class mplSlicePlot(FigureCanvas):
    subPlotRec = [ [ 0.65, 0.02, 0.3, 0.1 ], ]
    plotRec    = [ [ 0.05, 0.15, 0.9, 0.8 ], ]

    def __init__(self, parent, *args, **kwargs):
        self.fig = Figure( ) # subplotpars=SubplotParams(left=0.01, right=0.99, bottom=0.01, top=0.99 ) )
        FigureCanvas.__init__(self, self.fig)
        self.axes = self.fig.add_axes( self.plotRec[0] )   
        self.subplotaxes0 = self.fig.add_axes( self.subPlotRec[0] )    
#        self.update_subplot( False )                  
        FigureCanvas.setSizePolicy(self, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding, QtGui.QSizePolicy.Expanding)
        timestep = kwargs.get( 'timestep', None )
        if timestep:
            self.timer = QtCore.QTimer(self)
            QtCore.QObject.connect(self.timer, QtCore.SIGNAL("timeout()"), self.update_figure)
        self.vrange = [ None, None ]
        self.parms = {}
        self.parms.update( kwargs )
        self.plot = None
        self.cbar = None
        self.zscale = 3
        self.current_plot_index = -1
        self.current_grid_index = -1
        self.annotation_box = None
        self.grid_annotation = None
        self.time_annotation = None
        self.dset_annotation = None
        self.slice_loc = [ 0, 0, 0, 0 ]
        self.cursor_pos = [ 0.0, 0.0 ]
        self.axes_intervals = [ [0,0], [0,0] ]
        self.cursor_plot = None
        self.fixed_datarange = False
        self.roi = None
        self.cmap = 'jet'
        self.fig.canvas.mpl_connect( 'button_press_event', self.processMouseClick )
        self.slicedImageData = None
        self.point_plot0 = None
#        self.frameEater = FrameEater( self ) 
#        self.installEventFilter( self.frameEater )

#     def update_subplot(self, subplot_on ):
#         if subplot_on:
#             self.axes.set_position( self.plotRec[1]) 
#             self.subplotaxes0.set_position( self.subPlotRec[1] )  
#         else:
#             self.axes.set_position( self.plotRec[0] )  
#             self.subplotaxes0.set_position( self.subPlotRec[0] )           

    def processProbe( self, point, button=None ):
        plot_tseries = ( button == 1 )
        pointCoords, pointIndices, ptVal, tseries = self.dataSlicer.getPoint( rpt=point, timeseries=plot_tseries )
        self.plotPoint( pointCoords, pointIndices, ptVal ) 
        if id(tseries) <> id(None): self.plotTimeseries( pointCoords, pointIndices, tseries )
        print " processProbe: %s %s %s %s %s"  % ( point, str(pointCoords), str(pointIndices), str(ptVal), str(button) )   

    def processSubset( self, roi ):
        dataSlice = self.dataSlicer.setRoi( roi )          
        if id(dataSlice) <> id(None):
            self.slicedImageData =  dataSlice     
            self.plotSubset( self.slicedImageData, roi )   
        print " processSubset: %s "  % ( str(roi) )   

    def processColorConfig( self, vscale = None, cmap = None ):
        if vscale: 
            self.vrange = vscale
            self.fixed_datarange = True
        if cmap: self.cmap = cmap

    def positionSlice( self, iAxis, slider_pos, coord_value ):
        dataSlice = self.dataSlicer.getSlice( iAxis, slider_pos, coord_value )          
        if id(dataSlice) <> id(None):
            self.slicedImageData =  dataSlice     
            if not self.fixed_datarange:
                self.vrange = self.dataSlicer.getDataBounds() 
                print "Setting vrange: " , str( self.vrange ) 
            self.plotSlice( iAxis, self.slicedImageData, self.dataSlicer.getCurrentPositionIndex(iAxis), coord_value ) 

    def getDataBounds(self):
        return self.dataSlicer.getDataBounds()

    def processMouseClick( self, event ):
        ibutton = event.button
        pointIndices = [ 0, 0 ]
        pointCoords = [ 0, 0 ]
        rCoord = [ 0, 0 ]
        plot_tseries = ( ibutton == 1 )
        for iAxis in range(2):
            dcoord = event.xdata if (iAxis==0) else event.ydata
            if dcoord == None:
#                self.update_subplot( False ) 
            bounds = self.axes.get_xbound() if (iAxis==0) else self.axes.get_ybound()
            rCoord[iAxis] = ( dcoord - bounds[0] ) / (  bounds[1] - bounds[0] ) 

        pointCoords, pointIndices, ptVal, tseries = self.dataSlicer.getPoint( rpt=rCoord, timeseries=plot_tseries )
        self.plotPoint( pointCoords, pointIndices, ptVal )
        if id(tseries) <> id(None): self.plotTimeseries( pointCoords, pointIndices, tseries )
#            print "  pointIndices = %s, pointCoords = %s, rCoord=%s " % ( pointIndices, pointCoords, rCoord )
    def param(self, pname, defval = None ):
        return self.parms.get( pname, defval )

    def set_param(self, pname, val ):
        self.parms[ pname ] = val

#        self.cmap = None
#        self.norm = None
#        self.aspect = None
#        self.interpolation = None
#        self.alpha = None
#        self.origin = None
#        self.extent = None
#        self.shape = None
#        self.filternorm = None
#        self.filterrad = 4.0
#        self.imlim = None
#        self.resample = None
#        self.url = None

    def initCanvas( self, parent ): 
#        fig = Figure(figsize=(width, height), dpi=dpi) # , width=5, height=4, dpi=100, **kwargs):

    def compute_initial_figure(self):

#     def setTicks1( self, iaxis, nticks, coord_bounds=None ):            
#         tvals = [0]*nticks
#         tlocs = [0]*nticks     
#         axis = self.xcoord if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.ycoord
#         axis_vals = axis.getValue() 
#         nvals = len( axis_vals )
#         bounds = self.axes.get_xbound() if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.axes.get_ybound()
#         brange = bounds[1] - bounds[0]
#         tstep = brange / float( nticks ) 
#         ihalfstep = brange / ( 2 * float( nvals ) )
#         invertAxis = ( iaxis == 1 )
#         if axis.isLevel() and hasattr( axis, 'positive' ) :           
#             invertValues = (bounds[0] < bounds[1]) if axis.positive == 'down' else (bounds[1] < bounds[0])
#             if invertValues: invertAxis = not invertAxis
#         if invertAxis:
#             for iTick in range( 0, nticks ):
#                 tlocs[iTick] = bounds[1] - ( tstep * iTick )   
#         else:
#             for iTick in range( 0, nticks ):
#                 tlocs[iTick] = bounds[0] + tstep * iTick  
#         if coord_bounds == None: 
#             index_offset = 0
#             index_step = nvals / float( nticks - 1 )
#             self.axes_intervals[iaxis] = [ 0, nvals ]
#         else: 
#             if axis.isLongitude() and ( ( coord_bounds[0] < 0.0 ) or ( coord_bounds[1] < 0.0 ) ):
#                 coord_bounds[0] = coord_bounds[0] + 360.0
#                 coord_bounds[1] = coord_bounds[1] + 360.0
#             index_interval = axis.mapIntervalExt( coord_bounds )
#             index_offset = index_interval[0]
#             index_step = ( index_interval[1] - index_interval[0] ) / float( nticks - 1 )
#             self.axes_intervals[iaxis] = [ index_interval[0], index_interval[1] ]
#         iValIndex = int( index_offset )
#         for iVal in range( 0, nticks ):            
#             cval = axis_vals[ iValIndex ]
#             tvals[iVal] = ( "%.1f" % cval )
#             iValIndex = int( round( iValIndex + index_step ) )
#             if iValIndex >= nvals: iValIndex = nvals - 1
#         if ( iaxis == 0 ):
#             self.axes.set_autoscalex_on( False )
#             self.axes.set_xticklabels( tvals )
#             self.axes.set_xticks( tlocs )
#         else:
#             self.axes.set_autoscaley_on( False )
#             self.axes.set_yticklabels( tvals )
#             self.axes.set_yticks( tlocs )

    def setTicks( self, iaxis, nticks, coord_bounds=None ):            
        tvals = [0]*nticks
        tlocs = [0]*nticks     
        axis = self.xcoord if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.ycoord
        axis_vals = axis.getValue() 
        nvals = len( axis_vals )
        bounds = self.axes.get_xbound() if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.axes.get_ybound()
        brange = bounds[1] - bounds[0]
        tstep = brange / float( nticks-1 )     
#        invertAxis = ( hasattr( axis, 'positive' ) and (bounds[0] < bounds[1]) and ( axis.positive == 'down') )
        if coord_bounds == None: 
            index_offset = 0
            index_step = nvals / float( nticks - 1 )
            self.axes_intervals[iaxis] = [ 0, nvals ]
            interval_width = float( nvals - 1 )
            if axis.isLongitude() and ( ( coord_bounds[0] < 0.0 ) or ( coord_bounds[1] < 0.0 ) ):
                coord_bounds[0] = coord_bounds[0] + 360.0
                coord_bounds[1] = coord_bounds[1] + 360.0
            index_interval = list( axis.mapIntervalExt( coord_bounds ) )
            index_interval[1] = index_interval[1] + 1
            index_offset = index_interval[0]
            index_step = int( round( ( index_interval[1] - index_interval[0] ) / float( nticks - 1 ) ) )
            self.axes_intervals[iaxis] = [ index_interval[0], index_interval[1] ]
            interval_width = float( index_interval[1] - index_interval[0] - 1 )
        indices = []    
        iValIndex = int( index_offset )
        iValIndexMax = self.axes_intervals[iaxis][1]
        for iVal in range( 0, nticks ):            
            cval = axis_vals[ iValIndex ]
            tvals[iVal] = ( "%.1f" % cval )
            rval = ( iValIndex - index_offset ) / interval_width
            tlocs[iVal] =  ( bounds[0] + rval * brange )   # (bounds[1] - rval * brange)  if invertAxis else ( bounds[0] + rval * brange )  
            indices.append( iValIndex ) 
            iValIndex = int( round( iValIndex + index_step ) )
            if iValIndex >= iValIndexMax: iValIndex = iValIndexMax - 1
#        print "Set ticks[%d]: %s %s %s " % ( iaxis, str(indices), str(tlocs), str(tvals) )      
        if ( iaxis == 0 ):
            self.axes.set_autoscalex_on( False )
            self.axes.set_xticklabels( tvals )
            self.axes.set_xticks( tlocs )
            self.axes.set_autoscaley_on( False )
            self.axes.set_yticklabels( tvals )
            self.axes.set_yticks( tlocs )
    def setTitle(self):
            title_font = { 'family' : 'serif', 'color'  : 'black', 'weight' : 'bold', 'size'   : 32, }
            title = self.var.long_name if hasattr( self.var, 'long_name') else
            self.axes.set_title(title, fontdict=title_font )
        except: pass
    def setAxisLabels(self):
        axis_font = { 'family' : 'serif', 'color'  : 'black', 'weight' : 'normal', 'size'   : 21, }
        self.axes.set_xlabel( getAxisLabel( self.xcoord ), fontdict=axis_font )
        self.axes.set_ylabel( getAxisLabel( self.ycoord ), fontdict=axis_font )
    def updateColorbar( self, **args ):
        if self.cbar == None:
            shrink_factor = args.get( 'shrink', 0.5 )
   self.axes )
            self.cbar = self.figure.colorbar( self.plot, shrink=shrink_factor ) 
            try: self.cbar.set_label( self.var.units )
            except: pass
#            print dir(self.plot)
            self.cbar.on_mappable_changed( self.plot )
    def setZScale( self, zscale ):
        if self.zscale <> zscale:
            self.zscale = zscale
            self.update_figure( True )
    def showAnnotation( self, textstr ): 
        if self.annotation_box == None:     
            props = dict( boxstyle='round', facecolor='wheat', alpha=0.5 )
            self.annotation_box = self.axes.text( 0.78, 0.99, textstr, transform=self.fig.transFigure, fontsize=14, verticalalignment='top', bbox=props)
            self.annotation_box.set_text( textstr )
#     def getDisplayPoint1( self, data_point, dataPointIndices ):
#         dpnt = [0,0]
#         for iaxis in range(2):   
#             axis = self.xcoord if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.ycoord
#             axis_vals = axis.getValue() 
#             cVal = data_point[ iaxis ]
#             index_bnds = self.axes_intervals[iaxis]
#             sub_axis_vals = axis_vals[index_bnds[0]:index_bnds[1]]
#             nvals = index_bnds[1] - index_bnds[0]
#             if sub_axis_vals[0] > sub_axis_vals[-1]:
#                 iVal = np.searchsorted( sub_axis_vals[::-1], cVal )
#                 iVal = nvals - iVal - 1
#             else:
#                 iVal = np.searchsorted( sub_axis_vals, cVal )            
#             fVal = iVal / float( nvals )
#             bounds = self.axes.get_xbound() if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.axes.get_ybound()
#             brange = bounds[1] - bounds[0]            
#             dpnt[ iaxis ] = ( bounds[0] + fVal * brange ) if ( iaxis == 0 ) else ( bounds[1] - fVal * brange )
#         return dpnt 

    def getDisplayPoint( self, dataPointIndices ):
        dpnt = [0,0]
        for iaxis in range(2): 
            axis = self.xcoord if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.ycoord  
            index_bnds = self.axes_intervals[iaxis]
#            axis_vals = axis.getValue() 
            localIndex = dataPointIndices[ iaxis ] # - index_bnds[0]
            fVal = localIndex / float( index_bnds[1] - index_bnds[0] -1 )
            bounds = self.axes.get_xbound() if ( iaxis == 0 ) else self.axes.get_ybound()
            brange = bounds[1] - bounds[0] 
#            invertAxis = ( hasattr( axis, 'positive' ) and ( axis.positive == 'down' ) and ( axis_vals[1] > axis_vals[0] ) )    
#            if  invertAxis:  dpnt[ iaxis ] = ( bounds[1] - fVal * brange )
#            else:            dpnt[ iaxis ] = ( bounds[0] + fVal * brange )  
            dpnt[ iaxis ] = ( bounds[0] + fVal * brange )  
        return dpnt 
    def updateCursor( self, dataPointIndices ):          
        if self.cursor_plot == None: 
#                self.axes.hold(True)
            self.cursor_plot = MyCursor( self.axes,  color='red', linewidth=1 ) # useblit=True,
#                self.axes.hold(False)
#            cdata = self.axes.transData.transform_point( self.cursor_pos )
        x, y = self.getDisplayPoint( dataPointIndices )
        mv_event = MoveEvent( self.axes, [ x ], [ y ] )
        self.cursor_plot.onmove( mv_event )
#        print "Update cursor: %.1f, %.1f (%s)" % ( x, y, str(data_point)  ); sys.stdout.flush()
    def getOriginPos(self): 
        origin_pos = "lower"
#         if ( self.current_plot_index in [ 0, 1 ] ): 
#             lev_axis = self.var.getLevel()
#             if ( hasattr( lev_axis, 'positive' ) and ( lev_axis.positive == 'down' ) ):
#                 origin_pos = "upper" 
        return origin_pos  
    def update_figure( self, refresh = True, label=None, **kwargs ):    
        if ( id( <> id(None) ):
            if refresh:
                if self.cursor_plot <> None:
                    self.cursor_plot = None
                if self.plot <> None:
                    self.plot = None
                self.plot = self.axes.imshow(, cmap=self.cmap, norm=self.param('norm'), aspect=self.param('aspect'), interpolation=self.param('interpolation'), alpha=self.param('self.alpha'), vmin=self.vrange[0],
                            vmax=self.vrange[1], origin=self.getOriginPos(), extent=self.param('extent'), shape=self.param('shape'), filternorm=self.param('filternorm'), filterrad=self.param('filterrad',4.0),
                            imlim=self.param('imlim'), resample=self.param('resample'), url=self.param('url'), **kwargs)
                if self.roi == None:
                    self.setTicks( 0, 5 )
                    self.setTicks( 1, 5 )            
                    if self.current_grid_index == 0:
                        self.setTicks( 0, 5, [ self.roi[1], self.roi[3] ] )
                        self.setTicks( 1, 5 )  
                    elif self.current_grid_index == 1:
                        self.setTicks( 0, 5, [ self.roi[0], self.roi[2] ] )
                        self.setTicks( 1, 5 )  
                    elif self.current_grid_index == 2:
                        self.setTicks( 0, 5, [ self.roi[0], self.roi[2] ] )
                        self.setTicks( 1, 5, [ self.roi[1], self.roi[3] ]  )
                if self.ycoord.isLevel():  self.axes.set_aspect( self.zscale, 'box') 
                self.annotation_box = None
                self.plot.set_clim( self.vrange[0], self.vrange[1] )
#            self.updateCursor()
            if label: 
                self.showAnnotation( label )
    def repaint_canvas(self):
        if isQt4: QtGui.qApp.processEvents()   # Workaround Qt bug in v. 4.x

    def setVariable(self, filepath, varname ):
        self.dataSlicer = DataSlicer( filepath, varname )
        self.var = self.dataSlicer.getVariable() 
        self.dset_annotation = self.dataSlicer.getDatasetTitle() 
    def setColormap( self, cmap ):
        self.plot.set_cmap( cmap )
    def plotPoint(self, point, pointIndices, ptVal ):
        point_annotation = "Probe Point( %.1f, %.1f ) = %s" % ( point[0], point[1], prettyPrintFloat(ptVal) )
        label = '\n'.join([ self.dset_annotation, self.grid_annotation, self.time_annotation, point_annotation ]) 
        self.showAnnotation( label )
        self.updateCursor( pointIndices )
#        FigureCanvasAgg.draw(self)
#        self.repaint()
#        if isQt4: QtGui.qApp.processEvents()   # Workaround Qt bug in v. 4.x

    def plotTimeseries(self, point, pointIndices, tseries ):
#        self.update_subplot(True) 
        npts = len( tseries )
#         print " PlotTimeseries: npts = %d: %s " % ( npts, str( [ "%.1f" % tseries[iT] for iT in range( npts ) ] ) )
        time_axis = self.var.getTime()
        tcomp = time_axis.asComponentTime()
        vals = [ tseries[iT] for iT in range( npts ) ]
#         t = [ tr.torel('days since 0001-1-1').value for tr in trel ] 
        t = range( npts )
        if self.point_plot0 <> None:
        self.point_plot0 = self.subplotaxes0.plot( t, vals, 'b-' )[0]
        varname = self.var.long_name if hasattr( self.var, 'long_name') else
        self.subplotaxes0.set_title("Point timeseries for %s" % ( varname ) )
        self.subplotaxes0.set_xlabel( self.var.units )
        xticks = [ 0, npts/2, npts-1 ]
        self.subplotaxes0.set_xticks( xticks )
        xtick_labels = [ getTimeStr(tcomp[int(xt)]) for xt in xticks ]
        self.subplotaxes0.set_xticklabels( xtick_labels)

    def plotTimeseries1(self, point, pointIndices, tseries ): 
        npts = len( tseries )
#         print " PlotTimeseries: npts = %d: %s " % ( npts, str( [ "%.1f" % tseries[iT] for iT in range( npts ) ] ) )
        time_axis = self.var.getTime()
        t = time_axis.getValue()
        vals = [ tseries[iT] for iT in range( npts ) ] 
        if self.point_plot0 == None:
            self.point_plot0 = self.subplotaxes0.plot( t, vals )[0]
            self.point_plot0.set_data( t, vals )
            self.subplotaxes0.draw_artist( self.point_plot0 )
#        self.point_plot0 = self.subplotaxes0.plot( t, vals )[0]

#         self.repaint_canvas()
#         else:
#             self.point_plot0[0].set_data( t, vals )
# #            self.repaint_canvas()
#             self.subplotaxes0.figure.canvas.draw_idle()
#        self.point_plot0 = self.axes.plot_date( tseries, t, fmt='bo', tz=None, xdate=True, ydate=False )
    def plotSlice( self, plot_index, slice_data, coord_index, coord_value ):
        self.slice_loc[plot_index] = coord_value
        if plot_index == 0: 
            self.xcoord = self.var.getLatitude()
            self.ycoord = self.var.getLevel()
            self.grid_annotation = "Longitude = %.1f" % ( coord_value )
        if plot_index == 1: 
            self.xcoord = self.var.getLongitude()
            self.ycoord = self.var.getLevel()
            self.grid_annotation = "Latitude = %.1f" % ( coord_value )
        if plot_index == 2: 
            self.ycoord = self.var.getLatitude()
            self.xcoord = self.var.getLongitude()
            lev_axis = self.var.getLevel()
            self.grid_annotation = "Level = %.1f" % ( lev_axis[coord_index] )
        if plot_index == 3: 
            time_axis = self.var.getTime()
            r = cdtime.reltime( coord_value, time_axis.units )
            ts = str( r.tocomp() )
            self.time_annotation = "Time = %s" % ts
            self.slice_loc[plot_index] = ts
        if self.time_annotation == None:
            time_axis = self.var.getTime()
            r = cdtime.reltime( 0.0, time_axis.units )
            ts = str( r.tocomp() )
            self.time_annotation = "Time = %s" % ts 
            self.slice_loc[ plot_index ] = ts      = slice_data
        refresh_axes = ( self.current_plot_index <> plot_index ) and ( plot_index <> 3 )
        self.current_plot_index = plot_index 
        if plot_index <> 3: self.current_grid_index = plot_index 
        self.update_figure( refresh_axes, '\n'.join([ self.dset_annotation, self.grid_annotation, self.time_annotation ]) )

    def plotSubset( self, slice_data, roi ): = slice_data
        self.roi = roi
        self.update_figure( True, '\n'.join([ self.dset_annotation, self.grid_annotation, self.time_annotation ]) )