetric()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ValueTypeParameters'): return ValueType(objtId,, p.description(), p.type(), p.score(), p.rationale()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ClassAssociationParameters'): return ClassAssociation(objtId, p.environment(), p.headAsset(), p.headDimension(), p.headNavigation(), p.headType(), p.headMultiplicity(), p.headRole(), p.tailRole(), p.tailMultiplicity(), p.tailType(), p.tailNavigation(), p.tailDimension(), p.tailAsset(), p.rationale()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'GoalAssociationParameters'): return GoalAssociation(objtId, p.environment(), p.goal(), p.goalDimension(), p.type(), p.subGoal(), p.subGoalDimension(), p.alternative(), p.rationale()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'DependencyParameters'): return Dependency(objtId, p.environment(), p.depender(), p.dependee(), p.dependencyType(), p.dependency(), p.rationale()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'GoalParameters'): return Goal(objtId,, p.originator(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ObstacleParameters'): return Obstacle(objtId,, p.originator(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'DomainPropertyParameters'): return DomainProperty(objtId,, p.description(), p.type(), p.originator(), p.tags()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ThreatParameters'): return Threat(objtId,, p.type(), p.method(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'VulnerabilityParameters'): return Vulnerability(objtId,, p.description(), p.type(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'RiskParameters'): return Risk(objtId,, p.threat(), p.vulnerability(), p.tags(), p.misuseCase()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ResponseParameters'): return Response(objtId,, p.risk(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties(), p.responseType()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'CountermeasureParameters'): return Countermeasure(objtId,, p.description(), p.type(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'TaskParameters'): return Task(objtId,, p.shortCode(), p.objective(), p.assumption(),, p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'UseCaseParameters'): return UseCase(objtId,,, p.code(), p.actors(), p.description(), p.tags(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'MisuseCaseParameters'): return MisuseCase(objtId,, p.environmentProperties(), p.risk()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'DotTraceParameters'): return DotTrace(p.fromObject(), p.fromName(), p.toObject(), p.toName()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'EnvironmentParameters'): return Environment(objtId,, p.shortCode(), p.description(), p.environments(), p.duplicateProperty(), p.overridingEnvironment(), p.tensions()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'RoleParameters'): return Role(objtId,, p.type(), p.shortCode(), p.description(), p.environmentProperties()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ResponsibilityParameters'): return Responsibility(objtId, if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ExternalDocumentParameters'): return ExternalDocument(objtId,, p.version(),, p.authors(), p.description()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'InternalDocumentParameters'): return InternalDocument(objtId,, p.description(), p.content(),, p.memos()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'CodeParameters'): return Code(objtId,, p.type(), p.description(), p.inclusionCriteria(), p.example()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'MemoParameters'): return Memo(objtId,, p.description()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'DocumentReferenceParameters'): return DocumentReference(objtId,, p.document(), p.contributor(), p.description()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ConceptReferenceParameters'): return ConceptReference(objtId,, p.dimension(), p.objectName(), p.description()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'PersonaCharacteristicParameters'): return PersonaCharacteristic(objtId, p.persona(), p.qualifier(), p.behaviouralVariable(), p.characteristic(), p.grounds(), p.warrant(), p.backing(), p.rebuttal()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'TaskCharacteristicParameters'): return TaskCharacteristic(objtId, p.task(), p.qualifier(), p.characteristic(), p.grounds(), p.warrant(), p.backing(), p.rebuttal()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'ImpliedProcessParameters'): return ImpliedProcess(objtId,, p.description(), p.persona(),, p.specification(), p.channels()) if (p.__class__.__name__ == 'LocationsParameters'): return Locations(objtId,, p.diagram(), p.locations(), p.links()) else: raise UnknownParameterClass(str(objtId))
for i in range(its): if mdl_name == 'kinematic_point': player = KinematicPoint(vel_start, pos_start, dt, v_max, win) elif mdl_name == "dynamic_point": player = DynamicPoint(vel_start, pos_start, dt, v_max, a_max, win) elif mdl_name == "differential_drive": player = DifferentialDrive(vel_start, pos_start, v_max, omega_max, dt, win) elif mdl_name == "kinematic_car": player = KinematicCar(vel_start, pos_start, v_max, vehicle_length, phi_max, dt, win) else: print('Invalid model name, exiting') sys.exit(0) goal = Goal(vel_goal, pos_goal, win) env = Environment(obstacles, bounding_poly, player, goal, win, quick_draw=True) rrt_setup = { 'delta_q': delta_q, 'k': k, 'strategy': rrt_strat, 'x_range': [-2, 60], 'y_range': [-2, 60] } rrt_time, time = times.append(time)
def __init__(self, gameInfo): """Methode pour initialiser le but""" Goal.__init__(self, gameInfo) self.goalString = "ProtectFlag" self.defaultValue = 30
# Area setup for visualisation canvas_width = 800 canvas_height = 800 win = GraphWin("area", canvas_width, canvas_height) # Setup Initial Conditions players = [] goals = [] if mdl_name == 'kinematic_point': for pos in pos_start: players.append(KinematicPoint(pos, dt, v_max, win)) else: print('Invalid model name, exiting') sys.exit(0) for pos in pos_goal: goals.append(Goal(pos, win)) # Generate paths and run environment env = Environment(obstacles, bounding_poly, players, goals, win, quick_draw=True) rrt_setup = { 'delta_q': delta_q, 'k': k, 'strategy': rrt_strat, 'x_range': [-2, 60], 'y_range': [-2, 60] }
def __init__(self, gameInfo): """Methode pour initialiser le but""" Goal.__init__(self, gameInfo) self.goalString = "KillFlagCarrier" self.defaultValue = 70