예제 #1
  def check_scriptwriting_method( self, mylfn, scriptmethod, expected, should_fail_with = '',
                                  exists_sideeff = None, unlink_called = True,
                                  file_contents = None, expected_opens = None,
                                  environ_dict = None, is_ral = False ):
    """ Helper method that checks one of the methods provided by OverlayInput

    :param str mylfn: file path (LFN)
    :param method scriptmethod: getLyonFile etc
    :param list of list of strings expected: Expected output in the script file (list of lists with all touched files)
    :param str should_fail_with: Error message the method should return (in a S_ERROR structure)
    :param list of bool exists_sideeff: Return values of the os.path.exists method
    :param bool unlink_called: indicates whether os.unlink is expected to be called or not
    :param list of pair of string expected_opens: a list of (filename, mode) pairs of all opened files
    # Set default list values
    if exists_sideeff is None:
      exists_sideeff = [ True, True, True ]
    if file_contents is None:
      file_contents = [[]]
    if environ_dict is None:
      environ_dict = {}
    if expected_opens is None:
      expected_opens = [('overlayinput.sh', 'w')]
    handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles( file_contents )
    # Variable mocks: exists return value, open values
    with patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=0)) as shell_mock, \
         patch('%s.os.unlink' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)) as remove_mock, \
         patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=exists_sideeff)), \
         patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo, \
         patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)) as chmod_mock, \
         patch.dict(os.environ, environ_dict, True), \
         patch('%s.os.getuid' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='mytestuserid')):
      mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
      result = scriptmethod( mylfn )
      if should_fail_with:
        assertDiracFailsWith( result, should_fail_with, self )
        assertDiracSucceedsWith_equals( result, 'testfile.txt', self )
      shell_mock.assert_called_with( 600, 'sh -c "./overlayinput.sh"',
                                     bufferLimit = 20971520,
                                     callbackFunction = self.over.redirectLogOutput )
      chmod_mock.assert_called_with('overlayinput.sh', 0o755)
      if unlink_called:
        remove_mock.assert_called_with( 'overlayinput.sh' )
        self.assertFalse( remove_mock.called )
      # Check if output to files is correct
      FileUtil.checkFileInteractions( self, mo, expected_opens, expected, handles )
      if is_ral:
        self.assertIn( 'CNS_HOST', os.environ )
        self.assertIn( 'STAGE_SVCCLASS', os.environ )
        self.assertIn( 'STAGE_HOST', os.environ )
예제 #2
 def test_fromwhizarddotin(self):
     self.whop.paramdict = {}
     self.whop.whizardxml = fromstring(
         '<whizardxml> <beam_input_1> <beam_intensity type="float"> </beam_intensity> <beam_density type="0/1/2/3"> </beam_density> </beam_input_1> <beam_input_2> <FcoolTtestkey type="string"> </FcoolTtestkey> </beam_input_2> <myotherkey> </myotherkey> <testkey> <testcurkey type="string"> </testcurkey> </testkey> <lasttestkey> <myfloatarr type="floatarray"> </myfloatarr> <lasttestvalue type="T/F"> </lasttestvalue> </lasttestkey> </whizardxml>'
     expected_tree = fromstring(
         '<whizardxml> <beam_input_1> <beam_intensity type="float" value="84.2"> </beam_intensity> <beam_density type="0/1/2/3" value="0"> </beam_density> </beam_input_1> <beam_input_2> <FcoolTtestkey type="string" value="TmyFstring"> </FcoolTtestkey> </beam_input_2> <myotherkey> </myotherkey> <testkey> <testcurkey type="string" value="teststring_dontloseme."> </testcurkey> </testkey> <lasttestkey> <myfloatarr type="floatarray" value="943 0.1 01.2 9024.4"> </myfloatarr> <lasttestvalue type="T/F" value="F"> </lasttestvalue> </lasttestkey> </whizardxml>'
         'beam_input_1/beam_intensity').attrib['value'] = 84.2
     expected_tree.find('beam_input_1/beam_density').attrib['value'] = 0
     file_contents = [[
         '     !initial Comment, ignore this line   ',
         '/  Other comment.               ',
         '                                 ', 'ignoreThisLineTOO',
         '&beam_input', 'beam_intensity=84.2', 'beam_density=0',
         '&myotherkey', '&testkey', 'testcurkey="teststring_dontloseme."',
         '&beam_input  ', '  FcoolTtestkey  =  "TmyFstring"   ',
         '&lasttestkey', 'myfloatarr= 943 0.1 01.2 9024.4',
     handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
     with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo:
         mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
         result = self.whop.fromWhizardDotIn('filename.txt')
         assertDiracSucceeds(result, self)
         assertEqualsXmlTree(result['Value'], expected_tree, self)
예제 #3
 def test_preparescript( self ):
   exists_dict = { 'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh' : True, './lib' : True }
   ( self.shc.platform, self.shc.applicationName, self.shc.applicationVersion, self.shc.STEP_NUMBER, self.shc.MaxNbEvts, self.shc.OutputFile, self.shc.SteeringFile ) = ( 'testPlatformV1', 'TestApp', 'vT', 148, 13, 'test_OF.ile', 'steer_test.file' )
   file_contents = [[]]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
   with patch('%s.getNewLDLibs' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='/my/testsoft/dir1/')) as getldlibs_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])) as exists_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.remove' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock()) as remove_mock, \
        patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True ) as mo:
     mo.side_effect = ( h for h in handles )
     self.shc.prepareScript( 'test_software/dir' )
     remove_mock.assert_called_once_with( 'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh' )
     getldlibs_mock.assert_called_once_with( 'testPlatformV1', 'TestApp', 'vT' )
     assertMockCalls( exists_mock, [ './lib', 'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh' ], self )
     mo.assert_called_once_with( 'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh', 'w' )
     assertEqualsImproved( len( handles ), 1, self )
     assertMockCalls( handles[0].write, [
       '#!/bin/sh \n', '#####################################################################\n',
       '# Dynamically generated script to run a production or analysis job. #\n',
       'declare -x PATH=test_software/dir:$PATH\n',
       'declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:test_software/dir/lib:/my/testsoft/dir1/\n',
       'env | sort >> localEnv.log\n', 'echo =============================\n',
       "stdhepCut -m 13 -o test_OF.ile -c steer_test.file  ../*.stdhep\n",
       'declare -x appstatus=$?\n', 'exit $appstatus\n' ], self )
     assert handles[0].close.called
예제 #4
 def test_preparescript(self):
     exists_dict = {'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh': True, './lib': True}
     (self.shc.platform, self.shc.applicationName,
      self.shc.applicationVersion, self.shc.STEP_NUMBER, self.shc.MaxNbEvts,
      self.shc.SteeringFile) = ('testPlatformV1', 'TestApp', 'vT', 148, 13,
                                'test_OF.ile', 'steer_test.file')
     file_contents = [[]]
     handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
     with patch('%s.getNewLDLibs' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='/my/testsoft/dir1/')) as getldlibs_mock, \
          patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=lambda path: exists_dict[path])) as exists_mock, \
          patch('%s.os.remove' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock()) as remove_mock, \
          patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True ) as mo:
         mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
         getldlibs_mock.assert_called_once_with('testPlatformV1', 'TestApp',
         assertMockCalls(exists_mock, ['./lib', 'TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh'],
         mo.assert_called_once_with('TestApp_vT_Run_148.sh', 'w')
         assertEqualsImproved(len(handles), 1, self)
         assertMockCalls(handles[0].write, [
             '#!/bin/sh \n',
             '# Dynamically generated script to run a production or analysis job. #\n',
             'declare -x PATH=test_software/dir:$PATH\n',
             'declare -x LD_LIBRARY_PATH=./lib:test_software/dir/lib:/my/testsoft/dir1/\n',
             'env | sort >> localEnv.log\n',
             'echo =============================\n',
             "stdhepCut -m 13 -o test_OF.ile -c steer_test.file  ../*.stdhep\n",
             'declare -x appstatus=$?\n', 'exit $appstatus\n'
         ], self)
         assert handles[0].close.called
예제 #5
 def test_preparemarlindll_swaplibpositions( self ):
   self.marAna.ProcessorListToExclude = [ 'mytestlibrary.so' ]
   exists_dict = { './lib/marlin_dll' : True }
   def replace_exists( path ):
     return exists_dict[path]
   file_contents = [[]]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles( file_contents )
   with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open()) as open_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME) as chmod_mock, \
        patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK([ 0, 'MARlin_DLL/path', 'other_return_value_from_shell' ]))) as shell_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.remove' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=[ True ])) as remove_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=replace_exists)) as exists_mock, \
        patch('%s.glob.glob' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'testlibLCFIPlus.so', 'testlibLCFIVertex.1.so'  ])) as glob_mock:
     open_mock.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
     result = self.marAna.prepareMARLIN_DLL( 'some_path' )
     open_mock.assert_called_once_with( 'temp.sh', 'w' )
     assertMockCalls( handles[0].__enter__().write,
                      ['#!/bin/bash\n', 'source some_path > /dev/null\necho $MARLIN_DLL'], self)
     assertEqualsImproved( len( handles ), 1, self )
     chmod_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 0o755)
     shell_mock.assert_called_once_with( 0, './temp.sh' )
     remove_mock.assert_called_once_with( 'temp.sh' )
     exists_mock.assert_called_once_with( './lib/marlin_dll' )
     glob_mock.assert_called_once_with( './lib/marlin_dll/*.so' )
     assertDiracSucceedsWith( result, 'MARlin_DLL/path:testlibLCFIVertex.1.so:testlibLCFIPlus.so', self )
예제 #6
    def test_preparemarlindll_swaplibpositions(self):
        self.marAna.ProcessorListToExclude = ['mytestlibrary.so']
        exists_dict = {'./lib/marlin_dll': True}

        def replace_exists(path):
            return exists_dict[path]

        file_contents = [[]]
        handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
        with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open()) as open_mock, \
             patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME) as chmod_mock, \
             patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_OK([ 0, 'MARlin_DLL/path', 'other_return_value_from_shell' ]))) as shell_mock, \
             patch('%s.os.remove' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=[ True ])) as remove_mock, \
             patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=replace_exists)) as exists_mock, \
             patch('%s.glob.glob' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'testlibLCFIPlus.so', 'testlibLCFIVertex.1.so'  ])) as glob_mock:
            open_mock.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
            result = self.marAna.prepareMARLIN_DLL('some_path')
            open_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 'w')
                ['#!/bin/bash\n', 'source some_path\necho $MARLIN_DLL'], self)
            assertEqualsImproved(len(handles), 1, self)
            chmod_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 0755)
            shell_mock.assert_called_once_with(0, './temp.sh')
예제 #7
 def test_main_wrong_paraminput( self ):
   print_mock = Mock()
   pprint_mock = Mock(return_value=print_mock)
   file_contents = [ [ '&process_input', 'parameter_input=123', 'process_id=myprocessid', 'cm_frame=F',
                       '&integration_input', '&simulation_input', 'unweighted=F', '&diagnostics_input  ',
                       '  write_logfile_file  =  "my_diagnostics_logfile.txt"   ' ] ]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles( file_contents )
   with patch('sys.argv', [ 'scriptname', 'filename.xml', 'mymodel' ]), \
        patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True ) as mo, \
        patch.dict( sys.modules, { 'pprint' : pprint_mock } ):
     mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
     assertEqualsImproved( main(), 1, self )
     mo.assert_called_once_with( 'filename.xml', 'r' )
예제 #8
 def test_applicationspecificinputs( self ):
   file_contents = [[]]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
   self.shc.inlineCuts = 'first_line;Some more content of this file; @end \n of% fi/le'
   with patch('%s.os.listdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'something.txt', 'myoutputfile.stdhep', 'stdhep.io' ])), \
        patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo:
     mo.side_effect = ( h for h in handles )
     assertDiracSucceeds( self.shc.applicationSpecificInputs(), self )
     assertEqualsImproved( ( self.shc.OutputFile, self.shc.SteeringFile ),
                           ( 'myoutputfile_reduced.stdhep', 'cuts_local.txt' ), self )
   mo.assert_called_once_with( 'cuts_local.txt', 'w' )
   assertEqualsImproved( len( handles ), 1, self )
   handles[0].write.assert_any_call( 'first_line\nSome more content of this file\n @end \n of% fi/le' )
   assert handles[0].close.called
예제 #9
 def test_preparemarlindll_shellcall_fails( self ):
   file_contents = [[]]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles( file_contents )
   with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open()) as open_mock, \
        patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME) as chmod_mock, \
        patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_ERROR('some_test_err'))) as shell_mock:
     open_mock.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
     result = self.marAna.prepareMARLIN_DLL( 'some_path' )
     open_mock.assert_called_once_with( 'temp.sh', 'w' )
     assertMockCalls( handles[0].__enter__().write,
                      ['#!/bin/bash\n', 'source some_path > /dev/null\necho $MARLIN_DLL'], self)
     assertEqualsImproved( len( handles ), 1, self )
     chmod_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 0o755)
     shell_mock.assert_called_once_with( 0, './temp.sh' )
     assertDiracFailsWith( result, 'failed getting the marlin_dll', self )
예제 #10
 def test_main_wrong_paraminput(self):
     print_mock = Mock()
     pprint_mock = Mock(return_value=print_mock)
     file_contents = [[
         '&process_input', 'parameter_input=123', 'process_id=myprocessid',
         'cm_frame=F', '&integration_input', '&simulation_input',
         'unweighted=F', '&diagnostics_input  ',
         '  write_logfile_file  =  "my_diagnostics_logfile.txt"   '
     handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
     with patch('sys.argv', [ 'scriptname', 'filename.xml', 'mymodel' ]), \
          patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True ) as mo, \
          patch.dict( sys.modules, { 'pprint' : pprint_mock } ):
         mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
         assertEqualsImproved(main(), 1, self)
         mo.assert_called_once_with('filename.xml', 'r')
예제 #11
 def test_applicationspecificinputs(self):
     file_contents = [[]]
     handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
     self.shc.inlineCuts = 'first_line;Some more content of this file; @end \n of% fi/le'
     with patch('%s.os.listdir' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=[ 'something.txt', 'myoutputfile.stdhep', 'stdhep.io' ])), \
          patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo:
         mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
         assertDiracSucceeds(self.shc.applicationSpecificInputs(), self)
             (self.shc.OutputFile, self.shc.SteeringFile),
             ('myoutputfile_reduced.stdhep', 'cuts_local.txt'), self)
     mo.assert_called_once_with('cuts_local.txt', 'w')
     assertEqualsImproved(len(handles), 1, self)
         'first_line\nSome more content of this file\n @end \n of% fi/le')
     assert handles[0].close.called
예제 #12
 def test_preparemarlindll_shellcall_fails(self):
     file_contents = [[]]
     handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
     with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open()) as open_mock, \
          patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME) as chmod_mock, \
          patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=S_ERROR('some_test_err'))) as shell_mock:
         open_mock.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
         result = self.marAna.prepareMARLIN_DLL('some_path')
         open_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 'w')
             ['#!/bin/bash\n', 'source some_path\necho $MARLIN_DLL'], self)
         assertEqualsImproved(len(handles), 1, self)
         chmod_mock.assert_called_once_with('temp.sh', 0755)
         shell_mock.assert_called_once_with(0, './temp.sh')
         assertDiracFailsWith(result, 'failed getting the marlin_dll', self)
예제 #13
 def test_fromwhizarddotin( self ):
   self.whop.paramdict = {}
   self.whop.whizardxml = fromstring(
     '<whizardxml> <beam_input_1> <beam_intensity type="float"> </beam_intensity> <beam_density type="0/1/2/3"> </beam_density> </beam_input_1> <beam_input_2> <FcoolTtestkey type="string"> </FcoolTtestkey> </beam_input_2> <myotherkey> </myotherkey> <testkey> <testcurkey type="string"> </testcurkey> </testkey> <lasttestkey> <myfloatarr type="floatarray"> </myfloatarr> <lasttestvalue type="T/F"> </lasttestvalue> </lasttestkey> </whizardxml>' )
   expected_tree = fromstring(
     '<whizardxml> <beam_input_1> <beam_intensity type="float" value="84.2"> </beam_intensity> <beam_density type="0/1/2/3" value="0"> </beam_density> </beam_input_1> <beam_input_2> <FcoolTtestkey type="string" value="TmyFstring"> </FcoolTtestkey> </beam_input_2> <myotherkey> </myotherkey> <testkey> <testcurkey type="string" value="teststring_dontloseme."> </testcurkey> </testkey> <lasttestkey> <myfloatarr type="floatarray" value="943 0.1 01.2 9024.4"> </myfloatarr> <lasttestvalue type="T/F" value="F"> </lasttestvalue> </lasttestkey> </whizardxml>' )
   expected_tree.find( 'beam_input_1/beam_intensity' ).attrib['value'] = 84.2
   expected_tree.find( 'beam_input_1/beam_density' ).attrib['value'] = 0
   file_contents = [ [ '     !initial Comment, ignore this line   ', '/  Other comment.               ',
                       '                                 ', 'ignoreThisLineTOO', '&beam_input',
                       'beam_intensity=84.2', 'beam_density=0', '&myotherkey', '&testkey',
                       'testcurkey="teststring_dontloseme."', '&beam_input  ',
                       '  FcoolTtestkey  =  "TmyFstring"   ', '&lasttestkey',
                       'myfloatarr= 943 0.1 01.2 9024.4', 'lasttestvalue=F' ] ]
   handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles( file_contents )
   with patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo:
     mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
     result = self.whop.fromWhizardDotIn( 'filename.txt' )
     assertDiracSucceeds( result, self )
     assertEqualsXmlTree( result['Value'], expected_tree, self )
예제 #14
    def check_scriptwriting_method(self,
        """ Helper method that checks one of the methods provided by OverlayInput

    :param str mylfn: file path (LFN)
    :param method scriptmethod: getLyonFile etc
    :param list of list of strings expected: Expected output in the script file (list of lists with all touched files)
    :param str should_fail_with: Error message the method should return (in a S_ERROR structure)
    :param list of bool exists_sideeff: Return values of the os.path.exists method
    :param bool unlink_called: indicates whether os.unlink is expected to be called or not
    :param list of pair of string expected_opens: a list of (filename, mode) pairs of all opened files
        # Set default list values
        if exists_sideeff is None:
            exists_sideeff = [True, True, True]
        if file_contents is None:
            file_contents = [[]]
        if environ_dict is None:
            environ_dict = {}
        if expected_opens is None:
            expected_opens = [('overlayinput.sh', 'w')]
        handles = FileUtil.getMultipleReadHandles(file_contents)
        # Variable mocks: exists return value, open values
        with patch('%s.shellCall' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=0)) as shell_mock, \
             patch('%s.os.unlink' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)) as remove_mock, \
             patch('%s.os.path.exists' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(side_effect=exists_sideeff)), \
             patch('%s.open' % MODULE_NAME, mock_open(), create=True) as mo, \
             patch('%s.os.chmod' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value=True)) as chmod_mock, \
             patch.dict(os.environ, environ_dict, True), \
             patch('%s.os.getuid' % MODULE_NAME, new=Mock(return_value='mytestuserid')):
            mo.side_effect = (h for h in handles)
            result = scriptmethod(mylfn)
            if should_fail_with:
                assertDiracFailsWith(result, should_fail_with, self)
                assertDiracSucceedsWith_equals(result, 'testfile.txt', self)
                'sh -c "./overlayinput.sh"',
            chmod_mock.assert_called_with('overlayinput.sh', 0755)
            if unlink_called:
            # Check if output to files is correct
            FileUtil.checkFileInteractions(self, mo, expected_opens, expected,
            if is_ral:
                self.assertIn('CNS_HOST', os.environ)
                self.assertIn('STAGE_SVCCLASS', os.environ)
                self.assertIn('STAGE_HOST', os.environ)