예제 #1
def main():
	# Give introduction to program and goal.

	# Get recognizer and microphone objects.
	r, mic = prepare_mic()

	# Instantiate empty graph object.
	g = Graphic()

	# Set dataset and filename values of graph object by choosing dataset.
	g = choose_dataset(g)

	# Run speech recognition and graphing in a streaming format.
	attentive = True
	while attentive:
		with mic as source:	
			audio = get_audio(r, source)
				text = r.recognize(audio)
				print('You said: ' + text)
			except LookupError:
				print("Didn't get audio.")
			if text:
				terms = tokenize(text)
				attentive = is_attentive(terms)
				if not attentive:
					print 'Goodbye'
					return None
				g = update_graph(g, terms)
예제 #2
파일: play.py 프로젝트: FlashZoom/Gomuku-AI
def run():
    n = 5
    width, height = 10, 10
    model_file = 'current_policy.model'
        board = Board(width=width, height=height, n_in_row=n)
        game = Game(board)
        graphic = Graphic()
        # graphic.run()
        # thread1 = threading.Thread(target=graphic.run, args=())
        best_policy = PolicyValueNet(width,
                                     model_file='./model/' + model_file)
        mcts_player = MCTSPlayer(best_policy.policy_value_fn,
        human = Human(graphic)
        # set start_player=0 for human first
        thread2 = threading.Thread(target=game.start_play,
                                   args=(human, mcts_player, graphic, 1, 1))
        # game.start_play(human, mcts_player, graphic, start_player=0, is_shown=1)
    except KeyboardInterrupt:
예제 #3
파일: Gpu.py 프로젝트: jqpaul/gb-emulator
    def __init__(self, memory):
        self.mode = 0
        # Mode 0 = HBlank (VRAM accessible)
        # Mode 1 = VBlank (VRAM accessible)
        # Mode 2 = OAM used (OAM not accessible)
        # Mode 3 = OAM & VRAM used (OAM + VRAM not accessible)

        # Representation of modes on full cycle:
        # One full refresh should in theory take ~16.6 ms
        # because 60hz * 16.6ms = 1sec
        #  ____ 144 of these lineupdates
        # |    |
        # 000233000233000233000233000233000233...111111111111
        # |_|     Takes 48.6 uS                  |          |
        #    |    Takes 19   uS                  |          |
        #     ||  Takes 41   uS                  |          |
        # |____|  Takes 109  uS        Takes 1ms_|__________|

        # A full screen refresh takes 70224 cycles. From these there are
        # 4560 Cycles reserved for VBlank(1). The remaining 65664 Cycles are
        # used for 144 line updates, each taking 456 cycles to complete.
        # Of these 456 cycles
        # Mode 0 takes 201-207 cycles
        # Mode 2 takes   77-83 cycles
        # Mode 3 takes 169-175 cycles
        # The vague cycle duration is because of instructions taking multiple cycles (1-6)
        # |  lines  |  VBlank
        # (144 * 456) + 4560 = 70224

        self.scrollX = 0
        self.scrollY = 0

        self.line = 0
        self.lcdc = 0
        self.cycles = 0
        self.seconds = 0
        self.tile_offset = 0
        self.memory = memory

        self.window = Graphic()
        # self.tile_window = Graphic(height=128)
        # self.tile_window.clear(0x474741)

        # self.tile_window.update()

        self.palette = {
            0: 0xffffff,
            1: 0xaaaaaa,
            2: 0x555555,
            3: 0x000000,

        self.pixels = {0: [], 1: [], 2: [], 3: []}
예제 #4
 def __init__(self, cartridge):
     self.screen_cycles = int((4.194304 * 1e6 / 59.7) / 144)
     self.done = False
     self.all_cycles = 0
     self.cartridge = cartridge
     self.register = Registers()
     self.stack = Stack()
     self.g = Graphic(160, 144)
     self.memory = Memory()
     self.gpu = Gpu(self.memory)
     self.codes = {
         0x00: ("NOP", 1, 4, self.nop),
         0x01: ("LD BC,d16", 3, 12, self.ld_bc_d16),
         0x06: ("LD B,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_b_d8),
         0x0e: ("LD C,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_c_d8),
         0x11: ("LD DE,d16", 3, 12, self.ld_de_d16),
         0x16: ("LD D,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_d_d8),
         0x1a: ("LD A,(DE)", 1, 8, self.ld_a_de),
         0x1e: ("LD E,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_e_d8),
         0x21: ("LD HL,d16", 3, 12, self.ld_hl_d16),
         0x22: ("LD (HL+),A", 1, 8, self.ld_hl_p_a),
         0x2a: ("LD A,(HL+)", 1, 8, self.ld_a_hl_p),
         0x2e: ("LD L,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_l_d8),
         0x31: ("LD SP,d16", 3, 12, self.ld_sp_d16),
         0x32: ("LD (HL-),A", 1, 8, self.ld_hl_m_a),
         0x36: ("LD (HL),d8", 1, 8, self.ld_hl_d8),
         0x3e: ("LD A,d8", 2, 8, self.ld_a_d8),
         0x46: ("LD B,(HL)", 1, 8, self.ld_b_hl),
         0x47: ("LD B,A", 1, 4, self.ld_b_a),
         0x4f: ("LD C,A", 1, 4, self.ld_c_a),
         0x56: ("LD D,(HL)", 1, 8, self.ld_d_hl),
         0x57: ("LD D,A", 1, 4, self.ld_d_a),
         0x5e: ("LD E,(HL)", 1, 8, self.ld_e_hl),
         0x5f: ("LD E,A", 1, 4, self.load_e_a),
         0x67: ("LD H,A", 1, 4, self.ld_h_a),
         0x77: ("LD (HL),A", 1, 8, self.ld_hl_a),
         0x78: ("LD A,B", 1, 4, self.ld_a_b),
         0x79: ("LD A,C", 1, 4, self.ld_a_c),
         0x7b: ("LD A,E", 1, 4, self.ld_a_e),
         0x7c: ("LD A,H", 1, 4, self.ld_a_h),
         0x7d: ("LD A,L", 1, 4, self.ld_a_l),
         0x7e: ("LD A,(HL)", 1, 8, self.ld_a_hl),
         0xe2: ("LD (C),A", 1, 8, self.ld_c_a),
         0xea: ("LD (a16),A", 3, 16, self.ld_a16_a),
         0xe0: ("LDH (a8),A", 2, 12, self.ldh_a8_a),
         0xf0: ("LDH A,(a8)", 2, 12, self.ldh_a_a8),
         0x04: ("INC B", 1, 4, self.inc_b),
         0x0c: ("INC C", 1, 4, self.inc_c),
         0x13: ("INC DE", 1, 8, self.inc_de),
         0x23: ("INC HL", 1, 8, self.inc_hl),
         0x24: ("INC H", 1, 4, self.inc_h),
         0x05: ("DEC B", 1, 4, self.dec_b),
         0x0b: ("DEC BC", 1, 8, self.dec_bc),
         0x0d: ("DEC C", 1, 4, self.dec_c),
         0x15: ("DEC D", 1, 4, self.dec_d),
         0x1d: ("DEC E", 1, 4, self.dec_e),
         0x3d: ("DEC A", 1, 4, self.dec_a),
         0x18: ("JR r8", 2, 12, self.jr_r8),
         0x20: ("JR NZ,r8", 2, 12, self.jr_nz_r8),
         0x28: ("JR Z,r8", 2, 12, self.jr_z_r8),
         0xc3: ("JP d16", 3, 16, self.jp_d16),
         0xe9: ("JP (HL)", 1, 4, self.jp_hl),
         0x17: ("RLA", 1, 4, self.rla),
         0x19: ("ADD HL,DE", 1, 8, self.add_hl_de),
         0x2f: ("CPL", 1, 4, self.cpl),
         0x86: ("ADD A,(HL)", 1, 8, self.add_a_hl),
         0x87: ("ADD A,A", 1, 8, self.add_a_a),
         0x90: ("SUB B", 1, 4, self.sub_b),
         0xa0: ("AND B", 1, 4, self.and_b),
         0xa1: ("AND C", 1, 4, self.and_c),
         0xa9: ("XOR C", 1, 4, self.xor_c),
         0xaf: ("XOR A", 1, 4, self.xor_a),
         0xb0: ("OR B", 1, 4, self.or_b),
         0xb1: ("OR C", 1, 4, self.or_c),
         0xe6: ("AND d8", 2, 8, self.and_d8),
         0xbe: ("CP (HL)", 1, 8, self.cp_hl),
         0xc1: ("POP BC", 1, 12, self.pop_bc),
         0xc5: ("PUSH BC", 1, 16, self.push_bc),
         0xc9: ("RET", 1, 16, self.ret),
         0xd5: ("PUSH DE", 1, 16, self.push_de),
         0xcd: ("CALL a16", 3, 24, self.call_a16),
         0xd6: ("SUB d8", 2, 8, self.sub_d8),
         0xe1: ("POP HL", 1, 12, self.pop_hl),
         0xf3: ("DI", 1, 4, self.di),
         0xfb: ("EI", 1, 4, self.ei),
         0xfe: ("CP d8", 2, 8, self.cp_d8),
         0xef: ("RST_28H", 1, 16, self.rst_28h),
         0xff: ("RST_38H", 1, 16, self.rst_38h),
         0xcb37: ("SWAP A", 2, 8, self.swap_a),
         0xcb3f: ("SRL A", 2, 8, self.srl_a),
         0xcb7c: ("BIT 7,H", 2, 8, self.cb_bit_7_h),
         0xcb11: ("RL C", 2, 8, self.cb_rl_c)
예제 #5
파일: main.py 프로젝트: timoren/homeworks
def main():
    g = Graphic()
    game = Game(g)