def fitsToPNG(fitsfile, pngfile, vmin=None, vmax=None, **kwargs): #Display the TS map #figure = plt.figure() tsfig = aplpy.FITSFigure(fitsfile, convention='calabretta') tsfig.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') tsfig.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') if (vmin is not None and vmax is not None): tsfig.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', aspect='auto', vmin=float(vmin), vmax=float(vmax)) else: #Get maximum of image f = maximum = f[0].data.max() f.close() tsfig.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', aspect='auto', vmin=0, vmax=float(maximum)) # Modify the tick labels for precision and format tsfig.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') tsfig.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties tsfig.show_grid() tsfig.add_colorbar() if ('sources' in kwargs.keys()): sources = kwargs['sources'] for src in sources: tsfig.add_label(float(src[1]), float(src[2]), "%s" % src[0], relative=False, weight='bold', color='green', size='x-small', verticalalignment='top', horizontalalignment='left') tsfig.show_markers([float(src[1])], [float(src[2])], edgecolor='green', marker='x') pass if ('ra' in kwargs.keys()): ra = float(kwargs['ra']) dec = float(kwargs['dec']) tsfig.show_markers([ra], [dec], edgecolor='cyan', facecolor='cyan', marker='x', s=120, alpha=0.5, linewidth=3) pass #figure.canvas.draw()
def displayImage(self): self.image = aplpy.FITSFigure(self.skyimage, convention='calabretta', figure=self.figure, subplot=[0.1, 0.10, 0.40, 0.7], label='sky image') imageFits = img = imageFits[0].data # Apply grayscale mapping of image if (not self.empty): skm = self.image.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', vmin=0.1, vmax=max(img.flatten()), stretch='log') else: skm = self.image.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', vmin=0, vmax=0.1) imageFits.close() # Modify the tick labels for precision and format self.image.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') self.image.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties try: self.image.show_grid() except: #show_grid throw an exception if the grid was already there pass pass #Try to plot a cross at the source position if (self.obj_ra is not None): self.image.show_markers([float(self.obj_ra)], [float(self.obj_dec)], edgecolor='cyan', facecolor='cyan', marker='x', s=120, alpha=0.5, linewidth=2) self.figure.canvas.draw()
def run(**kwargs): if (len(kwargs.keys()) == 0): #Nothing specified, the user needs just help! thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get parameters values thisCommand.setParValuesFromDictionary(kwargs) try: eventfile = thisCommand.getParValue('filteredeventfile') rspfile = thisCommand.getParValue('rspfile') ft2file = thisCommand.getParValue('ft2file') xmlmodel = thisCommand.getParValue('xmlmodel') tsltcube = thisCommand.getParValue('tsltcube') tsexpomap = thisCommand.getParValue('tsexpomap') tsmap = thisCommand.getParValue('tsmap') step = float(thisCommand.getParValue('step')) side = thisCommand.getParValue('side') if (side == 'auto'): side = None # showmodelimage = thisCommand.getParValue('showmodelimage') # optimize = thisCommand.getParValue('optimizeposition') # tsmin = float(thisCommand.getParValue('tsmin')) # skymap = thisCommand.getParValue('skymap') clobber = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('clobber')) verbose = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('verbose')) figure = thisCommand.getParValue('figure') except KeyError as err: print("\n\nERROR: Parameter %s not found or incorrect! \n\n" % (err.args[0])) #Print help print thisCommand.getHelp() return pass from GtBurst import dataHandling from GtBurst.angularDistance import getAngularDistance origra = float(dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'RA')) origdec = float(dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'DEC')) sourceName = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'OBJECT') #Verify that TS map, if provided, is compatible with the position in the XML if (tsexpomap is not None and tsexpomap != ''): if (os.path.exists(tsexpomap)): header = pyfits.getheader(tsexpomap) ra, dec = (float(header.get('CRVAL1')), float(header.get('CRVAL2'))) angdist = getAngularDistance(origra, origdec, ra, dec) if (angdist > 0.1): print( "Provided exposure map has a different center. Will compute it again." ) tsexpomap = None else: print( "Provided exposure map does not exist. Will compute it again.") tsexpomap = None LATdata = dataHandling.LATData(eventfile, rspfile, ft2file) tsmap = LATdata.makeTSmap(xmlmodel, sourceName, step, side, tsmap, tsltcube, tsexpomap) tsltcube = LATdata.livetimeCube tsexpomap = LATdata.exposureMap ra, dec, tsmax = dataHandling.findMaximumTSmap(tsmap, tsexpomap) print( "\nCoordinates of the maximum of the TS map in the allowed region (TS = %.1f):" % (tsmax)) print("(R.A., Dec.) = (%6.3f, %6.3f)\n" % (ra, dec)) print("Distance from ROI center = %6.3f\n\n" % (getAngularDistance(origra, origdec, ra, dec))) if (figure is not None): from GtBurst import aplpy #Display the TS map figure.clear() tsfig = aplpy.FITSFigure(tsmap, convention='calabretta', figure=figure) tsfig.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') tsfig.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') tsfig.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', aspect='auto') tsfig.show_markers([ra], [dec], edgecolor='green', facecolor='none', marker='o', s=10, alpha=0.5) # Modify the tick labels for precision and format tsfig.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') tsfig.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties tsfig.show_grid() figure.canvas.draw() pass return 'tsmap', tsmap, 'tsmap_ra', ra, 'tsmap_dec', dec, 'tsmap_maxTS', tsmax, 'tsltcube', tsltcube, 'tsexpomap', tsexpomap
def run(**kwargs): if (len(kwargs.keys()) == 0): #Nothing specified, the user needs just help! thisCommand.getHelp() return pass #Get parameters values thisCommand.setParValuesFromDictionary(kwargs) try: eventfile = thisCommand.getParValue('filteredeventfile') rspfile = thisCommand.getParValue('rspfile') ft2file = thisCommand.getParValue('ft2file') expomap = thisCommand.getParValue('expomap') ltcube = thisCommand.getParValue('ltcube') xmlmodel = thisCommand.getParValue('xmlmodel') showmodelimage = thisCommand.getParValue('showmodelimage') optimize = thisCommand.getParValue('optimizeposition') spectralfiles = thisCommand.getParValue('spectralfiles') tsmin = float(thisCommand.getParValue('tsmin')) skymap = thisCommand.getParValue('skymap') liketype = thisCommand.getParValue('liketype') clobber = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('clobber')) verbose = _yesOrNoToBool(thisCommand.getParValue('verbose')) figure = thisCommand.getParValue('figure') except KeyError as err: print("\n\nERROR: Parameter %s not found or incorrect! \n\n" % (err.args[0])) #Print help print thisCommand.getHelp() return pass from GtBurst import dataHandling from GtBurst.angularDistance import getAngularDistance LATdata = dataHandling.LATData(eventfile, rspfile, ft2file) try: if (liketype == 'unbinned'): outfilelike, sources = LATdata.doUnbinnedLikelihoodAnalysis( xmlmodel, tsmin, expomap=expomap, ltcube=ltcube) else: #Generation of spectral files and optimization of the position is #not supported yet for binned analysis if (spectralfiles == 'yes'): print( "\nWARNING: you specified spectralfiles=yes, but the generation of spectral files is not supported for binned analysis\n" ) spectralfiles = 'no' if (optimize == 'yes'): print( "\nWARNING: you specified optimize=yes, but position optimization is not supported for binned analysis\n" ) optimize = 'no' outfilelike, sources = LATdata.doBinnedLikelihoodAnalysis( xmlmodel, tsmin, expomap=expomap, ltcube=ltcube) except GtBurstException as gt: raise gt except: raise #Transfer information on the source from the input to the output XML irf = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'IRF') ra = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'RA') dec = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'DEC') name = dataHandling._getParamFromXML(xmlmodel, 'OBJECT') try: grb = filter(lambda x: >= 0, sources)[0] grb_TS = grb.TS except: #A model without GRB print("\nWarning: no GRB in the model!") grb_TS = -1 pass if (irf == None): print( "\n\nWARNING: could not read IRF from XML file. Be sure you know what you are doing..." ) else: dataHandling._writeParamIntoXML(outfilelike, IRF=irf, OBJECT=name, RA=ra, DEC=dec) pass if (spectralfiles == 'yes'): phafile, rspfile, bakfile = LATdata.doSpectralFiles(outfilelike) pass localizationMessage = '' bestra = '' bestdec = '' poserr = '' distance = '' if (optimize == 'yes'): sourceName = name #If the TS for the source is above tsmin, optimize its position #grb = filter(lambda>=0,sources)[0] if (math.ceil(grb_TS) >= tsmin): try: bestra, bestdec, poserr = LATdata.optimizeSourcePosition( outfilelike, sourceName) except: raise GtBurstException( 207, "gtfindsrc execution failed. Were the source detected in the likelihood step?" ) else: localizationMessage += "\nNew localization from gtfindsrc:\n\n" localizationMessage += "(R.A., Dec) = (%6.3f, %6.3f)\n" % ( bestra, bestdec) localizationMessage += "68 %s containment radius = %6.3f\n" % ( '%', poserr) localizationMessage += "90 %s containment radius = %6.3f\n" % ( '%', 1.41 * poserr) distance = getAngularDistance(float(ra), float(dec), float(bestra), float(bestdec)) localizationMessage += "Distance from initial position = %6.3f\n\n" % ( distance) localizationMessage += "NOTE: this new localization WILL NOT be used by default. If you judge" localizationMessage += " it is a better localization than the one you started with, update the" localizationMessage += " coordinates yourself and re-run the likelihood\n" pass pass if (figure != None and skymap != None and showmodelimage == 'yes'): #Now produce the binned exposure map (needed in order to display the fitted model as an image) modelmapfile = LATdata.makeModelSkyMap(outfilelike) #Display point sources in the image, and report in the table #all 2FGL sources with TS > 9 + always the GRB, independently of its TS detectedSources = [] grbFlux = 1e-13 for src in sources: weight = 'bold' if (src.type == 'PointSource'): if (src.TS > 4): detectedSources.append(src) if ('2FGL') < 0): #GRB grbFlux = src.flux pass pass pass #Display the counts map from GtBurst import aplpy import matplotlib.pyplot as plt figure.clear() orig = aplpy.FITSFigure(skymap, convention='calabretta', figure=figure, subplot=[0.1, 0.1, 0.45, 0.7]) vmax = max([0].data.flatten()) nEvents = numpy.sum([0].data) telapsed =[0].header['TSTOP'] - eventfile)[0].header['TSTART'] orig.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') orig.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') orig.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', vmin=0.1, vmax=max(vmax, 0.11), stretch='log', aspect='auto') # Modify the tick labels for precision and format orig.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') orig.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties orig.show_grid() #Renormalize the modelmapfile to the flux of the grb f =, 'update') f[0].data = f[0].data / numpy.max(f[0].data) * nEvents / telapsed print(numpy.max(f[0].data)) f.close() img = aplpy.FITSFigure(modelmapfile, convention='calabretta', figure=figure, subplot=[0.55, 0.1, 0.4, 0.7]) img.set_tick_labels_font(size='small') img.set_axis_labels_font(size='small') #vmax = max([0].data.flatten()) img.show_colorscale(cmap='gist_heat', aspect='auto', stretch='log') for src in detectedSources: img.add_label(float(src.ra), float(src.dec), "%s\n(ts = %i)" % (, int(math.ceil(src.TS))), relative=False, weight=weight, color='green', size='small') pass # Modify the tick labels for precision and format img.tick_labels.set_xformat('ddd.dd') img.tick_labels.set_yformat('ddd.dd') # Display a grid and tweak the properties img.show_grid() #ax = figure.add_axes([0.1,0.72,0.85,0.25],frame_on=False) #ax.xaxis.set_visible(False) #ax.yaxis.set_visible(False) #col_labels =['Source Name','TS','Energy flux','Photon index'] #table_vals = map(lambda x:[,"%i" %(int(math.ceil(x.TS))), # "%s +/- %s" % (x.flux,x.fluxError), # "%s +/- %s" % (x.photonIndex,x.photonIndexError)],detectedSources) # #if(len(table_vals)>0): # the_table = ax.table(cellText=table_vals, # colLabels=col_labels, # loc='upper center') figure.canvas.draw() figure.savefig("likelihood_results.png") pass if (figure != None): #Assume we have an X server running #Now display the results likemsg = "Log(likelihood) = %s" % (LATdata.logL) displayResults( figure.canvas._tkcanvas, LATdata.resultsStrings + "\n" + likemsg + "\n" + localizationMessage) print(localizationMessage) return 'likexmlresults', outfilelike, 'TS', grb_TS, 'bestra', bestra, 'bestdec', bestdec, 'poserr', poserr, 'distance', distance, 'sources', sources