예제 #1
    def __init__(self,

        if ID is None:
            ID = uuid4()
        if type_graph is None:
            type_graph = 'PlanElementGraph'
        if Elements is None:
            Elements = set()
        if Edges is None:
            Edges = set()
        if Restrictions is None:
            Restrictions = set()

        self.OrderingGraph = OrderingGraph()
        self.CausalLinkGraph = CausalLinkGraph()

        self.flaws = FlawLib()
        self.solved = False
        self.initial_dummy_step = None
        self.final_dummy_step = None

        if plan_elm is None:
            plan_elm = Element(ID=ID, typ=type_graph, name=name)

        super(PlanElementGraph, self).__init__(ID, type_graph, name, Elements,
                                               plan_elm, Edges, Restrictions)
예제 #2
파일: GPlan.py 프로젝트: drwiner/BiPOCL
	def __init__(self, dummy_init_constructor, dummy_goal_constructor):
		self.ID = uuid4()
		self.OrderingGraph = OrderingGraph()
		self.CausalLinkGraph = CausalLinkGraph()
		# self.HierarchyGraph = HierarchyGraph()
		self.flaws = FlawLib()
		self.solved = False
		self.dummy = dummyTuple(dummy_init_constructor.instantiate(), dummy_goal_constructor.instantiate())

		self.init = self.dummy.init.preconds
		self.goal = self.dummy.final.preconds
		self.steps = [self.dummy.init, self.dummy.final]

		# check if any existing steps are choices (instances of cndts of open conditions)

		self.cndt_map = None
		self.threat_map = None
		# self.gstep_lib = ground_step_list

		# self.h_step_dict = dict()

		self.heuristic = float('inf')
		self.name = ''
		self.cost = 0
		self.depth = 0
예제 #3
	def swap_substeps(self, gsteps, GL, decomp_step):
		# base case - sub-steps are all height = 0
		primitive_substeps = [arg for arg in decomp_step.ground_subplan.elements
		                      if type(arg) == Operator and arg.height == 0]
		composite_substeps = [arg for arg in decomp_step.ground_subplan.elements
		                      if type(arg) == Operator and arg.height > 0]

		if len(composite_substeps) == 0:
			prim_dict = {step: gsteps[step.stepnumber].instantiate() for step in primitive_substeps}
			self.create_composite_gstep(gsteps, decomp_step, prim_dict)
			return prim_dict
			# links and orderings in intermediate stage
			# change_dict = {step.root: gsteps[step.stepnumber].instantiate() for step in decomp_step.ground_subplan.Root_Graphs}

			change_dict = {}
			# order steps by height, lowest to highest.
			step_list = [step for step in decomp_step.ground_subplan.Step_Graphs]
			step_list.sort(key=lambda x: x.height)
			do_not_add_as_substep = []
			for step in step_list:

				Args = [decompile(arg, decomp_step.ground_subplan) for arg in step.Args]
				preconds = [GLiteral(p.name, [decompile(arg, p) for arg in p.Args],
				                     p.truth, p.replaced_ID, (p.name, p.truth) not in GL.non_static_preds)
				            for p in step.Preconditions]
				effects = [GLiteral(e.name, [decompile(arg, e) for arg in e.Args],
				                    e.truth, e.replaced_ID, (e.name, e.truth) not in GL.non_static_preds)
				           for e in step.Effects]
				schema = str(step)
				step_copy = GStep(schema, Args, preconds, effects, step.stepnumber, step.height)
				step_copy.ID = step.root.ID
				st_t = gsteps[step.stepnumber].instantiate()
				step_copy.swap_setup(st_t.cndts, st_t.cndt_map, st_t.threats, st_t.threat_map, st_t.cntg_mental)

				# give no children
				if step.height > 0:
					init_step = st_t.dummy[0]
					init_step.schema = "begin:" + str(step)
					final_step = st_t.dummy[1]
					final_step.schema = "finish:" + str(step)
					step_copy.dummy = dummyTuple(init_step, final_step)

					# step_copy.sub_steps = []
					children = decomp_step.ground_subplan.DecompGraph.getNeighbors(step.root)
					step_copy.sub_steps = [change_dict[child] for child in children if child.typ != 'step-s']

					step_copy.sub_orderings = OrderingGraph()
					step_copy.sub_links = CausalLinkGraph()

				change_dict[step.root] = step_copy
				# self.sub_steps.append(step)
			self.create_composite_gstep(gsteps, decomp_step, change_dict, do_not_add_as_substep)
			return change_dict
예제 #4
    def Actions_2_Plan(cls, Actions, h):
        # Used by Plannify

        if not checkHeight(Actions, h):
            return None

        elements = set().union(*[A.elements for A in Actions])
        edges = set().union(*[A.edges for A in Actions])
        Plan = cls(name='Action_2_Plan', Elements=elements, Edges=edges)
        for edge in Plan.edges:
            if edge.label == 'effect-of':
                elm = Plan.getElementById(edge.sink.ID)
                elm.replaced_ID = edge.sink.replaced_ID

        Plan.OrderingGraph = OrderingGraph()
        Plan.CausalLinkGraph = CausalLinkGraph()
        # Plan.Steps = [A.root for A in Actions]
        return Plan
예제 #5
	def __init__(self, operator, args, preconditions, effects, stepnum, height):

		# schema refers to the name of the operator
		self.schema = operator
		# Args are Argument or Actor "Element" types
		self.Args = args
		# ID used as "instance ID"
		self.ID = uuid4()
		# preconds is a list of GCond
		self.preconds = preconditions
		self.effects = effects
		# stepnum is the ground step constructor type
		self.stepnum = stepnum
		self.stepnumber = stepnum
		# height is 0 when primitive
		self.height = height

		if height > 0:
			self.sub_steps = []
			self.sub_orderings = OrderingGraph()
			self.sub_links = CausalLinkGraph()
			self.dummy = dummyTuple(None, None)

		# depth starts at 0 and takes on value during planning
		self.depth = 0

		self.cndts = None
		self.cndt_map = None
		self.threat_map = None
		self.threats = None
		self.cntg_mental = None

		self.instantiable = True

		# risks are number of threat instances
		self.risks = list()
		self.choices = list()
		# choices are instances of cndt antecedents
		self.choice_map = dict()
		# self.num_choices = 0
		# open preconditions which need causal link
		self.open_preconds = list(self.preconds)