예제 #1
def run_events(nc: NumericalCircuit, events_list: list):

    for t, tpe, i, state in events_list:

        # Set the state of the event
        if tpe == DeviceType.BusDevice:

        elif tpe == DeviceType.BranchDevice:
            nc.branch_active[i] = state

        elif tpe == DeviceType.GeneratorDevice:
            nc.generator_active[i] = state

        elif tpe == DeviceType.StaticGeneratorDevice:
            nc.static_gen_active[i] = state

        elif tpe == DeviceType.BatteryDevice:
            nc.battery_active[i] = state

        elif tpe == DeviceType.ShuntDevice:
            nc.shunt_active[i] = state

        elif tpe == DeviceType.LoadDevice:
            nc.load_active[i] = state


        # compile the grid information
        calculation_islands = nc.compute()
예제 #2
    def remove_probability_based(numerical_circuit: NumericalCircuit,
                                 results: MonteCarloResults, max_val,
        Remove branches based on their chance of overload
        :param numerical_circuit:
        :param results:
        :param max_val:
        :param min_prob:
        :return: list of indices actually removed
        idx, val, prob, loading = results.get_index_loading_cdf(

        any_removed = False
        indices = list()
        criteria = 'None'

        for i, idx_val in enumerate(idx):
            if prob[i] >= min_prob:
                any_removed = True
                numerical_circuit.branch_active[idx_val] = False
                criteria = 'Overload probability > ' + str(min_prob)

        if not any_removed:

            if len(loading) > 0:
                if len(idx) > 0:
                    # pick a random value
                    idx_val = np.random.randint(0, len(idx))
                    criteria = 'Random with overloads'

                    # pick the most loaded
                    idx_val = int(np.where(loading == max(loading))[0][0])
                    criteria = 'Max loading, Overloads not seen'

                numerical_circuit.branch_active[idx_val] = False
                indices = []
                criteria = 'No branches'

        return indices, criteria
예제 #3
    def compile(self, use_opf_vals=False, opf_time_series_results=None, logger=Logger()) -> NumericalCircuit:
        Compile the circuit assets into an equivalent circuit that only contains
        matrices and vectors for calculation. This method returns the numerical
        circuit, but it also assigns it to **self.numerical_circuit**, which is used
        when the :ref:`MultiCircuit<multicircuit>` object is passed onto a
        :ref:`simulation driver<gridcal_engine_simulations>`, for example:

        .. code:: ipython3

            from GridCal.Engine import *

            grid = MultiCircuit()

            options = PowerFlowOptions()

            power_flow = PowerFlowMP(grid, options)


            **use_opf_vals** (bool, False): Use OPF results as inputs

            **opf_time_series_results** (list, None): OPF results to be used as inputs

            **logger** (list, []): Message log


            **self.numerical_circuit** (NumericalCircuit): Compiled numerical circuit
            of the grid

        n = len(self.buses)
        m = len(self.branches)
        if self.time_profile is not None:
            n_time = len(self.time_profile)
            n_time = 0

        if use_opf_vals and opf_time_series_results is None:
            raise Exception('You want to use the OPF results but none is passed')

        self.bus_dictionary = dict()

        # Element count
        n_ld = 0
        n_ctrl_gen = 0
        n_sta_gen = 0
        n_batt = 0
        n_sh = 0
        for bus in self.buses:
            n_ld += len(bus.loads)
            n_ctrl_gen += len(bus.controlled_generators)
            n_sta_gen += len(bus.static_generators)
            n_batt += len(bus.batteries)
            n_sh += len(bus.shunts)

        # declare the numerical circuit
        circuit = NumericalCircuit(n_bus=n, n_br=m, n_ld=n_ld, n_gen=n_ctrl_gen,
                                   n_sta_gen=n_sta_gen, n_batt=n_batt, n_sh=n_sh,
                                   n_time=n_time, Sbase=self.Sbase)

        # set hte time array profile
        if n_time > 0:
            circuit.time_array = self.time_profile

        # compile the buses and the shunt devices
        i_ld = 0
        i_gen = 0
        i_sta_gen = 0
        i_batt = 0
        i_sh = 0
        self.bus_names = np.zeros(n, dtype=object)
        for i, bus in enumerate(self.buses):

            # bus parameters
            self.bus_names[i] = bus.name
            circuit.bus_names[i] = bus.name
            circuit.bus_active[i] = bus.active
            circuit.bus_vnom[i] = bus.Vnom  # kV
            circuit.Vmax[i] = bus.Vmax
            circuit.Vmin[i] = bus.Vmin
            circuit.bus_types[i] = bus.determine_bus_type().value

            if n_time > 0:
                # active profile
                circuit.bus_active_prof[:, i] = bus.active_prof

            # Add buses dictionary entry
            self.bus_dictionary[bus] = i

            for elm in bus.loads:
                circuit.load_names[i_ld] = elm.name
                circuit.load_power[i_ld] = complex(elm.P, elm.Q)
                circuit.load_current[i_ld] = complex(elm.Ir, elm.Ii)
                circuit.load_admittance[i_ld] = complex(elm.G, elm.B)
                circuit.load_active[i_ld] = elm.active
                circuit.load_mttf[i_ld] = elm.mttf
                circuit.load_mttr[i_ld] = elm.mttr
                circuit.load_cost[i_ld] = elm.Cost

                if n_time > 0:
                    circuit.load_power_profile[:, i_ld] = elm.P_prof + 1j * elm.Q_prof
                    circuit.load_current_profile[:, i_ld] = elm.Ir_prof + 1j * elm.Ii_prof
                    circuit.load_admittance_profile[:, i_ld] = elm.G_prof + 1j * elm.B_prof
                    circuit.load_active_prof[:, i_ld] = elm.active_prof
                    circuit.load_cost_prof[:, i_ld] = elm.Cost_prof

                    if use_opf_vals:
                        # subtract the load shedding from the generation
                        circuit.load_power_profile[:, i_ld] -= opf_time_series_results.load_shedding[:, i_gen]

                circuit.C_load_bus[i_ld, i] = 1
                i_ld += 1

            for elm in bus.static_generators:
                circuit.static_gen_names[i_sta_gen] = elm.name
                circuit.static_gen_power[i_sta_gen] = complex(elm.P, elm.Q)
                circuit.static_gen_active[i_sta_gen] = elm.active
                circuit.static_gen_mttf[i_sta_gen] = elm.mttf
                circuit.static_gen_mttr[i_sta_gen] = elm.mttr

                if n_time > 0:
                    circuit.static_gen_active_prof[:, i_sta_gen] = elm.active_prof
                    circuit.static_gen_power_profile[:, i_sta_gen] = elm.P_prof + 1j * elm.Q_prof

                circuit.C_sta_gen_bus[i_sta_gen, i] = 1
                i_sta_gen += 1

            for elm in bus.controlled_generators:
                circuit.generator_names[i_gen] = elm.name
                circuit.generator_power[i_gen] = elm.P
                circuit.generator_power_factor[i_gen] = elm.Pf
                circuit.generator_voltage[i_gen] = elm.Vset
                circuit.generator_qmin[i_gen] = elm.Qmin
                circuit.generator_qmax[i_gen] = elm.Qmax
                circuit.generator_pmin[i_gen] = elm.Pmin
                circuit.generator_pmax[i_gen] = elm.Pmax
                circuit.generator_active[i_gen] = elm.active
                circuit.generator_dispatchable[i_gen] = elm.enabled_dispatch
                circuit.generator_mttf[i_gen] = elm.mttf
                circuit.generator_mttr[i_gen] = elm.mttr
                circuit.generator_cost[i_gen] = elm.Cost
                circuit.generator_nominal_power[i_gen] = elm.Snom

                if n_time > 0:
                    # power profile
                    if use_opf_vals:
                        circuit.generator_power_profile[:, i_gen] = opf_time_series_results.controlled_generator_power[:, i_gen]
                        circuit.generator_power_profile[:, i_gen] = elm.P_prof

                    circuit.generator_active_prof[:, i_gen] = elm.active_prof

                    # Power factor profile
                    circuit.generator_power_factor_profile[:, i_gen] = elm.Pf_prof

                    # Voltage profile
                    circuit.generator_voltage_profile[:, i_gen] = elm.Vset_prof

                    circuit.generator_cost_profile[:, i_gen] = elm.Cost_prof

                circuit.C_gen_bus[i_gen, i] = 1

                if circuit.V0[i].real == 1.0:
                    circuit.V0[i] = complex(elm.Vset, 0)
                elif elm.Vset != circuit.V0[i]:
                    # circuit.V0[i] = elm.Vset
                    logger.append('Different set points at ' + bus.name + ': ' + str(elm.Vset) + ' !=' + str(circuit.V0[i]))
                i_gen += 1

            for elm in bus.batteries:
                # 'name', 'bus', 'active', 'P', 'Vset', 'Snom', 'Enom',
                # 'Qmin', 'Qmax', 'Pmin', 'Pmax', 'Cost', 'enabled_dispatch', 'mttf', 'mttr',
                # 'soc_0', 'max_soc', 'min_soc', 'charge_efficiency', 'discharge_efficiency'
                circuit.battery_names[i_batt] = elm.name
                circuit.battery_power[i_batt] = elm.P
                circuit.battery_voltage[i_batt] = elm.Vset
                circuit.battery_qmin[i_batt] = elm.Qmin
                circuit.battery_qmax[i_batt] = elm.Qmax
                circuit.battery_active[i_batt] = elm.active
                circuit.battery_dispatchable[i_batt] = elm.enabled_dispatch
                circuit.battery_mttf[i_batt] = elm.mttf
                circuit.battery_mttr[i_batt] = elm.mttr
                circuit.battery_cost[i_batt] = elm.Cost

                circuit.battery_pmin[i_batt] = elm.Pmin
                circuit.battery_pmax[i_batt] = elm.Pmax
                circuit.battery_Enom[i_batt] = elm.Enom
                circuit.battery_soc_0[i_batt] = elm.soc_0
                circuit.battery_discharge_efficiency[i_batt] = elm.discharge_efficiency
                circuit.battery_charge_efficiency[i_batt] = elm.charge_efficiency
                circuit.battery_min_soc[i_batt] = elm.min_soc
                circuit.battery_max_soc[i_batt] = elm.max_soc

                if n_time > 0:
                    # power profile
                    if use_opf_vals:
                        circuit.battery_power_profile[:, i_batt] = opf_time_series_results.battery_power[:, i_batt]
                        circuit.battery_power_profile[:, i_batt] = elm.P_prof
                    # Voltage profile
                    circuit.battery_voltage_profile[:, i_batt] = elm.Vset_prof

                    circuit.battery_active_prof[:, i_batt] = elm.active_prof

                    circuit.battery_cost_profile[:, i_batt] = elm.Cost_prof

                circuit.C_batt_bus[i_batt, i] = 1
                circuit.V0[i] *= elm.Vset
                i_batt += 1

            for elm in bus.shunts:
                circuit.shunt_names[i_sh] = elm.name
                circuit.shunt_active[i_sh] = elm.active
                circuit.shunt_admittance[i_sh] = complex(elm.G, elm.B)
                circuit.shunt_mttf[i_sh] = elm.mttf
                circuit.shunt_mttr[i_sh] = elm.mttr

                if n_time > 0:
                    circuit.shunt_active_prof[:, i_sh] = elm.active_prof
                    circuit.shunt_admittance_profile[:, i_sh] = elm.G_prof + 1j * elm.B_prof

                circuit.C_shunt_bus[i_sh, i] = 1
                i_sh += 1

        # Compile the branches
        self.branch_names = np.zeros(m, dtype=object)
        for i, branch in enumerate(self.branches):

            self.branch_names[i] = branch.name
            f = self.bus_dictionary[branch.bus_from]
            t = self.bus_dictionary[branch.bus_to]

            # connectivity
            circuit.C_branch_bus_f[i, f] = 1
            circuit.C_branch_bus_t[i, t] = 1
            circuit.F[i] = f
            circuit.T[i] = t

            # name and state
            circuit.branch_names[i] = branch.name
            circuit.branch_active[i] = branch.active
            circuit.br_mttf[i] = branch.mttf
            circuit.br_mttr[i] = branch.mttr
            circuit.branch_cost[i] = branch.Cost

            # impedance and tap
            circuit.R[i] = branch.R
            circuit.X[i] = branch.X
            circuit.G[i] = branch.G
            circuit.B[i] = branch.B
            circuit.impedance_tolerance[i] = branch.tolerance
            circuit.br_rates[i] = branch.rate
            circuit.tap_mod[i] = branch.tap_module
            circuit.tap_ang[i] = branch.angle

            # Thermal correction
            circuit.temp_base[i] = branch.temp_base
            circuit.temp_oper[i] = branch.temp_oper
            circuit.alpha[i] = branch.alpha

            # tap changer
            circuit.is_bus_to_regulated[i] = branch.bus_to_regulated
            circuit.tap_position[i] = branch.tap_changer.tap
            circuit.min_tap[i] = branch.tap_changer.min_tap
            circuit.max_tap[i] = branch.tap_changer.max_tap
            circuit.tap_inc_reg_up[i] = branch.tap_changer.inc_reg_up
            circuit.tap_inc_reg_down[i] = branch.tap_changer.inc_reg_down
            circuit.vset[i] = branch.vset

            if n_time > 0:
                circuit.branch_active_prof[:, i] = branch.active_prof
                circuit.temp_oper_prof[:, i] = branch.temp_oper_prof
                circuit.branch_cost_profile[:, i] = branch.Cost_prof
                circuit.br_rate_profile[:, i] = branch.rate_prof

            # switches
            if branch.branch_type == BranchType.Switch:

            # virtual taps for transformers where the connection voltage is off
            elif branch.branch_type == BranchType.Transformer:
                circuit.tap_f[i], circuit.tap_t[i] = branch.get_virtual_taps()

        # Assign and return
        self.numerical_circuit = circuit
        return circuit