예제 #1
def main():
    fullInput: List[str] = readFile(FILEPATH)

    rules: List[str] = [s.strip() for s in fullInput[0:fullInput.index("\n")]]
    messages: List[str] = [
        s.strip() for s in fullInput[fullInput.index("\n") + 1:]

    # Part 1
    whiteFlag(1, "Num valid strings", "12/19")

    # Part 2
    whiteFlag(2, "?", "12/19")
예제 #2
def main():
    inputLines: List[str] = [line.strip() for line in readFile(FILEPATH)]
    yourTime: int = int(inputLines[0])
    onlyValidBuses: List[int] = [
        int(i) for i in inputLines[1].split(",") if i != "x"
    # Part 1
    partOne: int = calculateWeightedWaitTime(yourTime, onlyValidBuses)
    print(f"Part 1 -- Time Diff: {partOne}")

    # (my attempt at) Part 2
    fullBusSchedule: List[str] = inputLines[1].strip().split(",")
    busOrder: List[List[int]] = findBusOrder(fullBusSchedule)
    whiteFlag(2, "Special Time", "12/13")
예제 #3
def main():
    inputLines: List[str] = [s.strip() for s in readFile(FILEPATH)]

    # Part 1
    # I am honestly not sure why the function does not work. I tested it for over an hour
    # with a bunch of individual inputs, and it worked fine for every one. If anyone knows
    # why this is failing, please let me know!
    total: int = 0
    for line in inputLines:
        total += parseArithmetic(line)
    print(f"Part 1 -- Total Sum: {total}")

    # Part 2
    whiteFlag(2, "?", "12/18")
예제 #4
def main():
   allInputLines: List[str] = readFileWithEmptyLineBreaks(FILEPATH)
   fieldsInput: List[str] = allInputLines[0].split("\n")
   yourTicketInput: str = allInputLines[1].split("\n")[1].strip()
   nearbyTicketInput: List[str] = [s.strip() for s in allInputLines[2].split("\n")[1:]]

   fieldsList: List[Field] = constructFieldsList(fieldsInput)
   # Part 1
   print(f"Part 1 -- Error Rate: {calculateErrorRate(fieldsList, nearbyTicketInput)}")
   # Part 2
   relationships: List[str] = determineFieldTicketRelationships(fieldsList, nearbyTicketInput)
   whiteFlag(2, "Product of Departure Tickets", "12/16")
예제 #5
def main():
    inputLines: List[str] = readFileWithEmptyLineBreaks(FILEPATH)
    identificationRegex = re.compile(r"(Tile) (\d*)")
    tiles: List[Tile] = []

    for line in inputLines:
        tileInfo: List[str] = [l.strip() for l in line.split("\n")]
        identificationInfo: int = int(
        tiles.append(Tile(identificationInfo, tileInfo[1:]))

    # Part 1
    print(f"Part 1 -- 4 Corners Product: {calculateFourCornersProduct(tiles)}")

    # Part 2
    whiteFlag(2, "Roughness", "12/20")