class SinkCom: def __init__(self, receiving_topics, parameters_topic, push_port, worker_exec, verbose=True, ssh_local_server_id='None', ssh_remote_server_id='None'): self.receiving_topics = receiving_topics self.parameters_topic = parameters_topic self.push_data_port = push_port self.pull_data_port = str(int(self.push_data_port) + 1) self.push_heartbeat_port = str(int(self.push_data_port) + 2) self.worker_exec = worker_exec self.verbose = verbose self.verbose, self.relic = self.define_verbosity_and_relic(verbose) self.all_loops_running = True self.ssh_com = SSHCom(self.worker_exec, ssh_local_server_id, ssh_remote_server_id) self.port_sub_data = ct.DATA_FORWARDER_PUBLISH_PORT self.port_pub_parameters = ct.PARAMETERS_FORWARDER_SUBMIT_PORT self.poller = zmq.Poller() self.context = None self.socket_sub_data = None self.stream_sub = None self.socket_push_data = None self.socket_pull_data = None self.socket_push_heartbeat = None self.index = 0 # If self.verbose is a string it is the file name to log things in. If it is an int it is the level of the verbosity self.logger = None if self.verbose != 0: try: self.verbose = int(self.verbose) except: log_file_name = gu.add_timestamp_to_filename( self.verbose, self.logger = gu.setup_logger('Sink', log_file_name) 'Index of data packet given : Index of data packet received: Topic : Computer Time' ) self.verbose = False atexit.register(self.on_kill, None, None) signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, self.on_kill) def connect_sockets(self): """ Start the required sockets to communicate with the link forwarder and the worker_com processes :return: Nothing """ if self.verbose: print('Starting Sink Node with PID = {}'.format(os.getpid())) self.context = zmq.Context() # Socket for subscribing to data from nodes connected to the input self.socket_sub_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.SUB) self.socket_sub_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_sub_data.set_hwm(len(self.receiving_topics)) self.socket_sub_data.connect("tcp://{}".format( self.port_sub_data)) for rt in self.receiving_topics: self.socket_sub_data.setsockopt(zmq.SUBSCRIBE, rt.encode('ascii')) self.poller.register(self.socket_sub_data, zmq.POLLIN) # Socket for pushing the data to the worker_exec self.socket_push_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUSH) self.socket_push_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_push_data.set_hwm(1) self.socket_push_data.bind(r"tcp://*:{}".format(self.push_data_port)) # Socket for pulling the end of worker function signal from the worker_exec self.socket_pull_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PULL) self.socket_pull_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_pull_data.set_hwm(1) self.socket_pull_data.connect(r"tcp://{}".format( self.pull_data_port)) self.poller.register(self.socket_pull_data, zmq.POLLIN) # Socket for pushing the heartbeat to the worker_exec self.socket_push_heartbeat = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.socket_push_heartbeat.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_push_heartbeat.bind(r'tcp://*:{}'.format( self.push_heartbeat_port)) self.socket_push_heartbeat.set_hwm(1) def define_verbosity_and_relic(self, verbosity_string): """ Splits the string that comes from the Node as verbosity_string into the string (or int) for the logging/printing (self.verbose) and the string that carries the path where the relic is to be saved. The self.relic is then passed to the worker process :param verbosity_string: The string with syntax verbosity||relic :return: (int)str vebrose, str relic """ if verbosity_string != '': verbosity, relic = verbosity_string.split('||') if relic == '': relic = '_' if verbosity == '': return 0, relic else: return verbosity, relic else: return 0, '' def heartbeat_loop(self): """ The loop that send a 'PULSE' heartbeat to the worker_exec process to keep it alive (every ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE seconds) :return: Nothing """ while self.all_loops_running: self.socket_push_heartbeat.send_string('PULSE') time.sleep(ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE) def start_heartbeat_thread(self): """ The daemon thread that runs the infinite heartbeat_loop :return: Noting """ heartbeat_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.heartbeat_loop, daemon=True) heartbeat_thread.start() def start_worker(self): """ Starts the worker_exec process and then sends the parameters as are currently on the node to the process The pull_data_port of the worker_exec needs to be the push_data_port of the com (obviously). The way the arguments are structured is defined by the way they are read by the process. For that see general_utilities.parse_arguments_to_worker :return: Nothing """ if 'python' in self.worker_exec or '.py' not in self.worker_exec: arguments_list = [self.worker_exec] else: arguments_list = ['python'] arguments_list.append(self.worker_exec) arguments_list.append(str(self.push_data_port)) arguments_list.append(str(self.parameters_topic)) arguments_list.append(str(len(self.receiving_topics))) for i in range(len(self.receiving_topics)): arguments_list.append(self.receiving_topics[i]) arguments_list.append(str(0)) arguments_list.append(str(self.relic)) arguments_list = self.ssh_com.add_local_server_info_to_arguments( arguments_list) worker_pid = self.ssh_com.start_process(arguments_list) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_remote( self.socket_pull_data, r"tcp://{}".format(self.pull_data_port)) def get_sub_data(self): """ Gets the link from the forwarder. It assumes that each message has four parts: The topic The data_index, an int that increases by one for every message the previous node sends The data_time, the time.perf_counter() result at the time the previous node send its message The messagedata, the array of link :return: Nothing """ prev_topic = self.socket_sub_data.recv() prev_data_index = self.socket_sub_data.recv() prev_data_time = self.socket_sub_data.recv() prev_messagedata = self.socket_sub_data.recv_array() # The following while ensures that the sink works only on the the latest available # message from the previous node. If the sink is too slow compared to the input node # this while throws all past messages away. while prev_topic: topic = prev_topic data_index = prev_data_index data_time = prev_data_time messagedata = prev_messagedata try: prev_topic = self.socket_sub_data.recv(zmq.NOBLOCK) prev_data_index = self.socket_sub_data.recv(zmq.NOBLOCK) prev_data_time = self.socket_sub_data.recv(zmq.NOBLOCK) prev_messagedata = self.socket_sub_data.recv_array(zmq.NOBLOCK) except: prev_topic = None pass return topic, data_index, data_time, messagedata def start_ioloop(self): """ Start the io loop for the sink node. It reads the link from the previous node's _com process, pushes it to the worker_com process, waits for the results, grabs the resulting link from the worker_com process and publishes the transformed link to the link forwarder with this nodes' topic :return: Nothing """ while self.all_loops_running: t1 = time.perf_counter() try: # The timeout=1 means things coming in faster than 1000Hz will be lost but if timeout is set to 0 then # the CPU utilization goes to around 10% which quickly kills the CPU (if there are 2 or 3 Sinks in the # pipeline) sockets_in = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout=1)) while not sockets_in: sockets_in = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout=1)) if self.socket_sub_data in sockets_in and sockets_in[ self.socket_sub_data] == zmq.POLLIN: topic, data_index, data_time, messagedata = self.get_sub_data( ) sockets_in = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout=1)) if self.verbose: print( "oooo Sink from {}, data_index {} at time {} s oooo" .format(topic, data_index, data_time)) # Send link to be transformed to the worker_exec self.socket_push_data.send(topic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_push_data.send_array(messagedata, copy=False) t2 = time.perf_counter() # Get the end of worker function link (wait for the socket_pull_data to get some link from the worker_exec) sockets_in = dict(self.poller.poll(timeout=None)) self.socket_pull_data.recv() t3 = time.perf_counter() if self.verbose: print( "---Time to Transport link from previous com to worker_exec = {} ms" .format((t2 - t1) * 1000)) print("---Time to to finish with the worker_exec = {} ms". format((t3 - t2) * 1000)) print('=============================') if self.logger:'{} : {} : {} : {}'.format( self.index, data_index, topic, self.index += 1 except: pass def on_kill(self, signal, frame): try: self.all_loops_running = False self.poller.unregister(socket=self.socket_sub_data) self.poller.unregister(socket=self.socket_pull_data) self.socket_sub_data.close() self.socket_push_data.close() self.socket_pull_data.close() self.socket_push_heartbeat.close() except Exception as e: print('Trying to kill Sink com {} failed with error: {}'.format( self.worker_exec, e)) finally: self.context.term()
class TransformWorker: def __init__(self, recv_topics_buffer, pull_port, initialisation_function, work_function, end_of_life_function, parameters_topic, num_sending_topics, relic_path, ssh_local_ip=' ', ssh_local_username='******', ssh_local_password='******'): self.pull_data_port = pull_port self.push_data_port = str(int(self.pull_data_port) + 1) self.pull_heartbeat_port = str(int(self.pull_data_port) + 2) self.initialisation_function = initialisation_function self.work_function = work_function self.end_of_life_function = end_of_life_function self.parameters_topic = parameters_topic self.num_sending_topics = int(num_sending_topics) self.recv_topics_buffer = recv_topics_buffer self.node_name = parameters_topic.split('##')[-2] self.node_index = self.parameters_topic.split('##')[-1] self.relic_path = relic_path self.import_reliquery() self.heron_relic = None self.num_of_iters_to_update_relics_substate = None self.ssh_com = SSHCom(ssh_local_ip=ssh_local_ip, ssh_local_username=ssh_local_username, ssh_local_password=ssh_local_password) self.time_of_pulse = time.perf_counter() self.port_sub_parameters = ct.PARAMETERS_FORWARDER_PUBLISH_PORT self.port_pub_proof_of_life = ct.PROOF_OF_LIFE_FORWARDER_SUBMIT_PORT self.loops_on = True self.initialised = False self.context = None self.socket_pull_data = None self.stream_pull_data = None self.socket_push_data = None self.socket_sub_parameters = None self.stream_parameters = None self.parameters = None self.socket_pull_heartbeat = None self.stream_heartbeat = None self.thread_heartbeat = None self.socket_pub_proof_of_life = None self.thread_proof_of_life = None self.worker_visualisable_result = None self.index = 0 def connect_sockets(self): """ Sets up the sockets to do the communication with the transform_com process through the forwarders (for the link and the parameters). :return: Nothing """ self.context = zmq.Context() # Setup the socket and the stream that receives the pre-transformed data from the com self.socket_pull_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PULL) self.socket_pull_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_pull_data.set_hwm(1) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_pull_data, r'tcp://', self.pull_data_port) self.stream_pull_data = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.socket_pull_data) self.stream_pull_data.on_recv(self.data_callback, copy=False) # Setup the socket and the stream that receives the parameters of the worker_exec function from the node (gui_com) self.socket_sub_parameters = Socket(self.context, zmq.SUB) self.socket_sub_parameters.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_sub_parameters, r'tcp://', self.port_sub_parameters) self.socket_sub_parameters.subscribe(self.parameters_topic) self.stream_parameters = zmqstream.ZMQStream( self.socket_sub_parameters) self.stream_parameters.on_recv(self.parameters_callback, copy=False) # Setup the socket that pushes the transformed data to the com self.socket_push_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUSH) self.socket_push_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_push_data.set_hwm(1) self.socket_push_data.bind(r"tcp://{}".format( self.push_data_port)) # Setup the socket that receives the heartbeat from the com self.socket_pull_heartbeat = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.socket_pull_heartbeat.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_pull_heartbeat, r'tcp://', self.pull_heartbeat_port) self.stream_heartbeat = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.socket_pull_heartbeat) self.stream_heartbeat.on_recv(self.heartbeat_callback, copy=False) # Setup the socket that publishes the fact that the worker_exec is up and running to the node com so that it # can then update the parameters of the worker_exec self.socket_pub_proof_of_life = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUB) self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_pub_proof_of_life, r'tcp://', self.port_pub_proof_of_life, skip_ssh=True) def data_callback(self, data): """ The callback that is called when link is send from the previous com process this com process is connected to (receives link from and shares a common topic) and pushes the link to the worker_exec. The link is a three zmq.Frame list. The first is the topic (used for the worker_exec to distinguish which input the link has come from in the case of multiple input nodes). The other two items are the details and the link load of the numpy array coming from the previous node). The link's load is then given to the work_function of the worker (together with the parameters of the node) and the result is sent to the com process to be passed on. The result must be a list of numpy arrays! Each element of the list represent one output of the node in the same order as the order of Outputs specified in the of the node The callback will call the work_function only if the self.initialised is True (i.e. if the parameters_callback has had a chance to call the initialisation_function and get back a True). Otherwise it will pass to the com a set of ct.IGNORE (as many as the Node's outputs). :param data: The link received :return: Nothing """ if self.initialised: data = [data[0].bytes, data[1].bytes, data[2].bytes] try: results = self.work_function(data, self.parameters, self.relic_update_substate_df) except TypeError: results = self.work_function(data, self.parameters) for i, array_in_list in enumerate(results): if i < len(results) - 1: self.socket_push_data.send_array(array_in_list, flags=zmq.SNDMORE, copy=False) else: self.socket_push_data.send_array(array_in_list, copy=False) self.index += 1 else: send_topics = 0 while send_topics < self.num_sending_topics - 1: self.socket_push_data.send_array(np.array([ct.IGNORE]), flags=zmq.SNDMORE, copy=False) send_topics += 1 self.socket_push_data.send_array(np.array([ct.IGNORE]), copy=False) def import_reliquery(self): """ This import is required because it takes a good few seconds to load the package and if the import is done first time in the HeronRelic instance that delays the initialisation of the worker process which can be a problem :return: Nothing """ # if self.relic_path != '_': try: import reliquery import except ImportError: pass def relic_create_parameters_df(self, **parameters): """ Creates a new relic with the Parameters pandasdf in it or adds the Parameters pandasdf in the existing Node's Relic. :param parameters: The dictionary of the parameters. The keys of the dict will become the column names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ self._relic_create_df('Parameters', **parameters) def relic_create_substate_df(self, **variables): """ Creates a new relic with the Substate pandasdf in it or adds the Substate pandasdf in the existing Node's Relic. :param variables: The dictionary of the variables to save. The keys of the dict will become the column names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ self._relic_create_df('Substate', **variables) def _relic_create_df(self, type, **variables): """ Base function to create either a Parameters or a Substate pandasdf in a new or the existing Node's Relic :param type: Parameters or Substate :param variables: The variables dictionary to be saved in the pandas. The keys of the dict will become the c olumn names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ if self.heron_relic is None: self.heron_relic = HeronRelic( self.relic_path, self.node_name, self.node_index, self.num_of_iters_to_update_relics_substate) if self.heron_relic.operational: self.heron_relic.create_the_pandasdf(type, **variables) def relic_update_substate_df(self, **variables): """ Updates the Substate pandasdf of the Node's Relic :param variables: The Substate's variables dict :return: Nothing """ self.heron_relic.update_the_substate_pandasdf(self.index, **variables) def parameters_callback(self, parameters_in_bytes): """ The callback called when there is an update of the parameters (worker_exec function's parameters) from the node (send by the gui_com) :param parameters_in_bytes: :return: """ #print('UPDATING PARAMETERS OF {} {}'.format(self.node_name, self.node_index)) if len(parameters_in_bytes) > 1: args_pyobj = parameters_in_bytes[1].bytes # remove the topic args = pickle.loads(args_pyobj) if args is not None: self.parameters = args if not self.initialised and self.initialisation_function is not None: self.initialised = self.initialisation_function(self) #print('Updated parameters in {} = {}'.format(self.parameters_topic, args)) if self.initialised and self.heron_relic is not None and self.heron_relic.operational: self.heron_relic.update_the_parameters_pandasdf( parameters=self.parameters, worker_index=self.index) def heartbeat_callback(self, pulse): """ The callback called when the com sends a 'PULSE'. It registers the time the 'PULSE' has been received :param pulse: The pulse (message from the com's push) received :return: """ self.time_of_pulse = time.perf_counter() def heartbeat_loop(self): """ The loop that checks whether the latest 'PULSE' received from the com's heartbeat push is not too stale. If it is then the current process is killed :return: Nothing """ while self.loops_on: current_time = time.perf_counter() if current_time - self.time_of_pulse > ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE * ct.HEARTBEATS_TO_DEATH: pid = os.getpid() self.end_of_life_function() self.on_kill(pid) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE) self.socket_pull_heartbeat.close() def proof_of_life(self): """ When the worker_exec process starts AND ONCE IT HAS RECEIVED ITS FIRST BUNCH OF DATA, it sends to the gui_com (through the proof_of_life_forwarder thread) a signal that lets the node (in the gui_com process) that the worker_exec is running and ready to receive parameter updates. :return: Nothing """ #print('---Sending POL {}'.format('{}##POL'.format(self.parameters_topic))) for i in range(100): try: self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.send( self.parameters_topic.encode('ascii'), zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.send_string('POL') except: pass time.sleep(0.1) #print('--- Finished sending POL from {} {}'.format(self.node_name, self.node_index)) def start_ioloop(self): """ Starts the heartbeat thread daemon and the ioloop of the zmqstreams :return: Nothing """ self.thread_heartbeat = threading.Thread(target=self.heartbeat_loop, daemon=True) self.thread_heartbeat.start() self.thread_proof_of_life = threading.Thread(target=self.proof_of_life, daemon=True) self.thread_proof_of_life.start() print('Started Worker {}_{} process with PID = {}'.format( self.node_name, self.node_index, os.getpid())) ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() print('!!! WORKER {} HAS STOPPED'.format(self.parameters_topic)) def on_kill(self, pid): print('Killing {} {} with pid {}'.format(self.node_name, self.node_index, pid)) if self.heron_relic is not None and self.heron_relic.substate_pandasdf_exists: self.heron_relic.save_substate_at_death() try: self.visualisation_on = False self.loops_on = False self.stream_pull_data.close() self.stream_parameters.close() self.stream_heartbeat.close() self.socket_pull_data.close() self.socket_sub_parameters.close() self.socket_push_data.close() self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.close() except Exception as e: print('Trying to kill Transform worker {} failed with error: {}'. format(self.node_name, e)) finally: self.context.term() self.ssh_com.kill_tunneling_processes()
class SourceCom: def __init__(self, sending_topics, parameters_topic, port, worker_exec, verbose='||', ssh_local_server_id='None', ssh_remote_server_id='None', outputs=None): self.sending_topics = sending_topics self.parameters_topic = parameters_topic self.pull_data_port = port self.heartbeat_port = str(int(self.pull_data_port) + 1) self.worker_exec = worker_exec self.index = 0 self.time = int(1000000 * time.perf_counter()) self.previous_time = self.time self.verbose, self.relic = self.define_verbosity_and_relic(verbose) self.all_loops_running = True self.ssh_com = SSHCom(self.worker_exec, ssh_local_server_id, ssh_remote_server_id) self.outputs = outputs self.port_pub = ct.DATA_FORWARDER_SUBMIT_PORT self.context = None self.socket_pub_data = None self.socket_pull_data = None self.stream_pull_data = None self.socket_push_heartbeat = None self.average_sending_time = 0 # If self.verbose is a string it is the file name to log things in. If it is an int it is the level of the verbosity self.logger = None if self.verbose != 0: try: self.verbose = int(self.verbose) except: log_file_name = gu.add_timestamp_to_filename(self.verbose, self.logger = gu.setup_logger('Source', log_file_name)'Index of data packet : Computer Time Data Out') self.verbose = False def connect_sockets(self): """ Start the required sockets to communicate with the link forwarder and the source_com processes :return: Nothing """ if self.verbose: print('Starting Source Node with PID = {}'.format(os.getpid())) self.context = zmq.Context() # Socket for pulling the data from the worker_exec self.socket_pull_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PULL) self.socket_pull_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_pull_data.set_hwm(1) self.socket_pull_data.connect(r"tcp://{}".format(self.pull_data_port)) self.stream_pull_data = zmqstream.ZMQStream(self.socket_pull_data) self.stream_pull_data.on_recv(self.on_receive_data_from_worker) # Socket for publishing the data to the data forwarder self.socket_pub_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUB) self.socket_pub_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_pub_data.set_hwm(len(self.sending_topics)) self.socket_pub_data.connect(r"tcp://{}".format(self.port_pub)) # Socket for publishing the heartbeat to the worker_exec self.socket_push_heartbeat = self.context.socket(zmq.PUSH) self.socket_push_heartbeat.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_push_heartbeat.bind(r'tcp://*:{}'.format(self.heartbeat_port)) self.socket_push_heartbeat.set_hwm(1) def define_verbosity_and_relic(self, verbosity_string): """ Splits the string that comes from the Node as verbosity_string into the string (or int) for the logging/printing (self.verbose) and the string that carries the path where the relic is to be saved. The self.relic is then passed to the worker process :param verbosity_string: The string with syntax verbosity||relic :return: (int)str vebrose, str relic """ if verbosity_string != '': verbosity, relic = verbosity_string.split('||') if relic == '': relic = '_' if verbosity == '': return 0, relic else: return verbosity, relic else: return 0, '' def on_receive_data_from_worker(self, msg): """ The callback that runs every time link is received from the worker_exec process. It takes the link and passes it onto the link forwarder :param msg: The link packet (carrying the actual link (np array)) :return: """ # A specific worker with multiple outputs should send from its infinite loop a message with multiple parts # (using multiple send_array(data, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) commands). For an example see how the transform_worker # sends data to the com from its data_callback function # TODO The bellow will not work for multiple outputs. I have to find out how many times a callback is called # when data are send with SNDMORE flag !!! ignoring_outputs = [False] * len(self.outputs) new_message_data = [] if len(self.outputs) > 1: for i in range(len(self.outputs)): array_data = Socket.reconstruct_array_from_bytes_message(msg[i]) new_message_data.append(array_data) if type(array_data[0]) == np.str_: if array_data[0] == ct.IGNORE: ignoring_outputs[i] = True else: array_data = Socket.reconstruct_array_from_bytes_message(msg) new_message_data.append(array_data) if type(array_data[0]) == np.str_: if array_data[0] == ct.IGNORE: ignoring_outputs[0] = True self.time = int(1000000 * time.perf_counter()) self.index = self.index + 1 # Publish the results. Each array in the list of arrays is published to its own sending topic # (matched by order) for i, st in enumerate(self.sending_topics): for k, output in enumerate(self.outputs): if output.replace(' ', '_') in st.split('##')[0]: break if ignoring_outputs[k] is False: self.socket_pub_data.send("{}".format(st).encode('ascii'), flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_data.send("{}".format(self.index).encode('ascii'), flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_data.send("{}".format(self.time).encode('ascii'), flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_data.send_array(new_message_data[k], copy=False) # This delay is critical to get single output to multiple inputs to work! gu.accurate_delay(ct.DELAY_BETWEEN_SENDING_DATA_TO_NEXT_NODE_MILLISECONDS) if self.verbose: dt = self.time - self.previous_time if self.index > 3: self.average_sending_time = self.average_sending_time * (self.index - 1) / self.index + dt / self.index print('----------') print("Source with topic {} sending packet with data_index {} at time {}".format(self.sending_topics[i], self.index, self.time)) print('Time Diff between packages = {}. Average package sending time = {} ms'.format(dt/1000, self.average_sending_time / 1000)) if self.logger:'{} : {}'.format(self.index, self.previous_time = self.time def heartbeat_loop(self): """ Sending every ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE a 'PULSE' to the worker_exec so that it stays alive :return: Nothing """ while self.all_loops_running: self.socket_push_heartbeat.send_string('PULSE') time.sleep(ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE) def start_heartbeat_thread(self): """ Starts the daemon thread that runs the self.heartbeat loop :return: Nothing """ heartbeat_thread = threading.Thread(target=self.heartbeat_loop, daemon=True) heartbeat_thread.start() def start_worker_process(self): """ Starts the worker_exec process and then sends the parameters as are currently on the node to the process The pull_data_port of the worker_exec needs to be the push_data_port of the com (obviously). The way the arguments are structured is defined by the way they are read by the process. For that see general_utilities.parse_arguments_to_worker :return: Nothing """ if 'python' in self.worker_exec or '.py' not in self.worker_exec: arguments_list = [self.worker_exec] else: arguments_list = ['python'] arguments_list.append(self.worker_exec) arguments_list.append(str(self.pull_data_port)) arguments_list.append(str(self.parameters_topic)) arguments_list.append(str(0)) arguments_list.append(str(len(self.sending_topics))) arguments_list.append(self.relic) arguments_list = self.ssh_com.add_local_server_info_to_arguments(arguments_list) worker_pid = self.ssh_com.start_process(arguments_list) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_remote(self.socket_pull_data, r"tcp://{}".format(self.pull_data_port)) def start_ioloop(self): """ Starts the ioloop of the zmqstream :return: Nothing """ ioloop.IOLoop.instance().start() def on_kill(self, signal, frame): """ The function that is called when the parent process sends a SIGBREAK (windows) or SIGTERM (linux) signal. It needs signal and frame as parameters :param signal: The signal received :param frame: I haven't got a clue :return: Nothing """ try: self.all_loops_running = False self.stream_pull_data.close(linger=0) self.socket_pull_data.close() self.socket_pub_data.close() self.socket_push_heartbeat.close() except Exception as e: print('Trying to kill Source com {} failed with error: {}'.format(self.sending_topics[0], e)) finally: self.context.term()
class SourceWorker: def __init__(self, port, parameters_topic, initialisation_function, end_of_life_function, num_sending_topics, relic_path, ssh_local_ip=' ', ssh_local_username='******', ssh_local_password='******'): self.parameters_topic = parameters_topic self.data_port = port self.pull_heartbeat_port = str(int(self.data_port) + 1) self.initialisation_function = initialisation_function self.end_of_life_function = end_of_life_function self.num_sending_topics = int(num_sending_topics) self.node_name = parameters_topic.split('##')[-2] self.node_index = parameters_topic.split('##')[-1] self.ssh_com = SSHCom(ssh_local_ip=ssh_local_ip, ssh_local_username=ssh_local_username, ssh_local_password=ssh_local_password) self.relic_path = relic_path self.import_reliquery() self.heron_relic = None self.num_of_iters_to_update_relics_substate = None self.time_of_pulse = time.perf_counter() self.port_sub_parameters = ct.PARAMETERS_FORWARDER_PUBLISH_PORT self.port_pub_proof_of_life = ct.PROOF_OF_LIFE_FORWARDER_SUBMIT_PORT self.running_thread = True self.loops_on = True self.initialised = False self.context = None self.socket_push_data = None self.socket_sub_parameters = None self.stream_parameters = None self.thread_parameters = None self.parameters = None self.socket_pull_heartbeat = None self.stream_heartbeat = None self.thread_heartbeat = None self.socket_pub_proof_of_life = None self.thread_proof_of_life = None self.index = 0 def connect_socket(self): """ Sets up the sockets to do the communication with the source_com process through the forwarders (for the link and the parameters). :return: Nothing """ self.context = zmq.Context() # Setup the socket that receives the parameters of the worker_exec function from the node self.socket_sub_parameters = Socket(self.context, zmq.SUB) self.socket_sub_parameters.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_sub_parameters.subscribe(self.parameters_topic) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_sub_parameters, r'tcp://', self.port_sub_parameters) self.socket_sub_parameters.subscribe(self.parameters_topic) # Setup the socket that pushes the data to the com self.socket_push_data = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUSH) self.socket_push_data.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_push_data.set_hwm(1) self.socket_push_data.bind(r"tcp://{}".format(self.data_port)) # Setup the socket that receives the heartbeat from the com self.socket_pull_heartbeat = self.context.socket(zmq.PULL) self.socket_pull_heartbeat.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_pull_heartbeat, r'tcp://', self.pull_heartbeat_port) # Setup the socket that publishes the fact that the worker_exec is up and running to the node com so that it # can then update the parameters of the worker_exec. self.socket_pub_proof_of_life = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUB) self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.ssh_com.connect_socket_to_local(self.socket_pub_proof_of_life, r'tcp://', self.port_pub_proof_of_life, skip_ssh=True) def send_data_to_com(self, data): self.socket_push_data.send_array(data, copy=False) self.index += 1 def import_reliquery(self): """ This import is required because it takes a good few seconds to load the package and if the import is done first time in the HeronRelic instance that delays the initialisation of the worker process which can be a problem :return: Nothing """ # if self.relic_path != '_': try: import reliquery import except ImportError: pass def relic_create_parameters_df(self, **parameters): """ Creates a new relic with the Parameters pandasdf in it or adds the Parameters pandasdf in the existing Node's Relic. :param parameters: The dictionary of the parameters. The keys of the dict will become the column names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ self._relic_create_df('Parameters', **parameters) def relic_create_substate_df(self, **variables): """ Creates a new relic with the Substate pandasdf in it or adds the Substate pandasdf in the existing Node's Relic. :param variables: The dictionary of the variables to save. The keys of the dict will become the column names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ self._relic_create_df('Substate', **variables) def _relic_create_df(self, type, **variables): """ Base function to create either a Parameters or a Substate pandasdf in a new or the existing Node's Relic :param type: Parameters or Substate :param variables: The variables dictionary to be saved in the pandas. The keys of the dict will become the c olumn names of the pandasdf :return: Nothing """ if self.heron_relic is None: self.heron_relic = HeronRelic(self.relic_path, self.node_name, self.node_index, self.num_of_iters_to_update_relics_substate) if self.heron_relic.operational: self.heron_relic.create_the_pandasdf(type, **variables) def relic_update_substate_df(self, **variables): """ Updates the Substate pandasdf of the Node's Relic :param variables: The Substate's variables dict :return: Nothing """ self.heron_relic.update_the_substate_pandasdf(self.index, **variables) def update_parameters(self): """ This updates the self.parameters from the parameters send form the node (through the gui_com) If the rlic system is up and running it also saves the new parameters into the Parameters df of the relic :return: Nothing """ try: topic = self.socket_sub_parameters.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) parameters_in_bytes = self.socket_sub_parameters.recv(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK) args = pickle.loads(parameters_in_bytes) self.parameters = args if not self.initialised and self.initialisation_function is not None: self.initialised = self.initialisation_function(self) if self.initialised and self.heron_relic is not None and self.heron_relic.operational: self.heron_relic.update_the_parameters_pandasdf(parameters=self.parameters, worker_index=self.index) except Exception as e: pass def parameters_loop(self): """ The loop that updates the arguments (self.parameters) :return: Nothing """ while self.loops_on: self.update_parameters() time.sleep(0.2) def start_parameters_thread(self): """ Start the thread that runs the infinite arguments_loop :return: Nothing """ self.thread_parameters = threading.Thread(target=self.parameters_loop, daemon=True) self.thread_parameters.start() def heartbeat_loop(self): """ The loop that reads the heartbeat 'PULSE' from the source_com. If it takes too long to receive the new one it kills the worker_exec process :return: Nothing """ while self.loops_on: if self.socket_pull_heartbeat.poll(timeout=(1000 * ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE * ct.HEARTBEATS_TO_DEATH)): self.socket_pull_heartbeat.recv() else: pid = os.getpid() self.end_of_life_function() self.on_kill(pid) os.kill(pid, signal.SIGTERM) time.sleep(0.5) time.sleep(int(ct.HEARTBEAT_RATE)) self.socket_pull_heartbeat.close() def proof_of_life(self): """ When the worker_exec process starts it sends to the gui_com (through the proof_of_life_forwarder thread) a signal that lets the node (in the gui_com process) that the worker_exec is running and ready to receive parameter updates. :return: Nothing """ #print('---Sending POL {}'.format('topic = {}, msg = POL'.format(self.parameters_topic.encode('ascii')))) for i in range(100): try: self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.send(self.parameters_topic.encode('ascii'), zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.send_string('POL') except: pass time.sleep(0.1) def start_heartbeat_thread(self): """ Start the heartbeat thread that run the infinite heartbeat_loop :return: Nothing """ print('Started Worker {}##{} process with PID = {}'.format(self.node_name, self.node_index, os.getpid())) self.thread_heartbeat = threading.Thread(target=self.heartbeat_loop, daemon=True) self.thread_heartbeat.start() self.thread_proof_of_life = threading.Thread(target=self.proof_of_life, daemon=True) self.thread_proof_of_life.start() def on_kill(self, pid): print('Killing {} {} with pid {}'.format(self.node_name, self.node_index, pid)) if self.heron_relic is not None and self.heron_relic.substate_pandasdf_exists: self.heron_relic.save_substate_at_death() try: self.loops_on = False self.visualisation_on = False self.socket_sub_parameters.close() self.socket_push_data.close() self.socket_pub_proof_of_life.close() except Exception as e: print('Trying to kill Source worker {} failed with error: {}'.format(self.node_name, e)) finally: #self.context.term() # That causes an error self.ssh_com.kill_tunneling_processes()
class Node: def __init__(self, name, parent): = None = name self.parent = parent self.operation = None self.node_index = None self.process = None self.topics_out = [] self.topics_in = [] self.links_list = [] self.starting_port = None self.num_of_inputs = 0 self.num_of_outputs = 0 self.coordinates = [100, 100] self.node_parameters = None self.node_parameters_combos_items = [] self.parameter_inputs_ids = {} self.com_verbosity = '' self.relic_verbosity = '' self.verbose = '' self.context = None self.socket_pub_parameters = None self.socket_sub_proof_of_life = None self.theme_id = None self.extra_window_id = None self.operations_list = op.operations_list self.get_corresponding_operation() self.get_node_index() self.assign_default_parameters() self.get_numbers_of_inputs_and_outputs() #self.generate_default_topics() self.ssh_server_id_and_names = None self.get_ssh_server_names_and_ids() self.ssh_local_server = self.ssh_server_id_and_names[0] self.ssh_remote_server = self.ssh_server_id_and_names[0] self.worker_executable = self.operation.worker_exec def get_attribute_order(self, type): number_of_static_attrs = 0 for at in self.operation.attribute_types: if 'Static' in at: number_of_static_attrs += 1 number_of_input_attrs = 0 number_of_output_attrs = 0 order = {} for at, attr_order_num in zip(self.operation.attribute_types, range(len(self.operation.attributes))): if type == 'Input' and type in at: order[self.operation. attributes[attr_order_num]] = number_of_input_attrs number_of_input_attrs += 1 if type == 'Output' and type in at: order[self.operation. attributes[attr_order_num]] = number_of_output_attrs number_of_output_attrs += 1 return order def initialise_parameters_socket(self): if self.context is None: self.context = zmq.Context() self.socket_pub_parameters = Socket(self.context, zmq.PUB) self.socket_pub_parameters.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_pub_parameters.connect(r"tcp://{}".format( ct.PARAMETERS_FORWARDER_SUBMIT_PORT)) def initialise_proof_of_life_socket(self): if self.context is None: self.context = zmq.Context() self.socket_sub_proof_of_life = self.context.socket(zmq.SUB) self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.setsockopt(zmq.LINGER, 0) self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.connect(r"tcp://{}".format( ct.PROOF_OF_LIFE_FORWARDER_PUBLISH_PORT)) self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.setsockopt( zmq.SUBSCRIBE, '{}'.format(' ', '_')).encode('ascii')) def remove_from_editor(self): dpg.remove_alias('verb#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) if dpg.does_alias_exist('relic#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)): dpg.remove_alias('relic#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) dpg.delete_item( def get_numbers_of_inputs_and_outputs(self): for at in self.operation.attribute_types: if at == 'Input': self.num_of_inputs = self.num_of_inputs + 1 if at == 'Output': self.num_of_outputs = self.num_of_outputs + 1 def get_corresponding_operation(self): name ='##')[0] for op in self.operations_list: if == name: self.operation = copy.deepcopy(op) break def assign_default_parameters(self): self.node_parameters = self.operation.parameters_def_values for default_parameter in self.operation.parameters_def_values: if type(default_parameter) == list: self.node_parameters_combos_items.append(default_parameter) else: self.node_parameters_combos_items.append(None) def get_node_index(self): self.node_index ='##')[-1] def add_topic_in(self, topic): topic = topic.replace(' ', '_') for t in self.topics_in: if t == topic: return self.topics_in.append(topic) def add_topic_out(self, topic): topic = topic.replace(' ', '_') for t in self.topics_out: if topic == t: return self.topics_out.append(topic) def remove_topic_in(self, topic): if len(self.topics_in) == 1: if self.topics_in[0] == topic: self.topics_in[0] = 'NothingIn' else: for i, t in enumerate(self.topics_in): if t == topic: # self.topics_in[i] = '' del self.topics_in[i] break def remove_topic_out(self, topic): if len(self.topics_out) == 1: if self.topics_out[0] == topic: self.topics_out[0] = 'NothingOut' else: for i, t in enumerate(self.topics_out): if t == topic: del self.topics_out[i] break def update_parameters(self): if self.socket_pub_parameters is None: self.initialise_parameters_socket() attribute_name = 'Parameters' + '##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index) for i, parameter in enumerate(self.operation.parameters): self.node_parameters[i] = dpg.get_value( self.parameter_inputs_ids[parameter]) topic = + '##' + self.node_index topic = topic.replace(' ', '_') self.socket_pub_parameters.send_string(topic, flags=zmq.SNDMORE) self.socket_pub_parameters.send_pyobj(self.node_parameters) def spawn_node_on_editor(self): self.context = zmq.Context() self.initialise_parameters_socket() with dpg.node(, parent=self.parent, pos=[self.coordinates[0], self.coordinates[1]]) as colour = choose_color_according_to_operations_type( self.operation.parent_dir) with dpg.theme() as self.theme_id: with dpg.theme_component(0): dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_TitleBar, colour, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_TitleBarSelected, colour, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_TitleBarHovered, colour, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeBackgroundSelected, [120, 120, 120, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeBackground, [70, 70, 70, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeBackgroundHovered, [80, 80, 80, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeOutline, [50, 50, 50, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.add_theme_style(dpg.mvNodeStyleVar_NodeBorderThickness, x=4, category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) dpg.bind_item_theme(, self.theme_id) # Loop through all the attributes defined in the operation (as seen in the * file) and put them on # the node same_line_widget_ids = [] for i, attr in enumerate(self.operation.attributes): if self.operation.attribute_types[i] == 'Input': attribute_type = dpg.mvNode_Attr_Input elif self.operation.attribute_types[i] == 'Output': attribute_type = dpg.mvNode_Attr_Output elif self.operation.attribute_types[i] == 'Static': attribute_type = dpg.mvNode_Attr_Static attribute_name = attr + '##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index) with dpg.node_attribute(label=attribute_name,, attribute_type=attribute_type): if attribute_type == 1: dpg.add_spacer() dpg.add_text(label='##' + attr + ' Name{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index), default_value=attr) if 'Parameters' in attr: for k, parameter in enumerate( self.operation.parameters): if self.operation.parameter_types[k] == 'int': id = dpg.add_input_int( label='{}##{}'.format( parameter, attribute_name), default_value=self.node_parameters[k], callback=self.update_parameters, width=100, min_clamped=False, max_clamped=False, min_value=int(-1e8), max_value=int(1e8), on_enter=True) elif self.operation.parameter_types[k] == 'str': id = dpg.add_input_text( label='{}##{}'.format( parameter, attribute_name), default_value=self.node_parameters[k], callback=self.update_parameters, width=100, on_enter=True) elif self.operation.parameter_types[k] == 'float': id = dpg.add_input_float( label='{}##{}'.format( parameter, attribute_name), default_value=self.node_parameters[k], callback=self.update_parameters, width=100, min_clamped=False, max_clamped=False, min_value=-1e10, max_value=1e10, on_enter=True) elif self.operation.parameter_types[k] == 'bool': id = dpg.add_checkbox( label='{}##{}'.format( parameter, attribute_name), default_value=self.node_parameters[k], callback=self.update_parameters) elif self.operation.parameter_types[k] == 'list': default_value = self.node_parameters[k][0] if type(self.node_parameters[k]) == str: default_value = self.node_parameters[k] id = dpg.add_combo( label='{}##{}'.format( parameter, attribute_name), items=self.node_parameters_combos_items[k], default_value=default_value, callback=self.update_parameters, width=100) self.parameter_inputs_ids[parameter] = id dpg.add_spacer(label='##Spacing##' + attribute_name, indent=3) # Add the extra input button with its popup window for extra inputs like ssh and verbosity self.extra_input_window() def extra_input_window(self): attr = 'Extra_Input' attribute_name = attr + '##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index) with dpg.node_attribute( label=attribute_name,, attribute_type=dpg.mvNode_Attr_Static) as attr_id: image_file = os.path.join( os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)), os.path.pardir, 'resources', 'Blue_glass_button_square_34x34.png') width, height, channels, data = dpg.load_image(image_file) with dpg.texture_registry(): texture_id = dpg.add_static_texture(width, height, data) image_button = dpg.add_image_button( texture_tag=texture_id, label='##' + attr + ' Name{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index), callback=self.update_ssh_combo_boxes) with dpg.window( label='##Window#Extra input##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index), width=450, height=250, pos=[self.coordinates[0] + 400, self.coordinates[1] + 200], show=False, popup=True) as self.extra_window_id: # Add the local ssh input dpg.add_spacer(height=10) with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_text('SSH local server') dpg.add_spacer(width=80) dpg.add_text('SSH remote server') with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) id = dpg.add_combo( label='##SSH local server##Extra input##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index), items=self.ssh_server_id_and_names, width=140, default_value=self.ssh_local_server, callback=self.assign_local_server) self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH local server'] = id dpg.add_spacer(width=40) id = dpg.add_combo( label='##SSH remote server ##Extra input##{}##{}'. format(, self.node_index), items=self.ssh_server_id_and_names, width=140, default_value=self.ssh_remote_server, callback=self.assign_remote_server) self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH remote server'] = id dpg.add_spacer(height=10) with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_text( 'Python script of worker process OR Python.exe and script:' ) with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_input_text( label='##Worker executable##Extra input##{}##{}'. format(, self.node_index), width=400, default_value=self.worker_executable, callback=self.assign_worker_executable) # Add the verbocity input dpg.add_spacer(height=6) with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) attr = 'Log file or Verbosity level:' attribute_name = attr + '##{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index) self.verbosity_id = dpg.add_text( label='##' + attr + ' Name{}##{}'.format(, self.node_index), default_value=attr) with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_input_text( label='##{}'.format(attribute_name), default_value=self.com_verbosity, callback=self.update_verbosity, width=400, hint='Log file name or verbosity level integer.', tag='verb#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) if importlib.util.find_spec('reliquery') is not None: # Create the relic input only if reliquery is present with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_text(default_value='Save Relic to directory:') with dpg.add_spacer(width=10) dpg.add_input_text( default_value=self.relic_verbosity, callback=self.update_verbosity, hint= 'The path where the Relic for this worker process will be saved', tag='relic#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) def update_verbosity(self, sender, data): self.com_verbosity = '' self.relic_verbosity = '' if importlib.util.find_spec('reliquery') is not None: self.relic_verbosity = dpg.get_value('relic#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) self.com_verbosity = dpg.get_value('verb#{}#{}'.format(, self.node_index)) self.verbose = '{}||{}'.format(self.com_verbosity, self.relic_verbosity) def get_ssh_server_names_and_ids(self): ssh_info_file = os.path.join( Path(os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__))).parent, 'communication', 'ssh_info.json') with open(ssh_info_file) as f: ssh_info = json.load(f) self.ssh_server_id_and_names = ['None'] for id in ssh_info: self.ssh_server_id_and_names.append(id + ' ' + ssh_info[id]['Name']) def update_ssh_combo_boxes(self): dpg.configure_item(self.extra_window_id, show=True) self.get_ssh_server_names_and_ids() if dpg.does_item_exist(self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH local server']): dpg.configure_item(self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH local server'], items=self.ssh_server_id_and_names) if dpg.does_item_exist(self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH remote server']): dpg.configure_item(self.parameter_inputs_ids['SSH remote server'], items=self.ssh_server_id_and_names) def assign_local_server(self, sender, data): self.ssh_local_server = dpg.get_value(sender) def assign_remote_server(self, sender, data): self.ssh_remote_server = dpg.get_value(sender) def assign_worker_executable(self, sender, data): self.worker_executable = dpg.get_value(sender) def start_com_process(self): self.initialise_proof_of_life_socket() arguments_list = [ 'python', self.operation.executable, self.starting_port ] num_of_inputs = len(self.topics_in) num_of_outputs = len(self.topics_out) arguments_list.append(str(num_of_inputs)) if 'Input' in self.operation.attribute_types: for topic_in in self.topics_in: arguments_list.append(topic_in) arguments_list.append(str(num_of_outputs)) if 'Output' in self.operation.attribute_types: for topic_out in self.topics_out: arguments_list.append(topic_out) arguments_list.append(" ", "_")) self.update_verbosity( None, None ) # This is required to make the debugger work because in debug this callback # is never called arguments_list.append(str(self.verbose)) arguments_list.append(self.ssh_local_server.split( ' ')[0]) # pass only the ID part of the 'ID name' string arguments_list.append(self.ssh_remote_server.split(' ')[0]) arguments_list.append(self.worker_executable) self.process = subprocess.Popen( arguments_list, creationflags=subprocess.CREATE_NEW_PROCESS_GROUP) print('Started COM {}_{} process with PID = {}'.format(, self.node_index, # Wait until the worker_exec sends a proof_of_life signal (i.e. it is up and running). self.wait_for_proof_of_life() # Then update the parameters self.update_parameters() self.start_thread_to_send_parameters_multiple_times() with dpg.theme_component(0, parent=self.theme_id): dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeOutline, [255, 255, 255, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes) def sending_parameters_multiple_times(self): for i in range(ct.NUMBER_OF_INITIAL_PARAMETERS_UPDATES): self.update_parameters() time.sleep(0.5) def start_thread_to_send_parameters_multiple_times(self): thread_parameters = threading.Thread( target=self.sending_parameters_multiple_times, daemon=True) thread_parameters.start() def wait_for_proof_of_life(self): self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.recv() self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.recv_string() def stop_com_process(self): try: self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.disconnect( r"tcp://{}".format( ct.PROOF_OF_LIFE_FORWARDER_PUBLISH_PORT)) self.socket_sub_proof_of_life.close() except: pass if platform.system() == 'Windows': self.process.send_signal(signal.CTRL_BREAK_EVENT) elif platform.system() == 'Linux': self.process.terminate() time.sleep(0.5) self.process.kill() self.process = None with dpg.theme_component(0, parent=self.theme_id): dpg.add_theme_color(dpg.mvNodeCol_NodeOutline, [50, 50, 50, 255], category=dpg.mvThemeCat_Nodes)