예제 #1
    def PrepareInputs(Rasteri,InputFolder,FolderName):
        this function prepare downloaded raster data to have the same align and
        nodatavalue from a GIS raster (DEM, flow accumulation, flow direction raster)
        and return a folder with the output rasters with a name "New_Rasters"

                [String] path to the spatial information source raster to get the spatial information
                (coordinate system, no of rows & columns) A_path should include the name of the raster
                and the extension like "data/dem.tif"
                [String] path of the folder of the rasters you want to adjust their
                no of rows, columns and resolution (alignment) like raster A
                the folder should not have any other files except the rasters
                [String] name to create a folder to store resulted rasters
        # input data validation
        # data type
        assert type(FolderName)== str, "FolderName input should be string type"
        # create a new folder for new created alligned rasters in temp
        # check if you can create the folder
        except WindowsError :
            # if not able to create the folder delete the folder with the same name and create one empty


        # match alignment
        print("First alligned files will be created in a folder 'AllignedRasters' in the Temp folder in you environment variable")
        # create new folder in the current directory for alligned and nodatavalue matched cells
        except WindowsError:
            assert False, "please The function is trying to create a folder with a name"+ str(FolderName) +"New_Rasters to complete the process if there is a folder with the same name please rename it to other name"
        # match nodata value
        print("second matching NoDataValue from the DEM raster too all raster will be created in the outputpath")
        # delete the processing folder from temp
예제 #2
def function(args):
    # argument a list of two components
    # first argument is the raster object [gdal object]
    A = args[0]
    # second argument is the path to save the resulted raster
    path = args[1]
    func = np.abs
    # first function
    B = Raster.MapAlgebra(A, func)
    Raster.SaveRaster(B, path)
예제 #3
    def ExtractParametersBoundaries(Basin):

        Basin : [Geodataframe]
            gepdataframe of catchment polygon, make sure that the geodataframe contains
            one row only, if not merge all the polygons in the shapefile first.

        UB : [list]
            list of the upper bound of the parameters.
        LB : [list]
            list of the lower bound of the parameters.

        the parameters are
            ["tt", "sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta",
             "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas"]
        ParametersPath = os.path.dirname(Hapi.__file__)
        ParametersPath = ParametersPath + "/Parameters"
        ParamList = ["tt", "sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta", #"rfcf","e_corr",
                 "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas"] #,"c_flux"

        raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/max/" + ParamList[0] + "-Max.tif")
        Basin = Basin.to_crs(crs=raster.crs)
        # max values
        UB = list()
        for i in range(len(ParamList)):
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/max/" + ParamList[i] + "-Max.tif")
            array = raster.read(1)
            affine = raster.transform
            UB.append(zonal_stats(Basin, array, affine=affine, stats=['max'])[0]['max']) #stats=['min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'majority']

        # min values
        LB = list()
        for i in range(len(ParamList)):
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/min/" + ParamList[i] + "-Min.tif")
            array = raster.read(1)
            affine = raster.transform
            LB.append(zonal_stats(Basin, array, affine=affine, stats=['min'])[0]['min'])

        # plot the given basin with the parameters raster

        # Plot DEM
        ax = show((raster, 1), with_bounds=True)
        Basin.plot(facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=2, ax=ax)
        # ax.set_xbound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'minx']-10,Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxx']+10])
        # ax.set_ybound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'miny']-1, Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxy']+1])

        return UB, LB
예제 #4
    def CreateLumpedInputs(Path):
        CreateLumpedInputs method generate a lumped parameters from
        distributed parameters by taking the average
        Path : [str]
            path to folder that contains the parameter rasters.

        data : [array]
            array contains the average values of the distributed parameters.

        # data type
        assert type(Path) == str, "PrecPath input should be string type"
        # check wether the path exists or not
        assert os.path.exists(Path), Path + " you have provided does not exist"
        # check wether the folder has the rasters or not
        assert len(os.listdir(Path)) > 0, Path+" folder you have provided is empty"
        # read data
        data = raster.ReadRastersFolder(Path)
        data = data.mean(axis = 0)
        data = data.mean(0)
        return data
예제 #5
    def OverlayMaps(self, Path, BaseMapF, ExcludedValue, OccupiedCellsOnly, SavePath):
          OverlayMaps(self, Path, BaseMapF, ExcludedValue, OccupiedCellsOnly, SavePath)
        OverlayMaps method reads all the maps in the folder given by Path
        input and overlay them with the basemap and for each value in the basemap
        it create a dictionary with the intersected values from all maps

                [String] a path to the folder includng the maps.
                [String] a path includng the name of the ASCII and extention like
                [Numeric] values you want to exclude from exteacted values
                [Bool] if you want to count only cells that is not ExcludedValue.
                [String] a path to the folder to save a text file for each
                value in the base map including all the intersected values
                from other maps.
            1- ExtractedValues:
                [Dict] dictonary with a list of values in the basemap as keys
                    and for each key a list of all the intersected values in the
                    maps from the path
            2- NonZeroCells:
                [dataframe] dataframe with the first column as the "file" name
                and the second column is the number of cells in each map

        self.DepthValues, NonZeroCells = Raster.OverlayMaps(Path, BaseMapF, self.DepthPrefix,
                                                    ExcludedValue, self.Compressed,OccupiedCellsOnly)

        # NonZeroCells dataframe with the first column as the "file" name and the second column
        # is the number of cells in each map

        NonZeroCells['days'] = [int(i[len(self.DepthPrefix):-4]) for i in NonZeroCells['files'].tolist()]
        # get the numbe of inundated cells in the Event index data frame
        self.EventIndex['cells'] = 0

        for i in range(len(NonZeroCells)):
            # get the location in the EventIndex dataframe
                loc = np.where(NonZeroCells.loc[i,'days'] == self.EventIndex.loc[:,"id"] )[0][0]
            except IndexError:
                # if it does not find the event in the eventindex table ignore
            # store number of cells
            self.EventIndex.loc[loc,'cells'] = NonZeroCells.loc[i,'cells']

        # save depths of each sub-basin
        inundatedSubs = list(self.DepthValues.keys())
        for i in range(len(inundatedSubs)):
            np.savetxt(SavePath +"/" + str(inundatedSubs[i]) + ".txt",
예제 #6
    def ExtractParameters(src,scenario, AsRaster=False, SaveTo=''):

        src : [Geodataframe]
            gepdataframe of catchment polygon, make sure that the geodataframe contains
            one row only, if not merge all the polygons in the shapefile first.

        Parameters : [list]
            list of the upper bound of the parameters.

        the parameters are
            ["tt", rfcf,"sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta",'etf'
             "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas",'K_muskingum',
        ParametersPath = os.path.dirname(Hapi.__file__)
        ParametersPath = ParametersPath + "/Parameters/" + scenario
        ParamList = ["tt", "rfcf", "sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta", "etf"
                 "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas", "K_muskingum",

        if not AsRaster:
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/" + ParamList[0] + ".tif")
            src = src.to_crs(crs=raster.crs)
            # max values
            Par = list()
            for i in range(len(ParamList)):
                raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/" + ParamList[i] + ".tif")
                array = raster.read(1)
                affine = raster.transform
                Par.append(zonal_stats(src, array, affine=affine, stats=['max'])[0]['max']) #stats=['min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'majority']

            # plot the given basin with the parameters raster

            # Plot DEM
            ax = show((raster, 1), with_bounds=True)
            src.plot(facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=2, ax=ax)
            # ax.set_xbound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'minx']-10,Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxx']+10])
            # ax.set_ybound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'miny']-1, Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxy']+1])

            return Par
            Inputs.PrepareInputs(src,ParametersPath+ "/",SaveTo)
예제 #7
new_folder_path = "data/meteodata_prepared/new_evap/"
# Raster.FolderCalculator(folder_path,new_folder_path,function)
in order to run the model all inputs have to have the same number of rows and columns
for this purpose MatchRasterAlignment function was made to resample, change the coordinate
system of the second raster and give it the same alignment like a source raster (DEM raster)

soil_path = "Data/GIS/soil/4000/soil_raster.tif"
DEM = gdal.Open(dem_path)
dem_A = DEM.ReadAsArray()
soil = gdal.Open(soil_path)
soil_A = soil.ReadAsArray()

# align
aligned_soil = Raster.MatchRasterAlignment(DEM, soil)

# to check alignment of DEM raster compared to aligned_soil_A raster
aligned_soil_A = aligned_soil.ReadAsArray()

# nodatavalue is still different and some cells are no data value in the soil type raster but it is not in the dem raster
# to match use Match MatchNoDataValue
# match
dst_Aligned_M = Raster.MatchNoDataValue(DEM, aligned_soil)
dst_Aligned_M_A = dst_Aligned_M.ReadAsArray()

# save the new raster
Raster.SaveRaster(dst_Aligned_M, "Data/GIS/soil/4000/soil_type.tif")

예제 #8
파일: inputs.py 프로젝트: nguyetlm/Hapi
    def ExtractParameters(src, scenario, AsRaster=False, SaveTo=''):
        ExtractParameters method extracts the parameter rasters at the location
        of the source raster, there are 12 set of parameters 10 sets of parameters
        (Beck et al., (2016)) and the max, min and average of all sets

        Beck, H. E., Dijk, A. I. J. M. van, Ad de Roo, Diego G. Miralles,
        T. R. M. & Jaap Schellekens, and L. A. B. (2016) Global-scale
        regionalization of hydrologic model parameters-Supporting materials
        3599–3622. doi:10.1002/2015WR018247.Received

        src : [Geodataframe]
            gepdataframe of catchment polygon, make sure that the geodataframe contains
            one row only, if not merge all the polygons in the shapefile first.

        Parameters : [list]
            list of the upper bound of the parameters.

        scenario : [str]
            name of the parameter set, there are 12 sets of parameters

        the parameters are
            ["tt", rfcf,"sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta",'etf'
             "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas",'K_muskingum',
        ParametersPath = os.path.dirname(Hapi.__file__)
        ParametersPath = ParametersPath + "/Parameters/" + scenario
        ParamList = [
            "01_tt", "02_rfcf", "03_sfcf", "04_cfmax", "05_cwh", "06_cfr",
            "07_fc", "08_beta", "09_etf", "10_lp", "11_k0", "12_k1", "13_k2",
            "14_uzl", "15_perc", "16_maxbas", "17_K_muskingum",

        if not AsRaster:
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/" + ParamList[0] +
            src = src.to_crs(crs=raster.crs)
            # max values
            Par = list()
            for i in range(len(ParamList)):
                raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/" + ParamList[i] +
                array = raster.read(1)
                affine = raster.transform
                    zonal_stats(src, array, affine=affine,
                )  #stats=['min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'majority']

            # plot the given basin with the parameters raster

            # Plot DEM
            ax = show((raster, 1), with_bounds=True)
            src.plot(facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=2, ax=ax)
            # ax.set_xbound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'minx']-10,Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxx']+10])
            # ax.set_ybound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'miny']-1, Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxy']+1])

            return Par
            Inputs.PrepareInputs(src, ParametersPath + "/", SaveTo)
예제 #9
파일: inputs.py 프로젝트: nguyetlm/Hapi
    def ExtractParametersBoundaries(Basin):

        Basin : [Geodataframe]
            gepdataframe of catchment polygon, make sure that the geodataframe contains
            one row only, if not merge all the polygons in the shapefile first.

        UB : [list]
            list of the upper bound of the parameters.
        LB : [list]
            list of the lower bound of the parameters.

        the parameters are
            ["tt", "sfcf","cfmax","cwh","cfr","fc","beta",
             "lp","k0","k1","k2","uzl","perc", "maxbas"]
        ParametersPath = os.path.dirname(Hapi.__file__)
        ParametersPath = ParametersPath + "/Parameters"
        ParamList = [
            "01_tt", "02_rfcf", "03_sfcf", "04_cfmax", "05_cwh", "06_cfr",
            "07_fc", "08_beta", "09_etf", "10_lp", "11_k0", "12_k1", "13_k2",
            "14_uzl", "15_perc", "16_maxbas", "17_K_muskingum",

        raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/max/" + ParamList[0] +
        Basin = Basin.to_crs(crs=raster.crs)
        # max values
        UB = list()
        for i in range(len(ParamList)):
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/max/" + ParamList[i] +
            array = raster.read(1)
            affine = raster.transform
                zonal_stats(Basin, array, affine=affine, stats=['max'])[0]
                ['max'])  #stats=['min', 'max', 'mean', 'median', 'majority']

        # min values
        LB = list()
        for i in range(len(ParamList)):
            raster = rasterio.open(ParametersPath + "/min/" + ParamList[i] +
            array = raster.read(1)
            affine = raster.transform
                zonal_stats(Basin, array, affine=affine,

        Par = pd.DataFrame(index=ParamList)

        Par['UB'] = UB
        Par['LB'] = LB
        # plot the given basin with the parameters raster
        ax = show((raster, 1), with_bounds=True)
        Basin.plot(facecolor='None', edgecolor='blue', linewidth=2, ax=ax)
        # ax.set_xbound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'minx']-10,Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxx']+10])
        # ax.set_ybound([Basin.bounds.loc[0,'miny']-1, Basin.bounds.loc[0,'maxy']+1])

        return Par
예제 #10
make sure to change the directory to the Examples folder in the repo
from Hapi.raster import Raster
import rasterio
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
import os

ParentPath = "F:/Users/mofarrag/Documents/01Algorithms/HAPI/Examples/"
#%% Netcdf file that contains only one layer
FileName = ParentPath + "/data/GIS/MSWEP_1979010100.nc"
SaveTo = ParentPath + "/data/GIS/"
VarName = None

Raster.NCtoTiff(FileName, SaveTo, Separator="_")


src = rasterio.open(SaveTo + "MSWEP_1979010100.nc")
fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 8))
im = plt.imshow(src.read(1) / 100.0, cmap="gist_rainbow")
plt.title("Monthly mean sea level pressure")
divider = make_axes_locatable(plt.gca())
cax = divider.append_axes("right", "5%", pad="3%")
plt.colorbar(im, cax=cax)
#%% Netcdf file that contains multiple layer
FileName = ParentPath + "/data/GIS/precip.1979.nc"
SaveTo = ParentPath + "/data/GIS/Save_prec_netcdf_multiple/"
예제 #11
    "15_perc", "16_maxbas", "17_K_muskingum", "18_x_muskingum"
SaveTo = Comp + "01Algorithms/HAPI/Hapi/Parameters/"
# par = "UZL"
for i in range(len(ParamList)):
    Path = list()
    for j in range(0, 10):
        if j < 9:
            folder = "0" + str(j + 1)
            folder = str(j + 1)

        Path.append(Comp + "01Algorithms/HAPI/Hapi/Parameters/" + folder +
                    "/" + ParamList[i] + ".tif")

    parameters = R.ReadRastersFolder(Path, WithOrder=False)
    MaxValue = parameters.max(axis=2)
    MinValue = parameters.min(axis=2)
    MeanValue = parameters.mean(axis=2)

    # Path1 = path + "/" + ParamList[i] + "-1.tif"
    src = gdal.Open(Path[0])

    Saveto1 = SaveTo + "/max/" + ParamList[i] + ".tif"
    Saveto2 = SaveTo + "/min/" + ParamList[i] + ".tif"
    Saveto3 = SaveTo + "/avg/" + ParamList[i] + ".tif"

    R.RasterLike(src, MaxValue, Saveto1, pixel_type=1)
    R.RasterLike(src, MinValue, Saveto2, pixel_type=1)
    R.RasterLike(src, MeanValue, Saveto3, pixel_type=1)
예제 #12
    def Dist_HBV2(ConceptualModel,
        original function

        n_steps = sp_prec.shape[
            2] + 1  # no of time steps =length of time series +1
        # intiialise vector of nans to fill states
        dummy_states = np.empty([n_steps, 5])  # [sp,sm,uz,lz,wc]
        dummy_states[:] = np.nan

        # Get the mask
        mask, no_val = raster.get_mask(DEM)
        # shape of the fpl raster (rows, columns)-------------- rows are x and columns are y
        x_ext, y_ext = mask.shape
        #    y_ext, x_ext = mask.shape # shape of the fpl raster (rows, columns)------------ should change rows are y and columns are x

        # Get deltas of pixel
        geo_trans = DEM.GetGeoTransform(
        )  # get the coordinates of the top left corner and cell size [x,dx,y,dy]
        dx = np.abs(geo_trans[1]) / 1000.0  # dx in Km
        dy = np.abs(geo_trans[-1]) / 1000.0  # dy in Km
        px_area = dx * dy  # area of the cell

        # Enumerate the total number of pixels in the catchment
        tot_elem = np.sum(
                [1 for elem in mask_i if elem != no_val] for mask_i in mask
            ]))  # get row by row and search [mask_i for mask_i in mask]

        # total pixel area
        px_tot_area = tot_elem * px_area  # total area of pixels

        # Get number of non-value data

        st = []  # Spatially distributed states
        qlz = []
        quz = []
        for x in range(x_ext):  # no of rows
            st_i = []
            q_lzi = []
            q_uzi = []
            #        q_out_i = []
            # run all cells in one row ----------------------------------------------------
            for y in range(y_ext):  # no of columns
                if mask[x, y] != no_val:  # only for cells in the domain
                    # Calculate the states per cell
                    # TODO optimise for multiprocessing these loops
                    #                _, _st, _uzg, _lzg = ConceptualModel.simulate_new_model(avg_prec = sp_prec[x, y,:],
                    _, _st, _uzg, _lzg = ConceptualModel.Simulate(
                        prec=sp_prec[x, y, :],
                        temp=sp_temp[x, y, :],
                        et=sp_et[x, y, :],
                        par=sp_pars[x, y, :],
                        snow=0)  #extra_out = True
                    # append column after column in the same row -----------------
                    #calculate upper zone Q = K1*(LZ_int_1)
                    q_lz_temp = np.array(sp_pars[x, y, 6]) * _lzg
                    # calculate lower zone Q = k*(UZ_int_3)**(1+alpha)
                    q_uz_temp = np.array(sp_pars[x, y, 5]) * (np.power(
                        _uzg, (1.0 + sp_pars[x, y, 7])))

                    #print("total = "+str(fff)+"/"+str(tot_elem)+" cell, row= "+str(x+1)+" column= "+str(y+1) )
                else:  # if the cell is novalue-------------------------------------
                    # Fill the empty cells with a nan vector
                    )  # fill all states(5 states) for all time steps = nan
                        dummy_states[:, 0]
                    )  # q lower zone =nan  for all time steps = nan
                        dummy_states[:, 0]
                    )  # q upper zone =nan  for all time steps = nan

            # store row by row-------- ----------------------------------------------------
            #st.append(st_i) # state variables
            st.append(st_i)  # state variables
            qlz.append(np.array(q_lzi))  # lower zone discharge mm/timestep
                np.array(q_uzi))  # upper zone routed discharge mm/timestep
            # convert to arrays
        st = np.array(st)
        qlz = np.array(qlz)
        quz = np.array(quz)
        #%% convert quz from mm/time step to m3/sec
        area_coef = p2[1] / px_tot_area
        quz = quz * px_area * area_coef / (p2[0] * 3.6)

        no_cells = list(
                flow_acc_plan[i, j] for i in range(x_ext) for j in range(y_ext)
                if not np.isnan(flow_acc_plan[i, j])
        #    no_cells=list(set([int(flow_acc_plan[i,j]) for i in range(x_ext) for j in range(y_ext) if flow_acc_plan[i,j] != no_val]))

        #%% routing lake discharge with DS cell k & x and adding to cell Q
        q_lake = routing.Muskingum_V(q_lake, q_lake[0],
                                     sp_pars[lakecell[0], lakecell[1], 10],
                                     sp_pars[lakecell[0], lakecell[1],
                                             11], p2[0])
        q_lake = np.append(q_lake, q_lake[-1])
        # both lake & Quz are in m3/s
            lakecell[1], :] = quz[lakecell[0], lakecell[1], :] + q_lake
        #%% cells at the divider
        quz_routed = np.zeros_like(quz) * np.nan
        # for all cell with 0 flow acc put the quz
        for x in range(x_ext):  # no of rows
            for y in range(y_ext):  # no of columns
                if mask[x, y] != no_val and flow_acc_plan[x, y] == 0:
                    quz_routed[x, y, :] = quz[x, y, :]
        #%% new
        for j in range(1, len(no_cells)):  #2):#
            for x in range(x_ext):  # no of rows
                for y in range(y_ext):  # no of columns
                    # check from total flow accumulation
                    if mask[x,
                            y] != no_val and flow_acc_plan[x,
                                                           y] == no_cells[j]:
                        #                        print(no_cells[j])
                        q_r = np.zeros(n_steps)
                        for i in range(len(flow_acc[str(x) + "," +
                                                    str(y)])):  #  no_cells[j]
                            # bring the indexes of the us cell
                            x_ind = flow_acc[str(x) + "," + str(y)][i][0]
                            y_ind = flow_acc[str(x) + "," + str(y)][i][1]
                            # sum the Q of the US cells (already routed for its cell)
                            # route first with there own k & xthen sum
                            q_r = q_r + routing.Muskingum_V(
                                quz_routed[x_ind, y_ind, :],
                                quz_routed[x_ind, y_ind,
                                           0], sp_pars[x_ind, y_ind, 10],
                                sp_pars[x_ind, y_ind, 11], p2[0])
    #                        q=q_r
    # add the routed upstream flows to the current Quz in the cell
                        quz_routed[x, y, :] = quz[x, y, :] + q_r
        #%% check if the max flow _acc is at the outlet

    #    if tot_elem != np.nanmax(flow_acc_plan):
    #        raise ("flow accumulation plan is not correct")
    # outlet is the cell that has the max flow_acc
        outlet = np.where(flow_acc_plan == np.nanmax(
            flow_acc_plan))  #np.nanmax(flow_acc_plan)
        outletx = outlet[0][0]
        outlety = outlet[1][0]
        qlz = np.array([np.nanmean(qlz[:, :, i]) for i in range(n_steps)
                        ])  # average of all cells (not routed mm/timestep)
        # convert Qlz to m3/sec
        qlz = qlz * p2[1] / (p2[0] * 3.6)  # generation

        qout = qlz + quz_routed[outletx, outlety, :]

        return qout, st, quz_routed, qlz, quz
예제 #13
    def Histogram(self, Day, ExcludeValue, OccupiedCellsOnly, Map = 1, filter1 = 0.2,
                  filter2 = 15):
           Histogram(Day, ExcludeValue, OccupiedCellsOnly, Map = 1)
        Histogram method extract values fro the event MaxDepth map and plot the histogram
        th emethod check first if you already extracted the values before then
        plot the histogram
            1-Day : [Integer]
            2-ExcludeValue : [Integer]
            3-OccupiedCellsOnly : TYPE
            4-Map : [integer], optional
                1 for the max depth maps, 2 for the duration map, 3 for the
                return period maps. The default is 1.


        # check if the object has the attribute ExtractedValues
        if hasattr(self,'ExtractedValues'):
            # get the list of event that then object has their Extractedvalues
            if Day not in list(self.ExtractedValues.keys()):
                # depth map
                if Map == 1:
                    Path = self.TwoDResultPath + self.DepthPrefix + str(Day) + ".zip"
                elif Map == 2:
                    Path = self.TwoDResultPath + self.DurationPrefix + str(Day) + ".zip"
                    Path = self.TwoDResultPath + self.ReturnPeriodPrefix + str(Day) + ".zip"

                ExtractedValues, NonZeroCells = Raster.ExtractValues(Path, ExcludeValue,
                self.ExtractedValues[Day] = ExtractedValues

        ExtractedValues = self.ExtractedValues[Day]
        # filter values
        ExtractedValues = [j for j in ExtractedValues if j > filter1]
        ExtractedValues = [j for j in ExtractedValues if j < filter2]
        # fig, ax1 = plt.subplots(figsize=(10,8))
        # ax1.hist(ExtractedValues, bins=15, alpha = 0.4) #width = 0.2,

        n, bins , patches = plt.hist(x= ExtractedValues, bins=15, color="#0504aa" , alpha=0.7,
        plt.grid(axis='y', alpha=0.75)

        # plt.title('Normal Distribution Histogram matplotlib',fontsize=15)
        return n, bins , patches
예제 #14
    def DeleteBasins(basins, pathout):
        this function deletes all the basins in a basin raster created when delineating
        a catchment and leave only the first basin which is the biggest basin in the raster

            1- basins:
                [gdal.dataset] raster you create during delineation of a catchment
                values of its cells are the number of the basin it belongs to
            2- pathout:
                [String] path you want to save the resulted raster to it should include
                the extension ".tif"
            1- raster with only one basin (the basin that its name is 1 )

        # input data validation
        # data type
        assert type(pathout) == str, "A_path input should be string type"
        assert type(
        ) == gdal.Dataset, "basins raster should be read using gdal (gdal dataset please read it using gdal library) "

        # input values
        # check wether the user wrote the extension of the raster or not
        ext = pathout[-4:]
        assert ext == ".tif", "please add the extension at the end of the path input"

        # get number of rows
        rows = basins.RasterYSize
        # get number of columns
        cols = basins.RasterXSize
        # array
        basins_A = basins.ReadAsArray()
        # no data value
        no_val = np.float32(basins.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue())
        # get number of basins and there names
        basins_val = list(
                int(basins_A[i, j]) for i in range(rows) for j in range(cols)
                if basins_A[i, j] != no_val

        # keep the first basin and delete the others by filling their cells by nodata value
        for i in range(rows):
            for j in range(cols):
                if basins_A[i, j] != no_val and basins_A[i,
                                                         j] != basins_val[0]:
                    basins_A[i, j] = no_val

        raster.RasterLike(basins, basins_A, pathout)
예제 #15
# import os
import numpy as np
from Hapi.raster import Raster as R

Path = "data/GIS/ZonalStatistics/"
SavePath = Path
BaseMapF = Path + "Polygons.tif"

ExcludedValue = 0
Compressed = True
OccupiedCellsOnly = False

# one map
ExtractedValues, NonZeroCells = R.OverlayMap(Path + "data/Map1.zip", BaseMapF,
                                             ExcludedValue, Compressed,

MapPrefix = "Map"
# several maps
ExtractedValues, NonZeroCells = R.OverlayMaps(Path + "data", BaseMapF,
                                              MapPrefix, ExcludedValue,
                                              Compressed, OccupiedCellsOnly)

# save extracted values in different files
Polygons = list(ExtractedValues.keys())
for i in range(len(Polygons)):
    np.savetxt(SavePath + "/" + str(Polygons[i]) + ".txt",
예제 #16
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Sat Mar 27 19:09:20 2021

@author: mofarrag

Make sure the working directory is set to the examples folder in the Hapi repo"
currunt_work_directory = Hapi/Example

from Hapi.raster import Raster
import gdal

dem_path = "Data/GIS/Hapi_GIS_Data/acc4000.tif"
SaveTo = "data/parameters/"
'craeate a raster typicall to the DEM and fill it with 1'
K = 1
src = gdal.Open(dem_path)

Raster.RasterFill(src, K, SaveTo + '11_K_muskingum.tif')
X = 0.2

Raster.RasterFill(src, X, SaveTo + '12_X_muskingum.tif')
예제 #17
    def DownloadData(self, Var, Waitbar):
        This function downloads ECMWF six-hourly, daily or monthly data

        Keyword arguments:


        # Load factors / unit / type of variables / accounts
        VarInfo = Variables(self.Time)
        Varname_dir = VarInfo.file_name[Var]

        # Create Out directory
        out_dir = os.path.join(self.Path, self.Time, Varname_dir)

        if not os.path.exists(out_dir):

        DownloadType = VarInfo.DownloadType[Var]

        if DownloadType == 1:
            string1 = 'oper'
            string4 = "0"
            string6 = "00:00:00/06:00:00/12:00:00/18:00:00"
            string2 = 'sfc'
            string8 = 'an'

        if DownloadType == 2:
            string1 = 'oper'
            string4 = "12"
            string6 = "00:00:00/12:00:00"
            string2 = 'sfc'
            string8 = 'fc'

        if DownloadType == 3:
            string1 = 'oper'
            string4 = "0"
            string6 = "00:00:00/06:00:00/12:00:00/18:00:00"
            string2 = 'pl'
            string8 = 'an'

        parameter_number = VarInfo.number_para[Var]

        string3 = '%03d.128' %(parameter_number)
        string5 = '0.125/0.125'
        string9 = 'ei'
        string10 = '%s/%s/%s/%s' %(self.latlim_corr[1], self.lonlim_corr[0],
                                   self.latlim_corr[0], self.lonlim_corr[1])   #N, W, S, E

        # Download data by using the ECMWF API
        print('Use API ECMWF to collect the data, please wait')
        RemoteSensing.API(self.Path, DownloadType, string1, string2, string3, string4,
                          string5, string6, self.string7, string8, string9, string10)

        # Open the downloaded data
        NC_filename = os.path.join(self.Path,'data_interim.nc')
        fh = Dataset(NC_filename, mode='r')

        # Get the NC variable parameter
        parameter_var = VarInfo.var_name[Var]
        Var_unit = VarInfo.units[Var]
        factors_add = VarInfo.factors_add[Var]
        factors_mul = VarInfo.factors_mul[Var]

        # Open the NC data
        Data = fh.variables[parameter_var][:]
        Data_time = fh.variables['time'][:]
        lons = fh.variables['longitude'][:]
        lats = fh.variables['latitude'][:]

        # Define the georeference information
        Geo_four = np.nanmax(lats)
        Geo_one = np.nanmin(lons)
        Geo_out = tuple([Geo_one, 0.125, 0.0, Geo_four, 0.0, -0.125])

        # Create Waitbar
        if Waitbar == 1:
            total_amount = len(self.Dates)
            amount = 0
            weirdFn.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50)

        for date in self.Dates:

            # Define the year, month and day
            year =  date.year
            month =  date.month
            day =  date.day

            # Hours since 1900-01-01
            start = dt.datetime(year=1900, month=1, day=1)
            end = dt.datetime(year, month, day)
            diff = end - start
            hours_from_start_begin = diff.total_seconds()/60/60

            Date_good = np.zeros(len(Data_time))

            if self.Time == 'daily':
                 days_later = 1
            if self.Time == 'monthly':
                 days_later = calendar.monthrange(year,month)[1]

            Date_good[np.logical_and(Data_time>=hours_from_start_begin, Data_time<(hours_from_start_begin + 24 * days_later))] = 1

            Data_one = np.zeros([int(np.sum(Date_good)),int(np.size(Data,1)),int(np.size(Data,2))])
            Data_one = Data[np.int_(Date_good) == 1, :, :]

            # Calculate the average temperature in celcius degrees
            Data_end = factors_mul * np.nanmean(Data_one,0) + factors_add

            if VarInfo.types[Var] == 'flux':
                Data_end = Data_end * days_later

            VarOutputname = VarInfo.file_name[Var]

            # Define the out name
            name_out = os.path.join(out_dir, "%s_ECMWF_ERA-Interim_%s_%s_%d.%02d.%02d.tif" %(VarOutputname, Var_unit, self.Time, year,month,day))

            # Create Tiff files
            # Raster.Save_as_tiff(name_out, Data_end, Geo_out, "WGS84")
            Raster.CreateRaster(Path=name_out, data=Data_end, geo=Geo_out, EPSG="WGS84")

            if Waitbar == 1:
                amount = amount + 1
                weirdFn.printWaitBar(amount, total_amount, prefix = 'Progress:', suffix = 'Complete', length = 50)


예제 #18

### Read the Input rasters

# the source raster is of the ASCII format
src = gdal.Open(RasterAPath)
src_Array = src.ReadAsArray()
print("Shape of source raster = " + str(src_Array.shape))

# read destination array
dst = gdal.Open(RasterBPath)
Dst_Array = dst.ReadAsArray()
print("Shape of distnation raster Before matching = " + str(Dst_Array.shape))

### Match the alignment of both rasters
NewRasterB = Raster.MatchRasterAlignment(src, dst)

NewRasterB_array = NewRasterB.ReadAsArray()
print("Shape of distnation  raster after matching = " +

message = "Error the shape of the result raster does not match the source raster"
assert NewRasterB_array.shape[0] == src_Array.shape[
    0] and NewRasterB_array.shape[1] == src_Array.shape[1], message

### Match the NODataValue

NewRasterB_ND = Raster.MatchNoDataValue(src, NewRasterB)

NoDataValue = NewRasterB_ND.GetRasterBand(1).GetNoDataValue()
예제 #19
    def RetrieveData(Date, args):
        This function retrieves CHIRPS data for a given date from the
        ftp://chg-ftpout.geog.ucsb.edu server.
        Keyword arguments:
        Date -- 'yyyy-mm-dd'
        args -- A list of parameters defined in the DownloadData function.
        # Argument
        [output_folder, TimeCase, xID, yID, lonlim, latlim] = args

        # open ftp server
        # ftp = FTP("chg-ftpout.geog.ucsb.edu", "", "")
        ftp = FTP("data.chc.ucsb.edu")

    	# Define FTP path to directory
        if TimeCase == 'daily':
            pathFTP = 'pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/global_daily/tifs/p05/%s/' %Date.strftime('%Y')
        elif TimeCase == 'monthly':
            pathFTP = 'pub/org/chg/products/CHIRPS-2.0/global_monthly/tifs/'
            raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported")

        # find the document name in this directory
        listing = []

    	# read all the file names in the directory
        ftp.retrlines("LIST", listing.append)

    	# create all the input name (filename) and output (outfilename, filetif, DiFileEnd) names
        if TimeCase == 'daily':
            filename = 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.%02s.tif.gz' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d'))
            outfilename = os.path.join(output_folder,'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
            DirFileEnd = os.path.join(output_folder,'P_CHIRPS.v2.0_mm-day-1_daily_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
        elif TimeCase == 'monthly':
            filename = 'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.tif.gz' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'))
            outfilename = os.path.join(output_folder,'chirps-v2.0.%s.%02s.tif' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m')))
            DirFileEnd = os.path.join(output_folder,'P_CHIRPS.v2.0_mm-month-1_monthly_%s.%02s.%02s.tif' %(Date.strftime('%Y'), Date.strftime('%m'), Date.strftime('%d')))
            raise KeyError("The input time interval is not supported")

        # download the global rainfall file
            local_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
            lf = open(local_filename, "wb")
            ftp.retrbinary("RETR " + filename, lf.write, 8192)

            # unzip the file
            zip_filename = os.path.join(output_folder, filename)
            Raster.ExtractFromGZ(zip_filename, outfilename, delete=True)

            # open tiff file
            dataset,NoDataValue = Raster.GetRasterData(outfilename)

            # clip dataset to the given extent
            data = dataset[yID[0]:yID[1], xID[0]:xID[1]]
            # replace -ve values with -9999
            data[data < 0] = -9999

            # save dataset as geotiff file
            geo = [lonlim[0], 0.05, 0, latlim[1], 0, -0.05]
            Raster.CreateRaster(Path=DirFileEnd, data=data, geo=geo, EPSG="WGS84",NoDataValue = NoDataValue)

            # delete old tif file

            print("file not exists")
        return True
예제 #20
                                    Textloc=[0.6, 0.8],
Path = SaveTo + "anim.mov"
Jiboa.SaveAnimation(VideoFormat="mov", Path=Path, SaveFrames=3)
#%% store the result into rasters
# create list of names
src = gdal.Open(FlowAccPath)

# index=pd.date_range(Jiboa.StartDate,Jiboa.EndDate,freq="1H")

resultspath = "results/upper_zone_discharge/4000/"
names = [resultspath + str(i)[:-6] for i in Jiboa.Index]
names = [i.replace("-", "_") for i in names]
names = [i.replace(" ", "_") for i in names]
names = [i + ".tif" for i in names]
to save the upper zone discharge distributerd discharge in a raster forms
uncomment the next line
Raster.RastersLike(src, q_uz_routed[:, :, :-1], names)
예제 #21
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
Created on Fri Mar 26 21:44:12 2021

@author: mofarrag
import os
Comp = "F:/Users/mofarrag/"
os.chdir(Comp + "/Coello/HAPI/Data")
from osgeo import gdal
# from gdalconst import GA_ReadOnly
import osr
from osgeo import gdalconst
from Hapi.raster import Raster

SourceRasterPath = "00inputs/GIS/4000/acc4000.tif"
RasterTobeClippedPath = Comp + "/Documents/01Algorithms/HAPI/Hapi/Parameters/01/Par_BETA.tif"
output = 'F:/Users/mofarrag/coello/Hapi/Data/output.tif'
