def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage() rootfile = "" jsonfile = "limits.json" root_re = re.compile("(?P<rootfile>(\S*\.root))") json_re = re.compile("(?P<jsonfile>(\S*\.json))") for argv in sys.argv: match = if match: rootfile = match = if match: jsonfile = # jsonfile = "limits_heavy2016.json" jsonfile = "limits2016/limitsForMSSMplots_ICHEP_v3_heavy.json" # limits = limit.BRLimits(limitsfile=jsonfile,configfile="configurationHeavy.json") limits = limit.BRLimits(limitsfile=jsonfile,configfile="limits2016/heavyHplus_configuration.json") # Enable OpenGL ROOT.gEnv.SetValue("OpenGL.CanvasPreferGL", 1) # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() #if limit.forPaper: # histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PAPER #histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PAPER # tmp #histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.UNPUBLISHED # tmp histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PRELIMINARY limit.forPaper = True # to get GeV without c^2 # Get BR limits masses = limits.mass brs = limits.observed print "Observed masses and sigma*BR's" for i in range(len(masses)): print " ",masses[i],brs[i] global db db = BRXSDB.BRXSDatabaseInterface(rootfile) db.BRvariable= "2*0.001*tHp_xsec*BR_Hp_taunu" # XSEC only for H-, multiply with 2 to get H+ and H- ; multiply by 0.001 to fb -> pb for i,m in enumerate(masses): db.addExperimentalBRLimit(m,brs[i]) graphs = {} obs = limits.observedGraph() # Remove blinded obs points for i in reversed(range(0,obs.GetN())): if obs.GetY()[i] < 0.00000001: print " REMOVING POINT",obs.GetY()[i]," corresponding mass=",obs.GetX()[i] obs.RemovePoint(i) print graphs["exp"] = limits.expectedGraph() graphs["exp1"] = limits.expectedBandGraph(sigma=1) graphs["exp2"] = limits.expectedBandGraph(sigma=2) if obs.GetN() > 0: graphs["obs"] = obs # Get theory uncertainties on observed # obs_th_plus = limit.getObservedPlus(obs,0.32) # obs_th_minus = limit.getObservedMinus(obs,0.32) # for gr in [obs_th_plus, obs_th_minus]: # gr.SetLineWidth(2) # gr.SetLineStyle(9) # graphs["obs_th_plus"] = obs_th_plus # graphs["obs_th_minus"] = obs_th_minus # Remove m=180,190 for gr in graphs.values(): # limit.cleanGraph(gr, 750) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 800) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 1000) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 2000) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 3000) print "Plotting graphs" for key in graphs.keys(): for i in range(graphs[key].GetN()): xs = graphs[key].GetX() ys = graphs[key].GetY() print " ",key,xs[i],ys[i] print # Interpret in MSSM xVariable = "mHp" selection = "mHp > 0 && mu==200" # selection = "mHp > 0 && mu==500" # scenario = "MSSM m_{h}^{max}" scenario = os.path.split(rootfile)[-1].replace(".root","") print scenario from JsonWriter import JsonWriter jsonWriter = JsonWriter() for key in graphs.keys(): print "Graph--------------------------------",key graphs[key] = db.graphToTanBeta(graphs[key],xVariable,selection,highTanbRegion=True) #if key == "obs": #obsplus = db.getTheorUncert(graphs[key],xVariable,selection,"+") #graphs["obs_th_plus"] = db.graphToTanBeta(obsplus,xVariable,selection) #obsminus = db.getTheorUncert(graphs[key],xVariable,selection,"-") #graphs["obs_th_minus"] = db.graphToTanBeta(obsminus,xVariable,selection) print key,"done" jsonWriter.addGraph(key,graphs[key]) # graphs["mintanb"] = db.minimumTanbGraph("mHp",selection) if scenario == "lowMH-LHCHXSWG": graphs["Allowed"] = db.mhLimit("mH","mHp",selection,"125.0+-3.0") else: graphs["Allowed"] = db.mhLimit("mh","mHp",selection+"&&mHp>175","125.0+-3.0") if scenario == "tauphobic-LHCHXSWG": # Fix a buggy second upper limit (the order of points is left to right, then right to left; remove further passes to fix the bug) decreasingStatus = False i = 0 while i < graphs["Allowed"].GetN(): removeStatus = False y = graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i] if i > 0: if graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i-1] - y < 0: decreasingStatus = True else: if decreasingStatus: graphs["Allowed"].RemovePoint(i) removeStatus = True if not removeStatus: i += 1 #for i in range(0, graphs["Allowed"].GetN()): #print graphs["Allowed"].GetX()[i], graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i] # del graphs["isomass"] jsonWriter.addGraph("Allowed",graphs["Allowed"]) jsonWriter.addParameter("name","limitsTanb_heavy_"+scenario) jsonWriter.addParameter("scenario",scenario) jsonWriter.addParameter("luminosity",limits.getLuminosity()) jsonWriter.addParameter("finalStateText",limits.getFinalstateText()) jsonWriter.addParameter("mHplus",limit.mHplus()) jsonWriter.addParameter("selection",selection) jsonWriter.write("MSSMLimitHeavy_"+scenario+".json") limit.doTanBetaPlotHeavy("limitsTanb_heavy_"+scenario, graphs, limits.getLuminosity(), limits.getFinalstateText(), limit.mHplus(), scenario) sys.exit() # mH+ -> mA print "Replotting the graphs for (mA,tanb)" for key in graphs.keys(): print key #db.PrintGraph(graphs[key]) #print "check loop db.graphToMa" db.graphToMa(graphs[key]) graphs["isomass"] = db.getIsoMass(200) # doPlot("limitsTanb_mA_heavy_"+scenario, graphs, limits, limit.mA(),scenario) limit.doTanBetaPlotHeavy("limitsTanb_mA_heavy_"+scenario, graphs, limits.getLuminosity(), limits.getFinalstateText(), limit.mA(), scenario)
def main(): if len(sys.argv) == 1: usage() rootfile = "" jsonfile = "limits.json" root_re = re.compile("(?P<rootfile>(\S*\.root))") json_re = re.compile("(?P<jsonfile>(\S*\.json))") for argv in sys.argv: match = if match: rootfile = match = if match: jsonfile = # jsonfile = "limits_heavy2016.json" # jsonfile = "limits2016/limitsForMSSMplots_ICHEP_v3_heavy.json" jsonfile = "limits2016/limits_heavy_20171011.json" # limits = limit.BRLimits(limitsfile=jsonfile,configfile="configurationHeavy.json") limits = limit.BRLimits( limitsfile=jsonfile, configfile="limits2016/heavyHplus_configuration.json") # Enable OpenGL ROOT.gEnv.SetValue("OpenGL.CanvasPreferGL", 1) # Apply TDR style style = tdrstyle.TDRStyle() #if limit.forPaper: # histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PAPER #histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PAPER # tmp #histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.UNPUBLISHED # tmp histograms.cmsTextMode = histograms.CMSMode.PRELIMINARY limit.forPaper = True # to get GeV without c^2 # Get BR limits masses = limits.mass brs = limits.observed print "Observed masses and sigma*BR's" for i in range(len(masses)): print " ", masses[i], brs[i] global db db = BRXSDB.BRXSDatabaseInterface(rootfile) db.BRvariable = "2*0.001*tHp_xsec*BR_Hp_taunu" # XSEC only for H-, multiply with 2 to get H+ and H- ; multiply by 0.001 to fb -> pb for i, m in enumerate(masses): db.addExperimentalBRLimit(m, brs[i]) graphs = {} obs = limits.observedGraph() # Remove blinded obs points for i in reversed(range(0, obs.GetN())): if obs.GetY()[i] < 0.00000001: print " REMOVING POINT", obs.GetY( )[i], " corresponding mass=", obs.GetX()[i] obs.RemovePoint(i) print graphs["exp"] = limits.expectedGraph() graphs["exp1"] = limits.expectedBandGraph(sigma=1) graphs["exp2"] = limits.expectedBandGraph(sigma=2) if obs.GetN() > 0: graphs["obs"] = obs # Get theory uncertainties on observed # obs_th_plus = limit.getObservedPlus(obs,0.32) # obs_th_minus = limit.getObservedMinus(obs,0.32) # for gr in [obs_th_plus, obs_th_minus]: # gr.SetLineWidth(2) # gr.SetLineStyle(9) # graphs["obs_th_plus"] = obs_th_plus # graphs["obs_th_minus"] = obs_th_minus # Remove m=180,190 for gr in graphs.values(): # limit.cleanGraph(gr, 750) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 800) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 1000) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 2000) limit.cleanGraph(gr, 3000) print "Plotting graphs" for key in graphs.keys(): for i in range(graphs[key].GetN()): xs = graphs[key].GetX() ys = graphs[key].GetY() print " ", key, xs[i], ys[i] print # Interpret in MSSM xVariable = "mHp" selection = "mHp > 0 && mu==200" # selection = "mHp > 0 && mu==500" # scenario = "MSSM m_{h}^{max}" scenario = os.path.split(rootfile)[-1].replace(".root", "") print scenario from JsonWriter import JsonWriter jsonWriter = JsonWriter() for key in graphs.keys(): print "Graph--------------------------------", key graphs[key] = db.graphToTanBeta(graphs[key], xVariable, selection, highTanbRegion=True) #if key == "obs": #obsplus = db.getTheorUncert(graphs[key],xVariable,selection,"+") #graphs["obs_th_plus"] = db.graphToTanBeta(obsplus,xVariable,selection) #obsminus = db.getTheorUncert(graphs[key],xVariable,selection,"-") #graphs["obs_th_minus"] = db.graphToTanBeta(obsminus,xVariable,selection) print key, "done" jsonWriter.addGraph(key, graphs[key]) # graphs["mintanb"] = db.minimumTanbGraph("mHp",selection) if scenario == "lowMH-LHCHXSWG": graphs["Allowed"] = db.mhLimit("mH", "mHp", selection, "125.0+-3.0") else: graphs["Allowed"] = db.mhLimit("mh", "mHp", selection + "&&mHp>175", "125.0+-3.0") if scenario == "tauphobic-LHCHXSWG": # Fix a buggy second upper limit (the order of points is left to right, then right to left; remove further passes to fix the bug) decreasingStatus = False i = 0 while i < graphs["Allowed"].GetN(): removeStatus = False y = graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i] if i > 0: if graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i - 1] - y < 0: decreasingStatus = True else: if decreasingStatus: graphs["Allowed"].RemovePoint(i) removeStatus = True if not removeStatus: i += 1 #for i in range(0, graphs["Allowed"].GetN()): #print graphs["Allowed"].GetX()[i], graphs["Allowed"].GetY()[i] # del graphs["isomass"] jsonWriter.addGraph("Allowed", graphs["Allowed"]) jsonWriter.addParameter("name", "limitsTanb_heavy_" + scenario) jsonWriter.addParameter("scenario", scenario) jsonWriter.addParameter("luminosity", limits.getLuminosity()) jsonWriter.addParameter("finalStateText", limits.getFinalstateText()) jsonWriter.addParameter("mHplus", limit.mHplus()) jsonWriter.addParameter("selection", selection) jsonWriter.addParameter("regime", "heavy") jsonWriter.write("MSSMLimitHeavy_" + scenario + ".json") limit.doTanBetaPlotHeavy("limitsTanb_heavy_" + scenario, graphs, limits.getLuminosity(), limits.getFinalstateText(), limit.mHplus(), scenario) sys.exit() # mH+ -> mA print "Replotting the graphs for (mA,tanb)" for key in graphs.keys(): print key #db.PrintGraph(graphs[key]) #print "check loop db.graphToMa" db.graphToMa(graphs[key]) graphs["isomass"] = db.getIsoMass(200) # doPlot("limitsTanb_mA_heavy_"+scenario, graphs, limits, limit.mA(),scenario) limit.doTanBetaPlotHeavy("limitsTanb_mA_heavy_" + scenario, graphs, limits.getLuminosity(), limits.getFinalstateText(), limit.mA(), scenario)