예제 #1
def selectFirstTwoJets(chain, new_chain):
    if chain is new_chain:
        new_chain.j_pt = [0.0] * 2
        new_chain.j_eta = [0.0] * 2
        new_chain.j_phi = [0.0] * 2
        new_chain.j_e = [0.0] * 2
        new_chain.j_indices = [0.0] * 2
        new_chain.j_btag = [0.0] * 2

    chain.jets = [(chain._jetPt[j], j) for j in xrange(chain._nJets)
                  if isGoodJet(chain, j)]

    ptAndIndex = sorted(chain.jets, reverse=True, key=getSortKey)

    for i in xrange(2):
        if i < len(chain.jets):
            new_chain.j_pt[i] = ptAndIndex[i][0]
            new_chain.j_eta[i] = chain._jetEta[ptAndIndex[i][1]]
            new_chain.j_phi[i] = chain._jetPhi[ptAndIndex[i][1]]
            new_chain.j_e[i] = chain._jetE[ptAndIndex[i][1]]
            new_chain.j_indices[i] = ptAndIndex[i][1]
            new_chain.j_btag[i] = returnBTagValueBySelection(
                chain, ptAndIndex[i][1])
            new_chain.j_pt[i] = 0.
            new_chain.j_eta[i] = 0.
            new_chain.j_phi[i] = 0.
            new_chain.j_e[i] = 0.
            new_chain.j_indices[i] = -1
            new_chain.j_btag[i] = -99.

    return True
예제 #2
def calculateGeneralVariables(chain, new_chain, is_reco_level=True):
    if is_reco_level:
        new_chain.pt_cone = []
        for l in xrange(chain._nLight):
            new_chain.pt_cone.append(chain._lPt[l] *
                                     (1 + max(0., chain._miniIso[l] - 0.4))
                                     )  #TODO: is this the correct definition?

    #calculate #jets and #bjets
    njets = 0
    nbjets = 0
    # print 'start'
    for jet in xrange(chain._nJets):
        if isGoodJet(chain, jet):
            # print 'new good jet with index : ', jet
            # print 'Is good b jet? ', isBJet(chain, jet, 'Deep', 'loose')
            njets += 1
            if isBJet(chain, jet, 'Deep', 'loose'): nbjets += 1

    new_chain.njets = njets
    new_chain.nbjets = nbjets

    new_chain.hasOSSF = containsOSSF(new_chain)
예제 #3
def calcHT(chain, new_chain):
    HT = 0.
    for jet in xrange(chain._nJets):
        if not isGoodJet(chain, jet): continue
        HT += chain._jetPt[jet]
    return HT
예제 #4
def selectJets(chain, cleaned='loose'):
    jet_indices = []
    for jet in xrange(chain._nJets):
        if isGoodJet(chain, jet, cleaned=cleaned): jet_indices.append(jet)
    return jet_indices
예제 #5
def calculateKinematicVariables(chain, new_chain, is_reco_level=True):
    l1Vec = getFourVec(new_chain.l_pt[l1], new_chain.l_eta[l1],
                       new_chain.l_phi[l1], new_chain.l_e[l1])
    l2Vec = getFourVec(new_chain.l_pt[l2], new_chain.l_eta[l2],
                       new_chain.l_phi[l2], new_chain.l_e[l2])
    l3Vec = getFourVec(new_chain.l_pt[l3], new_chain.l_eta[l3],
                       new_chain.l_phi[l3], new_chain.l_e[l3])
    lVec = [l1Vec, l2Vec, l3Vec]

    new_chain.M3l = (l1Vec + l2Vec + l3Vec).M()

    #All combinations of dilepton masses
    new_chain.Ml12 = (l1Vec + l2Vec).M()
    new_chain.Ml23 = (l2Vec + l3Vec).M()
    new_chain.Ml13 = (l1Vec + l3Vec).M()

    # Get OS, OSSF, SS, SSSF variables
    min_os = [None, None]
    max_os = [None, None]
    min_ss = [None, None]
    max_ss = [None, None]
    min_ossf = [None, None]
    max_ossf = [None, None]
    min_sssf = [None, None]
    max_sssf = [None, None]

    tmp_minos = 99999999.
    tmp_minss = 99999999.
    tmp_minossf = 99999999.
    tmp_minsssf = 99999999.
    tmp_maxos = 0
    tmp_maxss = 0
    tmp_maxossf = 0
    tmp_maxsssf = 0
    for i1, l in enumerate([new_chain.l1, new_chain.l2, new_chain.l3]):
        for i2, sl in enumerate([new_chain.l1, new_chain.l2, new_chain.l3]):
            if i2 <= i1: continue
            tmp_mass = (lVec[i1] + lVec[i2]).M()
            if new_chain.l_charge[i1] == new_chain.l_charge[i2]:
                if tmp_mass < tmp_minss:
                    min_ss = [i1, i2]
                    tmp_minss = tmp_mass
                if tmp_mass > tmp_maxss:
                    max_ss = [i1, i2]
                    tmp_maxss = tmp_mass
                if new_chain.l_flavor[i1] == new_chain.l_flavor[i2]:
                    if tmp_mass < tmp_minsssf:
                        min_sssf = [i1, i2]
                        tmp_minsssf = tmp_mass
                    if tmp_mass > tmp_maxsssf:
                        max_sssf = [i1, i2]
                        tmp_maxsssf = tmp_mass
                if tmp_mass < tmp_minos:
                    min_os = [i1, i2]
                    tmp_minos = tmp_mass
                if tmp_mass > tmp_maxos:
                    max_os = [i1, i2]
                    tmp_maxos = tmp_mass
                if new_chain.l_flavor[i1] == new_chain.l_flavor[i2]:
                    if tmp_mass < tmp_minossf:
                        min_ossf = [i1, i2]
                        tmp_minossf = tmp_mass
                    if tmp_mass > tmp_maxossf:
                        max_ossf = [i1, i2]
                        tmp_maxossf = tmp_mass

    #Mass variables
    chain.minMos = (lVec[min_os[0]] +
                    lVec[min_os[1]]).M() if all(min_os) else 0
    chain.maxMos = (lVec[max_os[0]] +
                    lVec[max_os[1]]).M() if all(max_os) else 0
    chain.minMss = (lVec[min_ss[0]] +
                    lVec[min_ss[1]]).M() if all(min_ss) else 0
    chain.maxMss = (lVec[max_ss[0]] +
                    lVec[max_ss[1]]).M() if all(max_ss) else 0
    chain.minMossf = (lVec[min_ossf[0]] +
                      lVec[min_ossf[1]]).M() if all(min_ossf) else 0
    chain.maxMossf = (lVec[max_ossf[0]] +
                      lVec[max_ossf[1]]).M() if all(max_ossf) else 0
    chain.minMsssf = (lVec[min_sssf[0]] +
                      lVec[min_sssf[1]]).M() if all(min_sssf) else 0
    chain.maxMsssf = (lVec[max_sssf[0]] +
                      lVec[max_sssf[1]]).M() if all(max_sssf) else 0

    # min_mos = 9999999.
    # min_os = [10, 10]
    # for i1, l in enumerate([new_chain.l1, new_chain.l2, new_chain.l3]):
    #     for i2, sl in enumerate([new_chain.l1, new_chain.l2, new_chain.l3]):
    #         if i2 <= i1:        continue
    #         if new_chain.l_charge[i1] == new_chain.l_charge[i2]: continue
    #         tmp_mos = (lVec[i1]+lVec[i2]).M()
    #         if tmp_mos < min_mos:
    #             min_mos = tmp_mos
    #             min_os = [l, sl]
    # new_chain.minMos = min_mos

    new_chain.index_other = [
        item for item in [new_chain.l1, new_chain.l2, new_chain.l3]
        if item not in min_os

    #TODO: Seems like there must be a better way to do this
    if is_reco_level:
        new_chain.mtOther = np.sqrt(
            2 * chain._met * chain._lPt[new_chain.index_other] * (1 - np.cos(
                deltaPhi(chain._lPhi[new_chain.index_other], chain._metPhi))))

        new_chain.pt_cone = []
        for l in xrange(chain._nLight):
            new_chain.pt_cone.append(chain._lPt[l] *
                                     (1 + max(0., chain._miniIso[l] - 0.4))
                                     )  #TODO: is this the correct definition?

        new_chain.mtOther = np.sqrt(
            2 * chain._gen_met * chain._gen_lPt[new_chain.index_other] *
            (1 - np.cos(
        # #ptCone
        # new_chain.pt_cone = []
        # for l in xrange(chain._nLight):
        #     new_chain.pt_cone.append(chain._lPt[l]) #TODO: is this the correct definition?

    #calculate #jets and #bjets
    njets = 0
    nbjets = 0
    # print 'start'
    for jet in xrange(chain._nJets):
        if isGoodJet(chain, jet):
            # print 'new good jet with index : ', jet
            # print 'Is good b jet? ', isBJet(chain, jet, 'Deep', 'loose')
            njets += 1
            if isBJet(chain, jet, 'Deep', 'loose'): nbjets += 1

    new_chain.njets = njets
    new_chain.nbjets = nbjets

    new_chain.hasOSSF = containsOSSF(new_chain)

    # dR variables
    new_chain.dr_l1l2 = l1Vec.DeltaR(l2Vec)
    new_chain.dr_l1l3 = l1Vec.DeltaR(l2Vec)
    new_chain.dr_l2l3 = l1Vec.DeltaR(l2Vec)

    new_chain.dr_minOS = lVec[min_os[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[min_os[1]]) if all(min_os) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_maxOS = lVec[max_os[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[max_os[1]]) if all(max_os) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_minSS = lVec[min_ss[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[min_ss[1]]) if all(min_ss) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_maxSS = lVec[max_ss[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[max_ss[1]]) if all(max_ss) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_minOSSF = lVec[min_ossf[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[min_ossf[1]]) if all(min_ossf) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_maxOSSF = lVec[max_ossf[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[max_ossf[1]]) if all(max_ossf) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_minSSSF = lVec[min_sssf[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[min_sssf[1]]) if all(min_sssf) else -999.
    new_chain.dr_maxSSSF = lVec[max_sssf[0]].DeltaR(
        lVec[max_sssf[1]]) if all(max_sssf) else -999.

    new_chain.mindr_l1 = min(new_chain.dr_l1l2, new_chain.dr_l1l3)
    new_chain.maxdr_l1 = max(new_chain.dr_l1l2, new_chain.dr_l1l3)
    new_chain.mindr_l2 = min(new_chain.dr_l1l2, new_chain.dr_l2l3)
    new_chain.maxdr_l2 = max(new_chain.dr_l1l2, new_chain.dr_l2l3)
    new_chain.mindr_l3 = min(new_chain.dr_l1l3, new_chain.dr_l2l3)
    new_chain.maxdr_l3 = max(new_chain.dr_l1l3, new_chain.dr_l2l3)
