def __init__(self, name='', gmr=0.01, r=0.01, x=0.0, max_current=1): """ Wire definition :param name: Name of the wire type :param gmr: Geometric Mean Radius (m) :param r: Resistance per unit length (Ohm / km) :param x: Reactance per unit length (Ohm / km) :param max_current: Maximum current of the conductor in (kA) """ EditableDevice.__init__(self, name=name, active=True, device_type=DeviceType.WireDevice, editable_headers={'name': GCProp('', str, "Name of the conductor"), 'r': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "resistance of the conductor"), 'x': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "reactance of the conductor"), 'gmr': GCProp('m', float, "Geometric Mean Radius of the conductor"), 'max_current': GCProp('kA', float, "Maximum current of the conductor") }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={}) # self.wire_name = name self.r = r self.x = x self.gmr = gmr self.max_current = max_current
def __init__(self, name='shunt', G=0.0, B=0.0, G_prof=None, B_prof=None, active=True, mttf=0.0, mttr=0.0): EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.ShuntDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Load name'), 'bus': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Connection bus name'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the load active?'), 'G': GCProp( 'MW', float, 'Active power of the impedance component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'B': GCProp( 'MVAr', float, 'Reactive power of the impedance component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure'), 'mttr': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to recovery') }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'G': 'G_prof', 'B': 'B_prof' }) # The bus this element is attached to: Not necessary for calculations self.bus = None self.active_prof = None self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr # Impedance (MVA) self.G = G self.B = B # admittance profile self.G_prof = G_prof self.B_prof = B_prof
def __init__(self, name='Load', G=0.0, B=0.0, Ir=0.0, Ii=0.0, P=0.0, Q=0.0, cost=0.0, G_prof=None, B_prof=None, Ir_prof=None, Ii_prof=None, P_prof=None, Q_prof=None, active=True, mttf=0.0, mttr=0.0): EditableDevice.__init__(self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.LoadDevice, editable_headers={'name': GCProp('', str, 'Load name'), 'bus': GCProp('', None, 'Connection bus name'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the load active?'), 'P': GCProp('MW', float, 'Active power'), 'Q': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Reactive power'), 'Ir': GCProp('MW', float, 'Active power of the current component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'Ii': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Reactive power of the current component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'G': GCProp('MW', float, 'Active power of the impedance component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'B': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Reactive power of the impedance component at V=1.0 p.u.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure'), 'mttr': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to recovery'), 'Cost': GCProp('e/MWh', float, 'Cost of not served energy. Used in OPF.')}, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={'P': 'P_prof', 'Q': 'Q_prof', 'Ir': 'Ir_prof', 'Ii': 'Ii_prof', 'G': 'G_prof', 'B': 'B_prof', 'Cost': 'Cost_prof'}) self.bus = None self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr self.Cost = cost self.Cost_prof = None # Impedance in equivalent MVA self.G = G self.B = B self.Ir = Ir self.Ii = Ii self.P = P self.Q = Q self.G_prof = G_prof self.B_prof = B_prof self.Ir_prof = Ir_prof self.Ii_prof = Ii_prof self.P_prof = P_prof self.Q_prof = Q_prof
def __init__(self, name='', xpos=0, ypos=0, gmr=0.01, r=0.01, x=0.0, max_current=1, phase=0): """ Wire definition :param name: Name of the wire type :param xpos: x position (m) :param ypos: y position (m) :param gmr: Geometric Mean Radius (m) :param r: Resistance per unit length (Ohm / km) :param x: Reactance per unit length (Ohm / km) :param max_current: Maximum current of the conductor in (kA) :param phase: 0->Neutral, 1->A, 2->B, 3->C """ EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=True, device_type=DeviceType.WireDevice, editable_headers={ 'wire_name': GCProp('', str, "Name of the conductor"), 'r': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "resistance of the conductor"), 'x': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "reactance of the conductor"), 'gmr': GCProp('m', float, "Geometric Mean Radius of the conductor"), 'max_current': GCProp('kA', float, "Maximum current of the conductor"), 'xpos': GCProp('m', float, "Conductor x position within the tower"), 'ypos': GCProp('m', float, "Conductor y position within the tower"), 'phase': GCProp('', int, "Phase of the conductor (0, 1, 2)") }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={}) self.wire_name = name self.xpos = xpos self.ypos = ypos self.r = r self.x = x self.gmr = gmr self.max_current = max_current self.phase = phase
def __init__(self, name='UndergroundLine', rating=1, R=0, X=0, G=0, B=0, R0=0, X0=0, G0=0, B0=0): """ Constructor :param name: name of the device :param rating: rating in kA :param R: Resistance of positive sequence in Ohm/km :param X: Reactance of positive sequence in Ohm/km :param G: Conductance of positive sequence in Ohm/km :param B: Susceptance of positive sequence in Ohm/km :param R0: Resistance of zero sequence in Ohm/km :param X0: Reactance of zero sequence in Ohm/km :param G0: Conductance of zero sequence in Ohm/km :param B0: Susceptance of zero sequence in Ohm/km :param tpe: """ EditableDevice.__init__(self, name=name, active=True, device_type=DeviceType.UnderGroundLineDevice, editable_headers={'name': GCProp('', str, "Name of the line template"), 'rating': GCProp('kA', float, "Current rating of the cable"), 'R': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Positive-sequence " "resistance per km"), 'X': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Positive-sequence " "reactance per km"), 'G': GCProp('S/km', float, "Positive-sequence " "shunt conductance per km"), 'B': GCProp('S/km', float, "Positive-sequence " "shunt susceptance per km"), 'R0': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Zero-sequence " "resistance per km"), 'X0': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Zero-sequence " "reactance per km"), 'G0': GCProp('S/km', float, "Zero-sequence " "shunt conductance per km"), 'B0': GCProp('S/km', float, "Zero-sequence " "shunt susceptance per km")}, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={}) self.tpe = BranchType.Line self.rating = rating # impedances and admittances per unit of length self.R = R self.X = X self.G = G self.B = B self.R0 = R0 self.X0 = X0 self.G0 = G0 self.B0 = B0
def __init__(self, name='StaticGen', P=0.0, Q=0.0, P_prof=None, Q_prof=None, active=True, mttf=0.0, mttr=0.0): EditableDevice.__init__(self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.StaticGeneratorDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, ''), 'bus': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, ''), 'active': GCProp('', bool, ''), 'P': GCProp('MW', float, 'Active power'), 'Q': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Reactive power'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure'), 'mttr': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to recovery') }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'P': 'P_prof', 'Q': 'Q_prof' }) self.bus = None self.active_prof = None self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr # Power (MW + jMVAr) self.P = P self.Q = Q # power profile for this load self.P_prof = P_prof self.Q_prof = Q_prof
def __init__(self, name="Bus", vnom=10, vmin=0.9, vmax=1.1, r_fault=0.0, x_fault=0.0, xpos=0, ypos=0, height=0, width=0, active=True, is_slack=False, area='Default', zone='Default', substation='Default', longitude=0.0, latitude=0.0): EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.BusDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the bus'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the bus active? used to disable the bus.'), 'is_slack': GCProp('', bool, 'Force the bus to be of slack type.'), 'Vnom': GCProp('kV', float, 'Nominal line voltage of the bus.'), 'Vmin': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Lower range of allowed voltage.'), 'Vmax': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Higher range of allowed range.'), 'r_fault': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Resistance of the fault.\n' 'This is used for short circuit studies.'), 'x_fault': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Reactance of the fault.\n' 'This is used for short circuit studies.'), 'x': GCProp('px', float, 'x position in pixels.'), 'y': GCProp('px', float, 'y position in pixels.'), 'h': GCProp('px', float, 'height of the bus in pixels.'), 'w': GCProp('px', float, 'Width of the bus in pixels.'), 'area': GCProp('', str, 'Area of the bus'), 'zone': GCProp('', str, 'Zone of the bus'), 'substation': GCProp('', str, 'Substation of the bus.'), 'longitude': GCProp('deg', float, 'longitude of the bus.'), 'latitude': GCProp('deg', float, 'latitude of the bus.') }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={'active': 'active_prof'}) # Nominal voltage (kV) self.Vnom = vnom # minimum voltage limit self.Vmin = vmin # maximum voltage limit self.Vmax = vmax # summation of lower reactive power limits connected self.Qmin_sum = 0 # summation of upper reactive power limits connected self.Qmax_sum = 0 # short circuit impedance self.r_fault = r_fault self.x_fault = x_fault # is the bus active? = active self.active_prof = None self.area = area = zone self.substation = substation # List of load s attached to this bus self.loads = list() # List of Controlled generators attached to this bus self.controlled_generators = list() # List of shunt s attached to this bus self.shunts = list() # List of batteries attached to this bus self.batteries = list() # List of static generators attached tot this bus self.static_generators = list() # List of measurements self.measurements = list() # Bus type self.type = BusMode.NONE # Flag to determine if the bus is a slack bus or not self.is_slack = is_slack # if true, the presence of storage devices turn the bus into a Reference bus in practice # So that P +jQ are computed self.dispatch_storage = False # position and dimensions self.x = xpos self.y = ypos self.h = height self.w = width self.longitude = longitude self.latitude = latitude
def __init__(self, name='gen', active_power=0.0, power_factor=0.8, voltage_module=1.0, is_controlled=True, Qmin=-9999, Qmax=9999, Snom=9999, power_prof=None, power_factor_prof=None, vset_prof=None, Cost_prof=None, active=True, p_min=0.0, p_max=9999.0, op_cost=1.0, Sbase=100, enabled_dispatch=True, mttf=0.0, mttr=0.0, technology: GeneratorTechnologyType = GeneratorTechnologyType. CombinedCycle): EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.GeneratorDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the generator'), 'bus': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Connection bus name'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the generator active?'), 'is_controlled': GCProp('', bool, 'Is this generator voltage-controlled?'), 'P': GCProp('MW', float, 'Active power'), 'Pf': GCProp( '', float, 'Power factor (cos(fi)). ' 'This is used for non-controlled generators.'), 'Vset': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Set voltage. ' 'This is used for controlled generators.'), 'Snom': GCProp('MVA', float, 'Nomnial power.'), 'Qmin': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Minimum reactive power.'), 'Qmax': GCProp('MVAr', float, 'Maximum reactive power.'), 'Pmin': GCProp('MW', float, 'Minimum active power. Used in OPF.'), 'Pmax': GCProp('MW', float, 'Maximum active power. Used in OPF.'), 'Cost': GCProp('e/MWh', float, 'Generation unitary cost. Used in OPF.'), 'enabled_dispatch': GCProp('', bool, 'Enabled for dispatch? Used in OPF.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure'), 'mttr': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to recovery'), 'technology': GCProp('', GeneratorTechnologyType, 'Generator technology') }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'P': 'P_prof', 'Pf': 'Pf_prof', 'Vset': 'Vset_prof', 'Cost': 'Cost_prof' }) self.bus = None self.active_prof = None self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr = technology # is the device active active power dispatch? self.enabled_dispatch = enabled_dispatch # Power (MVA) self.P = active_power # Power factor self.Pf = power_factor # voltage set profile for this load in p.u. self.Pf_prof = power_factor_prof # If this generator is voltage controlled it produces a PV node, otherwise the node remains as PQ self.is_controlled = is_controlled # Nominal power in MVA (also the machine base) self.Snom = Snom # Minimum dispatched power in MW self.Pmin = p_min # Maximum dispatched power in MW self.Pmax = p_max # power profile for this load in MW self.P_prof = power_prof # Voltage module set point (p.u.) self.Vset = voltage_module # voltage set profile for this load in p.u. self.Vset_prof = vset_prof # minimum reactive power in MVAr self.Qmin = Qmin # Maximum reactive power in MVAr self.Qmax = Qmax # Cost of operation €/MW self.Cost = op_cost self.Cost_prof = Cost_prof # Dynamic vars # self.Ra = Ra # self.Xa = Xa # self.Xd = Xd # self.Xq = Xq # self.Xdp = Xdp # self.Xqp = Xqp # self.Xdpp = Xdpp # self.Xqpp = Xqpp # self.Td0p = Td0p # self.Tq0p = Tq0p # self.Td0pp = Td0pp # self.Tq0pp = Tq0pp # self.H = H # self.speed_volt = speed_volt # self.base_mva = base_mva # machine base MVA # system base power MVA self.Sbase = Sbase
def __init__(self, parent=None, edit_callback=None, name='Tower', tpe=BranchType.Branch): """ :param parent: :param edit_callback: :param name: :param tpe: """ EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=True, device_type=DeviceType.TowerDevice, editable_headers={ 'tower_name': GCProp('', str, "Tower name"), 'earth_resistivity': GCProp('Ohm/m3', float, "Earth resistivity"), 'frequency': GCProp('Hz', float, "Frequency"), 'R1': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Positive sequence resistance"), 'X1': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Positive sequence reactance"), 'Gsh1': GCProp('S/km', float, "Positive sequence shunt conductance"), 'Bsh1': GCProp('S/km', float, "Positive sequence shunt susceptance"), 'R0': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Zero-sequence resistance"), 'X0': GCProp('Ohm/km', float, "Zero sequence reactance"), 'Gsh0': GCProp('S/km', float, "Zero sequence shunt conductance"), 'Bsh0': GCProp('S/km', float, "Zero sequence shunt susceptance"), 'rating': GCProp('kA', float, "Current rating of the tower") }, non_editable_attributes=['tower_name'], properties_with_profile={}) self.tpe = tpe # list of wires in the tower self.wires = list() # properties self.tower_name = name self.earth_resistivity = 100 self.frequency = 50 # total series impedance (positive sequence) self.R1 = 0.0 self.X1 = 0.0 # total shunt admittance (positive sequence) self.Gsh1 = 0.0 self.Bsh1 = 0.0 # total series impedance (positive sequence) self.R0 = 0.0 self.X0 = 0.0 # total shunt admittance (positive sequence) self.Gsh0 = 0.0 self.Bsh0 = 0.0 # current rating of the tower in kA self.rating = 0.0 # impedances self.z_abcn = None self.z_phases_abcn = None self.z_abc = None self.z_phases_abc = None self.z_seq = None self.y_abcn = None self.y_phases_abcn = None self.y_abc = None self.y_phases_abc = None self.y_seq = None # wire properties for edition (do not confuse with the properties of this very object...) self.header = [ 'Wire', 'X (m)', 'Y (m)', 'Phase', 'Ri (Ohm/km)', 'Xi (Ohm/km)', 'GMR (m)' ] self.index_prop = { 0: 'wire_name', 1: 'xpos', 2: 'ypos', 3: 'phase', 4: 'r', 5: 'x', 6: 'gmr' } self.converter = { 0: str, 1: float, 2: float, 3: int, 4: float, 5: float, 6: float } self.editable_wire = [False, True, True, True, True, True, True]
def __init__(self, hv_nominal_voltage=0, lv_nominal_voltage=0, nominal_power=0.001, copper_losses=0, iron_losses=0, no_load_current=0, short_circuit_voltage=0, gr_hv1=0.5, gx_hv1=0.5, name='TransformerType', tpe=BranchType.Transformer): """ :param hv_nominal_voltage: :param lv_nominal_voltage: :param nominal_power: :param copper_losses: :param iron_losses: :param no_load_current: :param short_circuit_voltage: :param gr_hv1: :param gx_hv1: :param name: :param tpe: """ EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=True, device_type=DeviceType.TransformerTypeDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, "Name of the transformer type"), 'HV': GCProp('kV', float, "Nominal voltage al the high voltage side"), 'LV': GCProp('kV', float, "Nominal voltage al the low voltage side"), 'rating': GCProp('MVA', float, "Nominal power"), 'Pcu': GCProp('kW', float, "Copper losses"), 'Pfe': GCProp('kW', float, "Iron losses"), 'I0': GCProp('%', float, "No-load current"), 'Vsc': GCProp('%', float, "Short-circuit voltage") }, non_editable_attributes=list(), properties_with_profile={}) self.tpe = tpe self.HV = hv_nominal_voltage self.LV = lv_nominal_voltage self.rating = nominal_power self.Pcu = copper_losses self.Pfe = iron_losses self.I0 = no_load_current self.Vsc = short_circuit_voltage self.GR_hv1 = gr_hv1 self.GX_hv1 = gx_hv1
def __init__(self, bus_from: Bus = None, bus_to: Bus = None, name='DC Line', r=1e-20, rate=1.0, active=True, tolerance=0, cost=0.0, mttf=0, mttr=0, r_fault=0.0, fault_pos=0.5, branch_type: BranchType = BranchType.DCLine, length=1, vset=1.0, temp_base=20, temp_oper=20, alpha=0.00330): EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.BranchDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the branch.'), 'bus_from': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "from" side of the branch.'), 'bus_to': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "to" side of the branch.'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the branch active?'), 'rate': GCProp('MVA', float, 'Thermal rating power of the branch.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'mttr': GCProp( 'h', float, 'Mean time to recovery, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'R': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total resistance.'), 'tolerance': GCProp( '%', float, 'Tolerance expected for the impedance values\n' '7% is expected for transformers\n' '0% for lines.'), 'length': GCProp('km', float, 'Length of the branch ' '(not used for calculation)'), 'vset': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Objective voltage at the "to" side of ' 'the bus when regulating the tap.'), 'temp_base': GCProp('ºC', float, 'Base temperature at which R was ' 'measured.'), 'temp_oper': GCProp('ºC', float, 'Operation temperature to modify R.'), 'alpha': GCProp( '1/ºC', float, 'Thermal coefficient to modify R,\n' 'around a reference temperature\n' 'using a linear approximation.\n' 'For example:\n' 'Copper @ 20ºC: 0.004041,\n' 'Copper @ 75ºC: 0.00323,\n' 'Annealed copper @ 20ºC: 0.00393,\n' 'Aluminum @ 20ºC: 0.004308,\n' 'Aluminum @ 75ºC: 0.00330'), 'Cost': GCProp('e/MWh', float, 'Cost of overloads. Used in OPF.'), 'branch_type': GCProp('', BranchType, '') }, non_editable_attributes=['bus_from', 'bus_to', 'template'], properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'rate': 'rate_prof', 'temp_oper': 'temp_oper_prof', 'Cost': 'Cost_prof' }) # connectivity self.bus_from = bus_from self.bus_to = bus_to # List of measurements self.measurements = list() # line length in km self.length = length # branch impedance tolerance self.tolerance = tolerance # short circuit impedance self.r_fault = r_fault self.fault_pos = fault_pos # total impedance and admittance in p.u. self.R = r self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr self.Cost = cost self.Cost_prof = None self.active_prof = None # Conductor base and operating temperatures in ºC self.temp_base = temp_base self.temp_oper = temp_oper self.temp_oper_prof = None # Conductor thermal constant (1/ºC) self.alpha = alpha # branch rating in MVA self.rate = rate self.rate_prof = None # branch type: Line, Transformer, etc... self.branch_type = branch_type # type template self.vset = vset # converter for enumerations self.conv = { 'branch': BranchType.Branch, 'line': BranchType.Line, 'transformer': BranchType.Transformer, 'switch': BranchType.Switch, 'reactance': BranchType.Reactance } self.inv_conv = {val: key for key, val in self.conv.items()}
def __init__( self, bus_from: Bus = None, bus_to: Bus = None, name='Branch', r=1e-20, x=1e-20, g=1e-20, b=1e-20, rate=1.0, tap=1.0, shift_angle=0, active=True, tolerance=0, cost=0.0, mttf=0, mttr=0, r_fault=0.0, x_fault=0.0, fault_pos=0.5, branch_type: BranchType = BranchType.Line, length=1, vset=1.0, temp_base=20, temp_oper=20, alpha=0.00330, bus_to_regulated=False, template=BranchTemplate(), ): EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.BranchDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the branch.'), 'bus_from': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "from" side of the branch.'), 'bus_to': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "to" ' 'side of the branch.'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the branch active?'), 'rate': GCProp('MVA', float, 'Thermal rating power of the branch.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'mttr': GCProp( 'h', float, 'Mean time to recovery, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'R': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total resistance.'), 'X': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total reactance.'), 'G': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total shunt conductance.'), 'B': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total shunt susceptance.'), 'tolerance': GCProp( '%', float, 'Tolerance expected for the impedance values\n' '7% is expected for transformers\n' '0% for lines.'), 'length': GCProp('km', float, 'Length of the branch ' '(not used for calculation)'), 'tap_module': GCProp('', float, 'Tap changer module, ' 'it a value close to 1.0'), 'angle': GCProp('rad', float, 'Angle shift of the tap changer.'), 'bus_to_regulated': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the bus tap regulated?'), 'vset': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Objective voltage at the "to" side of ' 'the bus when regulating the tap.'), 'temp_base': GCProp('ºC', float, 'Base temperature at which R was ' 'measured.'), 'temp_oper': GCProp('ºC', float, 'Operation temperature to modify R.'), 'alpha': GCProp( '1/ºC', float, 'Thermal coefficient to modify R,\n' 'around a reference temperature\n' 'using a linear approximation.\n' 'For example:\n' 'Copper @ 20ºC: 0.004041,\n' 'Copper @ 75ºC: 0.00323,\n' 'Annealed copper @ 20ºC: 0.00393,\n' 'Aluminum @ 20ºC: 0.004308,\n' 'Aluminum @ 75ºC: 0.00330'), 'Cost': GCProp('e/MWh', float, 'Cost of overloads. Used in OPF.'), 'r_fault': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Resistance of the mid-line fault.\n' 'Used in short circuit studies.'), 'x_fault': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Reactance of the mid-line fault.\n' 'Used in short circuit studies.'), 'fault_pos': GCProp( 'p.u.', float, 'Per-unit positioning of the fault:\n' '0 would be at the "from" side,\n' '1 would be at the "to" side,\n' 'therefore 0.5 is at the middle.'), 'branch_type': GCProp('', BranchType, ''), 'template': GCProp('', BranchTemplate, '') }, non_editable_attributes=['bus_from', 'bus_to', 'template'], properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'temp_oper': 'temp_oper_prof', 'Cost': 'Cost_prof' }) # connectivity self.bus_from = bus_from self.bus_to = bus_to # List of measurements self.measurements = list() # line length in km self.length = length # branch impedance tolerance self.tolerance = tolerance # short circuit impedance self.r_fault = r_fault self.x_fault = x_fault self.fault_pos = fault_pos # total impedance and admittance in p.u. self.R = r self.X = x self.G = g self.B = b self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr self.Cost = cost self.Cost_prof = None self.active_prof = None # Conductor base and operating temperatures in ºC self.temp_base = temp_base self.temp_oper = temp_oper self.temp_oper_prof = None # Conductor thermal constant (1/ºC) self.alpha = alpha # tap changer object self.tap_changer = TapChanger() # Tap module if tap != 0: self.tap_module = tap self.tap_changer.set_tap(self.tap_module) else: self.tap_module = self.tap_changer.get_tap() # Tap angle self.angle = shift_angle # branch rating in MVA self.rate = rate # branch type: Line, Transformer, etc... self.branch_type = branch_type # type template self.template = template self.bus_to_regulated = bus_to_regulated self.vset = vset # self.non_editable_indices = [1, 2, 19] # converter for enumerations self.conv = { 'branch': BranchType.Branch, 'line': BranchType.Line, 'transformer': BranchType.Transformer, 'switch': BranchType.Switch, 'reactance': BranchType.Reactance } self.inv_conv = {val: key for key, val in self.conv.items()}
def __init__(self, bus_from: Bus = None, bus_to: Bus = None, name='DC Line', active=True, r1=0.0001, rate=1e-9, mttf=0, mttr=0): """ Voltage source converter (VSC) :param bus_from: :param bus_to: :param name: :param active: :param r1: :param rate: """ EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.DCBranchDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the branch.'), 'bus_from': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "from" side of the branch.'), 'bus_to': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "to" side of the branch.'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the branch active?'), 'rate': GCProp('MVA', float, 'Thermal rating power of the branch.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'mttr': GCProp( 'h', float, 'Mean time to recovery, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'Rrd': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'DC Resistance.'), }, non_editable_attributes=['bus_from', 'bus_to'], properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'rate': 'rate_prof' }) # connectivity self.bus_from = bus_from self.bus_to = bus_to # List of measurements self.measurements = list() # total impedance and admittance in p.u. self.Rdc = r1 self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr = active self.active_prof = None # branch rating in MVA self.rate = rate self.rate_prof = None # branch type: Line, Transformer, etc... self.branch_type = BranchType.DCLine
def __init__(self, bus_from: Bus = None, bus_to: Bus = None, name='VSC', active=True, r1=0.0001, x1=0.05, m=0.8, theta=0.1, G0=1e-5, Beq=0.001, rate=1e-9, mttf=0, mttr=0): """ Voltage source converter (VSC) :param bus_from: :param bus_to: :param name: :param active: :param r1: :param x1: :param m: :param theta: :param G0: :param Beq: :param rate: """ EditableDevice.__init__( self, name=name, active=active, device_type=DeviceType.VscDevice, editable_headers={ 'name': GCProp('', str, 'Name of the branch.'), 'bus_from': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "from" side of the branch.'), 'bus_to': GCProp('', DeviceType.BusDevice, 'Name of the bus at the "to" side of the branch.'), 'active': GCProp('', bool, 'Is the branch active?'), 'rate': GCProp('MVA', float, 'Thermal rating power of the branch.'), 'mttf': GCProp('h', float, 'Mean time to failure, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'mttr': GCProp( 'h', float, 'Mean time to recovery, ' 'used in reliability studies.'), 'R1': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Resistive losses.'), 'X1': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Magnetic losses.'), 'Gsw': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Inverter losses.'), 'Beq': GCProp('p.u.', float, 'Total shunt susceptance.'), 'm': GCProp('', float, 'Tap changer module, it a value close to 1.0'), 'theta': GCProp('rad', float, 'Converter firing angle.'), }, non_editable_attributes=['bus_from', 'bus_to'], properties_with_profile={ 'active': 'active_prof', 'rate': 'rate_prof' }) # the VSC must only connect from an AC to a DC bus assert (bus_from.is_dc != bus_to.is_dc) # connectivity: # for the later primitives to make sense, the "bus from" must be AC and the "bus to" must be DC if bus_to.is_dc: self.bus_from = bus_from self.bus_to = bus_to else: self.bus_from = bus_to self.bus_to = bus_from print('Corrected the connection direction of the VSC device:', # List of measurements self.measurements = list() # total impedance and admittance in p.u. self.R1 = r1 self.X1 = x1 self.G0 = G0 self.Beq = Beq self.m = m self.theta = theta self.mttf = mttf self.mttr = mttr = active self.active_prof = None # branch rating in MVA self.rate = rate self.rate_prof = None # branch type: Line, Transformer, etc... self.branch_type = BranchType.VSC